xt7vdn3zwm0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwm0s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 2008 2008 2008-02-06 2020 true xt7vdn3zwm0s section xt7vdn3zwm0s  




_FEBRUARY 6, 2008





SG president's anti-Muslim e-mail

Phelps forwarded message blasting
Barack Obama, Muslims to colleagues


Student leaders are voicing con-
cern about an e-mail Student Govem-
ment President Nick Phelps forward-
ed to an 50 listserv last month that
describes presidential hopeful Barack
Obama as a Muslim and derides the

The e-mail states. "The Muslims
have said they plan on destroying the
US. from the inside out. what better
way to start than at the highest level
_. through the President of the Unit-
ed States. one of their own!" The
words Muslim. atheist. radical and
Christian were highlighted through-
out the e-mail.

Phelps admitted to sending the
message — which had his name and
his Student Body President and
Board of Trustees member titles at-
tached at the end — through the SG

listserv goes to at least seven mem-
bers of SC. Phelps said his intention
was to spark discussion about the
presidential candidates.

”It's not my opinion. and it‘s not
even fact." Phelps said yesterday.
"My SGA executive committee
knows that."

“The purpose was to talk about
how ridiculous it was and how it's
not right."

But student diversity leader
Patrick Nally said regardless of
Phelps‘ intention. the e-mail was in-
appropriate and sparked a number of
upset students to contact him.

"It‘s not necessarily his opinion.
but why aren‘t student leaders think-
ing about what is wrong with this e-
mail?" said Nally. a student who
works in the Office of Multicultural
Student Affairs.

Students gathered Monday at a
closed meeting organized by an un-

mail and how they would move for-
ward said College Democrats Presi-
dent Robert Kahne. Students agreed
to keep the administrator
and everything that hap—
pened at the meeting confi-
dential. Kahne said that
while he respects the deci-
sion to keep the meeting
confidential, public dia-
logue would be more bene-

Kahne said he was ex-
tremely disappointed with
Phelps and his actions. The
incident is one of several events on
campus recently that have exhibited
intolerance of diversity. he said.

“I think the best thing for Nick to
do would be to resign: I think this
merits that type of reaction," Kahne
said. “This type of ignorance and
slander merits his removal. it is an
abuse of his office."

Yahya Ahmed. president of UK‘s
Muslim Student Association. also
said he was disheartened to see that
Phelps. a student-elected leader.


which Ahmed said had a malicious
tone and was full of disrespect for
Obama Muslims and atheists.

The myth that Obama has
deep Muslim ties has spread
through conservative talk
shows and mass e-mails since
he came to the political spot—
light but has been discredited
widely by journalists. acade»
mics and others.

"The e-mail was blatantly
false." Ahmed said. “It does-
n't promote discussion of any
nature unless it is meant as a
joke or for people who might actual-
ly buy into its message."

College campuses are designed to
promote open-tnindcdness. Ahmed
said. but UK campus culture does not
always foster a sense of acceptance.

Many UK students come from
predominantly white backgrounds
and were not exposed to many Mus-
lims or even African Americans
growing up. Ahmed said.

“Students have certain reserva—

draws fire

Excerpts from the email

Below are passages from the chain e-mail Nick
Phelps forwarded to his 56 executive cabinet. He
said he did not write or alter contents of the e—mail.

I ”If you do not ever forward anything else. please for
ward this to all your contacts this IS very scary to think
of what lies ahead of us here in our own United

States better heed this and pray about it and share ll '

I "Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he
is a Muslim He lS Quick to pomt out that, ’He was
once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic
school ' Obama's political handlers are attempting to
make it appear that he is not a radical "

I "Barack Hussein Obama has iomed the United Church
of Christ ll'l an attempt to downplay his Muslim back
ground ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn
into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, tint instead
the Koran. Barack Hussein (Jbama Wlll NUl recrte the
Pledge of Allegrence nor wrll he show any reverence for
our flag. While others place their hands over their
hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches
let us all remain alert concerning Ubama's expected
presrdential candidacy The Muslims have said they plan
on destroying the US from the insrde out, what better
way to start than at the highest level through the Pres
ident of the United States. one of their ownl ' 1'”

L‘XCL‘UIlVC committee



listserv. The

named administrator to discuss the e-



As the polls close.
students gather
for armchair analysis

§y_Kenny Colston


While thousands of people were casting votes in border-
to-border primaries. a small group of UK students was de—
bating election issues in Patterson Office Tower last night.

Although 24 states held primaries and caucuses yester-
day. the students were restricted to discussion because
Kentucky‘s primary is not until May 20. Watching as al—
most half the states cast votes for party nominations had
history professor Phil Harling excited to vote himself.

"We're still in the analytic mode." Harling said.
“We're not panicipating. but i was itching to vote."

Other students said they would like to head to the polls
earlier in Kentucky in future years.

“I would like to see our primary moved up to Super
Tuesday." said Keri Borden. a biology and topical studies

in past years. Kentucky voters have felt that they
would receive more attention from presidential candidates
if they could vote in the primaries when the race was still
undecided. said Donald Gross. chair of UK‘s political sci—
ence department. on Monday. But when the state tried hav—
ing a Super Tuesday primary in 1988. the results didn‘t
live up to expectations.

”The last time Kentucky moved up to Super Tuesday
for exactly that reason. it didn‘t work out that way." Gross
said. adding that Super Tuesday tends to mean minimal
personal attention from each candidate because so many
states are contested at the same time.

One student watching results come in last night said
she changed her voter registration to participate in yester—
day's primaries through an absentee ballot. Chelsea Dar-
nell. a Kentucky native. registered to vote in Georgia after
her parents moved there a few months ago. Darnell. a po-
litical science. economics and international relations
sophomore. said she wanted her voice heard earlier.

Even though most of the students could not vote. they
were closely tracking the races online. something they at-
tributed to convenience and personal choice.

“i like to use the lntemet." said Joe Tarantino. a chem-
ical engineering sophomore. “I can research on my own
time and don't have to rely on the media."

Other students embraced the social networking site
Facebook. which has started featuring political coverage
through a partnership with ABC News.

“It has the ability to get people my age involved." Bor—
den said. “lt's a good combo. in the fact that everyone has
and uses Facebook."

Even though many Kentuckians were on the sidelines
during yesterday‘s process. the Super Tuesday results were
not going to influence some students‘ preferences.

“I'll stay with my candidate unless they drop out." said
Jessalyn Ubellacker. a biology and international relations
sophomore. “But these votes won't influence me."

to mum | STAFF
Sophomores Joe Tarantino, right, and Brad Sturdivant, center.
talk with history professor Phil Harling, left, while watching
election results last night at Patterson Office Tower.


helped distribute the false message.

See Phelps on page 3

From coast to coast, 24 states held presidential primaries
yesterday as part of the largest Super Tuesday in US. history.

For all the talk of which candidates took which states, the real
race is based on delegates, who will ultimately choose the
presidential field at nominating conventions later this year.

And when it comes to delegates, yesterday was the mother lode:
Democrats were competing for 1,681 delegates, and on the
Republican side, 1,081 were up for grabs.


- States with both parties holding a primary or caucus on Super Tuesday

- States with a Democratic caucus - States with a Republican caucus


New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota

West Wminie




New York

42 56
27 72
Si 40
72 24
55 33

35 64
47 50

42 53
33 64
33 65
56 41
32 67
49 48
Primary on June 3
54 44
42 38
57 40
37 61
55 31
55 38
40 56
Primary on May 10



former Ark








e McCain


Not available



Primary on May 27

Caucus on Feb 9





Primary on June 3







former Mass





Results as of 11:30 pm. Numbers in bold represent races called for that candidate


For the full e-mail text, go to wwwkykernel corn

Boyd, Jewell
halls closing
next year

By Jill Lester

1taster@kyketne! corn

UK plans to close two of its 32 rcsidciicc halls

next year because of low student occupancy. sa\ ing
University Housing about $3lllltllltl iii the process,

Boyd and Jewel] balls on North (‘amptis will not
reopen next year. said Bcn (‘rutclicn associate \icc
president of auxiliary services.

"The main reason Jewell came to the top of the
stack is the 60 percent occupancy. and that it has no air
conditioning." Crutcher said in a meeting with Jewell
Hall residents last night,

Crutclier said for the housing program to not lose
money. residence halls need to be at least 9t) percent
occupied. This year. an average of hl percent of Jew ell
Hall's lllB beds were used. An ayeragc of 33 percent of
Boyd Hall‘s l37 beds were used. The money saved by
the closings will pay resident advisers. lllrtllilc‘lldllt‘t‘
staff and other departmental costs. ('rutclier said

What will be done with Boyd and Jewel] halls 1\
not known yet. Crutclicr said. it enough people apply
to university housing. some will be placed iii lcwcll
Hall until new spaces open up. A high number of
housing applications itiiglit mean Jewell or Boyd halls
would have to reopen for the 200% in school year.

"At some point and time. the butlding w ill be ya,
cant. and we‘ll work with the uniycrsity on how it
should be uscd." (‘rutclicr said.

Fewer maintenance workers dnd RAs w ill be
needed for North Campus. btit no current staft mcm‘
bcrs will lose their yobs as a result. (‘rutclier said. Lm
ployecs on North (‘uriipus may be aimed to some
where different on campus.

Jewell and Boyd hall residents reapply mg to lions
itig will rccciye high priority for their second Upllttll,
They can also change their dortiiitory preferences by
going to the Uniycrsity Housing office in lZS
Funkhouscr Building

Boyd is one of the two residence balls that house
most Honors l‘rograiii students. Honors students meet-
ing the March 1 priority dcadlmc will be placed in tlic
othcr. air-conditioned Honors Program dorm. l’attci
son Hall. or iii nearby Holmes Hall.

The Honors Program uses .1 classroorii m Boyd
about one hour .i week and l\ looking for .i replace
tiietit room. (‘rtttchcr said.

Boyd also has the only cottiptitcr lab on North
Campus. [‘K’s Information 'l‘eclmology department
has already been infortiicd of the change. and the lab
may be moved to one of the other balls on campus.
Crutchcr said.

Siticc many students use the cotiiputcr' lab in Boyd
Hall to print. l'nivcrsity Housing l\ looking at setting
up a network prmtcr elsewhere that would allow w ll't‘
less users to print. ("rtitchci' said

Kevin Wiciiian. a .lcwcll Hall resident who heard
(‘rutchcr speak last night. said his grandiiiotlict w .is
one of thc first pcoplc to mm c into .lcwcll Hall utter it
was built in I939.

Liying iii Jewell this year has fostered .i sciisc ol
community. and Wicmari said he would lttl\\ it

“We have dinner cyery Sunday." \dlti \Mcman. .i
mechanical engineering rumor "f-or tlic most part, it's
a real family thing."


North Campus reSIdence halls Boyd Hall left and Jewell
Hall wrll not reopen next year, UK announced yesterday

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872



 PAGEZI Wednesday, February 6 2008

uveku Go to wwwkykerneleom for the sol



s r“

A”; e.“

By Linda C. Black

To get the autantage,

day's rating 70 /S the o .

the most (ha/lengthy

Aries (March 21 — April 19) iotiri,
is an 8 You run With an tritell
gent crowd They ke i you on your
toes Relax, rillti take 2 leadership
posuron you've rtqhitully earner:
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) i’iliri'y
IS a 6 , Take on more ti"S()tIl‘r‘-“illl
ty and you will increase your r. in:
tngs Wiil it he t? melt in ”tarry
(or the extra st Def,
immediately Stress or
counts, tor)

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) lzto 3,
is a 9 7 Something you've arrears
wanted to see or do is now tin»
reach Make up your mind, ”it up
your plans, and ”take your 't"-t"r‘ti

Today' 5
Horoscopes B
Sponsored By:

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) i’l‘lriy

it 5 Pain "it your iiliiill‘ and

you Wtil tint! out what's r'rtparttnt
and wiat's "t;' Pay it ,tt 'l‘\i

titliii‘. r‘itulii take "tit ttrutr ty ”no, it'

my t‘ittlilo’)‘. wt

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) t

it" 'o' ihr' i‘t'ni ;).i"r’:r' 'w'.

.t irtraririly yr

titEt‘ntl‘: ’jl‘r tc-sn .t ljli’rt)

strrtterty it"ui the: tiers r< i‘hf )l‘:


,ilytra tyrtr lrr-

, , mvnm .i. r
.i tr war' ui

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) i u
iii I'fs :ii-l 'i'ni ”not; ,tt'w

t‘iiilli‘ at; day w l ,trii 'tit
, a , ,v r

' t

tr‘yttt tityrit ,1 yr, ‘1.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. ) i r: i. '

.1 Eli i. - at r

, "tit; riilii T ii:
Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 21) l'

mil) iitzlill‘ ,rr'rwi

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"i “l'lltr' Pat). away stuff you're
'l’ii ‘l‘w‘iiti itiit

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)

loriay ‘s an H

ilte'u's a sense oi

mitt tt‘y’ attout the task you've urt


trait * attention Yuu'il

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) to

ti} 1".

i’twikr' ,’lllii ll‘tr ig'

‘ l

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or There's a tool
tltrr iri ahoui that

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810 Euclid Aye.

irritant) You‘ll lire

SOFAS allll

Three weeks after being
hospitalized, Spears
seeks professional aid
for her "mental issues."
But will she stick with the

By Joey Bartolomeo

:\ilcl' tttoitths oi increasingly
erratic beltat tot iitost recent,
|_\. dating a papata/Io. speaking
“(lit a British accent and blot»
tiig oli key custody hearings
Britney Spears appears to be
cottttitg to het senses.

()tt lite \iett oti .lati. 3S.
Barbara \Nalters shared details
oi it pltotic coti\ers'.tttoti she had
tttth Speat‘s' close ittetid and
111mm: ‘i’. Saiti l.ttti'i.

"He said that Britney is sui»
iet'ttig it'ottt \\|tat he describes as
mental issues." said “alters.
"He said that she has been to a
psythiatrtst and that she. I as—
suttte. is starting sortie ktttd oi
treattiieitt ”

(his (thcs \\tth a report on
\i—‘tittiltie‘t‘tilti that. on January
25. the singer spent an hour at
the liottie oi Santa Monica.
()tltt. based psychiatrist Debo-
t'ait Nadel.

rihc photo agency ttiatti»
turns a close relationship \\|lh
the star )

Hut .iLLtHLilli‘.‘ to a matte.
the treatttieitt didn‘t get oil to .t
gtcat start. "She didn't really
\\.ttit to be there." says the
sottrce. “Site itad ait attitude
abottt it arid \\ as not taking it see


Analyze This

So tshat ittade Spears. 1o.
botitcr to go at all" Perhaps a de
sire to regain custody oi her
sons. Scan. 3. arid .laydeti. )6
months. \ilio ha\e beeti httttg
\\Ilit their tather. KCHH lieder-
httc. 3‘)

(Spears \\ ho hasn‘t seen
her boys ttt three \seeks
sho\\ed tip iot‘ a Jan. 31 enter
gency custody hearing bttt net‘er
entered the coui'trootit; the Judge
dtd riot restore her \isitattoii
prttiieges. bttt site is alloued
piiotte contact.)

Says the tttstder. 'he really
does “ant to get iiet kids b; 'k.
but it‘s hard to get through to
her because she tliitiks slte
klitms hest.“

Atty treattiietit \till take
tittie. but tlte irttpulsne starlet
has already ttiade one break-
through "She sta ‘d (or the Hi
tire session atid didn‘t storttt
out." says the source oi' the
titeetttig “Ilil Nadel. "li\eryone
ts iiopitig this \\ottiati \siil be
able to break *r d0\\ll and get
through to her."

What's the Prognosis?

i:\eti \Hlit therapy on her
schedule. Spe rs. \\ii(i is still
dating photographer .»\diiati
(ihaltb hasn't \itnkcti do\\ti. She
lttt Milietitiitttit Dance (‘otiiples
three titties iii one \ieek. “here
she “01de on He“ moves.
l"l‘\e tteier' seen her ttiore io-

cused." outier Robert Baker

leiis l's.)
On January 17. she reyisited
the Hustler Hollyuood store in

University of Kentucky Bands

see blue.

Thank you for
always believing.

West Holiyuood. “here. back irt
Notetttber. site had stripped
drum to her under“ ear and
shoplii'ted a tug. Site men took
ttttie to txetgh iii . albeit
strangely . on Heath Ledger's
death: "He's still here. Oh. )Cs.
.No one —e\et' really dies," she
told photographers. speaking
\\ itii a British accent. “No one."

Indeed. the road to recoyei‘y
could be a rocky one. As Us
Weekly “cm to press. on the
ittglit oi' January 38. Spears‘ dad.
Jamie. arid her estranged -
l.ouisiatta~based tttotlter. Lynne.
.trrt\ed at their daughter‘s Bei-
et'ly Hills iiottte. \yith photogra-
phers and reporters clustered
outside the gates. Joining them
\\ as Lutii and Nadel. The mis-
sion" 'I‘o persuade the sitiger to
etiter ati iii~patietit psychiatric
iaciitty But. according to wit-
nesses. ait utmtllittg Spears
sneaked anay arid stitittiiotied
(ihalib to pick her tip.

A an: Kiss and Tell
Boyfriend or betrayer'.’
That‘s it hat \IL‘\\L‘T\ oi‘ [inter
tairiittetit Tonight and The insid—
er \\ ere ieit \sondering after the
shous began airing exclusive in-
tersietts “ith Spears‘ photogra~
pher beau. Adrian (iiialib. on
January 33. He adtiiitted their
tiiottthloiig roiiiatice is sexual
and said that Spears is “not
era/y." l‘hough (ihalib did share
\t tilt the shims \otce mails i‘rom
Spears. a close source denies a
British tab report that he is also
try trig to sell -\ ideos: "There are
tio \ ideos. They don't exist."
("i“"vPllSHl Jntiti HS WEErtr

* see yourself in UK Bands!

Keen believing in 2008!


tiotis -
sage h
fairs a
that th
no pla
a] fear
in the
nary r
the e—
his ‘
fell 0



UK 1
an f





Continued from page. i

tioiis and negatiye stereotypes. and a ines—
sage like this only reinforces those negatiye
notions they already hate." he said.

Pat Terrell. y ice president foi Student Af—
fairs at UK, said in a statement yesterday
that the e—mail yy as "deeply disappointing."

“lt perpetuated offensiy'e stereotypes re-
garding race. religion and ethnicity iliat hay e
no place in civil discourse or on a uniyersity
campus \y here yalues of tolerance and mutu—
al respect should be cherished.” Terrell said
in the statement. “While not a Violation of
student code. and therefore not a discipli—
nary matter. this incident is one that we take

Phelps said as soon as he discoy ered that
the e—mail offended a student. he regretted
his decision to forward it.

In Phelps‘ weekly column in the Kernel
yesterday. he apologi/ed to anyone who
felt offended by an e~mail sent to his exec—
utiy'e staff. but did not specify“ the e-mail‘s

"I sent apology notes arid in my column
asked students to cotne meet \‘\ ith me."

Phelps said. "I’m sure they 'd understand if
they talked to me.”

Phelps‘ invitation to come meet VHIl]
him is not enough, said Nally. yy ho was at
the meeting Monday. Nally said Phelps
should set up a forum and giy e those \y ho
iitight be too intimidated to walk into the S(i
president‘s office alone a chance to share
their opinions.

Students are planning other events to
Nine their concerns. Kalinc said ilie (‘oli
lege Democrats met yesterday to discuss the
incident and “Ill dcliy er an open letter to
Phelps today.

At least [no e\ents yyere announced on
liacebook’ yesterday. both of \yhich call for a
sit—iii at tonight‘s lull Senate meeting at 8 iii
the Student (‘enter The ments are titled
"Stand Up to Hate and Bigotry" and “I'K
sit»in against Nick Phelps‘ Aiiti—Miislim re-

()ne 8(i e\ecutiye committee membei
said the situation has been bloyyn out of pro-
portion. Tyler I-‘Ieck. director of constituency
sery ices and member of the e\eciitiye com
mittee. said 8(3 members often use the list
sery for foryyards from the members‘ parents
and friends.

80 Vice President Brittany Langdon
said [he listset'y is often used for political

Wednesday, listiiiiarv b, ZUU8 I PAGE 3

discussion. such as Kentucky's Noyember
gubernatorial election and presidential pri~
inaries and caucuses this year.

“\Ve're in Sti. \ye'ie naturally \ei'y pt»
liiical people. and \sc haye people \\ ho are
on may opposite sides of the political spec
trum." langdon said. "I‘m a huge Itarack
()bama supporter. and l'\e seen that L'rllltlll
a million times. and l kiioyy that‘s not hoyy
Nlc‘k feels.“

Langdon said inenibeis of the esecutiye
committee use the listscry to stay in con
stant contact \HIll each other. Phelps iised
his personal e mail account to send the
message specifically to other S(i members
through the listscry. langdon said. and
many people hay e iiiisconsirued the situa»
tion. thinking Phelps sent the message to
the entire student body.

"People haye concerns. and those con-
cerns are \ery real." she said, “liyeryone
makes mistakes. and he really does regret it."

“He has said he's sorry. and sometimes
you get to a point \\ here all you can do is
admit your flaus "

Cats hope to overpower depleted Tigers

By Travis Waltlrgn

Jeff Lebo needs a doctor. Not your regu-
lar MD. with a comer office iii downtoyy‘n

With only seven scholarship players and
just one staner taller than (i-foot—S. Aubunis
head coach needs someone more poyy erfiil
than a doctor. Lebo tieeds a miracle yyorker.

For a team that was already picked to
finish near the bottom of the Southeastern
Conference. the Tigers haye e\perienced a
hoard of bad nevys this season. But facing a
UK squad that has had its fair share of in«
jury issues as well. Lebo is expecting no let-
up froin the Cats.

"(UK‘sl short-handed is usually different
than Auburn‘s short-handed." Lebo said.
“They‘ve had guys out. but vye‘ye got to
have guys out for Very long periods of

All of that appears to be good news for
freshman forward Patrick Patterson and the
UK offense.

Patterson. who leads UK \yith l7.l
points and 7.9 rebounds per game. yy ill face
an Auburn team that ranks dead last in the
SEC in field goal defense. blocked shots and
total rebounds.

During his \yeekly teleconference Moir
day afternoon. Lebo acknoysledged that he
had no idea hoyy the Tigers \\0t|ltl stop Pat—

“tPattcrson is) pretty scary Lebo said.
“He‘s constantly viorking. he‘s constantly
putting you in predicaments. whether you‘re
going to play in front of him. \yhether
you‘re going to play behind him. That's an

UK vs. Auburn
When: 8 pm.
Where: BeardEavesMemorial Coliseum
in Auburn, Ala.
1V: HAYCOM (WKYT-27 in Lexingtonl


ON THE WEB: Men's basketball injury
report and more UK sports coverage


area of concern for us."

But stopping Patterson
Auburn\ only problem.

A lack of si/e has turned Auburn into a
perimeter—oriented team on offense. and
Lebo said Auburn‘s scoring is no“ predicar
ed on slashing to the basket and getting to
the foul line or getting hot and firing 3.
pointers. But Auburn doesn‘t do either all
that uell.

()nly South ('arolina has attempted fcyy
cr than Auburn\ 35l free tliroyy s. and at
6-H percent. the Tigers are lflth in the Sl:('
in free throyy percentage. And though
Auburn is second in the conference in field
goal percentage. the 'l‘igers are eighth in .‘w
point shooting at nist 35 percent.

The (‘ats haye found a perimeter offense
themselves. making llonS {point at
tempts in the past [no games. including Hi
of—ll from senior guard .loc (I‘llulttt'tl. 'l‘lt‘at
appears to be more bad neyys for the 'l'igei's.
\yho rank llth in the Sl;(‘ in 1 point der

With Auburn's lack of si/e inside and its
struggles to defend the ball outside. head

\y on‘t be


coach Billy (iillispie said the (‘ats need to
e\ploit both \yeaknesses to fully take ady‘an~
tage of either.

"I tlllllls Illtise go together." (illllspie
said. “The reason yyciyc started making
more shots is . yye're getting the ball in,
side. l think that‘s \yhy \ye‘ie been shooting
the ball better is because \ye'i'e playing in»
side—out rust a little bit better."

Auburn has stilleicd from an assortment
of problems. from academic issues to Ill?
tunes and medical conditions that haye ray-
aged its roster and left l.ebo reeling. four of
the foe li‘ontrliiie players Lebo e\pected to
liaye before this season aren‘t playing. a
problem that's changed the l‘igers' game
plan almost entirely.

"()iii “hole front line is gone.” l,ebo
said. “l)elensi\cly and around the rim area.
\ye can‘t .iltei .l lot of things there "

Auburn's roster troubles started in the
fall. \yhen ieciiiit ’I'yrell lynch. a foruard.
failed to qualify academically and timer en,
rolled at Auburn l'l‘ien. ,losh l)ol|aid and
Botibacai 5y llzi \yct'c forced to take redshirts
because of nitrates. and foryyard ls'oi‘yoteny
Hai'bei. the team's leading scorer. hasn't
play ed since Dec. 2‘) due to a broken hand.

\\ ith both teams facing iiiiuiy problems.
(iillispie said his team ititist come out and
match \tibtirn's intensity But Auburn has
lost 22 of the past 11 meetings \\llll I K. and
despite l'K’s shoitcommgs this season.
l.ebo noted that the name oil the front of the
icrsey still cai‘iics “eight,

" l hey ‘ie still lsenttttky.“ l.ebo said
" l'licy ire still finding \\ays to \y in."




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