xt7vdn3zwc23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zwc23/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, March 1985 text GSO Newsletter, March 1985 1985 1985-03 2019 true xt7vdn3zwc23 section xt7vdn3zwc23 6 \5 \ / LEXINGTON BAY SERVICES ORGANIZATION 3
l.£2)(1r1g;tC)ri LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40511 ‘
March 1985 1?
F'HDNELINE Is BACK IN REGULAR orenmnow samlgfietfltlfigigq 13:33 “a“; Euhmitz-Ed to US b‘.’ 3
_ a :; e1 ug o nee one year ago 3
We are ewtremelg happy to announced that as In? th‘5 month:
February the hone ine is again manne on a regu ar , ‘
schedule. Pfioneline hours are Wednesdays and THE BEbENNIHG i
Thursdays from Tiflme to 11:00 pm, and at other i b? .
times the caller will receive a recorded message J1“ Christiansen i
explaining when they can reach a phoneline , - _ H __H .
volunteer and what 650 unctions are planned for .It 5 ”9t E‘SV for 9“? PEDPIE to meet and “3kg 4
the coming month. friends 1with other gavs in an area as conservative 1
Even though we have managed to get set up on a find "‘50‘3?Ed{ as Central hentucky. There are. 1
regular basis, we still need additional phoneline D?Et€fi _: '9” paths, ””d ”“9.”{ them 15 through I
voiunteers. Please. if you have a few hours each th” t”“1”9-9§ Gay JerVICES Drganiaation. .
month you can share, help us out with this ‘ I t1 ”EVEF forget atten ing my *1r5t 550
important project. Call the phoneline any night it funEtEU“ 1“ FEbFHQF? _0f‘ last year. it was a ‘
is manned and leave your name and phone number, or geptidl ?“51”§55 mEEt‘QQ! thlch At the time were
call Barry at 263L3935 if you would like more EEInU _h”1d ft the hm€tlcan Orthodox Church on
information. The 550 Phoneline number is 231-0335. :?fgéfisg gvefigg bee; _::’vai;z _T§;:E”for ggsggif
- l 'J - l L
I gonths 1 has been living at home with my family.
a D3 UPDATE y new in moved me from Brooklyn. New York to
Danville‘ Kentucky. 1 was living on my own now in
AIDES!) indcg-operatign with EALUSfis sponsoring an KEHEUCEY: and this “55 my chance—to sawple gay life
' u a e on arch b h a- 8:00pm at the 35 E 05E- .
University of Kentucky- Student Center (room 205). ”mm“ 0“ Page 3)
h. doctor who specializes in sexually transmitted ,
diseases will be the featured speaker. Hark our FED” THE HERfiLD‘LEQDER 255/35
calendars now so you don’t miss this change to hear . . . .
a discussion of this vital topic. BY F§“1,R39bul”i “SSGCIBtEd Press
NEH YURh - Science has made a remarkably rapid
rearumnv POTLUCK §?Y§“§§E égwiid Engermtdmg “33’ raisjngfi'opgs
. . 1a- a y n mys-er1ous isease wi e
Our thanks to Charlie and Darryl for a very cantfiirigpkrfigidgfififigz 22;; ur'ent each d'v 't
special potluck in February. Those of you lucty estimated that as manv as 300 300 people have Lbeé:
EHOUQN tCI attend know what a tll'IE' ij BE‘qula' Elld infectgd‘ and fine research-‘ernexpect: 40 Ol'lO new
with her famous Eggs Benedict, served by Frankie in cases in the next two years. ' ’ "
her own very delightful style. TE UHF favorite On Thursday. researthers at the National Cancer
Bungalow Bartender (and JEStET’S regular), ”hQ Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital
wishes to remain anonvaUS. but who none the 1655 announced that they had found an antjbndv that
mixed drinks ' to ' everyones ohviDUS neutralized the 1 retrovirus thought to; cause
satisfaction—-well, we know who you are and WE IUVE filDS-~an encouraging step in the search for -a
you no matter where Bou may cgoose to rgn oti to. d vaccine. ‘ ‘ ‘ '
To Charlie , arryl, eoroia, ran ie an "TLere tas bE' -. - , . .
hnonvmous, a very sincere THANK YOU from all fit 95 than :ith adv othe:nretE;SiEE:gi:=: :hgpttgéiiédrgi
a GSD- T3 311 5* {0” who filSSET February 5 time,l ‘said' Dr. James Curran, director of AIDS
Pot-luck, too. bad: bu you never know what ‘8 act1v1ties at the Centers {or Disease Control in
delightful time you may be mIssino when you don't Atlanta. ,
make it to a 630 function? ' ‘antIHUEd on page 8)
—‘—+‘__' 1________________.__'v_ Vii

H “0U would “Rim-IE; advertise in the Newsletter Check here” to receive your free
newsletter, please send your ad copy and gavnent to “l” °‘ m 55° """'“"=----
630, P.U. Box ll47l, Lexington, Ky. 40 75. See
the calendar {or the news etter deadline. DUE to Hewbership l: becoae ahSSO‘Ieoher. inrlude
postal regulations, we reserve the right to refuse :5'03'7”'”i': :9 °‘ "°‘°° °’
advertising due to confiznésor space availability. ' °' ’ " E" "
KANE: _____________________"__________________‘_____-___
Eigth Pa e S 8.00 _
Suartsr gage $5.38 ADDRESS' ‘
a age 5. , ,
Fun Page “0.00 ' . cm/smmw
“3551““ ‘ 1'00 (up to 5.1?“95 ‘ '05 Please Iail above fora to: 650. PO Box llUl, Lenngion. KY 40575
each additional word) I _______,
NEH DlSCOUNTSHaffective iaaediatelyl Kiwi;
llgofi for fqao. H- . 3%
/ 0 or i. In. 7o°~° ” ir, 5;
1/2 off for non-profit groups. "en. ,/ 1% ,
|-a"".~:'/ vfiéfi/l/ .
lhe BSD newsletter is Bublished Ionthly by the / a // :7,- f" '
Lexxngton Gay Services rganization incorporated, // '- @.‘-.r
P.0. Box ill 1, Lexzngton, Kentucky 40575. 650 is j', ' , 3 91:93
a non-profit organization whose purpose is to ,1 .i we [9,“!
proVide educational, recreational, social and Wfig’ . kllfiiiflx
referral services directly involving or relating to ' ' asa/ ” l-ff-‘Ii\ ;
gay/lesbian people. . {Q ‘1 W”! V, r' ‘
Views or opinions expressed in stories or /'\§K§ '-; 1/4"“
letters _are t use of t e writers and do not " l§§§ C -’ \
necessarily represent those of the BSD board or the ;.‘\‘\\'S ‘\ §s¢§p
newsletter staff. Publication of the naae or § Fifi?- ,f
photograph of any person, organization or other 9 :: § “’25, ’
entity in articles or advertiSing in the newsletter 3*? § v :e/
is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation -/§ {‘3 y
of such person, organization or entity. ‘$
Submissions for the newsletter are welcoae. All
subaissions becoae the property of the Lexington Suppom' OUR ADVERTISERS
Bay SerVices Drganiza ion, nc. All SunlisSions
lust indicate the full naae and address of the 650
author, although no byline will be published sso srowsnns
:éigsgal”gags-l33:,“gitatQfiatagfiggrfierSugars-13:32:, Unitarian Universalist Church, 356‘ Clays Hill 223—1448 1
his/her eraisSion for the use of his/her new in "‘9 Bar. 22‘ E- ”3‘" 9" 255455]
the ubgication. Anonyaous sublissions cannot be JD! 301090“, 103 "- "NE“ St- 2524933
BCCEDQEd- The editorial staff has the right to ‘ Keith Buchanan, Trendsetters 35“) Landsdowne Dr. 273-1097
alter subaissions (including advertiseaen s) to KentUCkY “at”! 21‘5- ”a” 5F “"010
fieét publishing requireaents. Brett Johnson Gallery, 144 Harrison Ave. 255-2124 ‘
Hovieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 278-1451 ‘
i Fur’N Feathers 2909 Richlond Rd. 266-0226
DIRECTORY Reflections in’lfair Design;7:;5nlliinchssterDRd.233.1322:ng
- Richardson Vision Denier, exan ria r. 1
680 BayllnEe-u-an...eee-unseenuueeez31'0335 tFlowers by Don, 200 Southland 1)“ 2794555 1
650 Newsletter, gsnergltgggjgggg Cafe’ Lnuoe, 337 E_ ”a,” 5,_ 252413, , ‘
Y9? 15995” Bluegrass Landscape Design, 4387 Harrodshurg Rd. 223-9114 .
. ”31“"9 L‘St'""""""263'3?33 Silk Green House, 1050 Chinoe Rd. 268-8100
gsonggcfigggngénhents'"'""' mggé'g352 l Harque Cross Productions, Po Box 25601, Lex., Ky. 40524
1 see-eeeeeeueuueeeeue ‘ . _ 24,510
lagerizl Cour? of the Bleugrass Eapire...252-1155 g53§§'§;,{:’,find3223,3253“, 272-1100 ‘
lfiouisgillestrizlils.HotlinE-m-n... Egg; ggg'ggfi‘: Brezing’s, 234 East Short Street 252—9190 .
wens oro a lance............. - a ‘ _ 273—1610 . 1
Cincinnati Sly SlitChband-uuiu- {gag} ggrgggg ! Rod Saalfeld, Hair Stylist, 273 1097 or
National Ba ask Force risis ine - f 55,, b !!
NBTF Ains czisis Line.............. (800) 221-70442 ”5* "m“ “mm °' '9' E" :

~;;:]5 _\“ The quarterly re ort for Lexington Cay Services 1
2' 30' Drganiiation as of Becemher 31, 1.84 is as follows:
Newsletter hdvertising $411.35 l
Christmas Party 300.00 .
Cornucopia 350.00 L
Members ips 70.00 E
BENERAL ousmcos HEETINE MINUTES 2/4/35 Hallmmfiqwe Dar“ “2-?1’ 1
Tjahirt Sales 13o.00 l
Previous minutes and treasurer’s report were F11“ HhI’pEF’ ”U'UU y
nagd7 band accepted. The treasury stands at Total Receipts: 51.426.72 i
Jim announced that there would be no show at the EU d‘t _.
Valentine’s Day Dance. Everything else is as Btpgnp‘ ”(55‘ _ _ as l
planned. - ant_aerVice Charge $5.;a I
Doug reported on the Speaker’s Bureau. He spoke 3°"1tng t€“9”e i-Qi i
at 2 classes at Transylvania University and 2 gornnennia .74';E l
i consultations in Powell and Estill counties. He H€Y§_E erS _ D __ iié'f; i
announced that he was looking for volunteers for d. VHEE” goare ant“ ”Q4'35 E
the Speaker’s Bureau. Training is provided. T'ShlrE3 Igl't‘ l
The health department will live an nine Update Tslsphunf 1 . 1:819 y
on harch a at 8pm. Steve 3. is looking into a F‘ m Ren.a S—NhISPEFS I‘U'UQ y
campus location for the program. An ad for the T t 1 E“ d‘t -. ,l 117 1n ‘
even; is to.?? put do Ehe'Heradd-Leader. t 1 q__ '0 a apen 1 ores. 5‘! *" ° 1
; TE mai ing is is a. a rowima e y luv . ., ._ . . c i
‘ addresses. (With more than one regipient at many Excess ”f RECEIptS over Expenditures $294'J4 ‘
of the addresses.) , _
The office space being considered for 650 on m”""
South Broadway is still on "hold. The owner has 0
been unable to transact business due to illness. II \/
Edwin announced the February phoneline meeting ERAS BAB'-
is on Sunday the 24th. 2pm at Comprehensive Care.
For February, the phoneline will be manned on ‘
Wednesdays and Thursdays T—llnm. A
Bill H. resigned as socia director leaving the
osition open for candidates. Harque C. announced , _ _ .
the need for volunteers to help decorate for the tr.hE{€ ET? 5009 EXCETPtS from 1Eltsr5 “9 FEEEIVEd
Valentine’s Day Dance. Dale 0. and John B. '15 mon.h.
‘ volunteered. -—"l . 't _f f J -n-
The president will be absent from the Febraury _ _ 3”: “-§f;99 rec?1'}"9 your newsletter a
. board meeting. couple of montns ago and really enjoy it. lou do a
We are considering a weekly Dynasty Party at the mar'”‘”“: Jflb' q A a
Bungalow. Brezing’s will be considered as an 3'“' ;
alternative location. A larger event would be held ronton, ”ht”
for the opening and closing shows of the season. _. . H L __ _ _ . A
1 - I enjoy the newsletter goite well. Best
‘ wishes!“ ‘
: P.E.
. Lexington, KY
l ‘ 80' ST
1 BBQ SFDN R LI To the president:
‘ Our 830 sponsor list continues to grow. in ""I want YE“ t0 EDD? I VETY much appreciate
order to be added to the list. simply provide an YGUF work 55 5:0 pr651denti...“
‘ advertisement to the newsletter or a donation to L.h. _:
850 at least once every twelve months. Then send Lex1ngton, hi
r us a written request to be included. If you will
‘ provide a discount to “card-carrying 650 members.“ Thanks to all ”00 wrote! 05 always, "E encourage
1 please let us know and we will add an asterisk (X) iEEdb§Ck {FUD UHF FEBdEFSs bflth nQSItIVE and
to the left of your entry. negative. He want to know what you 1ke about the
I ' ' 050 newsletter. as well as what we can do to
‘ improve it. He are here for YOU!

0- ;§
Unfortunately, Aunt Mary is still hospitalized 4? F75;
and unable to contribute her column again this \., é.(‘ugw
month. She was scheduled to be released last week
after an apparent complete recovery iron her heart lCBE NENS ,
attach when she had H at her doctors call a "slight
getba§5.' Two days before she was to b; rfileased
er year o son arrive from is ome in . 1 4 ' ircug Disco
California to spend some time with her while she HdrCh """"§EEESAEpEREaE 8:00pm
was regaining her strength. Nhen he heard about Proceeds g to Cisco Kids, a
hunt Nary’s column for GED, Daniel decided it was govern.en3 appointed day care
time to explain to his mother that he was not center for aentally. Ph sically
reallv a bat elor. and that in fact he has been and segua11y abused chitdren
hgppily married to his ’roommate’ Michael for over March 1?. 31..lCBE Shoug, Lguk £§r caning eyents
VEBFS- ’ the Cour . so [0.1“ in
Her doctors assure us that hunt Nary’s stroke 32;:h Mr. Gay Kentucky 9
was ‘“relatiyely minor“ and she should be able to A-ril 13 ‘_'_.53turday But of State Show and
return home in about a week. The only noticable F “' Imperial’Roast at LHNUP’s
effect of her stroke is a slight numbness in the ‘3.go Doors open at 8:00 I
fingers and toes on her right Bldg and a slight April 14......Sundav. Corination TV. Sheraton
slurring of speach, which doctors hope will lnn. Open at 7:00pm
disappear in time. Aunt Hary sends her best Show at 7:30pm $5.00 general,
regards to her readers and says she hopes to be $10.00 reserved ‘
home and able to resume her column next month. For more inforlatinn call
7 -2329
If you would like to write to AUNT MARY, send ‘68
"our etter to: hunt Mary. Z 680, Post Office Box
{1471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. All names are
kept strictly confidentia . If you wish a personal
reply, please include a stamped self addressed
enve ope.
Dignity/Lexington is the local charter of a aszjfi‘ ! .i ‘ , ‘
national organization for both Catholic and ;,§VL:“ g_(1i:(i£(‘ii§?{’ t.fi¥;f§!iiili
goo-Cgtholic gays and lesbians and the1r non-gay ~4“ ‘ '
rien s.
Lexfifgtgn gfiggteparks the lst anniversciry of the Complete Landscape Servzce
The group is planning a week-long celebration. COMMERC'AL'RES'DENT'AL
On Sun ay, March 10th. at 2pm there will be a
litur y and potluck. Dignity is providing the neat
and grinks. Dthers are asked to bring a dish. 0n EUGENE LEWMS RONALD BAKER
Nednesday March 13th. is the monthly liturgy at the (505)3733128 (606)2934282
Newman Center at ?:30pfi. On Saturday! Harch 15th,
a group of 50 is attending the matinee performance
of Torch Song Trilogy at the Lexington Dpera House.
The group is inv1ted to cocktails and hors .
d’oeuvres following the show.
For more information on any of these events, ‘
call John at 299-0352. ALTERNRTIVE ROBBERY
If you would like to be put on
Dignity/Lewington’s mailing list, write; 9 car test-driven to a bank robbery by a holdup
DignitylLexington, PO Box 1984, Lexington, KY man in drag is bein'r advertised as a . getaway
405935 or fall t E ibUVE "UibEF- special“ by a Ciinton. North Carolina auto
dealership that says, “You don’t have to rob a bank
to buy a used car at Thornton Chevrolet." The ad,
._.____._————- placed with the rSaggagnM Ipdependenti1 a dtihntmd
“ auto news aper, says tlE' _ on e arias ege y use
:ulzéefghwd his in the robbery will be discounted SBUJ.
link civil and it.“ right.”

" ‘ “1‘3". M 90 W, Meow I
s, V.,:-:..;»_._,;:g:35;::.;;f;_~:- -:;: ; 2.123:v5?',2,.;t::‘.2;::;;:g.‘ Veiziiea-jisr-Ipi. :E:,:::i'.:-:-:E.. e l
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.3, is, 5‘r‘.’ V >§€~& . . .. . . ,_ L
’t o . - y} 1
it“ -. - i 0 $5,” .
is» a jg”; }
g is” yea I,
e; ' his l
. § % w’ l
V . ,
Maybe I can make someone think Im a cat so
R , .
.2 they || shop for me at._
Fur N’ Feathers
2909 Richmond Road
.. Lex ngton KY 40502
H! I !
it: '-

 \ ‘ ' ' @wgflk4%<”féf/ZW4WW
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 A N
U P D A I L:

(continued from page 1) {continued from page L
Guy meetjn place ap eared dark and empty on my . Retroviruses that have been known for some time
approach. “Elna,“ 1 Ehgught to myself‘ "53 theré to cause cancer and other illnesses in animals,
really are no ay people outside of New York City.” have only (FEEDIIY become appreciated 35 important
At this polo? I was ready to turn around, but cauges 0* d159559 1“ “35- _
decided to continue on just to see if the door was L€5t year, IEEEBFCDEFE at the hational CBHCEF 1
open. hhat did i have to 1959? 1 {Dund the door Institute . and the Pasteur Institute in Paris ‘
unlocked and entered the forlorn structure IEPUItEA IndEPEDdEDIIY thit they had .IDUDA
illuminated only by a dim light coming from around IEIIDYITUSES IDAI ADPEEFEA t” CAUSE ECAUIIEA immune
a corner at the far end at the chapel. I followed defltlcncv syndrome or AIDS- _
the light rddhdlh the corner and climbed a flight Now. Curran said. "AIDS is reasonably well
of stairs up fine f?g0rl There in the [aft were a understood. The virus has been discovered, and
dozen fir so pop 19 crowding around a littlg progress in understanding the mechanism of the
space-heater and talking quietly.3 I looked around V1FUS ‘and the genetic code of the virus is
and _thev all looked at me, (a new face), and I proceeding very rapidly."
managed to smile and say, "I guess I’m in the right In recent use 5, these advances have been
place.“ reported:
That was the beginning. ~Scientists have found that a chemical used in
I rarely attend the business meetings anymore, man" spermlc1de creams and gels on the market can
but still see just about everyone from my initial kill tIE AIDS virus in the laboratory.
meeting on a regular basis. At that meeting I -Researchers have identified the exact spot
learned about the various functions that BSD where the AIDS virus latches on to certain white
suggorts and sponsors, and over the past year I’ve blood cells of the immune system, thus weakening
go an involved with a few that specifically the body 5 defenses against disease.
interested me like camping and volleyball. Dther -At least two anti-viral drugs have been found
SSD functions range from bridge to bowling, to to be effective against AIDS, again based on
brunch on Sundays. I just follow the news etter laboratory tests. Human tests with one of the
calendar to keep up to date. drugs, suramln, have begun, and tests with a
650’s diverse activities reflect its diverse second, rlbavirin, are scheduled to begin very
membership. Hembers include homebodies and party soon.
monsters. intellectuals and dreamers. Meeting and “The entire complement of the AIDS virus’ genes
getting to thou these different types has broadened has been isolated and deciphered and can now be
my thinkin‘ and understandin‘ of gay life--not just produced in large quantities for study.
in Kentuchy, but universally. I’ve never been . -A test that detects antibodies to the AIDS
content to hang out with one crowd or one type of virus and thus can identify people exposed to the
1 person; through BSD I can sample as many different virus and screen blood for evidence of the virus
I segments of the 'dy community as I choose. hill be licensed by the government for general use
i I volunteered to write this article about in a matter of HEEhS or months.
E meeting friends through 650 because of the .Ihat good news has been tempered, however, by
5 exceptionally wonderful people I’ve met through the ominous findings concerning the spread and nature
‘ organization. Hopefully more people will ecome of the illness. _
' aware of the o portunity for fun, and the potential q Dn__Fr1day, Curran 531d he thought that about
1 to broaden their own horizons by making friends $00,000 peofile had already been infec.ed with the
1 through 550. Virus thoug t to cause AI S.
Dr. T omas Quinn of the National Institutes of
1; “Editor’s Note: The general business meetings Health used a study bh Curran and fibers to predict
; are currently held in the well-lit, hell-heated 40,000 cases of AI 5 in the United States during
2 comfort of the Comprehensive Care Center located on thE ”Eli tuo YEAFS:
j the corner of Upper and Mechanic Streets! Nearly three-fourths of the people who
3 contracted AIDS before 1983 have died, and the
; number of cases in l?84 was up 74 percent over the
- previous year, the CDC regorted in November.
, AIDS as struck 3 DE people and claimed 3,363
3 THANKS! lives since June I, 19Sl, the CDC said on Jan. 28.
g Researchers have also found that the AIDS virus
oso gives special thanks to Jeff. David. Jack, can Infect the brains of its victims, causing
l Sam, honti, Duavne and hargue for your' time PTURF?551YE AEQEHEFBIIDH 0* the brain.
I constructing the BSD Valentine’s Dance decorations. Jilent‘StS have 315” found subtle differences
Further thanks go to Steve. Dale. John, Jim and between an AIDS WUS identified by Dr- Robert
5 Bill for ygur help in putting gp the‘decflrétions. Sallo of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda,
d ' Hd., and his colleagues and an AIDS virus
g identified at the Pasteur Institute in France.
8 lcontinued on page ll)

 , , Here are some of the signs of change:
,g+ , c g E} Bay youth groups now EXlSt in many large
* ‘ ?} metro olitan areas. and offer sup art and social
,» ‘ p E ,f, . .A
a .x?" i ' : FROM A COMPUTER DPPQT-U“1~1?5- , ,
“:’s; _e ‘7 HDJICE k} Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Says, a
i s ;§}’s:{::;, national group, now has chapters in most major
is . igffpfl}:’ 9: cities, and offers support, encouragement and
.. -‘ :,;;i: ' counseling for parents and friends of gay people.
' ii A multitude, of church groups, representing
every major denomination, promide worship an
Ah!, the wonders of the col uter world. The healthy 505131 QPPDTtUDltlES {UT gay people.
following is from the Consumer information Service f? DAS§1 EDIZETSItY campuses “EVE a chapter 0*
Network.’ The article is part of a Computer Forum, EhEdfiiliufidi atUUEDt UTUUP; the LESbla” and BAY
‘ ' human sexualit . '55,Sm1[ «nion. , . . .
discussing Y a} Several large. national periodicals prov1de
" news coverage and political awareness for gays, and
HUN CAN fDUNS GAY S HEET , thEir classified ads offer an opportuntity o seek
The following is from the Consumer Information pen-pals or potential friends in one’s own city.
SEFVlEE Network. The article is part of a Computer 3; Gay hotlines in most cities can provide
Forum, discussing Human Sexuality. information about local opportunities, such as
outdoor groups. volunteer openings, Irap groups,
, . bands and choruses, and special si.uations.
CUESTlUN: How do you go about meeting a lesbian Reaghigg_§gt
close to your own age... with the same ideals for Seaching out to other people for love and
a relationship? I’m looking for someone who isn‘t support is a lifelong task faced by all people,
just looking for a_ sexual experience, but a whether gay or not.
romantic, loving relationship. i really don’t know Fear of rejection keeps many of us form reaching
where to even start. Is it pos51ble to find out if out.
someone you‘re attracted to is a lesbian without Dur relationship with ourselves is the key to
being rude or presumptuous? is there any way other all our other relationships, and is the place to
than going to a gay bar {which Iram too young to do start in our guest for relationships with others.
anyway}? I know i must sound silly for someone my To the extent that you feel bad about yourself,
age to be looking for a fulfilling relationship, you hide yourself form others, and thereby cripple
but many people my age have such a relationship. your relationships. , r ‘
Snly they have it easy: they are heterosexual. ls ng_Tg_lmprgye_iggr_fielgtiggshig_§;th_Iggrself
there perhaps a support group for gay teens? Here are some suggestions for improVing your
relationship with yourself:
ANSUER: This question was referred to human ‘,}} keep your agreements! Both those you make
seaualitg consultant Dr. Fred Netendarp with yourself, and those you make with others.
Dr. .estendarp answers as follows: }} Be honest! At times this can be painful.
As you are discovering, young gays have unique However we must speak our truth if we are to remain
problems. . . n ‘ whole and of high integrity. .
fleeting gay peers is often difficult, SlnCE many 9} keep fitl A proper diet, plenty of exercise,
gay youth are not able or willing to identify avoiding smoking, alcohol and drugs, and always
1'. , . ..., ' - .,_. .._.,p -;i ' _ ' . +-
{he?dtth:: dfipggésure to conform to Aewpected” usigg Eliriiaiéubét: 13a; gag: pigge aD itibng and
behaviors is applied in an almost automatic TiSthn positive self image by reading about gays,
by friends, family, school, and socipgy in genegai. socializing with seif respecting gay people,
In addition, young ~ays are 59 on EXPOSE G seeking counseling-~or whatever it'takés. ' '
ghe wealtp pf valuable information available about in his book intitled Loving Someone Say (Signet,
omosewua i_y. 1??? p. 146). Dr. Don Clark sums up this
Nor are they encouraged to seek positive role phjléeephy nicely: ‘
models in older gays. "lf you would find a lover (or friend), first
, AS a CDHSSQEEHCE,dmahquayoxflpth SgégngE3;;Diin pate ypurgelfi into the kind of person you want your
ignorance an ear, enia , e ines . over o e.
Tieesjcs Claudine , . _ BalngLRE-seurcem
However, this situation is slowly changing. l3 A? iUUTH GROUPS:
Nora and more gay youth like yogrself or: The National Gay Task Force iNSTF) Hotline (800)
finding the knowledge, courage an suppor 22l-TOAi
necessary to experience themselves as lovable and Say and Lesbian louth of New York, 209 _H_ 13
capable people. Street, New York, N.l. 10014 (212) 834-1310
w—r , ,, -Wunirein , , , a

Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians ThE following 15 an ASSUCIEtEd PFESS 5Ft1CIE:
and Ga 5, Box 24565, Los An eles, Ca. 90024 ‘ _
In New York: (914) 793-5?93 NEN YURk--ln experimental drug that blocks
In San FranciSCQ: (415) 347-7959 reproduction of the virus thought to cause AIDS has
In Hnngtnn: (713) 464-6663 caused the infectious agent to nearly disappear in
}; CHURCH GRgupg; the blood of a young male hemophiliac, researchers
United Fellowship of Hetrogolitan Community Bald yesterday: , fl
Churches (Say Christians), 5300 anta Monica Blvd., _ TAB patlEnt 5 treatment With the drug HPH 2a was
Los An eles Ca. 90029 discontinued a year ago, and he is alive and well
>} EAHPUS SRDUPS: enough to return to school, said Jean Claude
The Lesbian and Bay Academic Union. P.D, Box Chermann of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, who led
82123, San Diego Ca.‘ 92138, (714) ESE-i040 the research. '
}} PERIODIC LS: "He stopped here because we did not know how to
Available in most major libraries or by mail: evaluate tie treatment," Chermann said.
The Advocate The drug is now being given to 34 people with
Suite 225 acquired immune deficiency syndrome to help
1730 S. Anphlet researchers evaluate it, he said.
San Hateo, Ca. 94402 Chernann’s remarks came at a day long AIDS
}. symposium in New York sponsored by the Scientists
New York Native Ins itute for Public Information and the AIDS
28! Nest Broadwa' Medical Foundation.
New ork N.Y. {0013 At the symposium, Luc Hontagnier, another
}>H0¥L1Né5; Pasteur Institute researcher. said there were now
Call local directory assistance and ask for Bay at least two known classes Dt AIDS VIFUSES, .
hotljne or Bay Assistance line Iistin s. The viruses are different enough that it night
For exan 1e. in New York Cit , gnnre 15 the be idifticult to make a Single vaccine to protect
Lesbian Switchboard (212) iii-2513' against both at them Nantaamer said-
}; RESDURCES: . He said studies of the genetic material had
Uur Right To Love: g Lesbian Resource Book. finally shown that the AIDS virus isolated at the
Ginny Vida, editor, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Pasteur Institute and the AIDS virus isolated about
1978. (Available for! the NSTF and in most major thE , sane tie? it the U-S-_ National Cancer
libraries.) Institute were indeed the same Virus.
Lovin Someone Bay. Don Clark, pn,n,. Signet. Studies with the experimental French dru‘
N.Y.. 1997 ' ' ' described 'by Chermann follow reports_of at least
, Now That You Know; Hhat Every Parent Should Know t"? potentia anti-AIDS agents IdentltlEd 1” the
‘ About Holosexuality. Betty Fairchild and Nancy ”UltEd States, . y ,
Hayward. Harcourt. Brace. Jovanovich, New York, . 9 drug F5119? suramin ha5 ShPHfi SUME ablllty in
19.9. ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' tight AID in initial tests and is now being given
Une Teena er in Ten; Nritings by SAy and Lesbian t5 AIDS PatIPDtE at Y3r10U5 DU§P1t315 1" an
Youth. Ediged by Ann Heron, lyson Publ., Boston, Bxganded expsrlfietal trials officials at the
1983. ' ’ National Institutes of Health say.
Young, Say and Proud! By the Gay Teachers and
Sggdents Group of Melbourne, Alyson Publ., Boston, TV TAHINB HDNDSEXUALITY OUT OF THE CLDSET
The Lord is Hy Shepherd and He Knows I’a Say. Two new network comedies have been announced
Troy Pery, Dantan Press, Nashviile, 1972. that will have gay characters. NBC’s comedy,
“Sara", stars Seena Davis as a San Francisco
CI::::::::> 61:13: lawver. Bronson Pinchot plays Dennis Keeper,
. r, g 5 9 another lawyer in the oHice who is openly gay,
-t$;\ much to t e disgust of a macho member of the irm
% / named Marty