xt7vhh6c3n8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c3n8r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-07-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  5, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  5, 1946 1946 1946-07-05 2013 true xt7vhh6c3n8r section xt7vhh6c3n8r i


Will UK Lose
I B Tennis Star?







Are UK Students
Far Above Tradition?



Wild, Jack Of All,
Is Master Of PR
UK Graduate Heads
Public Relations



By Jim Donovan
He came to the University to
become a lawyer, registered
work, graduated in
journalism, and became an English

Jack Wild is back now; but you
won't find him over in the Engineering building. R. W. (Jack)
Wild is nem- - director of public relations for the University and
professor of journalism.
Is Iowa Native
Although he considers Kentucky
his home. Wild was not born here.
His father, also a newspaper man.
heeded the famous words,

west, young man,' bundled up his
family including
to Kenand headed south-ea- st
tucky, from New Albin, Iowa.
After living two years in Paris,
the family moved to Lexington
where Jack finished high school
and attended the University. While
in school, he was associate editor
of The Kernel, assistant editor of
the Kentucky Press, on the
staff, and a member of
Eigma Delta Chi, journalism honorary.
Edited School Paper
Ken-tucki- an

Former And
Reserve Officers

ACS Accredits

Of Chemistry

Truant Truant Officer
Catlettsburg Grade school



State Veterans' Association
Holds Meet At University

dren would be glad to know that
their truant officer played truant
herself last week.
Miss Helen Weaver, attendance
officer at Catlettsburg, (she says
that's a glorified name for truant
officer) strolled into Dr. Farquhar's
contemporary drama class twenty
Any student who will be in
minutes late. She had no excuse
summer school for both terms,
The American Chemical Society but the fact that she didn't want to
who has had any experience
has notified President H. L. Don- come.
In operetta or chorus
Dr. David R. Lincicome, Lexingovan that the University has been
and who is interested in workton, has assumed his duties as inaccredited by the society and that
ing on
the University has been added to
structor in the University zoology operetta,a Gilbert and Sullivan
is requested to come
the list of schools whose faculty,
to room 19, Art center, at 4
faciliies and curricula have been
Dr. Lincicome, who was a capp. m. today or at 4 p. m. Moninvestigated and approved by the
tain in the Sanitary corps, was asBy Bush Brooke
day. J. P. La Bach, graduate
committee on professional training.
sistant medical Inspector at the
studtnt in the music departDr. D. V. Terrell, who became
The society maintains high stan
Lt. Col. John L. Carter has as- New Orleans port of embarkation.
ment, announced yesterday.
acting dean of the College of En- dards for accrediting, which means
sumed his duties as head of the For sixteen months he was comgineering Monday, said yesterday that graduates
of the University military department, of the Uni manding officer of the 222 Malaria
he did not anticipate any imme- department of chemistry have been
versity, in the absence of Col. G. j Survey Unit, which spent several
diate changes in the policy of his granted full professional
on Oahu.
On April 1. j
college, and stressed the impor- The department was inspected T. Mackenzie, who is now at Ft. months
Benning, Ga, taking a four week 1945. the unit formed with the
tance of the new Engineer Exper- early
last March by Dr. S. C. Lind, training course.
Tenth Army and went in on the The Princeton Leader edited by
iment station.
dean of the School of Chemistry
Two additional staff members Okinawa Invasion. Dr. Lincicome Gracean M. Pedley. University grad
Right now, I'll be satisfied to o f the University o f Minnesota,
was transferred later to the 14th
get my feet on the ground first," acting as a representative of the will report to the University short- Medical Laboratory on Okinawa as uate, was awarded the Herald
ly. Lt. Col. Gerald P. Lerner. who
LeadT trophy for the best weekly
declared Dean Terrell,
successor society.
is completing a course in Signal chief of the parasitology section. newspaper at the annual meeting
to Colonel James H. Graham, who
The curricula leading to the Corps training at Ft. Monmouth, La ted moved to Korea. Dr. Linci- of the Kentucky Press
resigned after heading the engin- bachelor
of science degree with a N. J., will report for duty on July come was made commanding of- held here last Friday
R. W. Wild
and Saturday.
eers for 11 years to become Uni- major in chemistry
and the bach- 15 and will be in charge of the ficer of the laboratory, which as The Courier-Journaward for the
versity consultant.
service command
elor of science degree in industrial Signal Corps R.O.T.C
best front page was won by the
Regarding limiting the enroll- chemistry have been revised re24th Corps did all the "higher
Somerset Journal, edited by John
ment of engineering students. Dean cently. In addition, within the MaJ. Donald W. Glenn, who has med lab" for Korea.
just completed a special orientaEd Pearce. another UK graduate
Terrell said he could not definitely past few months, 27 quarter coursa.
Dr. Lincicome. a native of
and former Kernelite. Pearce also
set a maximum limit, although the es carrying graduate credit have tion course at Ft. Benning. Ga.,
came to Lexington in won third place in the
Jimmy Donovan, journalism Jun- college
will report for duty July 6.
would eventually reach the been added, thus providing broad
ior from Georgetown, has been ap- limit of
Two present staff members are January. He has been teaching at contest; and his paper won third in
its facilities.
thorough training leading to
He the best editorial page contest,
pointed assistant news editor of t"!
to be transferred to other units. the University since March.
He estimated that normal en- the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Kernel. Pat Burnett, editor, anCapt. J. D. Rose is to report for and Mrs. Lincicome have two chil- In the news story contest, first In
rollment was about 600 students,
Present plans for the fall quar- duty at Ft. McClelland. Ala., and dren Judith Ann, 3, and David
nounced today.
advertisements, and third
and said that 650 engineers were ter call for 12 regular staff memVan Cleave.
DonJVdn transferred to the
in quarter-pag- e
enrolled for the spring quarter. Of bers and 15 graduate assistants MSgt. Julian Bosworth has been
The parasitology laboratory
from Georgetown College
Other awards received by Pedley
total, over half were fresh- on the instructional staff in the transferred to the 5th Infantry the. zoology department under the
when he returned from the Army that
included honorable mention in the
Division, Camp Campbell. Ky.
men, and. if enrollments increase chemistry department. Ninety-tw- o
direction of Dr. Lincicome is makir Forces.
at the same rate in the future, percent of the regular staff of the The new acting head of the mil- ing an extensive study of the par- besteditoria! contest, second place
He is former editor of the George
for news stories, second in full-pavery department hold the Ph.D. degree itary department was commissioned asites found in the student body.
town College paper, The George saturation will be reached
first in
soon, he forecast.
all courses above the freshman at the University, in 1935. He was Dr. Lincicome holds B. S. and advertisements,
and second in quarter-called to active duty in 1940 with
The Engineer Experiment
sta- level are taught by persons holdadvertisements.
the 10th Infantry at Ft. Thomas. M. 8. degrees from the University page
tion will make it possible for stu- ing the doctorate.
of Illinois and a doctor's degree
Ben Williams. University graduate
Dr. Lyle R. Dawson has been In August of the same year he from Tulane Medical school. A
dent engineers
to have
and editor of the laris Kentuckian-Citizetraining besides making definite head of the department since Jan- was assigned to the military staff specialist in tropical diseases, he
was awarded second place
uary 1, 1945. Before coming to at the University, where he served taught at Tulane Medical school In
to the world
Kentucky he was in charge of cer- as an instructor in military science before the war.
Dr. Morris Scherago, head of the of science, Dean Terrell stated.
The awards were presented by
tain phases of the work on the and faculty advisor to Pershing
edudepartment of bacteriology at the But he repeated that
Victor R. Port man n, assistant proRifles. He was transferred to the
by cation of the engineers will re- atomic bomb project at the UniUniversity, has been elected
fessor of journalism at the Univerreplacement training center at Ft.
main the primary objective of versity of Chicago.
the American College of Allergists
sity and secretary-managof the
McClelland, Ala., in August 1942.
the college, with industrial reto give the lecture on "Bacterial
and in June 1944, was assigned to
Allergy" at the regular fall grad search second.
Ft. Sam Houston, Tex, as a memuate instructional course of the The experiment station is comber of the general staff to activate
college. The election was by unan posed of five separate laboratories
the 10th Army. CoL Carter was The
on already in existence, aeronautical
vote of the committee
annual state convention of
overseas 18 months, taking part in
Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, head of
the American Legion will convene
reasearch, coal research, ore dressthe action in the Marianas, Phil- in Lexington tomorrow morning.
This course will be held in Phil ing, metallurgical
and the department of sociology, who ippines, and Okinawa and
adelphia, November
at the highway research. In addition to recently returned to the campus I wo Jima with the Marine was at The schedule for the five-da- y
Corps. meeting follows:
Speaking on "Philippine IndeJefferson Medical College. Dr. the research labs, the existing fac- after a year's work with the state He returned to
pendence," Dr. Amry Vandenbosch,
lecture is scheduled ilities in the civil, mechanical, and department in Bulgaria and Yugo- last August and the United States Registration for the Forty-an- d
was stationed at
head of the Department of Pofor Tuesday, November 5.
electrical engineering departments slavia, will teach a new course, Washington,
and at Governor's Eight, Legion honorary, is sched- litical
will also be available.
"The Balkans: The Study of A
Science. Tuesday night told
uled for Saturday in the Phoenix
Island, New York.
hotel. The honorary society's in- the joint YWCA-YMCThe policy committee
of the Pleasant Society," the second term
new experiment station is headed of summer school.
itiation will take place Saturday that "the emphasis from now on
must not be on independence but
The course consists of a descripby Dr. CAS. Crouse. head of the
night at 7 o'clock at the Man-OWar Legion Post, and an open' on interdependence."
department of mining and metal tion of the basic structure of the
"I don't see any chance for inThree College of Commerce pro- lurgical engineering, and includes Balkan region, which is predomhouse at the Phoenix will follow
ternational cooperation except on
to accept ptoi. E. B. Penrod, mechanical en- inantly rural, . and an analysis of
fessors have resigned
at 9:30.
democpositions at other universities. Dr. gineering department head. Prof. the social changes occurring in the
Parade And Promenade Sunday the basis of
racy," he continued,
Edward Wiest, commerce dean, has E. A. Bureau, head of the depart- peasant way of life. The counDr. E. a. Trimble, associate proThe Legion delegates from all many places today, folks are in
ment of electrical engineering, A. tries covered are Albania, Bulgar- fessor of political science, who over the state will register Sunday
Dr. E. Z. Palmer resigned to ac J. Meyer, director of the aeronau ia, Greece, Rumania, and Yugo- served with both the Fair Em- at the local post on East Main ing against it."
Now Celebrating Independence
cept the position as director of tical research lab, and Dean Ter slavia.
ployment Practices Committee and street, and at the Phoenix and
Independence for
Dr. Sanders has spent
several the Office of Price Administration Lafayette hotels. Sunday also fea
bureau of business research. Uni rell.
neir first Indepencelebrating
years in the Balkans in addition during
versity of Nebraska, in September.
the war, returned to Wash- tures a
Dean Terrell was formerly head
cmy along with our 157th obto his time there with the State ington
Dr. Palmer has been on a year's of the department
last month in the capacity meeting from
the dence
of civil enein- - Department. He
will publish a of executive secretary to the com- grand promenade at 2:00, and the servance does not mean complete
leave of absence to conduct special eering,
and assistant dean since book during the coming year dealseverance with the United States,
business research at the University 1942. He
street parade at Dr. Vandenbosch said. The United
mittee in charge of hiring attorhas been with the Uni- ing with the Balkans.
of Wisconsin. He had been with versity since 1912.
ney personnel for the OPA.
8 p. m.
States will continue free trade
the University since 1927.
Dr. Trimble is also doing research
The first business session of the with the
republic for
Dr. M. D. Ketchum,
on a report on the labor sit- Legion will be presided over by a period of 15 years, followed by
professor of economics, has acL. Owen in an additional
uation in Kentucky that he is pre- State Commander H.
20 years in which
cepted an assistantant professorV-- E
paring for the Committee for Ken- Memorial hall at 10 a. m. Mon-- 1 to "taper off."
ship at the University of Chicago.
day. This will be followed by the
Dr. Vandenbosch regretted the
An American flag, which flew
Prof. H. B. Moore, associate proparade at 2:30, the fact that the Philippines are ac
over the Capitol building in Washfessor of economics, has resigned
contest and fire- quiring their independence
at a
120 ington, D. C,
to become director of business re
All but one of Kentucky's
was presented to
works display on Stoll field at time when their economy is very
of Colorado, counties, 30 other states and five the University Veterans' club by
at nearly destroyed, and their edu
7:30, and the Commander's ball
July 1.
foreign countries are represented in Congressman Virgil Chapman on
10 p. m. at Joyland Park for
cational system has been disman
Both Dr. Ketchum and Profes the first term summer quarter en- May 8 in observance of the first
tled. Their income, already low.
Speaking at the only first term
sor Moore have been on leaves of rollment of the University of Ken- anniversary of E Day.
will continue the downward trend.
Air Show Tuesday
The flag was received by the convocation. Monday. July 1. Dr. A
absence, and their resignations be' tucky. This totals 3,464 students.
meeting and expenditures will rise unless
came effective at leave termina
The second business
record, the enroll- Club this week and is hanging in M. Harding, president of the UniAn
we continue preferences.
tion, Dean Wiest said. Considera
ment exceeds that for the similar the club office in the basement versity of Arkansas, addressed stu- will be held Tuesday morning at
dents in Memorial hall on popular 10:00 in Memorial hall and the this end. two separate loans, to
tion of replacements will be made period of 1945 by nearly 2000. The of the Administration
billion dol
astronomy. His lecture, "Glimpses third session at 1:30. An air show talling nearly one-ha- lf
within a week or ten days, he number of veterans enrolled is 2,257.
of Other Worlds," was illustrated.
Bluegrass airfield at 4 will lars, are now pending, in addition
at the
Fayette county again leads the
outright gift of 1500,000,000
Dr. Harding was introduced by precede a burgoo supper at 5:30 to an
list with a total of 709 students in
sing of Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of the at Keeneland
race course. Ted to cover war damages.
attendance and also showed the The second
True Test Of Good Or Bad
Flo Rito will play at the convengreatest increase over 1945 enroll- this term will be held next Thurs- University. Dean Leo M. ChamberDespite these external factors,
Campus buildings and houses in ment. Next nearest competitor in day at 7 p. m. in the Amphitheatre, lain presided at convocation. Rev. tion dance, open to the public, at
though, the true test of whether
Cooperstown are being painted by the matter of enrollment totals is with Miss Mildred Lewis directing. Raymond A. Copperger, student pas- Joyland at 10:00. Tuesday night.
independence is good or bad. Dr.
Included on the program will be tor at Immanuel Baptist church
the maintenance and operations Jefferson county with 197. FrankThe convention will adjourn fol- Vandenbosch concluded, is what it
division, whose offices are now lo- lin county lists the third highest both old favorites and current hits. pronounced the invocation and the lowing the final business session
does to the individual An increase
cated in the Biological Sciences number of students with 83.
at 10 a. m. Wednesday.
of independent
in the number
A native of Pine Bluff, Arkansas,
states may or mav not mean an
The interior of Bradley hall, the at the University are the states of
Dr. Harding has been on the Uniincrease in the amount of personexterior of the University Experi- Ohio and West Virginia with 71 and
versity of Arkansas staff since 1905.
al freedom.
ment station, and corridors in the 70 students respectively. New York
He received his M.A. and PhX. deOutlining the "Y" programs for
at least one University the next two weeks. Bart N. Feak,
Training School building are in the state is third with 43.
grees from the University of Chito worry about YMCA secretary, announced tenprocess of being painted.
student who has
Foreign students at the University
The Home Economics building is for the summer quarter come from
what to do to fill up his days.
tative plans for a lecture on price
being equipped with acoustical ma- Argentina, Canada, Panama Canal
and control for July 9. and a discussion
Glennis Amburgey.
terial on the ceilings, and is being Zone, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and Pal- Keys . . . will mwt at
n m Mon
sciences junior from Whitesburg has on Kentucky's
constitution and
day in the SUB
a chemistry class from 6 until 8:15 how it affects the people for July
Redecoration of the football men's
Interfaith Council . . . will meet at
a.m. six days a week. On four of 16.
apartments at 121, 123, and 147
7:00 p.m. Tuesday in the SUB.
Associate Professor Clifton O. these six days he can go back home
Washington avenue has been comP
student Union . . . aevo- - Mock of the College of Engineer- and go to bed or do anything he
Because of the holiday for July 4, tionals, 12:30 p. m.. Monday through ing has returned to the campus af- pleases for the rest of the day. On
Miss Faye Maggard. Paintsville.
this week's Kernel had to be print- Friday, Room 128, SUB. Vesper ter an absence of nine years. Dur- the other two days, he has a class
ed Wednesday night. If If that is) service at 6:15 p. m. Wednesday, ing that time he taught at Georgia at 9:25. Oh, for the life of Am- has accepted a position as secretary
Tech for two years and at Purdue burgey.
in the department of journalism.
re missed any of your news please SUB roof.
w,n meet at 4:00 p. university lor seven years.
Dr. Niel Plummer announced yesMiss Anita C. Steel, a graduate let us know we will try to print it Lances
m. Thursday in the SUB.
terday. She succeeds Miss Marjone
of the University in 1942. has been next week.
Professor Clinton received both
Geary, who resigned because of ill
appointed secretary to E. O.
All news for nexts week's Kernel TOUR OF BLUEGRASS FARMS his B.S. in mechanical engineerness.
radio arts director. Miss Steele should be brought to the Kernel . . . leaves Union building 1 :00 p. m. ing and the M.E. degree at the
Miss Maggard was graduated from
received her A.B.
Dr. T. T. Jones, dean of men. whs
in education news room, in the subbasement of Saturday.
t Jewell University, and was on the staff
Sign up
here. She served as mail clerk for McVey hall, by noon Wednesday. If hall, Kinkead hall, or SUB infor- here from 1927 to 1937. He now underwent a major operation Sat. the University in June. She received
the Kentucky State Senate during no staff member is in the news room, mation desk before 10:00 a. m. teaches mechanical drawing and urday at the Good Samaritan hos- a bachelor of arts degree with a
the 1946 Legislature.
major in history.
pital, is reported as much improved
descriptive geometry.
copy in the news basket. Saturday.
All men who held a commission in the armed forces or
who now have a commission
in the reserve corps are requested to attend a meeting at
7 p. m. Friday in room 401,
Dr. David R. Lincicome, zoology instructor, announced.

University Grads
Will Now Have Full
Professional Status

Dean Terrell

in it
latlllUllty OtllUOISInterested In Operetta Send Representatives

R. Lincicome
Is New Professor
In Zoology Dept.

New Colonel
Takes Position

Assumes Post

Pedley And Pearce
Win KPA Awards



Donovan Chosen
News Assistant



He graduated in 1935 and took
a teaching position at Independence, Ky, where he taught English, and edited the county school
There was no local newspaper
serving the area; so R. W. Wild
started one of his own. He outfitted his own shop and for two
years published the Kenton-CampbCourier.
In 1938, he sold his newspaper
and went to the University of Wisconsin where he worked as graduate assistant in the department of
journalism and received his master of philosophy degree.

he taught journalism at
and worked as reporter on the (Athens) Daily Mes
senger. He then became assistant
professor of journalism at the Uni


Ohio university

versity of West Virginia where he
wrote a syndicated column hav- -j
lng 100.000 readers. He remained

there until 1943.
Three Years With PR
For the past three years, Mr.
Wild has been associated primarily
with public relations. While at
of Maryland as
the University
university editor, he acted as Associated Press correspondent, and
served as field manager of the
Maryland Press Association.
came to the University of Kentucky from Michigan State, where
he was associated with public re
lations and was editor of the alumni magazine.
But all his newspaper experience
didn't help him much when he
tried to find a place to live in
Lexington. However, he managed
to buy a home and while awaiting
possession, he and his family are
living at a "slightly"
home located at Brooklyn Bridge,

Radio News
of the
A composite broadcast
Bikini atomic bomb test was presented Monday night at 8:30 by
WBKY. The program consisted of
a compilation of actual recordings
of the blast, and material from
newspaper and teletype
The half hour presentation was
under the direction of Hugh Dunbar, with O. C. Halyard as announcer, and Bill Summitt as engineer.
While Mrs. Lolo Robinson, WBKY
director, is on vacation, production supervisoors will be : All WHAS
programs except agriculture, Jack
Feierabend; Monday nights, Margaret McDowell; Wednesday nights,
O. C. Halyard; Friday nights, Louis
WBKY's broadcast schedule for
the rest of this week is as follows:
Agriculture (WHAS)
7:00 Kernel Digest
7:15 Recital Program
7 : 45 Princeton Preceptorial
8:30 Jive Jamboree
8:45 Sleepy Time Gal


12:35 Agriculture I WHAS)
12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
7:00 Round Table
7:30 Lullaby of Broadway
7:45 News
7:55 Women's Page
8:00 Carnegie Room
8:30 A Modern Story
8:45 Tempos in Pastel

UrJ-versi- ty


Scherago Will Speak

To Allergists College




American Legion
Convention To Be
In Lexington

Dr. Sanders Offers
Course On Balkans



Not Independence,
Says Vandenbosch


Palmer, Ketchum
And Moore Resign


Dr. E. G.Trimble
Does Research Work
In Washington




Forty-and-Eig- ht



Forty-and-Eig- ht

Thirty Other States
And Five Countries
Represented Here


Vets' Club Receives
Memorial Flag

Harding Gives View


drum-and-bug- le

Of Other Worlds



Kampus Kosmetics



All Through The Day

Professor Mock
Returns To Campus


Holiday Troubles

Radio Sec'y. Named

Journalism Seceretary


Dean Jones Improves





The regular quarterly


of the

Association of
Student Veterans" clubs was held
in an all-dsession on the University campus
Saturday. Jun


The meeting, which is designed
to promote the interests of World
War II veterans attending Kentucky colleges, was convened at 9
a. m. with an executive con"-,it-e
meeting of the organizati
in the
office of the University Veteran
club, in the basement of the Administration building.
The executive committee session
included plans for the agenda of
the delegates meeting Saturday
afternoon, and the standing subcommittees prepared their reports
to the Saturday afternoon general
Held In Milter
The delegates to the state-wi- d
meeting assembled Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Miller hall
for the general session. Thos
colleges represented were Bowling
Green Business university. Western State Teachers college. Kentucky Wesleyan. Georgetown college. Eastern State Teachers colry
lege, Ashland junior college,
college. Kentucky Sta'e college. Sue Bennett, and the University.
Howard C. Bowles, president of
University , Veterans'
opened the meeting, and Virgil P.
Lary, Jr. was elected secretary of
the convention by the delegates.
Darrell B. Hancock,
of the University organization, presented the activities of the UK
club to the assembly and discussed
of student voting
by registering for the primary;
work with, the OPA and difficulties
of the veteran; help of any typ
for Cooperstown and it residents:
liaison with the American Legion.
Veterans of Foreign Wars, and
other Interested groups; encouragement
to veterans to attend
meetings: and the sponsoring dinner meetings.
During the afternoon, discussion
concerning the various types of
state-wid- e
held, and the following appointments were made to the perman
ent committees:
contacting new
clubs. Virgil P. Lary. Jr. (UK: in
terests in elections and registra
tion, Guy Hatfield (Eastern. Frank
Johanson (BGBU). Jack Talbot
(Eastern), and John Ken Steph
ens (Murray) : Centre college rent
controversy, Nathaniel L. Shields
(Kentucky State). Harold Tannic
(Western); Federal Public Housing Authority. Howard C. Bowles
(UK); Morehead college investigation. W. J. Cannon (Western),
rrank Johanson (BGBU). Frank
Griffin Murray).
Jack Talbot (Eastern).
The following committees wera
created for the purpose of investigating the proposed future interests of the association: education
(UK) ; pub'i:
relations Bob Ferguson (BGBU),
Jim Taylor (Western). Irvin Kuen
(Eastern). Heywood Banks (Kentucky State). Jack Brock (Sue
Bennett). A. L. Howard (More-hea(Ashland
John Sansmg
Junior), and Howard Bowles (UK).
The Committee For Kentucky;
Jim Taylor (Western. G '7 Hatfield (Eastern), and B ' f. Rid
(Centre), chairman: O. L Investigative and legislative Lary MilOrganization
KASVC to provide maximum spread
of activities Howard Bowles
(Sue Bennett.
John Baird
MurB. T. Reid (Centre". nusf-el- l
phy (Ashburv). Natiuunel ShieHs
(Kentucky State, and Harold Tan-n- ig
The commi'tee on voting was
comdelegated to the executive







organThe final
radio hookwas state-u'- e
up for the purpose of furthering:
tHe association's plans to broadcast
its activities once a week
WHAS in Louisville. Negotiations
are already under way with tha
radio officials, and membrrs of the
are T.
radio committee
Harris (UK). Garland Ddd (Western), and Joe Reed (Eastern).
Congressional Cherk
The assembly laid plans for the
purpose of checking on the voting
of Kentucky's representatives and
United S'ates Senators.
plan to
maintain a close correspondents
with the Congressmen in regard
o their oacking veterans legislation at all times.
The assembly v:'ed to held i's
fall quarter couvention at
on October
Green university

G-o- ra






5, 1946

Published Weekly Pining the Sihool Year Except Holidays or Examination Periods
Entered at tlie Post Ollue at Lexington, Ky., as serond class matter under the act of March 3, 1879
Spoils Editor
O. C. II i.yaro
Pat Bihnftt
Society Editor
Tom Duncan
.n- Editor
JMT JiMtwis
lieu-rilBusiness Manager
Tom Gkm.ky

Think Of The Time
When There .Were
No Buildings At All


El El


Life, Liberty, and Pursuit

gal who carried the torch only to
By A dele Denman
tn find her man had married a bright
hiriHv the University
By J. Brown
condition it couid
But little flame from Ireland? The
have gotten over it
If you have ever let go with the how about you women, do you gals seem to could- they
can'1 vou? AU
well known cry, "We want a field- - feel depressed? That's it, you need a best
that you
house" stop a few moments and a man! Why don't you take two, I'm asking is at dances give the
that Is.
consider the poor student whose they're so small and 62". It is gals a break
a sta Une septic, very
year 1922 was, "We pretty confushV to the average co-cry around the
to dances re
want a gymnasium." or better still, ed who has been suffering from lew 8als who come maybe
turn the pages back to about a deficiency of vitamin M. to all married or engaged they comethat
the reason that
1880, and you'll find that the watch- - 0f a sudden look up and see hun- dances?
word probably was, "We want a dreds of men with ties on, too.
LIFE: To quit speaking of ties. PURSUIT:
Think back over a half century. Iets consirjer current events. Wal- - a. our Little Baddy:
permit ter Wjncneu screamed it. and Tru- if your imagination will
Gwillem receives an effort over
you, and picture the present site man mumbled it in the Congress Mr. Bell's invention every night
of the University as an empty that CE1UNQ
ARE from Helen Millman.
tract of land, being used as a REALLY OFF! Now all you sharp
get on the
fairgrounds and a place to graze
r b. FLASH! Now lets
wM nave to ch
ba" everyine' i'.ra
lines-th- ink
how stupid the casual
have the honor
Holly Kane
Then They Began lo sproui
phrase the sky is the limit" would
the sound now. So let us compromise of being the first "pinned" of the
Since that time, however,
place has fairly sprouted buildings and .hisDe, that "radar has con- - summer'
c. Sympathy
in spurts. Three buildings made tacted tne m0on" and we may have
their appearance on the newly pur- - green cneeSe sandwiches any time 'Kappa Sig had been going with
gal for five years when she got
chased tract of land in 1882. They we want them.
.l nnA.KA man
were the present Administration
Well, the deal Is that this ceil- building; White Hall, formerly a ing price business really hit the women anyway,
dormitory, but remodeled in 1918 "last weekend crew for the further- d. Patt Hall and Creek Coins
for classrooms: and the Patterson ence of bigger and better adult On: Baddy Toell (SAE) came to
Memorial Home erected for James delinquency.. right m the midd;e
lm L. Witner,poon
K. Patterson, first president oi of their labels.
Seems that the Carol Demeree is dating Jim
the University.
after the C prices went off. Croeken "Sigma Chi. Bubba Sth- These were the only three build two little bovs went out to Dlav. erland I SAE I and Mary Kasaen- ings on the campus until 1889 when
wanted a 5tn but
(CM Q) haye thf time M
me present ncait.i
had agreed not to buy any