xt7v9s1km64p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1km64p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1941 Vol.12 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, January 1941 Vol.12 No.3 1941 1941 2019 true xt7v9s1km64p section xt7v9s1km64p x f 3. - m , v , -- -' :--— "3 : <~-“-‘:'>“r::32..‘:~ 7;] EgEEai x t r...
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I E'EE'EE I E; Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS January, 1941 E
-5 III! 1 EI EE ' I
: ;, as“ l' ’ $ E u
E iEEEE ; EE 72 d M . d . M 0 ton, State Chairman, who presented an i
I, III I II n I 1 'Wlnter eetlng interesting paper on “Plans and Pro. I v:
w IIEIII : II spects for the Kentucky Sesquicentenial I ct
iii IE B k Att d R d Celebration” to be held state-wide in I tl
i IIlEIE E III IE rea S en ence ecor s 1942. His paper will be published in the II
:IE ‘I II IE1 _ _ _ . February Press. President Pedley's in. 'i g:
,I E; IIII Russell Dyche, ed1t0r and publlsher weekly newspapers too might clahm teresting tome—point opening address 1 fi
III; IEIII' of the London Sentinel-Echo, was elect- successfully a segment of national ad- will be found in another column. I t2
IIII,1 VIII :glCipiieSIIdeit gfethfoslifntggiy Eris; 31$- vertising which they do not now receive. James Norris, editor Ashland In de- I e:
E SEE 3 E 72 d 'l ‘ t 'g (I: - '11 e AB' 0' History Related . penclent,Istate commander of the Amer- E al
EIEEEE b n mIic-wIIp er meeting at oulsv1 e, 1-H.m;iiung your bld for natlonal ad- 1can Legion, outllned briefly the Amer- I tl
_ E‘EE'E'IEE _e1ng Itle t)’:S€V€_mh Cdltor to serve vertlsmg, he suggested, glve these buy— icanization program for Kentucky boys I 51
‘ II III SthC “5 foundmg In January, 1869: at ers a clear, definlte picture of what your toward moral preparedness, and re . t1
. E iEEEEtE IFrankfort. .More than 210 persons reg- paper represents; first, in regard to ed~ quested the editorS’ assistance in making '
SI EEEEKEEE El"; 1stered during. the three-day Shsslhn; the itorial vitality; second, in terms of aud- this possible for every boy. E ti
' IIII‘III III largest gathering ever held In Its hIS- ited circulation influence; third, in point w, w, Thompson, Cave City, general ' Vi
. II EII tory. . . of visual appeal; fourth, a true picture manager of the Mammoth Cave proper- c:
I; E1: f The .565519n opened Thursday nlght 0f the market yourIpaper reaches. T611 ties,assured the publishers that “despite 11
II II III or registrapon and a buffet luncheon, about buying habits 1n your market. all the shoutng and shooting recently E 52
I; EEE Eig; I as $211635 31 therlBrCi‘w'n 11—1013}: W35: en; What 1s the extent of the market? What in connection with Mammoth Cave Park . h
II III, E‘. I Igye 12’ e ea Y a “V3 5- . mov1eltl) IS the sales volume of varlous lines? In Control, the whole cave project is one at
II iii ESE II . entuc y was not shown ow1ng to t e short,what are 1ts sales opportun1t1es for of the most cleanly operated that you d
E; EEiniE E illness 0f Frank Evans. , the advertiser?” will find anywhere. “The whole thing is . hi
_ iE IIIEI Li‘ I; . At the business sessron, Frlday morn- .Wlllle Snow Ethrldge, TlOVCllSt. and like a chamber of commerce and a city I it
I II III mg, the assocration turned 1tsattent10n w1fe of Mark Ethridge, Vice pr651dent council battling to take credit for the I it
I IE E1 to hard cash problems. 0f business maln— and general manager 0f; the Courier— construction of a new street in which I
. I E III: II agement rather tlIlan t9 IDUSIngS Of 1.16 Journal and the LOUISVlllC Tlmes, both have had a hand_” . bl
. I = 3;II E I man In the editorschalr. _ answered affirmatively the question-title At a luncheon given at the Brown I fig
_ E EII‘SIE i1, TWO speakers discussed the emphatic to her talk, “Are Newspaperman PCO‘ Hotel by the Kentucky Utilities Com- E 61
E I E Ill E. iiietlllod): 0:133:53] “11%;W2dzeztrlsmgg “152:1: Phi?" . n . ..- pany, the association authorized a tele- I re
I III the keen competitive meldizi) ‘ Ulnquestionably yes, she 531d: Just as gram of sympathy to J. Sherman Porter I 1‘
I , 3 II ,IIII . . _ - are t re bearded lady and the two-headed of La Grange, life—member of the as- I aI
I I E III I, ‘1‘ Czrculatzon Man Speaks man in the Circus Sideshow. sociation, who has been 1'11 for several V]
I ‘IIEI II,E II: The first; was Bert Johnson, Cincin- .. Sal/mg that whlle newspapermen months. . ._ II-
.l I; IE-IIII:‘ I nati, advertlsmg manager of a chaln gro— thlnk they know everythlng, and. the The association’s board of directors I 1a
E. ' I “it If‘ cery company, who urged proprietors of Puhhc Ithlhks they know everything, and the Kentucky Assoc1ated Press mem-
. I EIIIfiEIIII I weekly newspapers to alert themselves their wives-know dlf‘ferent. She CKPTCSS- bers held concurrent meetings during 01
I E IIII ‘II I to advertismg methods on the “displace- edIadmll-"athHIfor the determlnatlon of the afternoon, clearing the program of to
III III I 'E ment” sales method. He said that With edltqrs 1n resmtmg efforts to capture business in advance of the Board of m
‘I EI‘E‘ 1% : the exceptlon Of a few new PrOdthS pubhcrty and suppress news, espec1ally Trade banquet Friday night. hl
: III? II . which have no competition in their in small towns where personal. contacts E. J O’ Brien, preSident of the Board in
i - ‘I II ‘ markets, sales are achieved through “dis- make the problem extremely dhhc’ht- of Trade, welcomed the association, re- I50
i III III , placement’ of rival products. Therefore, Mayor Welcomes Press minding them that “newspapermen and : Cl
i EElE‘ ii: his advice to advertisers W33 [0 stress The Rev. Dr. George S. Wood, pastor women. deal with precious material—hu- dt
, i E II“; II‘ Phil“? 0f superiorityIin advertising COPY Trinity Methodist Church, pronounced man thoughts and ideals.” A lively floor . P1
t . ,IE-II I that features stuff llke ‘ItS Fourth 0f the invocation. In welcoming the aS- show and a dance followed. , a1
E ‘ IE EII July”I and “SChOOI Days BESm At. sociation to Louisville, Mayor Joseph D. Saturday [Morning Session I ra
E , Ii I Smlth 5- . . . Scholtz emphasized “This is not a selfish Harry Lee W aterfield, who represent- :
I ‘ Iz‘IG IE; Advertismg men, he half: ShOUId city trying to better itself at the expense ed the state association at the called Ye
:1 . EE III understand that Joe Amerlca —the 111.355 of your communities. We believe that NEA meeting at Chicago last October, P1
I 1 ‘ EIiE COHSUT1I1<31"—dO€$.11’t want to bother Wlth our prosperity depends on you and the explained the 15-point program that was Pl
IE It . ; l‘IE reasonlng 011‘ thOh’eh arguments, and rest of the State being prosperous, and inaugurated in January by the National e la“
o E “I , EI w111'even deny he IS Influenced by ad- weIare conscious of the fact that the ma- Editorial Association and the Import' (
E i 'I ‘E I vertising. B.Ut,, nonetheless, he. added, JOTlty of our most influential and useful ant part that editors should play 1n 35' i ta
: v, _i IE “Joe America 1.5 subconsc1ously1nfluenc. citizens are the products of rural Ken- sisting in the promotion of the Home EE N'
a' __ III ed by advertisrng copy that relterates tucky.” _ Town Newspaper Plan. This, said Mr. gr
IE :E “it E E‘ superlorlty Of a particular product, and “die want you to believe Louisville is lVaterfield, was a determined drive to l
aI I:,~ I I; hls buying record proves lt- worklng With you for our mutual good, acquaint national advertisers and nat1on- I
hi I I II The second hard cash speaker was not against you,” he said. Vice president al agencies with the potential marl“: I PC
: nE IEE II Carl Gazley promotion manager of the Harry Lee Waterfield gave the associa- and coverage in the community field an . ta]
4’; hi IE IE Audit Bureau of Circulations, New York. tion’s response to the mayor’s welcome the wide possibilities for successful {1d 1 T]
I 2;} Iii EI He asserted that with circulation cer— Other speakers on the program in- vertising campaigns in the communlty E G]
. n III II tification, such as most dailies employ, cluded Hon. Samuel M. Wilson, Lexing- newspapers._ E T‘
- ?4 Eu II? E
i i' 3 E I

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.III , L
‘: uar 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three LI . f _
.1941 ‘ Jan Y, - LL" 1; .;
., . , - . ‘ ri- Resolutions Passed At The IL :
.. td i Tyler Munford, Ur110n County Ad‘ “5003": membemh-lp’ and the T 72 d Mid-Winter Meetin {it I ‘~
-sen e an M r anfield chairman, made a County News, Corbin, the Record-Her- n . g . _ LLLL .I? f,
and Pro- vocate, 0 ‘g ’t f the activities of ald Greensburg the Todd County As the Kentucky Press Assoc1ation it. I i -
- - ‘ ~henswe re or 0‘ , , . . . . - Lg; .
ucentenial comiimislative colinmittee and urged a Times, Guthrie, and the Public Ledger, enters its 73rd year, COHtlIlUlng to grow LLLLL LL E ‘T
[e—WIde m i the ergL id enforcement of State laws re- Maysville, were elected to full member- in Vigor and enthus1asm 1121 the gutting; ,LLLLLL
' ‘ 1'6 - .Lh I
hed l'n {he I Hiii‘dingg Pllblic advertising 0f official 511111 0f three score and terfl aflitsm rto (iretssuto I II III
-dleys m- g ' ~ v ' ludin delin uent Officers Elected At Luncheon generation, It IS proo 0 P g . II L »
g address I financial 161301”). Hui-I lg edlver At the closing luncheon as guests Of note that the registration for this semi- ".LLL L‘: , ,
‘I ' . a SO ur ’ , - . - LIILL
imn. I tax hm by 9011.11 “es; .6 1 g mitte: the Louisville Courier« Journal at the annual “166th sets a new record £01 Iléili' i
1nd Inde- 1 editor to Jom lnLaSSIStlllg t1.e comdd' P dennis Club Russell Dyche was the mid-Winter conference. And it is ‘IIiII
the Amer- II at the next lenglame 5.6810“, 1:11 2:2ch el:Ic1tedpresident,to succeed Gracean M. Significant that the Kentucky Press AS‘ ' LLLI '
)aid re )resentative cou . . . . . ILII
the Amer- I that 1:1l lie on (hit at Frankfort during Pedley, having been advanced from the soc1ation stands unique among its Sister I LLILL
ucky boys I shou _ n y office of vice—president. The election fol- state press assoc1ations for understand- LLLL-LLL,
‘ ssio . . . - . _ L - .L ; v
. and re L' thti sea talk on “How to Hantlle Adver— lowed the approval of the report of the ing fellowship and biotherlly conLirade III! I;
m making I ' n5” Miss Ianet S Shutts the Ad- resolutions committee. 51111) that 1951”“? us to staLn as 2L: lemg III 31*
' . - ’ - E III;
, [lSelt’ Messen‘er's advertising manager, Harry Lee W'aterfield, publisher of example of the motto 0 our Gov:L III L L
y, general vocil'dnedlth'f ”the best way is to give the Clinton Gazette, was named Vice Commonwealth, United ‘Ve Stan . LLLLLLLLL
1 c . . . . . L ,, LL.
,6 proper- Ca“ rvice and results ” Miss Shutts PTeSIdent: and J' Curtis AICOCk’ puthb DWIded “/6 I‘all. 3‘ng “I!
u ' c - , . . t , a . 1 ‘: Ln,
t deSplte hl-m SC ' t to “with etting er of the DanVille Messenger-Advocate, As our countiy Confronts perhaPS The WELL
it recently ‘ 531d the 10b does no S p. g ,. 1 d cremr -treasurer——for his most critical era since our Assoc1ation “5:; LI!
1' I him signed up to a definite amount of was re-e ecte 56 c y . . 1869 l l _ LLLLIL
nave Park ' :_ d t . his co in” She thirtieth year. was founded in , w ien tie gaping . ILL LL 1~
gct is one advertismg an ge ting1 aniLLLm' “you The executive committee, as an- wounds of fraternal strife were begin- LILLII;
. s Siow . . , _ .- Hit
that you definchone serVILC: :1 heart a Ilgd by care- nounced by President Dyche, includes: ning to heal, we renew that pledge of ILII
e thing is . have hls infer-ES hi roblenis and of First district, Ioe LaGore, Paducali Sun- understanding and devotion which Will LL'L‘L LL
.nd a city I fully cons1c eiingL (5 15),, ‘ Democrat; second, Tyler Munford, guide and protect us in the fight we are ILLL LILLLL
t for the I {613118 thle beLstL 510 1:52:11 iis not basing 1115 Union County Advocate, Morganfield; determined to wage that the light of LLILILIXL
in which I 7116 061151125 )1)€I‘ on circulation third, Vance Arnientrout, LouiSVille opportunity and freedom which we so 'IIII L‘LIL
‘ 1 t. . . . . . ,.L LL it,
‘ business; “1 ddedl “II-Ie knows wheth- Courier—Journal (Chairman); fourth, Joe richly enjoy in America shall be not LLLLL LLLL
[C Brown I figuris’ “Cue: is .ood whether it has Richardson, Glasgow Times; fifth, Frank darkened or dimmed. lLI LLL;
;ies Com- ;, ct dtte. lialest ands whether it produces Bell, Trimble Democrat, Bedford; Slxth, To Gracean M. Pcdley, who has ser- ;LL LLLLLLL
3d a tele- Yea 61 ’l’n er" Sl tt 150 said “features” Fred B. VVachs, Lexington Herald- Lead- ved as our preSIdent during the year and L LIL LLLLLL‘ '
an Porter ' resuml Mm . m S'a o tant and ad er' seventh W. W. Robinson, Paints— who has given unstintingl)’ of his time QiIleI "II”,
~ in) r‘ < ‘ x ' I . - - “t t
f the as- L are peLcoming 511:1”:le t'ikC advantage of ville Herald; eighth, T. T. Wilson, Log and talents to the Assomauon, we ex- IL 1;: LII'LIL
)r several L \LlsecL tiCLWLLQCY lest) manifested in mater- Cabin, Cynthiana; ninth, Harold A. press our deep apprec1ation for his cap- LI LLLLIL
' flle lfahfn 1“ er ‘ i l Browning Whitley Republican, VVll— able leadership and guidance. He takes ‘IIEIIIILLI
- 1a 0 tis type. _ . ’ , - . - . . . r . ( 13: I t1
directors Robert L Headen account executive liamsburg; and State-at-large, VletOI R- his place among the ianks of those wli ) LL L LLI
ress mem- A (1 Advertising Agency Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexmgton, have administered the affairs of the Ken- LLLLIL I; L;
's durlng 0f the D 06— n LersonL . would et and Chauncev Forgey, Ashland Iflde- tucky Press Association throughout its I‘LL
0 ram Of {Old members Rura papch - - g- - I histor with 'l mind sin '10 to the con- ti: II I‘
g more State and national advertising 1f pendent. . . y . ‘ . g . . IN‘II‘LII
Board Of ld k the mechanics of giv- Members of the new legislative com- stant maintenance of its prinCiples and LEI? ’I‘ ILLILL
theyLwou LmaLLeLn more simple ,, :‘In mittee are Tyler Munford, chairman; purposes. His administration has been LL-‘L‘LLILLL
. L . .' . , I: I. I I I
he Board iiig tiem acxerl 151 Emitter of handling Cecil “lillams, Somerset Journal; Henry one of complete success and we thank ,IEIIiL LILL
ation, re- L ‘Solmek'States ‘t 1’6 'nvoices insertion or- Ward, Scottsville Times; Harry Water- him for his successful eflorts and Wish I itii
men and I dctec ing C01)le:1"1‘1 is qftended by the field; GCorge Joplin, Somerset Com- him continued advancement and pros- IIIL: L’LIL
arial—hu- els and OLhet fital 5. H‘ d said He monwealth; and Thomas Underwood, perity in the profession and in all things LIL II LII
VEIY floor ‘ press assoc1ation, Ml' ea en. ' V - ~ 1d hich he ma undertake It tit]
‘ also to )osed a)ers adopt a uniform Lexmgton Heia . . . . w y . . 1‘ , LLLLLL
. i p 1 p 1 The newspaper exhibit committee is We express particularly to the Brown L1, LLL
I rate SChEdule. f d Corbin led a Portmann, chairman; Miss Jane Hutton, Hotel and its management, our thanks LL‘: LI L33 ,
'epresent- Jogn bis. Craw EVIL; a )er circulation HarrOdSburg Herald; Mrs. Mark Eth- for their unfailing hospitality and percn- ILLLLIL LLL
1e called rouLLiL ta 6 hc'hi n litiieil discussion on ridge, Prospect; Col. Vernon Richardson, nial interest in making the mid-Winter . L I LLL ,
October, PLLO cm?L w 1:311 TC dailies 1nd Weeklies Daiiville Messenger-Advocate; and Jerry meeting of our Association asuccess. We If:
that was P ages 0 sma lcl Y1 and mining areas. Freeman, Cumberland News. appreciate especially their entertain- LL LL :1
Natlonal a iind‘ 0th aLgrlcu tura d on this round- ___7_________ merit and considel‘atiOn thlS year when ng it Iii '
' ort— ltors wro appeare , . . - ' i above '1!“ 2’? z
201F115 as- L table inc‘luded Alvis Temple, Dally Layouts—An attractive layout,LL COH- 321221;}?LliifnaicigtSEmdatlons 5 LL LL.LLL _._
’ a ' ~ B. Embr , ' ' - ntr-one illustrations 0' r0- ' _ LLL ;; LLL .=.
[6 Home News, ,BOWhng Green, gallosand Hart}; tammg tWC t1) was successful in seliing To those who gave of their talents and LL I LLL L
said Mr. ' Embrys NewspapeIS, LDC” ductS, LTBCCU yrocer on using a page ad- efforts to make our program one of the LL IL L- L
' - . . . . -' I H c
drive to Clark, Harlan, Enterprise. a smal townLg Arkansas aper By most timely and interesting in our liis— 3; 11:, II
d nation- I Robert L" Elkins, Lancaster, was pro- vertLlSCmfint in fazats of WCll-kElOVVl’l DrO- tory, we desire to express our thanks I LIL It .2
market I POSEd as a life member, final election to havmgp leimyd0 1 ublisher can produce and appreciation. All of them offered {IILII i 4
field and " take place at the mid-summer meetlilg' ducts 0:11 in ’ :11pr sold to local mer- outstanding constributions. We refer in L. Li ‘,
55M ad‘ I The COHCSE HQightS Herald’ BOWImg largea 8-: at C 1 ' k to particular to Mrs. Mark Ethridge, of II: It? ‘;
it I G. d M E 1 n Harris Bell chants With less effort man it ta es . LL :LLIItE i-
nmun y I ieen, an r. ve y c ’ 11 d when no layout is shown. Please Turn To Page Five :9: 5L ,-
I Telephone Co., Atlanta, were elected to sell a sma a L LLL L L
iI I

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II'IIII]I1,IEII,I glacrurfis Agni“ Execggouisville LEéore’dPa‘Ejn‘fin 11; any newspag [he InaJOrhI-D the Russell DyC Of I prf
1 1 : -: ‘1, - D1 1. .. Joe Iunfor 1 me - o 00 . it m age
. 13 {II 1, 1,‘ ‘1:- 1 entrou; F115" 1e? 1‘ 11], Joe ~im' 11 5’ . 13 W ' d T l
:1 I“"I‘1‘1‘1 vagfifip,Aéfgifimasnecongénfirgé: £83k 131;“ $5311; 1655, Lhacirculatlon d and puthhf'le , ting career . ahand badly1n 1331
I II III 1" 111 1‘“; (T _Dem0clacalte1 M025; Fwd) Fred W'I R0 1 g whlc rinte .1 S Of t ' WI ed hlS ,, . b preSS- 1
1i 1. ,1] .. sun Advo Tlm, . SIX 1 h W- . n, L? here P 5 ml 6 . cm3 a81 1 J0 1 Ma
=EI‘I ‘I‘ ;11 county Glasgow atold’ . sevent 'T W11.S° W1l- mty W - s of 2 1- hed, a n he m “Mode be an 1
1,111III111 ardsom Ochat, EfLeadeEIUhth, T1Br'0wmpgtbr R1 €01 . - a radlu d pub 15 five Whe d "111 01d editor g 1] a]
_ 111‘ ‘III‘11‘1 I 1316 Dem“ Hera‘Herald; D 31A- rge1 V1c and I‘ Wlthln inted an . t0 fee ‘ aS an Moun' ' P
5 M11} 111 Lexingt‘? 1svi“.0 , Ninth,tafe‘at—laLeXil-lgton‘ 0 here pr . eX' trymg ntul’e ed the I Ch
21 11111111: 1, 0n, 13am 111mm“?L lean; S 6581 dent lace W h blll ' first ve Urchas Dyche’ '
]1 Si'm’. scabirh C) RepubllCky Pg Indepen , p d that t e from H15 1 he P A. R' ' Ru
. 1. 1 _. , . . 1 11 - 16“ . . hen . 1878- 1
11‘1I1131‘11' 1. liamsburg Kentu Ashlan mmee halrman Or bserve t10n _ 1903 W 1115 fat nCe (
,, :111 ,. , unan 1 01.gey1 . e co!“ te1 C homas -1 be 0 . exemp all In om ‘ her 51
1] 1‘1]?! 1 1 1 Pol‘ cey F ism-“v . AdVOCa tte; T rd, W11 . non ' lude . hO fr . Iblls ears
1 11 151-1111 . Chaun Leg ntleld Gaze ry Wa It 11”Cula to 111C - ‘- 1n EC ItS Pl three Y the
I, 11.11. 1 Iorga union (1' Hen 1m Jr" the C 0 0865 . 11ml [8 been 1 of a]
11 “I I. , Mumford,t11rfiela, C Hera] 1R, JODSOmer- tends oand pr P . ulatlon 10 had interVa ht form ,
1‘ 1:1, ‘ 1 1 1 I ’ - . ' tor
:1 :1, 1 1 Tyler e Wae Xlng‘9nGeOTge “nams’ 5:00 IS cll‘C “‘1 I‘ an ' I‘ SOUg ‘ a] ‘
II ‘I‘.‘I 2] Hartrjbrildg‘re‘évlfgf‘beilniggith'; Cecll W1 1 3,000 taopers under :1}; weekly, th Car- Except If: young Clddlthational Nofienell I era
“ “I 1 ‘ Raucfih monw mine" - an; ewSP 'l a 3011 H has
, 1 1 , . . Com . om 1rm , n dal Y f . hen 16 0 - e . bI‘C
I I1“? ,1 a‘zngggffial. 8pm,” Exgfiggfprefiégflfirgggi; tation, bOthtatiVe Fu1m_er’I:eaSure (H'Jf Wducation 31]: Eamon Ohlfiiphever slnCe' ‘ we]
. ?: I‘I: ,g‘ i 11 Se New anny Kegrodsburg W- Richaeeman, Represen CCd hls - ation 0 C _ I‘Sity’ C . Echo-S I . aper:
‘ ‘ 1"“ “11 ~ ? Portm n Hal- COL V. rry Fr .ntrodu investlg 1 ‘ Uane of 1115 . of his p {lb
I I‘1I 1.1: victorfa‘he Hu‘grbspec“ ate: Je ' a Ye" ize an - in P” p . helm 1'sh1ng rub"er
1 1 :1 . . ,_ five0 a, olln ’ uthOr t1c€S - t the 3le 1 - of .
] III .1 1 stsk Ethrldgeienge), A berla“ 15) to a . - praC . “dis a . the l laklng 1 mes,
] I11.I1, 1,| 1‘“. “jar _ Mess S Cum Res. OllStlc . 'ng III p Besldes ' the n S)€C1a 1
1 1111 - 1 Danvlne nty New’ d m0n°p ice-flxl t0 the 1 lizeS 1n ermzl1 1 tion Re‘
; 11,111I ,1 j 1, ri—C‘Ou IAL— llege Cd pl‘ Ted eCla frat eleC
_ 111 1,. . T OR - a d alleg _ s refel he SP d scals1 . Every re —
1 ‘ I13 111 ’1 6D”. N 00d an blll Wa . 1 re. S an 1165- . t0 I110 Prc
. , 11 ,, 11 W w e tn 1- m . es
I I ‘11 IIII ‘11 1] TIONAL OCIAT‘O . aper- TI} on AgrlCu 5L3 P1 cthn SUPP Supph ,
t 1 111‘ 1111 \4-1' A5 [N f01 P Commlttee __ and e 6. les necessary he state 0111' mg
-‘ ‘ 1 111‘ “112‘ .1‘211‘1'1‘1341 ' use ~———* r111“ - in t - his C cer‘
1 31.11 1 .1."pr H0 _—— - nt he 1‘“ untles 1n . - ,
1 1I '94“? "‘“ ‘ 1316““ ho 100 CO 1 leader erpnsmg 11B1
. 1 . New - 1-Ec 1 than 5st ent .
I III III I1 III am, Meet You7 London Sentln: extra‘ AS a suCCegoal Of evil"); had an 21:31 I Ma
1‘11 .41" . u . ~ 3 . te
I I “‘I‘ ‘1 I 1I_II; ER (mm? Russell Dyche n d entreprenet of the mumty’ Ithe editor’ hIe fact 18 atteS i5 1 exe
g I 1‘ ‘ III‘ II1“ MEMB W S d'tor Printer a1 (3th presldenthe mld' comlnunli-yll life, Whlch '11 whlch he ‘ (31111
,1 7.!,.1“. e 1 ’ S 69 . - at d u teeml his 1m- 1
.I ‘ 1‘; "111,“ PRE - Wa latlon day, ' P an d es . T An
, ,, .. 11 lnarY1 ssoc _ . atur t1V.~ an - nS- . r- 1 .
“ “ “‘1““1‘ K ‘TUCKYTION (121111651 Press :1 Louxsvfl‘e’ Seed from by the 1102(1): fellow Cfitlzzmmun‘w fed IV‘H
. 1 ‘II‘11 IA 6 eeting n adVa“ d by ‘ elfiS rom" 1ca11
, 1 111 111- I SOC y 1:69 inter 1n ing bee hel - of unS d and P d by
.1 1 11 111‘ 1 AS BMW“ W 181hav 'dent- live, ing 115‘ - u urate heade - 1016
11] II] I11 oRcANIlE January ice-Presl . Echo, a p08 ely ma g an be r fire ‘
II ] 1I11I I-1I I 3 ffiCe of V ntlnel' theast- ‘CC larg 613 C luntee 1 Dal
‘] . '1] 1'11 1- he 0 he Se he 5011 V1 ’ ewspap he vO D Che .
11‘ 11:1 111- Numbe t - of t ft MI‘. he n - f t . Mr. y mlt
1 1 1-11 1 12; dltOr aper O tate, by t ' [10H 0 11Ch d‘
11 I II f E newSP the S _ anlZal Ew1 - foun 1
1 1 1‘111 ‘ ()Se ' ake ' n Of ' mem he Org ' 1922 O ' 6 Its ' ‘ thh
(1 ] I} ‘1 1 1 [ion P1017 wlde'aw ‘n SCCUO 1; active - t ent 1n hief Slnc he Ken
1 1 '1‘ ."‘1‘ mm“ ounta1 e m0S , ervlng e artm fire C , of t r 1 con
I 1' I: ‘1'I I Ame” he c0nS t to ec- DYC the Pres ear, m a . He saw - en’8 the .‘ ~
11: 11;, 11,11 . to t dmen d s of after Y hen as mg- Flrem des of d Is 1
1‘ Il Lla‘ rdlng - amen OSe ’ her ear 11d t _ State tOrCa ara e I
C ‘I11 11‘ I ACcO 110w1ng as PrOp - - f 11y, Y . ms 21 ' Com Icky m0 he P - s 60
. 1 . - - th u nme uthe . u On s ‘5 1t 1 P
I If]: ‘1 J the f0 .Cle V, W mld-Wln fa] . tee asslg the exec hall“ (3 yearS- rOUP ’ nless t
11' t 1 -. “‘15 ‘1‘] KPA: C Artl at the at ommlt ber of inted C [hre ~. slnaller g CCSS u siren CX‘
3 I“ III [ion Thred’ Secondefili be voted (Enline fong-time ”113;; he was 21131321th electeg or of Itssjdered a stuCCar with the 1 exp
i 1 IE d an WI 138 . In - ’ comm an t Con . hie S . h
1 5 ]‘ 11; m0ve - and 1 The mlttee- ecuuve 1940, _ n0 1 6 fire C eS- I t e
1 s 1 I‘,‘ IiI meetlng meetmg' f the ex . anuary’ ulde 1 d by H for the - ‘ Iis
. ter . meJr - e- an 0 m J 1 n to g ‘ e n. ible W11' 0
1111 II1I1 ld-sum reads- hall r m sident - Selectlo he en- 'de ope espons ksOn ‘ a1
1 .11 1 1 the m 'on now rer 5 his vice-“I"e by hls for t “’1 . elY r i lac d0n1 1 m
1 1 .1, 1, 1 - ctl easu for ored rouP s larg Lev 1 ~ L0n ‘
, 1 1 I" I] If I f [1115 Se tary-tr ear hon that g He 1 f the 6211 a— l 1
1 , 1, 1 o cre er Y n0W . ~ of . t 0 rk n 1ebr |
1 1. 1 1113 ‘ 1 “The SC f $100 p destlnles eel“ 0“ bhshmen tate Pa ’ a1 CC e 1 a1
11 t I III] ,1II lary O r0V._ the Cr car . [21 Road S he annu f Th 1 g!"
.1 1 .1 , . SF:1 app . ear. . Wspap rn 1n . ess . d t d 0 1
1 01 VI 11 €le a - h was mg y h1s ne 3 b0 deln 0‘3 k En
1, 1 1, ,1 C n hlc su ted he wa . hO rom Wee
1 f .‘11- ' es - t W star hen EC d haS p 11 “he
1. 1.1 1]] Servlc dmen ’ . e He 884 W unta1n an ‘ I
r t,- 1:; ,;,1 amen 110W5' 11 haV 20 l ’ he M0 , and . thereln’
11,1 . 1 The 5 f0 . e sha rch ’ ver t hshed . hon
1 V. 1.1 1‘1 ad a 1tt€ the Ma nt 0 ub
a. I ‘1‘ ed, shall re utiVe C0mm1 salary of the apartnIHCh paper was Pe started hlS
.1 a1‘gI1 “The exec 1 e annua 1'ce whlc I father‘ H
1 p] '1 :11 set ‘1 , 0H1 ’ b 1115 ‘
a] ”I I2 power totreasurer" edited y
:1, {:1 II; 1: secretary —‘_—m':0‘daY-
1’ “i I‘ “ . lat news 1‘6
.1 r1; :1 Semdmt1
3’: I1“1I‘§‘
0-: '1 ‘1 1
“ nj III!“
1 1 1 I‘] I 1 ‘
] ‘1 ] '; I
,1 1" ‘,2 1 1

 ‘ . - -. . - . - - , -' , . ' ' ,7? ..,.' _ .....M,_..i.,._.-c. WW», ,,..,_,_,__m,,_,,,,.,, , WWW, 3., . ’ "
t" 2E3; "E 2
i 5’ EEE E?
. 222,‘ E
. 1941 ‘ January, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five XE E E I .
‘ ...‘22‘22 : . -
2 2E 22; :
-=-====:===:2-:-=+':=- 1 Full Moon In AUgUStn’ WhiCh event: for the bUEet supper on Thursday, the firmly adhere to [he opinion that the EE, ‘EEE, .
vi E this year, attracted 20,000 visitors. He Kentucky Utilities for their luncheon there is no competitive force anything EEEE .3:
)5 .. is a member of the local advisory board Friday noon, the Louisville Board of equal to our medium in the moulding, of E‘E EE:1 E
3,3,, » of the Park. Other local ‘promotions Trade for their dinner and entertain- community opinion. E EEE q;
,5 include that of the munic1pal owned ment on Friday evening and last, but The KPA has added seven new meni- EE EEE
, and maintained cemetery from private not least, the Louisville Courier Jour- bers during the year now closing. These EEE ‘EE ..
32‘ E ownership, and the annual Community 1131 and Times for their annual luncheon are very welcome. We should have a EEEE E‘,
45% E Christmas Tree since 1932. at the Pendennis Club we renew our material addition to the membership ,EEEEE .
’ Private enterprises owned and man- perennial thanks for these generous re- during 1941. Your retiring president EEEEE’? .
v Eaged by Mr. Dyche include the local ceptions. would respectfully recommend to the EEE .
t32:23:21.2.asthms‘ez.”this .. treat“? a1: EE
v E London which he operated for several rred Nolle, Of the Fourth Avenue A_ be made to bring Kentucky newspapers EEE‘EE 2
2 .1 it was leased in Januar musement Company, operating the into the KP A. EEEEEEE
4 years unti - y’ Rialto, Strand and Brown theatres; C. . . . . . EEEEEEE,
, 1940; operates seven modern apartments R Buechel of the Mar Anderson and You have been notified, indiVidually, ,EEEEEEEE
which, for sentimental reasons, are called G. : H ’ f L ,y f 1 . ’ concerning resolutions adopted by your EEEEE EEEEE
the “Pica Apart merits”, and is erecting eOige unt o owes (3r tielr ECYCI“ executive committee with references to EEMEEE
another four—plex which will be named generous thoughtfulness "1 Prowdlf‘g the solicitation of advertising in roto- ,J‘E" ’
, the “Nonpariel”. . for our complete picture of entertain- gravure sections, with guarantee by the EEEEEEE'
E He is director of the National Bank merit. vendor of many thousands of Circulation EEEE EE E
of London and the London Federal It is With deep I‘GngtS 0f Sad hearts by means of insertion of the said roto EEEEEEI
a . Savings and Loan Association, and past that we record the death since 0111“ last section in regular editions of the news— EEEE EEE
e age of ' president of the Kiwanis Club. meeting of Vaughan Spencer, the able, papers of members of this body. I would EEEE 1.
badly in E He married Miss Mae Martin of sincere and vigorous editor and pub- respectfully suggest that you conSider 1.1”}
job press. Paris, Kentucky, and has two children, lisher of the Kentucky Farmers’ Journal. well what this practice involves. You EEEEE EEE
0r began EMartin, who assists him in the news- “76 miss his bright smile, his warm per— are aware of your own small profit, EWEEEE
1e Moun- .4 paper plant, and Margaret (Mrs. Arnold sonality as our state feels keenly the loss if you have mailed out these roto sec- ,EE E‘EE-E
1- Dyche, E Gregory, Somerset), and 0116 grandson. of his inspiring example and leader— tions, and it is well that you consider iE‘iEEE,t
rice 1878. ' Russell Steele Gregory. ship. To his family and associates we your probable losses, including the loss IEEEE
1‘66 years Of course, in between times, he finds tender our abiding sympathy. of prestige of your publication and to ‘2! 22’
It formal E the necessary hours to write live edi- T , , ,. this, your press association. 33:2] EEEEEE; .
‘. Normal 2 torials and s ot-news stories and en- 0 0m beloved past president and The assistance bI Vic Portmann and EE iitil
' p ’- g herished friend Cecrl Williams our . . 5 EE