xt7vhh6c4p52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c4p52/data/mets.xml  Louisiana Historical Records Survey 1939 Other contributors: United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. Other title: Transcription of police jury minutes. 4 l. ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number CD3261 .H4 1939a. books Louisiana English [Baton Rouge : Historical Records Survey] This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Louisiana Works Progress Administration Publications Louisiana Instructions on Police Jury (Governing Body) Transcription, Works Progress Administration of Louisiana; Division of Professional and Service Projects; Historical Records Survey text Louisiana Instructions on Police Jury (Governing Body) Transcription, Works Progress Administration of Louisiana; Division of Professional and Service Projects; Historical Records Survey 1939 1939 2015 true xt7vhh6c4p52 section xt7vhh6c4p52   ‘¤
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  May IS, ieee
  TO: All State Directors, HRS
 ly FROM: John G. L. Andreassen,
ii  State Director in Louisiana
1  I am transmitting at Dr. Luther H. Evans'
  request a copy of the Louisiana instructions
i  on police jury (governing body) transcription.
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J§ M E N O R A N D U M -
,,§` May 17, 1959
J; TO: Field Foremen
6 1
i ‘ FROK: Vergil L. Bedsole
T RE: Transcription of Police Jury Minutes
Q l. Each day's work will he headed by a title page, giving name of
g worker, parish, title and number of volumes, inclusive dates and
g pane numbers of volume, and page numbers of material submitted
Q for the day.
T 2. Across the top of each page of the transcription will he given
F` the name of the worker, parish, volume number and inclusive
O dates of the volume in square brackets, underlined. This is in
A addition to tho information on the title page, and will serve
“{ to identify material in case the title shoot is lost. A space
f, of approximately one inch is to be loft bctwccn this information
7* and the first line of the transcription.
ff l. Transcription is to be word for word, line for line, and page V
._ for page.
», 2. The volume page number will be placed in the upper right-hand
1 corner of the page. If the entire content of the volume page
Q. cannot be copied on a single sheet, it will be carried over to
QZ another, using the same number, but adding [page l cont.],
p’ [page 4 cont.], etc.
P 3. All pages must be accounted for. If any are blank, missing, or
` for any reason impossible to copy, a notation to that effect
Q_ will be made at the end of the preceding page copied, and at the
§ bottom of the title page.
_l Q. If the width of the nag: is insufficient for the content of a
g line, the line will be broken and the extra word or words car-
Q ried immediately beneath on the right—hand side of the page.
g The worker may copy lengthwise of the page, rather than cross-
¥ vdsc, if this method will relieve the necessity of breaking .
§ down lines .
E 5. The lines of each volume page are to be numbered on the trans-
2 cribed sheets from l consecutively until the volume page is fin-
Q ishcd, regardless of how many shoots th; worker may us; for one
§ volume page. The first line of a new volume page will always
g he line l. Lino numbers will be enclosed in square brackets
E and carried in the loft—hand margin. `”

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gr 6. Margins will be shown in the transcription when they are found on the
gy volume page. Marginal notes are to be copied in the same position
A the*‘occu ied on the original oave. If the worker believes a mar inal .
. 3 - _, l C)
note to be out of place, or to have been added at some later date, he
will make a comment on this in square brackets and underlined, and, if
_ necessary, write an explanatory note on the title page.
;_ 7, Workers will copy all misspelled_werds exactly as they appear and indi-
5 cate the error by placing [sic] after the misspelled word. The correct
} spelling will be supplied in square brackets only when the word may not `
A be clear to the reader. Strict observance of this rule of spelling is
Q important.
Y 8. Proper names must be readable and clear. The worker will not place
j [si;] after a misspelled proper name. If he is sure it is misspelled
Q he will place the correct spelling in square brackets after the error.
’f This is the only exception to the general spelling rule.
lj 9. Capital letters and punctuation marks will be copied exactly as they
f appear on the original page. Punctuation marks will not be added by
  the worker .
lQ 10. Transcriptions are to be made with lead pencil on manila sheets. A
·, number 2 pencil, frequently sharpened, is best. A typewriter may be
1Q used if available. lnk or indelible pencil are not to be used. `When
·. the supply of paper is nearly exhausted, an additional supply should
l. be requisitioned from the State Office, Do not use sheets larger than —
if  ~»~ the standard letter size.
j· ll. Neat, legible transcriptions are essential, as in the State Office at
“ least one editor and one typist must read the transcriptions.
Q. l2. Drawing lines across the transcription page detracts from the legibil—
tj ity of the work. A heavily lined sheet of white paper, or pastebcard,
(_ placed beneath the yellow page will aid the worker in keeping his lines
w straight.
j l5. Extra care should be used in transcribine such letters as A and O W
- FJ 5
, and M, U, V and N in order to make them clearly distinguishable.
r . . .
g lé. Lines and words should not be crowded too closely together. Use
Q enough space.
§ l5. All T's must be crossed; all I’s must be dotted, if they are so in the
p record.
§ 16. Workers should attempt to determine the spelling of all words difficult `
g to read in their volwne. Consider the general meaning of the sentence, ·
g as it will be an aid in deciphering a word.
; l7. If words are crossed out but can be read, the worker will write them
§ legibly and draw a light line through them. If words are illegible,
a . . . . .. . .
g the worker will mage a note as: [n words illegible in record,. All ex-
§ planatory comments, or notations, made by the worker are to te enclosed ,.
Q in square [] brackets and underlined.
Q ’”

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l8, If the worker makes a mistake he must erase and correct it. Never
c cross through or blot out a word unless it so appears in the record.
° 19. Hasty and haphazard transcription may enable the worker to copy an
additional cave or two dailv but the time thus saved will be more ·
_ 4. 0 U 9
» than lost bv editors and trpists trying to decipher the result. Do
,_ J r 4 o -
; accurate, neat and legible work.
Y l. Typewritten work is to he double spaced.
g 2. The worker is to proofread all work and must correct all his typo-
, ora hical errors. Errors made b the original recorder are to be
V { P s
1 followed by a [sic].
my  ·_l 3. Care should be taken not to run letters and words together, or to
E leave spaces where they do not appear in the record.
f* 4. Paragraphs are indented five spaces in typewritten transcriptions.
YV l. when newspaper clippings, or other printed material,is pasted or
p clipped to the volume page, a notation must be made at both the be-
VP ginning and the end of its transcription, as: [Newspaper clipping
I pasted to page lO as follows:]. {End pf newspaper clippingl.
jd 2. If more than one column of clippings appear on a page, the number ·
_ of the column should be included in the notation, with the left-
;. hand column bein considered as column l etc.
‘»' 3. Handwritten minutes appearing above attached clippings should be
ig copied first, those appearing below should be copied after the
jr clippings have been transcribed.
Y, 4. If a volume is printed or typewritten, a notation to that effect
{ is to be made on the title pages. When handwritten material is
J found in a printed or typewritten volume, or printed or typewrit-
2 ten material in a handwritten volume, a notation to this effect
W should be given, together with indications as to the beginning or
g end of such material. This is indicated in the same manner as the
V notations concerning cli ein s attached to paces of handwritten
l ij O 4. E; L LJ
g volumes (see pararrapn l of this section).
*· . . . . . - .
§ 5. Any volume naving a number of clippings should ee called to the
p attention of the area supervisor at the earliest opportunity. He
i vdll give the worker any additional instructions necessary.
* .·-¤ ~ - ~ . — ..» -. -aa. . Aran - . ~.. Y, -
g l. General rules of transcription will apply.
s , . . . .. . . . .. .
g 2. in addition to the information TCQUlT€G on all transcriecd pages,
E` give the name of the paper, date of issue, and page and column
Q f"

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- 4 -
numbers. Dates of the meetings transcribed should be listed on
the title sheet.
l. Workers are to proofread all finished transcriptions before sub-
mission to the State Office, and all worker's mistakes and emis-
sions corrected. `
2. All pages must have correct identification data and page number
at the top.
` 5. Pages must be in their proper numerical order, with all pages
[ properly accounted for. Never send in page 2 before page l.
* 4. The worker should keep an exact check list to be sure that he
e begins each day*s work at the exact point he left off the pre-
f vious day. It is better to send in only completed pages, saving
V incomplete portions as a start for the next day's work.
T 5. Notations are to be made to explain anithin. unusual about a vol-
, ume. Examples; volumes with minutes transcribed in French and
*· Envlish on alternate oares; volumes with manv oa_cs left blank
. - o - Lo J ..  
fg in the back; volumes with pages torn out or ruined; volumes con-
;F taining loose, unbound pages; volumes with pages of writing un-
L; numbered, etc. In the latter case, the worker will not only note
il the fact that the pages are unnumbered, but he will number them
if in correct order and place the numbers in square brackets. This
;¤ will indicate that the numbers were assigned by the worker and
,w were not numbered in the original record.
Qt 6. Pages are not to be stapled together, as all staples must be re-
T moved. Each da 's work is to be clipoed together with an ordi-
._ i.. O
p nary paper clip. De not send pages in loose.
T x * *
 .»_ Parish H. R. S. foremen are to retain the above instructions and
*_ use them as a guide in all future transcription of Police Jury
J Minutes. Transcriptions returned for clarification, additions,
E or corrections, should be handled promptly and returned to the
% State Office.
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