xt7vdn3zv081 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zv081/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1978 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, November 11, 1978 text University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, November 11, 1978 1978 1978 2014 true xt7vdn3zv081 section xt7vdn3zv081 . J ._ 4 ', ,
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 Your Let your senses
University of Kentucky go WILD-CATTINl  
Connection See and hear  
Kentucky Football  
ei _ through the eyes of
Sfxgggind   Cawood Ledford
A gym Radio 84.
/ ~§»,, s o
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clear channel radio station.

" Kentucky vs. Vclnderbllt — November I I, I978 V     _1   v_   _
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-   •    
dress—Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506,       ._;_;   . i\| G    
Editorial Staff; Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift, advisor; Jack Perry, Assistant SID.   'A'' I lillht   ,»,,  
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley.   I     Al_·,'' I  
National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue,    
New Y°"‘» N·Y· IOOI 7-   ;`l   ili‘:    
Today’s Notes ’n Quotes ......,...................................,........,.,....,........,...............,...... 2   I Illrllllnl     3  
1 Governor Carroll ...........................,........,.................,,.,...,....... . ................................ 3 i . i I _
President Singletary . ............................................................................................... 5 I . - - ;_“ .   /1
i UK Wildcat Players ........................................,.........................,..... 6, 8, ll, I2, 47 l if •    
Athletics Director Hagan ..................................,................ , ,...,................................. 7 I _  
Coach Curci ............................................................,...,........,.....,...............,....... . ,... 9         _ \ V; .
Tap 20 Basketball Teams lot l978-79 ...........................................................,.......... It ,..a....ai___     _
Football Lore in the SEC——The Mascots ...........................................,................,...,... 4t E';   ;_;_L_;r l"   __•
Coaches Quiz ............................................................................................,............. l4t » _ '"Q       ‘_,$___._ T
Homecoming is Queen Time ..............................................,.................,.................., 29 *"'?°   jx  II" .
l978 Alumni Club Directory ......,............... , ....................,........,...................,........... 30 __ _   .·,,, ' "   ,
Ted Bates—President, UK Alumni Association ........................................................ 3l   2.;,*   L i_ ‘
Wildcat Assistant Coaches .....,.....,..,.........................................................,....... 32, 33   _ ' .
ff?     :*3* — .; ,_ { .¤
UK Staff .................................................................................................................. 34 M   att};  
L. YF   ass   at
Vanderbilt University ,.................,.......,..........,..,.. . ...................................... 35, 44, 45   A k  
Kentucky Numerical Roster ......................,..........,...,................................................ 36   I  
Lineups .,.............................................................,..............,..................... Centerspread   g In   ER-
Vanderbilt Numerical Roster .................................................................................... 4l   |C L  W    p lge 
UK Student Spotlite ..........................................................................................,....... 42  Em  Wutch  
Kentucky Alphabetical Roster ...................................,...............,.............................. 46   I     =_»
  al. ·I· ·€ •   ..a..   P€¤   ..a. a  
What You Can Spot from the Pressbox ...............................................................,.... l7t  S I   f  
The Making of An All-American ..........................................,................................. l9t  Q ;.  -
Test Your Memory on SEC All-Americans ......................................,.......,..,.............. 20t 26   ts for  l¤Cl.
The Wide Receiver ...........,........................,............................................................. 25t   ygrgggg    
Do-lt-Yourself Stats 'n Facts ........................................................,........................... 2g; 4 ’  _     qmgww
Blue-White Fund ......................................................................................................        
Stadium Information .............................................................................,.................. 68      
Wildcat Marching Band ........................................................................... , ................ 73      
Lady Kat Digest ..............,................,..................................,................................,.... 75          
Official; Signals ....................,...........................................................,..................... 76    
.      @4%: ‘,.ir  ;
Faculty Members Alumni Members     h  
Deon Motion E. McKenncl, '79 Thomcls P. Bell, ’79  .  
Dr. Dclniel R. Reedy, ’79 Dr. Rolph Angelucci, '8`l     r'
. . ,   L;-?;;?????~¤:%i%;E'  
Dr €t¤¤r'¤S E*'·¤ss¤ 80 . .   rlaaltkmsesuall
yl Dr. N. J. Pisocclno, '8O Ex OH'€'° M°’”b€"$   ``°i {   ».;a a ’*’ ‘li~  
. . .   —;t·       »·‘l; I l' ll»‘ =  
l Dr. Poul G. Seorsl »8O Dr. Otis A. Slngletory, Cholrmon   Ky.    
Dr. Richord Robe ’8I Dr. Ro mond Hornbock   _    
  ’ , Y   $VIII€,   Pl¢¤£¢z.si;¤·? » T mic »—  Q  "*`  
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Ioday’s Notes ’n Quotes I
By RUSSELL RICE-- UK Sports Information Director
My name is Johnny True Blue. I am 97 years old today. As with got up and said we "fought like Wildcats." We would officially
most people my age, I have a hard time remembering recent become the Wildcats two years later.
h6DD€nlnQ$} bdi *l'*lnQ$ indi haplmndd md'”*V YGBVS 399 wma fresh l always figured that the designation of certain games as home-
ld nnlnd- coming started around l920. l know for sure that we had a banquet
For instance, l don’t remember who the Wildcats played two that year because I was the person who suggested to R. S. Webb,
weeks ago, but l remember well the first football game I ever saw. who was a pretty good player in his time, that we ought to have
It was 87 years ago tomorrow and the first football game ever a real wildcat for a mascot, Dick immediately started a search that
played by the University of Kentucky, which in those days WBS ended with a beautiful Texas brindle yearling being shipped to
known as the Agricultural & Mechanical College and had been a Lexington from Sen Antonio, lt died quickly in captivity.
part of Kentucky University (now Transylvania University) until We got anofnor caf, Called TNT] fno followlno Yoon buf lf foo
l97B· died in a few months. Then we got a tamer cat, "Whiskers," and
lt would later be known as Kentucky State College, Kentucky it didn't last long, dying during a UK basketball game in l924.
Siam UnlV€"$liY» and €V€"‘maIIY as 9OOd Old I-IK· My favorite wildcat was one that John Hall, a l5—year-old
The game was played against KU at their field on Morrison mountain boy from near Morehead, traced to its den, grabbed by
Campus. My father and I rode across town in his new buggy, the nape of the neck and brought home. A Morehead businessman
which was pulled by a fine team of horses. We hitched the team presented it to our coach, "Gloomy" Harry Gamage, at halftime
and joined about l5O other people to witness the festivities. of the l928 UK-Tennessee game on old Stoll Field. Harry didn’t
l remember there were a lot of players on the field at the same $€€t‘n T¤0 €3Q€r T¤ BCCQDT TI't€ Qlfi-
time, at least i5 to the side, and they were dressed in one-piece We had other mascots, some live, some stuffed, through the
canvas suits, called smocks, that were laced up the front and years, before finally settling on the present student—in-a-wildcat-
padded only at the shoulders. They wore no headgear, no hill DadS, suit that Cliff Hagan set up after he became UK athletics director.
no "OSG 9U*"d$· l’ve told you my favorite wildcat, but I hesitate to name my
Our side lost that game, 7Vé—l. \Ne played them two more favorite players, as many people have tried to get me to do for
times that year, losing 2-l and 3°i¤i3»2l/Qt. I don’t remember any many years. I remember the advice of a wise old friend, who said,
football being played the next eight or nine years, but when we "Don’t single out certain players. You will just make a few people
did start playing again (in lB9ll, there were new rules, a new happy and a lot of people mad."
scoring system and different uniforms lold gray trousers cut off l.llS name was Adolph Rupp] a Kansas naflve who Came fo UK _
at the knees and stuffed with hay, together with stockings borrowed from lzrooporfl ll_I ln l93O and was an assistant football Coach,
frm $I5i€'$ and OII‘Q'S)· along with Bernie Shively and some other illinois guys, on the -
We lined up to play KU two weeks before Christmas of that staff of "Gloomy Harry." I was a volunteer working for football
year, but the game was called off when one of our players was and I became acquainted with Adolph when we would sit together
knocked unconscious on the first play. Before we played Centre in the stands-—there was no pressbox—during home games and
the following week, I was at a meeting where State students chose chart yardage made through our line. He was good company, had
their college colors and yeli. a fine sense of humor and was a master story-teller, but we thought
l didnlf mind the y€l|-"Rahj Rugs! Regt Al M1! (;}gl"..and | he was a little "tetched" because he boasted he was going to
loved their choice of the color blue, but l didnt like it when they build ba$I<€IbaII lnid 3 meld? $D0Fl BI The Unit/€V$liY· l
tacked on yellow. l was pleased when they changed to blue and At the risk of causing my old bourbon-and—water companion l
white a couple years later. Rupp to turn over in his grave, l’m going to list just a few players l
The first out-of-state trip l made as a player for the "Blue" who Stand OU? in mY l'n€n’t0rY, for one reason OF another. as I
was to Champaign~Urbana in October l909. The Illini figured we lUl'n I>3€I< in ilrn€»
were a pushover, but when we ran onto the field and our band First, there are two Kentucky farmb0ys——Curtis M. Sanders
started playing "My Old Kentucky Home" and "Dixief" our eyes (l92l—22-23-24), perhaps the best fullback/defensive back ever to
filled with tears and we were ready for anything. play for the Big Blue, and John Simms "Shipwreck" Kelly, un-
we wgn that ga,-nel 6.2, glare; biggest Wm may Up lg that doubtedly the most flamboyant player ever to wear the colors. V
time, and I was seated front and center in chapel the following
Monday when Commander Corbusier of our campus military unit (Continued on DBQQ 70)
2 l

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