xt7v9s1km658 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1km658/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1938 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1938 Vol.9 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, April 1938 Vol.9 No.9 1938 1938 2019 true xt7v9s1km658 section xt7v9s1km658 war
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 " , , Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1938 Apt
. ‘ h—ERE‘E m~~x /
, i i { o o - i
i Last Call For Entries In l938 Prize Contests 5””
i} i‘ i : At 1
~ l ‘ .1 Call is hereby issued for the 1938 from requiring specific issues Ml“ Jun
s; ‘ i prize contests of the Kentucky newspapers was made at the re- . .
. t, ,, Press Association. Every editor of 'quest of many of our members. It Entries Wanted F01" COZlne Trophy I
’ ' ' the State, whether member of the'is suggested that “election” issues ' ' ' ‘
;_ t " K. P. A. or not is eligible to enter should not be included among the Grip F01" Merltorlous Edltorlal Page rug/lax;
g I i,‘ g the contest. entries. m _ ieetln
_' i, ' Please read the rules governing A11. Around Contest Kentucky Press Assoc1atlon newspapers Will compete again this ye n. C(
i ' l each contest and follow them to the For guidance of the competitors for the Ben Cozine Memorial Cup. awarded possession to that paper' tive he]
' ‘ ii ‘ letter. Any violation of the rules I the following will constitute the l the state adjudged as having the best editorial page. Theoozine Me 11% cc
‘ ," will result in the entries being dis- 1 percentages by which the newspa- I morial CUP was offered for the fiYSt time in 1935 through the generoslt)‘ a the
. , l carded. Send in as many entrieslpers will be scored: lof Wade M. McCoy, managing editor of the Shelby News, Shelbyvllli; out as
g ' j as you please, but observe the dead-' General appearance, 30 per cent; The winner in that year was Warren Fisher’s Carlisle Mercury. Ml Siefl‘me'
1, : '3 line. The rule that no newspaper local news, 25 per cent; country cor- Fisher W011 again in 1936. Gracean M. Pedley, Lyon County Heraln‘ 'esenl
ii is eligible to enter any contest in respondence, 5 per cent; personal won the 1937 contest. The contest is “wide open” this year. Come Onin! phintfx
.' f 11' which it has won first place during ' items, 10 per cent; farm news or AS the title implies, this handsome silver loving cup is dedicatedti pommi
j , j i' , the preceding two years will be 1 news pertaining to the chief indus- the memory Of our beloved Ben Cozine, who made his editorialypajg‘e at graces}
' I j l l strictly enforced and your coopera- try of the section where the paper outstanding example 0f the best in journalism, and his editoi‘ials'lzgotai- exéci'iti
: ' ' , tion is requested when you send in is published, 5 per cent; general felt force in his town and his state. To retain permanent Dossegsgqglt Sefcigé’ti
l u, ; ; your entries. news, 5 per cent; and editorial, 20 the cup, the newspaper must win it three times. ”V... , H ,' dent I:
i 5; Attention is particularly called to percent. Factors to be considered With the advice and direction Of Mr. MCCOY. the,f9110Wing’1jules werez ex-Ofii‘
, . i the requirement that entries in the I in scoring of general appearance made to govern the selection 0f the winner each year: i ; ind wil
r 1}! editorial, news, and advertising con- include make—up of front page and, , _ . . . . . ‘ . - a
.‘ tests must each be pasted on a sep- {inside pages, advertising make-up d1.d.fage1 conttesnt. “118 page must contain 211 ticles 0f htel aly, feature' :f 21:31
, l ' arate slip of paper, or cardboard, and composition, headline schedule, an e I oria ma . er on y. , , which
i i i elsewise the entry will not be con- literary excellence, community serv- 2- No advertisements Should appear on the page. l—Iowever,lthis wil issue 0
' ‘ il sidered. The exhibit this year prom- ice, headlines’ content, illustrations, h°t bar contestants using such advertisements, but said use W111 COWL‘LMem
a" ises to be one of the largest and typography and press work. against perfection. (See note below.) 1' mittee
. 5', '3' ' best since the contest began. Front Page Contest 3. Editorial matter: preference will be given to “home—written” edir, genero
; l' I —_ Factors to be judged include torials while “canned’” editorials will be a detriment. ders W
l ‘ PRIZES TO BE AWARDED headline content, headline sched— 4. Clipped editorials of community nature will be acceptable. 1ey, (
,.,')‘ M f d , th‘ p ontest These p ‘ ,p ' d 1:11 t tl‘ syndicate materials such as written by Doctor Copeland, Bob Burns, etc,~ entrou
. if? ere in is .years c . mg, appearance an 1 us ra ions essays, poems, etc., will be acceptable. Russel.
' l' ,‘ "i? are made posSIble through the (30111" (If any), and contrast, th . h ‘ . . .11 b . Vernor
_ : fir tesy of the Louisvflle CourlepJour- (Note—Special emphasis will be . 6. A column, whe er serious, ummous, 01 a mixture, W] e con1 and V
,v ' if, if; nal, Lexington Herald, Lexington placed on the make-up of the en— ' s1dered editorial page material. 1 ernor'
' g l! Leader, and President J. LaMarr tries in the above two contests.) 7- Editorial cartoons will be acceptable. Mr]
' if Bradley. Second and third prize Best Editorial Contest 8. Headlines, whether spot heads or standing department heads, will. beautif
‘ E" winners will be awarded certificates. In order to stimulate the editors be judged for typographical balance. ' work 1
. . , , .l 5%; . — im expressing individuality, initia- 9. Mast heads: the typographical appearance, the content, and rela" to Jod:
,1 ‘ El 253:3:Lfiscgngt | tlveytahg.1;afiertslhlp dilt this deparE- ' tion to the page as a whole will be considered . » tiflfl a
' .menw1c 1s ee1or’sown,a— ,. . . . . -.
I' I ,i The executive committee author— i tractive prizes are offered in this' 10' Art work. If any, W111 be given full consideration. l' sectioi.
"1 . , 1 P ized a new contest to be called the I contest. The factors which Will be 11. Makeup and balance: the page makeup with emphasis on balance, (C
'l , “ Best All-around Daily Contest. I considered in the judging are: sub- symmetry, and contrast Will be given close scrutiny. Extra Width CO" 51‘
l . . E This will be open to all dailies in g ject matter, thought sequence, com— umns, in symmetry With the rest of the page, will be given spec1al con] $ tor
' ; f! the state with the exception of munity appeal, rhetoric (diction, s1deration. ivrer1 15;
i i {I those published in Ashland, Owens- unity, figure of speech, punctua— 12. Subject matter: as a community paper should emphasize com; cute
' 1 ii boro, Paducah, Covington, Lexing- tion), and vocabulary. Each edi— munity news and community interests, too much “outside” news will be' 31;? i1
1 l5, ton, and Louisville. The same rules, | tor-13,1 should be pasted on a sheet ' marked down. . rial 03
,_ t in slightly modified, that govern the ‘ of paper with the notation of name 13, Special attention will be given to the rhetoric, punctuation, unitl’n fuhlcth
‘ i E . selection 0f the Best All—Aroundlof newspaper, date Of issue, and coherence, expression, dignity, vocabulary, and fitness of the subject marl interes
1 ii Weekly NEWSpaperv W111 be apphed writer’s name. No “canned” or ter in the contents of this page, , k tries E
" I] if in th‘? Pally contestf. The committee cllpped editorials Will be considered 14. Each contestant will submit three consecutive issues of his news“ that h
( ii is SOhCltmg entiies rom every a1 y in thls contest. paper from which the judges will select the best single issue for com' ant’s c
I ii in the state. Best News Story Contest petition. compo.
‘ t H ——' At the request of a number of ed- . Eacl
it, Enoch Grehan. Memorial itorS, this contest is continued for On account of the time limit until the association meeting, entries'io advert
‘ i' Plaque FOI‘ Editorials competition this year on the best this special contest may be submitted up to and including June 1. Entries ing thr
2 it Through the WIShes 0f Mrs. Enoch community news story. The factors should be mailed to Professor Portmann, U. of K., and should be plain'y' 1 1935
* ,il Grehan and the cooperation 0f the I to be considered are content, sen— marked as to contents. , 0h
h Department of Journalism, a plaque tence and paragraph structure, , . ta.‘
‘ l ‘1'» will be awarded for the best edi- ‘ thought, unity, coherence, vocabu- l In regard to the second rule, Mr. McCoy has written the followmg- To 3'35
, 1: ', torial each year. This will be a re— Ilary, the lead, and community serv- l “Several days ago I was sold decidedly on the idea of eliminating ad”, . oifewsp.
, t [I volving award and a place will beliee value. Each story is to be pasted vertising and foreign matter from the editorial page, which is in ac! con
V} o made on the plaque for the engrav- ion a sheet of paper with the nota- ( cordance with the best ideals concerning such pages. The idea still 15; Tfe
‘ f ;' ing of the name of the newspaper tion of the name of newspaper, good, I believe, but I have discussed the matter recently from this stand}, Th 13
i‘ t l winner each year. The committee date of issue, name of editor, and point with Kentucky printers and newspapermen (not by letter) and" C e. S
‘ V ~ it has ruled that daily papers, as well name of the writer of the story. the common viewpoint was ‘that Kentucky editors look upon the editorial-51‘ otthlhe
a l as weekly papers, will be eligible Open to weekly, semi—weekly, and page as a good advertising page, in many cases promising merchants» eri
a j for this award. This contest is en— country dailies in the state. Only preferred positions upon it. Probably such editors cannot be induced to E (g
g I tirely different from the Cozine crime stories will be barred from change their opinions by just a contest.’ The suggestion was made that evefc
‘ I