xt7vdn3zwg7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwg7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1979 1979 1979-04-18 2020 true xt7vdn3zwg7p section xt7vdn3zwg7p m
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viii. I \\i. so. m Ker e] i "hm", M “Mum :
Wednesday. "9". "L ttno an independent student newspaper I “mum". Kentucky ‘ .
— E
'Not because I'm a woman’ .
. M ‘ .
Col/ms on the run for lieutenant a vernor - . ~- -
B! ".3. FIELDS politics. and doesn‘t need aiiotlici assigned to head I Rt] lIicu lIlIL’.“\|K- so is (‘ollins As supreme court clerk. {If}. 3".» i ’31-! ‘ ‘ '
5H” “We! Iliat “other woman“ is llieliiia said. "But, I flunk the mic ol tIieoIlice she has liaveled toall llllcouiitiesaud . f’ _..3' deg? ... i . ..
Stovall ”k. “Hm" lieutenant should be In the executive frcltl has woiisuppoi'feis. soiiiewliowoikin ' I i ' ”Va?” :- fl ‘ ‘ 4 '
After a two-hour interview with governor. Much criticism has aiiscit hs‘ltttlit "W”lhs’l‘Ul ll‘t‘v‘ilhlllt'l llllllili "”C‘” h“ "‘l"“WWW”l‘s'i'tlklllillt‘l‘v “it: . ... s. WW” - .
Dale Wright of WNVI radio in since she called the special legislative the lis'tlls‘ltittll NUH‘I'IWI \llt'Hltl hy‘ Al “N “""IW “W“ I" ll“ “NRC” N ‘ ‘ " if": i My; i Wmsmm' J '
Nicholasville. Martha layne (‘ollins session while (iov. .liilian (‘ai'ioll wits liaison between the executive hianch though. Is that they are volunteers. t. : n” i ~
grabbed her campaign basket and ottt of state. rescinded the legislature‘s and local government.“ " I here is a direct correlation to the \ n “ ’ .. y _ L
headed toward Squire‘s Restaurant rescission of the liqual Rights As much as a candidate‘s sex has amount of money a candidate spends s 135:." i ., ’ I i. I
i for another interview. And after that. Amendment and ordered that union bs‘s'i'mL' ‘-' yIW‘l'm‘ ”1 Kentucky “” hl‘ “”“l‘i'llm “‘ "l“ -”"”“'“ “C“ if it .9“ ‘ I . - ; ‘
she had to stop by the courthouse. payments be taken out of policcmeii‘s political races. Il hasn't hurt (‘ollins‘ spend in ”NH-‘0.“ \hs' \itld. ‘ ‘ _’ 'i _ J. _
Then she headed for an evening wages. career so far. She is currently a clerk ("it “5110- mentioned I“ ,\C\ls'l'di|.".-‘ ~ ‘ _ if} '° .
speaking engagement in lexington. (‘olIins. like her opponents. has said for the Supreme ('ouit of Kentucky. a thto interview. invokes youth. W \- . i” t B i N it.“
And then. after preparing for the she will work closely with the iob she won from a field of male “I‘m interested in yoting people.“ '1 _ ' ”W y“"'m“'"'- '
nextdayonthecampaigntrail.shewill governor.and would only callaspccial contenders. she said. “I atn looking for people to i“ g " f' M in”. _ . . «$1 , .
get some rest. "Six or seven hours it session if necessary, “I'm runningas a candidate. not asa t1“ anle- ”“5 “‘i') ”‘9‘ Cd" havean i Itw
I'm lucky." she said. "People ask me about calling a Icmale."('ollins said. “ l he people are Inl‘l” 0" “"4” hill’f‘t'm." ‘ . . i ' -. :
~ Tomorrow means more cumPaign- sPccial session more than the) do the going to look at the candidate aitd l” C(‘mhfl‘ apathy. (‘ollins hi" i .
. ing. Today'she swings into ”(and will men." she said. “I will call a special elect the one who will do the best iob.“ PI‘OPtN'd havinga student WTWOH the >.E:.-_._.5._.3.Es» i g ...e...» 1. '
speak tonight at 7:30 in 206 Student session only under extreme '\ resident of Versailles. (‘itllins was ('ouncil ”l High" lidueation. _, 3 . \ tn W. i . a. .
‘ Center. circumstances. I will inform the the Democratic National ('ommittee- although nltc him” SPCCII'icd hit“ the i ii "*1- y ' . ' ism. . '
Being a candidate for lieutenant governor. though. if I do. I don't woman from H72 to I976. During Iier person would he selected. ”a” ’ _ “a I I
governor is not an easy job believe in the shock treatment,“ tenure she met (‘hicago's new (and ('ollins is not promising much on ’ f 4
especially since there are six other The rcsponsiblitics ofthe office have first female) Mayor .lanc Byrnc. ”‘0 campaign "it”. and thinks it's 21 i‘ ‘ i st? 3 .
contenders. all male. But Collins is also been an important issue in this (‘ollins has been in touch with political advantage. i i ‘ » ‘ *
running as a candidate and not as a heated race. 'I‘wo candidates have Bry‘nc. and has asked her to come to "EV”! time I meet someone. 1h") l I a v ‘
female. suggested that the lieutenant governor lesington. “June will be good for the tell me that they are tired of hearing _. i _ . “"V ,
Unfortunately for Collins. however. head the legislative Research state." Collins said. ll nothing else. it promises." she said. . k? W '
many of her opponents have made her Commission. would show what a woman can do for "I can tell you thin." she added. ”1 i H H i ,
‘ gender an issue in the race. One said But Collins said there are more government. she said. will always be available. and no one Martha Layne Collins goes after the Nicholasvillc vote.
' Kentucky has had one woman in importantdutiesfortheoffice. “It‘lam Just as B)’rne is a Political veteran. “‘illf‘t-‘r regretelecting ms‘inlttttffiCt" She speaks I" 296 Student (‘e‘nter “W81" I" 8. f
.. I I I .
. -_.»- 3s? ’3.“ .v« .. ”WWWW‘W‘“? “WWWM””WW*”WW faii’iywir» I
......7. --:tz«..».a«...i.-a,°g,;..,_ ,iwfi. :3;- q W. wwwfifi’w W’VWWM’”‘%&W’€@ " mew/1W am y I Ak-z-QLI‘:1§5-:: rues-(2e; zit-5w - I I ‘
M ”gimme-Mn MWWW M” w w ev I d e n ce I n C rea SI n I h .-
"§”’”°"“W°’:“””“‘:°"t .v Z}:2..;:i§1.:i~-j5;'E¥-. . , ' ##2wa By MARK GREEN in his Prob/(WWII) that “drunken and Abuse and Alcoholism said inaspecial '
a? . , - . - u Z““*Z"’”’§'”r ”i" ‘i:=~'- - WW? WW; Stall writer hairbrained women“ were more likely release. “(iiv en the total evidence at
‘ «5,25% ‘Hvfli’wéy; {(2%}??‘3’ ' i, I»; %% . y y . It). PmdUCf "morose and languid .. this time. pregnant “0an should he. . .
”Sgt. , ., V‘: :15: _;' ._h I. ,3: gig”? I he repeal of Prohibition In the children. particularly conscious of the extent of
2: _ “ jig; 2‘. g, I. ' ' fig”? I930s. which left the national Doctors in the l960s who studied their drinking. While safe levels of
v' , é l :_ . f _ . . f , ~ temperance crusade in ridicule. also the children of drug addicts found the drinking are unknown. it appears that
immawamyx .' " 2.1.2.: Mfi‘mfi/f’mz/I’W resulted in the public and the medical infants suffered withdrawal a risk (of I‘AS) ..s established with
sass-.31.“, g: about drinking during pregnancy. that the offspring of alcoholics Ind absolute alcohol. orsix drinks pcrday‘. '
_ vagiflgffi/‘geifirvg’éggrga‘g‘ alcohol was overlooked in advice led to a rediscovery ot .FAs. _ . sn” uncertainty. but caution IS ,. _ - .
' a “draggww? w meters-tote We to 0' was... to. Ruben book: r in adnsen imam... pregnant nonrn .
3%fi’g2m'nsw‘i‘afit”Mafl’z’iflfwW’” its high calorie count. nianvfests itself in a number of ways. and num- likely to become pregnant 'i
.‘ Wen Mfiiif?“ V" ”Mara”? f Hut “When you drink. your unborn lhe symptoms include: should discuss their drinking habits ~' ‘
. “at ......Z’" I r""’_ f y ‘ £3,“ ti . . _ . a ~ baby does. too." small size (length and weightl. and the potential dangers with their -';:'
y “w W w w» m” ”few” ’ f ’3’“ , “ Or so claims Lucy Barry Robe in her including abnormally small head; phy‘sicians_"
:‘V'W H I _ in am... ' l ‘”»M ... book. Just So Il's Healthy. which tells mental retardation; it here are some natural defenses
. “wig, ' " a . . flag! . “a? '1 __ “t q of the precautions an expectant low le (they ranged from 92 against k AS according to Rtvbe‘s -
. w was; a. , mother should take. down to I6. average is I00): book. such as the nausea associated ’>
Wm , fl ,2 ’ ' She says it was formerly believed peculiar face mm the early periods of pregnancy. ".- .
. that the placenta was an effective protruding forehead 'T
—__—_—— Wm... slit-like at. State court system
' narrow u er Ii . givinv the - 1.
g _ ' M— mouth a fish-likepifppeaiiance [- debated tonlght .‘
barrier against alcohol. but actually. receding chin "lhe New Court System ‘ Is It
' " ' ' i ' , . _ ._ ., ;.. .. _,; _. V, .. 1' ,2 . ,'., _ ”we once in the bloodstream. alcohol deformed ears Working?"will bethetopicofa debate ._ y
-. i. I " ' " . V .. i .. ' H I” '3: crosses the placenta to the fetusThere short. upturned nose tonight at X in the Courtroom at the -_
, .4). ~3é/MW»/v3’w’ffit}ar°éanitm°r¢éwflvif,»wm~w»«wotsxx/vawmm g-fii"':2n':ii:-'VI f: -' it? it can cause .a Wide range 0f birth _ Other deformities include missing In“ SChOOL I i i .
v. escyais ,. defects. physical and neurological. fingers or toes. hip dislocation. genital . lhe debate. sponsored by the , i
figf‘;aga§%~’£’wffafl’¢;%%sj%W fl; According to Robe‘s book. I-‘AS Ev en though FAS has been new district court system which if, t _ .
mfiaffl,§*/ j..',_'.'jj:'Ijj.if?=f1j§ig§jil‘..if;.'2...& "fagggmfffijfiwmwfiamm, was not identified as a disease until positively identified. facts are hard to Kentucky has used for the last IS .‘, _. .
”swim: n > .241»; are Y/myWWA/vmgWfl:f°*"“’““”fi*‘f‘ff°‘f‘:f'fjf” 29;;ng 1973. but it now‘ ranks as the third come by concerning the amount of months. ’1 '
>a’Wwewm = «Ar/«Mm vaeswwmw as . , . ' . . . . -, ~ -
.amfiye‘wyswd... ywswwwwwxn leading cause of neurological birth alcohol consumption needed to Arguinglorthe system willbeJudge ..1 _
’, :wfifizjfw ;;”.g;?ffi‘f%s%wa defects (behind Mongolism and spina produced it. But it is generally Mitchell Meade of l'ayette District '._ y
. 4493‘”14’313I2/°J"%9~WW iiiiiiiigiiiii’ "31"(3555515' * ' ‘. 1;; 5:: s:-3-:-.:.‘~- . .1. *2-‘3' :15" -‘ vz- . .55: ‘13::‘35'Iéiifi'étights???:4.-"-;:'2:1:571*.’-§'2:: 'ici‘éitin'is'v"‘22'...3511'i:§:'s\~‘it:-€3’<3:1513§-"2&9?6235 2, 3;, bifida. a SCVCTC d Cfc Ck 0f the bp in C.) 8 SS 0 Clflt C d With 'dICOh OlIC mot hers 0r (~0un and BI” l)fl\ IS. 0 f l he 5 ' .
. . By vall) “AWARD/Kern“ 5"" Actually it was a re-discovery. women who drink frequently. Adminsitrative ()lfice of (state) il; ’
FIeShlng It out A I977 report bythe Joint Panel for Judith Franklin. assistant director Courts. 1
‘ the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol of the Kentucky Alcoholism Council. Arguing against the system Will be 5 _ . i
,3} . _ . Syndrome (of Wisconsin) stated that said. “Evidence seems to show thatvthc Pike (‘ounty J udgc Wayne _-' ‘ .
:2. Binding Beach may be getting competition asa campus and are cWm“! ‘0 Shy Inhlle- Also reported yesterday as early as I726 the College of most damage occurs during the first Rutherford. who ran unsuccessfully .; _-
sunspot. .3 least if these Donny." Hall scholars have were strange-looking campus animals perched atop Physicians in England “petitioned three weeks of pregnancy often for lieutenant governor in I975. and ii _ i .' ‘ i
5. their way. They‘re laying atop their dorm. enjoying the malennhabited- bulldmfis surrounding DONOVIH- AMI. Parliament for control ofthe distilling before a woman knows that she is civic leader Bill Moore. .3»; ' ' '
"I warm temperatures that came Kentucky‘s way yesterday the ""5 0f spring. trade. calling gin ‘a cause ofweak and pregnant.“ Admission is free and the public is ‘t g _
. g: feeble children.‘"Aristotle even wrote The National Institute of Alcohol invited. ‘1; ' I
' oda
2‘7“» .1- -
‘ljl‘; morally obligated to do so. But US. Supreme (‘ourt Justice William Rehnquist stayed and his C\Ilt' enemies. ‘
3g lhe latest returns show no large deviation in income or the execution on a petition from [ivans‘ mother. Mrs. Betty While some reports placed him in l lbw PTC‘Umubl.‘ it i . ' “
if: local expenses from retums of previous years. Evans Dickson oI Beaumont. lexas. lhe full court later safe haven since libyan leader Moammar Khadaly has becna '
5.:- Although the governor makes 335.000 a year plus 504.000 refused to intervene any further in the case. staunch ally others said he was in his northwestern l'ganda j ', ‘
5* THE l'RBAN COl'NTY COI'NCII. VOTED in‘e'xpe‘nses. his adjusted gross income was listed at $38.43 Evans had said repeatedly that he preferred death to life in tribal homeland. Still others said the sellfprocla‘imed 2‘ .
.3; YESTERDAY to appoint a special committee to investigate httausc of various deduction and exemptions. prison and he refused legal helpto block hiselectrocution. But president for life and conqueror of the British Empire had r'. - ‘ '
.3; charges by a Metro policeman of crimes involving local once Rehanist grantedthe stay. I.vanschanged his mind and fled to a neighboring country. ‘ . ~ v
. 3.5.; government employees and an alleged official cover-up. Kl-ZNTI'CKY DlnLMO(‘RATS WANT TO MAKE stint: :‘ffhgr'T‘l f ”WW" ”' m“ “‘"*“‘”"""“'”-“ “' Alabama ’ , “"‘WFW IN” '1‘ h l‘f‘mN‘“ ‘t, ”:‘f 1, “Skiff”: n :11: : j .
‘. William Canan. president of the local Fraternal Order of lhe) d0 "01 commit ”Wm discrimination “he" Climbing h“ ptna l" d“. utmfolhngml lg d H t mun”). m u ‘m d I I 7: - .
. E POlice. appeared unexpectedly before the councifduring its delegates t0 the |9th national convention. mm mm M i .‘ ‘ ‘ .
g I work session and askcdthataspccialprosecutorbeappointed The new “”05 PWPW-‘d h) Ihs‘ W”! W” WWII") “'1' ENVIRONMENTAHSTS PLAN AN INTENSIVE '
‘3 in the case. affirmative action. but reject any quota for minorities. (‘AMI’AIGN in (‘ongress to block or delay the (‘arter l'NDI-ITI-IRRH) BY THREATS 0F (il'l-iRIl.I.A . , '
_. Helirstmadethechargesand askedloraspecialprosecutor Rep. Mark i‘it/gerald. I)-(’ynthiana. who drew up the administration's decisionto open .16 million acres of national \'IOl.l-IN(‘|£. blacks and whites in Salisbury. Rhodesia. .. g . ,
, last Week. It then was announced that one alleged incrdent revised plan as the party's counsel. said the program "drawsii forest lands to development. including acreage in Kentucky. turned out in large numbers yesterday to vote as equals on . .
. , i would be probed by a Fayette (‘ounty grand Jury. It alleged line line to assure affirmative action" without the possible "We think this is unconscmnablc." said William A, black maiority rule. A hundred thousand soldiers guarded .' ‘
_ '. occurred in I974. but no details have been made public. legal Pitfall oI establishing a quota. lurnage. executive director of the Wilderness Souety. against sabotage attempts by black opposition guerrillas, 1.
_ ‘ (‘anan then accused Commonwealth‘s Attorney la”) He said the l' S Supreme (‘ourt‘s decision in the Bakke lurnage wants much ol the land classified as wilderness. a lhe I2.000 black guerrillas of the Patriotic I iont alliance ..
’ Roberts of a conflict of interest because the alleged inCidenl case beame a concern to leading state Democrats trying to designationthat would stoptimbereutting.oilandgasdrilling had vowed to sabotage the elections. saying the new ' '
5 involved “close personal friends of his “ arrange representation of 45 delegates and 15 flllcfnfllg‘s and new mining ventures government would be a facade for continued wnitc rule . ‘
'_ - .2 Altcrtw'o closed yesgrtvn5.thc mum-ifvoicdtodiscussagain I‘resident(‘arter‘s decision toopentheIandtodevelopment In latest reports on the first day. at least 568.“: people _ -
l C next week ”‘5 W‘IUN {0" a WWW: WOW-“mt nation came under the Agriculture Department‘s Roadless Area voted. which was a surprisingly high turnout. said one white ‘
i V '1 Review and l:‘i'll’i'll"" Program. “‘0“ ‘0 many if‘ RARl' ll. official lhe government hopes a large tiiinout will prompt ' ... . —
. .g State Till? Al ABAMA S‘l PRFMF (‘0‘ RT ‘ FSTI‘RI)AY l nder it. 62 million acres of roadlcss and undeveloped political recognition of the break-.iway‘British cv'vlonviqwlhicl‘; ‘ . .
V l m ‘I "w ‘9“..1.....,n'd..,.§.,t ”my 37"." .Inhn | “‘3‘ him“ III nationaI‘Iorest lands were studied for Possible lt'tcllhlttn in the has bqe-n ilnllfiltff‘nilll‘tuxl‘l outcast since it unilatt rally t u aru .. .
‘ i .' GOV. Jl'l.lAN CARROLL PAID THE FEDERAL the condemned killei who beat the electric chair by only siv “MUM“ “mm m mupmunu m i i _ ,-
, , 3 government 544 in additional taxes owed and got back SSI hours i . i \
- ‘ v" from the state to be credited to his I979 estimate tax But because ot a new appeal tiled on behalf of I vans. there wor|d weather s
' . .. " j lhosc were the figures shown yesterday as (‘arrol released appears little chance the (\t‘L‘lIlIUIt will be carried out then V -
.‘ ‘ .'.. _ 'I copies of his l97tt tax returns. lvans. sentenced to death for the January I977 slaving ol "If. WHERI-IABOl'TS OI“ Ol'STI-Il) DI(‘TA|'OR Il)l (‘H'IAR ANI) ('OOI. TONIGHT. sunny and mild today . _
-._ .‘f I, n , J ”‘0 governor has been making h" returns PUNIC for all the \tothe pawn shopow nei Idward \assar. had been scheduled AM“ remained 3' ”"1“" ‘hmlldt‘d "13"“) yesterday. i' "‘5‘“ Md") "W” N" I "V“ tonight '0“ 40" "'Kh mmmm“ ‘ ’ L“ . .
,“ {-51 . s" I .Vears he has held office. claiming that high Public officials are to die in the state‘s electric chair April h “Wk 3"" the l 'gandan “I‘ll-ll “l K-”“I‘i'l“ ls” “‘ I‘m/im'i'm '" "“3 m‘ .‘ I Q;
.i‘; , "'L .5" W 3:75 ..
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' KENTWKY st." nullin‘" I in "canard Inims (1an Walt" 'l'unh Jamie \Iuglit Imn Mann ' I
It/Ili'l m t Iurl III‘IUIHII limit: 1.) MM!" Q a I' “In", \[mrly liliIuI llIri'iIuI “I I’Iiiilugruphi ' '
”(Mic Melhnirl s
More Money ' i
e I ”2 Richard strontium our: “9% film??? "0 “filth Jul-n ("I-i lind- (mun .
”illltlk'lllk' IiIIIw Jun" “elm“ (“In [mum lunium i .v I Itlum WI" "it‘hf'd ”hum "mum" ‘
Itymitllt' It’IIUI\ Iniiltml \[mlli ’Il‘ll"\
' editorials 8: comments '
' 3
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‘ ‘ Marathon Victory highlights I’M ‘
c. ‘ .
.» WU.) I "
WT a, ‘5] V 5 _.¥’ (3 l.‘ .
. . FORle A ‘AW ., ' .
need for women’s Olyn‘tpic race s 34a” l ' t
. . l- .r: '- mt? .' ~
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'v fl-m ‘ .
' ' * . . V ‘ Vt /" .
ht” Rt‘dtlt‘” “0“ 8'1““ “Chill“ It" his man the l.5(l(). ineludingthelull marathondistancc. ‘3".1 '.
tremendous effort Monday after he captured the No one understands exactly why the ‘ ' i” fix ' -
" Boston Marathon. Rodgers ts a great athlete who. International Olympic ('ommtttcc refuses to ‘ '_ Lg . '3‘ F .
riding the surging popularity of running and road recogni/c medical and scientific evidence that “hi iii. -| g ;
racing. has become famous as the world‘s premier women are at least equal to men in their capacity to .:3 (’3’ -.q-I—'3.- ‘ i}; ’
long distance runner. compete at endurance events. l’crhaps it has ‘l\ v ‘ ‘ ‘9 "r ";:s"§.‘_5 :J'n‘ q)“ \ g ,’
But one equally outstanding performance at somethingtodow'itlithememl-ershtpotthataugusl awavMb_ ’97, .i. Z . ,3
Boston went relatively unnoticed Monday. And body. mainly titled octogenarians. who may not be ‘2'.” v ,y ; ‘
because the world‘s most important athletic event up to date on modern attitudes and trends. \ :l’ 1‘ J \ l . . , ,
continues to ignore this athlete's specialty. it‘s likely The IOC. after all. is the body which ‘ x ' l) \ r , {
that she and her comrades willcontinueto remaina hypocritically attempts to enforce an “amateur ; 4 ( ‘ l . . ‘.
sldcslit)“ in the arena. standard" that forces world—class athletes to use " \ w K
The athlete is Joan Benoit. and she and other subterfuge and concealment toearnaliving. Abody r ' ' \‘ ~ e‘;
women runners have been ignored for too long by that believes competitors like Rodgers view their / ‘ file i
the Olympics. which for some reason continues to sport as merely an amusing hobby is quite out of — ’ . ‘ ' ,__ l
insist that women are too frail to compete in long tough, - -". .. - ',
distance rglCL‘s, In fact. a great athlete is a national resource. a 7/ ,1 ’ "l i
In the Moscow Olympics next year. no race source ofinspiration and identification to his or her . i ‘1‘! l/{ . ‘
longer than l.50t) meters is scheduled for women countrymen. Women distance runners deserve the i ' . '
(along with some field events in which women do chance to play that role. and its time that the ' V .. - - i.
not compete). Men compete in four races longer Olympics changed to fit the times. ' .... “Mn—um.
R ' ' ' ' '
-- reply to No Nukes IS good Nukes column missed the paint .
‘ By WILLIAM K. FRIEDMAN is inappropriate. plants had older model cooling also essential. There is bound to be yet. Stillwe produce it.hopingwe‘llbe Besides whatever harm we do to .9
This misses the point in at least two systems than that at Three Mile Island resistance to such approaches: bailed out at a later date. Shall this be ourselves. we are also risking our i
I write in response to the ways: First. a historical survey (and is really supportive of Fit/. It shows utiliring resources like the sun and what we are remembered for? children and theirs as well. This issue. ig-
commentary by Harned and Mills. Fit/.‘s discussion was a mere sampling that cooling system improvements wind would tend to demonopolize the Hopefuly there will be someone to along with weapons insanity. speaks ~
itself a response to Tom Fitzgerald's of nuclear accidents)gives usaclearer have "0t been adequate and ShOUld utility power structure. “1'5 hard to remember “5- When we play With perhaps more than any 0th" 0t OUT '3
column. “.‘so Nukes is Good Nukes.“ perspective on the issues, The nuclear ——-—~———— own the sun.) nuclear energy we play with dangerous basic human responsibilities. Can we ft”
Harned and Mills' dismissal of Fitz's ind ustry is revealed as a l have no objection. at this point. to pollutants that can last thousands of break away from and grow beyondthe ‘i j
position on the grounds of bias is political economic movement that ' ' responsible research ofnuclear energy years; we play withcanccr.and genetic inertia of our industrialized society. 2 r
inappropriate and hollow. Fit7 gives us no reason whatsoever to have oplnlon as well. It is the crash program. mutation. And one needn‘t spend long our desire for power. our habits? Can i '
supported his views well enough. and faith in typical public relations ' maintainthe monopoly mentalitythat periods of time in close proximity to we Pl’OVlde succeeding generations ‘
Harned and Mills' critiques are often statements such as “a clean. cheap .__—______.__—_——_ I object to. We literally must learn to radiation to become a victim: with the beginnings ofa way of being s'
lacking in logic. It is mistaken to source of energy" that is “relatively give us reason to pause in our critical think ecologically and humanely. But “according to our best present on this planet that is lessarrogant and ’
confuse conyiction with bias. harmless," It seems naive to accept. (not biased) evaluation. and yes. the nuclear industry does not respond knowledge. even the smallest amount more ecologically harmonious. less ;
Harned and Mills contend that Fit) without healthy skepticism. industry political action. well to human. ecological iSSUCS. or intense radiation (one particle) can near-sighted and more wise. less selfish 5
used "yery poor" examples when. in positions on controversial issues. They A5 to Harned and MillS' point that Let‘s make that CXPllCit- Even WCI’C damage the nucleus ofa single cell- A and more lOYOUS? These are the -,
discussing past nuclear reactor have a lot to lose if nuclear power is solar energy is too expensive at operations flawless and accidents did damaged cell. or one of its questions of our times. I dedicate
" failures. he cited the Chalk River. deemed inappropriate; it is here that present. we may ask. “at what price not occur(and there‘s no sane reasonl descendants. can become a cancerous myself to an affirmative answer. and
ldabo Falls. and Fermi River plants. bias is more likely. Do most who life?“ A better answer than rapid know oftojustifysuchanassumption) one. If a germ cell is altered. the ask others to choose responsibly. 9
They say that these plants had older oppose nuclear energy have a great nuclear industrial development would there is Still the problem 0t "“9"?" ”5‘”th genetic injury can be : .
_ model cooling systems than that at monetary. political stake in the issue? be to expand solar research efforts. waste a blight on our progeny and transmitted to future generations." William K. Friedman is a senior in -
Three Mile Island. and so comparison Second. the critique that the older and others thatare ecologically sound. so a disgrace to ourselves. There is no (Turk. Turk and Wittes. Ecology Psychology.’ ’3"
—..____——______— Conservation and recycling efforts are safe way to dispose of nuclear waste as Pollution Environment. I972.) :
Letters to the Ed’ tor En lish Ian ua e is easil misused '
Columnists Main"- I‘m not sure that such a division 9 g g y ‘
really CXISIS Within SQ. but if it does. . . . . - . . - ' ' l
.. h h ”pica! oflosersto wam one last ism this much like our US. Kids Compete. Can With and Word Oddities. Pearl Weinstein of powdered slang; he should becalleda Adopted. Adoptive? child whois ,, ,
CF} before admitting defeat. Charles Government? Aren‘t the House and against be used synonymously after Philadelphia sends in “a five-letter ‘drunkard. adopted is an adopted child.but the ,
Main had ms in last Thursday‘s Senate divided into Democrats and compete? The 9-year-old daughter of word containing tour pronouns. in ‘ . . couple who do the adopting are not -
Kernel. Republicans? They seem to be Bonnie S. Roscn of Newtown Square; order." The word is usher. Representative. Even a dignified adopted .. parents; they. are. the g
_, thkc other candidates who chose operating fairly well that way. Pennsylvania. used “compete With word like “representative is “adoptive parents. “Adoptive is not . -
to accept the Student Government lf Main. and all of the other one evening. Mrs. Rosen writes. and sometimes used loosely. Larry Hoover always used when it should be, ’ g
election results without “mud- defeated candidates. sincerely wanted her .“!,l'y.ear-°ld grammar buff. on words ofColumbus.Ohio.recalling whenthe perhaps because it has 'too proper a ‘ . l
slinging.“ Main could not handle to work for and promote SG.thenthey Jackie. said she must Iusefi“compete . Big Ten Football Conference was sound. As this writer said on another
defeat. He quite conveniently used his should not change their minds just against. not compete with. The vote by theodofe m. befnsteln debating which Big Ten team should occasion. words that are too proper. . .
ne“|y regained position asacolumnist because they lost the election. Main. here gOCS t0 the 9'ycal'70ld. The two ______________ _ _______ panICIpatc In the Rose BOW! gam'c' hke girls Who are 100 propel" are "at f:
to try to conyince the voters that they and all others. should support 80 and youngsters are competing thh each says that sportswriters and athletic eaSIly embraced. L‘
made a mistake by not electing him. not try to hurt its credibility. At least other and at the same time competing , . dilrectors often 59‘?“ or sending the . ' }
Main opened up his heart to me give President-elect Mark Mercalfand 3821")“ “Ch other for tOP honors "i ‘0'?“ 0! Drunken. AMWS article “most representative" team in the Black and white mixed. How do . .
readers and said. “10 be perfectly the I979-80 $0 the chance to prove English usage. said. Sufmm 0f the bus accident league. Undoubtedly what they meant you‘sm" that color?asksaquesttoner ‘ ’ ’3
CllChC.l\\-'anled and still want to themselves. Don‘t start criticizing saidthedriverhad beehdrupken. N0; was the best team capable of in btratford. New Jersey'— In the . i
get inyolyed." before they even take office. Give Out — One Way or Another. The atlJCCttVCS drunk and drunken representing the league: But United States it is gray. but in England _
My reply to that IS. m be perfectly Charles Main put a scar on his Sir Winston Churchill. not exactly a are fussy about where they Shhttld be “representatiye” has the meaning. of grey is more common. A good way to '- .
cliche. actions speak louder than record with this column. yet I m“ humorist though he did producea gag placed. l“ the predicative POS'tIOh typical or being an example ofa kind remember it is: A for America, E for
words. It you want to get involved. do believe that he is probably one of the occasionally. is credited with this one: that IS.aftfl’tl'lC verb *— the wordto'usc of thing. Thus‘the users of that word England. Now that I‘ve told you that. '.
it! Readers don‘t careto read whatyou best writers that has ever gonethrough An apothecary in England IS “drunk :t‘The driver was drunk. In were unintentionally advocating as A and E are alllO U. And don‘t ask Y. ’, ;
want. they want [0 read what you‘ve the UK journalism school. But. Chas. prominently displayed a sign which the attfthtWC P°S|t|0|t ahead Nth: Mr. Hoover suggests. the sending of Just a little vowel play. that's all. - ,;
done! ' ' for our sake and yours. please don‘t said. “We dispense with accuracy." "0““ _... the word to “SCIS “drunken 3 the most nearly average team in the Th 0d M B t l f
I don‘t think that Main'g campaign ever go on the campaign trail again. The two meanings 0f dispense “A. drunken dr'V" call?“ the league. rather than the best team. Not “50:2"? the.N :'";;:'T:me:"i:': .
had anything 10 do mm “a sincere virtually invne sucha pun20nthe one ECCIdeht. . .Henwas 00““:th 0f the most heinous offense to the reeo nized authterrit on the En lish ~ ‘
dwre m reshape the goals and put N. Craycraft hand it means to give or deal out and drunken dt|V|h8« andafinal note. one language perhaps. but if we all used I 3 e Hi 0 him will . ' r ,
. obiectiyes of Student Government." Journalism senior onthe other handdispensewith means for the road. ShO t0 shpeaszo calla words with preCision maybe we’d ":3: .II 5 o n i ppel .
His greatest desire was to beat the to do without. person a “drunk“ is generally know what we were talking about. pe c: y. as space perm ts. .
(ireeks. Fy idence for this can be found '
in his own column. "'and F'tz . i. ‘
Main makes a big deal of the Since Mr. Fitzgerald feels that heis . l‘ bow J31" 8“" -mm .-.
difference between the at number of above criticism ofhis choice ofsources ‘ II (a )l s W .
(ireeks and non-(ireeks in SC. concerning nuclear DOWN. I Will WK MY WS WKGM. A
Howeyer. considering there are about address my argument to you. I(«‘ ( ‘74}
H.000 more non-Greeks than Greeks In your “it“ concerning p ‘ )@ i
at th. then whmc fault is it‘.’ commentaries you state that the writer (r/I & 1 g -.
‘ Main said that “those who have mustbequalified to write onthetopic. x 3 ‘
been elected to the l979-80 SO now How can a person with a BA. in ‘Q‘ ; (l .
face the monumental task of trying to Appalachian Studies write on nuclear , ' i
restore that body‘s credibility.“ I don‘t power? / l ’
think so 80's credibility was not In short. the man is ignorant onthe //‘ E {- .
g ‘ tarnished by this election. but I do see topic. /’ : 3- O 1‘
Charles Main's article as an attempt to Please follow your own rules. é] :5 ’55 j
_ do so.'ln my opinion. Main‘s column 7/”/ 3 ,9 . i
. only damaged his own credibility as a Charles (‘atron / 1/", ' 0 '¢ 3 t
-, _ lournalist and also that of the Kernel. L'K Medical Center staff ' .1 ’. ¢ . J .
- ‘ , _ According to Main. before SC: can ‘ L ' .
i re-estahlish credibility it must ask (Editor‘s Note: The article in question " /
. . . itself several questions. such as "(‘an by Tom Fitzgerald was not presented / ’47 ‘
, 1 any organization which divides itself as n commentarv. Fitz is I columnist '/ y / '/ // ,1 i
r , . ' i into (irceks and non-(ireeks fairly for the kernel and as well is free to ’ I ' / ’V 5,; 42/ 12/ , I
. 2 represent a student body which is write on any topic he chooses. C S/"’.L/% ;, / fv/ %;/// i
.i made up of both"" qualifications notwithstanding.) m . t u; a. r / ,vx/ l 37,1277 ///// W {i
@2517 r":
73] {will i
t ' 5 - 4;? .. - ' 7".“ . .1 '71"; J 3.. ' “'5‘ .1 ~ 1 ‘ ' .15 -.' :2’133‘3'4‘ .- ' « '3 ‘ ‘ f "~"» ‘ ' 7.4' . -‘: ,' "Ls. .. ' '~ "- 1 ' . .
:fif‘; )1}. A. , .‘Iv'.’ .1“: .l‘-' _, "V:‘."t"'. fizz“), . 13“.: .I‘. “, 2.. t .Y . ‘ y- ‘ _ ’ .'