xt7vhh6c388p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c388p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1947 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 18, 1947 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 18, 1947 1947 1947 2012 true xt7vhh6c388p section xt7vhh6c388p · a
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There’s a long, long t1·a1I a wmdmg,
 ‘ Into thc land of my drcams—"
. 1
MAY, 1947 L umber 2
V _ 1
V · I

 % · , .
s l   . .
The Kentucky Alumnus K S.t tB. Tm Bmlhant Career
fr   gen 1 S _a lg a_ ° The announced retirement of Dry
3- Official OI`g3.l1 of the Alumni ASSOCi8.·   President, Cablnet L- L. DGntZl€T, 'l;’Y`L the UTL'I;UCTS1;`t 0
l tion of the University of Kentucky pub- y f
» Eshed qua.rte1;lyLon tile carrépus of tthe UYld€TSGCTeiG.Ty of Labor Keen Kentucky Student publ7·Cat"·0n> The ‘
'v r 'to, L xi 0 . u scri ion . . ·
. u,“L§n?§“;mbLrs,_§t_“gu;‘mbmhi,, oim Johnson, held rn warm iueue- Kentucky Kernel, Saturday, wuz
I 4) in the Assocnation mcludes subscmp- Ship by qnany in this community DTITLQ tl ]°€€ll1lQ of Tegfef to Students,
, t‘°“ te the Al“m““S· where he lived as a boy) Sat former students and alumni of the
PEnteregl as Seioml Class liatteriat téuze cl the big table with the P7`€$i· UnweTS1'ty' A QU
u§’§$, ‘3£€i§? {ifs u‘i¥‘E?*§E;¤—S§”’2, 118%%. ’ sem rrd his Cabinet for the first D'; Daimler has been head Gl the
  tlme recently. Secretary Schwel- Engllsh department since 1914_ Hg ___
Hsien G, King ___r , re,,___Ye__,,e___r_,_,e_r,rer Editor lenbach had a cold, so Keen got was one of the most brilliant depart-
: ` G. Lee McClain c...,,.. l o..,.., Manager Editor the coll, He said he “feit quite ment heads the University ever hod_ R
_ hlnrgllerite 1\[CI{U.llghllTl n.Ass0c1zmte Edltor elated at this exceptional ex_ DT. Dantzler was friendly with Stu-
°FF‘CE§§Sg§I§,§§‘§;NALU“‘N‘ verieuce-" dents. He loved nothing better their
Chmmcéy E_ Forge), _A___r___vr‘__Y_ee president —PR1Nc12tr0N Lmnmn, Feb. 20, 1947 to help some student who was in gm;
V J. . S. Sl l'-   ...._........._....._._..______   trouble, no matter what th 6
luncq `;;N§4.£?ll;!;l(]€l1t 2`Llld rI`l'&Z|.S\JI`€l`   be e cause
Helen G. King .......... Executive Secretary Tlléllf pTO'Uid€S correspondence I The
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE courses for adults in the state and Many students heme a fear of een Alllmll
Lt. Gov. Kenneth T. Jove Bohm for yfwrlger persons who cannot at- lege English, esvecrelly when UV? lll- banque
` Tuesle lr. D. Palmore tend regular sessions of the school. St"“°t°°` Seems "r¤u¤rr’ and hard lc bf? hék
, G. Lee McClain Grover Creech The Sloan Foundation has mlade {Jef GTOTLQ with Then? (We $0 many lhé La
. John A. \Vhitakex· John R. Bullock . , Such Tofessoys who love to Sho _
G_ Davis Buckner Hem.}, A_ Taylor great progress ln educational and · P _ · l tw colnmet
L. K. Frankel cus A. Husueiet leaching methods cud surveys. me"` ““Z‘°;”y reg; d*;t“t°'g" Fl`1d¤>’»
Q T. H. Cutler Richard LeGrand The Agri lt LE t - d· · - DOw€7`$- 0 $0 wit uutz €T· € rlouncei
‘ E. C. Elliott Mrs. E. D. Shiunick . t   unl x enslon 'Lm‘S7iOn took students iTLtO his COTLfid€7lC€ Cllld commit
( Bernie Shively DK GG°"g€ H" is com an y at work to pmmde n ade them feel that En llsh wa th
William W.Bla11t0ii Wilson farmers with new and better methods I t _ t t b. tg, th S C hspeal
wt g ·i H. c. Robinson . . mos impor an su rec rn e cur- t EH
1 Zigcgginlgilin E. E. }Iubba.rd Of cmp and Stock Tmsmg i·ionio_ Undesr
  Home demonstration agents and ml h uh h f d h_ t_ _ United
vo1. xvm MAY, 1947 No. 2 ooiiniy agents work jh t ‘ ea as Mee ss Tel"' `
  their homes to helpu;lempe;§Fa7;)Sii§h ment after many long years of useful The c
K€Htl1Cky’S Best Investment these new systems. The 4-H clubs SeT;lce'h,Th;Se of fu`;hwhQwStu;{i;  O?
· . - ze s 1
The University is Kenmckyag best begln rn gracle schools to teach Ken- im CT Im earn O _ e °_ ‘ th
i,weS,;mem_ tucky’s youth these new discoveries. Zeiyeutsgi (xi?. Z?f€;LO1;?;;l;;Ll;TZ;;;;?tS Ofgtrig?
. . . . G Ty Q S l , *
Not vrlly does It provlcle education The Ullwelsliy SPOWSOTS QWTU Z/em cou/egg prgfgssor, who shunned proj Of Presi
i J°0'¤' the youth of the state, but it also institutes and meetings to benefit the motion that he might Sewe the Thursda
has a program for adult education people ofthe state . . . - i
_ ' ' citizens of Kentucky. Thls he dzd $1X0c10
It esepends nalf the €n€l‘€ly and time Among these are music festivals, with unstintod loyalty. Van wil
I of   staff and budget W the PTO- farm and home week, junior week Q_ E_ F, and frie
”/ll0 l0'll of the state S adult p0pulU.tl01l. for 4-H members, speech contests, __ASHLAND DAILY INDEPENDENT me at ]\
The wom of me C0U€Q€ of Agri- journalism clinics. Its facilities are FEBRUARY 11 1947 Thurs,
iulture grrouch ih€ AQ7`iC1L7.l”u7`¢1l Ex- open 1:0 other worthy organizations. tht? Alu;
enslon iuision and the Experiment . . . . "` » -
. _ Th U t cl t t - aleum
I Station and 03 the College gf Eduoo- cast; pTZg1;;:;QywT}$ic;;) ST';7;?;eb;s;;c Dr. Howard W. Beers and P1‘l¤f· hotel` i
1 iwrl through the Education Ex- d d , p Harold Kaufman of the UIliV€Y$1tY me be
tension De t t an e ucatlonal advantages to many t f mm _ I
pm. mem represent the who would not otherwise hear th of Kentucky dcpartmcn 0 lf you 6
' llllljvr adult educational activities . . . _ , em' sociology, and Prof. C. A1‘110ld An' dim]
Th t h , The radzo listening stations tn East- . d tmeni t en
· e S aff opes rn the near future to i derson of the sociology opal to the F
ern Kentucky are a well known work t ,
, be able to render the same sort of Of the radio de Mtmem have been selected to coU¤b0”° dsy_
Service to business and profgggigyial p ' with 14 other southern social S01€¤‘ j The br
77l€il and women. University PT°Tess07`s TGCWTQ ct tists in writing a volume of reS¢¤1'°h l by Ch;
. _ . . 'L
‘ The Kentucky Kernel print shop mgh Schools and at club meetings studies on “Tl1B Urban S0l1fh;” Dr Kyupms
. supplies bulletins una other printed 'mengn e sennee Y-"°"'”ded by the volume is scheduled for P¤b“°““°“ ·  \vi11nm.'
matter to Uniuersituspousored or- s°n°°l· in a year- night 3,
yanzzatwns and servtces throughout Whlle lt does all tlus, the Uuwersl- —————·—{—{"’ assume
the slate. Everything front how to ty also provides regular classes for state to provide new bulldiuwl new i spsakem
rrvrl shirts to a long discussion gn students from Kentucky and other equipment, better salaries. Whafbee uslgues
former presidents of the school is $léU·t€S· -ter return could they gel for mm A dep,
D?'lTlf€d and- distributed from here. All these things are known. What money than an €m‘ightened_pOp?LlaL tom of Y
The Kernel ltself carrles news ofthe must become known is the lack of UO", G youth educated _t° hw m meeting.
s"n°°l fe Qlurrrrlr and friends. facilities to do all these projects one democratic world? . been msi
I Th€ Umv€TSliy E3Cte1lSt0n depart- more, It is up to the people of the —.KEN·rUcKY KERNEL, F€b· mr 1947 and the Q
\ ._ .
 `zl}  ' F_i*’< ' · " p V . U Z

. r E
· ~ K
of DT. g  
rsity of Q E E
n, The - 6 f  
,,   8% MC ZHWYZZH  
tudents, n ` F
Oy the I A   z
*14. He ,_ _·
depmtn   i  
    Reumon Plans Ar i  
. e nnounced For June 5 6   »
ith Stu- ’  
';;`a;h(;: Annual Banquet T0 at the banquet Thursday night, in   "  
Be Rgngwgd, Jung 5 order that more alumni may have E
Q cause Th _ _ an opportunity to participate.   229 KY'-Tenn' z i
e University of K e n t u c k y Friday mornin th A1 . _ L
. . . , _ g e umn1 Asso • . L
l of °f°*· Alumni Association S Hm “’“m9“ mation will hold registration, in the HOIIIBCOIHIIIQ D2lt€   I
the in- banquet since before the war, will great han Of the Student Union, for Y g i
hard to be held Thursday night, June 5, at returning alumni, and at 1 p_ m_ that 'Ilhe Kentucky-Tennessee football § _
`O ’"“"’=' the Lafayette h°t€1* P1`€‘{€‘%h%“g the day the University will entertain game On November 22 has been l i·
.0 show commencement day festivities on with the annual commencement chosen by the executive committee · ; _
cmtorial Friday, June 6, according to an an- luncheon, honoring Seniors and Oth_ of the University of Kentucky ; V
;CT_ He nouncement made by the executwe er gu€StS_ AH alumni planning to Alumni Association as homecoming 2 ‘
nge and committee of the general association. be present for this luncheon are day for alumni during the 1947 foot- é `
was the Speaker for the occasion will be also asked to Check their intentions ball Season. . j '
he mn- the Hon. John B. Hutson, ’l7, former in the box below, Cup and return to A committee from the Alumni · v  
gndeg NS€CI`€ta1`Y‘G€¤€T31 Of the this Of{—;c€._ executive group has been appointed I i .
Tame- i nite ations.   by President Chaumféy E- F<>1‘g€Y to L ‘
>j useful THE Comméncement Week Dmgfam 1947 CLASS REUNIONS work with representatives of student Q `
Studied i ivnll open w1th baccalaureate serv- I Wm b the groups on elaborate plans for the    
ws, with ms OH S¤¤d6Y» JUHG 1- OH Tuesday, B TG E fall homecoming. James S. Shrop- ·— { .
Lalways the quarterly meeting of the board For banquet lj $2-00 shire, ’29, is chairman of the home-     -
byiumyzt, of trustees will be l’1€lCl in l2h€ ofhces FOI` luncheon I]   Coming ggmmittgg, and L_ K_ Fran-     ·
md pm- of President H. L. Donovan, and on kel, ’00, H. C. Robinson, ’06, and     `¤
we the rIThUT$(i@Y 3fl2€1`T100Il, fI`O1‘I‘1 fOL11“ to Name ______________________e__________e___i______________ Helen King, ’25, are rnernbers of his i}   I
he did six o’c ock President and Mrs. Dono— committee li     1
yag   entertain Seniors, alumni Address Since the A`L1gl1St issue of the Ken'   ·
,_ F_ im Piends of the University at a ````’````````````````````````i````i``````````` tucky Alumnus will be devoted en— i ·
HNDENT ma at Maxwell Pl3C€· tirely to the listing of the names   ‘
947 Thursday night at Seven O`c]Ock ---—------—--——-—---·—————----·------~- - Class ·c········ of the University Of Kentucky 1"¤€¤   `
__ ~ lh€ Alumni Association will sponsor   who served in World War Il, to- , _f `
81`€UHlOn banquet at the Lafayette A special f€8'€¤1`€ of tht? 00m- gether with pictures and biographies      
rid Phil- g h0{€]_ It is imperative that the Of- mencernent procession this y€·3I‘ will Of the 332 who lost their lives ill 7- i
Vliversmg il¢€ be r10tiHed, as soon as possible, be lihé d€$lg¤3ll01'1 by Class banners, service, this notice of homecoming    
0* “"“ if you are planning to attend this of classes holding reunions, the ban- pians will be the only one to appear . {
low-   dimer, as reservations must be in I1€1`S to be C31`1`l€d in th€‘ P1`0C9$$i0n in the Alumnus b€fOI‘€ Nov. 22; S0  
mrtmcn to ihé h0tel before ten a. m, that by m€mb€1`$ of the 1`€U¤i0¤ all former students and graduates ` ;
uab°¥at° day. classes. University officials are hope- who Wish to make plans to attgnd, {
al $°"’"}; I  The banquet will be presided Over ful that a large number of alumni must depend on information which · E
*°§f’€;c   by Chauncey E, Forgey, Ashland, will march in the commencement will be contained in the autumn ;
th; tion ’ KY-, president 0f the association. He p1‘0CeSSlOI1 this y€81", Hlld th€ lH3Ug11· issues of the Kentucky Kernel, for ` ·.
mma will i¤tl`OdL1C9 the new officers that ration 0f the line-up by reunion detailed information. "  
F,/’ mgm, and the new president will classes will become an annual cus-  _ _  
new Hssumfi Office and introduce the tom if successful this year. The K—Club, 0l'g3.IliZ3tl0Il of Uni-  
“gS’ bet_ sP°&k€i` of the evening and the spe- Commencement exercises will be versity of Kentucky lettermen which {
matthew Clalguesli held Friday night, June 6, at 7:30 became inactive during the war, has . {
fm uw A d€PH1‘tu1‘e from the usual cus- p, m., on Stoll Field, and a decora- been reactivated. i S
Npopm a . wm _°f holding the annual alumni tive arrangement of flags, especially Highlight 0f the K—Club year is ‘ y
we ?°°tm§ 011 commencement day has planned for the occasion, should add the annual Blue-White game in the ‘  
47 Gm madé in this year’s program, to the general beauty and pageantry spring. The athletes also enter a i;
ZL 19 ` and the annual meeting will be held of the commencement ceremonies. tea.m in each intramural sport. ; {
. . ¤l

 Y . Dr. William S. Taylor ’12, dean of
K R. H. Hlll€l1Hl€y€l', ,43, CllOS€Il H€‘d(l the University or Kentucky College
, _ _ _ _ of Education, has received a vote et DI'.
  Of Greater Cincinnati Alumni Group nornovni troin Nortnorn itontnoio
, t educators as a candidate for the S rin
 l i -$;1fi?l¥i$i¥i?E¥EZPiEZEi2Ei:}:I:izT:2Z2E1EiEEE·QEEEEEEFEEZEEEEEZEIQE¥P¥E¥E7P¥EliliiiiiiZiElEiEiEiE-E¥E¢E Ei!EFElflElES§l§iii$Z§:§:;l§.·¤ic-S-:·.¤:l Xavier game next   Corning   presidency of the National Educa-    
i i   ter e lion’s share of favorable com- tion Association- Tho olooiion will i “
i  *= c‘i‘‘· ` ``'’’   ment nmenmeyer was appointed be held at the national meeting el -——
  :·:·:' V fee · -   to act as temporary chairman until the €1‘0i1P in Cincinnati in July.
    iiiii   `._..   l£len;;._   the eiection. ·—‘—*‘_’*` mix
  ’`’’”   The Association received its stamp ’°*“°mel C°"l“gt°“ elm wml Sel C, b
E;S;3;i;S;5;·   ;§E}§;1§§E$§iEEEEEiZ;Z;;F;Z¢’EE;E§:;:;E¤5¤E§EE.iEfi§E§S§E§2§§E§  eral. UK "alums" on the payroll is u
.     of ¤PPl`°Vsl on March 27 when sP‘ th C- · t- N t d C nernei
i     `'`’`     =’’```_ ,_, ez.   proximately 125 ex-UK’ers gathered , e memme lt ewpem on el" t th
-     _.t‘. g   .;»;.-   · · · · · ineton Rallway Coe Wlllch hos Dove e e
  :e¤.  2   ot the Unlvelslty Clnbt Clnclnnatlt Rm f UK te ni t h the B
  to Soo Pictures of the K‘=¤i¤°k>’· , e°; temfeer 1 e ne S e.e’CW ° April
  Nortn ceroiino nosnetooii eoroe one S   S a" g"‘“°“‘. mi §g""*· in N.,
  the UK-Alabama football game and enln C°ll"nn· e‘ln°l` ° the °°m‘ gain,
  to elect Bob Hiuenrneyer president pony neWsp"l’el= Jock l`l"°nel`; will `
  of the rejuvenated organization rer recently spp°l‘}le‘l Sales ‘ll“°*°l· _ .
  the coming yenr. C. D. Md-enehnn eme Aim Eyeet eet e member ot tm Dmeeli
{   ’i’"’‘’‘’``‘`   was chosen vice president, Miss Ed- ge“e"m eeemmtms eel’enme“i· Aemve
.  .    wine Gorey, secretory and Allen All Munn ’3s· is making H mnt lmeee
,   ,   t¤n:   Vogelel., treasuren Directors S€_ for himself in the newspaper field   Ale
l ile‘*°e` e'e` mee" ‘`:`l no `'e` G ’`‘  I-eeeeees`e’e V V ll lected for a two-year term include Wllll tho Kontnoky Tiinos Stal`, as “e1e.p1
, _ John R. Bniieek, *28, wiiiiern Ke- oro Joo Quinn. ’35. end Jimmy ‘“eellng
1 , New Officers Named fauver and JCC Quinn, ¤37_ Named Miner, ’33, with the Cincinnati Post. elulnnl‘
l At Rcorgallilafioll to one-year directorships were Gilloogt Kinesboiiy. ’33» Yecenlzly hit ggg?  
. Beatt M. DeLon , James H. Lay- out OY gY€€¤€i` P8S'¤¤1`€S. nvlilg ‘ ·
By Cameron Coffman, ee _ man, y’24, and   M. Hughes, ’l5, been appointed head of the WLW mon; K}
Cirgewlgerghfrnf Kemggkyeaglifg; The next meeting is slated for June, news bureau 1n Washington, ID.-C. t llllgsgen
inlla»v€rlcd as ol so y More than 400 UK graduates are Gil canlbe heard nightly bringing `lnl
Y ollnant slaget suddenly - . - · the capitol news from Washington ellploxll
blossomed—thanks to the efforts of llvlng ln N°l`lhel`m Kentucky Wleh rr · » · n Plan
_ _ over the Nations Station. Robert nl
Alumni Secretary Helen Kmg and many hundreds of lonnel students nBOb»» Rankin has fre uent b Ames to New
Robert Hillenmeyer, class of ’43, elso eelnlng ts living in lne Greeley in the Kentuck En Lim,. y Kentuck-
who gave the Greater Cincinnati Cinoinnoii area- y. q e _ f atthe ti
"red-headed step-children" a "hot- In making the rounds of Cincin— fel Vogel and Jtmmy Sales ele ee tional
J foot" March 1, at a luncheon in nati, Covington, Newport, Fort mhemed Wlth the KeHy`Keett CO"` square {
Cincinnati’s Gibson Hotel. Thomas, Dayton, Bellevue and other Cevmgtem one of the World S.li‘*`ge? great Sm
The enthusiasm shown by 18 UK communities along the Ohio River mamufecturers of Xerely eqmpmem Thp pr
. . . Sales is the newly appointed per- .
t grads who turned out for the affair the newspapers are daily telling of 1 d. t _ S1 d C _ ,32 tion by
l promises to produce one of the most the exploits of some UK alumnus. Sorms usc OL e E em ’ order 8
. . , . former head cheer leader of the _ _
8Ct1V€ groups in the Blue Grass Andrew W. Clark, 38, who is prac- Blue nd Wh, . . . 1 Of the leading ,
l State. Those attending besides Hil- ticing law in Covington, was re- . e, . 1 e’ le prmclpe. k C _ cembep I-
E lenmeyer and Miss King were Dr. cently elected president of the Ken- Fueet,D1Simct ScmOO1’ sled D1? Kee ’39, elnb
J. T. Faig, ’94, Ernest Becker, ’11, ton County Bar Association. Clark, mm 31’ ls also m busmess m   Miss K
U Allan Vogeler, ’38, C. D. McLanahan, vice president of the Covington ion Ceurity J` Park Stmthsmt bi "The lm!
V ’27, Beatty DeLong, ’Ex., Tom Junior Chamber of Commerce, re- ls prmclpel Of the Flllh %S {20 lty"; Mp
Weather, ’Ex., Mr. and Mrs. James cently represented Kentucky at the School and Thomas R' Rus ’C0ai Universit-
` "Jimmy" Sales, both of ’38, Mr. and International Congress of Jaycees in Secretary of the Mcmtgomeey h i,_ Coach RQ
l Mrs. Al Vogel, ’39, Vernon Nugent, Dallas, Texas. Vernon Nugent, ’34, CO" was recently Selected as ijive Bilsketbp]
_ ’34. Mary and Edwina Gorey, ’24 former member of Coach Rupp’s {mm Of the Netlonel Cancel I i Donovan,
and ’36, Cameron Coffman, ’35, Wil- court fireballers, has been chosen m Kenton county" _ _ . 1 lltfilsion,
liam Knaebel, ’45, and William president of the Covington Jaycees Across the llvel in Clnemeetli Oflientut
Kefauver, ’22. for ’47. Nugent was recently ap- Johnny Bullock. ono of the, (mgm; other
Various committees were ap- Pointed g€¤€Y8l manage? and direc- (Bis Men On the Campus ei Uli nt tho
pointed and an election was set to tor of the Castle Auto Sales, Inc., is making e tool name fer hlmeed Kentucky
choose a board of directors. It was in Cincinnati. Other KU’ers be- in the losol neloi loelng _emehetEd.  Exo of L
decided that meetings would be held longing to the Jaycees include Sam with tho nlm of Tofli Steeemluitelgff  l`·`°ll~know
quarterly with business sessions Rees, ’Ex., Cameron Coffman, and Holllstel (Senator Robert Te ers cempo$€1‘;
held to a minimum. Several social Charles Gates, ’35, former UK track Ohio, that is). Othéf UK lawlirm  mehnpjal
events were discussed with a recep- star, who now has his own business Wllo ele lnelnbels of the Taft ell ’04
. tion and dance after the Kentucky- on Madison Avenue, Covington. (Continued on Page 6) — llllmllus
-   (Co
`S o S   ic i i
`;· ’._§*»;’n . · ·
 ‘i’·_,_‘  i`?` Q C ., C ` ’

 | {
dean of    
College • .    
E we ·»t Dr. Donovan Guest Of New York Alumni, March 21    
.entucky E g
fl"` tm Spring Dinner Held     "   ’e*e é ° an ·*~’ ‘     it ’ ` ! I
‘_ Educ? At Hotel Belvedere ?     l X    It     , i J i
*‘°“ wil S               .,,.t~ ~    
’°ti“g °f BULLETIN       i ’     ‘;;”   ’l‘’l       ‘ h il I
July Elvis J. Stahr, president of the   T-iY· V   i     an       or  
, University or Kentucky Aiumnt .         lten; r =’o       *   ee‘‘‘ ‘   i     Z‘·   t i
wth wi- Club of Greater New York, was     ‘   ‘ Vi ':`V     . ‘ ” ‘   ‘ F §
aymél ls named associate professor of law   .  " ` i    _ V   ik     A) . V   G   Q  
E; D3; at the University by members of A;       »VV__.   I 24% I   W .   V,   iv im V A J i     S_  
en who the .B°‘i“`d.°f T*`““€“ at th"’“`   ‘    ef?        Y     ‘‘··-—     ‘ i
»r- ,Cam- April meetmg .   A   ll'°’ V, ·              
· v > ¤    · · z<  . -   f W .   ~ *'..··c  z
he com New Yorks loss 1S Kentuckys _ .    _;    .__* _..i.t.   . /{ Eg    g H   i %
ei`, eX·31r gam! _ A    l z     A it  il a ?T”i‘ ?  E. i   A   ·
eilroiciiré President H. L. Donovan, Mrs. . $ ·    ‘     ~ · A - l   ‘* Q.
mem Donovan, Coach Adolph Rupp, _   WA V; »:Vr     V . ’§i     .
Athletic Director Bernie A. Shively , . '   ~ . I 2 ·
I 8 name and Alumni Secretary Helen G. King       ‘       i i '
per Held were present for the spring dinner   Alryi   i /t'»H Q   .‘.‘.i   ·.      ··’``.       `
[ Jimmy meeting of University of Kentucky  A H   El;    wi?} dia                 _
mu Pm alumni of Greater New York Friday  .r.   V,.,    gg t`°‘ ‘ ‘``*   ' ·   ` · _o _ ¤ ~ ,/.. ?· " i .
' having Hotel. Elvis J. Stahr, ’36, of H1ck—     V    ‘  I ’ I  °   . .__, — 5 °   ·
he WLW man, Ky., and New York City,   ,1,  . T  { ‘ ` 2  
m D. C. president of the group, presided at . · , ,    I.    ‘      _   AS; g I
bhnging the dinner which was attended by JV   · _ · *‘ — ~ Mt    {K   ' H   .
ashington approximately 1.30.. · · e i   · ‘ _"r ¢*» €AM~ » - 4   `  _, ,4_   ·
,, Robert 4 Planned to coincide with the visit _ `   ..·‘ _ 5 reel ‘“‘*"  M     ·
Lbylines to New York of the University of ,,   ' _     . "‘*"‘*;¤,•;:,(_      
it the time in the N¤ti<>¤¤i Invite-   ~ i Y   -``’` A   —     E »
‘°€tt C0"  Square Garden, the dinner was a I     i:i`:' 'iizi , ·..€‘ii: i all (Q3; .'..     sii VL ltla       V X Z. i ‘
lysiargestl great success.   » A   gu lf k   .       A A     . i '
iuipmeni The program opened with invoca— _ tii,. Ii?     2*; *      i l` . r   r   `
glad pf; tion by President Stahr, a call to '   _;’ P         A A '    . . Y  i  
“alT’ ::5 Order and announcements, and °-Y M _,..    yi     = Ai  _ . §Q;Q '°`i   3   I   ·
Y Of the 1`wding of the minutes of the De-   . °` wi"?  " M; i`-.....» — ` - l    § .
mi Of t e cember meeting by Duncan Stokes, ` Ar V it i` " E ·
31Fk   ’39, club secretary. ~ _    
juigr Q3 T;/USS King gave a brief talk on ‘ · fj?   i  
.’ . Y " G Importance of Alumni Activ- _ i . rv   ·;‘ —· 3 .   ,   'G ic  ¢r g     . * ii
I Dlstig  ill"; Mr. Shively discussed "The ·     5 )       i       `. _ T  
{u?k’COai UiiiV€1`Sl'£y`s Athletic Program";   E ` er; M ‘   lv" w   " .   ` .    
my h ip  C0H€h Rupp spoke on "Kentucky’s   `     `   ége ` V : 5 ri
as ijivc _  B€i$i<€tbali Team"; and President   ,3 {           _   A   \ °    
my I .  D°“°V*¤nr'Pi`in€iD31 Speekef f<>1` the "     _  D    i t `   ·     ? “ '.A..· »  
, ` 0€€€iSl0n, dis 5 , " i r i   ._._.     ..   ,__t ii     ._ ` A , .   \ ’  {H Q_   x     .  
?in€i{"Yatli Of KentuekyCL5i—;§(;y_¤rTh€ Un V6 S ty     ~s      ~e    g §;wiw<**,j;;;» *   ga    KQ        ,·  
B Ongglli _  Other features of the program     _   ..-‘     ol d:   *  
‘" ai ’ "’€"° the Presentation Of a group of   ‘   ` i     1     `i»   .  
Ir huvselfl Kentucky   SO1'lgS   TOHI Scott,     JN ( wig; .   f . r' ·.  
amhateg  ·Ex·» of Lexington and New York,      Q.    `A``       — ‘E   '
iin’;_“?tal@f  "·'°ii—k¤oxvn radio star, singer and    c    M V     D.; ’ if
1 3 °°mD0ser·; a ‘       `           D    
i iawyefj- mwier to tie   1i§?.d1.?gn;fi~;       .   ’-  
Taft Hr UQ ’04 and ’05, distinguished           _    
2   l alumnus and m Q m b Q I` Qf the A  3 ri s’\   A Q     ’ ` `      
me (Continued on Page 5) ‘  __`       s ;.  
. , gf;

 , .
{ · •
ll Coach Paul Bryant Addresses Washington, D. C. Club 2
I ll Russell COX! ,399 New    
 l l President of G’°“l’ ` ;a‘ a . . , .i»; ~   i;’:‘   Cll`' ` l`‘` T ;`:z° Z   'll`` i;§.§.§Yj.f[lf` 'r;`'*r   '’lC`‘' f * j‘`‘l’'‘`   ‘`‘C:: j ;":'`t   UK l
Q Hoao Football coaoh Paol "Boar’   ll`    . 3;.  Mm
l Bvranl was lhe loalllled Speaker at   `     Mel
lhe annual Spring dlllllell meeting ol   °``l     ;·     V-.   rorsns
the Washington, D— C··A1umni Club     .,=a=    ‘`°` ‘r   ‘l     i t l_‘‘     llelll
of the Unlversllyt March le in the F? ‘-`*  l j-   l—=z   Kelllw
, Everglades Room of tho Annapolis l    ·`=·.   `‘ae    ‘a‘     ··=l   lelly e
· Holol- . ..:..   `‘la   ==- gz; ;...l..   »..;. ;   ._.;     lll Ash
“ Palll Keen ’26» of Glenn Dale,   ‘ ``:‘  n tl? ‘``   ’`P` `   K‘*“l“‘
l Mel, llreelllelll el llle Weehlhglen   Ei   .»  -<=l=e’’:     .;.;   nl a h
group, presided at the dinner and   Iiniltl l C l   . A   lll llle.
‘ an olaollon of offloors was hold at  * . o   · l ` '`;";; l   mlm “
whloh limo Russell Cox, ’39, mom-   ’    l?     Sleell
hel of the Stall ef the Ree<>llSll‘lle·   ``.· **      »; . .;~ < c. y K   l ...»l   le“d· e
llon Finance Coma was elected     `l`’ll‘`e‘· .   l“·   .`‘i   `·’;      · ··`·’’ l »o»»..   -‘   Folaoy
l Pleeldelle Olhel Officers ehesell   °‘``   .l‘`.     `*`¥i£;eé  ‘·--l’‘‘ cl —-.»..·   ‘  ‘ o Qifl wide
· Welel George W- Meath ’23» Vlee   ~‘;l.   . ·   ’     `:`’ `  ‘    S°°‘e“°
l president, and Madllaon Small, ’4l,     ‘.».   .;.‘  -¢       nds e‘
a secretary and treasurer.   .-;.·..» . "e§e;».ZI;.·%i%§¥.I o.—.     .,.:...     ..;:l , ;-:l   lllgll S
l Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, ’29, Uni- 1'lmto, C0lU`{l’Sj]lCUll1`lCI'-J()lL1‘l1(lI; the _€l`(
  really deem el Women Wee elle el   ml
the honor guests at the dinner, and York-
made a short talk on the Univer- R. H. Hillenmeyer the law shingle of Marion W. Moore, _Sn}n‘
s1ty’s problems in regard to housing (Continued from Page 4) ’27. Moore was an unsuccessful lll l0’
and Cl8SSI`OOII`l f3.C1llb1€S. ’ lncludg Leonard Wggklgy and Allan CHHdlCl3t€, 8.ltl'l0Llgll I`L1l’lIllI‘1g 3 good illewed
_ Congressman Vlrgll Chapman, l8, vogeler. Charles Maxson, ’34, fer- race, for the U. s. Congress last tall. Ailllflll
mtrodluced Coach Bryant, Wh0 d1S- merly senior manager of the UK Kenton county lost a very important Vlanggg
€u$§€ .f00lb8ll Pl`0$P€€;¤$ at tha basketball team, is a manager of one political figure recently ·upon the of tho  
University for next fall. I wouldnt of soars, Roobuclgs many StOI.eS_ daath f J d — a
trade my centers, guards and ends Joe Gamma ,46 is etching a niche ,17 O n ae Johnst Noltllcllll,  lllesente
. lol any in the Country;) said the in the writers, hall of fame as head l » · · lll llol
l Coach, abut Ware Weak ia tackles of that da artmant at St t_ WSAI Joe OBrien, ex-33, former tennis A· Kms
and backfleld Wa canon Win in our His marriga to the formirlliélliss Ama star at UK, is a salt seller (no Pun lllllllll
conference with the backs we now Eyar ,46 took laca A H126 F nk Intended) lll lh€ Cincinnati area. pllllllldt
. have_" ’ ’ p p_ ‘ ra After leaving UK Joe hit the "bi Me F‘
. , McC0ol, former UK grid great re- . . g 3 d
Committee on arrangements fgy cantly turned up in Covingtoa as t1me"1n the tennis world to receive in Cn
the dinner included Leland Howard, . . H national rating but "retired" aft- llolball
, . _ _ a member of the Veterans Adminis- ’ Several
I 37, assistant director of the Mint tration er one tour with the brass hats of g,. t- l
and past president of the · l . th l ‘ elllllg
l Charles K_ Duma, ,16, gaaaralgigggj Roger Klein, ’33, tennis coach at hee 1;;*}, wlll; W9llld‘ loo Cllllmell Catlettsb
l ager of an insurance com an and Bellevue Hlgh Snnonb is Pulllllg his l, . no m emwll Of becommg a land An
‘ ML COX. l P y’ racketeers through their paces in lellllls bum}, Jalk, bo·
· C0]. Gaarga Ewell ,02 was chair- preparation for the defense of their (Edlmfls Note: All former 5lU‘ Sins-
· man of the nominating committee Kentucky Scllclastic channpi0nSlllP· dents residing in the Greater Cn `
, for tha Selection of Officers Of the William Dwight Sporing, ’24’ is an_ cinnati area who are interested ill F0rmQr
clua other UK grad who is high on the loeoomlns afllhatod Wllh the UK Nominal
· At the speakers one   M,. he? *¥‘ lhefegeeeeeeel ‘?eld· ‘°e“‘e §°‘sZ°°““l°"   €“°°““‘g€d “’   lllan 1,
Kean, Coach Bryant, Dean Holmes, prmcipa o t e Coldsprmgs School ac one of the officers or any mem l
Donie cannack, Washington cone- cme Peeeeeel 33· ls ee ‘”’1"’°"“°‘?1 ber e