xt7vdn3zt11z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vdn3zt11z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1977-07-oct19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-07-oct19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-07-oct19-ec. 1977 1977-07-oct19-ec. 2011 true xt7vdn3zt11z section xt7vdn3zt11z 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University oi Kentucky, Wednesday, October 19, 1977.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Wednesday,
October 19, 1977, in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members
answering the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman,
Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper,
and Mr. George W. Griffin. Professor Paul G. Sears, Ex-Officio
Secretary, was present as was Mr. James Newberry, Student Trustee.
The University administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singietary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle,
Peter P. Bosornworth, Raymond R. Hornback, Jack C. Blanton, and
Donald B. Clapp; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School
and Coordinator of Research; Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel: and Dr.
Charles Wethington, Assistant Vice President of the Community College
System, representing Vice President Wall. Representatives of the vsrious
news media were also in attendance.

     A. Meeting Opened

     The Chairman called the meeting to order at 2:04 o'clock. Follo.wing
the invocation, pronounced by NMr. William R. Black, the secretary called
the roll and indicated that all members of the Executive Committee were
present. The Chair-man then declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 2:06 p. m.

     B. Minutes Approved

     Without discussion on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
reading of the Minutes of the September 20, 1977 meeting of the Board of
Trustees was dispensed with, and the Minutes were approved as published.

     C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     President Singletary, without discussing the items in his monthly
Report to the Trustees, recommended that the report be accepted and
filed. Without objection it was so ordered.



     D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     The recommendations in PR 2 relative to personnel changes being routine
in nature, President Singletary recommended approval of PR 2. Without
discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed,
PR 2 was approved and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
Meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

     E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     President Singletary indicated that the recommendations for restructuring
the departments in the College of Home Economics as recommended in PR 3
had received the proper approvals prior to submission and recommended
approval. Dr. Cochran added that the restructuring would cause no changes
in the college programs.

     On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, the
recommendation in PR 3 was approved. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     F. Budget Revisions for 1977-78 (PR 4)

     On recommendation of the President and without discussion, on motion
by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Cooper and passed, the budget revisions for
1977-78 as recommended in PR 4 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4
at the end of the Minutes. )

     G. Report from President Singletary on Council of Higher Education
         Meeting of October 18, 1977

     President Singletary reported that the Council on Higher Education had
met in Frankfort on Tuesday, October 18, and acted on the budget requests for
higher education for the 1978-80 biennium. He indicated that for the first time
he believed the Council really did have some understanding of the problems
of the University of Kentucky and had attempted to respond to them insofar
as the Council was able.

     Even though the Council cut the University's budget request by approxi-
mately one-third, the University will still be able to address most of its
problems although it will not be able to solve all of them. If funded at the
level of the Council's recommendations, there will be money for salary
increases, catch up money, agricultural dollars, matching funds for the
Agricultural Experiment Station, money for upgrading of classified personnel,
help for the Community Colleges, and dollars to deal with some aspects of
the Medical Center/Hospital problems.



     The Council on Higher Education made only two recommendations for
capital construction, both at Northern Kentucky University, but indicated
that those with emergency situations would be given the opportunity to
present their cases to the Council staff for consideration by the Council
at a later date.

     H. Statement by Mr. Newberry

     Mr. Newberry, as president of Student Government and Student Trustee, said
that hewould like for the record to show that the students at the University of
Kentucky were concerned about Governor Carroll's recent statement relative
to funding for higher education and with the cuts which the Council had made
in the University's budget request. The students feel that unless sufficient
funds can be provided, the University, which is on the threshold of greatness,
will no longer be able to provide the quality of education which they expect
and desire and they would like their concern to be known by those involved
in the budget process.

     I. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

     Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Committee had met on the morning of October 19 and reviewed the agenda
items at that time. He then moved that the Financial Report for the two
months ending August 31, 1977, be accepted. His motion was seconded by
Professor Sears and passed without discussion. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes. )

     J. Acceptance of Audits for Affiliated Corporations (FCR 2)

     The Finance Committee, having examined the audit reports as submitted
by Coopers and Lybrand for the University's affiliated corporations, recommends
acceptance of the reports and Mr. Clay so moved. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Cooper and passed.

     Mr. Griffin commended Mr. Blanton and his staff for the improvement
in collectionssince the establishment of the Health Care Collection Service Inc.

     K. University Financial Reports and Report on Internal Accounting
         Controls (FCR 3)

     After reviewing the Financial Reports for the University of Kentucky
for the year ended June 30, 1977, and the report on internal accounting controls,
June 30, 1977, the Finance Committee recommends and Mr. Clay so moved
that these two reports, as submitted, be accepted. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)



     Mr. Clay closed his comments on the reports with the recommendation
that careful study be given to the reports for they contain some very interesting
and helpful information on the University's finances.

     L. Deed of Conveyance to the Kentucky Authority for Educational
         Television (FCR 4)

     Mr. Clay said that the Finance Committee felt that it would be of benefit
to everyone concerned to transfer the . 05 acres described in FCR 4 to the
Commonwealth of Kentucky and the Kentucky Authority for Educational
Television for extension of their facilities and moved that the recommendation
in FCR 4 be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

     M. The Use of Fraternity Reserve (FCR 6)

     Mr. Clay said that the Finance Committee wished to withdraw from
consideration at this time FCR 5 relating to a deed of conveyance to Kentucky

     He then moved that the Vice President for Business Affairs and
Treasurer be authorized and directed by the Board of Trustees to request
the Trustee of the University of Kentucky Student Housing Bonds of 1964
to make available the sum of $6, 000 from the "Maintenance Reserve Account"
of said bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of installation of sewer pipes,
the resurfacing of parking lots, and the painting and guttering of Sigma Nu
Fraternity House located at 422 Rose Street. His motion was seconded by
Professor Sears and passed without dissent. (See FCR 6 at the end of the

      N. Study Committee on Board Structure to be appointed

      Mr. Sturgill requested that the record show that he would name a
committee within the next few days to develop a plan for implementing the
recommendation made in connection with the Study of Community College
Education in Kentucky which requests the University to explore all possible
means which will lead to representation of UKCCS faculty and students on the
University of Kentucky Board of Trustees.



     0. Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:20 p. m.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                                     Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, and 4, FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 which follow are official parts
of the Minutes of the Meeting. )


                                                Office of the President
                                                October 19, 1977


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I.    Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

      Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments and/or
      other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative
      to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration
      be accepted.

      Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
      staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
      with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University.
      These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
      vice president through the President and have his concurrence.

      Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appoint-
      ments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or
      other administrators who are required to report their actions to the
      Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

                           BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Abadi, Behruz J., Visiting Instructor, Department of Prosthodontics, College
       of Dentistry, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Benthall-Nietzel, Deedra, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77
       through 12/31/77.
Cooper, James Kyle, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
       College of Medicine, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Cunningham, Charles, Associate Professor, Department of Endodontics,
       College of Dentistry, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Doyle, C. Richard, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77
Fury, Debra Jean, Instructor, Department of Allied Health Education and Research,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 10/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Granacher, Robert P. ,Jr., Assistant Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of
       Psychiatry, College of Medicine, 8/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Lee, Joe, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77.



Milner, Samuel, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through
Moore, Escum L. Jr., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77
      through 12/31/77.
Oberst, Elizabeth D., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77
      through 2/28/78. *
Pennington, Henry V., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through
Ram, Madhira D., Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, College of
      Medicine, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Roszell, Calvert T., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through
Ruth, Douglas D., Assistant Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of Psychiatry,
      College of Medicine, 8/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Savage, Joe C., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through
Sigda, Frederick J., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
      Medicine, College of Medicine, 9/1/77 through 6/30/79.
Sleight, Stephen M., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), College of
       Pharmacy, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Trigg, Alvin B., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/77 through

Non-Academic Appointment

Williams, Eugene Ray, Director of Organizational and Management Analysis,
       Division of Business-Affairs, effective 8/1/77.

Tenure Granted

Matheny, James, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Oral
       Biology, College of Dentistry, retroactive 9/1/77.
Reed, Anna K., Assistant Professor, (with tenure), Honors Program, Under-
       graduate Studies, retroactive 9/1/77.


Edelstein, Stephen G., from Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Medicine, College of Medicine, to Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
       Department of Medicine, and Department of Family Practice,
       College of Medicine, 9/1/77 through 6/30/79.

 * wife of Paul Oberst, Professor, College of Law, waiver of nepotism rule




Beckner, Archie W., from Associate Professor (part-time), to Associate
       Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of Periodontics, College
       of Dentistry, 8/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Sisken, Betty, from Research Associate, Wenner Gren Research Laboratory,
      College of Engineering, to Visiting Assistant Professor (temporary),
      School of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/77
      through 12/31/77.


DeBoer, Jesse M., Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts
      and Sciences, after 32 consecutive years of service, effective 1/1/78.
Jones, George M., Carpenter, Physical Plant Division, after 15 consecutive
      years of service, effective 12/1/77.
Smith, Sarah Bell, Custodial Worker II, Environmental Services, after 15. 5
      consecutive years of service, effective 11/1/77.
Ware, Mae, Clerk Receptionist, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine,
      disability retirement after 14. 5 consecutive years of service, effective

Post-Retirement Appointment

Cierley, Morris B., Staff Director (part-time), Office of the Dean, College of
      Allied Health Professions, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78,

                      ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

College of Allied Health Professions
Nieman, Jan, Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, 9/15/77 through 6/30/78.

College of Arts and Sciences
Baer, Jane A., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
       9/1/77 through 12/31/77.
Broida, Mary O., Instructor (part-time), Linguistics Program, 8/16/77
      through 12/31/77.
Burkhead, John D., Instructor (part.-time) (temporary), Department of Sociology,
       9/1/77 through 12/31/77.



Cox, Betty R., Instructor (part-time), Department of Mathematics,
      9/1/77 through 12/31/77. *
DeSimone, Shirley, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
      8/16/77 through 12/31/77.
Hayden, Linda, Instructor (part-time), Department of Mathematics, 9/1/77
      through 12/31/77.
Howell, John D., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
       9/1/77 through 12/31/77.
LaBach, William A., Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of Mathematics
      9/1/77 through 12/31/77.
Royster, Betty B., Instructor (part-time), Department of Mathematics,
       9/1/77 through 12/31/77.
Van Tassel, Carol J., Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of
       Sociology, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77.

College of Business and Economics
Manis, I. G., Instructor (part-tirir), Department of Accounting, 9/1/77
       through 12/31/77.

College of Dentistryr
Gruelle, Terry V., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
      Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Morgan, William'J., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
       Periodontics, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Mullins, Richard Keith, Assistant Profeqsor (part-time), Department of
       Endondontics, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Polancich, Robert W., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Prosthodontics, 9/1/77 through 6/30/80.

College of Education
Dils, Ann, Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of Health, Physical
       Education and Recreation, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77.
Rodriquez, Rosa M., Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of
       Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77.
Strickland, Theodore, Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of
       Educational Psychology and Counseling, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77.

College of Engineering
Black, James E. III, Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of Civil
       Eng eering, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Broomell,  George D., Lecturer (part-time), Department of Electrical
       Engineering, 9/1/77 through 12/31/77.

College of Home Economics
McKean, Betsy, Assistant Professor, Department of Housing and Interior Design,
       8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
*Waiver of Nepotism Rule, Husband is Associate Professor Raymond Cox, Departmeni
of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences.



L brarv
Galik, Barbara A., Librarian IV, Reference, 9/15/77 through 6/30/78.

College of Law
Brooks, Arthur L., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Clark, Bruce F., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Harris, W. Stokes Jr., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Hoskins, William A., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Lear, William M. Jr., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Rawlins, Robert E., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Sellars, Terry K., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Stage, Gary L., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Varellas, Sandra M., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Vish, Donald H., Instructor (part-time), 10/1/77 through 2/28/78.

College of Pharmacy
Elkins, Jean G., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Francis, Clarence A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Irwin, Woody S., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Kennedy, Donald R., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Koger, Carter Wilson, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Lykins, Pony W., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
McCreary, Sheldon M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through
Pendergraft, Joel R., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Perkins, Robert C., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Phelps, David A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Stone, Jack, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Sullivan, Patricia Kirk, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Wallace, Victor, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Whitmore, Ronald E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.

Community College System
Hopkinsville Community College
Bozarth, Peggy, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77 through

Lexington Technical Institute
McGuire, Rachael G., Instructor in the Community College System, 9/15/77
       through 6/30/78.
Schwartz, Francine, Instructor in the Community College System, 9/1/77
       through 6/30/78.

Somerset Community College
Story, R. C., Instructor in the Community College System, 9/1/77 through



VanderWilt- Suellen, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
      through 6/30/78.

Southeast Community College
Saunier, Margaret Ellen, Instructor in the Community College System, 9/1/77
      through 6/30/78.

Non-Academic Appointment
Eckler, Nancy C., County Extension Agent for Home Economics, College of
      Agriculture, 9/15/77 through 6/30/78.
Jeffiers, David C., Extension Program Specialist for 4-H, College of
      Agriculture, effective 10/1/77.
Phillips, Michael W., County Extension Agent for Agriculture, Area Extension
      Programs, College of Agriculture, effective 9/26/77.
Ray, Nancy T., Staff Assistant (half -time), Equal Opportunity Office, Vice President
      for Minority Affairs, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.

Joint Appointments

Dominic, Jerome A., Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology,
       College of Medicine, also named Assistant Professor, Department of
       Medicine, College of Medicine, 10/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Holbrook, Harold, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, also named Clinical Instructor (voluntary)
       Department of Dental Hygiene, College of Allied Health Professions,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/80.

Administrative Appointments

Goodman, Norman L., Professor, (with tenure), Department of Community
       Medicine, College of Medicine, named Acting Chairman, Department of
       Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine,
       9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Kingston, Richard D., Associate Professor*, named Acting Chairman,
       Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of
       Allied Health Professions, 9/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Noffsinger, Anne L., Associate Professor in the Community College System,NUthenaem
       named Acting Division Chairman, Health Technologies and Coordinator
       of the Nursing Program, Lexington Technical Institute, 7/1/77 through


Brownstein, Bernard H., Senior Research Associate, Department of Medical
       Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, 9/1/77 through

*Special Title Series



Flanagan, David A., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Pediatric
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Mulhall, Margaret M., Instructor in the Community College System,
      Madisonville Community College, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Pisacano, Nicholas J., Visiting Professor (part-time), Department of Biological
      Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/77 through 5/15/78.


Henderson, Albert E., from Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor*,
       Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Munjal, Devidayal, from Assistant Professor, to Consultant, Department of
       Pathology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 2/28/78.
Newman, Douglas M., from Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department
       of Periodontics, and Department of Community Dentistry, College of
       Dentistry, to Assistant Professor (part-time), in addition to listed
       departments, joint in Department of Oral Biology and Department of
       Dental Hygiene, College of Allied Health Professions, 7/1/77
       through 6/30/78k.
Pett, Donald, from Assistant Professor Department of Medical
       Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, to Assistant Professor,
       Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, 9/1/77
       through 6/30/78.
Rauh, Richard P., from Visiting Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor,
       College of Architecture, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Riegler, Sandra L., from Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor*, Department
       of Medicine, College of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Roszman, Thomas, from Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of
       Medical Microbiology, and Immunology, College of Medicine, to Associate
       Professor, (with tenure), Department of Pathology, College of Medicine,
       retroactive 9/1/77.
Shah, Dhirendra, from Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology
       and Immunology, College of Medicine, to Assistant Professor, Department
       of Pathology, College of Medicine, 9/1/77 through 3/31/78.
Struss, Edwin F., from Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, to Assistant Professor (part-time),
       Department of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry,
       9/l/77 through 6/30/78.
Wong, Paul H., from Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Restorative
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, to Assistant Professor (part-time),
       Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, 9/1/77 through

*Special Title Series



Leaves of Absence

Armstrong, Karen Belcher, Assistant Professor in the Community College
      System, Jefferson Community College, Leave without pay, 10/1/77
      through 12/31/77.
Cash, David C., Instructor (part-time), Department of Restorative Dentistry,
       College of Dentistry, Leave without pay, 9/1/77 through 8/31/78.
Ellison, Geraldine, Associate Professor*, College of Nursing,
       Change leave without pay from 9/1/77 through 8/31/78 to 8/1/77
       through 7/31/78.
Friedman, Ellen G., Assistant Professor, Department of History, College
       of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, 1/1/78 through 6/30/78.
Gariepy, Ronald, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
       of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, 1/1/78 through 6/30/78.
Gordon, William A., Associate Professor, Department of English, College
       of Arts and Sciences, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 1/1/78 through
Hall, James Baker, Associate Professor, Department of English, College of
       Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, 1/1/78 through 6/30/78.
Hartwig, Joan, Associate Professor, Department of English, College of
       Arts and Sciences, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/78 through
Jones, Arthur, Associate Professor, Department of Art, College of Fine Arts,
       Sabbatical leave with full salary, spring semester 1978.
Noble, Robert C., Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, College of
       Medicine, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Pisacano, Nicholas J., Professor*, Associate Dean, CAHP, and Acting
       Chairman; Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied
       Health Professions, Leave without pay, 9/1/77 through 8/31/78.
Sathaye, Avinash, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
       of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, 1/1/78 through 6/30/78.
Sinclair, Hobson, Associate Professor*, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
       College of Dentistry, Sabbatical leave with full salary, changed from
       7/1/77 through 12/31/77 to 2/1/78 through 7/31/78.
Ray, Nancy T., Coordinator of Affirmative Action Programs, leave without pay,
        9/1/77 through 6/30/78.

 *Special Title Series

 Action: Approved    "      Disapproved             Other_

Datf  ----- t, t  , 1977.



                                              Office of the President
                                              October 19, 1977

                                              PR 3

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I. Departmental Restructuring - College of Home Economics

That the present five departments in the College of Home Economics
(Human Development and Family Relations, Housing and Interior Design,
Management and Family Economics, Nutrition and Food Science and
Textiles, Clothing and Merchandising) be restructured to form three

               Family Studies: Human Development and Resource
               Human Environment: Design and Textiles
               Nutrtion and Food Science

 All existing courses, programs and degrees offered by the existing de-
 partments shall be transferred to the three respective new departments
 and continued by those units.


 Because of the concern for the administrative difficulties resulting from
 the small number of faculty in three of the departments and the diffi-
 culties in obtaining persons for existing chairmanship vacancies who
 have credentials to qualify for graduate faculty membership and tenure,
 the Dean's office was requested to analyze its operations and suggest
 restructuring of the administrative component which would reduce the
 number of departments by at least two.

 The study began in October, 1976 and was completed in February, 1977
 by a committee of elected faculty and administrators. Faculty input was
 sought constantly by the representative faculty members. Graduate
 students also were consulted and undergraduates were given an oppor-
 tunity to react to the proposed plan.

 It is believed that the recommended changes of reducing the number
 of departments from five to three will result in more effective adminis-
 tration of the 33 full-tine faculty in the College of Home Economics.
 Interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research and teaching should
 result as well as strengthened graduate programs. Other advantages
 will accrue due to less administrative time and more emphasis on
 teaching, research and service.

Action: Approved    L/    Disapproved          Other

Date: - ,C_-_rer __          1977.


Office of the President
October 19, 1977


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:

                       1977-78 BUDGET REVISIONS

Recommendation: that the following revisions in the 1977-78 budget be
authorized and approved.

Approved     Revised
Budget      Budget


A. General Fund

1. Income Estimates
     Student Fees
        University Extension
     Federal Appropriations
        Agricultural Cooperative
     Sales and Services
        Departmental Sales
        and Services

2. Expenditures
     Academic Affairs
        Agricultural Cooperative
        Administration and
           University Extension
              Evening Class
              Pro gram
              Conferences and

$   431,500  $   446,500

6, 514, 100

2, 661, 500

12, 683, 700

   114, 900

   82, 800

6, 979, 400


13, 149,000

   129, 900

   86, 800

3. Comments - The proposed expenditure increase for the Agricultural
   Cooperative Extension will be supported by additional federal appropriations
   income and fund balances. Additional student fees generated by the
   Evening Class Program will support the expenditure increase for the
   respective program. An increase in reimbursed costs income will fund
   the Conferences and Institutes additional expenditures.

$ 1 5, 000

465, 300

   4, 000
 484, 300

 465, 300

   15, 000

   4, 000
 484, 300


Page Two

B. Restricted Funds

1. Income Estimates

$13,012, 100

$13, 242, 000

2. Expenditures
      Academic Affairs
         College of Business and Economics
         Agricultural Cooperative
      Community College System
         Community Colleges - Area
         Health Education System
      Student Aid
         General Scholarships

22, 500

6, 000


330, 300

23, 000

25, 500

206, 300


19, 500

206, 300

333,900       3,600

   3. Comments - Income restricted for the purposes indicated above will
       fund the proposed additional expenditures.

C. Auxiliary Services

1. Income Estimates

14, 970, 400

2. Expenditures
      Academic Affairs
         Youth Programs-4H Camps
            Feltner Memorial
            Lake Cumberland
            West Kentucky
      Community College Sys tem
         Maysville Community College

46, 000
68, 000
62, 000

34, 500

15, 035, 800

56, 000
93, 000
92, 000

34, 900