xt7vdn3zt12j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zt12j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1974-03-mar5-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-03-mar5-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-03-mar5-ec. 1974 1974-03-mar5-ec. 2011 true xt7vdn3zt12j section xt7vdn3zt12j 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, March 5, 1974

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met at 2:00 o'clock (Central Daylight Time) on Tuesday, March 5, 1974
in the Board Room in the Patterson Office Tower on the University campus with
the following members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper,
Mr. George W. Griffin and Mr. William B. Sturgill. Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer,
ex officio secretary, was present also. Absent from the meeting was Mr.
Thomas P. Bell. Mr. Garvice Kincaid, a member of the Board of Trustees,
was present also. The University administration was represented by President
Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle,
Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, Larry E. Forgy, and Raymond Hornback;
Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Executive Assistant to the President; and Mr. John Darsie,
Legal Counsel. The various news media were represented at the meeting.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Following the invo-
cation by Mr. Clay, the secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting
was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, the
reading of the Minutes of the January 29, 1974 meeting of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary indicated that he would not discuss the items in his
monthly report to the Trustees inasmuch as copies were available to the members
but hoped that they would avail themselves of the opportunity to read the report

       Mr. Clay accepted the report and ordered it filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary noted that the itenis in PR 2, Recommendations of the
President, were routine. Since the members had had it in advance, unless there
were questions, he would recommend its approval as a whole.



       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr.
Cooper, and passed, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as
a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See
PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Since the item recommended in PR 3 had not been mailed to the members
in advance of the meeting, President Singletary explained that the recommen-
dation that the authority be delegated to him to make final decisions relative to
the residency status of students whose cases have been considered by the State
Board of Review was done merely in the interest of conserving Board members'
time since otherwise, they would have to consider each such case.

       Speaking for his fellow members, Mr. Clay agreed that it was an un-
productive use of the Board members' time and that they would be most pleased
to have President Singletary assume this authority. He then called for a motion.
The motion to approve the recommendation in PR 3 was made by Mr. Griffin and
seconded by Mr. Sturgill. It passed with all present voting "Aye'. (See PR 3 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       F. Budget Revisions for 1973-74 (PR 4)

       President Singletary said that Dr. Clapp was present and would be happy
to answer any questions relative to the revisions in the 1973-74 budget as recom-
mended in PR 4.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr.
Griffin, and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 4 were authorized
and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Director of Libraries Named (PR 5)

       Saying that it gave him much pleasure to do so, President Singletary
recommended the appointment of Mr. Paul Willis as Director of Libraries,
effective imnmediately. Mr. Clay called for a motion which was made by Mr.
Cooper and seconded by Mr. Sturgill. With all present voting "Aye'', Mr. Paul
Willis was named Director of University Libraries, effective immediately.

       President Singletary then introduced Mr. Willis, who was present at the
meeting, and explained the procedure which had been followed in arriving at his
nomination for the position. Mr. Willis has been serving as Acting Director of
the Libraries since Dr. Forth resigned last summer and has done an outstanding
job as evidenced by his final nomination for the directorship. Mr. Willis ac-
knowledged the introduction and the welcome extended to hinm by Mr. Clay. (See
PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )



        H. Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (PR 6)

        Dr. Cochran explained that because of recent legislation requiring licenses
for Landscape Architects, it was necessary that the University provide a program
which would lead to the Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Architecture.
Ile said that no additional resources would be required for the activation of the
program and recommended that the Board approve such activation so that it might
be submitted to the Council on Public Higher Education for its approval.

        There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr.
Cooper and passed, the recommendation to activate a new undergraduate program
leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture was approved.
(See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Report on Showing of Film in Student Center Theater

       President Singletary said that before proceeding to the next item on the
agenda he would like to report on the scheduled showing on the University campus
of an allegedly obscene film which has recently been given some notice in the press.
The film in question is a part of the Student Center Board program known as the
Spring Film Festival and, if not cancelled, would be shown in the Student Center
Theater on March 25.

       Dr. Singletary explained that there are two issues involved: (1) the Uni-
versity would prefer not to be cast in the role of censor; and (2) the University does
not wish to violate criminal law. Thus the University is faced with a dilemma.
Either way it acts could result in serious consequences--not permitting the film to
be shown is a possible infringement of first amendment rights which could result in
a civil action; permitting the showing of the film, is a possible violation of criminal
law, both federal and state. To complicate the matter even further, under the
present state of the law in Kentucky, there is no readily available means to pre-
determine whether a film is obscene without actually showing the film, an act which
could entail the risk of criminal prosecution. As one Supreme Court justice has said
'the criminal law becomes a trap" - that is, the only sure way to establish whether
the law has been violated is to commit an act that might well be unlawful.

       Continuing, Dr. Singletary said that the following is the current status: No
final decision has been made, contrary to what has been published in the press. The
matter is now before the Dean of Students where it is receiving active consideration.
The University Counsel has been asked to provide whatever assistance is necessary
to the Dean in trying to deal with the problem and both have been instructed to ex-
plore various possible approaches to deal with this complicated issue.

       President Singletary concluded his report by saying that he was not requesting
any action from the Board of Trustees but he felt it incumbent upon him to inform
them of the issues.



       Mr. Clay thanked Dr. Singletary for his report arid said that even though the
President had not asked that the Board take any action, he had felt it desirable to
discuss the matter with his fellow members in view of the complexity of the problem
and the serious legal consequences involved. It was the consensus of the Board
members that they could not delegate their legal responsibilities having to do with
the criminal law to the President, or to anyone else, and hence had prepared a
statement which he would like to read:

       This Board appreciates the complexities attendant to the showing
       of this or any other film on a University campus in the current state
       of the law. The limits of the laws of obscenity and free speech are
       not defined, and anyone who ventures into this area faces a real
       dilemma. We do not wish this University to act as a censor, nor do
       we wish it to violate the law. While this Board is concerned with the
       protection of first amendment rights, we are also deeply concerned
       and take an extremely dim view of any course of action which would
       place any employee of the University in jeopardy of violating criminal
       statutes, either State or Federal. We direct the President to bring
       this matter back to this Board for consideration prior to any final
       decision which would result in a showing of this film on the University

       Mr. Clay then said he hoped President Singletary and the University com-
munity would understand the Board's position. President Singletary accepted the
Board's directive and thanked the members for the spirit in which it was given.

       J. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, said that the Finance Committee recommended
approval of the Interim Financial Report for the seven months' period ending
January 31, 1974 and he so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and
passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Audit of Spindletop Hall, Inc. (FCR 2)

       Noting that the Finance Committee had considered the audited financial
report of Spindletop Hall, Inc. and recommended its acceptance, Mr. Sturgill so
moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed. (See FCR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       L. Tobacco and Health Research Building Construction
Authorized (FCR 3)

       Mr. Sturgill explained that the Council on Public Higher Education, the
Department of Finance and Administration, and the Tobacco and Health Board had



already approved the construction of a new Tobacco and Health Research Building.
He said that it was now necessary to receive approval from the Board of Trustees
for the construction of this building and for the appropriation of monies to fund the
project. The Finance Committee recommends its approval and he moved adoption
of the recommendation in FCR 3. Seconded by Mr. Cooper, his motion passed
without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       M. External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1973-74 Approved (FCR 4)

       Mr. Sturgill explained that each year an external auditor must be employed
to audit the University's various financial records and that the Board of Trustees
must give its approval to the firm selected. The Finance Committee, therefore,
wished to recommend the employment of the firm of Coopers & Lybrand, Certified
Public Accountants, to perform an examination of the accounts of the University
and its affiliated corporations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974 and under
the conditions stated in the recommendation in FCR 4. Mr. Sturgill then moved
approval of the recommendation. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper, and
passed with all present voting "Aye'. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Contract with Louisville and Jefferson County Board of Health, et al
Approved (FCR 5)

       Mr. Sturgill explained that the Jefferson Community College had a contract
with the Louisville and Jefferson County Board of Health, et al to supply steam and
chilled water to the facility. In order to install pollution control equipment required
by the Jefferson County Air Pollution Control District, it is necessary for Jefferson
County to obtain a short term bank loan to finance the project and, as a party of
the first contract, the University of Kentucky must sign the Second Supplemental
Contract which is required in order to borrow the money. Without any further dis-
cussion, Mr. Sturgill moved adoption of the recommendation in FCR 5. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0. Approval of Greenhouse Construction (FCR 6)

       Although all of the members of the Executive Committee had not had an op-
portunity to see FCR 6 prior to the meeting, Mr. Sturgill said that the Finance
Committee had considered the recommendation and wished to recommend its
approval. After allowing a few minutes for the members to familiarize themselves
with the recommendation and determining that there were no questions, Mr. Sturgill
moved approval of the recommendation in FCR 6. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Griffin, and passed. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Meeting Adjourned

Mr. Clay having first determined that there was no further business to come



before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion was made,
duly seconded, and passed and the meeting adjourned at 2:20 p. m.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                         Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and FCRs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )



                           March 5, 1974


     A study of East Kentucky families who migrated to Lexington
after 1964 reveals that, contrary to a popular stereotype, they
are not a drain on public services.

     The study, supervised by Dr. Kurt Anschel and Dr. A. Frank
Bordeaux Jr. of the Department of Agricultural Economics, shows
that the average migrant family in Lexington is a "zero net social
cost" for city public services.

     The migrant family is a net social cost of $32 per year for
local public school services, however. Dr. Bordeaux, the senior re-
searcher, suggests that the cost is so low as to question its value
as a justification for reducing rural-to-urban migration.

     Based on interviews with a random sample of 161 Lexington
families who indicated on 1970 census forms that they were living
in East Kentucky in 1965, the data was processed by the U.S. Bu-
reau of the Census under a contract with UK. Two Ph.D. candidates.
Larry Morgan and Brady Deaton, analyzed the data and wrote dis-
sertations on the study.


     The initial report of an automobile accident study team offers
several conclusions from its 13-month investigation of 41 accidents
involving serious injury and property damage. Headed by John Hutch-
inson, professor of civil engineering, the 16-member team had a close
look at traffic accidents that occurred in this area between May 1972
and June 1973. Investigators were from medical, engineering, behavioral
and social sciences.

     Highlights of the study: all drivers and passengers of motor ve-
hicles should wear some sort of belt restraint. Use of safety belts
improves the chances of a person coming out of a car wreck with only
minor injuries; safety-guard beams in the doors of some recent-model
cars can increase chances of serious injury if the car is sideswiped;
chances of an accident on an unfamiliar road are greater, indicating
that safety signs and visibility often are inadequate; if a person is
short, and particularly if they are a woman, and they drive a big car,
chances are that wrecks they are involved in will be their fault, and
some Kentucky traffic laws perpetuate needless traffic conflicts,
hazards, and confusion.



     For the second year in succession a student in the College of
Pharmacy has won the Parenteral Drug Association Award, a national
and coveted honor.

     Hans G. Schroeder, Lexington pharmacy student, was accompanied
to New York by his advisor, Dr. Patrick P. DeLuca, to receive the
award for his paper, "In-Vitro Precipitation of Poorly Water Soluble
Drugs for Nonacqucous Vehicles in Human Plasma."

     In addition to a plaque and $1,000 award to Schroeder, the col-
lege also received a permanent plaque and $1,000 toward further research
to be directed in the area by Dr. DeLuca.


     A Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf of 50 titles will be published
this year by the University Press of Kentucky as part of the state's
Bicentennial celebration.

     Bruce Denbo, director of the Press, said each book will be
limited to 112 pages, and sell as hardbacks at $3.95 each at book-
stores throughout the state, and through the Press and the Alumni

     Many of the writers have been associated with the University, as
students or as faculty, or they have been active in alumni affairs,
such as Joe Creason. The authors include Harry Caudill; J. Winston
Coleman Jr.; Maria G. Dallerba, visiting professor in architecture
who will wite on the history of Kentucky architecture; Clement Eaton;
James F. Hopkins, who willwrite on Henry Clay; Robert M. Ireland of
the history department; Arthur F. Jones of the art department, who
will discuss Paul Sawyier; James S. Pierce and Ellsworth Taylor, who
jointly will write on Edgar Tolson; Ellis Hartford writes on education
in Kentucky, Paul P. Karan will do an atlas, and Thomas D. Clark will
write another "Kentucky."

     The Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs will raise $55,000 to
help underwrite the publication list, which will augment a grant from
the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Press, in turn,
will publish "200 Years of Kentucky Cookery," for the Federation
women. The book is not part of the bookshelf.


    Medical Center researchers have found a way to dramatically re-
duce phlebitis, a major cause of discomfort and complication to post-
surgical patients. The procedure involves a filter, used just prior
to the site at which intravenous fluids enter the bloodstream of
patients. In a preliminary study on 100 patients, conducted jointly
by researchers in the College of Pharmacy and the Department of Sur-
gery, incidence of phlebitis was 22 of 49 cases without the filter,
and one in 51 with the filter.


- 3 -


     A dramatic change in students' attitudes toward religion has
been taking place at the University. In increasing numbers, they
have been developing an interest in both formal and informal religion,
according to the several ministers who direct the various church-
sponsored centers on the fringes of the campus.

     The Rev. Larry Brandon, campus minister for the Christian Student
Fellowship, Columbia Avenue, says attendance at his center has doubled
over the average attendance of the last five years. The Wesley
Foundation, not long ago the target of its sponsors, the United Metho-
dist Church, who suggested closing it, now presents a full sanctuary
each Sunday morning. The Rev. Tom Fornash, director, is hoping for
more space to accommodate the increase.

     Other denominational centers report physical growth. While stu-
dents once considered the centers for their social value, they now
are coming to worship, says the Rev. William Hubbell, of the Canter-
bury Fellowship. The students have organized prayer groups, and
formed Bible classes.


     The Blazer Lecture Series this year concentrated on the subject,
"Approaches to Alternative Communities," and the lectures were pre-
sented on three consecutive nights, February 12-14.

     In the past, the lectures have attracted scholars with varied
interests and were presented over a longer period. This year's
speakers focused on the human community and some of the attempts,
historical and contemporary, to alter and restructure modes of living
and types of human relationships. Lecturers were from Cornell,
Brandeis, Harvard and Boston universities.

     The Blazer Lecture Series was launched in 1949 by Mr. and Mrs.
Paul G. Blazer Sr., of Ashland, in memory of their son, Stuart Blazer.


     Forty-nine Appalachian counties have been selected for a demon-
stration project aimed at encouraging health students to practice in
shortage areas after their graduation. The Appalachian Kentucky
Health Manpower Service, operated by the College of Medicine, has been
established by funds provided by the U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare.

     Data from the college show that 56 per cent of its graduates
have returned to the area to practice; 55 per cent of the dental stu-
dents from the area have returned. The new project is aimed at better
distribution of health manpower and at encouraging students to practice
where there is a greater need for their services.


- 4 -


     Enrollment on the central campus in Lexington for the Spring
semester is approximately 18,125. Graduate students totaled 2,278--
a slight increase over last year's figure of 2,209. The number of
first degree students in each college showed: agriculture, 977; arts
and sciences, 5,051; business and economics, 1,893; education, 1,762;
engineering, 883; law, 434; pharmacy, 274; architecture, 376; social
professions, 450; allied health, 489; home economics, 594, and nurs-
ina, 598.

     "This is the first semester to gauge the impact of selected ad-
missions in the Colleges of Allied Health and Nursing," Dr. Elbert W.
Ockerman, registrar, said. Allied Health gained two students over
last spring's enrollment figure and nursing lost 35 students.

     Out-of-state undergraduate students comprise 14.1 per cent of
the total.


     Kentucky hospitals, particularly smaller hospitals, and health
care agencies of all kinds are receiving management assistance in a
new program initiated just recently.

     The program provides professional consultants with expertise in
analyzing management functions, and in solving financial management
and administrative problems.

     An extension program of the College of Business and Economics,
it is financed jointly by the University and a federal grant under
the Higher Education Act. It is administered by the Office of Busi-
ness Development and Government Services, with the assistance and
cooperation of the Medical Center and the Kentucky Hospital Association.

     James. G. Owen, director of the program, said he believes the
program can be particularly helpful to smaller hospitals and agencies
with limited funds.


     Six University students serving as legislative interns to the
Kentucky General Assembly are being praised for their work with the
legislators and other agencies of state government.

     The students are spending the Spring semester at Frankfort, and
will receive 15 college credit hours for their service to the General
Assembly and for their participation in special seminars. They conduct
research for the Legislative Research Commission.

     The six students are Mike York and John Schaaf, St. Matthews;
Rhonda Wright, Elizabethtown; Joe Conn, Monticello; Diane Louise
Hancock, Lexington, and Robert Wilson Shimer, Ashland.


- 5


      Leading the way for a $1,080,727 gain in research grants through
 the UK Research Foundation in January were a $37,000 grant from the
 Environmental Protection Agency to the Department of Entomology, a
 $29,000 grant for dental amalgams study, and $35,000 added to the
 Graduate School fund for general science research, from the National
 Science Foundation. January receipts brought to the total amount re-
 ceived through UKRF since July 1, the beginning of the fiscal year, the
 sum of $13,521,200.18.


     Agricultural Engineering--E. Smith and W. Thompson, Pasture Reno-
vation, Deere and Company, $5,000 additional. Agronomy--W. 0. Atkinson
and J. H. Smiley, Agronomic Tobacco Program, American Cyanamid Company,
$1,400 additional. I. E. Massie, Visual Aids and Equipment to Aid
Tobacco Growers, Philip Morris, Inc., $1,200 additional. L. Thompson
and C. E. Rieck, Pyrimidinone Herbicides - Weed Control, FMC Corpo-
ration, $750 additional. Animal Sciences--J. P. Baker, Influence of
Distiller's Feeds on Digestion, Nitrogen Metabolism and Growth of
Horses, Distiller's Feed Research Council, $6,000 additional. N. W.
Bradley, Glucose Absorption by Beef Cattle, Syntex Corp., $7,484.
V. W. Hays, Effects of Virginiamycin on Performance and Well Being of
Growing Finishing Pigs, Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, $4,000
additional. V. W. Hays, Safety and Efficacy of Antibiotics as Additives
to Swine Feed, American Cyanamid, $12,000. V. W. Hays, Lysine and
Potassium in Low Protein Swine Diets, National Feed Ingredient Associ-
ation, $2,000. G. T. Schelling, Animal Nutrition, Dr. G. E. Mitchell,
$500. R. E. Tucker, Animal Nutrition, Dr. Mitchell, $500. Entomology--
H. W. Dorough, Metabolism of Carbamate Insecticides, Environmental
Protection Agency, $37,280. W. W. Gregory, Lorsban Insecticides on
No-Till Corn for Control of Secondary Soil Insect Pests, Dow Chemical
Company, $750 additional. J. G. Rodriguez, Comparative Toxicity of
Mite Predator/Prey, Ciba-Geigy Corporation, $750. R. Thurston, Lors-
banR on Tobacco, Dow, $500 additional. 4-H Community Programs--C.
Feltner, 4-H Community Pride Projects, Standard Oil Company, $4,000
additional. Home Economics Extension--D. A. Tichenor, Cooperative Pro-
gram with Lees Junior College, Food and Nutrition Cooperative Extension
Program, Lees Junior College, $264 additional. Forestry--T. Haflsbrough,
Short Coppice Rotation Management of Sycamore for Cellulose Production
in Western Kentucky, Wescor Corp., $750 additional. Plant Pathology--
A. S. Williams, Control of Turf Diseases, Dow, $1,250. Veterinary
Science--J. H. Drudge and E. T. Lyons, N-12.3 Anthelmintic in the Horse,
Chemagro Corp., $1,500 additional. E. T. Lyons, Antiparasitic Activity
of Thiobendazole/Trichlorfon Combination in the Horse, Merch and Com-
pany, Inc., $3,600 additional.


     School of Biological Sciences--J. M. Baskin, Effect of Psoralen
and 5-Methoxypsoralen on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth, National
Institutes of Health, $200. A. D. Hitchins, Use of Division Mutants
to Study Role of Cell Division Modifications and Bacterial Spore
Formation, NIH, $3,074.22. Statistics--D. M. Allen, Statistical
Methods and Computer Programs, Mead Johnson Research Center, $2,500


6 -


     Office of Business Development and Government Services--M.
Hackbart, Real Estate and Lane Use Analysis Center, Kentucky Real
Estate Commission, $50,000. J. Owens, Management Assistance to
County Health Departments and Local Hospitals, Title 1, U.S. Office
of Education, $25,877.


     Southeast--M. Wilder and J. Wilson, Alcor Program, $1,474 re-


     Health, Physical Education and Recreation--D. Vinton, Develop-
ment of Comprehensive Career Education Curriculum Guidelines for a
Recreation Hospitality and Tourism, U.S. Office of Education, $4,382


     Civil Engineering--J. W. Hutchinson, Effect of Dew and Frost
Formation on Retro-Reflective Material, 3M Company, $4,885. R. S.
Mateer, Phase Equilibrium and Setting in Dental Amalgams, NIH,
$29,594. J. G. Rose, Evaluation of Concrete, Procter and Gamble
Company, $150 additional. Mechanical Engineering--J. Lafferty,
Computer Engineering Service, Veterans Administration Hospital,


     A. D. Winer, NSF Institutional Grant for Science, $34,900


     E. F. Witte, Evelyn J. Black Memorial Fund, Miscellaneous, $40
additional. E. F. Witte, Beulah Theobald Memorial Scholarship Fund,
Miscellaneous, $20 reduction. E. F. Witte, Beulah Theobald Fund,
Miscellaneous, $90 additional. E. F. Witte and D. Miller, HUD Work-
Study Program, Kentucky Program Development Office, $19,490 additional.


     Council on Aging--E. Kauffman, Pilot Demonstration to Teach Proper
Uses of Medicare and Medicaid to Older People, Title 1, U.S. Office of
Education, $30,613.


     0. Hamlin, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio Regional Medical Library
Program, Wayne State University, $1,034.10 additional.


     Clinical Pastoral Counseling--R. Carpenter, UKRF Clinical Pas-
toral Education Account, Eastern Air Lines, $6.68 additional.


- 7 -


     G. Hill, Student American Dental Association Account, Miscel-
laneous, $650 additional. Orthodontics--L. Norton, Piezoelectric
Studies, Southern Society of Orthodontists, $500.


     Office of Dean--W. Jordan, General Research Support Grant-Control
Account, NIH, $80,865. F. Lemon, Continuing Education Development
Fund, Miscellaneous, $800 additional. Biochemistry--F. Bollum, Post-
doctoral Supply Allowance-Victoria M. Hitchens, NIH, $1,000. S. Chan,
Structure of Al-Antitrypsin in Relation to Emphysema, NIH, $53,561.
Community Medicine--D. Bauman, Immunologic Mechanism of Pulmonary
Cavitation, NIH, $64,469. A. Benenson, Fivco Area Development Dis-
trict, Northeast Kentucky, Health Development Association of North-
Eastern Kentucky, $19,810. Medicine--J. Anderson, Diabetes Research
and Education Fund-Dr. Anderson, James W. Anderson and The Upjohn Co.,
$11,000. J. Hollingsworth, Arthritis Research Fund, The Arthritis
Foundation, Kentucky Chapter, $3,000. C. Nuzum, Liver Research Fund,
Miscellaneous, $524 additional. B. Surawicz, Cardiology Symposium,
American College of Cardiology, $1,092.75 additional. Obstetrics and
Gynecology--J. Van Nagell, Retinal Vessel Abnormalities as an Indi-
cation to Modify Radiation Therapy for Cervical Cancer, American
Cancer Society, Kentucky Division, $1,000. Pediatrics--P. Holland,
Children's Leukemia Fund, Miscellaneous, $10 additional. N. Holland,
Kidney Research Fund, Warner/Lambert, $500. W. Wheeler, Pediatrics-
Ross Laboratories, Miscellaneous, $85 additional. Physiology and Bio-
physics--B. Peretz, Neural Correlates of Nodifiable Behavior, National
Institutes of Mental Health, $46,381. Radiation Medicine--Y. Maruyama,
Tumor Radiobiology, Experimental Onocology Therapeutic Research, NIH,
$21,372. Surgery--R. Berlin, Pediatric Surgery Research Fund, Miscel-
laneous, $300. Surgery-Division of Ophthalmology--J. Wirtschafter,
Opthalmology Development Fund, Miscellaneous, $600 additional.


     Office of Dean--H. Kostenbauder, Research and Development, Mis-
cellaneous, $19,032 additional. Pharmacy--P. Deluca, Intravenous
Fluid Administration and Technology Program, Pharmacopeial Corp.,
$18,500 additional. J. Doluisio, Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Peni-
cillins in Absence of Competitive Protein, Veteran's Administration,
$188 additional. J. Swintosky, Residency Program, East Kentucky
Health Service and the Prescription Center, Inc., $1,220 additional.


     E. Hebbeler, Ohio Valley Regional Medical Program, $497,201.


     R. Sexton, University Year for Ac