xt7vdn3zwk4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwk4k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 2003 2003 2003-01-15 2020 true xt7vdn3zwk4k section xt7vdn3zwk4k WEI. 1

January 15 2__OO3

Business man-
agement sopho-
more Troy
Kenning makes
his way up the
rock climbing
wall at the new

The center,

located in South
Campus, has a
grand opening
at to a.m.
today. This
semester, the
center will be
open 6 a.m. to
II p.m. Monday
through Friday,
from 10 a.m. to
9 p.m.
Saturdays, and
from to a.m. to
lo p.m.
Sundays. The
climbing wall
will be open 3
p.m. - lo p.m.
Monday through
Friday. Weekend
hours will be

The center is
free for stu-
dents during fall
and spring
semesters, but
faculty, staff,
retirees and
their spouses
must pay to
join. A guest
pass is $5 a
day. Call 257-
6147 for more

l mun surr



Celebrating 31 years of _independence






UK faces crisis

it state


cuts happen

Repercussions: Loss of state funding could mean
higher tuition, hiring and raise freezes and layoffs

ByTracy Nershaw


Dramatic state revenue
cuts could force UK adiniiiis»
trators to freeze hiring. raise
tuition. cut budgets and go a
second consecutive year with
out giving raises to faculty
and staff.

If lawmakers dip into
higher education funding to
make up for the state‘s $300
million budget shortfall. ad-
ministrators say UK will be in
a difficult fiscal situation.

“What people don't real
ize is that we‘re facing a mi
sis." said Jack Blanton. vice
president for administration.
“It‘s going to have serious

According to some budv
get projections. UK could lose
$16.5 million of its $310 mil-
lion in state funding.

For students. cuts could
mean higher tuition. larger
classes. le‘w'ei' sections and
busier faculty advisers.

For faculty and staff. a hit

could mean

freezes on INSIDE

travel. high» ' ,

H- mm}. Raises most
likely not


and another

year With-

otit a raise.
How students,
faculty and
staff might

And for
adni inistra-
deal with cuts

tors. it could
in e a n s
ii iii o n g
them trying
to find graduate students and
professionals to till vacant fac-
ulty positions. and figuring
out how to maintain progress

See BUDGET on A3








UK joins college trend
with new rec center

pleased with

Attraction: Some call
it a vast improvement


New chief for a can“:

Henry Huff, interim chief for UK Police, replaced Rebecca Langston.
Administrators hope to have a permanent chief by June.

New programs keep


Student demand:
More colleges building
workout facilities

By Andrea Uhde
At Miami of Ohio

University. getting a
new recreational facili-


ty has not only attract-
ed more students to the
school. but it has
opened up the commu-
nity to healthy living.

“There’s a lot more
of an emphasis for folks
to come take care of
themselves." said Steve
Cady. the assistant vice
president for finance
and business services at
the school's Recreation-
al Sports Center.

The center, which
has four gyms. an in-
door track. three pools
and a climbing wall. is
the first and only recre-
ational facility on the
campus. The center av-
erages 4000 students a
day during the winter.

Since its opening in
1994. the center has at-
tracted higheranking
students to the school.
Cady said.

High quality work-
out facilities are one of
most college students‘
top five factors when
choosing a college. he
said. “in order to attract
top students. you’ve got
to give them what they
want." Cady said.

Miami of Ohio isn't

the only school that has
built bigger and better
facilities in the last

decade —

a num-

ber of _

5 ch 001 s A user's guide
to the center
I A6-A7

in this
r e g i o it
h a v e
done it.
ing West-
ern Ken-
t u c k y
ty. Indiana University.
Ohio University and the
University of

Now. UK is follow-
ing the trend.

Most of the schools
build the facilities be-
cause they notice that

began in l996
| A4



Pro-physical therapy Junior Elissa Peak works out on one of
the center's 20 treadmills.

what they have is get-
ting old and deficient.
As the schools opt for
bigger and better bas-
ketball courts and car-
dio rooms. more stu-
dents are taking notice.
“Students are de-
manding this.“ said Bill
Pieratt. the director of
campus recreation.
“You would not believe
how many schools are
building new rec cen-
ters (on their) campus-
es. It‘s a huge wave."
With the opening of
the multi milliondoliar
addition to the Seaton
Center. UK is expecting
to recruit more students
and make UK more com-
parable to its bench-

See TREND on A5



Perched a full story

above the ground, business
management sophomore
Troy Kenning looked for a
handhold Monday as he
made his way up the in-
door rock climbing wall at
UK‘s new Bernard John-
son Student Recreation

Kenning‘s first time

rock climbing was Sunday 5
when the center opened its
doors for the first time.

“i like the whole cen'
Kenning said. “It

makes the entire campus
look better"

Kenning. who lives off

campus. said he thought
that the center would draw
people to either move clos-
er to campus or live in the
residence halls.

The center. located

next to the Seaton Center
on South campus. opened
Sunday to students and
faculty: Already. students
are enjoying what the facil»
ity has to offer.

The center has taken

two and a half years and
$15.3 million to build. said
Ron Lee. the associate dir
rector of the center.




interim chief busy

Choices: Courses include a citizen police academy,
self-defense class for students, faculty and staff



New programs like a citi—
zens' police academy and a
self-defense class are keeping
new Interim Police Chief
Henry Huff busy

Huff replaced former
Chief Rebecca Langston after
her appointment to (‘ominis-
sioner of Public Safety for
Lexington and Fayette Coun
ty two weeks ago.

He said he hopes to use
his time as chief to make the
UK Police Department tnore
available to its citizens

“I believe in openness
and accessibility" Huff and.

One avenue of accessihil
ity will be explored through a
simulated police academy for
members of the public

"It would give a greater
understanding of what police
at [K do.” said Ben (‘ariz vice
president of auxiliary and
campus services “And also
give a git-ater appnwiation "

(‘OPE (‘ats l‘aiiipus
Orientation to Police Educa
tion would be six weeks
long with a two to three hour
class once a week. The class
sizes would be small. so each
lesson could be completely
handson. said Stephanie

Bastin. UK captain of opera-

Topics would include de-
fensive driving. firearm train-
ing. lessons on laws and the
application process associated
with finding police Wtil‘k. It
would be fire and students for
the class would be chosen
through an application

The class should begin in
the next two months.

Another program being
developed is STARR Self
Defense Techniques and Rl\k

The lessons taught in
clude defense against dontcs
tic \'i(\I(‘ll(‘t‘. defense against
rape and the Kentucky laws
that peitain to these offenses

There is no tiiiie set for
when the course Will begin

".ltist taking Ilil\ class
will let you know you have the
ability to take care of your
self." Bastin said

The [K I’olice \Vt‘ll site is
also being upgraded to allow
anyone to file a complaint til"
compliment of .111 officer on
the welt

(‘arr liliiws to line .i chief
in duty In .lunei

'It's iiist .il‘. .itiesoiiie re
sponsibilitv he \.lltl "It's .i
very humbling e\pei ieiice ‘

The Student Nsperewpa Universi , of Nenyuc, Lexin on





 52 | vzouzsoir. JANUARY l5, 2003 | usuruckv kennel


The Low-down

I do not
want child
phy to be

on the


at any



arrested for


images of


UK graduate wins thesis award

A UK graduate will receive the 2003
Council of Southern Graduate Schools Mas-
ter Thesis Award for the Humanities and
Arts Divrsion. Linda (‘antara will receive
the award. which includes a $500 prize and
travel expenses to attend the (‘SGS annual
meeting in Tampa. Fl. on Feb. 23. (‘anatara
was one of the first UK graduate students to
produce an electronic thesis as part of UK‘s
Electronic Theses and Dissertations tE'I‘Ds)
project. She wrote her thesis as an analysis
of Old English text that survives in an
eleventh-century manuscript that was se-
verely damaged by fire in 1731.

M.L. King celebration kicks off soon

The annual Martin Luther King. Jr. Day
march and program will be Jan. 20 at Her-
itage Hall. The program. which starts at 11
am. will feature Susan L. Taylor. the editor
ial director of Essence Magazine. The
March through downtown will begin at 10
am. from Heritage Hall.

Vending machine suspects arrested

Two Lexington residents are accused of
getting rich stealing change from UK vend-
ing machines. Captured Dec. 21. Tasha
Espree Walker. 19. and Antonio Lamont
Parker. 20. are being charged with over 30
counts of burglary. The tentative loss from
the thefts exceeds $10000. said Sgt. Greg
Hall. a detective with the UK Police. The
spree. which began in September. included
Pepsi machines. snack machines and copy
machines in Erikson Hall. Funkhouser
Building. White Hall Classroom Building.
the Fine Arts Building. Patterson Office
Tower. the Oliver H. Raymond Engineering
Building and the Law Building. Police found
burglary equipment and a large amount of
cash and coins. Hall said. If convicted. each
suspect could face five years in prison for
each offense. They have not been to court.
Walker has been released on bond and Park-
er is being held in the Lexington-Fayette
County Detention Center.

Debate over ays divides church
LOUISVILL 7 A divisive debate in the
Presbyterian Church (USA) over ordain-
ing gay ministers threatened to reignite
Tuesday with a petition seeking a historic
meeting of its legislative body. Alex
Metherell. a church elder from California.
presented the petition to the denominations
top leader during a meeting of church lead-
ers. Metherell exercised an obscure section
of church law to seek a first—ever special
meeting of the denominations General As-

N .m _.
After more than
an hour of gues-
tIonIng by police
about child
pornography he
viewed on the
web. the Who's
Pete Townshend
was released on
bail. He will be
ordered to re-
turn to a police
station In late
January for
more question-
ing pending fur-
ther Investiga-
tion, Reuters re-
ported. Town-
shend was ar-
rested Monday
for suspicion of
possessing inde-
cent images of
children, suspi-
cion of making
indecent images
of children and
suspicion of in-
citement to dis-
tribute indecent
lmages of chil-
dren, but he has
not been
charged with a
crime. Under
British law, sus-
pects under ar-
rest are not Im-
charged. and
some are re-
leased with no
charge. The gul-
tarist, who is
married and has
three children.
was nabbed as
part of Opera-
tIon Ore, a
British child
pornography In-
vestigation that
has resulted In
the arrest of
more than L300
people In Eng-




sembly. He said he wants strict enforcement
of the ban on ordaining non‘celibate homo-
sexual ministers and other activities that
defy church law.

Court hears Kentucky insurance case

WASHINGTON , The Supreme Court
wrangled Tuesday over whether states can
push HMOs to enroll more doctors. giving
patients broader choices in their own health
care. The case turns on whether a Kentucky
HMO law is regulating insurance. as states
are allowed to. or regulating employee bene-
fits. which is an area reserved for Congress.
The HMO industry says forcing health plan
expansions raises insurance costs for every-
one and adds to the already escalating price
of health care. Elizabeth Johnson. the
lawyer defending Kentucky‘s law. said the
Supreme Court should let states help pa»
tients have more control over their health
care. She said under ”common sense" analy-
sis. the law is an insurance regulation.

Bush pleases anti-abortion crowd

WASHINGTON President Bush
pleased anti-abortion activists Tuesday by
declaring a National Sanctity of Human Life
Day and pledging his administration's com-
mitment to “build a culture that respects
life." As he has done throughout his presi-
dency. Bush appeared to be seeking to burs
nish his antiabortion credentials while try-
ing not to alienate moderate voters. He her-
alded Born-Alive Infants Protection Act he
signed last year. which amends the legal def-
initions of “person.“ “human being.”
“child" and “individual" to include any fe-
tus that survives an abortion procedure.
Bush also underscored his administration’s
efforts to champion “compassionate alterna-
tives" to abortion. such as promoting mater-
nity group homes. encouraging abstinence
and adoption and passing parental-notifica-
tion and waiting-period laws. He called un-
born children “those without the voice and
power to defend their own rights.” But the
president also stopped short of condemning
abortion — or the cause of abortion rights
activists — outright, using only the veiled
language of the anti-abortion movement.

Drugs involved in military deaths

Two US. pilots who mistakenly dropped a
bomb that killed four Canadians in
Afghanistan had been issued amphetamines
before the mission to stay awake, a defense
lawyer argued Tuesday at the opening of a
military hearing to determine whether they
should be court-martialed. The Air Force-is-
sued “go pills" may have impaired the pilots'
judgment, said David Beck. lawyer for Maj.
William Umbach. He also said the pilots
were given antidepressants upon returning
from their mission. Umbach and Maj. Harry
Schmidt are charged with involuntary
manslaughter for dropping the guided bomb

Hollywood star
Sean Penn has
confessed he was
used as a propa-
ganda tool by
Iraqi dictator
Saddam Hussein.
The Carlito's Way
star made a
three-day fact-
flnding trip to
the country last
month alter stat-
lng his opposition
to a possible war
In the Gulf. But
Penn new con-
cedes he played
into the hands of
Hussein by vio-
lating a US law
forbidding Ameri-
cans to visit the
war-torn country.
After his trip
Irag's publicity
chiefs hailed the
actor's visit a
huge success.
and they claim
it's further proof
that the country
Is safe and free
of weapons of
mass destruc-
tion. Speaking on
talk show Larry
King Live, the
actor said, "I
didn't expect to
be told the tnrth
on everything.
They said that I
said this. they
said that I said
that. i think It's
horseshit. That Is
the way that
they behave. But,
you know, that's
a price I was
willing to pay."

near Kandahar. Afghanistan. on April 17.
The Air Force has said they failed to make
sure there were no allied troops in the area.
The Air Force has said that use of the pills
is voluntary. and that their effects have been
thoroughly tested.

Bush offers deal to North Korea

WASHINGTON — Adopting a more con-
ciliatory stance. President Bush said Tues-
day he may revive a proposal for substantial
economic benefits for North Korea if it
agrees to dismantle its nuclear weapons fa-
cilities. The administration had been pre-
pared to make such an offer last year but
withdrew it after learning that the North Ko-
reans had initiated a uranium-based nuclear
weapons program. Bush said the initiative
included food. leaving the impression that
he was departing from long-standing policy
of not linking assistance in that area to po-
litical developments. Later. White House offi-
cials said Bush was referring to an agricul-
ture reform program for North Korea. which
faces yet another year of severe food short-
ages. The more benign posture should be
well received in South Korea. where both the
outgoing president and the president-elect
believe that a policy of belligerence toward
the North doesn‘t work.

Pentagon seeks green exemptions

WASHINGTON —— More conservative
leadership of House and Senate environ-
mental panels has raised expectations at the
Defense Department that Congress will
grant the military more exemptions from en-
vironmental laws. Pentagon officials. citing
concerns about training and readiness. have
a six-pronged legislative agenda that in-
cludes seeking more flexibility in dealing
with migratory birds and marine mammals
and easing standards for air quality and
cleanup of toxic waste sites. They want an
executive order from President Bush to help
the Pentagon prevail in environmental dis-
putes with other agencies in the name of na-
tional security. They also want numerous
Changes in regulations of the Interior and
Commerce departments and the Environ-
mental Protection Agency.

Cigar companies sue to block law

TAMPA, Fla. — Nine cigar companies
sued the state Tuesday seeking to block a
constitutional amendment approved by vot-
ers in November that bans smoking in
restaurants and most enclosed workplaces.
The Florida companies claim the amend-
ment will cripple their business because it
bars them from lighting tobacco inside their
factories and warehouses. Burning tobacco
and smoking cigars are essential to develop-
ment and testing, the suit said. The action
was led by the Washington-based Cigar As-
sociation of America, a trade group that rep-
resents cigar manufacturers. importers and

Compled rm staff, m reports



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 Fewer thefts over break
than usual, police say

Crime: Above average snowfall and a later break
influenced low number of thefts from cars on campus

By Ernlly Hagedorn

After having windows
smashed, doors scratched
and tires deflated in the past.
Kays Kaysi. a microbiology
and immunology graduate
student. thought covering
his silver Mercedes with a
canvas cover would deter
thieves but someone stole
the cover.

No other damage was
done to the car, but Kaysi
said the peculiarity of the
theft has left him second-
guessing his safety.

“I don‘t feel safe inside
the campus," he said.

This theft is one of six
from cars that occurred at

UK during the holiday sea
son. which was the lowest
number in at least five years,

However. the conditions
of this holiday season
above average snowfall and a
later holiday break would
normally have spawned a
higher number of inci-

“We would have thought
there would be many more."
said (‘mdii Travis Manley.
the head of UK Police‘s Com
munications and lnforma
tion Services.

Last year saw the high-
est number with 21 reported
break-ins between Nov. 15.
2001 and Jan. 15. 2002.

The stadium. which has
the largest parking lot on

campus. only saw one theft
this season. down from 11
last year. Also hit were park
ing lots at Virginia Avenue.
Nutter Field House. WT.
Young Library and (‘oopen
stown Apartments.

Sgt, (ireg Hall. a detee
tive with the Hi Police.
thinks the drop is due to the
heavy emphasis the force put
on patrolling the lots this
holiday season.

“I think having the po
lice visible has acted as a do
torrent." he said.

Among the items stolen
are the car cover. 520. (Its. a
radio. a cell phone and sun»

No one has been arrest-
ed in response to the thefts.

“it's been a quiet break."
Manley s‘aid. "You can never
tell why things go up and





Continued from page Al

toward becoming a Top 20 re-
search university.

State legislators, who re-
turn to session Feb. 4, will be
working to find a way to bal-
ance and approve the budget A
either through program cuts
or tax increases.

Lawmakers say it will be
difficult to pass a budget dur-
ing the five week 2003 short
session —- leaving public uni-
versities like UK that rely
heavily on state funding
scrambling to find ways to
cover unexpected costs.

Budgets are normally ap-
proved during even-year ses—
sions that run from January
to mid-April; the 2002 session
ended without a budget be-
cause of political infighting.

UK anticipated the lowest
of the possible cuts —— 2.6 per-
cent — and has come up with
enough money to avoid major
financial problems for the rest
of the fiscal year and perhaps
the next, Blanton said.

But bigger hits —- specu-
lated at 5 to 9 percent —
would leave the university in
trouble, Blanton said.

If lawmakers opt to pro-
tect elementary and sec-
ondary education funding.
UK could take a 9 percent cut.
which equals $27 million to

$30 million out of its budget.

“If we do that. it will just
be disastrous for us. Then we
have to lay-off. shrink and
limit classes. raise tuition un~
believably.“ Blanton said.

And any of the cuts could
result in a second straight
year of no salary increases
for faculty and staff. Last year.
they were given one-time pay-
ments based on their perfor-
mance evaluations. This year.
even that option is questionv
able. Blanton said.

“I don‘t know whether we
will have money for a raise or a
onetime bonus this year." he
said. ‘And if it‘s 5 percent. I
doubt it If it‘s 9 percent no way"

Perhaps no one on campus
knows what to expect from
state lawmakers more than
Tony Goetz. a lobbyist for the
university who is in Frankfort
every day the legislature is in
session. Even he doesn't know
how UK will fare.

He said he expects the 2.6
percent cut. but beyond that.
he is not sure.

“No one knows at this
point.“ he said. “There is still
a lot of political posturing. No
one wants to propose a tax.
but no one wants to propose a
cut in services."

Tax increases have been
proposed on items such as cig-
arettes and packaged alcohol.

In good economic times.
the university has benefited
from the state‘s higher educa-
tion reform. In 1997. the state
mandated UK become a Top
20 public research university
by 2020. With the mandate
came more funding 77* such as

the Bucks for Brains program
and with the new money
came progress. Without that
money. the progress could
stop. Blanton said.
"were on the precipice of
a chasm that we can fall into
that could set UK hack 10-15
years." Blanton said.

Raises unlikely

for second year

Faculty and staff may not
get raises again this year, ad-
ministrators said this week.

“If President Todd can figure
out a way to give raises this
year, then he's got a halo and
wings tucked away somewhere,"
said Tony Goetz, associate dean
for community development.

Last year, faculty and staff
went without a raise but re-
ceived one time merit payments

Provost Mike Nietzel said giv-
ing raises this year will be tough
even if UK escapes funding cuts.

“The faculty and staff are
going to expect a raise. But
where is that money going to
come from?" Nietzel said.

The situation is particularly
tough for staff members, many
who have difficulty paying rising
health care premiums, said staff
senate member Julia Ellis, who
administrates the payroll for the
Physical Plant Department.

“Many of these people are
below what the mayor has
called the living wage." Ellis

- 'll'acy Kershaw






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Center materializes


after years of plans





The Johnson Center is within a short walk from south and central campus dorms. Plans for the
facility beoan in 1996. Students have paid a $50 lee tor the past three years to pay for it.

Finally: Increase in
student fees funded
building of new center

By Sara Cunninoham


The Johnson Center
may be new to students.
but those who have been
planning it have had the
idea in mind as far back as

It‘s been years of stu-
dent fees. planning and re-
search to get the modern-
ized facility on campus.

“We can now offer so
much more in the area of
fitness and wellness." said
Bill Pieratt. the director of
campus recreation.

The center. which cost
more than $15 million, be
gan when UK noticed it
wasn‘t up to par with other
schools. From there. plans
began. and in 1999. UK
started charging a $50 stu-
dent recreation fee to fund
the center to every full-
time UK and LCC student.

Winn Stephens. the as-
sistant director of the Stu-
dent Activities Board. who
was president of SAB and
a part of the Johnson Cen»
ter committee when plan-
ning began. said that stu-
dents were supportive of
the fee when it was passed.

“Most of us felt that if
this was going to be a
worthwhile center meant
specifically for students. it
was okay for us to pay for it
too." Stephens said.

Initial planning for the


JOiiii mum: I Ktnnnsmr

The center's architecture fits in with the trendy desions of many
new recreation buildings sprinoino up on colleoe campuses.

Johnson Center started in
1996 with the formation of
a committee of students.
faculty and staff who re-
searched the recreation
needs of students and how
UK might be able to fulfill
those with a new facility.

“We wanted to see how
we compared to other Divi-
sion I schools and our
benchmark institutions."
Pieratt said.

The committee spent a
year and a half conducting
surveys and visiting other
universities before ap-
proaching former UK Pres-
ident Wethington with a
proposal. he said. .

“The committee found
that UK was sub-par so
much so that we fell in the
lower half of all of the
schools when it came to
student fitness facilities.“

Pieratt said. "With our new
Johnson facility. UK will
compare favorably with the
other schools.“

The Johnson Center
includes more space for fit-
ness equipment as well as
new indoor basketball
courts. an indoor track and
a climbing wall.

Stephens said of all
the projects he worked on
as a student, the Johnson
Center was the one project
he felt that students were
definitely taken into con-
sideration above most oth-
er concerns.

“Sometimes as a stu-
dent you hope they are tak-
ing your opinion into con-
sideration and that isn‘t
the case," Stephens said.
“But this was the one time
I knew without a doubt
they were listening to us."

wife says he
would have
been humbled

in memory: Johnson
worked at UK for 36 years

By Rebecca N_eai

Bernard “Skeeter" John-
son never kiiew that the new
student recreation center
would be named for him. but
his wife said he would have
been humbled by the honor.

“He would not believe it.
He would say it should go to a
lot of people. that a lot of peo-
ple should have their names
on it. not just him.“ Frankie
Johnson said.

Johnson died in Lexing-
ton of complications from
leukemia on May 2. 2001.

Johnson served as direo
tor of campus recreation from
1969 to 1982. His career at UK
began in 1946 when he was
hired as an instructor in the
Department of Health. Physi-
cal Education and Recreation.

Johnson was an integral
part of the university. said Bill
Pieratt, the director of cam-
pus recreation. who worked
closely with Johnson.

“Skeeter was a good
friend. We still miss him,"
Pieratt said. “He always made
things fun. He had a good
sense of humor."

Johnson earned his bach-
elor‘s and master’s degrees
from UK. He was active in ath-
letics and participated in foot-
ball. basketball and track.

In his later years. Johnson
worked to promote physical
fitness and exercise for senior
citizens. a cause his wife said
he was passionate about.

“He wanted people to stay
well and to get out and exer-
cise.” Frankie said.

She said her husband
loved everything about UK.
from the atmosphere to his co
workers. but he had a soft spot
for students.

“He loved teaching above
everything else. He loved his
students and was proud of his
relationships with them.“

The Bernard M. Johnson
memorial scholarship was cre-
ated by the Kinesiology De-
partment of the College of Ed-
ucation in October 2001.

The Bernard Johnson Stu-
dent Recreation Center is a
good way to remember the
man who cared so much about
the health of UK‘s students.
Frankie said.

“He was a positive person
and wanted everyone to be
happy.“ she said. “He wanted
to leave people smiling."



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