xt7v9s1km86z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1km86z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1979 1979 1979-10-30 2020 true xt7v9s1km86z section xt7v9s1km86z m
Page ceremony, black candidate .
g;- H I I I - . I ' .
' omeoomrng actrvrtres WI me u e 3 requests
By STEVE MASSEY proposal was reached which would Another proposal stated that the homecoming game activities “a big same problems." . “Who are we trying to recognize?"
Associate Editor allow Adrienne Richardson, a parents of Greg Page, the UK Win," and added that “we feel we Burch said the current selection heasked.“ldon‘tseeanythingmore
member of Delta Sigma Thaa football playerafterwhich UK's new achieved a whole lot." process, which narrows down the that the University can do—ldon‘t
Someof the informationlnthis story sorority. to become the 17th 25-building apartment complex is John Hines, BSU president, said field of candidates through in- see anything more that we as black
was provided by journalism junior homecoming canddate. Richardson named,wouldcomedowntothe field “Some posrtive things have come terviews from a three member students can want.”
Charles Hawkins was one of the original 45 after the national anthem is played out of this." committee. was done to make the _ Brewer agreed, saying “We can't
homecoming candidates. andbepresented some flowers anda The controversy, which was election of homecoming candidates Just have one big revolution."
UK’s Black Student Union last . plaque by BSU representatives. voiced by many black students, more efficient. He noted, however, Because of the changes with
night unanimously approved ad- Page, UK’s second black scholar- concernednot only thelack of black that many organizations may. be homecoming ceremonies, Burch
ministration proposals to have a ship athlete, died while practicing in representation at homecoming, but overlooked because of possrble thought there was a posm‘bilty that
black candidate represented in the ‘ ‘ 1967. also the actual selection process for errors in the mailing list which the certain students would vrew these
homecoming royalty court and a ., The pre-game activities will homecoming candidates. Members Stucent Center. Board uses to send changes as favoritism. But. he was
pre—game ceremony honoring the "“ precede a luncheon with Page’s of various black organizations said out homecoming information to quick to add that the actions un-
family of Greg Page. '5 family, Smith andleaders of various they received no information about registered campus organizations. dertaken were done“to correct what
The unanimous vote was a result , QM campis organizations. the homecoming selection process SCB gets its list from the Dean of was perceived to be an unfair
of an afternoon meeting between . t Burch, noting that the pro-game until it was too late. Student's office. Situation on part Of 0111’ students."
various admin'strative officials and _ ceremonyis not a dedication, said a “What was paramount in At the BSU meeting, Hines .Voting for homecoming can-
BSU representatives. The ad- formal dedication ceremony for the everybody‘s mind was whether the suggsted an alternate proposal didates Will continue. through
ministrative officials included Vice \ i Greg Page Stadium View Apart- problems were intentional or not," which would have student leaders of Wednesday in the lobbies of the
President for Administration _-\. merits has been planned for the Hines said. various black student organizations StudentCenter, Classroom Building,
Donald Clapp, Vice President for ‘ l . future. “Nobody‘s questioning whether recognized before the presentation Complex, Commerce Budding, Ml.
Minority Affairs John Smith and ‘ Ronald Brewer, one of the this (the selection process) is a to the Page family. King Library and Blazer Hall. A '
Dean of Students Joe Burch. ADRIENNE RICHARDSON students in the BSU who met with problem," Burch said, adding that But Ed Owens, a first-year law student [D and activity card is
At the meeting, a compromise Delta Sigma Theta the administration, called the new “a lot of groups might have had the student, questioned this proposal. needed to vote.
.‘ ”WONT/Mirrotcyi
.- ; OCT 3 o 1979
. “AiVslrsrLlyigpf hardest.)
Vol. LXXII. No. 53 . ‘ cry University of Kentucky
Tuesday. October 30, 1979 an independent student newspaper k L""‘£°"’ Kentucky
” W
By JAY rosssrr he didn’tknow whai the desks would I . My f; ‘ . - - - , , .
Campus Editor arrive- ' . / .. 2 '
At least 34 residents of the Greg this stuff," Craft said, “I don’t know . .. ' '
Page Stadium View Apartments are whether I can depend on their word cogs/7‘ 3 . . fl”
living in apartments without desks, or not. Someone said that as soon as i‘ . . - gm. R
according to a petition circulated you pay your rent, they don’t care it. ‘ ’, .1. zit-t, "33/: .,V, "
the" 135‘ week- about you anymore. I can believe , ' Jg'mf l f -' i . ' .
Paul Craft, a civil engineering it." 53$ ' v’” . Ii; ' .
sophomore and resident of the Jean Lindley, director of UK's if . ' ;-.’ ' / ' - . -
apartments, took a petition to 23 of housing, said the reason for the desk ,gf‘i ' ' ,_. ~ / . . - . w“
the 25 apartment wits and got shortage is because more un- . j ' / . go . : _,
signatures from 34 residents who dergraduates are living in the *- . 5Q . - ' if
say they don‘t have desks. apartments than originally ex- '3 ’ .. . 4" . .i '
Craft, one of the 34 residents, has pected . ' ' . 9,. . ,
{smiths-it binge; student without a “Who. the apartmené; were first ' i — . two... _. .-. .. .c. o. ..a - it fir-1'", ~ i-i -- - ,. -
desk can be very frustrating ex- designated, we were going tousesix ,. " - ‘ . ‘
perience. buildings for married students," , W. ., o -
“Roommates have different times Lindley said, “but since the um i, T _
for studying,” Craft said. “Withouta dergraduates had such a long ”Goff/if . , ‘ .
desk, I have to study on the kitchai waiting list and the demand for ”U ,
table which is right next to the TV, married students was not as great as ///@//;3'/ j ’ x. x c
and sometimes that makes it hardto expected, we made the decision to firfifle ._
I concentrate." put individual undergraduates in the 4“
Another resident d the apart- some of those apartments M3,,“ ' -‘ ,
merits, Charlene Williams, a (originally designated for married I .
physical education senior, is also students).” I ' I I I’m“?
living without a desk but her Lindley said the married student who/W -' .. . , .
situation is a little differeit. All apartments don’t have four desks, ,WflWz” . - / .. M” 5.3
three of he roommates are Without andihereiore. thehousins office had ' o = . "é .._. -- ..-
desks, also. to order additional desks. She said it ' ' "D _ ,A '3 , 1f" ' .-
“\ “One of my roommates is an takes an estimated 120 days for the ~ , * .. .
arcmecturesmdemandallheistuff desks to be delivered and they are . .. . ‘ r... .. - ., ' - .. . .
is on the kitchen table and on the expected to be here on Nov. 15. By CARY WILLIS-Kernel Staff '
l living room floor under the couch,” “’I‘nere wasn’t anything we could Mellow cello
,. Williams said. “At times, it is really do," Lindey said. “We felt it was
i frustrating We study on the living better to make the assignments for _ , .
room floor and on our beds; and the students than make them find Celloist Larry Veal‘s face reflects his intensity while playing yesterday in background is pianist Lucien Stark. The two performers are part of a .
where our desks would be, we stack something off campus.” the foyer area of the Student Center Grand Ballroom. Pictured in the group called the Concord Trio. » 1
all our books and supplies." . 7
Claudia Whitfill, a business I I ioda ...... ,
Education junior 9"“ raider“ 0f the because of his relationship with a young female church 1'
partments, said she and her member . .
roommates are tired of “living off ‘ - .g .
med agar-"mime wmiamsfhiiiiii E d' . S G 3 CB I ft '003' which: iie‘ilifé‘ii‘iié‘f‘i‘? iiiiih'i‘ii,“éoi°if‘is$§ _.
" an .er ree roomma es are - NINE JUVENILES AND AN ADULT were arreste on were Trentham‘s two divorces and his judgement in ..‘ ,
without desks. [tor qUIts news 8 er marijuana charges yesterday outside Bryan Stdfion dating the church member.
1 “We are living off the floor,” . junior and senior high schools, a Fayette County school
Whitfill said. “All our books are By CARY thhLLiS H: sold ltjheldlgoarhd “mash not fig official said. world -'
crammed on the same shdf and our Managing E 10" W e 3' ie 5 0 ave 0 William Joe Sizemore, 21, Lexington, was charged with _.
other materials are stuffed into the control over what appeared in trafficking in marijuana, said John Toy, safety and ‘7‘,"‘1 "55955'1AT10’I‘m0F ”135'“;ng mild: ;
closets. Everything is so One of UK’s newspapers is no Focus’ pages, since“the paper was security director for the school system. ("mf'fhgnayh $35" “‘35:. ".319 “m“ f
- . 10 er. reall meant to inform students The jiveniles, identified only as pupils of the two “on ruet at as e” own opposiionrn iscountry or
unorganized. We thnt feel settled ng y ' ' schools were char ed with mari'uana ossession To years, informed pohtical sources said yesterday.
in.” The 'Student Government about what the two orgaruzations said . 8 l p . y The government may have signaled its intentions by .
Because of the inconveniences Publications Board voted 5'0 were domg. . . ' allowing publication of an opposition appeal for
caused by no desks, Whitfill and her yeSteray to discontinue Focus, the ”The e are certain stories where State democratic reforms in South Korea.
roommates think that they should COHtl‘OVCl'Slali er raticly PUbllShed you Just can’t be intbpendent (0f , But North Korea charged that the Park killing was
ga some sort of refund from the newspaper produced through the subjective reporting),” Rowland DEMQCRAT JOHN'Y- BROWN JR- accused “1}? QB actually aimed at preserving the “fascist regime." And
University cooperative efforts of Student said. PO"? "‘ thelgo‘egnorsrace $5”?ng “liming “3:: the Soviet Union accused the US. Ctehntral Intelligaice
,, '. , ,, asse ions 2 cu rowns iionon asorne xee, ' ' t o r t .
.w? feelhkfiwe ve ,been SYDPetl. Government and the Student Center Sturgeon said yet another problem running an “irresponsible‘Pocsampaign. igmfiiagfnflgmis,difcaiiggiiiznddzniedplgy tiheiilgfir
Whitfrll §aldt We Pug our housing Board. , was that since the paper was A spokesman for Republican Louie Nunn said Brown administration. ,
and we re not getting our full According to Brad Sturgeon, financed through students’ and the was ”just trying to wiggle off the hook." . . _ _
money’s worth. We feel that we Plbllc relations Chalman for 36. state’s money bidding for a printer Nunn told an insuranceagents' convention in Loursvrlle PRIME MINISTER MENACHEM BEGIN failed
should at least get our deposit the decision was a result of several had to go through Frankfort that Brown‘s plan to change the state gasoline tax would yesterday in his first attempt to choose a new foreign . ,
back." factors. “The bidding process was a raise it from thecurrentninecentsagallon 1945 cents. ministerandpull himselfout ofa Cabinet crisis that could :
Whitfill said she and her rwm_ awe“. first Of an, Ne“ (Fields, mess H Rowland said “An thin . Brown,_in a telephone call, called that “just a totally topple his goyemme'm: ' l
mates were told by maintenance editorof Focus) quit. Igmss we just -‘ .' y g irresponsmle Statement saylnfi he had made "0 Deputy Prime Minister “8391 “din turned d0“
men that the desks aren‘t e ted 1- d Nell f th' Th thatinvolves 0"" ”00 m state funds proposal on how the tax should be changed. Begin‘s offer to take over the post left vacant last week by ~
, "Pec "“9 .0“ °’ every “‘8' a” has to go through the state bidding “l ' t ‘dlth ht th ' tson asoline without ho ' ' din cement over the
toamve atUKuntil mid-November. was just a lack of competent . e 1‘.“ 53.‘ oug. “me cc". 3 . ., M09“ Day?“ w 9“" m a . w .
. Craft however had a little more 1e and a lack of resource“ ,, process. 'We would design the any inflationary adyistment was impractical. Brown governments policy in the occupied'West Bank. .
. . ‘ . ' peop .' specifications and leave it up to said. Echoing Dayan‘s contentions, Yadin told Israel Radio .
difficulty finding out what the desks Another problem, Sturgeon said, them (the state government) “there are differences of views between our pm and the
were due to arrive. was that “Nell apparently felt ' nation majority pm}. on some issues of foreign policy" which ;
After telling the resident mange people from the two organizations .“And every time, the bids would pmemeo him from acumim the job, But he added that ..:
of the apartment complex about his (SG and SCB) just weren't come back to us with a few changes THE SUPREME COURT. agreelns for the “’3‘ “me {0 if Begin offers him to head lsraei's negotiating team on" :
missingdesk at the beginning of the cooperating with her." and a price much higher than we’d probe molleld of “serieilc engineering" said yesterday it West Bank autonomy, he would oondder his refusal. :
school year, Craft was told that the Fields, however, said the reasons thought." W1" dwde Whether corporation! may Wei“ new “‘9 Begin offered the post toYadin at Hadassah hospital in ,-
desks would arrive in “two weeks at she quit was that she got a job at the Fields said there were to be six mm“; , , , . Jerusalem. Where Yadin is recoverlns from i mild heart ’_
the most." Lexington Herald. "I‘m carrying 21 editions piblished this year, and TENS“? V?‘°dod‘° "fit: “W", ”53,: ”A'Insggfl Wadi? I-
Craft saidhe waited about threeor hours,lgota terrific job opportunity they were each to be financed by :2?!“ 2902:1133!ng urirfllar'sefol: $23,”, that. find weather I '
four weeks and called the manner at the Lexington papers...l just had $1400 from SC and SCB. commercially profitable "59‘s for such [he {o‘ms iii
. agnn who told him to wait “anothe- a better opportunity." But getting those issues out ap- . PARTLY SUNNY room with highs reaching the mid :51;
I I l week." He Mited I couple more Daniel Rowland, a UK history peared to be quite I difficult task. mg PASTOR or WASHINGTON‘S First Baptist 70s. Partly cloudy tonight withiows expectedtoreachthe g
‘ weeks and thai talked to the professor and chairman of the she said. The second issue of the Church, which has President Carter as its most famous lowermofiijeezywllhachlnceoflhowefl ”mm “"1 .,,.-. ‘
' ' resident manage again. Thh time plblications board, said it “wam't semester was to be in the racks parishionc. was fired by the congregation on Sunday highs NIChlthe mid 70s. ,1;
. ’ , -' the reddent manager told him that really clear what her position was." Continued on page 3 .___.._-- -, 7*“ _ A“ _ __ ,_ _. g:
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 Dabble McDenlel Marl Green Paul Mann Thomas C larl John Clay Gary Landon 3 ' '
' KENTUCKY Editor in Clue] Steve Malay lllthnl McDonald Enlfllalnmflll Editor Sports Editor Director of Photography '
Auoclalf Editors Cindy McGee
I . C an Willb Khby Stephen- C ynthla DeMamn Irlan Rickard Davld Maynard
.Vana‘ln‘ Editor Lia Dot-lard ('opi' L'dllors Airman! Arm/an! Spam Editor Photo Manager 33
Editorial E dilor Enlfllammml Edllm ‘
Jay Foam
O 0 (‘ampur Editor 1-"... Young 3
editalals & commwts Special Edition: Editor 3"
3—_—________________________________________________________ .
a l I I ' F '-- .---.. ’ "”"*‘“" .-.- c..-__--,__,_A__A__.,_,-,s_._ .
National Sllly Season WI . l 5
l l 7? ‘
3 I33? 3 I... @‘D ’4; ' 35‘.
! ~ Q‘ one: *' . F .. .
SOON re CB S l . (a /w'A , v
' 'l '1. ' pom ‘ / ’ i '
TheendofKentucky‘s“silly season"is upon us; interesting as the main [layers For example, 1 _ ,, - _ — i l . I
the general election is one week from today. The there's the mayor of Chicago, Jane “Give me a i 'v , . 31$ 3 a W] .
voters of the state wi" have to make a choice man who‘s a winner” Byrne. Jane keeps the a , :3. {Q ' , 37:- ~ 1 1 . -
between Democrat John Y. Brown Jr. and Democrats in an uproar by weekly announcing l . l 3y \\ ’ ,- ‘3 r l, 99m % 1
Republican Louie B. Nunn. she’s decided to support a different presidentia l i “\‘x ’ ’ ‘ 31/ 1560916 .... it |
Some ple will look to theendof the campaign candidate. i ‘ . \ 1 - / AH. l l
with sagreloeas for if Nunn and Brown haven’t An indication if just how this campaign will 3 ‘ \“ l i « ‘ e‘ ' :
exactly given us enough information on which to develop is found in a statement made by Linda 3 g _ _3 ~ , WV ‘ t9 1
make intelligent voting decisions, they have on Ronstadt’s sometimes-roommate, Jerry Brown. l ,‘ 4- ..L z , Q ‘9... Q l _
occasion been an excellent source of free en- This man, elected governor of California after 3 /7’ " ‘32:: .*-. 3 . '&Q§‘.§ 3 i
tertainenent. campaigning about oWering exp3ectations and 3 y ,’ (W .333. f“ l , ..f ‘ . 3
After all, where else can you see a prime time realizing limits, offered last wee the ‘supreme l “W l“ 3‘ - l . 3 3 3 ‘4 . d l i
television program featuring two grown men platitude when he said he believes there are a l 3 t : 33.3333 e, ’ i l
881313er cahingeach othe331y3glg, c3heating, devious nuniber of votfrs who, lik3e33 hiam, t:33re ir33teres3ted in 1 .3 :3; . ' ' 'fi' 3*: 9 ‘ \ 3 . .
s, an t mwrng s e 0 paper a one “he in e, savingt e at an exp oring i _ ~ ;~" -—-‘ ' . , 1
another? the Snigegfl)’ ' ‘ J '. ‘ :53) I l .' l, Tr .7.“ . 3" 413 l '
But take heart. Although the John and Louie Helping people and savin the Earth are fine, , —“ ’ ‘ '1‘ ' l 4? ,, J .l 1 l ‘
Show is coming to an end, the curtain is going up but exploring the universe? gliost voters would be i , - t@, V . - <3 , .0 l '
on the national silly season. The presidential satisfiedifhecould finda way to bring the price of l “ / "‘ \ ‘ - \ '4’ \ a ' | l
election is only one year and one wee way. John a gallon of milk within a dime of that of a gallon of ‘ x \ sans . 1 i
and Louie will pale in comparison with Jimmy, gasoline. 3 \ ‘ ”‘”’m"““*‘ i '
Teddy and Jerry on the Democratic side, and We think a lot of Americans wish they had the ‘ i,
Ronald and JOhn and Howard and George and choice voters in Louisiana’s 3gubernatorial l or 1
31:63: and God-knows-who else on the Repubhcan hagggvgaggsgaygeg- 33333:; ,3; $133333; 3 ...l8 lT MY FAULT me Melee RAB agar UP 16 ll% 4i}? 1 COULDN’T AFFORD Tile l,
The supporting characters promise to be as legally changed to “None of the Above.” : PAYMQNTS ON A 8 [CK 3
l i
LBTT er 8 t0 the EdItOI’ "‘5 * *
—————-———————————-————-——————-——-—-—— . {if}, / T
Resents intrusion Browns' theatrlcs. lamaregistered learned its lesson. we humbly yet T EARNED 'i,’ , , 1
» - Democrat who will work and vote firmly acclaim “Never again!" , T. -, . ' SON. H6839 l ,
I resent the intrusion of the for Louie B. Nunn as many, many The international community is I ‘_ /‘ TH‘KCY CHAIN n. ’1' / Mk7 - ,
Browns into the business and the others are doing and we, the people, beginning to show concern for the 3 K3333; TOTH CAP .‘ KR ,l ...l' , _ f ,
policies if Kentucky. We are not so will send him back to Frankfort as plight of the Cambodian and Viet- l3 ‘ 7., ~ ' .. 3,.» ~ . ’/ ',
illiterate or inadequate that we our governor so he can run our af- narnese refugees in Southeast Asia. 1 \ .33 ‘3 - 33,331,333 / l 3 3
cannot run our own affairs. fairs as he did before, with honor, The United States has promised ‘, 333333333" 3 ~ .\ , 33 3 ii“: 33 3 3
Mr. Brown is for everything but dignity. honesty and openly With financial aid in cooperation With the l ’25 ,u .. \ / "will '3 . \ '. . '
proposes plans for nothing. He clean hands. After the election the Umted Nations and Red Cross to l "a 3 a) (9.03 T’ ’ // ., ,3- ,
claims thatheis eitha' the victim of Browns can go “home” and we lend a hand 3° ease the suffering. l {V 9 "" (Cm ' " ~..l v' ' ' l l
mudslinging, being misquoted, Kentuckians can 80 about 0“? Yet this catastrophe is an act Of i. ivy/y" j ' " tiff? w 5,1719. 3 , ..-.ral l '
misrepresented or misunderstood. bisiness, neglect, an intematlonal apathy 3 31h, , \\ 3 '33 3:53" [ '31:. l Email" , .
We could understand him if he Joy Terry Messer p3ractlced by 333959 who feel that i {m G 1 {ff :3le 5;; , h l -
should ever say anything. He has Box 188 ‘Never 333m! ‘5 enough. ' 3’ ‘u 3 3 ii" .4 3 ' 3% $4 3
done nothing but deny everything Martin. Ky.. 41649 Itisaconspiracy no different from . "3 i r 3‘, Wt 33% ‘5 3‘. . ,2:— 3‘N .
that has been said about him. He the death factories at Auschwitz 05 , 31’ 3,, ' nWV'WI 3333 33,33, ._,..,_33._'f ' »/ 7 _ g] ;;. “333333.,” 3 ~ 3 L _
seems to be suffering from a r- - Dachau, whose very names sen '_-'.|3,~ ; it." .3. “"57"" i," ayfi- " '1 ,gyhi='<=~‘ii" .""'"' ' Z '
secution complex . . . where dicixiie wet bl’lefs, too chills down the back of the civilized ' " -.-', , ”3,3 1. ,33‘9‘5‘2’6'75 3 3%," m mm" “""7,',l'jl3ir 33. ' Mil l .7
get it? , . . . . world.The whole process means the f ._‘;-"3,3,.- 3!} 3": “3,341.3. 3,5 “333'; 3., 33h,“"33 i351? 3:..‘,‘."....:' 33.3“,“ v i 3
In reference to a statement made We are writing this particular same end for those p60ple involved: ' 33 raw-J3, ‘1, [3‘33" i,3',' izhij pl ""97 "ii ‘7=".;,:*',..}33, ' .. ”if" ammmxmmfi . i
by the present Mrs.Brown in People 3eplstle 1“ 3i3'eferde3nce to the pct. 24 People becoming lost baggage in ', er ~‘- . ["373 .3 ‘ m. ‘ . ' .7“ at, ~33. ,
Magazine dated Oct. 22, 1979 . . . etter 39 t e e for concernrngthe their own countries while the rest of j ‘
whichlquote,“Upin themountains w3et3335hirteggteetbetweenthésvlves the world knows they are being '"m‘r—W ""*' A ’ ’ ' ' ’ " T’ " ‘ ' ""“ '_
there’s a kind of rule that you don‘t oWhile ilugl'sodrilglik: a (33333“ d 33:33:; bumped around but does notdl3ike to . ‘;
touch your woman in ublic (said look. But we see it. The me '8 ap- r
with a giggle). Well, thgy lodted at fieryuone mug" ”“3““? “twig“ prehensively gives it to us. Be it Letters POIICY . 7:
us at first like we were real strange {I e l reques 3equa u3ne or e Poland in 1945 01‘ Southeast Asia in ' , Lieu tenan t g 0 var n or pas t .3‘
but then they decided it was okay ema e population of this campis. 19793 neglected suffering and dying The kernel 3may condense or 3,.
because we were newly married . .. gfiésygetgi'ggsfoihfi; $513313: people are no different. “Never "31?“ comnbuglonfir $1“: “silent 3' ,3
as km as we didn't et into th 3 . 3 a ain'." is never em h. writers may 6 mm: . ltors -3
haystagck.“ The peoplge she waes B. In View of the recaitcampaign g ug reserve the right to edit for correct deserves attention too :
referring to probably expected to happeningswe feel thalltls only fair Brian Dempsey spelling, grammar and clarity. and ,i -
see a public display of some sort of that thewomen 0‘ UK and Kentucky Music sophomore may delete libelous statements.
new sex techniques such as is get 3h?" cheap thrills 300' After all, For legal reasons, contributors By RAY CARMICHAEL Commonwealth. Every year 5,3
practiced at the infamous nightclub tha'e3ls more to John Y- than 1““ must present a UK 10 before the With so much interest and thousands of students graduating ‘35.
“Studio 54" Which the Browns Phyllis George. canceled Class Kernel will be able to accept the publicity being placed on the {tom 03i3i3r3un3ver3s3ltles 81:3f30rcedto $3
frequent. The haystack would be a The above letter is not meant tobe material. gubernatorial race between Louie B. eave err aml res an omes o :3 .3
much more decent place for such taken totally in the context in which Like many other UK students, 1 Nunn and John Y.Brown Jr.,little is seek employment in other states. g} .
activities and certainly more it was written. commute to campus each day (from Letters: being said f°r the number two Rogers would “"9 3° see Kentucky .'
comfortable than a chair or the floor 3 Richmond). Needless to say, this Should be 30 lines or less and no posmon in our state government. graduates stay in Kentucky thus
of Studio 54. [fiaura 3:3-‘3313133ch takes time, 885. and money. more than 200 words. They should -—-————-—-———-———v— Sgsshmg the state in economic ,3,
Mrs. Phyllis George Evans Brown ‘ 0m ‘ ' “r" Recent] , I drove all the wa to concern PariiCUIar iSSUCS. concerns ' ' ' .
has poked fun at Kentuckians long Them” Arts freshmen Lexingtonyfor a single class, onlyy to or events relevant to the UK 0 p Inlon wgulg‘iilfetgpo'hzlherslli’rietgi'hfi
enough. Frankly, there is no ladder Mary Evelyn Finch find out that it had been canceled at community. with local soffmmem and serving .3; '
high enough with which she can Lynne Obermlller the last minute. on the committee to study the
EeaCh our leYel- .KentUCkians are A 8‘ S juniors Although I realize that these Opinions: 3 —_———--———— problems of edmation in Kentucky. ; '
onest,op:n,3hltelllgalt,god-fearing Lisa Jones things are sometimes unavoidable. 51‘0““? be 90 ““553 or “3553?”! The office of lieutenant governor Rogers has already studied the 33;
$251393?”ng r13