xt7vdn3ztf5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3ztf5x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-09-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1934 1934 1934-09-28 2013 true xt7vdn3ztf5x section xt7vdn3ztf5x L



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New Series No. 5




Student Loyalty To Be Tried

News Flashes
Washington, Sept. 27, (INS) Pre.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Is going to tell
the country Sunday night that the
New Deal is working that "the
team Is still scoring."
Speclfiecally, Mr. Roosevelt is not
going to reply to his critics, who
have grown more numerous in re
cent weeks, especially In the ranks
of organized business. Broadly, he
is going to reply to all of them.
No speech the President had made
In months is awaited with keener
Interest than the "fireside chat"
with nnlUons of radio listeners Sun
day night. Circumstances nave com
blned to make it so.






Number in Attendance Will
Measure Loyalty to







Washington, Sept. 27, (INS) A
long and bitter legislative battle McVey and Wynne to Speak;
over continuance of the NRA was
Rand Will Lead Students
forecast today. The resignation of
in Parade
Hugh S. Johnson as recovery admin
lstrator cast a cloud of uncertainty
Be there!
over the entire situation.
The place Men's gym.
"Much depends upon what hapTime 7:30 o'clock tonight.
pens between now and January,"
Tonight's pep meeting Is a vital
said Senator Nye (R) of North Da moment
in Kentucky's football camkota, who, with Senator Borah (R),
of Idaho, opened the fight on John paign.
Nobody can MAKE a member of
son's administration in the last
the student body or faculty turn out
for the meeting tonight.
Loyalty and a sincere desire to
New York, Sept. 27, INS) The see Kentucky and the Wildcats ad
United States stood committed today vance should mean more than acto compete in the 1936 Olympic tual force.
games In Germany.
Tonight may be the turning point!
There were strings attached, howRemember that!
ever, to the acceptance of the GerDeclare your fraternity and soror
man invitation, as voted last night ity house closed tonight during the
at the New York A. C. by the execu- pep meeting hour.
tive committee of the American
Route all dates by way of the pep
Olympic association.
"In the light of the report of Mr.
Postpone the meeting of the Ken
Brundage (President of the Ameri- tucky club (faculty club) scheduled
can Olympic Committee), and the for tonight until after the pep meet
attitude and assurances of the Ger- ing.
man Olympic Commltte and repreRefuse to tolerate a single grunt
sentatives of the German govern- out of a student or faculty member
acment," reads the resolution of
who does not turn out for the meetceptance, "we accept the Invitation ing tonight.
1938 Olympics."
to compete in the
Hand the critics a real Jolt.
Upper classmen and women have
been and are remiss in expressing
Chicago, Sept. 27, (INS) Snow loyalty to Kentucky teams.
Let tonight be the end of this.
struck the western outsklrt of Chicago today on the heels of swelterThe trumpet has sounded.
ing temperatures that reached a
The clan MUST gather.
United, all Hades can't stop us.
maximum of 84 degrees only 12
hours before.
The Hour Is Crucial
The snow fell for ten minutes In
game, originally
the suburb of Oak Park.
two-da- y
Rain and hail broke the
scheduled, as a conditioning game
beheat wave and the thermometer
and a build-u- p for a money-makigan a rapid decline which forecasters game at Cincinnati next week, has
said would reach the lower
suddenly presented Itself as a mid- Northwest winds bore the cold season test.
west from the
spell Into the middle
Support of the student body and
Rocky mountain area.
faculty is regarded as absolutely essential to meet the test tomorrow.
CUTS PRO-NAAthletic leaders point out that if
Saarbrucken, Sept. 27, (INS) Dr. the students and faculty cannot
HJalmar Schacht, Reich minister of arouse their loyalty, call it "fighting
finance, has clamped down on Pro- spirit," if you will, how can an inpaganda Minister Paul Qoebbel's experienced Wildcat be expected to
camturn back a championship-boun- d
expenditure for his
paign abroad, for reasons of econ- Washington and Lee team tomorrow?
omy, the Saarbrucken "Neue Saar-pos- t"
Planning the most detailed and
elaborate program in several years,
stated today.
The newspaper charges that Goeb-b- el members of SuKy have obtained the
has prepared a new plan for util- consent of Coach Chet A. Wnne to
izing Germans throughout the world feature all members of the Wildcat
to spread Nazi doctrines and boost football squad and the entire coach
ing stall at a pep rally at 7:30 o'clock
German trade.
in the Alumni gym.
The program will begin with a
cheering session lead by head cheer
Lahore, India, Sept. 27. (INS)
Pierce rioting broke out between leader J. B. Croft and his assistants,
Moslems and Hindus today In Mian-w- J. D. Haggard, Lucy Jean Anderson,
li, a town of 3,500 population In Pete Reininger, and Charles Dawson.
the wild northwest frontier province. The yells will be interspersed with
Seven persons were reported killed, short talks by Coach Wynne ana
Pres. Frank L. McVey, presentation
and two seriously injured.
of the Wildcats and coaching staff.
and school songs accompanied by
the University of Kentucky band.
27, (INS) DiploMoscow, Sept.
Following the program in the
matic pressure today was brought gym, all attendants to the pep rally
two Soviet
to bear for the release of
parade formation on
military aviators who were forced will fall into where they will be
territory pear Euclid
down on Manchukuan
with sparkler torches.
Mancbult, on the Siberian frontier. Headed by the "Best Band in Dixie,"
Soviet consul at Manchuli the parade will proceed down South
asked that the plane, which was Limestone street to Maxwell street
equipped with machine gun and across Maxwell to Lexington avenue,
bombs, also be returned.
down Lexington to Euclid, reaching
Us destination at the west end of
Stoll field.
Washington, Sept. 27, (INS) The
gangster Is wan- several program will culminate loot- era of the big-tiyells and songs on the
ing, If it is not, Indeed, ended. The ball field, in the light of the burning
era of less spectacular crime local- kerosene-coate- d
wooden letters "K,"
ized crime is continuing.
"W. and L."
This was the opinion held today and alumni, members of the Boost
by many of the hundreds of police ers, Klwanls,
and Rotary clubs have
official at the International Associabeen extended special invitations,
tion of Chiefs of Police convention. and announcements have been postThey declared Uncle Sam's cooperaon campus bulletin boards and
tion with state and local police au- ed
thorities had doomed the highly or- in down makestore windows in an
effort to
this pep rally
ganized, interstate bandit
lnovatlon of a new Kentucky spirit.
which developed during prohibition.
Paris, Sept. 27, (INS) An ignoble
The Lexington Branch of the
sock on his royal nose was a souAmerican association of Universivenir that the Prince of Wales near- ty Women met yesterday in the
ly took back to England with him, Colonial room of
the Lafayette hoa Paris newspaper asserts today.
tel with Mrs. Frank Murray preH. R. H. inadvertently became siding.
caught between two belligerent In
Other officers of the organization
a Moutparanasse night club which are: Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, first
was visiting Incognito, the paper
Miss Chloe Gilford,
said. He was rescued by police baresecond
Miss Julia
ly In time to escape a amack from Allen, secretary, and Mrs. Allen
one of the Mailing fists.
Cloyd, treasurer.
pro-Na- zi

Oa in hi

Assemble at Gym.
Yells and songs, accompanied by band.
Introduction of coaching

7:30 p. m.


Speech by Coach Chet
Talk by President McVey.
8:15 p. m. Assemblage for
Parade, with sparklers, led
by band down Limestone to Maxwell, down
Maxwell to Lexington,
down Lexington to Stoll
Lighting of kerosene "K"
and "W and L" on Stoll
Songs and yells.


Charles A. Lindbergh
Faces Suspect Before
Latter Is Arraigned
in Court


International News Service


Fourteen Kcnluckians to
Be in Slate-W&Bailie

President of Carrier Corp. of
New York Recalls His
U. K. Days


"Thank God They Sent Him
to Kentucky" Were Final
Words of Speaker

J. Irvine Lyle, President of the
Carrier Corporation of New York
city, was the principal speaker at
the first Engineering assembly at

a. m. Wednesday,


which time

fitting tribute was paid to the late
Dean F. Paul Anderson.
The program was opened with
the singing of "On, On U. of K."
Abner Kelly then played one of the
funeral marches which was played
during the funeral of Dean Ander
son. So great had been the friendship of Mr. Lyle for Dean Anderson,
that the speaker ended his tribute
sobbing, "Thank God
they sent him to Kentucky."
Mr. Lyle attended the University
before the Mechanical hall was
built, and while the walnut trees
around the rock garden were knee
high. He enumerated the pleasures of those old days when the
horse knew the way home, and both
arms were not needed for driving.
The greatest change in the last 40
years, thinks Mr. Lyle, is the ap
pearance of men on the campus in
shirt sleeves and in suspenders.
"The girls should form a union to
force you men to wear your coats.
You are going to have to wear them
sometime, so you may a as well get
usea to tnem now. The ability to take defeat was the
keynote of his address to the stu
dents. He said, "The greatest thing
about a football team is getting it
beaten. It teaches us to take de
feat to take It on the chin. You
have to have defeats. You have
to learn to take it. Learn to smile
when licked, and come back for
more. We all have more defeats
than successes.
"The finest people in the world
are In Kentucky. They are ladies
and gentlemen."
Next, Mr. Lyle told of his intimate experiences with Dean Anderson. Before getting far into
this phase of his address, the speak-

Staff Correspondent
New York, Sept. 27, (INS) Bruno
Hauptmann, the Lindbergh case suspect, was arraigned in Bronx county
court today on an indictment charging extortion. He pleaded not guilty
and his bail was fixed at $100,000.
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, father
of the kidnaped baby, confronted
Hauptmann this morning shortly before the prisoner was arraigned.
The two fathers of infant children,
one of them the bereaved and tragic
figure of the most famous kidnaping
case in history and the other the
man suspected of executing the
fiendish crime, met in an atmosphere that was tense with expectancy. Not a word was spoken by
either man. Their meeting was brief.
Hauptmann looked weary and
needed a shave when he was brought
into the court room to be arraigned
before County Judge Lester W. Patterson. The kidnap suspect wore
the same gray suit he had on when
arrested. His white shirt was open
at the throat and he had no necktie.
Silence fell across the room as the
clerk of court announced:
"Arraignment of Richard Haupt- er, overcome with emotion, ended
mann on a bench warrant charging with a phrase long to be rememextortion."
bered, "Thank God they sent him
As Hauptmann stood there before to Kentucky."
the bar of Justice the clerk conPresident McVey was next introtinued:
duced by Dean Freeman. President
"Richard Hauptmann, otherwise McVey also paid tribute to Dean
Anderson, talking of the contacts
known as Bruno Richard Hauptmann, otherwise known as Karl Dean Anderson had with students
Pellmeier, you are arraigned on an long after they had left school; of
indictment by the people charging the advice he gave so wisely; and of
you with extortion.
How do you his genuine interest and sincerity.
Dean Anderson influenced all with
whom he came in contact. The
The prisoner was silent.
His attorney, James M. Fawcett, placement of many graduates from
the College of Engineering was due
spoke up:
"The defendant pleads not guilty." to the personality and acquaintances
of F. Paul Anderson.
President McVey said In part, "We
St. Louis' rampaging Cardinals hold In heart and memory the man
cut the lead of the Idle New York who held such compassion for all,
Giants to one half game yesterday high or low. May his memory conby triumphing over Cincinnati 8 to tinue as a heritage in the College
5. Another game with Cincinnati of Engineering.
today while New York remains idle
"The ambition to make a living
has the possibility of placing the is not enough. Ideals are needed
National League pennant race in a to accompany ambitions. Ambition
(Continued on Page Six)
deadlock, with New York and St.

Washington and Lee Is No
linger Regarded as




When the Generals of Washington and Lee step out on Stoll field
tomorrow to do battle with Coach
Chet Wynne's Wildcats, football
fans in this locality will 'see 14
Kentucky boys in the two line-up- s.
Four lads from our home state
will be out to "do or die" for Tex
Tilson's fighting Virginians; while
10 Krntuckians will be striving
equally as hard for Kentucky's
second victory of the 1934 grid season.
The Virginians will have In Joe
Arnold, former Danville High
school star, and Jack Bailey, who
played prep school football at
Portsmouth, Ohio, but whose home
town is Maysville, one of the best
ever to
play on Stoll field. Bill Ellis, Ash
land, youth, is one of the most
dangerous ball players In the country. This lad, as football lingo
goes, is a "humdinger." Besides being one of the best ends in the
Southern conference, both on defense and offense, he occasionally
goes into the backfleld and punts,
passes, receives passes, or runs
with the ball. Dick Oumm, another Ashland lad, probably will
get the call as one of the start
ing guards. This youth, although
weighing but 168 pounds, has in


feet and one inch tall. A great
deal is expected from this hefty
lad this year, and he will be in
there doing all his 257 pounds can
do to stop up the holes that the
Kentucky linemen will make. The
other behemoth on the General
team is Hugo Bonino, a 233 pound
guard. He will be a starting guard
Wildcats that will probably start
tomorrow and that claim Kentucky as their home state are,

Captain Rupert, Catlettsburg, and



Shelbyvtlle, ends.
guard candidates and their home towns are
Erlanger, and Potter, Whitesville.
Wagner, a prospective tackle, hails
from Bellevue. The two center
candidates, Janes and Myers, are
from Bardstown nnd WnHnn re
spectively. Candidates for back-fieberths who live in the Blue
Grass State are Pritchard, Princeton; Johnson,
Ashland, and Walker, Glendale.
Tomorrow's game will be the
fourteenth game played between
the two institutions.
The first
two games were played In 1899 on
consecutive days. The first game
ended in a 0 to 0 tie, which was
played off the next day, Kentucky
emerging victorious by a 0 count.
fight and determination what he After a lapse of 33 years the two
teams were brought together again
lacks in weight.
The W. and L. team has on their in 1923 In a game which ended in
roster two of the biggest men in a 6 tie. A game has been
gridiron history. Howard C. (Tub- played every year since that time
by) Owings, a sophomore tackle with Kentucky winning five and
from Norfolk, Virginia, tips the W. and L. five. In '24, '25, "26, and
(Continued on Page Six)
scales at 257 pounds and Is six

me three outstanding




Confident of Blasting
Hopes of Kentucky9 s Cats

W-- L




Affair to Be Held Saturday
Night in Men's Gym; Andy
Anderson's Orchestra Will
Play; Admission $1.00
The "best band in Dixie" will
formally inaugurate the forth coming social season at the University
when it will sponsor the first
dance of the year, the Horn Toot-er- s
Hop, at the men's gym Saturday night after the Washington and Lee game. The dance will
be from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Andy Anderson's orchestra will
furnish the music for the occasion.
There will be six
addition to the regular dances.
The dance is being sponsored to
off-sa $700 deficit in the fund
which has been used for the purchasing of new uniforms for the
band. Numerous affairs have been
sponsored in the past by the band
for the purpose of accumulating
funds for the uniforms. Admission will be one dollar.

Live Mascot May
Be Procured For

UK Football Squad

Plans for procuring a wildcat
mascot for the football team, and
a Joint meeting with SuKy to sugIAN EDITORIAL)
gest Improvement of school spirit
Fellow students and faculty: No one can MAKE you come to the "pep" at games were dsicussed at the first
of the
meeting tonight and then go out there m the stadium tomorrow and fight meeting
council held last Monday night
for the team as those boys will be fighting for Kentucky all we can do the Delta Tau Delta house. Wal-at
to beg, plead, ask, and otherwise cajole and encourage you to do so.
ter B. Hunt, presided at the meetNevertheless, a special demand Is being made upon us at this time. ing.
We must prove right now, both to ourselves and to the people at large,
The financial report for last year
that we are not dead from the neck up and down again, and that the was read and submitted by William Gottshall,
enthusiastic, fighting school spirit has NOT vanished from the University sion was held onafter A new discusway of
of Kentucky campus.
handling the social season was disWe have been accused of everything from displaying a blase Indiffercussed, and will be announced laence to being downright "yellow." W can either prove or disprove these ter. A resolution to get behind the
team and urge the cooperation of
accusations tonight and tomorrow. SuKy la sponsoring an
all fraternities and sororities
pep rally tonight, and It's up to you to BE THERE turning out for the pep meeting toand when you get there to display real enthusiasm.
night was passed.
Constructive things must be done. An organized cheering section
must be formed. SuKy Is far from perfect, but they ARE trying, and they
can succeed only through your cooperation. You've got to learn the yells,
Sept. 27 INS If
L In the
learn the tongs, follow the cheer leaders and yell to beat h
past, student bodies from schools much smaller than our University have market conditions are favorable the
treasury will float a long-terbond
made the
exhibitions of yelling found here sound sick. issue December IS for $992,400,000
This MU8T be corrected I
percent cerin two and
No matter what you may have Intended to do tonight BE AT THE tificates matured, Secretary
said today.
GYM. Fraternities, sororities, occupants of the residence halls turn out
No financing with the exception
en masse.
of weekly bill issues Is anticipated
Everybody, BE THERE!
that date.


Inter-fraterni- ty

honest-to-goodne- ss


half-heart- ed


Mor-genth- au

Tubby Owings, Star Tackle,
to View Game from
Lexington, Va., Sept. 27, (INS)
Until two days ago fairly beaming
with confidence, Washington and
Lee's burly football army polished
off training today with hopes for
a second successive victory over Kentucky next Saturday rudely Jolted.
H. C. "Tubby" Owings,
sophomore tackle stalwart, has a
sprained ankle which will relegate
him to the sidelines for at least
two weeks. Owings had been counted on as a mainstay in the line to
be thrown against the Wildcats.
Owings suffered an ankle injury
last week in the Generals' game
against Wofford college but it was
thought to be merely a bruise. Tuesday the full force of the blow was
felt, however, when Owings complained of swelling and pain, trainers discovered the ankle was severely
sprained and possibly fractured.
Despite this setback, however,
Coach Warren "Tex" Tilson and the
whole grid squad, which is W. &
L.'s biggest and fastest of recent
years, clung to the belief Kentucky
will fall their victim again.
Last Saturday's opener against
Wofford, copped by Washington and
Lee 19 to 0, gave promise of a sterling performance against the Blue
Grassers this weekend.
Save for Owings, a complete absence of debilitating injuries through
out the early training season and
the Wofford clash has encouraged
coach and players alike.
W. 6c L.'s defense against Wofford left little to be desired, considering the infancy of the campaign,
Tilson admitted, adding that plenty
of polishing was needed, however,
for this phase of battle. Work this
week was concentrated on defense.
Tilson hopes the bulk of W. Sc L.'s
offense wll be adequately shouldered Saturday by three sophomore
backs who scintillated again&t Wofford and Captain Sam Mattox, whose
speed afoot has discouraged conference tacklers during the past two
The youngsters upon whom Tilson
pins confidence are Wilton Sample,
George Lowry and Preston Moore,
all halfbacks.
The forward wall, average 201
pounds from end to end, probably
will answer the first whistle as
Ends: Ellis, Henthorne; tackles:
Dyer and a substitute for Owings;
guards: Oumm, Bonino; center,
Bonino is a veteran and a standout southern conference tackier, and
blocker of previous years.
Saturday's backfleld probably will
be the name oue that started against
Wofford, namely: Sample and Captain Mattox, halves; Bailey, full;
(Continued on Page Six)

Expected to Pit
Entire Strength Against


Tilson's Men
Coach Chet A. Wynne's Big Blue
gridmen will face their first major
opposition and an early season crucial test tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
p. m. on Stoll field, when they will
be pitted against the Generals of
Washington and Lee, who last year
dished out a stinging 7 to 0 defeat
to our boys. In previous years this
contest has been regarded as an
"easy spot" on the Cat schedule,
but now looms up as a criterion of
strength of the 1934 Wildcat machine.
Because of reports brought in by
Porter Grant, who scouted the
Washington and
last week, Coach Wynne put the
varsity through an hour and a half
of scrimmage Tuesday afternoon.
About the first half hour of this
battle was taken up with defensive
tactics, this being the second time
that the 'Cats have scrimmaged on
defense this year. The freshmen
used the Washington and Lee double wingback formation, and went
through the Wildcats with seemingly ease.
In this scrimmage Coach Wynne
started the same lineup as he did
against Maryville Walker, quarterback; Johnson and McCool, halfbacks, and Pritchard. fullback. He
started Potter and McClurg as
guards; Janes at center; Rupert and
Gene Bryant at ends, but alternated both the backfleld
and line
agianst the first year men.
In order to bolster up the line,
he replaced Olah and Prlbble, who
started the Maryville game at the
tackles, with Jobe and Wagner,
who between them tip the scales at
Although this defen430 pounds.
sive scrimmage did not last very
was time enough for a
long, there
couple of Kitten backs to show
their wares. Bob Davis, a lad from
Dayton, gave the varsity plenty of
trouble and made several long
gains; while Robinson snatched a
pass and traveled 45 yards, shaking
off two varsity secondary men before he was finally downed.
On the offense the Wildcats did
not look much better, being slow
and sluggish. The scrimmage was
vicious, and Pritchard, running
hard and fast came near breaking
some freshmen into pieces when he
hit them, but none of the players,
varsity or freshmen, were injured.
From all indications the game
will be a toss up, although according to reports Washington and Lee
has the best team they have had
(Continued on Page Six)

Strollers will hold its first
ing of the school year at S
this afternoon at the Guignol
ter. It is important that
member be there.


p. m.

Miss King of the library wishes
to announce that the educational
collection will be open until 5 p.

in the afternoons, and from


to 9 in the evenings.
Two more federal project
now In operation at the University;
they are SA 15 and SA16. The object of these two projects is to
gather statistics for land planning.

Students working on Federal
Aid projects will have until Monday to get in full time for September. When a student has completed
the 35 hours allowed for September
he should fill out his work
sheet, have it signed by the supervisor, and bring It to the office
of the dean.
Men students will be paid for
September work next Thursday In
the Business Office beginning at
1:30 p. m. All time sheets must
be in at that time.
The Patterson Literary society will
meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night
at the Sigma Nu house.

The Grants in Aid committee will
meet at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday
night In the athletic office In the

Alumni gym.

There will be a meeting of O.D.K.
6 p. m. Friday afternoon in White
hall. Officer will be elected for the
present year.


on Page Six)

� Best Copy

Tage Two


Kentucky Club To
Meet Tonight For
Office Elections


Old time University of Kenremember
tucky supporters
the grand old days when
paraded the downInds
town section In shirt lulls,
long gowns and pajamas.
Them were the days, say
they, when college spirit was
college spirit and not a necking party.
They want them back-s- hirt
tail parades, cheers,
howls, bon flies, tin pans and
nil. So, on Friday night on
the University of Kentucky
campus, probably In Memorial hall or the gymnasium, a
mammoth pep meeting will
be held. They want to stir
up enthusiasm over the Washington and Lee game and
bring about a rebirth (that's
the word), a rebirth of the
wild enthusiasm,
spirit of the olden
The SuKy circle is working
on the project and they probably will make a go of It.
This much is certain: If the
present day student can manage to throw off that air of
he has
acquired through a decade of
mollycoddlery. he will be
pleasantly surprised over the
resulting exhilaration.
It's a good scheme and probably will make the students
ever, they should remember
one thing: Rushing picture
folk who
shows, disturbing
don't want to be trampled to
death, Is out. Snapshots at
Sports, Lexington Herald.

Not too much light. Talk to her
When Bill started mooning around in low tones, always about herself."
Boldness "Let nothing stand In
our partnership apartment I was
truly worried. It wasn't like him your way, Bill. If she has a date
to be sober. Although I list him, with someone else, make her break
without hesitation, as the truest It. Tell her your life will be ruined
friend thnt I possess, I have always If she doesn't. Women like
and audacity."
been convinced that he Is not only
I really outdid myself. Under my
dumb, but Incapable of the more
complex emotions, such as sorrow. tutorage Bill was a great success.
Juout of
This quality of great simplicity per- I got a great kickprogress. his was
haps accounts for his perfect nature. bilant reports ofd
second-hanIt is impossible to Insult him, and ratherwith my friend satisfaction,
Betty havI though
no matter how great a hang-ovmight have of a morning, I could ing deserted me outright. The hurt

always be assured that I would
awaken to the sound of Bill's
stumbling over furniture, a great
contented grin on his gullless face.
The gTin had been missing a
couple of days, so according to my
custom. I read the signs, and, when
the time came, didn't ask him what
his trouble was. but told him.
"Bill." I said a little doubtfully,
you got trouble, and unless the
sins tell me wrong, It's woman
I was surprised when he nodded
admission. It was incredible
was the sort who went completely
speechless In the presence of a girl.
Bill In love! Well, now. that was
I was really glad. It gave me a
longed-fo- r
to polish
him up. A diamond, that man,
but very, very crude. Devoted as
he was to me. I had never been
able to make him comb his hair or
tie his tie right. So I made him a
speech as befitted the occasion.
"My friend." I said with satisfaction, "I presume your worry
would be over, and the furrows
would leave your habitually serene
brow, were you to win this light of
your life; this gal of yours. As I
am very anxious that your smile
again Illuminate our apartment, I
will herewith assume complete control over your campaign, and make
some much needed changes. Before
proceeding, however, I think It
would be advisable for you to give
me some sort of a description of
the girl, so that I may plan the
proper attack."
Bill thought It over fully a minute, and I could see he was struggling to produce suitable adjectives.
Finally his face cleared. Evidently
he was about to produce a master
piece of description.
-- she's
swell." he said
Well, It didn't make much dif
Women are
ference after all.
much the same, and I had great
faith in my line, even though it
seemed to be falling in the case
of Betty Thomas, my latest heart
throb. It had worked before, so
the chances were that Bill's girl
would find it suitable, even though

Betty didn't.
I had a great deal of fun fixing
Bill up. He really has a fine face
and a good physique. We got him
a tailored suit, a nice hat and topcoat, and succeeded in untangling
his hair. I bought him a pipe and
made him smoke it to add a touch
of sporty sophistication
and taught
him how to dance. I'll bet we looked
pretty funny up there. Bill leading
me around the rooms to the rhythm
of the radio, his earnest face beaming with pride when he mastered a
Following this I taught him the
rudiments of feminine psychology
Flattery "Tell her she's wonderful," I urged. "She knows it already, but she'll never tire of hearing it."
Romance "Take her to places
where they have good music, good
wine, and small tables in corners.


Friday, September 28, 1934


The University of Kentucky club,
organized to promote social relations
between all members of faculty and
staff members, will hold its annual
business and social meeting at t o'clock tonight In the Faculty club
rooms In McVey hall.
Important matters to come before
the meeting will be the election of
officers for the forthcoming year,
and a vote on an amendment of the
constitution creating an executive
committee composed of the presisecretary, and
treasurer of the organization and
the chairman of the house committee.
All members are requested to make
special effort to attend the business meeting, while
are cordially Invited to participate
In the social gathering following the
session, at which entertainment and
refreshments will be provided.


Solicits the favorable Consideration

was mostly to my pride plenty
more women.
Bill's was what you might call a
rapid contest. Not content to spend
every evening with her, he was
generally among the missing In the
afternoons. He'd take her riding,
swimming, sailing.
Then one morning Bill came
bursting into the apartment, triumph on his face. Kicking over the
wastebasket and crushing our best
Chicago, Sept. 27, (INS) Police
chair he arrived at my side and
sought to intercept three boys today
grasped my arm. Dragging me to
before the nine milligrams of rathe door he explained.
dium they stole from the Belgian
"Witness," he said, "you gotta be
Village at a Century of Progress can
my witness."
begin Its deadly activity.
As we stumbled down the stairThe three youths face a lingering
way I did some melancholy thinkdeath or permanent Injury if they
ing. I wn.s losing Bill. It would
are exposed to the rays, physicians
be pretty lonely around the apartpointed out. Witnesses said they
ment now. Ouss I'd Just have to
saw the trio flee the Village shortly
brace up under it though. Go to
after the $1,000 vial was missed from
France and try to forget there was