xt7vdn3zt37k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zt37k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1975 yearbooks ukyrbk1975 English American Publishing Company, Topeka Kansas Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection KYIAN 1975 text KYIAN 1975 1975 1975 2012 true xt7vdn3zt37k section xt7vdn3zt37k   University Archives Margaret!.   jng Library - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 meet again at the
UK Alumni Association
Lexington, Ky. 40506 KENTUCKIAN 75fT
special features..
special f ealures.. sports..... special f ealures.. regular features..
organizations portraits index special features..
editorial staff
m m m -3
...27 ....51 ...89 .205 .242
cover design
Beth Ann Jewell .. Nancy Adams____
Chap McDonnell Karen Dansby
Nick Powell... Elaine Evans . 
Nancy Green.....
Keith Muth.....S
Nancy Stout.....
Cheri Catinna ..
Susan Ferger .. Dolly Wisman
Judy Shearer. .
.. Portraits/Organizations
... Photography Editor .. Assistant . Index Editor .. Adviser Special Features . Business Manager .... Assistant
.. Sports Editor .... Assistant
James Patterson served as the first president of the University of Kentucky, and it is properly fitting that this book in its bicentennial salute to Kentucky and the university also make tribute to him.
Dust-jacket and cover design by Beth Ann Jewell. Art work by Larry Cyrus.
Approved by the 1975 University of Kentucky Board of Student Publications. Volume 81; 1974-75. Printed by American Publishing Co., Topeka, Kansas. Portrait photography by Stevens Studiois, Bangor, Maine. The Kentuckian has been published at an annual subscription rate ot $9.00. Any suggestions should be directed to the oftice ot the new quarterly magazine, The Kentuckian, whose offices are 113-A and B, Journalism Building, UK campus, Leington, Ky., 40506.
John Cornell, Julie Deatherage, Laura Ann Ross, business; Karen Johnson, Steve Smith, Patti Van Note, special features; Vicki Knuckles, Jan Raizk, portraits/organizations; photographer's credits on their photographs. Special thanks to Larry Cyrus for his extra photographic help.
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Bicentennial Blue Homecoming 8 Stoll Field 12 UK Band 14 Sigma Chi Derby Alumni Association Bicentennial Festival From the Morrill Act  1 he Bicentennial. A year for celebration. A Kentucky celebration. Looking back. Enjoying the present. And anticipating the future.
Although it was Kentucky's celebration from 1974-76, students too tasted the flavor of the old mixed with the new. Some was good, and unfortunately, some was bad.
For the UK student, the past crept into the corners of campus life from the opening festival in the Coliseum to the closing trip to the NCAA finals in San Diego.
And, the blue and white took everything in stride.
At the beginning of the year* a September International Bicentennial Festival expanded knowledge about foreign -/ countries. From belly dancing to Kentucky apple growing, students could sample and participate in exhibits.
Later in the fall, football fans were elated when the team played on regional television for the first time since the 60's with a bowl bid in the offering. Fans went wild as UK downed LSU and Florida for the first time in years, and IU for the first time since 1919.
Spring semester the theatre department students presented a play called "Transparent Morning" in a bicentennial salute. The students planned everything for the first run play, even the set design.
(Continued on pg. 7) ABOVE: Headley Musum. OPP. PG.: Paula Cratton visiting a horse farm.
  (Continued from pg. 5)
Then, the basketball team peaked the year with a trip to the NCAA finals. Fans cheered the boys on as they defeated Syracuse, but lost to UCLA.
It was hoped Louisville would down UCLA and make it a real Kentucky stand off between the two Kentucky teams.
On the community side, Harrodsburg started with the celebration of its founding in 1774, and there was also the reconstruction of Fort Boonesboro.
As the year went on, Pioneer Jim set out in a covered wagon carrying a cornerstone for the new Civic Center from Lexington, Mass., to Lexington, Ky. Just in time for the event, downtown Lexington's cobblestone sidewalks were near completion marking the start of much of Lexington's urban renewal projects.
When the cornerstone arrived a bicentennial evening parade with floats, bands and amusements filled the air. Afterwards a seven block street dance was held on Vine.
Everything seems to have gone "bicentennial," and yet, most undisturbs the lives of the UK student.
He has his classes, his outside interests and his own life to adjust around our rapidly changing lifestyles.
Throughout this edition of The Kentuckian, we have tried to capture not only the events of the year but, those changing lifestyles of Kentucky and it's history. 7f
ABOVE: LKD queen. OPP. PC: A student and his zoology research project.
Reusing on a theme of "200 Years in Kentucky", Homecoming activities ranged from a pep rally and rock concert, to a Bicentennial-centered parade and victory-centered football game. Thus, Homecoming 74 provided something for everyone.
The parade got things rolling on Thursday night. The Grand Marshall, riding in a 1930's automobile was Colonel Harlan Sanders. Football coach Fran Curci, basketball coach Joe Hall, and former basketball coach Adolph Rupp added prestige to the parade. Adding beauty were Miss Lexington, June Wallace, and Valerie Parr, Lexington's Junior Miss.
Providing the only music for the parade was the Wildcat marching Band. The Homecoming Queen candidates rode in different-colored Porsches, shivering and waving along the route.
The floats were made by 10 fraternities and eight sororities. Producing the winning float were Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Kappa Tau, Farmhouse and Sigma Alpha Epsilon to the theme of "Cats Still Commodores." The second place float, "Sent Up the River" was built by Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, and Alpha Gamma Rho.
Following the parade was a pep rally in Commonwealth Stadium, where tradition was broken by crowning the Homecoming Queen before the game. f.
Gail Gatewood, an Education senior representing Holmes Hall, was crowned UK's 1974 Homecoming Queen.
Finals for different contests were held during the rally. Kappa Delta representative, Paula Austin, won the Women's Division of the football throwing contest. Winning the mascot contest as a walking outhouse was Wayne Ulrey of Alpha Epsilon Pi.
To take the spectators' minds off the cold, a fireworks show, with spectacular arrays of bright reds and oranges, ended the pep rally.
The Student Center Board picked a winner by having "America" perform for the Homecoming concert. The crowd of over 12,000 piled into Memorial Coliseum welcomed the four-man group with warm applauds.
An added touch to the game on Saturday was the fact that it was being regionally televised by ABC Sports. This excitement, plus a halftime lead over nationally-ranked Vanderbilt, made for a great halftime celebration.
The band entertained with Dixieland music while the Queen and her court rode around the field in horse and buggies depicting transportation in Kentucky 200 years ago.
(continued on pg. 10)
ABOVE: One of the many floats in the parade. TOP LEFT: The Banana Splits from Kings Island joined parade festivities. TOP CENTER: Diane Evans cheers during a timeout. TOP RIGHT: Parade Grand Marshall Colonel Sanders and June Wallace. OPP. PG.: Coach Curci and Homecming Queen Gail Gatewood. TOP: Muhammad All signs autographs during halftime.   McLean Stadium,
 50 year football home, razed fall semester
Patterson's herd of cows.
The seating structure, McLean Stadium, was named for a UK player, Price Innes McLean, who died of injuries suffered in a game against the University of Cincinnati in 1923.
Originally, plans called for a U-shaped stadium with bowed sides. But only 10 of the 16 proposed sections were ever built. The original six sections were constructed in 1924 at a cost of $117,000. The following four sections were added during World War II.
The first sections seated only 10,000. With additional sections plus the end zone seating capacity was raised to approximately 20,000; a figure that was dwarfed by the 56,000 seat capacity of the new Commonwealth Stadium.
In 48 football seasons, McLean played host to nine head coaches, 145 victories, 98 losses, and eight ties. The last victory took place November, 1972, when UK beat Vanderbilt 14-13. rr
BELOW: While Stoll Field is being destroyed, the band uses the field for practice. BOTTOM RIGHT: Ivy finally grew to the top of the stands as destruction tore away the tradition. BOTTOM LEFT: Workers remove iron beams before crushing concrete. OPP. PG., FAR LEFT: Patterson Office Tower overlooks the ruins of the old field. TOP RIGHT: The destruction of the seats where fans once cheered make way for the use of the new Commonwealth Stadium. CENTER: A torn remnent amidst the rubble of the stadium is a final reminder of the last game. BOTTOM RIGHT: Stoll Field . . . the end of 48 football seasons.
4 Regionally televised games highlight year for band
i icking off the season a week before school, the UK band held Band Week.
At this time the band met to learn the fundamentals of UK's marching styles, which was especially important for incoming freshman. The music and marching drills for the first two games were also practiced during the week. The hectic period started at 8:30 in the morning and ended at 9:00 p.m.
At the end of football season, time was spent developing four separate bands from the 250 members of the marching band. There were three concert bands with approximately 80-125 members, and the basketball pep band with 110 rotating members. The three concert bands included the wind ensemble which consisted of the advanced members, the symphonic band, and the concert band for non-majors.
Recruiting was very important to Harry Clarke, UK Band director. It consumed 50 percent of his time. He traveled to various high schools trying to interest students in UK as the college to attend and then promoting the idea of playing in the band.
Band members felt the highlight of the year was the two regionally televised football games.
ABOVE: The vibrations of the enthusiastic band are displayed by the picture. RIGHT: Band members perform during halftime of the regionally televised Florida football game.
14 IX Derby Dance Spotlights Weekend
T he 23rd annual Sigma Chi Derby Day was held on the intramural fields behind the Seaton Center. Kappa Delta took first place in the games competition.
Various other awards such as "most spirited" were given out.
The Derby Dance held at the Phoenix Hotel Ballroom was very popular. Hoonany and the Hurricanes provided soul rock music for everyone to "bump" to. 'T
BOTTOM: Sororities march to the fields where the games competition will be held. BOTTOM LEFT: A couple relaxes in the lobby during the dance. BOTTOM CENTER: Female member of the band entertains the crowd. BOTTOM RIGHT: Enjoying the company of the empty cans and bottles, a couple watches the dance.
IS From bands to parties and dinners the Alumni Association remains active
W ant to know the current addre$| of j former student? Or get a 30 per cent discount on books published by the University Press? Or get second priority for season football tickets? Then simply get in touch with your friendly neighborhood Alumni Association.
The Alumni Association was separately incorporated and yet closely aligned to the university. It was chartered to be of service and benefit to all alumni and the university. The policies and programs of the Association were determined by volunteer alumni who serve the Association's Board of Directors.
The Board was basically composed of elected repesentatives from geographic districts of the state and nation who served t year terms. The officers of the Associatio president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer  were elected by the Board, which met several times a year and conducted an annual workshop in the summer. Expenses incurred in attending all meetings were borne by the representatives.
The Kentucky Alumnus, the only magazine o the Association, was sent to the home of member-alumni four times a year. It contained features about the university, Association programs, news capsules about former students, action on the campus and the current sports picture.
Open Door, the alumni newspaper, was also published and mailed four times a year, but to all alumni. It contained timely university news and current information on university programs.
Although the university and the number o alumni have grown tremendously since 1889, the Alumni Association still retained a warm relationship with all alumni through personal correspondence, direct mail, club meetings and special alumni functions.
The Helen G. King Alumni House, located at the corner of Rose Street and Euclid Avenue, was the campus home for all UK alumni. Funds to construct and furnish the building were given by members of the Alumni Century Club who each gave $500 or more. Dedicated in 963, the house was a gathering place for
nni and was used for conferences, exhibits and social functions. Generally it could be used for meetings and small get-togethers during regular working hours at no charge. Charges at other times were based on labor, type of function and the extent to which the facilities were used. Active members of the Association were
granted reduced rates. Kitchen facilities were available so that refreshments, dinners or luncheons could be served.
The Alumni Association sponsored buffet luncheons and dinners before all home football games. Member-alumni received a brochure giving detailed information about these activities and other items of interest. Alumni were transported to the football games in a double-decked English bus purchased by the Association. Several hundred alumni attended the luncheons and dinners each year.
Art exhibits open to alumni artists were held
periodically in the King Alumni House. Past exhibits included works in oil, pastels, collages and photography.
As the official traditions-keeper of university, the Alumni Association had for many years sponsored Homecoming and reunion activities. The Homecoming luncheon was held the day of the game at the King Alumni House. Class reunions were held in the fall and spring. Reunions provided a valuable opportunity for classmates to keep in touch throughout the years which follow graduation.
jj| mtlnuecf on pg. 18)
  Alumni Assoc. (corns
(continued from pg. 16)
The 50th Anniversary Reunion class was honored at the Annual Reunion Banquet in the spring. A class directory was published at the same time each class holds a reunion. Alumni residing in Lexington were asked to serve on committees to plan special class functions. Hours of work went into planning and coordinating these events to make them a nostalgic occasion for returning alumni.
Spindletop Hall, a mansion located on the Iron Works Pike near Lexington, served as an alumni-faculty-staff club. Alumni who earned a minimum of 12 semester hours at the university and who were members of the Associa
were eligible for club membership. Excellent dining and recreation facilities were found at Spindletop, which was open year round, with the exception of January.
Among the social activities scheduled were dinner dances, bridge, style shows and special events. The grounds contained three large and two small swimming pools, eight tennis courts, a children's playground and picnic areas.
Alumni dollars financed a number and variety of undergraduate scholarships. At present, scholarships were provided at each of the community colleges and four $700 grants were awarded on the main campus. In addition, the Association gave six band
scholarships of $500 each to assist UK's marching band. Several special scholarships had been endowed by alumni bequests throughout the years.
The Hall of Distinguished Alumni was dedicated in 1964. Eighty-five alumni of the university were selected by a committee for outstanding achievements in their chosen fields and for dedicated loyalty to the Alma Mater. By 1974, 144 men and women had received this distinguished honor. In future years, other alumni will be recognized and enshrined in the hall. Pictures of these alumni were located in the Helen King Alumni House.
Who knows, one of these days you might be up there.
  Bicentennial Festival captures the flavor
of the old world
1 he International Bicentennial Festival was held October 9-11 in Memorial Coliseum, and was sponsored by the International Woman's Club and International Book Project.
There were two goals behind the Festival. The main goal was raising funds to help the International Book Project send books to all parts of the world. The second goal was to acquaint the people of Lexington and surrounding areas to the rich, untapped cultures of their world neighbors.
The festival was a great success with more than 4,000 elementary school-children in attendence at one time.
Featured were more than 18 countries. Each country had its own booth where products of its culture were exhibited and sold. A miniature Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower lent a flavor of the Old World to the cavernous coliseum.
Various groups performed throughout the three-day Festival. A Jordanian belly dancer, performer of classical Thai dancing, and wedding gowns from around the world competed for attention with the delicious temptations of various foods offered for sampling.
UK's International Student Services aided the International Bicentennial Festival by having its foreign students on campus help with the booths.
Mrs. Daisy Yang, Counselor of the International Students program, called the Festival, "a great success" and said it "gave the people of Lexington a chance to enjoy cultures other than their own."
ABOVE: An interesting carved statue at the festival is on display at the Patterson School of Diplomacy table. TOP: The many hours of the festival become evident. RIGHT: Two women examine the Israel display.
J ohn Bowman had a dream, and he worked against odds to make that dream a reality. His dream was to start a public university in Kentucky.
His odds were an uninterested governor and an uninterested legislature. There were also odds against a nonsec-tarian education. Religious groups were engaging in power struggles, and they fought the idea of a state university. They nearly succeeded in killing the institution in its infancy.
And, there was a problem of timing. At the time of the Morrill Land Grant College Act in 1862, Kentucky was suffering invasion from the Union and Confederate armies.
But Bowman was determined he should have his way, and eventually obtained the land grant funds to establish a university.
In 1874, the Agricultural and Mechanical (AM) College as UK's early name came to be  was nearly ruined from a battle with denominational groups. Bowman was forgotten, and le-
gislature bowing to sectarian pressure, severed the A&M College from Kentucky University in 1878. The land grant A&M  College was left with neither land nor | grant  but it refused to die. |
The Morrill Act required military g training for all, so every student became a cadet. They turned out a 5:30 a.m. to reveille, and went to bed at 10 p.m. to taps. Demerits were given for untidy rooms and artillery practice was the most favorable part of their military life.
Yet in 1880, women entered Kentucky State College  as it was nicknamed. Only 43 enrolled, but it was a start. Their major: teaching.
The student body was predominantly male, but the girls made their pressure known. They organized the Philosophian Literary Society, whicji met on Friday nights for debates and candy pulls.
(continued on page 25)
BACKGROUND: Today, UK is not known as a military school, but on Wednesdays a few ROTC students may be spotted. LEFT: A group of men in the American Association of Engineers during 1923. BEHIND COPY: A 1920 photo of Buell Armory. OPP. PG., TOP: 1923 Home Economic students making the service flag. BOTTOM: The 1923 University of Kentucky military band.  TOP RIGHT: Men clean their rifles during the 1930 UK military camp.
(continued from pg. 23)
In 1905, after pressure from women's group, domestic science was added to the college curriculum.
In 1908, the name was changed from
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky to State University, Lexington, Kentucky. Kentucky University changed back to Transylvania University to avoid confusion with the State University.
Frank McVey made a great many changes at State University from his arrival in 1917. He emphasized the serious side of student life; reorganized the university and obtained more members with Ph D's.
In 1920, Governor A.O. Stanley signed a bill giving UK a much needed additional tax support. By this time, the official name of the college was the University of Kentucky. It obtained the name in 1916.
With each succeeding president, the university academic program expanded. Each president brought with him a desire to improve a certain area of academics.
The love for military remained, and the ROTC program was instituted for those students who desired army or air force training without going into the armed forces.
The University of Kentucky has changed names and changed its type of education, but one thing remained of John Bowman's dream: students can receive a good education and one that is beneficial to all fellow men. fT
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n rchitecture students at UK discovered why Italy was known as the "City of the En-chantement" during the summer of 74.
From May through August, 17 students visited France, Germany, Switzerland and England while stationed in Venice, Italy for the purpose of studying architecture.
"It's sort of a European program, though not exactly an exchange. Basically, it involves moving the school of architecture to Italy," explained Lucy VanMeter, one of the participating fifth year architecture students.
The program had been geared for the summer of '74 in Italy hoping "for one thing it was cheaper," said VanMeter.
The students met for a formal class once a week. They also traveled together on field trips and "spent many afternoons in cafe's discussing what we had seen," said Tom Duffy, another particpant.
"We got up around 6:00 a.m. every morning and went to Open Market to buy groceries. We didn't just go to study arcitecture but to learn to adjust living in a place like Venice for a summer," said VanMeter.
"Everything was different. Food, light bulbs, furniture, houses, sidewalks and mainly the language which cause hours of confusion for all of us," she continued.
The group made short trips to small towns outside Venice because, as Duffy described it, "that's where the great architecture is."
"We spent a lot of time sitting in the square in the middle of town just watching people. Venice was a cultural center and seaport where people came from all directions," Duffy said.
VanMeter added, "We definitely learned a lot and loved every moment, even the studying."
TOP LEFT: Debbie Zaborowski working on a project. TOP RIGHT: A form designed by Keith Muth. BOTTOM LEFT: A form by Keith Muth. BOTTOM RIGHT: A kite, that flew briefly, was constructed of tin foil and plywood rods and set to flight by an architecture class on a windy November day.
29 Host family in third year
Aimed at promoting cultural exchange between foreign students and Kentuckians, International Student Services' Host Family Program is in its third year.
Seeking also to overcome the culture shock and language difficulties a foreign student encounters upon coming to UK, the service has placed approximately 20 per cent of the university's 500 foreign students with host families.
"A very deep friendship often develops between the student and the family," said Daisy Yang, a service counselor.
The host family has no financial responsibility for the student and prior mutual consent is required for placement.
The program's goal is to allow the foreign student to see a part of American life on a personal level. As a result, the host family also gains an insight to the student's particular background.
Although she feels the program is successful, Yang would like to see a city-wide expansion.
TOP LEFT: David Pratt of Rhodesia. TOP RIGHT: Ching-Yi Max Lui of the Republic ol China. BOTTOM LEFT: Carlos DaRocha of Brazil. BOTTOM RIGHT: Firouz Rahimi of Iran
30 transition
^ he transition of coming to a university from high school was a difficult one for many students. The change for some students took on a much wider scope than just moving from one state to another, borderlines between countries were crossed in order to improve their educations.
Carlos DaRocha arrived in the United States nine months ago and began an extensive six month language course in Pittsburgh, Pa.
DaRocha, who was one of the four students participating in the Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities (LASPAU), described life in the US as "terrible" at first.
DaRocha was working on his masters in mathematics. He said, "cultural differences didn't bother me that much. The problem was with the language, the only things I could say were, how do you do and goodbye."
The scholarship provided for students who were pursuing their master's degrees and paid tuition, rent and even provided some spending money.
DaRocha, who knows more than two English phrases now, said he still finds the American people "colder" because they weren't as outward in showing affection towards each other.
DaRocha did think the Kentucky women were much prettier than the ones in his Brazilian homeland. He added that, "the land in Kentucky was the most beautiful I've ever seen."
This program along with others was sponsored by the Office of International Programs (OIP) located in Bradley Hall.
OIP offered information to students inter-
ested in traveling, studying and working abroad. The office also issued the International Student Identification Card which entitled the holder to obtain discounts on travel, hotels, trains, theatres and museums in Europe. OIP issued 137 of these cards during the 73-74 scholastic year for a small fee.
In '74 OIP became more than just a local information bureau, it provided counseling services to students. Roberta Erena took the position as Study/Travel Abroad Advisor to provide assistance to students both before and after their travels.
Erena expressed an interest in finding out how the students felt after living in a foreign country. Until then, the office only had dealt with students prior to their travels.
In a breakdown compiled by Helen Stevens, assistant director of OIP, the countries the students were most interested in were England, France and Austria. Stevens credited England's popularity to the lack of any language barrier.
Another program OIP offered was an Experiment in International Living. This program consisted of travel and study in 25 European countries, Latin America, Asia, Africa or the Middle East.
The Experiment was sponsored by scholarships which generated from the Student Committee on International Education. Participating students must have been willing to help raise funds for the program the following year.
Interfuture, another OIP project, was a research program for undergraduates. The student had to develop a project the semester before going to either Jamaica or Ghana.
The largest of OIP's projects was the Fulbright-Hays Grants administered by the Institute of International Education.
Students chose from 52 countries by simply filling out an application and giving extensive information on why they desired to study abroad.
These applications were then processed by local residents who were qualified in both foreign languages and the students area of study.
The students were interviewed by a Screening Committee and choices were made and sent to New York at the Institute of International Education for final decisions.
Of the applications, 31 were distributed during the '75 scholastic year. Stevens stressed the point that the students did not compete against each other before the Screening Committee but were judged on the basis of their qualifications.
Students not only filtered in and out of the university on scholarship grants but out of the 450 foreign students on the UK campus in the fall of '74, few were here on anything but their financial worth.
Mrs. Syham Manns, director of the department of Human Relations said, "the students must demonstrate that they have the money to come here."
It was not mandatory for students to meet any academic requirements. They are provided counseling in the areas of language and imigra-tion regulations.
The Human Relations Department did sponsor International Student Scholarships for two semesters. Those scholarships were presented annually and based on financial need. Only 14 or 15 full scholarships were awarded and the majority of these were presented on the needs of the students. r
UK enrollment increases women favor new fields
Men, the time has finally come for women to establish a position in those fields which have been dominated by male torsos for so long.
Enrollment has definitely increased in the past ten years at UK in fields such as architecture, engineering and even agriculture.
The College of Agriculture had an enrollment of 17 females in 1969. The fall of 1974 enrollment in the same college was 61.
Agriculture was not the only college which was "being invaded," as some chauvinists would describe the women who have no desire to cook nutritious meals and clean houses.
The number