xt7vhh6c372m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c372m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-04-apr7. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-04-apr7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-04-apr7. 1970 1970-04-apr7. 2011 true xt7vhh6c372m section xt7vhh6c372m 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, April 7, 1970

       Undder KRS 164. 170, the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
met in regular statutory session at 2:00 p. m. , Eastern Standard Time, on
Tuesday, April 7, 1970 in the Board Room of the Office Tower on the campus of
the University with the following members present: Mr. Jesse M. Alverson,
Mr. Thomas P. Bell, former Governor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay,
Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer,
Mr. J. Robert Miller, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd
H. Wright, non-voting faculty members Professor Robert W. Rudd and Professor
Paul G. Sears, and non-voting student member, Mr. Tim Futrell. Absent from
the meeting were: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr.
Wendell P. Butler and Mr. B. Hudson Milner. The administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Dr. Alvin L. Morris, Special
Assistant to the Presid-nt; Vice Presidents William R. Willard, George J.
Ruschell. Stuart Forth; Mr. Donald B. Clapp, Budget Director; and Mr. John C.
Darsie, Legal Counsel. Also present were representatives of the various news

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board, presiding in the absence of
Governor Nunn, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. After pronouncing
the invocation, Mr. Clay requested Mr. Cooper to serve as Acting Secretary.
Follo-wing roll call, a quorum being reported present, the meeting was declared
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 p. rn.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, the reading
of the Minutes of the March 10, 1970 meeting of the Board of Trustees was
dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Resolution on Dr. Forth Adopted

       Mr. Clay read a resolution prepared by a committee composed of Mr.
Robert Hillenmever and Mr. Richard Cooper expressing appreciation for the
service rendered by Dr. Stuart Forth during the two-year period he had served
as Acting Vice President for Student Affairs. A copy of the resolution appears
at the end of the Minutes.

Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that the resolution be adopted, spread upon the



Minutes of the March 10, 1970 meeting of the Board of Trustees, and a copy sent
to Dr. Forth. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and it was so ordered.
(See resolution at the end of the Minutes. )

       D. President's Report to the Trustees

       Dr. Singletary indicated that he would not discuss the various items in his
monthly report since copies were available for members to read at a later time
but that he would like to mention several matters that were not included in the

       He then called attention to a calendar of commencement events which was
included in the folders and asked the Board members to attend as many of these
as thev could.

       He next reported that the Governing Regulations were ready to be circu-
lated to the faculty and that a final copy, approved by the Joint Board--Faculty
Committee on Codification of the Governing Regulations, should be ready for
Board approval in May. Copies of the proposed Regulations will be mailed to the
members of the Board early enough to allow for study and review before the
meeting at which they will be asked to take action.

       Three sets of recommendations have been received for certain changes in
the Student Code. These recommendations, with appropriate recommendations
from President Singletary, have been turned over to the Student Code Revision
Committee for study and recommendation to the Board, Mr. Griffin, Chairman
of this committee, indicated that his committee planned to meet prior to the May
meeting and hoped to be in a position to present their recommendations to the
Board for action at that time.

       April 22 will be observed on the University of Kentucky campus as Earth
Day and Senator Marlow Cook has accepted an invitation to speak on that day at
a Presidential Convocation at 3:00 o'clock in Memorial Coliseum. Members who
could do so were invited to attend.

       Mr. Clay thanked President Singletary for his report and on motion made
by Governor Chandler, and seconded, the report was ordered received and filed.

       E. Committee Appointed to Draft Resolution on Tim Futrell

       Mr. Clay said that before going on to the next item on the agenda, he
would like to commend Tim Futrell, who was attending his last meeting as a non-
voting student member of the Board of Trustees, for the excellence of his service
on the Board. He then requested that Mr. Jesse Alverson and Dr. Paul Sears
prepare a resolution of appreciation for presentation at the May meeting of the
Board of Trustees,



       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       In presenting the recommendations in PR 2, President Singletary called
particular attention to the recommended appointments to the University of
Kentucky Development Council of Mr. John Y. Brown, Jr. and Mr. David C.
Scott. Notice was also given to the retirement of two long-time employees of
the University, Dr. Lyle R. Dawson of the Department of Chemistry and Mr.
Randall R. Reed of the Physical Plant Division.

       On mot-ion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Governor Chandler, and passed,
PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes
of the March 10 meeting of the Board. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       G. Supplemental List of Candidates for Degrees Approved (PR 4)

       It was explained that because grades were not submitted on time, some
candidates for degrees completing their requirements in December 1969 were
not included on the list approved by the Board of Trustees at the January 20,
1970 meeting of the Board. The records of these individuals have now been
completed and certification has been made by the Dean of Admissions and Regis-
trar that all requirements for the degree have been satisfied.

      On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Alverson, the President
was authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appeared on the
supplemental list presented in PR 4 the degree to which he is entitled at the
commencement exercises on May 11, 1970. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.

      H. Honorary Degree Recipients Approved (PR 5)

      President Singletary presented the recommendations of the Graduate
Faculty and the University Senate that the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws be
granted to the following persons: Governor Louie Broady Nunn, Dr. Frank G.
Dickey, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, President 'William Clyde Friday, Mr. Floyd
H. Wright, Dr. William Clement Eaton, and Mr. William Thomas Woodson.
Biographical sketches of each individual are included as a part of PR 5 at the end
of the Minutes.

      Commenting that this was a distinguished group of individuals deserving
such recognition by the University of Kentucky, on motion by Governor Chandler,
seconded by Mr, Cooper, and passed, approval was granted to award the
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to the seven individuals named above at the
commencement exercises on May 11, 1970, and the President was authorized to
notify each person that he had been selected to receive the honorary degree of
Doctor of Laws. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )



       T. 1969-70 Budget Revisions Authorized and Approv-ed (PR 6)

       The budget revisions recommended in_ PR 6 being routine in nature, on
motion by Mr, Pence, and seconded by Mr. Alverson, the proposed revisions
in the 1969-70 budget were authorized and approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the

       J. Program for Master of Science in Education w.th a Major
in Higher Education Established ;PR 7!

       Dr. Singletary requested confirmation of the action of the Graudate Faculty
and the Unliversi.ty Senate which established a program leading to the degree of
Master of Scie:nce. in Education w-.th a Major .n Higher Education. He pointed out
that this did not represent a ne-, degree but merely the establishment of a new
graduate program leading to an already authorized degree.

      On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Governor Chandler, and passed with-
out dissent, the Board of Trus-tees confirmed the establishment of a program
leading to the degree of Master of Science. in Education with a Major in Higher
Education. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

      K. R,:.organ-za+ation of Central Administration (PR 8)

      Dr. Singletary rai.d that he had . n-ent time observing the organizational
structure of tahe Uni'er s.ty as ;t ex:J4Is t -ha he assumed the presidency and that
he now wished to make -ome ch-:.ges :i the. structure. He emphasized that the.
changeis .involv-ed primar:-lv the a s sR i, ment o.t new titles and a rdedfinition ol
responsib.iliies rather than a change. irn personnel. 'n order to accomplish the
organ.izational pattn-e  delineated in the chart attached to PR 8, Dr. Singletary
made the followiv:-ng teconmmendation-s

       jl'  That. the titles of Execut.iv.e Vice President, Dean of the
            Graduate Sc'hool and Vi.ce President. for Res-arch, Provost,
            and SDecial Assi.stant to the President be eliminated. (Note:
            the osio.ton of Dean of the Graduate School remains but as
            a s eparate ent.ty.

      (2)  That the follov,-:.ng new, titles be created: Vice President for
            Academic Affairs, Vice. Pressd.ent for Jnstitutiora.l Planning,
            ae-d Vice Pre-s3c.d:T for AdminTis-tration.

      (3' That the following ,ppostments be mnade, effectivez July 1, 1970:
            (a" Vice Pres.dent for Acadenmic AffairsLewis W, Cochran
            (U) Vic.e Pre. aidtnt for `.nstitutional Plann-ing--A. D. Albright
            (c' Vi'ce President for Administrat-.on- Alvin L. Morris


       (4)  That the title Dean of the Community College System be
            changed to Vice President--Community College System and
            that Dr. Ellis F. Hartford be appointed to that position,
            effective immediately.

       President Singletary said that, if approved, the changes recommended
above would involve no new funding. He continued that Dr. Albright's value to
the University and to the administrative team could not be overemphasized and
that he would be able to make an even greater contribution in his new role.
Stating that he felt the person responsible for the Community Colleges warranted
a title comparable to others with similar responsibilities, President Singletary
said he was sorry that Dr. Hartford would be able to retain the title for only a
brief period of time because of 'calendar problems" which would necessitate
his retirement from an administrative position on July 1, 1970. Dr. Hartford
has been largely responsible for the growth of the Community College System and
he deserves this recognition of his efforts, if only for a brief time.

      Governor Chandler moved that the recommendations made by President
Singletary for changes in the central administration as set forth in PR 8 be ap-
proved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed unanimously.
(See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       Mr. Hillenmever, Chairman of the Finance Committee, moved that the
financial report for the eight months' period ending February 28, 1970 be
accepted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper, and it was so ordered. (See
FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. }

      N. Authorization to Execute Certain Easements Approved (FCR 2A)

      Mr. Hillenmeyer explained that all easements are presented to the Board
for approval before being executed by the Vice President for Business Affairs
and Treasurer and forwarded to the Department of Finance for approval by the
Governor and execution by the Department of Finance for approval by theGovernor
and execution by the Commissioner of Finance. in order to expedite easement
requests, the Board of Trustees was asked to authorize the Vice President for
Business Affairs and Treasurer to execute any and all property easements over,
under, or upon property owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and
benefit of the University which would directly benefit the University of Kentucky
or involve a consideration of less than $1, 000.

      On motion by Mr. Hillenmever, seconded by Mr. Pence, and passed
unanimously, the recommendation made by the Finance Committee and contained
In FCR ZA was approved. (See FCR 2A. at the end of the Minutes.)



       N. Authorization Given to Execute Documents Re Funkhouser
Estate (FCR ZB)

       Mr. Hillenmever said that the Finance Committee had investigated a re-
quest made by the FirstSecurityNationalBank and TrustCompany, Trustee u/w
of W. D. Funkhouser, that they be permitted to use the principal of the trust for
the purpose of providing care for his widow, Mrs. Josephine Funkhouser. The
Finance Committee recommends that this be done and on motion by Mr. Alverson,
seconded by Mr. Wright, the Universitv's Legal Department was authorized to
execute the necessary documents. (See FCR 2B at the end of the Minutes.

       0. Authorization Given to Execute Documents Re Shelby
Estate (FCR 2C)

       Under the terms of Mr. John Craig Shelby's will, the retention of his
personal effects by members of his family was not provided for. The University
of Kentucky as one of the residuary beneficiaries has been requested to re-
linquish its rights to his personal effects while retaining its rights to the residue
of the estate. The Finance Committee recommended approval and on motion by
Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Alverson, the University attorneys were
authorized to take the actions necessary to release, to the nearest relatives, the
University's remainder interest in the tangible personal property of John Craig
Shelby, deceased. (See FCR ZC at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Meeting Adjourned

       Mr. Clay, having first determined that there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion was
duly made, seconded, and carried, and the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p. m.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Richard E. Cooper
                                            Acting Secretary

(The Resolution on Dr. Forth, the Commencement Calendar, PRs 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8 and FCRs 1 2A, B, C which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the
April 7 meeting of the Board of Trustees. )



       WHEREAS, a new Vice President for Student Affairs has been
named and xvill assume office on July 15, 1970, and

       WHEREAS, Dr. Stuart Forth willingly and graciously consented
to serve as Acting Vice President for Student Affairs during the academic
year 1968-69, and

       WHEREAS, Dr. Forth agreed to continue to serve in this capacity
for an additional year to allow President Singletary time to seek a perma-
nent replacement for him, and

       WHEREAS, the Office of Student Affairs has made steady progress
under his able leadership, and

       WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky has been relatively free
from major campus disturbances during his tenure, and it is deemed that
this is in large measure due to the understanding and sympathetic manner
in which Dr. Forth and his staff have handled student problems, and

       WHEREAS, Dr. Forth has been a staunch supporter and defender
of the students and has encouraged the involvement of students in the
decision-making processes to the extent that the University of Kentucky
is now one of the leading institutions in the country in student participation
in university affairs: Therefore, be it

       RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky in regular session on Tuesday, April 7, 1970. commend Dr.
Stuart Forth for his leadership as Acting Vice President for Student
Affairs during the period beginning August 1968 and ending July 1970;
acknowledge its debt to him for his willingness to assume this role at
the expense of his own personal interests; and wish him well as he re-
turns to his former position as Director of Libraries for the University
of Kentucky; and be it

       RESOLVED further, That this resolution be adopted, ordered
spread upon the Minutes of the April 7, 1970 meeting of the Board of
Trustees, and a copy sent to Dr. Forth.


Calendar of Events

May 4      6:30 p. m.    Social Hour honoring University Senate,
                         Spindletop Hall

            7:30 p.m.    Trustees Dinner honoring University Senate,
                         Spindletop Hall

May 5     12:00 noon    Board of Trustees Luncheon

            2:00 p. m.   Board of Trustees Meeting

            3:30 p. m.   Annual membership meeting of University of
                         Kentucky Research Foundation, Spindletop Hall

            5:30 p.m.    UKRF Reception, Spindletop Hall

            6:3 0 p.m.   UKRF Dinner, Spindletop Hall

            7:30 p. m.   Meeting of Board of Directors of UKRF,
                         Spindletop Hall

May 7      6:30 p.m.    Reception and dinner honoring the University
                         Fellows, Spindletop Hall

May 9      6:30 p.m.    Alumni Association Annual Reunion Banquet,
                         Student Center Ballroom

May 10     4:00 p.m.    Baccalaureate .-Vesper Service,
                         Memorial Coliseum

            5:00 p.m.    Reception, Student Center Ballroom

May 11     10:00 a.m.    Commencement Exercises, Memorial Coliseum

           12:30 p.m.    Commencement Luncheon, Student Center



                          April 7, 1970


     The University has endorsed "Earth Day--April 22," with the
announcement of a Presidential Convocation scheduled at 3 p.m.
in Memorial Coliseum for an address by Senator Marlow W. Cook,
whose subject will concern the environment and the role of the
student. President Singletary said all classes will be dismissed
at 2:50 p.m., to permit students to participate, and he urged them
to attend the convocation.  "It seems obvious to nearly everyone
that the Droblems of our environment will occupy a great deal of
our time and. consume much energy in the next decade and perhaps
longer," said Dr. Singletary. "I am gratified to know that stu-
dents across the nation are taking a constructive approach to
these problems that confront us." The two-day program begins
Tuesday (April 21) at noon, with continuous showing of films un-
til 10 p.m. The main program is on Wednesday, said Gerald A.
Thornton, a student and president of the Environmental Awareness
Society, official sponsor of the program. In addition to Senator
Cook, speakers on April 22 include Dr. Harvey Sloane, Action for
Clean Air in Louisville; Dr. Wayne Davis, ecologist and authority
on population problems; Dr. Dean Jaros, conservation education
leader in the Sierra Club; Ronald D. Hill, Federal Water Pollution
Control Administration, and Wendell Berry, faculty member.


     High school and junior college students from throughout the
state visited the campus Saturday to learn about opportunities in
pharmacy careers and education. The College of Pharmacy's ninth
annual career seminar attracted about 150 students for an all-day
orientation program. The seminar featured student and faculty-led
oanel discussions , and exhibits to introduce the visitors to careers
in various fields of pharmacy. During special small-group sessions,
the prospective students had opportunities to discuss personally
career and education goals with college representatives. College
officials estimate that their past eight seminars have been re-
sponsible for about 50 students deciding to enter pharmacy careers
and to pursue their professional educations at UK. Officials add
that the programs have brought about an additional recruiting effect
in that they have influenced numbers of prospective students to enter
studies at the University in many fields other than pharmacy. Dean
Joseph V. Swintosky greeted the visitors and introduced representa-
tives of various pharmacy student organizations.



     A total of 17 courses will be offered in seven academic
areas to the University's first short-term Summer Session,
May 18-June 12, according to Dr. Stanley Wall, director of the
Summer Session. "Although the short term is designed prima-
rily for students already on campus, to give them more flexi-
bility in their academic programming, the session is open to
all qualified persons," Dr. Wall said. Students already have
shown a keen interest in the session. A maximum of four credit
hours may be earned during the four weeks, although most courses
provide only three hours credit. Each three-hour course will
meet two hours each day, Monday through Friday. Laboratory
courses will meet for longer periods. Courses offered are math-
ematics, one course; history, seven; sociology, two; speech,
one; statistics, two; home economics, three, and library science,
one. Dr. Wall said the number of students attending the regular
Summer Session (June 15-August 11) has been increasing each year,
andabout 5,500 are expected to enroll for the fairly extensive
course offerings. Deadline for new students to apply for the
regular (summer) term is May 12 (for the short term, April 17).
Several two and four-week short courses also will be offered by
the College of Education during the eight-week session, and a
number of superior high school juniors will be enrolled for six
hours' credit under a special program.


    A $26,886 grant from the National Instituted Allergy and
Infectious Diseases will underwrite basis research into chemi-
cally-induced genetic changes by Dr. Thomas C. Gray. The
initial grant supports the first year of a three-year study
called "Mutational Analysis of the amiA locus (gene) of Diplo-
coccus pneumoniae." Dr. Gray will explore the mechanisms of
hereditary change caused by chemical action on the DNA (deoxy-
ribonucleic acid) molecule--carrier of information on which
hereditary traits are based. Diplococcus pneumoniae is a para-
sitic bacterium present in most animals. It was the original
source of information on DNA's function in heredity. Hereditary
factors (genes) determine the amount of resistance or sensiti-
vity of individuals, bacterium or human, to particular substances.
"A deeper understanding of a single gene, isolated and observed
in bacteria," says Dr. Gray, "will add to the general fund of
genetic and bio-chemical information."




    Dr. John Scarborough, assistant professor of history, has
been presented the Alice Hallam Book Award for the best book
published by a history faculty member during the past year.
The Alice Hallam Article Award was presented to Dr. Humbert
Nelli, associate professor of history. Dr. Scarborough's
award was based on his book, "Roman Medicine," published in
December by the Cornell University Press. Dr. Scarborough
began researching the book in 1963. Dr. Nelli's award is
the result of his article, "Italians and Crime in Chicago,"
published in January, 1969, in the American Journal of Soci-
ology. Dr. Nelli also received the same award last year for
his article, "Italians in Urban America," published in the
International Migration Review. Timothy Feldhaus, Covington
senior, was presented the Phi Alpha Theta Scholarship Key,
given annually to the history undergraduate maintaining the
highest academic average. Pamela Hall, Louisville junior,
was given the Philo Bennett Prize for the best history essay.
Open to all undergraduates, the contest prize is funded under
the will of Philo Bennett, who died in 1905. Bennett speci-
fied that funds from his estate were to be used by William
Jennings Bryan to establish such awards in colleges in 25
states. Bryan chose UK as one of the schools. Miss Hall's
essay was entitled "Kentucky vs. Berea College."


    A College of Medicine professor is the editor of a recent
edition of an internationally-used guide for the treatment and
prevention of communicable diseases. Dr. Abram S. Benenson,
professor and chairman of the Department of Community Medicine,
edited the 11th edition of "Control of Communicable Diseases in
Man," a field guide published only once every five years by the
American Public Health Association. The guide first was publish-
ed by the non-governmental health organization in 1915 and with
the release of its most recent edition is expected to reach sales
of over seven million copies. According to the health group, the
book is accepted as the most authoritative reference guide to
communicable disease control in use throughout the world today.
The publication began 55 years ago as a 30-page pamphlet designed
as a reference guide for local health officers in managing in-
fectious diseases then reportable in the U. S. Later editions
have been translated into 13 languages, including Chinese, Am-
haric, Serbo-Croatian, French and Turkish. An Italian translation
is underway.



     Keller Dunn, associate dean of admissions, says new ad-
missions procedures are designed "to make the entrance of our
new freshmen into UK life easier and more understandable." He
emphasized "that these changes do not affect in any way the
eligibility of Kentucky high school graduates for admission to
a freshman class." The changes involve deadlines for filing
applications for admission and other documents; attendance at
an advising conference several weeks prior to the opening of a
semester (except for summer session), and the documents them-
selves, which the student must send to the Universitv.


     A mineral thermometer capable of taking the earth's temper-
ture from pre-history to the present has been developed by a
University geologist. The geothermometer is a method, not an
object, and its originator, Dr. William H. Dennen, chairman of
the Department of Geology, has demonstrated that the temperature
of quartz-bearing rocks at the time of their formation can be
determined by measuring trace amounts of aluminum in the quartz
crystals. A major value of Dennen's geothermomettr lies in the
easy availability of its ingredients. Quartz is among the most
common of all solid minerals, and aluminum is the third most
abundant element in the earth's crust. Dr. Dennen compares geo-
logical research into millions of years of earth history to "un-
baking a cake." His geothermometer will contribute to part of
this impossible-sounding project. He explains that much of the
original recipe--the basic mineralogical ingredients of the
earth--can be determined by chemical analysis. Another important
question--how rocks and minerals reached their present form--has
been more difficult to answer because geologists have lacked an
accurate, widely-applicable means of measuring the varying temper-
atures at which the mass was "cooked."


     Techniques of crime control and deterrence through the use
of electronics will be discussed at the 1970 Carnahan Conference
on Electronic Crime Counter-measures, April 16-18. Specialists
from the nation's top industrial electronics research laboratories,
military units, and university faculty members will make up the
list of conferees, guests of the University. Papers scheduled for
presentation include those on detection of eavesdropping devices,
use of miniature television in surveillance systems, automated
command and control dispatch systems, location and tracking of per-
sonnel, objects, or vehicles at remote points. John S. Jackson,
professor of electrical engineering, and conference coordinator,
said more than 50 specialists have registered for the meeting.



5 -


     State and local tax systems should be linked with ability
to pay, according to a tax study published by the Office of De-
velopment Services and Business Research. Entitled "Some Prob-
lems of Equity and Adequacy in Kentucky's State-Local Taxation,"
the study was prepared by Dr. Donald M. Soule, associate director
of the Center for the Study of State and Local Government Eco-
nomics, and by Dr. Stephen E. Lile, University of Richmond
(Virginia). The study is the first in a series which will be
published over the next two years. The premise of the report is
that tax burdens must be high on nearly all income groups in a
low per capita income state if adequate government services are
to be provided. Kentucky ranks low among the 50 states in income
and value of production, the report notes. Therefore, taxes can
be reduced only for the lowest income groups and total tax re-
venue must be preserved by raising taxes on income groups other
than the lowest (to provide an equitable tax system), according
to the report.


     The College of Pharmacy has a direct pipeline to the state's
1,800 practicing pharmacists, believed to be one of the first of
its type among the nation's schools of pharmacy. The college
established two years ago an ad hoc Consulting Croup composed of
17 practicing professionals from throughout the Commonwealth, and
through this group the college can maintain a liaison to the state's
pharmacists. Formed in June, 1968, the group carries out a three-
fold purpose, says Dean Joseph V. Swintosky: to identify and dis-
cuss pharmacy problems, on national and state, technical and social
levels, which are of current relevance to the college; to act as a
sounding board for the college's formulation of plans and policies,
with members giving their views as practitioners, on academic plans
and proposals, and to act as an intermediary body, representing the
college to the state's professionals, and the practicing pharmacists
to the college.

     At each meeting members receive reports on the goals of the
college and its progress in various programs. In their response to
the faculty report, the practitioners help identify ways in which
the college can serve Kentucky in new and useful areas. Members
also suggest how pharmacists can be involved in activities of the
college to make such functions more productive and effective for
both the college and other organized pharmaceutical groups in the
state. Dean Swintosky said, "the group was formed with the idea of
creating a channel for understanding our needs at the college and the
needs and expectations of the pharmacists in Kentucky. We wanted a
reaction to the things we're proposing and doing from people of ex-
perience and professional distinction."


- 6


     A 21-year-old senior from Louisville has been named
"Shouse Award" winner for 1970. John Ketcham, a telecom-
munications major, was cited for his "co-curricular achieve-
ment in the radio-TV broadcasting arts." He has earned a
3.8 grade point average. Avco Broadcasting Corporation, in
making the announcement, said Ketcham will appear on the "50
Club" on Thursday, April 9. He will receive $200 and a plaque.
The University also receives a like amount. UK is one of eight
universities receiving the annual recognition, named for James
Shouse, broadcasting pioneer and innovator, and former chair-
man of the board of Avco. Ketcham is the son of Mrs. and Mrs.
William J. Ketcham, 3505 Gladden Drive, Louisville.

