xt7vhh6c3k3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c3k3q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1950  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 4, No. 3, Fall 1950 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 4, No. 3, Fall 1950 1950 1950 2012 true xt7vhh6c3k3q section xt7vhh6c3k3q \ Vol. 4 Full. I95O N0. 3
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J. G. Rodriguez and W. D. Armstrong
Investigations in the control of strawberry insects this year were
directed at evaluating the performance of a number of insecticides and com-
binations of insecticides against the strawberry crown borer and the Straw-
berry weevil.
Strawberry crown borer
This snout beetle has caused heavy losses in Kentucky; it overwinters
under litter in or near strawberry fields and in the early spring it begins
feeding on foliage and laying eggs. The eggs hatch into legless grubs that
Soon eat into the crown, where they bore tunnels until they emerge again as
adult beetles during the surrimer. Plants thus infested are a total loss.
Test plots to conduct the work were located in Jefferson county in a
strawberry field that had been planted near an infested patch two years pre-
Vicusly, Ten insecticide treatments and an untreated check, each replicated
five times, were randomized over the test field. A row 30 feet long was con-
sidered a replicate.
Treatments were applied on April 17 and results were recorded on April
Z8. All dusts were applied at the rate of 30 pounds per acre. As determined
N by the number of leaves showing feeding punctures per Z0 feet of row per
"Plicate, the most effective treatments were: parathion, Z pounds of 15%
wettable powder per 100 gallons (sprayed until foliage was thoroughly wet);
2% parathion dust, Z l/2% aldrin dust, and 5% chlordane plus 5% DDT dust
mixture. Where these treatments were used, there were averages of 7.4,
7.6, 7.6, and 8.4 punctured leaves, respectively. Treatments less effective

 were l l/2% lindane dust, 10% and 20% toxaphene dusts, and parathion, down
1 pound of 15% wettable powder per 100 gallons, these averages being l1_(,_ you n
15. ~l, 10. 2 and 11.0 punctured leaves, respectively. The untreated check
plots had an average of Z3. 6 punctured leaves per Z0 feet of row. Bait t
{ While the numbers of punctured leaves appear small, a small number 0{ 11
crown borer adults will give rise to a large infection of grubs which will in- The s
. jurc and kill a large number of plants by their boring and feeding in the crowns. heavy
` l paper
Strawberry weevil. ing si
I This snout beetle deposits its eggs in the unopened blooms and then mous
girdles or cuts them, causing the buds to die and fall to the ground. The egg corne
soon hatches and the grub eats the unopened bud, pupates, and emerges as of the
~ an adult weevil. In years past, this weevil has caused extensive damage in sweet
Kentucky. Furthermore, its damage may not be fully realized; a poor crop
is often thought to be caused by a poor setting or other factors when close l
examination would reveal serious weevil damage. orcha
Tests were conducted in McCracken county in the strawberry plantings
of Mr. A. L. Cunningham. Ten different insecticides, or combination of 1
insecticides, were tested as sprays or dusts. These included DDT, chlor- cious
dane, lindane, toxaphene, aldrin, parathion, benzene hexachloride, and a per 11
1 · chlordane plus DDT mixture. The treatments were applied on April 18, ownei
during early bloom and counts were made about a month later. The dusts good
were applied at the rate of 30 pounds per acre. docto
° lt was found that only a light population of strawberry weevils infested
this field; ll. l per cent of the buds were cut in the untreated check plots.
Of the dusts, 1 l/2% lindane, 5‘% chlordane plus 5% DDT, and Z l/2% al-
drin were the most effective, reducing the bud-cutting to 4. 8, 5. 8 and 5. 5
percent buds cut, respectively. The fact that the infestation was relative- A
ly light prevents the drawing of many conclusions from the data. However, ,0,31
the results were in line with work done in 1949 when heavy populations of Conce
strawberry weevils were widespread.
_ had 4
With both pests, the 5% Chlordane -5% DDT dust mixture was among is the
the better materials tested. Growers have been getting good commercial round
control with this mixture, but the tests for better control materials will
W. W. Magill
Orchard mice continue to be very destructive to apple orchards through-
out Kentucky. During late September, Mr. L. C. Whitehead, of the U.S. Rodent
and Wildlife Control, spent 10 days with me inspecting Kentucky apple orchards
g from Fulton to Maysville and in every orchard examined we found orchard
mice plentiful and ready to girdle the trees just as soon as they finished eat.
ing the drop apples., lf you are not familiar with how to determine whether I
or not mice are present in your orchard, here is a simple way. Look for and si
runways under a small pile of orchard mulch, such as grass, weeds, straw, mal p
under an old basket or field crate; or the slick runways may be in the open, May (
V · Many
, Z

 down under the growth of lespedeza or bluegrass. lf you find a fresh runway,
you may know you have orchard mice.
Bait traps
Many apple growers have found bait traps very useful and economical.
The simplest way to prepare and use bait traps is as follows; split a roll of
,S_ heavy 3-ply paper roofing. You can do this easily with an old saw while the
paper is inthe roll, or you can unroll it and use your pocket knife or "roof—
ing snips. " Then cut the long strips of roofing into squares 18 in. by 18 in.
Take these squares of paper tothe orchard and lay them directly over the
mouse runways and leave them there. Ten days later, carefully raise one
i corner of the "traps" and where you find a fresh runway, place a teaspoonful
y of the poison bait, consisting of either strychnine-treated oats, or apple, or
sweetpotato cubes treated with zinc phosphide.
You can purchase these specially prepared poisons from your local
orchard supply firm, or you can write to me at the Experiment Station,
Lexington, and 1 will send you a quantity of the poison, at cost.
1 visited some orchards of Polly Eades, Transparent, and Golden Deli-
cious varieties where the owner had picked over 20 bushels of No. l apples
per tree in 1950 that had sold for $3 a bushel, or F60 per tree, and to the
owner's surprise, the mice had girdled the trees completely this fall. A
good livestock man would pay a veterinarian for services and sit up all night
doctoring a sick cow worth less than the mature apple tree, yet the little
mouse was not considered to be a problem - until it was too late.
W. W. Magill
More peach trees were lost from "wet feet" in Kentucky in 1950 than the
total loss in any five-year period from 1924 to 1949. Yet there is no mystery
concerning the cause of this tree loss. Let us forget peach trees for the
moment to think back and study the weather record. For example, Kentucky
had 45 inches of rain during the first seven months of 1950, and this amount
is the average rainfall for an entire year. The following figures give some
round—number facts on Kentucky rainfall from November through May:
Month Above or below Normal
November, 1949 Z inches below normal
December, 1949 2 inches above normal
January, 1950 8 inches above normal
l` February, 1950 .2 inches above normal
91*111 March, 1950 1 inch below normal
N-ds April, 1950 1 inch below normal
I\/by, 1950 3 inches above normal
In southwestern Kentucky the rainfall exceeded that around Lexington
and some other areas of the state. Thus, with the waterlogged soil, a nor-
, mal peach tree growth was prevented and the peach foliage turned yellow in
V MAY OT early June and the peach roots died, causing death of the trees.
Many trees also looked very weak and sick all through the season and it is

 suspected that a great many of these will die or continue in a stunted con-
dition for a nuniber of years. This season again proved the value of having HO`
peaches on well drained orchard soil. the
is 1
Sonie peach growers of Kentucky were of the opinion their tree losses but
i were caused by spraying with some of the newer insecticides such as BHC
and chlordane. However, we feel this was not true, for we have made many
. field observations that bring out the fact that many trees one and two years Pla
old died, that had never been sprayed except with dormant spray; also many m0
‘ trees died in some orchards not sprayed in 1950 because of a ei-opfai1ure_ lll
· Personally, I well remember the spring of 1924 when we had a similar I"`
rainy season. Many trees died that spring and many amateur growers
thought their losses were due to treating young trees with P. D. B. However, FE
complete check-up of many Kentucky orchards brought out thc fact that "wet
feet" in March, April and May was responsible for their losses. 1
p a
V Twenty-five years before peaches were produced commercially in and
southwestern Kentucky, the Southern Illinois commercial peach growers had lim
developed the idea that special drainage was necessary in the orchards. Sm
They cultivated their peach soil so that the area at the peach row was ridged gm
to the- extent of some 6 to 8 inches higher than the middles between the rows, pm
Local terms such as "bedding to the middles" described this procedure,
y which was done with a road grader at the time of the last cultivation. Or it
may be done with a break-plow by opening up a furrow 10 inches deep be-
tween the peach rows in a direction that will allow the surface water to drain
I from the orchard. Modern orchard terracing will serve the same purpose.
‘ ******#**#
W. D. Armstrong gm
Recent strawberry variety trials at the Western Kentucky Experiment
Substation have been limited to the most promising commercial shipping was
varieties and strains and to varieties resistant to red stele root-rot disease. xeti
Blakemore and Tennessee Beauty remain the leading commercial varieties, wit
with Tennessee Shipper third. In recent years, the yield on Aroma has sis
dropped off alarmingly. This, along with the fact that the Aroma berry is sis
soft, a poor shipper, and not a good freezing berry, has almost eliminated
this berry from commercial production in Kentucky.
Temple and Fairland, two varieties resistant to red stele root rot,
have also produced satisfactorily, approaching in yield the three variety
leaders mentioned above. Under more limited tests, Vermilion, a new red-
stele—resistant berry from the University of Illinois, also looks promising.
Temple, Fairland, and Vermilion are not quite firm enough to be top quality
shipping berries but they are satisfactory for local use and short hauls, and
deserve tests in areas where red stele is a problem.
Tennessean, a new berry, was just named and introduced by the Tenncs
see Experiment Station. The first plants of this were sent out for trial in
1948 as Tennessee 965. This is a bright, long, early berry, about with
Blakemore and is a heavy plant maker, equal to or surpassing Blakemore. Al
n Princeton, the yields have been greater than Blakemore the last two Y<1?i¥'$·
{ 4

 ,g However, it was not considered a fair comparison since it now seems that
the Blakemore plants were infected with a virus disease. The Tennessean
is not a patented variety; hence, there are no restrictions to plant distri-
, bution.
Ln Armore is a new variety from the University of Missouri. The first
Sy plants of this were obtained in 1950 and will bear in spring of 1951. lt has
an made an excellent row of plants but it has considerable leaf spot this fall.
Y lt is reported to be a midseason berry and has given some outstanding
I yields in Missouri, where it originated. lt is being watched with great in-
u_ terest.
, Plant Growth
er, ..-——-—
let The 1950 growing season was very favorable for growth of strawberry
plants, grass, and weeds. Where growers were able to keep down grass
and weeds, their strawberries made greater runner formation than in many
1 d years. This over-crowding of plants could easily cause the berries to be
a smaller in 1951 and brings up the fact that many Kentucky strawberry
d growers could profitably do some plant thinning most every year. This
ges problem needs to be studied.
w .
`aln By C. S. Waltman
During the past several years considerable difficulty has been ex-
perienced from red stele root rot of strawberries on the Experiment Station
grounds. The fungus causing this trouble is carried in the soil and it appears
to be capable of living for several years even though no strawberries are
grown on the land.
.t The Experiment Station strawberry planting made in the spring of 1949
was ur osel laced on land known to be infected with red stele. The var-
zse. ieties chosen were several of the common ones grown in the state, together
as, with some kinds known to possess red stele resistance. The planting con-
sisted of fifteen varieties replicated six times and included the red stele re-
s sistant kinds of Temple, Fairland, and Sparkle.
The yields of all varieties in Z4-quart crates per acre, in order of pro-
duction, follow:
Catskill --—-— 145.03 Tenn. 866 .... 61,36
`€d' T€IT\p1\'? -----   77 R0bin50n ____    
·s;· Sparkle --—-— 128- 71 rem. Beauty -- 57, Z4
11l·‘y' Fairfax —·-—-   76 Prgrnigr ____    
and TERM. Shippél'- 84. 82 Fairpeake ____ 27_46
Faifland ----· 72.61 Blakemore .... .23.11
Swanee --——— 68. ZZ Midland .... 1.2, 98
nes Tenn. 863 --- 65.63
. Al

 lt should be pointed out that although the soil used in this test was known whe
to be infected with red stele disease, it also may have carried other diseases M
and pests that contributed to the low yields. Also, symptoms of virus di- an
sease was observed on some of the plants.
‘ The plants were purchased from a reputable nurseryman and they
appeared to be in good condition when received, with the exception of Fair-
A peake and Midland, and these made a poor stand.
A Sub
The plants of Catskill, Temple, Sparkle and Fairfax, the four varieties Va,.
that produced the best yield, did not show the stunted growth typical of red gm
` stele disease but the yield was disappointing in a year of abundant rainfall_ juic
All other varieties except Fairland, a red stele resistant variety, were se- abc
verely stunted. bea
Catskill and Fairfax are not rated as resistant to red stele and no ex- fre.
planation is offered for their apparent resistance to that disease. Further ear;
tests should be made before planting them, for this purpose. ply
Temple and Sparkle made a fine stand of plants that appeared to be {go;
vigorous and healthy. ln other trials on clean soil these varieties were found be ;
to produce good yields; thus, it appears that Temple and Sparkle are worthy qui
of trial on soils where red stele is present. The fruit of Temple is of good
size and quality and Should be suitable for shipment.
. Sparkle is less vigorous than Temple and it has less upright habit of and
· =•=¤•¤•= ¤e==•=¤e==•==•<=•=¤•==¤¤>•==•¤
W. D. Armstrong
In 1950, many peach fruit buds were killed by a very sudden drop in tre·
temperature in early January. Later, numerous frosts and freezes just Y€3
before and during the bloom season reduced the crop prospects still more. qua
Under these conditions, only the better peach locations, and the orchards EW
with the strongest buds or hardiest varieties, came through with peach cr0p5. Ear
Also many orchardists learned all over again how difficult it is to care for a als'
part-crop. Many growers started in with nearly a half crop but these kept am
on dropping until at harvest time no fruit was left. Delayed cold injury, ad‘·‘
water—logged soil, insect injury, and brown rot were responsible for these SEP
crop losses.
In general the Elberta crop was light, being medium to nearly full in use
only the choicest locations. Redhaven, an early yellow freestone, produced bm.
as heavy as any in most plantings. Georgia Belle again proved its hardin€5S mm
by Coming through with a good to heavy crop in a number of locations. Oth€l'$ the
that Showed hardiness at the Western Kentucky Experiment Station at PI'i¤€€· has
ton were, Erly Red Fre, Marigold, Raritan Rose, Cumberland, Alton, and wet
Veteran. Those producing an acceptable part crop at the above location \'~‘€T€
Dixired, Jerseyland, July Heath, Ambergem, Fair Beauty, Viceroy, V€d€U°·
Mammie Ross, Hiley, and South Haven. Halehaven failed to set a CTOP in the
most locations. This variety has in some other yea@ed to set a CFOP bar
. · 6

 in when cold weather has been experienced on the spring following a heavy crop
05 year. This heavy yielding variety has to be given excellent care for it to
come back year after year with a crop.
GRAPES, 1950
In a limited grape variety trial at the Western Kentucky Experiment
Substation at Princeton, Fredonia and Concord were again the outstanding
s varieties. Concord, as is generally known, is the standard eastern black
grape variety widely adapted over the United States and is outstanding for
juice, jelly, and eating fresh. Fredonia is a newer black variety that ripens
- about two weeks ahead of Concord. Fredonia is a large, good-quality, heavy
bearing grape that is proving well adapted to Kentucky in Experiment Station
and private plantings. These two varieties work well together furnishing
fresh fruit over a longer period that either would alone. Two or three vines
each of Fredonia and Concord, in an arbor or along a fence row, would sup-
ply the average home (in town or country) with their grape needs. lf the
vines are placed out in the open or on a high location with free air circula-
tion, the black rot disease will often be of no concern and spraying will not
ind be needed. For commercial plantings, however, a spray program is re-
hy quired in most cases.
For best results, all grape vines should be pruned each year. For sug-
gestions on this, see your county agent or write to the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics at Lexington.
W. D. Armstrong
The peach tree borer is now generally considered to be the worst in-
sect pest causing injury to the peach trees themselves. In general, peach
tree borer attacks over Kentucky have been very heavy the past several
years and serious injury has been caused where control has not been ade-
_ quate. The old established paratlichloro-benzene (PDB) treatment has not
given satisfactory control generally, because much damage is often done by
Ops_ early borers before time for treatments (September and October). And
.3 also, late borer adults have often laid eggs on the trunks above the mounds
t after treatment has been made. It is generally considered that the borer
adults that lay the eggs are flying and laying eggs from late June through
8 September or later.
There are now several peach orchards in Kentucky where DDT has been
used successfully for three years (1948-l949-1950) to control the peach tree
ed borer. This has been accomplished by three trunk spray applications one
ESS month apart, on July l, August l, and September l, applied carefully to
has the trunks from the crotch down. In Kentucky, the amount of material used
(Ce- has generally been two to three pounds of actual DDT (4 to 6 pounds of 50%
ld wettable powder) per 100 gallons of water.
em, These sprays kill the adult borers (a wasp) that lay the eggs and also
1 Che Y0ung newly—hatchecl borers, before they beconie deeply irnbedded in the
, Mk. Recent inspections have shown that the DDT sprays will not kill the

 larger borers that have become imbedded when the first spray is delayed blc
until about September 1. lt is therefore very important, as with other 1Y
sprays, to have proper timing. am
· Growers who have properly used the three DDT trunk sprays have been
l well pleased with results and are in favor of this treatment rather than the ing
older, slower PDB method. ann
h Peach orchards at the Experiment Stations at Lexington and at Prince-
4 ton were among the large number that had DDT trunk sprays in 1950. Dr.
J. G. Rodriguez of the Entomology Department is conducting cooperative
` spray tests for borer control at several orchards and results from these
will be available before the borer control season of 1951. p
¤•=*=•¤¤•¤¤•=¤•·¤•==•·¤•=¤•=¤•=¤•==•¤ 15.
W. D. Armstrong EE;
Kentucky home owners, farmers, or fruit growers can have good Om
apples all summer by growing good trees of properly selected varieties, agp
Also the earlier the variety ripens or becomes usable the quicker it can be if
removed from the trees and thereby avoid the late summer insects whose “
attacks are usually worse than the early summer attacks. Where there are
no late apples the third brood of codling moth cannot develop. var
There are earlier apples and good ones too, but one of the best early 5;
` varieties is Lodi. This yellow apple will attain usable size a week or so Rei
before Yellow Transparent, the early apple stand-by for many years. Lodi Del
will also attain greater size, will hang on the tree longer, will bear more el
regularly, and will not blight as badly as Yellow Transparent. However, if See
you should prefer Yellow Transparent instead, you would still have a good we
apple. mg
. . . reg
Polly Eades is the next variety. By the time the Lodi apples are all
gone, fruits of the Polly Eades will be ready for use. ln fact, at the last
picking of Lodi or Transparent, the Polly Eades fruits are often larger. WH
V This is a large, smooth, roundish, green apple that becomes golden yellow Tm
if allowed to remain on the tree or if kept in cold storage for awhile. The mn
fruit is very similar to the old Maiden Blush, but the tree and fruit are
easier to grow, being less subject to blotch. Polly Elades, as well as Lodi,
is resistant to apple scab and is one of the smoothest, most attractive app1€5 wel
grown. Of special interest and value is its unusual ability, for a summer pla!
apple, to be kept on cold storage for some weeks. This has proved on im,
occasions to be of great benefit in orderly marketing of the fruit of this varie- 4
ty. Polly Eades is a true Kentucky variety, originating in Henderson county.
lt is a regular annual bearer of large apples and is ready for commercial har-
vest over Kentucky during July.
August brings us ripe fruits of Paducah variety. This is another native
\Kentucky variety, having originated from seed of Rome Beauty variety,
Paducah. lt resembles Rome Beauty in appearance, and is often referred tc
as Early Rome Beauty or Summer Rome Beauty. Like Rome Beauty, Paducah
V 8

 b]0oms late. Planting lloirie l’.··:iuty nearby to pollinaw Paducah, has great-
ly increased the Paducah yields. Paducah is also :i regular, heavy bearer
and could bz- used fresh until Grirnes and Jonathans are ready.
, Yes, Lodi, Polly Eades, and Paducah can assure one of excellent cook-
mg apples all summer. The first two are reasonably good eating apples,
and Paducah is an excellent eating apple.
Mayfield was the scene this sum mer of one of the most outstanding dis-
trict fair fruit exhibits ever held in Kentucky. The fair was held August
15-19 and the exceptional number of high class apple entries was a real testi-
monial to the fine support given to the fair by the Graves county orchard men.
The county agent and assistant county agents were responsible for contacting
the growers and rallying support for the fruit exhibits as well as for many of
the other agricultural exhibits. Graves county has for a long time rated as
one of the very best apple producing counties in Kentucky and Graves county
apple growers also boast a long record of wins at the State Fair in previous
years. Apple growers in other counties of the purchase district are invited
to join in the exhibit in future years.
9 In the Single tray class the following number of entries competed by
varieties; Black Ben Davis, ·l; Red Delicious, ll; Grimes Golden, 5;
Paducah, 6; Stayman, 6; Golden Delicious, 15; any other variety, 7. In
the plate competition there were the following number of entries by varieties;
V Red Delicious, IZ; Paducah, 10; Grimes Golden, 6; Stayman, 6; Golden
`l Delicious, 12; Black Ben Davis, 1; any other variety, 10. This heavy com-
petition in the single tray and single plate classes was greater than is often
{ seen at the State Fair fruit exhibits. This is further evidence that this
Western Kentucky Purchase District Fair Fruit Show was really an outstand-
ing exhibit and that the Graves county section is truly an apple producing
Some of the orchardists who competed and helped make the fruit show
were Leonard Overby & Son, Sid Holloway & Sons, Herbert Holloway & Sons,
° Tom Hamilton, Dr. D. W. Doran, G. W. Story, C. B. Mathis, T. A. Hamil-
ton Jr., and Mrs. Rollie Oglesby.
l· The fruit exhibit was judged by W. D. Armstrong and the winnings were
les Well scattered among the contestants, butwith this keen competition in both
plates and trays, an entry had to be of finest quality to win. The sweepstake
V tray was of Golden Delicious exhibited by C. B. Mathis, a new grower.

W. W. Magill
and ]
. Thanks to a Maryland strawberry nurseryman for the new and very
. appropriate name for geese in a first-year strawberry field. Maryland {th
growers find three geese per acre satisfactory, but in Kentucky where (E
, crabgrass grows So well, we prefer Seven gee5e per acre. You would be Or C
surprised how many Kentucky berry growers are now using the "Waddling
Weeders" to a great advantage. _
» The Tennessee Beauty variety of strawberries is rapidly gaining popu- issu
larity - both for commercial sales and for the home garden. In 1950, it
outyielded both Blakemore and Premier. So, again, we thank the Tennessee
Agricultural Experirnent Station for their contribution to our Kentucky straw.
berry industry.
The Redhaven variety of peaches scored a "home run" this year on
' every fruit farm where it was under trial. Its market and consumer ac-
ceptance were excellent. It proved to be very hardy, ripening with Golden
` Jubilee. It deserves a place in all new peach plantings.
All demonstration tests of the past two years comparing strawberry
plants which had been dug in December, January, or early February, and
held in cold storage at a temperature of 33-34 degrees until planted in late
March or April as compared to freshly dug plants, have favored the cold
storage plants. The storage plants grow off better and` start runner forma-
tion earlier in the season.
Using such storage plants will also prevent crown borer because the
plants are dug before the borer eggs have been deposited on the berry plant.
The strawberry grower who prepares his land in December for his
spring planting of berries can take advantage of the weather and set his plants
in March. Early planting generally gives better stands and starts earlier
growth. This may increase your yield Z0 to 40 crates per acre.
EVe1'Y0ne that I know of who used Parathion in Kentuoky in 1950 w3S TUNE AH
than pleased with the results. No ill effect to the spray crew has been F€· Tv'
P01‘l€d· However, don‘t get careless! Parathion is a killer, if used imp¤<>P°l" AOC
. ly.

The successful fruit grower annually pulls out some "Boarder Trees"
and plants some new trees.
The dusting of spraying of Kentucky strawberry fields at the beginning
gf the bloom Season has passed the experimental stage. Ten dollars spent
for dust and labor may return you 15 to 75 extra crates per acre.
Poison your orchard mice before they kill some of your best apple
trees. Bait stations are very popular. See more complete story in this
i- issue.
Nitrate fertilizer is available "NOW, ' and it may not be available next
`mgre Articles for "Kentucky Fruit Notes" are assembled under the direction of
»€- W- D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Kentucky Experiment Station, who is
lpygpeb lOC¤L€d at the Western Kentucky Experiment Substation, Princeton, Kentucky.
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