xt7vdn3zwd5d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwd5d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2002 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 2002 Vol.73 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 2002 Vol.73 No.8 2002 2002 2019 true xt7vdn3zwd5d section xt7vdn3zwd5d ' f 3'34”-
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i i ‘ ‘ “ ‘ Volume 73, Number 7 - August 2002 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service 7
MT eks t 0 en records 'n s b '1
Two different judges in separate in Frankfort July 26 asking the court to Archdiocese officials knew but did because the suit was against the 'I
cities have made different rulings con- immediately open all records of the nothing about the alleged abuse. Archdiocese and not an individual. _j
cerning the sealing of the lawsuits sealed case against the Lexington dio- In his written opinion on the case, The Kentucky Attorney General ;
involving sexual abuse in the Catholic cese. The newspaper also asked that Shake said he did not have to rule on argued that since the 1998 law does .
dioceses. the court open all future hearings con— the constitutionality of the 1998 law not apply to this case ruling on the '
On July 24 in Lexington, Kentucky cerning the case. since it did not apply in this case unconstitutionality was irrelevant. ,
Court of Appeals Judge Julia Tackett The appeals court is scheduled to _
, issued an order keeping records in the rule on the caStIEIAug. 513. l h .
sex-abuse lawsuit against the Catholic In Louisvi e ear ier ast mont , d l l I f I t .
dioceses in Lexington and Covington Jefferson Circuit Court jUdge James 11 ge ru es 0 mus 7
sealed pending a hearing before a Shake refused to seal the lawsuits j
three—judge panel of the court. Tackett alleging child sexual abuse against the 0
issued the order at the request of the Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville. ISO 086 names 0 onors
Lexington diocese. The decision on The arqhdiocese had attempted t3
whether to leave the lawsuits sealed is block the awsuits from being opene . . . . ,
on hold until an Aug. 5 hearing. citing a 1998 law that allows lawsuits A Jefferson County judge. ruled make a final decrsron on whether the ,
. . July 19 that the Universuy of pubhc has access to the names of
Lexmgton lawyer Robert Treadway alleging sexual abuse to be sealed. , , _ .
filed the lawsuit against the two dioce- The Courier-Journal filed legal Louswille foundatlon must disclose donors whose names have not
ses in late May in which several motions to block the archdiocese’s the names 0f some donors and the alreadybeen made 1)“th-
unnamed plaintiffs allege that priests attempts to seal the complaints. The C- amounts lthey donated to them _ The judge did state however that
in the dioceses sexually abused them I argued the 1998 law was unconstitu- because it IS pubhc record. if a dec1510n were requested on that .
when they were minors. tional because it allowed for “secret Circuit Judge Steve Mershon issue, ”the foundation would have to v
The Lexington Herald-Leader is justice.” ruled in favor of The Courier-Journal prove such individuals had a legiti-
seeking to unseal the records and con- Shake said the 1998 law cited that finding that the foundation is a pub— mate privacy interest in not having
tends that sealing the lawsuit denies only lawsuits alleging sexual abuse lic entity subject to the Kentucky their names released.”
the news media’s First Amendment filed against the abusers themselves Open Records Act. The Courier-Journal requested the
rights to gatherand report the news. could be sealed. These lawsuits are The judge ordered the foundation information on April 23 under the
The 11.:wa apelr :5 alfso dtlaflt 811811231: ggigéeia 3312:3133: and therefore to turn over the names and amounts open records law and filed suit in
conSIuionaiyo asae aw a . . . _ .
requires records to be sealed in a case The lawsuits in Louisville allege gagggfiéfigiggg figgfgélroiatlliz May after being mm by the founda .
fil fi 11 that th ' t and hurch m 1 ees ' '
sefiibu: 3:333?” after a ege‘i Ilengagefinfj Z patfemn ofsg’xfifiuy foundation, although he did not See DECISION on Page 3 ,
The Courier-Journal filed a motion abusing children and that the j
J o rnalism boot campers beg'n training for d t ’
By DAVID GREER ters degrees, a recent college graduate, a for- - .1 fg’w-Wj-mma , i" ,- ' v . . .
Member Services Director mer political campaign manager, a graphic ' ' h ‘ ' g 4
They came from five states — Kentucky, artist, a retired school superintendent among . " . . it, " . p _' ,; __'
Indiana, Virginia, Florida and Oklahoma — to others who comprised KPA’s second annual . , , , ‘ _" '
the manicured campus of Georgetown College boot camp. . 'f ‘ = _ /
to endure three weeks of basic training. But Again this year, the boot camp was taught , no» 5 J fl " H ‘ i
there wasn’ta single session on guncleaning or by Jim St. Clair, journalism instructor at ow, if“ . . ‘ «til its;
how to scale a wall while wearing a 50—pound Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, garb . HMWZQW ’ -‘ . :
backpack or crawling under barbed-wire fence Ind. St. Clair is a former newspaperman who’s ~32”th ‘ gift Mammh’ ,
on their backs. Instead, these 24 boot campers worked in Indiana and Kentucky. ”a: V _ 1‘ V v. .f' V ' ,
learned how to write effective leads, how to Several professionals also talked with the ’fiuar- 1" '
organize meeting stories, how to work a news class during the three-week session from July ' ”an”- ’ j
beat and participated in a discussion about 15 to Aug. 2. Those included Monica twig“?
journalism ethics. ' ' ' Richardson, reporter and acting community V
This year’s KPA Journalism Boot Camp news editor for The Lexington Herald-Leader, '
class was a diverse ou . There was an attor- Courier-Journal and KPA general counsel Jon The students at this ear's Journalism Boot Camp listen carefully as
gr P Y
ney, two retired state workers, a playwright, a instructor Jim St. Clair goes over the steps of conducting interviews. '
screenwriter, a former librarian with three mas— See TRAINING on Page 7 Boot Camp was held at Georgetown College July 15 - Aug. 5.

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, August 2002
K t k l . th W

en uc y peop e, papers 1n e ne 5 .
C arlisle Mercu uts out ing at the Morehead News office after discoverin its re istration ' '
1 t - N 1113i P which are both part of the Community ex ired in 1991 End hagl not be ShEIby’ .GOI‘dOI‘l J01-n

as 155E“?! 1C 0 as Newspaper Holding, Inc. regewed. It filed for the name with the Beattyvflle Enterprise Staff
Cgrhlnt‘alr‘ takes over name The Carlisle Mercury had 55 sub— Kentucky Secretary of State on June 27. Edmound Shelby has joined the l
years $231311: 3:13:12in Zeprdsegflts 157 :cribers 33d had strtéggleil finaficiilly Beattyville Enterprise as the news edi- l
or some 1me, ac o ' I
Nicholas County and surrounding lack Neely. C r 111g 0 pu ls er Dukes takes over edltOI' tor and Antliy'Gordon was hHEd as the t
areas when it ceased operation on July The Jul 12 edition of th N' h 1 role at Leader-News new a ver smg manager: . 1
. y e 1c 0 as Ri D k f - . Shelby has a degree in ournallsm
25. ,, ta u es, 0 Bremen, has Jomed J
. . th Countian featured the words and The . f M h d St t U ' '

The newspaper, WhiCh 15 the 10 Carlisle Mercury” in smaller type the Staff as editor rom ore ea a ? niver51ty: t
oldest in the state, closed its news under its name. The Nicholas of the Leader- . . f 3' He replaces longtlme Beattyvrlle 1
office last summer and began operat— Countian, Inc. applied for the name News in w 'V' Enterprise editor Deborah Collins who V

Greenyille. Write: v left the newspaper to spend more time V
, , , . . , , . .. ., ,. , ,, .. . . -. . . , . , , , Du es began - 2 with her family. i
» ' . ‘ . ' ‘ ' i : , ' . ' . . J ' ‘ 1 '- , = . her duties in ‘ é ‘ Y
J . . '1 The K€IltUCky Press V‘,““‘“‘“ ' . ' June. Before tak- - f ‘ State Journal wins awards g
. , , , ._ , ': ., ., . i” :1, _. 11:5 ' 1 - j ' . ing the position I . M b fTh S
TheKentucky Ems (ISBN-00236324) is, . , I, . 1 1 V V V .. '. _ _ em ers o e tate Journal news v
publishedmonthlyby theVIVientizeky Press District 11-611mm Gray,‘Manehester i 3 , . aaggerfngge’ 5-3: - Staff were recognized June 27 by the
'gseegactilosnéKentuclinress Sega/meme Enterprise ;, ; ~i,V - . , . The Messsengvelr at Louisville chapter of the Society of I<
zen 1' .. ..a.$sposage=!spai’ at; 5 J , - . . . > P f ' ' . C
'Fralfldort,:KY;40601.-subscriptton prices- ., Dish‘Ictu-eDavid’Ihomberryfiomrse“ ti; ~ mMadlsor‘Vlue msgfsfliiiiéltlmizniithets r 3
$393? year; Pos'tina’sterz'Se‘nd diange‘ of”: Commonwealth Journal .1 ..: V, .1: Where she worked for three years as r1 er e , race won we a
ad 1 to 'I‘heKentuth'PrVeSsV‘, 1'01.» 1:. V: _ VV. '. is'fii: £373 1 ._ .i the lead reporter for the daily paper. awards, ton of which were first place. I
C 017183111 er Lane; Frankfort, KY 495034502) "Distr‘rct13~TotnCaud1H,Le)engton ,;:. f; She is also the former Muhlenberg Crace won first-place awards in the .
, 223882;. , V . -._ : . . ,» . ,1 7:," '. ,V», Heraldfieader’ V .. 5???? .V, County bureau Office manager for the enterprise reporting and minority/ 2
V . j. . 2 .. , i‘ , , . . , ; ~ V :5 . :v -' Messenger-Inquirer. women’s affairs reporting categories.
, 23:32:57 Frags , ., fiat . I . I _, 9 V' District 14"Tere5ascemer5139reaam " She began her newspaper experi- She also won a second place award
A, .ssoaa: _ , .11; see; At-iargé V VV .1 .,,VVV .VV V, , VVVVV 23,.3V fnce at the Leader-News as a typeset- along with Lesli Bales Shel-rod, for- Z
, .President - David Eldridgejessaminew * . VV Keith. P and en, Glasgow: 13$mi '2‘. . .V er. mer staff writer, in the continuing cov-
_::}oumg1 , - x _ . __ V . .3 . ; _ . gmicreene,‘Mt; Sterling'Afiyocate, erage category, a second place in dead- 2
_ r_ . . Kelly Robinson, Recorder NewSpapers TWO added to Floyd line reporting and a third place award .
$532315“; - Sharon Tununskt . ChnsPoore, Kentucky‘Kernel- . Copnty Times staff in business reporting. a
, . 1 . ‘ ‘ T e Floyd County Times recently Ma Branham ne d't .
‘ , Duns onChairman . . ry , ws e 1 or, won a t]
Vice President —John Nelson, Danville ’ Newsl Editorial Division - Jeff Moreland, , timed KlljmberlyflVJrasure, O? - first-place award for sports writing
Advocate Messenger . Richmond Register , 3 reston .urg, to 111 the pos1tion or and Suzanne Feliciano won a first- 0
, , advertising manager and Dav1d 1 ~
. , . _ . , . . . p ace award in photography. ct
Treasurer - Dav1d Thomberry, Somerset Advertismg Division - Kelly Robinson, Boyer, Of P1kev1lle, as busmess manag~ Fred Lucas State Journ l t ff
Commonwealth Journal Recorder Newspapers , l V , er. - I ' e s a ' p
. , > , ' . , , Frasure served as the ad manager writer, was a third place wmner m the
Past Presrdent~Marty Backus, , Circulation Division —KrisSJohnson, . ', for the Times from 1989 to 1991 during enterpr 1se rep orting category and 3‘
Appalachian News Express Lefington Herald-Leader ' which time she also wrote a column, Charles Pearl won a second-place a:
Board of Directors Associates Di M , , CliffF 1th ' ’ ’ ”Kim’s Korner.” She continued to award for minority/women’s affairs t1
. . . _ , ' ersron- V9 am; ' ' g write that column for the newspaper reporting. 51
3:33?” 'Ahce Rouse, MW)! Ledger and Kentucky Unileee .1 . . . . , ’ until 1995 The State Journal also won second “
V . V . , 1‘ General Counsels _‘ Jon F1 .‘ l * 1 er, Kim , v; She worked as the advertising man- place in headline writing. 5‘
Districtz - Jed Diiijngham, Dawson : GreeneDinSmeré :3: Shéhleotiisville , ager 0f the Paintsville Herald from ~-
VSPn‘ngs PrOgress V . 'V , . '3 . . . = , ,. 1 I V _ ' , , 1997 to 1998, and she also publishes 8C0“ leaves Edmonton
_ . y . . ' 5 . . Kenttiéky Press Association Staff: ' the Christian Messenger, a bi-weekly Clay 3C0“, part-owner and general
315$? ~Donn wm‘merr Hancock , . V , , Exaggpsgnfigxiwflvemecwr V , Christian magazine. manager of the Edmonton Herald D
, . . , , y . ,1 ,> . , Teresa Reelett‘; e; P efegeeiesi ;; f, fit, Boyer is a 25—year veteran of the News, is leaving the newspaper Aug. C
V District 4 _ Charlie P mm, Franklin , f / DaVIdGreerMembeirSeeresDarector V restaurant business and spent many of 1.2 to accept a full—time teaching posi- (
Favorite“ . V ' , , " .. '3 3, :gaanaQBlflsdfidez-NewsBureafiméétbte those years in management at Rax. His tion injournalism at Volunteer State tiOl

_ . .- , i . . . 2‘ ., . i . s fife? _. VldSpmwertNewMedanIrector most recent employment in the field Community College ill Gallatin, Tenn. recr
Distrmt 5-.an FM' KentuckyStandard 13:33:15, ioomciglifegmtifl was in the corporate offices of Reno’s inf ‘
Ii? . .3 vV' 5 VV ”V V , '_ '1’ 735V? :12; 1' “W15, esear “tar ting “2,1,3; Roadhouse exp
Bier-“(3‘55 *WWBPOSLWSWE r '
wamnewakGauchmfifidfiefifit’fitfifig‘ifiéfifitfi“ diedFfidayJuneZZOOZ- Fm
News , V. Iefmetesman,ll\lANAccountExe€uhve ea S Roberts was a retired schoolteacher 3:]
ouflmk 45.7, . , r 335%?sommmdmmsmy Former Jackson Times news events “323,16 th'e pig‘fiffigam 0pe
IndeMCtiieitetny Pennm, , V,,_gton,Ashland Myfilsfflfimmlastnamfikypresscom columnist dleS Satchell and several other humorous fide

taper: , I” . . Therexsnospaceorpunctuatmnmthee McCreary Roberts, 90, of Fairfield, C01 . for the newspaper. He also rate
,, 10 .' .. V mafladdrws. Ohi f _ contrlbuted articles to The Kentucky

' . 0’ ormerly 0f Breatlrutt County, Explorer magazine Cha
» - ' age:

 The Kentucky Press, August 2002 - Page 3
’ There really is such a thing as ‘ free ’ health insurance
It’s not often anyone WWW" We you’re thinking about joining the KPA General Counsel Jon ,
gets ”free” health insurance 011 Second My. decided to retail federation trust so you can get Fleischaker spoke the KPA Boot .
but for about 15 5’ sell the the benefit of free health insurance Camp on July 23 and he got around to 'v
' Kentucky newspapers, Thought stock at a coverage for your staff for three talking about the Bingham family, :
that’s their reward for at -—-—— ggaa good price months, sorry! especially from the standpoint of .
least three months. B D 'd T Th fits/W and then Anthem established in its demutu- open meetings and open records and ‘
Anthem’s demutualiza- my) A £361,135,, 8 33%;); 7 W had to alization process that subscribing the Binghams’ belief in open govem— '_
tion resulted in some peo— M ”g decide how companies had to have policies in ment. ,
ple getting checks (those ' to use the effect on both June 18, 2001, and Nov. Jon brought that discussion '
with Medigap policies) proceeds, 2, 2001. Only companies in trusts on around to what makes Kentucky spe— :
while those in programs such as the again using guidelines established by those dates were eligible for any ben- cial and ,
KPA-endorsed health insurance Anthem. efits of the proceeds. he cited ”the unity of Kentuckians.”
groups had to sit and wait. We’ve now finalized the process Subscribing Employer Companies One of the boot camp participants Q
And the wait’s been more than and have voted as group to give those (participating newspapers) will be chimed in. Carol Abernathy is attend- -
. worth it. companies in the group (Subscribing receiving a letter from Administrative ing the boot camp this year. She lives '
The KPA program is part of the Employers if you want the technical Services Group, Inc., our plan admin— in Oklahoma and agreed with what '
Kentucky Retail Federation’s health term) three free premium months in istrator, explaining the ”Premium Ion said.

1 coverage program. KPA, the 2002. Holiday Program," how it will oper- ”I’ve noticed exactly what you’re :
Kentucky Broadcasters Association The 15 or so newspapers in the ate and what subscribing employers talking about and you’re right. ,
and Kentucky Telecommunications program, along with the other busi- must do. Believe me, people in Oklahoma 1"
Association had a ”communications nesses in our trust program, will not - 0 0 ' could learn a lot from Kentuckians. f
industry trust” set up until a couple pay health insurance premiums in I recently was looking through We don’t have that unity like you all '
of years ago. September, October or November. some files and found one marked do here in Kentucky.”

Participation had dropped off and We’re not sure right now how much, ”1987 KPA Health Insurance.” It con- 0 ' 0 0
we found that the lower number of if any, of the proceeds will remain tained a printout of the KPA/KPS Carol’s story in getting to the KPA .
contracts meant we didn’t have the unused after paying for the insurance employees in 1987 and the amount of Boot Camp is an interesting one. 1
strong negotiating power with coverage these three months. If their individual health insurance cov- She happened to be passing '
Anthem we once held. enough is left, we might extend the erage. through Kentucky recently, via the
\ So KPA, KBA and KTCA accepted free insurance to December, or use it ’ It was the first full year the staff Lexington airport.
an invitation from the retail federa- to offer an additional benefit, or find was covered under ”The Blues” (Blue While waiting on her plane to ‘
tion to have our group join them. some other way to help these busi- Cross / Blue Shield). The total monthly board, Carol bought a Lexington .
The executive directors of each nesses in the program. premiums KPA/KPS paid in 1987 for Herald—Leader. It just happened to be
organization serve as the oversight The decision does not benefit the whole staff was less than what we one of the days a Statewide Classified
committee for this health insurance KPA/KPS. That’s because a few years pay for any two employees today. about the boot camp was published.
program. ago the staff voted to leave Anthem That’s how much health insurance She called KPA from the airport
Earlier this year, the trust received and use United HealthCare. The staff has increased. The staff numbers were and said, ”That sounds like exactly .
some 38,000 shares of Anthem stock looked at the rates from both compa— the same then as now and the make- what I want to 610" and asked the ._
as a part of its demutualization. But nies, the coverages offered by both up of the staff was about the same. Staff to send her the information as '
there were limits by Anthem and by companies and voted as a group to 0 ' ° ' 500“ as possible. ,1
state law as to what could be done switch to UHC. Kentucky's ”unity.” Is it some- The info was there when she .
with the stock or the proceeds from So KPA isn’t benefiting from the thing special? Is it something that arrived in Oklahoma. She read
selling the stock. Anthem demutualization. Just in case makes Kentucky stand out? through the material and signed up. '
has an interest in how co orate dona- ,
DE CISION tions may influence therldecisions of Don’t forget to attend the j
the University of Louisville, a state . f f . 1 .
' institution.” -
302:1?2‘2‘1 fI‘OtIIl Ea§f 1 An exemption under the law may SOClety 0 Pro eSSlona f
ion a 1 was no su leC 0 open cover an individual donor, but the ' 1
records laws and refused to turn over foundation must prove why it denies Journallsm ,
information about its donors, its revealing an identity of a donor. . . .
p or minutes. non the. nesting mesopnuon,Mershon,mmm-cat- National Convention :
th M81310.“ statgd m h? oiml‘?“ t‘llllat ing why the foundation is a public I
e aneI‘Sl y o ouisv1 e - - h 'v . '1
3234;313:535satisfies; Sept 12-14 :
ere ore corpora e an ana e oun- the 11 members of the universit ’5 ° -
dation donplrs do “Ct tlitave lhettrlightt :0 foundation which would indicate ity is In F to worth, Texas :
riva un er exem ons o esae ~ .
gpen :Zcords law. p an 331:: fdtgiigfififlg’th 0m that the A1 Cross, Frankfort Bureau Chief for-the Louisville Courier _
”Any expectation of privacy or con- university would simply allow a com- Journal 18 the current preSIdent of SP]. ,
fidentiality is waived when a corpo- pletely independent organization to For more information on the convention . I
rite Fir gflvzte fotlfndattlon makgsi? control the financial assets for the uni- and for a schedule of events visit
cariae onaion oapu 1c -n _ . .
agency,” Mershon wrote. ”The public verfiterolfiszit‘iz‘r‘lgrggemg. www.sp]fw.org/convention/resourcesl.htmlr _.

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, August 2002
5’- , 6= [5 it 7" {3
Miertrsents make time... pgae eras
3;“ *5.’
_ By Dana Ehlschide in and jokingly say, ’put this on the ”More people are exposed to those ads There has never been a frantic
News Bureau Director front page?’ Now we can," she said. ”It than any other spot in the paper.” search for advertisers for the spots in
Showing off the newest vehicles the is also a nice addition to the newspa- Backus said the premium spots on either paper. In fact, several of
local car dealership has on the lot, per and provides another art element his newspaper run on the ”ears” (the Hutchinson’s advertisers have given
revealing the day’s lottery numbers or for the front page.” top two corners) of the paper. Local her the ”go-ahead” to run their ads in
detailing upcoming local events are The Appalachian News-Express funeral homes run in a bottom more one of the spots if they come open.
just some of the ways clients are utiliz- began its front-page advertising over inexpensive box on the front page ”I think the advertisers are comfort-
ing front-page advertising spots now five years ago, and according to which lists the names of those whose able with it. They feel like it is effective
being offered by a handful of Publisher Marty Backus, the idea met obits run in entirety inside. or they wouldn’t do it,” Hutchison
Kentucky newspapers. some opposition with the tri-weekly’s Backus agrees With Hutchison as to said.
The Murray Ledger 8: Times’ editorial staff. Over the years however, why the top spots are popular with Murray Ledger & Times sell their
redesign unveiled Feb. 1, 2001 had the staff has become more ”acceptive” advertisers. spaces for less than $100 a day for the

j accommodated for front-page adver- of the idea. ”They are so visible,” he said. slightly smaller than a 2 inch by 2 inch

- tising spaces. The paper’s owners had . The ”prime spots” Hutchison said ”Whether it is lying on a counter or on space.
tried it with their other newspapers are the top advertisements that appear the newsstand, it can be seen.” The News—Express’ space runs for
with success and wanted to see if it by the paper’s flag. The feedback from advertisers and about 30 times more than what an ad
would also succeed in Murray, said ”These are very successful. readers has been positive in both that size would run in the regular part
Slone Hutchison, ad manager for the Advertisers sometimes schedule them Pikeville and Murray. of the newspaper, Backus said.
Murray Ledger 8: Times. to run a month at a time,” Hutchison ”We have had no complaints. I ”A coup e of our ad reps thought it

Hutchison said the idea of front- said. think the ads stand out enough that was outrageous to 35k that (price for 1
~ page advertising wasn’t just a vehicle The top spots also provide advertis— readers know what is an ad and what the froplt pagp “331' but we ”Had to con-

.‘ for increasing advertising revenue, but ers a way to be exposed to people who is a story,” Hutchison said. ”There has vilallgleetsgfide :1 d Eggzvagiger was a

~ . . . , . prime
a way of provrdmg advertisers one don t even purchase the paper. always been a good response espec1al— spots.”
more option in ad placement. ”In those spots people can see the 1y during the election. There were can-

? ”You know how people bring ads ads from the news rack,” she said. didates fighting for the spots." See FRONT 011 Page 11
Former Gleaner owners have close call with forest fire

‘ EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article together in a disaster pot. And the humankind and technology could do started on our side of the valley.
by Martha Dear was provided to the news is the same everyday. to stop it. Suddenly we weren’t watching a
Henderson Gleaner at their request. Walt There’s nothing but fire on the front At first we looked across our broad war zone; we were in one.

’ and Martha Dear, former owners of The page; all other stories are downgraded valley toward the national forest land We started packing.

Gleaner, live near Durango, Colo, near to inside pages of The Durango and said, ”We won’t be cutting this The game we had played a week
one of the many wildfires out West. The Herald. Radio stations feature hourly year’s Christmas tree from the same earlier: ”What Would You Take With

_ article is reprinted with The Gleaner and fire status reports, and a ”town” meet— place we cut last year’s.” You If You Had An Hour to Decide?”

.- Dear’s permission.) ing is held every evening to summa— We looked across the valley and, became real. We were pre—evacuated (a '

rize the progress of the Missionary with our neighbors, agreed that this term that means get ready but you

By MARTHA DEAR Ridge fire. fire could not reach us. There were don’t have go yet), and we didn’t
DURANGO, Colo. — Forest fires con- Walter and I live 10 miles north of three roads and a river separating us know what we should load in the cars.
sume more than trees. They can con— Durango, across a Wide valley from from the hill that looked by day like a I went from room to room, picked up
sume buildings, national playgrounds, Missionary Ridge. When the ”ZOO-year battlefield and by night like a items, put them back, jammed winter
hiking trails and even the human spir- fire” began on June 9, we had grand— Christmas tree. clothes in a suitcase, added trinkets for
it. stand seats. From the end of our coun- That was before the flames crawled nostalgia’s sake. I packed pictures off

When we lived in Henderson, we try block, we could see bursts of down to the bottom of the hill and the wall, clothes from the closet,
didn’t often think about fires. Homes flames and billowing smoke. Big-bel- started spot fires across the first road papers and Checkbooks, the deed to

" sometimes burned, people were left lied planes painted red slurry lines in and across the skinny, low-flowing our house, our passports, and pottery

1‘. with nothing but the clothes on their the fire’s path, and helicopters Animals river that Kentuckians would that my brother Jack had made, and

'3 backs. There were tragedies. The sto— dumped buckets and tank loads of call a stream. That was before we we put our bikes on the Jimmy’s bike

‘ ries were individual and newsworthy. water. It was a war zone. It was horri- learned that it is common for a forest rack.

,’ With flames licking the mountain— ble and exciting. We couldn’t help but fire to cast its sparks a half mile ahead The electricity went out. We left

~ sides in Durango, Colorado’s backyard feel awed by the spectacle. of itself. only to be stuck in traffic because

f (or front or side...it’s hard to tell which That was before the little fire grew That was before the people around heavy smoke obscured the road. A
way is town), the stories are one story, bigger and bigger and bigger. We the comer were ”pm-evacuated.”

. the human tragedies are lumped began to realize that there was nothing And that was before a new fire See FIRE On Page 8

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, Kentucky News Photographer Assocration s
, 2002 Convention
: Oct. 1 1-13 at The Galt House in Louisville
For more information contact KNPA Vice-Presrdent John Dunham at (2 70) 9 2 6-0 1 2 3

 The Kentucky Press, August 2002 - Page 5
Interviewing jurors helps better understand erd ' cts
By KIM GREENE Interviewing jurors is a long stand— the appeals court reversed that order, ence” after the trial. In the ordinary
KPA General 7 g . _ ing and common practice. Judges fre- calling it a prior restraint.) course, all a news reporter is doing is '
Counsel ttwww . quently tell jurors at the close of a trial In State v. Neulander, there will like- asking questions about the jury’s delib- :
Dinsmore &: . g, . that it is the juror’s choice whether to 1y be another prosecution and another erations. And, in the ordinary course, »
Shole $1 a, give interviews to the news media. trial of the murder charge against once a trial is over and the jury is dis- I -
You see it as 53;, it But, invariably, SOme jurors are willing Neulander. It will not, however, be charged, there is nothing at all to influ— :
part of your 41:? fir " to give the public a glimpse into the tried by the same jury. Nevertheless, ence by talking to a juror. So this deci— .
charge to cover 5*? a“ deliberation process by speaking to a the Supreme Court upheld the ban sion by the New Jersey Supreme ;
what’s going on he} reporter. And that information can against news media interviewing the Court, and similar decisions from '
in the courts in a} 3?}? really add to the public’s understand- former jurors because of concern that other courts, are troubling. :
your communi- “t " ing of the judicial system. the interviews ”might reveal some When faced with the same issue last .
ties. From time to time there’s a trial There has been a recent trend insight into the jury’s deliberative year, the Kentucky Supreme Court ‘
that’s particularly important to the nationwide, however, of courts placing process that would afford the prosecu- rejected this type of prior restraint on
community - the murder of a young- restrictions on media contact with dis— tion a significant advantage at the the First Amendment right to speak .
ster, embezzlement by a public official, charged jurors. Most recently, in July retrial.” That, in turn, could provide with jurors and to gather news related "
wrongful discharge of an employee by the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld the defendant with an issue for appeal to a trial after the trial is completed. .3
the county’s largest retail chain. These a trial court’s ban on juror interviews in the event of a conviction, according . A man namedLarry OS orne was .
cases mean a lot to people in the com— in the capital murder case of Rabbi to the court. titled m WhltleY, Circuit Court and COH' ’
munity, and you want to make sure Fred Neulander. The trial court had The Inquirer is going to ask for a Ede“! or; a .capitefiltplturdeg chlarge. A.t '
you provide an accurate description of declared a mistrial after the jury was reconsideration of the Supreme 'ufl ngffelrséglncgunseelitnnatrotarei 0.13101;
1 the trial and how the judicial system deadlocked on charges that Neulander Court’s ruling. On the other hand, the thg desired that servicge. Theyjlidge
has handled it. arranged to have his wife killed. lawyer who represented Neulander at also entered an order prohibiting any- ;
One of the best ways to get inforrna- Five reporters were found in con- trial applauded the Supreme Court’s one from contacting any juror. The .
tion that helps explain the jury’s ver— tempt for violating the trial judge’s ban decision. He says it maintained ”a trial order stated that ”no person shall con- .
dict in a case is to interview jurors on juror interviews. Four of those court’s ability to protect jurors from tact, communicate or interview any ’
once they are released from duty. (It reporters worked for the Philadelphia improper outside influences before or juror-lnvolved ,m thls t’rial, except as
goes without saying, of course, that Inquirer, which appealed the order to after a trial.” permitted by thls Court. _ I
jurors cannot and should not speak to the New Jersey Supreme Court. (The But there was no indication that any Aim?“ at year later, Whfle Osborne 3
the news media or anyone else about trial court had also ordered the media news reporter did anything that could conv1ct10n was on appeal, the newspa- .
the case while it is gomg