xt7v9s1km681 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1km681/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/46 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing June 25, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing June 25, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7v9s1km681 section xt7v9s1km681 Fm) 11. i." 1/41 2
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Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol. 1, No. 46 - June 25, 1940 U. S. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator
' ‘ o o o
Lmlepage Terrace T0 First Two Defense Housmg Pro] eets
. .
Rehouse 170 Famllles a (1' $2 000 000 - [1811 Q L
Low—income families in Charleston, W. pprove 9 9 9 11]- Dans
Zliipp‘zglhoifiiesadagereitigalsOti'taaiin‘inneK-hmwgrl): As a first move to meet housing needs in The Pensacola housing authority, in its
to $2125 er month (includign gheat h-ot connection with the national defense pro— application for USHA assistance, stated
' rat 1~I 1 Eri it (1 » . f 1. $00M], ’ nd gram, President Roosevelt recently ap- that “The extraordinary increase in per-
refi: stiffen; {air}: gLaiitleO aC-e T311206 proved loan contracts for local heusing sonnci of the Naval Air Station and Fort
opensgits doors to tenants in tlie Enear future authorities in Montgomery, Ala., and Pensa- Barrancas and the acute shortage of safe
Providing homes for 170 white families €013: F1a., PI'OViding USHA loans for almost and sanitary dwellings for families earning
whose incomes range from about $79 to $97 $2,000,000 Demands for adequate housing $85 or less per month necessitate immediate
a month Littlepage Terrace is one of two for families of enlisted personnel and civil— action. The Mayor of the city of Pensacola
USHA—aided projects now being constructed ian employees engaged in national defense pledges cooperation with the housing au—
by the Housing‘ Authority of the City of. have resulted in many requests for USHA thority in the development 0f the DI'OJ'ECti
Charleston Washington M31101“ f0]: Negro assistance forwarded to \Vashington both and the Navy Department has urged early
families is expected to be comlileted some by local housing authorities and by com- COhStl‘UCthH 0f the Pl‘OjeCt-”
time in,0ctober manding officers 0f Army and Navy reserva- Nearly one—half of the white families in
, The “Terrace”. combines utility with sim- tions. In certain communities acute housing the metropolitan area of Montgomery are
Plicity. It has all the essentials for decent shortages 311.“?de EXI.St"Vhl.le m others short- living under substandard conditions, ac—
living“ none of the nonessential S Gas re_ ages are antICipated in the immediate future. cording to the statement of the Montgomery
- frigerators and gas ranges are. standard Details Of the first two projects approved hOUSihg anthOI'itY- It was pointed Ollt that
equipment for every kitchen Linoleum— by the President are as fOHOWS: the influx of enlisted personnel and civilian
. covered floors are easily kept clean; conven— 0 r i L b A f Dwell» employees at Maxwell Field would greatly
. . . . . ‘2t . . ~ .. . - .. .
lent cupboards, work table, and pantries mmmneuseri‘xsighn m" 0 C Ugiiiiritogn “‘35; incéease idle a‘licrieady acuteléoiisinkg] 5,1,1°I.tt‘lge
make the kitchen the housewife’s ideal ,ifi ‘ in “0“ 1310 “C9 an m 0 eia e 51 “‘1'
workshop. Each family will have access to Maxwell Field (Arm .y. ion.
. . . . l . y 4 n . . .
central laundry faCIhties. Play areas, 50- Base), Montgomery, Ala. $1,305,000 424 The net constiuction (FOSt 05f homeslin :61“?
~ ‘ . Mont omer no ect Will aveia e $2 W1
c1al rooms, and landscaped yards pl‘OVlde Corry Field (Naval Air g ‘y 1 J _ g ' g ' 3'“ ’
for a wide variety of recreational opportu- Station), Pensacola, Fla. 643,000 200 glgefigmpglifle figPl‘: £01 .lliensacolta ““11 be
-- . ~ . —.—— o. o i no ec s Wi consm irima—
mtles fm Chligigilnfigqmagilglf§i $1’948’OOO i 624 rin of one- arid t1w0-st0rv row houses al—
. K -4 ———5 e y
2. _ /, though a number of twin houses may be
' :fl’i’e‘2;a,,~“m“g\ included. Each home will have a living
., ~v-11‘9w . ..r z ‘r «a. Q“ room, kitchen and dining space, bathroom,
W; _ , a} J"? iii-g “ “ '. cc" '3‘”. . and one, two, or three bedrooms. In addi-
‘ 2".”- »-.’...'x 33: - ...;r/s, it . .'v . e a" ' .», . saw" * ' .‘l. sail..- ,:/' f .A . . . . .
_ ’A’ w :cdsm -Y‘ ~ - by” r/\ tion, each dwelling Will be equipped With
W ,i . ”m“ «W ,i 1; _ .. ...; 4}." 4»: cooking, refrigeration, and hot—water heat—
”.s-‘Tfiju M . - g ,j ' " " ' ' , - ,_ .. ing facilities. In accordance with the usual
, q—~nmqrwlm~cwu~.....«M—nmuwwvu..~__._-_._.. “7-95,.‘4'v' -I..-.-...a.~_...‘.......,.,¢..~.-... .4...» ”ww?.—-u~ . _ ‘ . _
, practice for southern projects, indiVidual
L: heating equipment will be installed in proj-
- 2. _. ‘ ect units. Ample recreational areas are in-
...»,W. .,_.,i,.i....,.,..»..___.__. _ gig: _,, , ‘4 gm 5 z . - - -
' : s ~ " ' ' .4 . cluded in the preliminary plans submitted
I i l I ll - l I II I I' I I II II to the USHA.
,, "i-i" , 1 i _- , ~ -1 . . .
Veg - , n .- ‘_ I “I; , New homes for families engaged in na-
“3,25% l “as“; 2‘ t. _ ‘ ‘0. H I 5 if ' I * tionai defense will conform to regulations
‘iazr?’-",~- . a I , 3., , mm .. a” ‘13“: . . and poliCies adopted for all USHA-aided
figfné‘? '* , l ,5 {1‘53 i... . "“ A“’.{*~,~ projects. Only families of low income will
WV” 3 :3 5 7‘: a’l Lji‘ "4 .‘ Montgomery already has 256 units of
&5(4:§, , ’ . i ’ « ' ' install 5 It.) life: i ‘ public housing in the Riverside Heights and
,,’ . ‘ QWE; I William B. Paterson Courts projects, con-
Y“}§;fi ‘- ‘ 4 ‘ .g, ' ’ ‘Vj‘f‘i‘ .3]. sti'ucted under the PW A Housing Division
' ' » . * ‘ ' . : program. and occupied since 1937. Two
,cexkgfg; .' _‘_‘ "V j . ’ ' ‘ ' _ additional projects soon to go into construc-
égé‘gg’figfi i . ~ . , tion will provide 280 more low-rent dwell-
. f”«f"fit-w “Efl’; ‘, iii? .,§ . . Pensacola has two USHA-aided projects
"SEW . ”if “of W; ' ‘ I" in Attucks Courts, almost ready for occu—
MWW ' 1“ h , ' ‘ ‘ V " W" _ _ ., Y pancy, and Aragon Courts, now under con-
Scene during construction of Iiittlepage Terrace prOJect in Charleston, W. Va. struction. These projects will provide
Homes for 170 families Will soon be ready for occupancy; homes for 240 families.
UK LiBWfifi .-
\. V t r

e hou .
report smg auth _
s . ~ . ,
the 11 a 1ent loss (glflty 1n Aug“
h0usingm0nths that Uonly $2 75113 Tex» Los A '
in that (Egg-196% have EHA-aided 1:11:11)? llgeles
5.... . 5 . 5 Sh A h
coupled bv 18.52196 Austin°pel‘ati0n 0WS Slu L ut Orit 7 .
. . amili project T In P- y .
' ‘ S h lct C ~
11 u - -
lttlepage ‘1' L . rough Tel . . res 116‘“ HOusi
R — err eadlhg‘ t] eVlSl - Hg Lit .
ehOuSQ 1 / (109 T0 filoder“ facill‘: field in t] 011 DISCUSSIO elatlll‘e
Ousj . - 1 les ' 16 u ' ~ . ‘ N 5
(C 70 F ° pub ‘hg 1nform .111 the di tlhzat1011 f SQUT” CAR )F ECONOM
O Ontinu d amll' he re] . atmn Ssemjn . 0 of g OLINA B 10 C0
8120 I] the Littlel e from Dage 1) 188 Authorjt atlons dil‘e’t Geolige P 3&3011 Of Dip k (ii/Eth CU/Toli; ullet’in 0f “NDITIONS 0F
he M )age T Y of C 01' f - u 1 - im m E«. . Ze U1. ~
- ' err . Cent] the - 01- + C(er eo .. Hens. , 1121-69...
“'hlcl _anSlon U ace S . .V pa - - - Clt uhe . 5 n . glam 5107, D' . 1 mu
1 . 1t . It] y o H 11... led. . Z . ./
offices $11311 hous’e “120-3765511501ch 118 the “01d 11:) Ogram 111cglliated in a 3f) L95 Ang'elggsmg 120W: 805151-5911ub1imt- Appendix ”81W“ 106
tion prov-d Dl'oje andma. ee Br 5 e Studi ‘mlhute t 2 , 1-9, "esidem b 110115 0;. 10,5 of th .
- ' Th 1 e spa ' Ct 111211. 1k, L OddCast’ OS of “7- elevis' 1.935. W2 Y L'he N - the S e Report
Its 6 State] Ce for ' 1‘a‘geme Os Anrr 111g Co 6XAO 1011 1111a ‘ 1th a'Jdit‘ at””1511 E‘Outh, p~ 0“ th
001m y 01d Indo- . ht m beles mpan - 1 the D v . 5111581.th 1011511 m, merg- lt‘muvd .9 Ec0_
dOw n11ed t‘VO—st 01 1'eC1- “Vent . y, In t] . 011 Elslty of ‘ by th ‘ltel'iul ‘ enpy CO1 . 101- th
5 ha Dorche 01'VI10 (33.. t” y mm 19 Clt l‘el‘dtiv bOuth Ce Exten.» lelatmg “1011 in J ,6
fan " S bee] s and ‘ use V ' 10“ a] d lutes . y of den -e1’l“ce ' “"Olin‘ 310“ Div' 5 to SOuth “‘3‘
111V f 1 the 1 Shutt ! Vlth - 1 ans 5 \\ ere d d- C 1s I‘l'i1 1n the 5‘ .1 to '51] 1510“ of Caro.
the ‘ 01' Rea 1 101119 of eyed w' InteI‘Vie- . “'61" 1310 ~ evoted t “t“ in 1- “ed in bfiouth” Ti 0W SOuth the Un'
566119 V 1 y 100 the L‘ In- a W bet- . grah’l 0 3 en“? t ed‘ Lhw “wk Ly ‘6 Re) - C‘511'01‘ .l‘
0f (11. yea . lttle n11011 Ween Dl’es. queS- tw 0 the " Eithe. De and low to H mil 5
amati 15. It page heel- ,5 Tuck . (111th ~ Q gem: other 5 I m‘dy the So )9 Prev
‘0 e . h We- 5 Ih _ 61 111 a pos t. laps b 3 dlfiho ,1 _be J. 5 Em, C; ‘ .5..-
52.55 . VEIItS 111 th as been . 18 6011511111 ‘6 lenlai . and a St ' 11 l'ifliltllon 0t SOIeL studled utkh It is SK? Withoutufflmu
5-5555. 5. .7. 1 _ 5 e hist graph ed In t] 11mg- 10 atlon y “Maul h c5550]. Uneth6r 511155555935“ 1919“
“bk/55925.5:1...” ~55. 013V Thes depicting bat: D1‘esentati minutes .5 $0051.. in“ Within 51:. Order 515?: the
“ "‘5'; ‘- -. ' '+5-;=’* ‘ ~ 0 1'55 1 th
5 .5. :5v‘fiwfifa 81-211 Imlilgtures uSed “hollsmg- in glof Photo- Nfi‘I’PLIcATmN 0 ‘5 101: may 1,:
-5 5 1 “ ‘ 1"!” '2]- ; . 1 r . e ' ‘ 4
. a aw"? 215111 ' Iot mi+t 5 ‘ Se — R C 5 NC ' ‘ , i ‘
., - r... .x. wwfifi ...2 011th 0 c 2 ed v UB ., 1 hAq
x 5.57 . 5-..1 5.3.; of A . 011te t In a Joh E5 ’ b AND . *URIV
. ”“55 4.. -' - «5 N Jr 5 I n a 11 T . ’ 7 . I4 ‘ G
x’r*5% ' 65:5 and agellLby the L0161d during n21? the Natgcl‘el’. 511.3 JRdeWd L IEBRIFATING
N W 31‘? " ~ ' ' . 5 7 .3 de Peat interestOS Al'gele: “Angeles D¢1i1e N0 2 112ml BW'euuouimal 0f Relame and
5 ' need in nVe -. ‘ y 15: - eb- 5 0' ' sew. .
w ” ‘ » Tuckelnfy the studjzhe b1~oadca$“g' NeWs mat?“ Vibp'ltjuary 1940' 53“"‘1‘17'515, V061,] 90f
a ‘5‘ 5.5;"; 5 g 5 5' ' » . -.~ 1,. _ _ H . -_ . O _ _ 1 1' .i . - .
55m ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ 1 . gram, al-lplesen’fation Staff’ and f“1‘jls evj_ 23'1711‘5536 meth‘r’fie maglletiill 103—123 4’
.25 "',""'..' 2 4n .4; ‘5 5 1 . - ' ‘ . _ 5 - <~ C} . , y- . .
:55 '1% ‘. . .' . - 0f futur allgements \ Of the hO’u .0 IOWHIQ ”:13?“tIOnimlfiéoyed t(thamth 1.031355211116551, v _
flaw .5525545 .. “434" Inf e appeal-a Vere made 5111;;- pro. treaty?“C105 and 1- Varimlsmim‘“ 513-5310”7‘0“??th
"»~’V‘«’ix'5‘~ ”"553",“, 1' l , Ol'matj noes. for a - the -lent W21: ~"m1’litud .Hll"lti()11§ (”‘5 of K. 1:00.
55;” . 5 5 , < . : ' 5 5: LOmpanv i 311 gathered b 561'1e5 (2) Elam-age H‘tlglulged 1);h~(1'1‘1... Chasm at ‘3}11'y111g
”$321." . I, ' ' 2 2' CeiV‘ ‘ n iCat y t1] shec' e l"elH'od 'Fg‘th of t ' ) the .IC 1VUneg. (“0‘15 ‘
adv. '- i. ,- ' - . 5% -»‘ lhg 5&1; es that ‘ e broad _ .5 ¥m9ns 2 ”Clbllit, .he 51:. 16111-051 5“. 0f th .
5 . » , :2 - ‘v :2 S .. c . 'DEC 1 ’ dnd . 3 01 \ €11 . . “£113 5 , 53
5‘. 5% ‘ 5;: * '. . ’“ fingeles and :1”? Operatelégota) te1evisigitxng advulnmtfl'eB “311531.335“15$...2‘r655551351210115115515?
. . I A?“ ~37}? i .« V ~ “7] ' 18 ' '11“ 1‘6— («lg-541.8 v: ‘V 0Ve1~ taw. r ‘ “Ce of} indivf v
11‘ £35,515; ”4%...- .‘f‘"~v~;;gf;’ . 5 ‘it ~ 5%; HCh llnmed' Oug'ho for Ldte‘ Th those . “ sand the c “111511
N . ~ . ” .2' 1‘00 are ' late - - . ut L0 the i1 .e me. . ,“'Ith 5 mon .. Omnuct
-. “~15 % ; — ”3'55““; : DIS; Cl 111 Dub . Vlclnlt S than th 1Vesnufit. Lhdmcql wo (11- 31.5 “09- 6d
\V.’ 5 3' . '5 . »~ i ubs’ caf he a y’ man used '5 mum; ‘ 2‘0". \v-d«‘~ "Otary - mol'e tibessed
.»:‘33-';.'( '5‘“ 5. 5' 5’ .v ,‘3‘ 65 a nd S - y _ to m , " letlc - *5 1Ound Vlbpat , 51195
.51.”.5“... ._ 2.. . , 11d 51111 _ my 5_ eds . Win-5 ' to .2 01, . 0f
855 .5521 , - 15‘ M-d ___h0tels. Dubhc "“3 Suitafifif 5315 colntgilg'telEitheflz‘iibbettegefelfnled
. .. .. . ‘ 5 1 dletOWD Hill c, , 5°m1.a.fi;;1efivof 5.2.5:;511155‘5:
5 . :1 '66 .. '. . 5211)]. .‘ of th
. 5 . 5. .5.. ., C A v m Bl dhen '- 8
~ . V Ounc' “thorit ”025 '
. .. . . . ' 1] .1. y. A .- - P1111a _
.5 T1 OteS For H g .3 p115... 1”” 1940 fielphla Housin
u “V5.5” 7:351 ‘;5;.'5;5:'::r<:.vr 1- - 5 ' 5)
Old St *55555555550 b 1e CltV C 01] ‘ 1“ thlf‘ml’hlet a 2- pp- Mi g
Inem 05:18 Mamion 7:55. . «5: Y unanin‘lo Ouncil of M'd Slllg shrub: 111615991) 153341.651 to '1‘d meo_
0 . . 5 5.... 0 us - 1 d on 011‘" “‘1' ‘1 t9 '
Le 2, ’ l0 . 5». 5. 11 Ju ac 1e . N- . tum, .6 of . ntlnt;
f 101‘ Llltle 5 In” llsed a» W' ' W't he 14: pa tlon at a tQWn’ C0 and I}€1f§en1,5gv a; useful a the” lzlwrzpf Hill 0.
0 t1 Pd"e 3 111:1 2 . 1 h 556d 5 e, 1111. Milan . Wall - . “d 51-. .. 5» flu 192k
th 1e colnmu 't 5 Terrace nagm to the 1003.1 h a conel‘ t' L131 meet' 5 “D 0n... as l'emi[:d(lbtlcal h F912;, and
e Stat m y- D - project W“, SBat OuSin a 1011 a 5. “‘8‘ ENSIT “‘5 of m‘pl‘matio.
tie) es, Uni 111mg th - of ~ ‘ of W g 311th _. gleeme C5 Y STA olect 1- 1 1
a - 01 . e 61 es 011 5 nt 131 ND u 93
inétgeu fami1v OJthlfdlem 05516:?" bEtWeen Dub1iillf1000nnecticéiyjlg Univefg'lft Mlddle_ 05-5er Jand NeilARgS IMPROVED 5. b
Se it ‘ th th - “Sin 1 ies y is ' une Onno . z y J ’
Were as offi e ma . e th- of th . g In. 110W 5 One 53 1940 1. T] acob
. l'e cers’h 1151011 - 8 mt - Ogram enga - . V01 Le A _
thtl pulSed h ead , lute1 d T] y In 1930 s. Tl ged i .5 . LV We”
epa y OWeV _ Quarte . 1 ‘ le NIid Was 2 16 p0 _ 11 . A Stud , N0 6 can
Mr: .ge’ the - 91’ b 7 15- T] pro ' dleto 4319 Dulatl I“to c y of th . ' . P
" ‘“- thf1 11 mlst 3 Rebe 16y Vldes f W“ C ’ ' on Sit Onstl'uct‘ e fll”st 1.— age
5 . 1’86 5 Cca V 7 th 01- OOpe . . y Dre . . _ ‘01) r .10 USH
a ca epage 1- +' “S 0f VOOd e u COm )1 1atlon e1‘illl V‘uhng‘ e"(9315 .‘ A-a'd
0 . “hon was . ef‘used to 1 the man ‘ St Sual “111' 1 Ete tax ex .agl'eem 20mg, fa" 551111,}. the USItih‘lt .the 15th Drojecb
ldel- given ttl alned 011 t] eaVS: Evan Slon. .aindard dW Ill-Valent Eli .emptlon and (int “Veils-ax firdinanilem? t0 thOA-a'ded Inflondards obfta go
with * . 0 fi. 1e1 5. Whp Wllc . e In mlnat- 01- 55 " are n 5-K Of 56 25110 gram . en-
ade- - 19- Tl 1Ouse “n OnSISt gs. Th 1011 of a die 0n .~ 0 ZOHlnr the 150 Wed in ale lien
age 1‘ athn ‘10 SO] . and th 1101189 Of 200 . e p150 ‘ Sub- Ontain bites CO E l'egulat. 5 , 45 ,b muflici ‘-
Bfu at th (1191.5 e .s, and .5 umtS , DOsed 1 40 h no de .~ Ve1~9d b 1011s 1_ cm 106, 11.11
Lite] 56d t0 5 e good ’ Stl'u — deVel W i ’ all 1n t pl'Olect 70 _ave den" .nmty 1- y Z0nin "9 3111111.. “ted in '
9113553 1 Carl-y 0 Wol‘flan’ CL 010111th S esthn - . WO—st0.. ' ' mnf-T Ol'd‘ blties be] egulfltion. g Ordin. LAble, and
Th b 101m: . ut the . 5 Com- Tot COSt w' ate‘l th ' .. 1y 1'OW “feet om 1“““Ce 9“' the 1'51 0f thdnces Wh‘
e last Was 5) Older al US .111 b at U _ den» Y the 3 thle 1mm 6 0th 10h
a- a H. e 18 hltyt - ext - the 5 . De- ~ 615 5.—
f‘gberta Rebgf the Litgleged‘ ’ nd the 0f Com1e Cticu: commitmEEBOQOO. tOtal 0 1510111519351?“ 05 .xfifggniné’figttfd by €111;
1 , _ Cca - ‘ a "e . no S f . 7 H . 01‘ all a of 1 'eQuil-e ~
ingyzdls 01d. AtthtlepagegPufamIIY: Mrs S ,' M05321 the State 6.0158171!) Yea. ‘b of the majestftlfitl'imilz:
Dl'ep uthol‘ity Of ththe l'equest tiley, is 110“. LIOtO COu ’ 5000. SIS-1310151 Of H0? Ooh—1940 N ‘1 8-
al'ed . e c- 0' t1 ’ nt . C - Usip . , a -
a h It 19 H y 0 ‘ ’ h1c . -g Ofli . tlon
CohClud' 1St01- y Of C] 0115- R 9 11 » P .4 ago 61a] 31 A
In - ~ y of th 1al‘lest 111 U C llce $9 ' Cole 5, 131 550. .
ture g llnes e 01d h 011 sh es L 9 01111 0 (f1. man W 3 E
5 her of h ous ’ e Ocal Th' 96 to N 0Odb ‘ 60H
01 91' n .. . e. I Ju - - ' -. ls y5 A ur . 1
:‘ted, gran d (21201119, 1115531551 athe shenpthe handifiedJacob E Da P1 Oject Legal £§§1§1,;‘ofe‘1.1§0§AHo 359.130 members") Edltol-_
range . pe - g r; 1c- 0W - ' Vis ' ' t-‘J ' and “ Demon. ‘ ‘ 00k i _ '
. Is a 15011 55 a u . ‘ 5 for . . n In , In a . lvmyyn . Under 2 . . . "5111.195 .
DOSSIble 1511111211 taking u’pbut lonely afigm— d(“-Velsmo‘c0 Couhfge 80111.“ of 1630mm deCiSion [11:0 Diblggleliints thtehfnfiiadinénl‘zsgt Otf ghgrgntlzibutmm
gl‘atit ' yet as 1't- on)- 0pme , h' 0mm “5* 1y h. Using com 1 * a e and Ca] OH:
5‘ ude i 5 1 am 1 “e 1- ’3 011 nt of 10’ de 1 0“ Pler 0‘ 1940' “If th ”mm-am 1’ ete av~ Lee-11 ‘-
Old 11 5 due f gl'at f 00m as a Vaca - a low“ C al'ed t ‘15 D11. netiVit' e V0lume~ 5 all ‘ulable s ‘ A“
OuSe’ 01‘ Spa _. 8 ul to Sta, nt Slte 5 lent h . hat 1;} R actor), of ‘65, St.“ 1S deVot Over th “lmmaw
The and )5 11510. th . Whom te and ls With' 0115111 . 1e 512m,” t HOUSin < e “.y Sta ed to th‘ 5 e comm.
. “er Ilotect~ 5? e hfe T Fede- 111th 8 111-0: c1551 5 ' Ogether .g Agen . te and . In deg”. .35.
tlle Stru t 1110‘ 1t of th he C 1a] 1a _ e pul‘v' .lect in 5 5nd “nofl‘ . With 1. c105 is City 13 _ 11mm“
011 rei f C ul‘es a b S g00d e b J oul't’s . W_ lew of th 1; al'ticle.. ,1clal)_ Tlstg of Ad 51150 incl‘y clty. A
Contra n Omed I‘e built name 55 y 01111 R _ actlon , e and Fol-9..” ‘puMI he Ye. . V1505}, A ~uded in th
St . Con of b - - a ottl leSult Act- .. Last of It. H0 .. «hock genc‘ 5 e
' arch Crete I'ICk 1ICe ngh ed f. Ivme. .. the .ubmr .. feat . let. (em
11elghb ’ ltect and . and of th 3115 t . 101 St-lt . b. b Umt .5 13.55;- ules fi -
0]" urall are th . e CO 0 en - n a . L‘ es H05 ,Y Nath fid btat ~ 1940Z Ve lead
be t1 ’ but l'k - y, to t1 ~ 111 Sha e 01’: Operat‘ J0111 th Sun; endin. ”Sing .5 a“ btx» es HOuv' “11 Ac '
19 ho ’ 1 9 1t th 1911‘ Ve rp mo y of Port ‘10“ agre e perfor Feder 1‘ by M f “thorith‘msv Ad - W14 Aut 09““
5 . _ 5 1 H _Oltga ,5. A21 mlmst" hOI‘lt .5
great mes of A ’ e.V are .“erable uth M SmOuth . 8ment m m ‘1 cus . )Ie In. mm - ldto~ .M
n . .- (:1 et- - 0 be .. - A - . ”11: A . ,bur . 0V: 5 .1. U
Ian}. years “18110311 famiel‘SIgned to cThe Court fZ°p°§ltan ’Hclffiof and the 5‘3?“ cf’egelgg’iii‘;Stratord'fi’lf“”5333‘vyTg‘eriKctIisS‘.‘J-di“5"2t§3
I les f0 . OODe‘ - un 5111 1‘ s- '9 it f . r and - el'al H ‘ . Y St Y 1‘35 of
1 a latlo that g A of th 01 H0 bdfe, . _ ous1 e‘Vart the
for 1 n ag . the 1 uthOl‘it F e Fed me Build.1‘~udrdlnr 31g Adm‘ 5 MCD0n
awful leement Oca] auth . .V- Jahey chef-:11 Home mg and i=_ bourc ‘ m‘stl'at' .
’ - .’ 2 ~ . 0 62 ~ .101;
apphcable sfofperation hmntl‘act p5.21¥‘ay’s 011334.53 §o$;§$:H.TFe§.‘;§;; gank‘VBrgfsgim°‘Th§ngaie
a utol- 1 aCCO . V1 ed min a i50ns ar_ Oduy . Ome L' 1' v" by Ol'k
y and chal’tel-dance with Fa1.;;t1‘a§lon"v 1;)? %Fivit;;:do?0m0n%?:_ Bunchgg; {'11.
1 previs10 émomr ficurity Ad‘“.W. Alefihe F515;. filmed 0n ‘5};
2 Us. ‘entl'al He Federql mmistrat-Xander Anecul'ity A e
beCWtupV Ousi‘m' éOmAgencieglP'lj ahd dwiniStI-atodf
" Central Hmlttee'?'b1he no Team..."
0Using’ Coy Hol.ac€2‘l§am of thk
mmittee. V. Peusle:

 l ”/1 ,1 2'
l H I] ° P '
I ‘4
' ' o s 1 n g r o] e c t s
,1, " ' * . , Around the Country
. 131111;},(‘4‘
.*1...‘1.1;: *1
. 5,1" 'W":"ltw’,‘1" 32‘ . '
F 1,: USHA-Alded Pl‘Ojects To
e , .4. ”~7,,.,W,.,r 1,. 21"12'2 '3
y «W m - .' «'Mw .117111“.......:..’T,17'£‘;‘.;::'i':;;w;,11.17. ,__.. [3,; 'fflfljfl a), "‘_. 3 3... .
" “ 1 $1.31; ”W : M41- 1% ' 1 ’5, Open Tllls Summer
‘ ” .1« g‘wfi : . 3,11%» 9;.» a;
. ,. . ,, v1 :',1; 1/ 3,3113%; zflfl‘fisgfiim . {u
”Wayne;¢«‘»Wuw~1m,m,~. .111,‘ _ , 1. _ , , W V fi,‘ M, ‘ «A h ’ I. 9 I
} JW’Ffififiz’y =.,.::, 111 1' ', {“143 q" ~. , 1.25, ‘1'.” an”: E“ W , ., ‘41.; ',"‘};v;;;51‘ ,
1 ” 1 . M11 34143111111: *- 1+ 1; W
f 11%;; 42,151" 435’.,».,.n,. . I1 :15 1 , $261164; ., _‘ 11,17. ,1” . '11-‘14‘91' , 13 ,-,,1.' .'. 4‘ ,. _>Ifl/_’A‘ «ff-“.1" ) I
‘ ”a a")? 4" *1 ' 1 31'.”’ its: 1"; 1,1,1: “.1 .; ,1 . 4;. new 1 $54.: I . , , .
’ ”1&1”»“’ y 1- , 3’3195 .11 :5, . , m {9. ' K“ s, ,
1 MW .1,2£flc¢,«1m,,.§:s§, 114‘. «PM 1‘111111,:.**'.xz.,1.:~.1:1 .11 ' . , tail: ., ,1‘ 2!. . 1.x, ,, gfii‘ :- ~ , I y ‘ K I {a I" .
. ,,’. =,;;,' . {‘fi‘,i‘“'4‘. 51'; ’31:” W $1771,“ 1 ,,,,, ' t ‘9’ 3 J ‘;v 1A‘ '3!
_ 1 Above : .1 ,, 1,, 1 3.e ”51‘, ’91..“ 1. _&%xxér 1371131,. _. > .7 4:;‘3‘; > :’ , 3138.1”: up"; ‘ ‘ V
5 SAN ANTONIO. Alazan Courts (TEX—6— j L l ~11;$«z.zy{gm%;, ‘ ,1, ”gar 5 ». “I ~
' ”Q1 1%:“33” ~' . T1211" ' " 1,,.;=.11.1 11,1? £11.21
,l Bel ”0 111 “WW3? “a; Jag-141:), 1:1 . ,..., .1; '1,. ., 1w .,1_ b.:£1;;:,,,;€zf:?-9‘ 3,
3 NEW YORK CITY. Vladeck Houses (NY— ' é s” 4 . ,
o—3)—1,a31 umts. To open 1n August. ,. . .3: .. ,, «v1. .3, ”H ‘J, x 2» 13% >
,. , . . . . i . W11»: 11%? 41111112” , -. ,. V111,. ,, 1. . 11.-.;
‘ , «My .M111Jq11312‘11zefl» 1 1112/”«3213 . ..
:33111 *1 ”1’ fig; ‘“ 3,3 :. 121 W 1. - 1 , .. .
l "51’ 71> if??? {35% €€HW11331§¢ L “1/ W ,1 % r&;:j:/”r§f r 1. , '11. , ‘ )1 tag.“ . A _... . ,
) ,, 2&1) 2. gllllm‘llll ‘Li‘fm‘ggg 3g if“; 1%“? Above.
' l N r h" *1; 1% @1111; $13.11.? KNOXVILLE. "7estern Heights (TENN—314)—
) ' VI " “ 11—- ~ 3‘ 111% 244 units. To Open 1n July.
1 ~11" “$1 3 ,g ,1, “5311”“? .. £11,532?“
‘ I.” .. ' ' g’ “’31—: ‘“‘*3"'3-= 1~ 111111.11 111mg: .7 1%”
- I l) & ,1 1‘ ~qi§§€§§§%§~§ 3:1: “fjgjfl <11 §ghfiflé TAMPA. North Boulevard Homes (F LA—3—l,
l .3 ‘. L’ V 157911 r 1%» ‘Efifilfigéfi; J: 1 P15. I & II)—534 units. To open in July.
', «1 1 , ' ._ ,. ~. 1, 1§r3¥:1._:‘,1y;v x“, 1:3,:- 333.31. 1: 11,1 {33.3.31 1‘4,- :5“ . 1."11,,-,*’_11131,
I “ " “R ‘1’” «21111.. 12% Q§“sw 311%.
1 ”v .. 131,31: gx' a , 1', 1 @3311: «(saw 11.33:: $13 infi‘fi‘é‘kaijfi ,
l A ' A “ 1‘ 71" W" 4°11,“ was .’§'1'-,‘”£ ”4:11, 2
41g.) 311’; WEEK , 'JNNJX 1,3 , 1111/51."?1533:571191 7.
. ,._..,,__.;‘_W_,,_Vw.fl,3 " “1K“L~f ‘ N ’ 1 ._ z _ 31;: 12% $211, 1 1151.»
’ * ' 1‘31““ . 1'11 a» 1, «1.... VL 1. . 11-, -,
- l I , V ““1" - Y" /' ’73": {"13“; ADEC :‘,3, 1;; 1 1‘35: 1,» an.
L . ', El“ 71/, '. s £2653) , *fiijl LOW REN’; HOUSES I 5%,! 1.5 ‘x *1,
' ' 1‘3]? 3‘ 1'2 1 asl “Honor WUSING I ’ 1. 1,51. , 11,,- 1
I ’ - , '* ' 13:5». ' .- . ; , sea“ 15-"; . 3.: *~< , , ,Hah'éw
111;, ‘1’, ' " 1% , ':""7§.',,5 l "‘"191«”51¥§‘y%35f; a: I: \«W {-11.111519 31"“? 1‘ .
z 3 . -_ ., .11 m4 _. mm.“ 3 ~G durum,” ; w y , .11
' - s 1 . 2 ¢ 1! 4,“, 511123 nou'iim’“ ”Em V 5 £13..
s . ' . . {2 3.3m- ~,\\»aluc mama,” ,1! ; *1... 11-5791?“
- I I ’ 2 v: i l: I 1. utli‘é‘kg/ In ‘ "g 1 . \J': 4 in 11‘ » . .1
. I H It'll"; 3 12¢: ; I 51;?“ I} :31, j . VII / ** #5117. 1d
. . 3.12.2 :r’ 1 1. 1. 1,3,1; “H.371 , 1‘ , , z: ‘ MW
. The decentralized nature of the USHA /}'f' 1 M” 5:1 1 ,_ n n ' 1 t 1,! I! ”I I'M”? , 3‘; :6
. . ti L: 1~fi§;". ; M -,. .141 73;. I .311 .3. [5'7 {I‘w 1 a. > ”I!
3 program 15 brought out. strongly by these «11: 3; l- 3“ 133:,“ ... W .3: g, 4
l Plcmres 0f PrOJeCtS Planned and 11111“ by .1 ‘1‘"! "T 1 *1: “sci": 1 - 1
a . . . . . , *, 1 . , .. 3', itvu’flzwl, 3112' _, I. . .1, 1 1, a, . .1 > ‘ .
. housmg authorxtles In different parts of the 3 1__ .1 1.. 1:1 - , I”? A“ , ,,
. ' .111 ” .. ‘1 1 ' 1. ;, 1 1 ,, ._ ._ ,. .. w ”1-11..,»A:;Z:.»,1v‘1‘.‘i,‘:_
E country. From the SIX-Story apartments 1“ 3111;: * ,, .1 ‘. , ,1 . .» .1 ’ 1. . .
‘. . . New York Clty to the flat-topped, one.slory “.1 _. _. 3:131, . . . 1:,V,g).dr_¢‘,.fi.¢a~i ., "$3.?“
. :fiax, 1.,1"~11 {1 1311': 1.1,.“ g; _ 1‘.- -. 11., flint-"1‘5; (: 5. 1:1 y
e n . s _ . , . . . ,. . ,z, 3.3;” 41315.1“1 ~ ,' .' 1.9: '. 11-1» ',",1-*1‘"‘a’
. row houses on the plalns of Texas, local bulld- :2 .~ .3; £1. ,, “we“. . 3.7,. 4 1.; .. 3‘ g, .1 ,, ..
: ers are meetmg the needs 0f (llfierent people, ”‘25:. 1-, ‘ 35.1.1)? ,;:'*:1_1-1‘.5,"'..1'.; I 1'. '1 "‘21.? if. 1159a,:i1’1’1?*"‘,2~‘.,‘3‘r‘i* 1 . _,
E . ' 1 " 1’ "“151“ 7 515*? ‘~"’/ 4"; 1”" r “ 5;", "'11:." ' * ’ _
, solvmg dlfferent problems. .351; a N; fi§°~é’* J‘V'fn‘fl ' “fl”:“"“3 .7;- ' *

 . I . F- ‘ ' N
Housmg Conference Average Savnigs on 21;) USHA-aided PrOJects
M6618 Ill COIOI'adO Computed on the basis of the change from loan contract
Rel’reientatwes (bOth faculty and .Stu' estimates to construction bid award estimates
dents) from schools, colleges, and univer— _
sities throughout the Rocky Mountains are As Of May 31, 1940
expected to meet in Boulder, Colo., July 1 .
and 2, in a Regional Conference on Housing Item Savings in Dollars Per Dwelling Unit
sponsored by the University of Colorado. 0 3550 Moo $150 $200 $250 $300 $350
Professors at the University, housing offi—
cials from Denver, 311d others prominent in Net Construction :;:;:;:;:;:;:5;:;:;:;:;:;:;z;:;z;:;:;:;2;2;:;z;:;z;:;:;:5;:;:;:;:;z;:;:;:;:5;:;:;:;zs;z;:;:;:;:;:;z;z;:;:;z;:;:;z;:;z;:;:;:55;:;:;:;:g;:55;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;2;:;:;:;:;:;:;: »
the housnig movement are expected to take E:E:i:5:32;:3:35:3:3:5:3:3:3:3:3z5:3:5:5:5:5:3:5z3:5:5z3:3:3z5:3:g:3:5:3:3:523:3:5:3:5:5:5:3:3:5:5:323:3:3:3:5:5:3:5:5:3:5:3:3:3:3:5:5:5:5:2:5:5:2:5:3:3:5:3:5:§:§:3:§:§:5:§:§:§:§:§
part in the discusswns.
On the first day, Professor F. A. Bushce, I I I I
head 0f the ECOllOmiCS Department, Uhi' Dwel|ing Facilities :;1;:s;z;z;:;z;z5;z:2g:;z:25;:;:;:;:;:;:1:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:
versity of Colorado, will discuss The Sm- Cost i
nificunce of Housing in Relation. to the I
Social, Political, and Economic Life of thc I I I I I
Penile; Mr. S. P». DeBoer. Landscape Ar- Over-all Cost of egg;:3:3:55:;is:3:;:5:3:5z5:3:53;:5:3:5:5:5:3:3:5:;:3:5:;:3:3:3:5:g:5:3:5:55:5:g:3:5:3:3:g:g:3:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:3:5:5:5:5:2:5:3:5:g:3z5:g:5:3:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g:g;3:5: I .
chitect, Denver, will discuss Housing Prob— New Housing 525sS;E55a33$as;535sE;E35a55$25zESE52225223;33352353232532;53233;5;33$;E;E3333;E355355;555:52355;552:3;33553;53553;55353553353;53235;53255555555;E55535255553552352555555552 I
[ems in City Planning; and Miss Catharine I
Bauer of the University of California, and I I I I I I I
Special Consultant, USHA. will discuss The TONI DGVGIOPmenl 3535323553355553;352535553;335525353235553253353253;3535£555335353535;53533523232;5533E;5355555525355555gigigi55;552553555355i5555355&355535555355535533525553323553553533
Role of the Federal Government in, the Cost z:2zE52555:2:2:E:2:;:2:E:2:2:5:5:3:5:3:E5:3:5:2:2:3:232:2:55:35:52:33:52:33:5533:25:3255:5523:5235:3:5:5=3:3:5:2:5:33:32=2:S:E=E=E:S=S=E:E=S:E:E:S
Housing Movement. I I I I I | I
The second day of the conference will —_—‘—”~'—‘—‘——‘“—“—‘_‘—‘—v—‘—’
feature a discussion of The Denver Housing . . .
Project by Wendell Hedgecock, Director, the 26 MllllOll TO Be Saved Ill DCVelOPHlellt COSlS
Housing Authority of the City and County
0f DEHWI‘; The Home We Lilla In, by 1310- A saving of about $26,000,000 in develop— facilities costs were reduced from $3,625 per
fessor Muriel Sibell, head 0f the Art De- ment costs (enough to provide 5,300 low— unit to $3,404; over—all cost of new housing -
partinent, in cooperation With members 0f rent homes under the USHA program) has from $4,746 to $4,436; and total develop-
the Home Economics and All Departments; been achieved by local planners of 215 meiit costs from $5,140 to $4,827.
and Housing for Seasonal Agricultural USHA-aided projects authorized for con-
Il’orlccrs in. the Rocky Mountan Region, by struction at the close of May 1940, —_————'—-—
C- 3- Hazard, Labor Relations Representa— A comparison of estimated costs made Schedule Of Bid Opening Datesl
tive, Farm Security Adin., Denver. months ago on the basis of loan contracts —_____
— with the more recent COSt estjn1ates of ac- Local authority and project ‘NumberofI Date of bid
COUI'SC In Management Given cepted bids reveals a reduction of 6.1 per— gr!___n”mh°r _I “nus VI 0"°“”E7_
. . . cent per unit for total development costs, , _
By Unlvel'Slty 0f WaShlngtOD 6.1 percent for dwelling facilities costs, 6.5 AtfilIlm (037679! Pt“ I 720 7 1(’ 40 .
The University of Washington Graduate percent for over-all costs. and 10.6 percent Bavagfigg'ij'l‘gjgggfj 3’33 2748140 -
School of Social Work at Seattle has 2111- for net COHSU’UCUOU 'COStS- MOTGOVEII‘, ac- 1ngin (Miss.—5+3)....i.. 100 7, p.10
nounced a course entitled Housing Manage— cording to .US'HA Ofi‘lClalS, “the trend .111 COSt Honolulu (T. H.—l—2).., 122 7+ 1+40
mcnt, to be given during the first term of BStllllB-tes indicates a ful‘thera‘eduction.” Houston (’l‘ox.—-5»1+A).. 204 7+ 6+40
the summer quarter, beginning June 17. Savings ”1 dollars per “ml? (see chart _. - _ _ _ .
The course, according to Ernest F. Witte, above) range from $221 for dwelling facil- Ixiiiston (h' Off—lbw 102 “10740
Director, “will deal with housing conditions ities to $328 for net COllStl'UCthIl. The sav— Mggfilsmu‘g (Vl' \ 3'7 4S 6—21—10
in the United States, the social and eco— ings reflect complete local cooperation With Martiiisliui‘gill’l’”flail:I “0
nomic importance of housing, housing legis- USHA’S 1)011‘}.V.0f eliminating all nonessen- 5_2)l 52 6+25~40
lation, and housing management.” Jesse tials and dl'lVlhg development COStS down Mayaguez (P. R.—4+1).. 476 7+16+40
Epstein, Exec. Sec. of the Housing Author— to a minimum. . _ Memphis (Tenn—1+4)“ 500 6+28+40
ity of the City of Seattle, is the instructor. The 215 projects included 1“ the COStS ‘
— comparison will provide new homes for Montgomery (Ala—6—
On July 8, 9, and 10, NAHO will hold its about 83,000 low-income families. The av- DI 136 I 74240
War Western Regional Conference in San cragc not construction cost for each of these Mf‘ntg’flm‘ry (Ala.-—6— I _ I _
Francisco. The National Conference on new homes has been reduced from $3,103 \ZI .100 '7 3",“)
, . . ._ . . . ; C\\£lll\ (.\. J.—2—8)..._._ 500 7+15—40
llaiimiig and a meeting of the California (estimated when the loan contracts “ere New Britain (Conn+ I
Association of Housing Authorities will also approved) to $2,775 on the basis of accepted A 5_1)I 340 5s28_40
be held in San Francisco, July 8—11. bids. At the same time, average dwelling yew Orleans (La-‘1”1,
—————.—_——__— Pt. H)I 36 I 7—17-40
- i I '
Weekly Construction Report NewYork (N. Y.+5+6)_.‘ 1.166 I 771740
Pawtucket (R. I.+2+1)-I 226 I 7715—40
“on, . \chkciidcd : \Vt‘l‘k‘l‘ndl‘ll I l’('l‘(‘t‘llllif_l(} Pllellln CitylAlaré—Q)" 209 I Z— 5-40
I June 14, 1940 June i, lulu I change Phoenix (A1‘12,—1—1)M__" 22;) 1— 14.10
"W” *' fl " ’ ,.,#_._.—#.__ ’——‘* LIg‘—‘_ Phoenix (\Ai‘iz.+l—2)______ 150 7—15+40
Number of projects under construction 1WI 216 ‘ 215 I +0.47 I
Number of dwellings under construction IMM‘ 83,154 I 82,550 I +0.73 San Antonio (Tcx.—6—3). 796 I 7418—40
Total estimated over—all cost 2 of new housing._......I $368,480,000 I $366,252,000 I +0.61 San Antonio (Tox.—6—5)_ 342 I 7+ S+40
Average over-all cost 3 of new housing per unit. I $4,431 $4,437 +0.14 Spartanbiii'g (S_ C? I :
Average net construction cost 3 per unit..._...... I $2,772 ‘ $2,776 —0-14 3—1),___.__i____.__,,_.__...I 150 I 7— 2—40
————-—-—————— Stamford (:(‘01111.-7+l)..‘ 250 I 7—10—40
3 Includes [)l‘Hll‘OKS which lllel‘ lu-cii i'oiiiploluzl.
-‘ lnrlude' Inl lluildiiur the house. including: structural costs and plumbing. lll‘illlllfl, and electrical installation: flu ——__
dwelllnfi cluiipmom, iii'cliiiccls‘ fl-vs. local zidininisii'uiive “1‘0“.55‘5‘ financial charges during cousrruction. and contingency 1 ’l‘liorc is usually a 230»d:iy period lwiwcvn hid il(l\‘('t‘1l§lD¥ .
cvpvnsos; (0) land {or prcsr-iu development: (d) nondu'cllmg l:1('lll[li‘>. and bid opuninu.
'* 'l‘ln‘ cost of building the house. including structural. plumbing. limitins. and electrical t‘OSb 3 Date of hill opening nol definitely established,
Publication is approved by the Director. Bureau of the Budget. as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing. .
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, D. C. Subscription price 31 domestic. foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, :3 cents.
Material for PUBLIC HOI‘SING should be addressed to Informational Service Division. U. 5. Housing: Authority. \Yiishington, D. C.