xt7vhh6c386h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c386h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1918-01-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1918 1918 1918-01-10 2012 true xt7vhh6c386h section xt7vhh6c386h THE KENTUCKY KERNEL
University of Kentucky






"Government Needs College Dean Cooper Feels Honored
Men More Than
At Being Called to



(Continued on Page Five)

Dr. Thomas J. Copper, new Dean of
the College of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station, who arrived here last week to take up his
new duties, made his first appearance
before the student body in chapel
Tuesday morning, when he made a
brief talk. President McVey introduced Dr. Cooper as a trusted friend
of long standing, whom he had always
found to be a real man, and followed
him in a discussion of the ideals and
aims of the University and students
for the New Year.
Dean Cooper commented on the preeminence of Kentucky in the raising
of tobacco and corn and in the breeding of live stock, and said that he felt
greatly honored in being called to the
leadership of the agricultural interests
in such a great agricultural state, and
felt the opportunity thus given him
to be one of the greatest in the United
States. In closing he expressed pleas
ure at the prospects of his work here,
and a desire to meet personally the
students in the College of Agriculture.
The problem of training young men
for the armies of Democracy lies on
the heart of Dr. McVey, and he gave
what he characterized
as a most
worthwhile message of the war, as
coming from the son of a United
States Senator, who enlisted as a pri
vate, and is now a second lieutenant
'n charge of a battery on the French
front. The young officer was quoted
as saying that a knowledge of mathematics, especially of trigonometry,
was of the greatest assistance to a
soldier, as much of the military
science was based on mathematics;
'hat men of intelligence and proper
training advance most rapidly in the
army; and that men of clean life
counted above the other sort in fatigue, burdens, alertness, and the performance of all duties.
The president urged all students to
take a pledge to themselves for the
New Year to conserve time, be earnest
in their efforts, live clean, do their very
best work and strive to make 1918 the
(Continued on Page Three)

The Kernel, for the second time this
year was deprived of its
when Estill Woods, who was
elected in September to take the place
left vacant by Wayne Cottlngham,
failed to return after the Christmas
The Kernel Board has not yet appointed anyone for the office. Thorn-oCouncil, associate editor, Junior
'n the Department of Journalism, is
doing the editorial work at present.



Wildcat claws, sharpened on the
floor of the gym and the tough raw
hide of basket balls, had first oppor
tunity to try their mettle Wednesday
night when U. K. met Kentucky

Jtegineering students enrolled in the
Reserve Officers' Training Corps of.
the colleges of America wll lbe exempt
from draft until they complete their
engineering courses, thereby insuring
the government a band of educated
men ready for the most efficient service. Following is the latest statement
of Provost 'Marshal Crowder to the
Secretary of War made public January
4, and received by Captain Royden
"Within any event the greatest' caution should be exercised not to interfere with the technical training of the
younger group of men The higher
training should be protected from undue Inroads, for It Is there that the
practical sciences are being developed. Both war and industry must be
able to count upon a continuous and
ample supply of trained young men.
The experience of continental countries here has its lessons for us.
"The technical courses should not
be allowed to be gutted. Already by
volunteering alone, many or most colleges, have lost, on the average, fifty
per cent of their students. The number at stake is not large in respect of
the mere man power of the army, but
it is potent in its possibilities for service if properly trained.
"A wise expedient would be (if the
age limits are lowered to 18 and 19),
( 1 ) to require every technically trained
student in a recognized college to enter the enlisted Reserve Corp and to
relieve him from call by a local board
during the completion of his course;
(2) to require every such student to
take a course of military instruction
and drill for each of such years, or to
enter an officers' training camp during
the summer; (8) to appropriate sums
necessary to provide military instruction and drill at every college furnishing a unit of 100 men. By this means
the vital demand for educated young
men could be filled and at the same
time their preparation for military
service, when needed, could be insured."
This means that the engineering colleges of America will be supplied with
men from every
branch of service, engaged in the
mighty task of becoming technically
trained to insure the progress of the
world after the war.
Captain Royden, in an address to
the battalion of the University laBt
Friday, voiced the sentiments of Provost Marshal Crowder in advising the
young men of the United States to
complete their college courses before
entering military service.
needs college
"The government
trained men now more than it does


Era this id rami thn nmn will Viavn
been played, but no score can be giv
en in this edition. It will be necessary
for each reader to add his own criticism and comments, and then no one
an be displeased.
Wildcat basketeers under the leadership of their new captain, Pat Campbell will leave Friday night for Oxford, Ohio to play Miami College on
They have high hopes of
giving the "Big Red Team," a good
drubbing as the football team from
the same school still thinks they
played a 0 to 0 football game on Stoll
Field last fall.
It was necessary for the athletic
committee to elect a captain, as Campbell was the only letter man of last
year and, as such, the only man en
titled to vote. The committee thought
It would be a trifle embarrassing for
Pat to elect himself, and spared him
the trouble. It is needless to say that
his teammates are satisfied.




No. 14




McVey Completes Govern- Fire Marshal Thinks Torch
ment Work and is Here
Bearer Was German

to Stay.


President 'McVey has completed his
work on the monograph of war
finances of the British government
and is here to stay. His hands have
already grasped the reins of affairs
and work is well underway. Mrs. McVey arrived Tuesday morning on the
C. & O. train from Washington, and
vent immediately to the temporary
home,265 South Ashland, where they
will reside until the President's home
is completed.


Were Selected
From Men of Draft



Twenty-siformer students of the
(University entered the Third Officers'
Training Camp January 5, at 8 a. m.,
for three months' intensive training.
On April 5, they will receive commissions in the United States Army. This
camp is held at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, instead of at Fort Benjamin Harrison as were the first and
second camps.
These young men of draft age, some
already in the army, represent the allotment allowed the University by the
About sixty stuWar Department.
dents were enrolled as applicants for
training and the following were selected:
Reard Joseph Breckinridge, Jr., Lexington, Ky.; Combest Homer Burke,
Liberty, Ky.; Cox Henry Clay, West
Liberty, Ky.; Crutcher Morrle Julian,
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Foster Richard Allan,
Peeksklll, N. Y.; Frazler Emery Lee,
Louisville, Ky.; Haley William Carter,
Lexington, Ky.; Hart Derrlll Wason,
Plsgah, Ky.; Howard John Woodford,
White Oak, Ky.; Kraemer Albert
John, Aglla, Cal.; McCaulley Marion
White, Lake City, Iowa; Mayhew Earl,
iBarbourville, Ky.; Melton Harry Edgar, Barberton, Ohio; Mitchell Marvin, East St. Louis, 111.; Orme George
Rankin, Marlon, Gy.; Parsons Rhoy
Boyd, Sergt, Major, Mayfleld, Ky.;
(Continued on Page Five.)

Dr. McVey, since his arrival December 28, has made several trips to
Frankfort to interview Governor Stan-eand Superintendent of Schools Gilbert, the one In respect to the approbations to be nude tke University
by the State and the other in respect
money granted
to the
to the University for educational purposes.



Governor Stanley in his welcoming
ddress to the legislature Tuesday,
emphasized the needs of the University for funds and spoke commending-lof the great changes in the University since the investigation
in the
spring It is probable that Dr. McVey
will be summoned to Frankfort to address the General Assembly in session
on the needs of the University presenting them in detail.
President (McVey presided over the
monthly meeting of the Board of Directors which was held yesterday and
introduced F. A. Lenky, of Washington, D. C, head of the Agricultural
Department. Mr. Lenky arranged an
agricultural course which is necessary
for the University.
When questioned in regard to the
firing of the Mining Building, Dr. McVey expressed great regret that it
should have happened, and said he
believed no student was guilty. Dr.
McVey also expressed great appreciation of the kindnesses shown him
since coming to Kentucky and especially of the
of the students.
UniverThe issuing of a
sity bulletin, the systematic filed records adopted by each professor and
ho weekly meetings of the Senate
body are the beginnings of progressive movements which will place the
University in its proper place among
the universities of the nation.

Mrs. W. P. Gordon, Lexington, received a card from her son, Charles
W. Gordon, who was a mechanical
student of tho class of '18, informing
her of his safo arrival "over there."
lie suited December 3, from Hobokcn.
He is in Co. 13 Gth U. S. Engineers.


Fire, supposedly work of incendiaries, occurring in the Mining building
last Friday night shortly before 12
o'clock caused a damage of approximately $1,200. The loss was fully covered by insurance.
The blaze was first discovered by
R .A Belt, a student in the new dorm
who immediately gave the alarm. The
fire department hurried to the scene
and in a short time the blaze was un
der control.
Three fires were discovered in the
building, one in the basement, and two'
in the attic. The one in the basement
was extinguished with little difficulty,
while the blazes in the attic gave the
firemen quite a fight before they were
finally brought under control.
Practically little or no damage was
done in the basement, but the attic
was almost completely gutted before
the flames were entirely extinguished.
Water caused quite a bit of damage to
the rest of the building and fear is
expressed that a large part of the plas
tering of the building will fall or have
to be removed.
The fire in the basement originated
with a blazing lump of coal that was
used by the department for exhibition
purposes. Those in the attic were in
the rafters and were burning briskly
vhen the department arrived.
On the next morning investigations
as to the cause were immediately in
stituted by the heads of the depart
ment, assisted by Deputy Fire Marshall Hite and Detectives Veal and
Stewart of the city detective department.
Their report shows that the fires
were of incendiary nature as the lump
of coal in the basement had been saturated with coal oil, as had been the
rafters in the attic. Quantities of
waste were also found near the scenes
of the blazes and it is supposed that
the person used paper to assist him in
accomplishing his purpose.




It is the idea of both Professor Barr
and Dean Norwood that the building
was fired with the intention of destroying the records of the department of the coal and gas deposits
thruout the state The idea that the
deed was the work of a German agent
is gathering strength as the investigation Is continued. While the plans
and records of tho coal deposits compiled by the department are of great
value, it is very unlikely that the pro- '
ductlon of fuel thruout tho state would
have been hampered, as their burning
'would havo only meant their replacing, which would have necessitated
quite a bit of work. Several clues as
to who the fire bug Is have been found

� lafc



ly tho Fire Mnrshnll

mid detectives,



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On Sundny the building was again
The University Is to do honor to tho
ontored. prcstinmbly by tbo same mnn.
00 men who have left her ranks for
He ftuwxseded in gaining entrance to
the service of their country by placing
the office .where he disconnected the Opillar Comedy Gets Ready
in the cbnpel a service flag with o00
Response From Stroller
telephone and rined the ming cabin-- !
ets. Nothlnc was stolen, however.
The University has responded liberMonday, State Fire Marshall F. T.
ally in every call that has come since
Helm arrived In the city to make a TWO
the United States fell Into lino with
thoro Investigation as to the origin of
After tho reading of the 1918 Stroll tho Allies. When the call came from
the fire. He expressed the belief that
er play, "Mice and Men," in the Strol! i lie Agricultural department
tor n
according to tho report of the detecor room, Monday nftornoon, the fol greater farm production the Univertives and lils deputy that a case of
lowing members made known their de sity sent about four hundred of her
carefully planned arson was clearly
sire to try out for the different parts students back to the farms in answer.
evident. The report of the fire deIn the play.
The Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.'s sent their
partment shows that had the door of
Mark Embury Fred Jackson; L. F contributions to the war funds and
the attic been left ajar by tho guilty
every department In the University
person, tho whole building would have Ilishop; ItolHo Gutherie. Roger Good
lake Charles Planck. Captain Lovell subscribed to tho Liberty Loan
been In flames when the department
Gus Gay; Milton Revill; L. F. Hish- - ,J1 Cross welcomed nearly five bun-oarrived and It would have been ImposSir Harry Trimblestone Fred lireA members from the student body
sible to save It.
faculty in its Christmas drive for
Augsburg. Kit Parnager
It Is thot that the door to the attic
Planck; Fred Augsburg. Peter Frod membership. But back of all of this
was closed by the fire bug to prevent!
Jackson; II. J. Itaible. Joanna Good-lak- e stands the army of fiOO young men the
his discovery before he could make!
Eliza Spurrier; Virginia Throck University has given to the country's
his escape from the building. Had he!
Marie Collins;
Bernice ervice.
left the door ajar the blaze would have Young; Edna Berkley. Mrs. Deborah
Five hundred students are already
been visible almost immediately and
'Elizabeth Marshall; Bertha Miller; following the colors, many of them
could have been put out before any
Edna (Berkley. Peggy Elizabeth Mur-- i overseas, and more than fifty will
great amount of damage could have
phy; Ann Molloy; Dot Walker; Vir-- ! leave with Base Hospital Unit No. 40.
been done.
Matron Eliza- - A roll of honor has been made of the
cinia Thockmorton.
Heads of the Mining Department as beth Marshall; Isabell Dickey; Aus- - names of these students, but now a
yet will make no comment concerning tIn Liliy. Beadle R. J. Raible; Grov- - movement is to be inaugurated by Dr.
the fire and decline to give any ideaer Creech. MollyMarie Collins; Vir- - 'cVey to have a service flag with a
as to what the clue of the Fire Mar- - Binla Throckmorton; Ann Molloy.
star for each name on this roll of honshall and detectives is.
There are other members of the or. A Hag with 500 stars would be
Almost a month ago fire occurred! strollers who have not yet handed in striking and one of the largest in this
in the same building which was thot their names. With the completion of Part of the country A fund is to be
to have started from a cigaret stub this list it is hoped that two distinct started probably to further this cause
that bad been thrown away carelessly casts may be found with which the and every student will have the op
by some student. This Incident now stage manager will work, selecting lortunity of paying a small tribute to
takes an entirely different aspect, and from these two casts, by the process these fellow students.
IS looked upon as another attempt to
of elimination, the final cast, retaining
The flag will be made by the young
fire the building.
the other cast as understudies.
vomen of the institution as soon as
With the arrival of the State Fire
The play ".Mice and Men," is a ro- possible and then it will be presented
Marshall, interest in the case has been mantic comedy in four acts, was first
formally in chapel.
Increased a hundred-fold- ,
and new de- - produced with Sir John Forbes
are expected almost any ertson as star. Its author, Mrs. Made-daMISS SWEENEY IN DANVILLE.
Conferences are being held at,n,, t, HvIpv is .a nl.nvwrlt nf nntfi.
various times between Professor Barr, being recognized as a leader in this
Dean Norwood, and Doctor McVey, work, and in this play she seems to
Miss Mary E. Sweeney, head of the
concerning new clues that are sup- have reached her highest pinnacle of Department of
Home Economics, gave
posed to have been found by the local fame in producing a comedy of the
n address In 'Danville, Saturday on
highest class.
?ood Conservation."
Work of repairing the damages of
The story is that of a middle aged
the building have been started, and it doctrinaire, iMr. Embury, who was
Is thot that the building will be in once crossed in love, but who at and Peggy, are wafted slowly to him
normal condition within a few weeks. length decides that it is his duty to on the wings of a summer's breeze.
Altho a sentimental play its sent!
Classes are beimg held according to marry and beget an heir who may
schedule, altho some of the rooms aro take his place in the world as the ment is of the kind that is always airy
in bad condition, owing to the damage head of a notable family. In a cold, and wholesome. The author indeed
has a genuine talent for sentimental
done to the plastering by water.
calculating manner he selects from
comedy, as well as a perfect sense of
the lower class, a maiden, who after
humor, which is indeed fascinating.
having received an education accordIts dialogue is not of the illiterate
ing to a nideal system which the old
slush. It is really like human speceh,
Derrill Hart, a University graduate, man has devised, will be in a position
only more distinguished.
who was one of the twenty-siap- to marry him.
Of course the old
"But the chief ingredient of delight-u- l
pointed to the Third Training Camp scholar in the end finds himself madly
variety is that It is a fairy story
from the University, will not accept in love with this beautiful maiden,
"onceived in a sincere spirit a fairy
his appointment.
Peggy, who in every quality is a true
story in which I can beliovo," says a
Mr. Hart will continue in his posi- exponent of all that is beautiful and
dramatic critic of tho Saturday Retion as principal of the Harrison innocent.
School in this city, until Base HosThe poor old fellow in making his
With tho excellent material of which
pital Unit 40, of which he is a member proposal of marriage to the maiden,
tho Stroller organization Is composed,
is called into training.
does it in such a delicate manner that
a cast should bo selected which will
she, Poggy, imagines that ho is ask- bo
capable of doing full Justice to this
ing her to become the wife of his
'uautiful play It is already evident
scapegrace nephew, Captain Lovell,
that Bomo of tho parts seem to have
In tho
who has become her ideal.
been originated especially for those
John R. Humphreys, head of the deis a picture of old
partment of markets, in the Univer- last scene thoro
trying out for tho cast. With such
gentleman, cloaked and hatted, going
sity, has been appointed chairman of
material and with such a play, tho
slowly down tho garden path, opening
a committee to develop a uniform sysStrollers should bo able to do such
a backward glance
tem of filing for the University. Each the wicket with
work this year that tho student body
an almost happy smile toward tho
will have cause to bo proud of them.
department will hand in its general and
house, that was to have been his and
It is a genuine college pluy, strikheads and classifications and these
will be put in form so thut every Peggy's, and from which now tho gen-tl- ing tho hearts of every young person
department will have a corresponding
strains of "My Lovo is Like a Red, as well us those of increasing yours
Red Rose," sung as a duet by Lovell Vjt young hearts.








Planck or Moosnick.

Vocational Training Course
Patronize Our Advertisers
May Begin in Feb-




which convened
The legislature,
Tuesday, will bo asked to ennct certain laws, which will enable Kentucky
to participate in the funds appropriats
ed by the
bill for vocational educational training. Dr. Frank
L. McVey
discussed recently with
State Superintendent of Schools, V.
0. Gilbert, the points involved In this
course. If the legislature will enact
the necessary laws a vocational training course for teachers will be insured at tho lUniverslty the second
bill provides that
the government furnish $0,000 this
year if the State will raise a similar
amount for the establishment of vocational training in the high schools.
The University 'proposes to establish
a course of training for teachers.
bill is divided
into three parts: (1) continuation of
schools in the cities, (2) vocational
training in the high schools, and (3)
a teachers' training course in in uni
versities. It is in the last division that
the University is especially interested.
Miss Anna Richardson, of Washington,
a representative of the
interests, conferred with President
McVey Monday, in respect to the
course offered in the University in do
She acmestic science to teachers.
cepted the course.
It now rests with the legislators as
to the passage of this bill, the provisions of which have been accepted by
The vocational
Governor Stanley.
'loard has appointed the University of
Kentucky and the Colored Normal and
Industrial Institute to participate in
the teachers' training fund,
of whic hwill go to tho UniSmith-Hughe-


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Dr. J.C.Day
Office Phoenix Hotel Barber

is pre-

paring a bulletin which gives a synops
bill, and the
sis of the
plans of the University and the Normal Institute for the teachers' training course.



"Thirty Months in the War Zone," is
the title of an interesting artlole in
the November number of tho Kentucky Alumnus, by W. C. Kiesel. '08.
President Emeritus James K. Patterson's history of the University is continued in this number. The issue includes also a complete list of the faculty members, graduates and students
enlisted in tho service.
Dr. S. B. Marks, '99, is
of the Alumnus. He is assisted by an
able staff which items connected with
'ho University, of especial interest to
the graduates.
Miss Marguerite
of the Department of Journalism, is on tho staff.

The Junior Class of tho Engineering
Colleges will entertain tho Engineering faculty and students Friday evening, Junuary 11, at tho Mess Hall, at
8 p. m.
An enjoyable ovenlng is assured. All tho Engineering faculty
and students aro invited to attend.

Houses by appoint-



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The Ml. .Sterling Advocate of recent
date, contains a letter from W. C. Jet
Ion, a graduate of tho University, then
"Letters to My Son," by Wil In Washington In tho Ordanco Dopart
Ham Gibson of Local
'Sergeant. Jot ton describes his trip
from Augusta to Now York, and his
URES INCLUDED stay there, wlioro ho spent four nights
'.Many interesting phnses of llfo at in tlio Barracks, trying to keep warm
.Tlio lptlor says in imrt: "I know tho University of Kentucky aro treat- with two blankets and a canvas cot,
that ns roprosontatlvo of tho people ed in "Loiters to .My Son," by William while tho mercury hovered around
of Kentucky, yoti nro deeply interest- Gibson, of Pittsburgh, which has just zero.
ed in everything which pertains to been published in three volumes. Tho
In Now York harbor he saw tho Vat- the prosperity of tho Commonwealth, volumes contain many lectures which erland, and many of tho submarines
and. I am emboldened by this thought Mr. Gibson delivered to tho engineerof tho now fleet. Ho speaks particu-arlto. submit, to you this memorial in
of tho comparative safety which
ing students at tho University.
of the University of Kentucky. I
Tho author recolved an honorary de- the soldiers now feel in crossing to
do this on my own initiative and nt
gree of doctor of law from tho Uni- France. In Washington Sergeant Jetmy own cost. Perhaps some of you versity
forin 1913 at tho samo time his ton saw Colonel Allen W. Gulllon,
may recall that up to Juno, 1917, I was
son received a dogrco from Harvard merly commandant at the University,
president of the University, and since
University. Tho introduction to ono now of tho Provost Marshal General's
(hat time a now president has been
of tho volumes is written by Presi- Office
This gentleselected and installed.
iBefore enlisting, Sergeant Jetton
dent Emeritus James K. Patterson,
man, Dr. Frank L. McVey, was chosand tho books contain pictures of was principal of the Mt. Sterling High
en after a most painstaking search
Richard C. Stoll, Dean F. Paul Ander School.
among all available men, and I am
son and President Patterson.
sure that ho possesses, every qualiAmong tho lectures compiled in the
Premium List of
fication for tho great trust which has
volumes which were delivered at the
been placed in his. care and that if
University are: Education, Good CitiCollege of Agriculture
he is properly supported tho instituzenship, Heading, Conservation, EffiUniversity of Kentucky
inflution will grow in greatness and
ciency, Socialism, Charles Dickens,
January 20 to February 1, 1918.
ence; in an unprecedented .degree.
Sir Walter Scott, Kobert Burns, On
Class 1. Display of five grades
ihfldtinco yoti
him tho
Receiving tho Degree of Doctor of three hands each of flyings, trash,
BuppoWwliioh 'be both needs and deLaw, Thomas Caryle and an address
ings, trash, lugs, bright leaf and
serves is ono-- bf
tlio inducements to
delivered last June to tho graduating
red leaf. First $25.00; second,
this communication to you.
class of 1017.
$20.00; third, $15.00; fourth, $10.00;
wish to make it very plain to you that
fifth, $5.00.
In his introduction Mr. Gibson tells
Tam deeply interested in tho advanceClass 2. Five full hands trash
University and that I how ho was influenced to come to the
ment of tho
First, $10.00; second, $8.00; third,
University and deliver the lectures
think it wholly immaterial under
$5.00; fourth, $2.00.
of tho
whdse guidance it grows so long as thru F. Paul Anderson, dean
Mass 3. Five full hands lugs
progress, is" matte. The ttriiVcrsity was College of Mechanical and Electrical
First, $10.00; second, $8.00; third,
Engineering. Mr. Gibson and Prof. Annever-Irabler fian'ds :than"h6w, and I
derson have been bosom friends for $5.00; fourth, $2.00.
educam sure that a new era of higher
Class 4. Five full hands bright
dawning for Kentucky. From many years. Until a few years ago
leaf First, $10.00; second, $8.00;
Mr. Gibson was general superintendthis time., on no man can say with
third, $5.00; fourth, $2.00.
& Ohio railroad.
with justice that the Uni- ent of the Baltimore
Class 5. Five full hands red leaf
Ho is now a Pittsburgh manufacturer.
is not under capablo manageversity
Pirst, $10.00; second, $8.00; third,
ment and if it fails to accomplish what
$5.00; fourth, $2.00.
those who have its interests at heart, COLLEGE WOMEN PLAN
Class 6. Five full hands of cigaexpect for Hi tho responsihope and
AN ENTERTAINMENT rette wrappor'First, $10.00; second,
bility, will Test' with thoso who fail
$8.00; third, $5.00; fourth, $2.00.
to.:givo It the proper, support, not with
An cutortnniment for tho benolit of
To the man making tho highest
haYO its nctlvo control in a war fund, will be given January 22,
those, who
avorago will bo awarded the handcharge." This loltQr has been mailed at tho (Collogo of Music, under the
some medal offered by the
auspices of tho Central Kentucky
out to all tho members of tho
Agricultural Experiment StaColBranch, Southern Association of
logo Women.
No fees are charged, all farmers
Tho entertainment will consist of
aro entitled to enter any or all
program of three
plays and
OF STATE INTEREST a curtain raiser. Theso will bo pre- slasses. Tobacco will remain the
property of tho original owner. If
College di: By direction of 'tho President the sented by Transylvania
tobacco is sent by express, charges
UniverRegistrar of tho (University, E. H. rected by Edward Saxon; tho
mist bo prepaid.
bulletin, sity of Kentucky, under tho direction
Gilli's; wilt issue a
For further information nddross
Unicalled the University of Kentucky In- of Miss Cliristino Hopkins; the
Lexington, directed by
dex, which shall conlalil a tabulated versity Club of
Experiment Station.
list of the Important ovents occuring Wm. McComas.
at tho University. Issues ono and two,
dated Decorabor 20 and January 5, reAG. SOCIETY MEETS
spectively have .already made their
appearance and have been
At tho regular meeting of tho Agri
Three addrosses on scientific subreceived by tho schools, colleges and cultural Socioty Monday night the folrogular
jects featured tho forty-fiftlowing program was followed. Advan
all interested people of Kentucky.
neotlng of tho Lexington section of
Tho first issue contained tho follow- tages of Silo, Chas. Downing; Farm
tho American Chomical Socioty, which
ing as its purpose: "This littlo bulle- ing in the South, J. L. Galo; School
vas held in tho physics building,
tin will bo issued each two weeks dur- Garden Work in Louisville, Miss Ruth
Wednesday aftornoon.
is to bring Du