xt7vdn3zwg3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwg3b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1975 1975 1975-11-05 2020 true xt7vdn3zwg3b section xt7vdn3zwg3b  

V0.1 LXVII No 67
Wednesday November 5,1975

an independent student ne




2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Ky. 40506

Carroll landslide sweeps state

Assistant Managing Editor

LDl'ISVILLE—Julian M. (‘arroll won
his bid for a full four-year term as
govemor Tuesday defeating Republican
challenger Robert Gable by a landslide.

Strong showing in populous Jefferson
and Fayette ('ounties contributed to the
incumbent Democrat‘s approximate
140.000 vote margin over Gable. a coal
company president.

(‘laiming an early victory at 9:38 p.m.,
(‘arroll said. “The magnitude of our
victory makes it apparent that we had the
overwhelming support of both political
parties." The Associated Press declared
('arroll the winner at 7:31 pm.

There was never any question about the
outcome as early returns showed Carroll
far outdista ncing his outspoken opponent.

Appearing with a host of other
Democratic victors. Carroll gave special
thanks to Jefferson County voters. whose
anti-busing sentiments were expected to
work against a victory there. “These

voters searched through a jungle of con-
fusion to understand my positions of im-
portance to Jefferson County."

Gable had criticized (‘arroll for not
taking a stronger stand against Louisville
court-oideied busing. A standoff between
the two came as a surprise.

(‘arroll won by nearly two—to-one in
Fayette ('ounty where Republican
gubernatorial candidates have been
favored for almost the past two decades.

Carroll. 44. announced he would take a
short vacation before returning to “lead
the (‘omnionwealth government with
awareness of our solemn responsibilities."

The governor thanked campaign
workers and Democratic US. Senators
Walter (Dee) Huddleston and Wendell
Ford. whom he succeeded in office 11
months ago.

Carroll then brought in hisd run-
ningmate. 56-year-old Thelma Stovall, who
became the state‘s first woman lieutenant
governor by defeating Shirley Palmer-Ball

(‘ontinued on page l2

Republicans boo as
Gable conceeds defeat

Assistant Managing Editor

l.()l'IS\'lLLE—Angry. disappointed
Republicans booed as Republican
gubematorial candidate Robert Gable
conceeded defeat to Democrat Julian

More than 100 campaign workers heard
Gable say the election results would show
he ca med Jefferson County. but had not
done as well as he hoped in the rest of the

Gable spokesmen said earlier in the
evening that the Jefferson ('ounty vote was
\ ital to a Gable success.

“It was worth carrying the banner" to
bring the message to the people. Gable
said. “I do not regret it."

o i
Incomplete election results ,
Besides winning the governor‘s seat. the Democrats also took seven other

. state offices. The outcome of some 64 legislative seats was in doubt. but
Democratic control of the Genral Assembly was assured because of incumbents

and previous domination.

around i am. this morning.
('()\'.. '

97.. iper cent of 2.! JD precincts.
(.able (Rt—274.559

('arroll (Di—4532]"


94.7 per cent of 3.3” precincts.
Palmer-Ball (R )—238.692
Stovall (l))—40I.534


1 size. OF STATE:

M7 per cent of 3.311 precincts.
' Jones (Ri—237.3I5

Dan's (Di—364MHz
.\TT\'. GEN:
92.8 per cent of 3.2m precincts.
Whittle ( R l—21ll.2l9ti
Stephens (Di—2:78.982

The following is a list of top state office election results and the two proposed
Kentucky constitutional amendments as supplied by the Associated Press

Gable called for (‘arroll to act on the
topics that were at issue in the campaign.
He cited: the need for quality education for
all children in the state. an end to forced

busing, lower taxes and “the need for a
government that is responsive to the
people. not the politicians."

Less than an hour earlier campaign
workers crowded around three television
sets to see (‘arroll give his victory speech.

When (‘arroll finished his speech, a
disgruntled Republican said “We lost our
ass.” as he walked to the bar.

"l've never been so ashamed to say I
was born and raised in Kentucky," said
Susan Lerding. at Louisville precinct
n nrker.

(‘oiitiiiiietl on page ti

Sl'P'l‘. Pl'B. INSTR.:

04.7 per cent of 3.3” precincts.
'I‘aylor (Rt—tht.2l2

Graham ( I) i—ilti3.29!i

94.7 per cent of 3,3“ precincts.
l’erk'nis (Hi—229,788

Mills (Ill—360.712

('R'l‘. 0|" APPEALS CLERK:
04.7 per cent of 3,3” precincts.
Lambert tR)—2l8.525

(’ollins (Di—359.858

.ll‘l)l('l.\l. AMENIL:


80.7 per cent of 3,3” precincts.
For—~ l 82. 829


Gov. Julian (‘arroll handily won his bid for re-election Tuesday.

Council races

Women voted in, incumbents out:
Lyons, McCann race too close to call

Kernel Staff Writers

Fayette (‘ounty voters Tuesday un-
seated four incumbant Urban County
(‘ou ncilmen. elected three women and left
the outcome d’ the Eighth District race in

incumbents were defeated in the Third
District, Bill Bingham over Joe Jasper;
Sixth District, Darrell Jackson over Cecil
Frost; Seventh District, Elenor Leonard
over Tony Curtsinger; and in the Twelth
District, Howard Palmer over William

Although late last night Eighth District
results gave Dr. William Lyons, UK
political science professor a five-vote lead
over incumbent Bill McCann, the outcome
remains undecided pending absentee
ballot counts Wednesday morning.
Unofficial totals gave Lyons 1,867 votes
and McCann 1.862.

Meanwhile. voters in districts near
campus returned Fourth District Coun-
c ilwoman Pam Miller to the Urban County
(‘ouncil and also elected Bingham.

Bingham. who opposed Third District
incumbent Joe Jasper. won by 82 votes.
receiving a total of 443 to Jasper's 361. “He
«Jasper! spent a lot of time in other

districts helping other candidates. and
didn‘t really dothings for the people of his
district.“ Bingham said.

Bingham said as a councilman he will
fulfill his campaign pledges of obtaining
jobsa t the civic center for his constituents.
providing federal rent subsidies for
proptsed Pralltown housing developments
and increasing recreational activities in
the Third District.

In further reference to recent Pralltown
housing plans, Bingham said, “We want to
build single family units-not high rises——
that residents will be able to afford.
Federal rent subsidies for Pralltown must
last for 30 years if the development is to

in addition, Bingham said elimination of
parking by UK students would contribute
to the success of the housing development.

In the Fourth District council race.
Miller defeated Charles Sutton bya vote of
1,647 to 632. She carried all 11 precincts in
her district.

Miller said she was pleased by the
renewed voter response.

With the elction of Mary Mangione in the
Fifth District and Leonard in the Seventh
District, and the re-election of Miller, the
council '5 female representation will be
increased from one to three.




editorials Editorials do "0t represent the Opinions of the University.
' Bruce Winges Susan Jones
Editor -in-Chief. Editorial Page Editor
Lenin scectrumanai mam ionieaamrsai suitor, . _ ,
Mirmmiism outfit: memento,me seam Ginny Edwards Jack Koeneman
m mm m and m “as m ” "5' Managing Editor Associate Editor

’ Letters












Re- evaluating
notions of friendship

Yes line


i want to thank you for your article
regarding the Yes Line (Kernel, Oct.
17). There are, however, a few critical
points I would like to clarify.

l. The Yes Line is much more than
lost a referral service. ltalso provides
accuratz, anonym0us, noniudgmenfal
information and basic counseling in
human sexuality and related areas.

2. The Yes Line phone number is 252-
5395, and the line is in service 24 hours a
day, seven days a week.

3. This line differs from the Nexus
line in that a caller is immediately in
touch with a trained individual who is
glad to talk with them, listen to
problems and pr0vide information.

4. The Yes Line is an independent
organization that originated thr0ugh a
coalition of effort by several service
agencies in the community including:
Blue Grass Regional Birth Planning
Council, Comprehensive Care,
Florence Crittendon Home, The Health
Department and Planned Parenthood.

Thank you for providing your readers

Whatever the events of the past few
years have brought to light, they will
probably be remembered as the days
when we were forced to reevaluate our
notions of friendship.

Everyone from the presidents
(coming and going) to Serpico, the FBI,
Timothy Leary, various mundane
mafioso and some local gays have been
hasseled by misplaced trusts and
confidences unconfidentially divulged,
and twisted to devious personal ends.

Isn’t that the pointof "detente," after
all? To further confuse the issue by
i)r0ving to the rest of the world what
good friends we can be with Our cold
war sparring mates. Forget the stocks
piled bombs and biological iack-inthe
box surprises. Stinking rich pugilists,
we shake hands over the wheat crops

with this additional information.
Joyce Richardson
Yes Line Chairperson

Library hours

Apparently, the M.l. King Library
won’t start staying open 24 hours a day
on any regular basis. According to
library staff, last week’s trials didn’t
bring out enough students between
midnight and 8 am. to give the in,
creased hours serious consideration.
This is unfortunate; too many of us find
that those late (or early) h0urs are the
only time we have to study.

The Kernel seems responsible for the
disappointing turnout. From
discussions, I know thata large number
of people would have used the time at
King Library last week if they had
known it was open. The Kernel kept its
readers uninformed «hardly the thing
for a newspaper to ddby failing to
widely publicize the fact that the
library was open extended hours. l hope
that the editors will act differently if
this experiment is ever repeated.

Thanks are in order to Student


and then come out fighting over
petoleum crude. lt will come to that
eventually, whether it’s on a cutthroat
stockexchange or a desert battlefield.

Detente! Friendship! It’s easy to see
there's a "Catch-22” loose in the gar-
den, again.

Wise men might iustifiably accuse us
of freezing ourselves into barren
straits. An analogy: ice-breakers
sailing the arctic find it hard to move in
any direction, except backwards over
ground (water they’ve already
covered). Likewise, paranoia over just
who yourfriends are, and just who they
aren’t can freeze any constructive
human motion; creating ultimately,
disorientation and crushing alienation.

Life is motion...motility...mobility.
it’s true on every plane from intelle»
tual motility, to social and commercial
flux, even down to common exercise.

Government for their part in getting the

extended hours during mid-terms last

Marshall Farley

Zoology maior



In an article that appeared in the
Kernel (Kernel, Oct. 9, "SCB to ask
LRC for beer study") it was stated that
"student government officials at
Western Kentucky University,
Morehead and Murray are ’really
enthusiastic’ aboutchanging the laws”
regarding the sale of beer on campus
and regarding a lobby for lowering the
drinking age to 18.

The Student Government Association
at Morehead State University has not
endorsed any such action. I believe that
our attendance at an informational

meeting ab0ut the Student Government
Association of Kentucky may have
given some peOple an incorrect im-
pression about our purposes in at.
tending that meeting. The SGA at
Morehead has voted to "table in-
definitely” a bill relating to its af-
filiation with the SGAK.
Tim Wilson, president
Student Government Association



In response to Herbert Harry
Bushong‘s Spectrum article Oct. 27
(Kernel, "Gayslack morality”), l must
say I admire Bushong’s c0urage in
expressing his beliefs. I personally
cannot agree with a single thing
Bushong says, and l wince athis lack of
tolerance; however, it is his right to
express his views and live as he sees fit.
That is everyone’s right. Including

QaYS~ Richard Jackson
865 candidate


(Editor's note: Because ofthe number of letters and commentaries received by
the Kernel, there is no editorial today. In cases where a number of letters and
commentaries are received about one or several subjects, more space will be
devoted to readers’ views. All letters and Spectrum articles should be typed,
double-spaced and signed. Letters cannot exceed 250 words and Spectrum

articles 750 words.)




Without the freedom to move in pur-
poseful directions, even if it is
ultimately in circles, mankind whiters
and dies.

Perhaps this paralyzing blur of
values~gone»sour, and allegiances
defrayed is the real malaise of our
time. The real reason that plain folks
nolonger trust their politicians (by that
I mean the ones they vote for) or the
media heavies they devour daily
arOund suppertime.

Remember the old days and the
”good neighbor,” policy. What about
good neighbors? You’re a damn fool if
yw trust them; you can’t be sure who
might m0ve in. i mean, suppose the
SLA has a lease on the bungalow next
door? You ought to be privy to such
information before you scoot over to
borrow a cup of sugar. It could cost
you your life. Times like ours don‘t





By Greg Hofelich
inspire friendship: on the contrary, it’s
a gentle, carefully acquired habit.

Yes, values are sorely needed. Ways
to evaluate in whom we place our trust.
Let’s demand c0urses in human
friendship and personal ethics. So what
if they’re ”aesthetic?” Teaching
human relationships cauldn’t be any
more ludicrous than the triumphant
excess of an American agent-”with a
Jewish backgr0und and heavy German
accent——mediating an Arab showdown
with the world over a technologically
obsolete, and essentially inefficient
fossil fuel source. Like heroin addicts,
sometimes it‘s easier for us to go on
feeding our anti social habits.

Ah, the troubles we get info. And all
because of our friends, too.


Greg Hofelich is the editor of the
Kentuckian Magazine.



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Dear Mom:

I was really sorry to get your last letter
From the looks of things, Lexington must
be going to hell in a handcart, which is
really no great surprise to me; but I must
say I’m shocked it’s happening sofast, Ma.
I know yqi remember how things were,
Ma, a few years ago. There was a very
small but more of less permanentgr0up of
peOple; thinkers, doers, people who cared
about what was happening and knew how
to make things happen. I used to be with
those people, Ma, I used to care and work,
too. Ah, those were dark days, back in the
lab 60’s and early 70’s, when so many of us
were risking life and limb and reputation
in our respective colleges and. high
schools, while others were more concerned
with getting awards from the local chapter
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution and the Future Farmers of

Dark days, indeed, but not half so dismal
as what we have come to today. What is
this shit, Ma? I don't know exactly what
happened to most of us: times got r0ugh,
and there seemed to be a“ support
anymore, from anywhere. Most of us
became more concerned with just living
out own lives without constant threats
from outside, than (oping with those
threats and trying to change or eliminate
them, which was Our whole goal from the
outset. We had in mind, Mama ,.. i know it
sounds funny now, but we really did . a
world where poeple c0uld live pretty much
like they wanted to, whithout being afraid
that some bunch of bureaucratic pigs was
just waiting for them to step out of the little
private cubbyholes of their mind to run
amuck with their lives.

We just plain gave it up, Ma. And when
we did that, sutdent power lost its
lifeblood; it changed from the robust,
strapping young thing it was such a short
time ago, into a shriveled, toothless old
whore who’ll sell herself to anyone who
can mount some sort of greasy coalition.
And that’s sad, Mama. Why, right now,
one of the finest women in town or in
that end of the state, for that matter ~» is
rotting in jail like a child raper, while
halfcrazed, senile old judges who break
the law themselves not only go free, but
are respected members of the community.

Anyhow, it figures, Ma, what yOU said
they're trying to do to the Free University.
It figures it would be one of the first



targets, because it doesn’t do much of
anything but give people who feel the
need to live a different life, outside the
ruled regiments most people manage to
survive in, a chance to do so. it just gives
people a chance to get together and do
what they want; learn what they want
from each other in a give and take way, as
they want it to go. We never were much
good at making money, Ma, as you know;
not because we couldn’t have, if we’d
turned our minds to it, but because we
didn’t much want to. it was against our
principles, somehow; it ran counter to Our
ideal of learning with no strings attached
other than whateach individual wanted to
attach to his or her self. We never charged
tuition or anything, like so many ”free”
universities did, because it just wasn‘t
”right”; it felt bad to us. Hell, in many
ways we were the conscience of the
University of Kentucky. We didn’t do any
harm, and we even did some good.

Remember lnnisfree, Ma? Does anyone
there remember lnnisfree anymore? It’s
one of the few noble experiments in the
educational history of the state of Kentuc
ky and itgrew right0utof Free U. Just like
so many other things did, you know. When
everyone was interested in radical phil
osophy and politics, we were there. When
pe0ple turned to yoga and eastern religion,
we were there. When they turned to arts
and crafts and the art of survival, we were
there again, right With them.

We tried to be everying to everybody,
Ma, and though an organization with that
as its goal can’tbe perfect, I think we did a
pretty good job.lf we accomplished noth
ing else, we provided just ab0ut the only
University institution, outside of the
Student Center bathrooms. that was
equally accommodating to Wasley S.
Krogdahl and James Deuglas MacArthur
Williams. And I think that’s a whole lot,

l have faith in the peOple in Leington,
Ma; I know out of the 20,000 or so on
campus, there are still 30 or 40 who
understand Free U for the vital thing it i5.
And I know, Ma, they won’t let it die.

Your everlovin’,

This long letter to those at home was
written by Bev Cubbage Nicholls, a former
Free University coordinator who now
lives in Champaign, lll.







It’s difficult to
cope with fame

Will success spoil Bruce Springsteen?
A performer unknown to all but the
most enlightened of us just two sh0rt
months ago, Springsteen has simultan-
eously sprung onto the covers of both
Time and Newsweek (Oct. 27) and into
the spotlight of national prominence as
a major recording artist. He is the
classic case of the Overnight Sensation,
the working class hero, the manifest—
ation of the mostoptimistic dreams of
an uncountable number of personal
managers, record company executives
and fans who have begun to wonder
whether or not rock as we now know it
is standing on its last amps or not.






And the question hangs, almost
within an air of predestined resigna-
tion: Can Springsteen withstand the
sterilizing influences of the mass media
mags? Can he buck the dictates of a
commercial market? And most impor
tantly, can Bruce Springsteen be
shaved into the national rock scene so
quickly and still retain the imagination,
the creativity, the independence, the
non-arrogance, and the humility that he
needs in order to maintain the brilli~
ance and eclecticism (look it up in
Webster’s) that is so evident in his
music-making up to now?

As we all know, it’s a hard thing to
cope with this thing called fame. Eric
Clapton couldn’tcope with it for a long,
strung-outwhile. Brian Jones became a
derelict on the studio floor — asleep
while the rest of the Stones were cutting
tunes ~ after his recognition as a
genius by the music public. Elton John
has become unbelievably dull and
somewhat debauched by the whole
process. Pete Townshend has been
remarkably untouched by most of the
negative nuisances associated with
achieving the pinnacle of success,
thanks mostly to his deep spiritual and
emotional maturity. It you know much
about Townshend, you will know that he
has an incredible f0unt of wisdom at his
grasp, an understanding of human
nature that eludes those less sensitive
than he.

And this is one of the reasons that
makes me believe that Springsteen will
survive all of the hoopla that his record
company and anyone else arOund him
who stands to make money off of his
talentwill try to surround him with. His
lyrics indicate that he is a real,
genuine, bonafide street poet. Spring—
steen knows what people are like, what
motivates the human predicament.
what forces are at work within and

without us that make us do the things
we do.

Springsteen’s songs also reveal that
he is the type of person who likes, very
much, to do things his own way; and
that fact is reinforced by the Time
quote from his friend who said that
Springsteen was the first rocker he’d
every met who just didn’t give a good
damn ab0ut dollars.

Let’s face it, the guy’s got real class.

In a way, Springsteen reminds me of
an east coast version of that number
one of all the poet-rockers, Jim
Morrison. Several of the cuts off of
”Born to Run,“ Springsteen’s latest
album and hit single — his meteor to
stardom — are strongly reminiscent of
"Morrison Hotel-Hard Rock Cafe,” the
Odors’ greatest, most integrated
album. Both discs embody those
themes of running, rolling, movin’ on,
looking for the answer at the other end
of the road. suspended all the white by a
fine Wire over a precipice of exploration
and d0ubt, realization and ignorance,
daring and cowardice. And the dynam-
ism of the human spirit is never
forgotten in the lyrics.

it was once said: ”There are things
that are known, and there are things
that are unknown; in between, there
are only doors.” Yeah, that’s where
Jim got the name of the group-now
Springsteen has the chance to show us
the doors he’s opened; meanwhile, he
has to go thr0ugh a few of his own,
thanks to the national news magazines
and a few million adoring fans.

The unknowability of instant wide-
spread fame and of national critical
acclamation is virtually absolute unless
you are there in the middle of it...and
now Springsteen is suddenly—almost
violently—wast into these most strange
and foreign waters of character-chal-
lenging seas. I want very much to see
Bruce Springsteen make the transfor-
mation thr0ugh the doors to fame
gracefully. I’ve never seen anyone who
was so Morrison - Dylan ~ Elvis - Lenny
Bruce - James Dean all wrapped up in
one. He deserves to make it.

Butsee, I’ve just done it. I’ve hyped
Springsteen up to unbelievable propor-
tions. You can only be disappointed now
when you listen to him, if you take my
praises too seriously; but damnit
Bruce, rock ’n’ roll might be on its last
amps — you have a heavy load to bear,
my son, so carry it well and with
dignity. Dylan is the only one of those
guys who comprises your national
personality that has made it to the
present with0ut too much corruption
andor premature death.

By the way, Bruce Springsteen also
plays a real mean guitar.


Dick Downey is a hopelessly ambitious
writer who is currently disguised as a
UK law student. He has_ had some
experience in the Real Worlds of
journalism and disaster-area insurance
adjusting. His column appears weekly
in the Kernel.









t—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. November 5. I975




LOSi: Undecided Majors -- Freshmen, Sophomores,
even Juniors! Do y0u want to stay lost
forever? Or do you want to find your place in
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where y0u can find success, direction toward
a goal, and personal acheivement?

A new advising staff of Academic Advisors
to he y0u find y0urself.

Patterson Office Tower, Room 257

Now. The sooner the better!

One foot in front of the other.

Because it’s later than you think.



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5 news briefs

Rockefeller may have
been dropped anyway

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller
withdrew as a candidate for President Ford's 1976 ticket because
he felt he was being shunted out of administration decision-making
and might be dropped anyhow, Republican sources said Tuesday.

His differences with President Ford over federal aid to New York
City were said to have been a factor. but his discontent reportedly
was broader. stemming from the belief that his role was being
downgraded and his views discounted.

From Rockefeller, himself. there was no word of explanation. He
met with President Ford and Republican congressional leaders at
their weekly conference. but his political decision was not

“He gave every indication of being a member of the team and
supporting the President fully." Sen. Robert P. Griffin of Michigan.
the deputy Republican leader. said after the White House meeting.

Angela Davis resumes
college teaching career

('l.;\Rl€.\lt).\"I‘. ('alif. (AP) (‘ontroversial Communist.
teminist and black militant Angela Davis resumes her career as
college teacher this week. and the college that hired her is already
sorry about it.

The man who offered her the job at exclusive ~ and conservative

(‘Iaremont (‘ollege has been fired. Some officials say he may
have hired Davis to embarrass (‘laremont

(‘laremont ‘s governing body voted to withdraw the job offer. but
Dayis had already signed the contract.

She was not available for comment Tuesday, her attorney said.

The ann )uncement that she would teach a series of weekend
classes on "Black Women and the Development of the Black
(‘ommunity” has brought threats from alumni and donors warning
that endowments tor the half-dozen small. private and very ex-
pensive colleges :30 miles east of Los Angeles might be canceled.

Judge to study reports
on Hearst's competency

S.\\ li'R \ .\( 'lS(‘(l i .\l’) A t'ederaljudge said 'l‘iiesday he needs
more time to consider psychiatric reports on l’atricia Hearst‘s
competency to stand trial. including one that describes her as "a
prisoner ot war “

.\tter listening to conflicting arguments truth the detense and
prosecution in Hearst‘s mental competency hearing. 1' S. District
i'ouit .liidge ()liver .1, (‘arter called the issue "a most complex
litlt'SllUll to decide.” and said his decision would come in a written
memorandum hy li‘riday

('hiet detensc attorney I" Lee Bailey. making his tirst court
appearance in the case. said l)l'. Louis \lcst. oiie ot the court
appointed psychiatrists \iho examined Hearst. described her as
“literally a prisoner ot \iar tor 20 months ”

He said \lest toiind Hearst incapableot aiding in her own defense
at the present time

l'S. Atty .lames l. Browning .lr. argued in court that
psychiatric tests had not found Hearst incompetent to stand trial on
bank iobbery charges and that she should he tried without further

UK debaters win tap honors

the l'niversity debaters captured first place in the (ieorgia
Round Robin this past weekend in Athens. (la.

The team of (ferry ()berst. ()wensboro. and (lil Skillmaii.
l’arkersbutg. W, \'a.. went undefeated through six rounds to claim
the top honors.

Harvard ITniversity. Redlands l‘niversity. Augustana ('ollege.
Sacramento State l’niversity. l'niversity of Pittsburgh. l'niversity
of Georgia and I'K participated in the tournament. Second place
was won by A ugustana (‘ollege with a 4-2 record. and l'niversity of
Pittsburgh and Sacramento State l'niversity tied for third place
with a 33 record.

The Georgia Round Robin combines with the Kentucky Round
Robin in October and the Washington. I).(‘. Round Robin in
November to compose the "Triple Crown" Round Robins of the
Intercollegiate Debate Activity.

KI \ l [LIN


The Kentucky Kernel, 114 Journalism

Buztzting, Unavarsuty ot Kentucky, the Cadet in 1894, The paper has been

Lexmgton, Kentucky, 40506, IS mailed five
times weekly during the year except during

holidays and exam periods, and twice
weekly durinq summer sessmn Third
class postage paid at Lexmgton, Kentucky,
40511. Subscription rates are $12 per tull
semmter Published by the Kernel Press,
Inc and tounded in 1971, the Kernel began as

published continuously as the Kent-Irkv
Kernel Since i915

Advert-Sing is intended only to help the
reader buy and any false or misleadinu
advertismq should be reponed and ue
investigated by the editors Advutisim
found to be taisr or misleading Will be
nported to the Bette. BUstlIl‘si) Bureau


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Voters defy trend by changing constitution

Associated Press Writer

LDl'lSVlLLE * Defying a trend that began in
1896. Kentucky voters have approved two
amendments to the state constitution. including
one which provides for sweeping changes in the
state‘s judicial system.

The second. which goes into effect next year.
will extend homestead exemptions to many
senior citizens not eligible for benefits under the
Homestead Act of 1971.

The Homestead Amendment will make it
possible for persons 65 and older to claim a $7,700
deductionon any part of a building in which they
live. including apartments, condominiums and
store buildings,

The 1971 Homestead Act provided an exemps
tion of the first $6.5000fassessed value of a home
for property tax purposes. A $1,200 cost of living
adjustment raised that to $7.700 this year.

It was approved by a more convincing margin
than the judicial amendment. but both
received heavy support in urban areas. par-
ticularly Jefferson (‘ounty

With 119.7 per cent of the vote in. the homestead
measure had 200,271 favorable votes and 135.400
against it. The judicial proposal had 182.829
"yes“ votes to 164,151 “rio‘s.”

The judicial amendment will create a four~tier
court system. consisting of 120 district judges. 55
circuit courts, a 14-judge court of appeals and a
seven judge supreme court.

('urreritly. Kentucky‘s highest court is the
('ourt of Appeals.

The amendment also will require that all
judges except county judges who perform no
judicial functions be lawyers. and for all
judgeships to be elected. full-time positions.

Proponents said the change was needed to

speed up the judicial process. They said it has
taken as long a s four years for a case to reach
and be ruled on by the high court.

Opponents particularly the Kentucky
Association of (‘ ounty Judges said the socalled
Judicial Article would cost too much to im~
plement. They also said elimina