xt7vdn3zwn33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwn33/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-12-15  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 15, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 15, 1942 1942 1942-12-15 2020 true xt7vdn3zwn33 section xt7vdn3zwn33 ,,m-_1.___,.r .l


Art 151 Cr


minutes of the Faculty of the University - February 20, 1942

1- - :3 ._ ',~ . 1
tici.m 01 Art n euerter hours


Analyses; internretetions; evaluations. Sneciflc arts, periods
of art, styles of art are examine? in the light of historical modes
of criticism Problems in cri sm of contemnorary art. Discuggion

t i
and re70rts.o For ad.v:nced Students.
0 o

Prc,req1is1tes: Advlnced Studi arses; Art 142 and Art 143.

President Donovan requested that in making arrangements for the
faculty for the summer quarter, the deans use their own faculties in

as f3r as nossib e, rather than employ isiti ng instrn0tors.

Mr. Peters on comzuented briefly 0n the matter of balancing the
current budget. He stated b L o da:e there had been no reduction

t t
in the number of requests oein nbxitted and thwt m ny of them

‘ a
would have to be sent back to the resoectivc oifici 31s for reconside =r.e~
tion. He recomme ded that al effort be made to reduce expeniitures in
extra help buiget s. Presiient Donovan stated that the condition of

the budget had be oen brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees
and that the Chairman of the E? YBC‘lblVe Committee had stated that the

budget must be balanced.


The next meeting of the Faculty was so cheduled for Friday, March 0.


,. _

C be

r15, 194?

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office,
Tuesday, Decembe er 1‘5, 1942. ,President Donovan nresided. Members
present were Paul P. Boyd, Alvin Ee Evans, W. D. Funkhouser, J. H.
Graham, Frank D. Peterson, William S, Taylor, Edward Niest, and
Leo M. Chamberlainn Professor L. J. Horlecher was also nresent.

The minutes of November 27 were read ani approved.
The Dean of the University nresented to the Faculty a list of

University organizations, together with the faculty adviser or other
responsible person for each. The list had been prepared in accordance

with the rule which calls for the faculty to arrange for faculty
advisers, with a view to the oroper enforcement of the rules regard~
1ng eligibility for participation in extra-curricular activities. The
list Was ape roved as pre esented.

The following calendar for l943~44 was approved:


























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n I r“ ;

‘ - ~‘ “ ‘:.'.=:.n‘-'flm .J-n .1’
Sentember _&, 43 Frlaav and oaturday , CLaSbi;Adelvu tebuu agd
physical examinations for a l ryw \Lud9nts
Sentember 27 Monday m Freshman advisory conferences
Sentember 27 Mondzy afternoon — Freshman reélgvydglon

Ssotemher 25, 29












Tevtember 3O Tnfirsday ~ C‘acs wvwk begins
Occober 7 [hursday a Tast date on which one may enter «uh
an orgaAizei class l
October 25, 26 Monaav anl Tuesday - Faxiod for filing aphlica*
ions for degrees
November 25 T ursday ~ Tnanksgiving holidmy
gecember 14 Tuesday = Meeting of the Board of TTusuees
December lb Thursday, 8 asm. ~ Quarter ends
Winter Quarter
1 44
~—‘_ I
January A Tuesday a lassification tests, Dhysic(l exa:*
inations, and advisory oo;ferefices for a‘i
new students 7
January 5 Wednesday ~ Regiszration and classifiCazlon
1 - r
f0: a1; students
January 0 *hursday ~ Tlass work begins
January 13 Thursday * Last daze on which one may enter
an organized class



Januarv l fondav 9 Period for filing aDDliCations for
u u 3



March 18 Saturday noon ~ Quarter ends





Minutes of the Faculty of the University - Deoember 15, 1042


"A u Ma. re 11

i ication tests, physical examv
inatious, and advisory conferences for all



















U. n‘ f 5“ -, H ' ~' A ' ’ — ‘ '= ' "' '
m{siren 4L ;u€hdhf ~ Pegistretion and czassiiicatLon for
' all siu’ents
Mare. 24 uednesday a Class work begins
my” ., - r».K 1~ y.‘ w ‘ 1 . 5
Mdrcn 4/ fiednesduy ~ Last date on wnicn one may enter an
organized Ciass
Aoril 4 Tuesday a Meeting of the Board of Trustees
April 17 Monday e Period for filing abolications for
M degrees
Vt‘ :- 1-; ~ v. - - . - - - .
I May 44 Nednesday evening ~ Military graduation exerCises
June 1 Thursday ~ Bvcceiaureate services
June 1 Thursday r Meeting of the Board of Trusnees
June 2 Friday e Seventy=Seventn Annual Commencement
June 9 Saturda ~ uarter ends
June 5~1L Monday to Saturday e Junior Club Week
Summer Quarter
June 12 Monday - RegiStration for first term
June 13 Tuesday a Class work begins
June 19 Monday a Last date on which one may enter an
? organized class
June 23 Friday ~ Period for filing aonlications for
July 13 Wednesday ~ First term ends
July 20 Thursday e Registration for second term
< _ fl . ‘ ‘
July 41 Friday e lass worx begins
July 24 Monday e Last date on which a student may enter
A an organized. 329.53
I July 27 Thursday a Last date for filing applications for W
degrees fig
.' 3'“?
‘ , 1 , T1
August 2b Saturday a Quarter ends gfi



Total number of days of instruction in the F311

Total number of days of instruction in the Ninte

Total number of days of instruction in the Sprin
Total for the three ouar rter

Total number of days of inSLriction in the Summer
Total for the four quarters

Under semester plan, the total number of days of

for two semesters ....... .. ...

'Potal number for summer session .................

Total for the yepr, includin





























The F9 culty approved the netition of Mr. Frank W. Mil
uate student, on recommendation of Dein F khous r. Mr. Mil
i.1g ior 1' 111 credit in a1l courses in wnich he was pa351ng a
he withdrew to enter znili itary service. His W1h1iVEW?l occurr;
before the close of W1 rcjcired eight weeks neriod

On recommerwd tion OJ the College of Agriculture, the
Pogsr E. Gish was a*:n1c ved Mrn Gish aS}:ed tha n.t he be allow
for 18 semester hours of work completed by corresnondence in
sity of Arkansas withir the Calenda year 1941 The rule of
Si ty nrovides thrt not more than 18 quarter hours of work

corres Onondenc ce within

the student is

:dar year,

one caler
1 his

SDCRd ing full ti.me on


W a, S

recommendation of the College 0

course approved:

Law 183. Landlord and
dog ls with the cha
relationship 0: landlord

ienant .
lenant raCCe.ristics

and tena

except where it

lflruer a -. . .
«erllilrhe? . .

Auv‘ 0.

Quarter ..




5 summer


.. 5
- - o 58.3


o I- .J

'I‘ r7 if


petition of
ed credit
the Univere

the Univere

ay be done by

shown that

corresvondenc e studies

f Law,



The course in

restrictions on the lessee's use of the property;

lessor and by the lessee; rent; taxes;
relationship. 2 quarter hourso
Professor Randalla

On recommendation of
new courses were ajo proved;
.‘. .. 1.} C

93.11; finlililssiiis i2.
Principles of Navigation as

” fiir fissinet
applied to
altimeters, es;, drift sights,
tion aids
Leotures and recitations,

Electricgl Engineering 132 m Elect



air speed
Solution of problems in piloting an
3 hours a week.



Engineering 131b.

7 quarter hours.
It includes a detailed
circuits, trigger and pulse~shaping

mplitude and freque ency module
testin5. Lectures


and recitations, 5 ho

sites: Elec. Eng. 131a,


study of





Sin Cl
Jacob's Cases on Landlord and Tenant.

the College of Engineering,

A continuation of




g new
d and
n of the

covenants implied in the lease;

by the

ion of the


Cathod de r

the following
3 quarter hours.
A study of charts,
ir dicators and navigae
d de dreckoning.
1 CO onxmuiication Engineering

ay tubes and

1’8le receivers and tI‘FADS"

tion and demodulation,


laboratory, b hours a week.

131b, ?hys. 114 and Math. 1








fiirutes of ELfi chwlty of the UniVersity - December 15, 1942


— ilectri as;

(Ultranfiiqh Ereooehcy,. i7 quarter hours. A
o-*;.ency technio_ues involving a stu‘


Co mmun1Cd ion Engineering
~... ._.._ .. ,_ “m- _.,_.>.«

urse i1 ulLra-uign fre-


‘ my of UHF generators Negative and
positive grl id oscilleiors, v=1ocitv~modulation tunes, the magnetron~nigh
frefluency traism1Q91’r lines, rodiaoion, prioagation, guided waves.

ecuures and recitations, 5 hoprs C; laboratory 0 houv a week.

Prerequisiwe: Elecoricml Engineering 132.

President Donovdn, toe Faculty discussed

the admission tc the UniVersity of superior

yet gradurted Ii om high scnool, with a View
acceleration of the edxcational program. It
final action or the Southern As .sociation oi
hools provided tnat the current admission
sonoold. be observed in all cases, exceot
‘2s been gi ven by toe Executive Committee of toe
tcis fsCL, the Faculty Look no action


Erosioenu DlanVHD diECosssd witn toe chwlty the orooable direction
that to “*oy oraining Dr:grao would t'ke and he likely eff sets on

the col sees of the country. He ind icate the Ulan would nrobably

’0 c1”



e d

be announcei by the Army and Navy within th,


/ 7 [1:1]


January 2? 1943

The Facwlty of the University met in the President's Oifice

, anua:y 4 , 1943. Pres i dent' Donovan Dresided. Members
.t were Paul r" Boyd, Thomas F. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans, N. Dc
' dward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain.

1 1

The minutes of December lb were ream anu anoroved.

Upon recommendation of Dean Boyd, the petition of William F.
Yeill was approved. mr. Neill had comple Le& all reouirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Arts, with a major in Law, except that he
Was not registered in the College of Arts and. Sciences during the
fist semeSter of his residence, as rem uired by Uni. versity rewgll tions.

Mr. leill asked tlat this residence requirement be waived.

Also on recommendation oi’ Dean Boyd, the following pronosals w1tn
re.Ec1rence to requirements for degrees were aonroved by the :Fculty:









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