xt7v9s1km53j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1km53j/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1890 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Lexington, KY: Will S. Marshall, Jr., Printer Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, November 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1889, Court House, Lexington, Kentucky. With Reports and Constitution. text Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, November 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1889, Court House, Lexington, Kentucky. With Reports and Constitution. 1890 1890 2019 true xt7v9s1km53j section xt7v9s1km53j MIN UTES
:50]? THE:
Rovember 19H» 20ft, 8c ZIs’r, 1889,
Will 31btdglégil7’fidl’iiritu ,

 ‘ l
- l
s . Superintendents nl‘ Dcpartnlonts.
l ——o——
Bible Study to set forth the true position of \Voinanm
1 Mrs. Hallie, l'l. Sawyer, London.
l. ‘ l’olitieal Study—Mrs. Mary C. .Roark, Lexington.
‘5 Literature and Press \Vork—Mrs. Marion \V. Huber
"" i 1910, Floyd Street, Louisville.
ll National Enrollment—Mrs. Sarah Clay Bennett, Rich- V
‘1 mend.
' ‘ Petitions and Legislative “fork—Mrs. Josephine K.
" Henry, Versailles.
Edueational Opportunities for Women—Mrs. M. F.
' ‘ Rogers, Clifton.
industrial Opportunities for \Vomeanrs. Isabella H'
Shepard, 31, East 12th. Street, Covington.
. . ‘ Hygiene and Dress Improvcinent—Mrs. Sara Randall
lioreing, London.
‘ State, Organizer—Mrs. Eugenia BFarmer, 1026, Russell
“ . Street, Covingtdn.
I. Work ainoimr Young PeoplevMiss Ella Porter, Glas-
-; __. now.
i ‘ . Advancement of \Voman’s Work in the Public Schools
1‘ jg, Mrs. May R. Patterson, Berea.

 ~11111111613 r9 amzah ens. : -.
Richnlond EquaI Ilights Association. .
’ ‘1 r»
Organized November 7th, 1889, ten days previous to
the Annual Meeting.r held in Lexington, with the follow-
ing officers—
' PRESIDENT—Mrs. James Bennett. “
VICE-PRESIDENT—Mayor Jacob Collins.
TREASURER—Mrs. Lucy McCann.
Twenty-two members 21111.1 will meet monthly.
Mrs. Hugh White.
Miss Rollins Bnrnam.
Dr. J. M. Foster.
Mrs. George Pickles.
Mayor Jacob Collins.
Mr. I’. M. Pope. 5‘
Miss E. Sinners. 9 ?
Miss Mary R. Shackleford. . 0
Mrs. Shelby Irvine. : .
Miss Lizzie Wherrit. , ‘”‘
Mr. Ed. McCann. ~+r 1‘
O. .‘0 ' ' V” "3

Mrs. Ed. MeCann.
Mr. W. F. Francis. V
Mrs. ‘V. F. Francis.
Mr. Chas. Bennett.
_ ‘ _ Mrs. James Bennett.
‘ Miss Belle Bennett.
_ ‘ Mrs. Mary B. Clay.
’g’" :‘ Mr. William Peyton.
" ‘ Mrs. William Peyton.
Mrs. William Arnold.
3 , Miss Ella Gibson.
‘1 '1'»
La urol County Equal Rights Asso-
‘ —0— .
“ PRESIDENT—Mr. W. Ramsey.
VICE-PRESIDENT—Mrs. Lucy Williams. ’
Borcing. ,
RECORDING SECRETARY—Mrs. Sarah 11. Sawyer.
TREASURER—Rev. E. H. Revell.
Organized in London, July 8th, 1889.
There are ten members, meet twice a month. Their
first open meeting was addressed by the President on the
- property rights and privileges of married women, and
was well received. Mrs. Sawyer has been Very active
5‘ and distributed a great deal of literature.
' * November 19th, 13s.).
° ' Names of flfamllcrs:-
6‘ ' W. R. Ramsey.
2+5 :5 Mrs. Sara R. Boreing.
V?’ r)

Mrs. Sarah H. Sawyer. , 1, r.”
Rev. 15. ll. Revel. ‘ l. '
Mr. J. C. Caldwell. >
Mrs. Lizzie Catching. .
Mrs. Alice Jones. _ t.
Mrs. L. J. Williams. ‘ ,1
Miss Addie Cochran. L
a . ‘R
V Fayette Equal leig‘hts Association, C ,5;
. , as"
Loxuigton, Ixy. 1 g:
4 " z
——-o——— I.
Organized in Lexington, January 6th, 1888, with eight .
members. The following oll‘leers were electedz— * ‘ ;
l'RESII)l£N'l‘—B"IlSS Laura Clay, 78 North 13"oadway. V 2
VICE-I’RJESI1)E.\"1‘—;)'ll‘."5. Francis E. Beanehamp. 3.; ,5;
Connnsroxnlxu SECRE'rAnY—ers. ll. B. Clienault, S. 3135‘;-
Broadway. "f 35;
RECORDING SECRETARY—Miss Anna M. Deane, 118 S. 5 iv:-
Mill street. ' f 1.13
TREASURER—311's. Mary C. Cramer, Clay avenue. ’ E '-
There are twenty-four members 11nd they meet every 1.
Friday alternwn. \, .
Mrs. M. J. War-field Clay, 78 North Broadway. .;
)llHS Mary S. llamilten. Kl
mm". E 17;. \_\"alke1‘. ‘ , .~— 5 .5
Mrs. Pearl Uhenault—Evans, E. K. Asylum. V 3‘ '
Miss Minnie Walker. " f
A. P. Morton, 111 \Vest Short street. "V
Mrs. Annie E. Allen, 142 East High street. A . ~
V" ' « .

. 1 .3 KliNTL‘l‘K y 1:411:11. 111(111'1‘5' .\.\‘.\'1 11'1.\'1‘111N. 7
’ 1 Mrs, Mary ('lralz-Mnrlon, East 8111111 street.
Mrs. '1‘. (10151111111, East Slmrt street.
' Miss Mary 11111111119, City Library.
‘ , Miss Mary H. Hoyt, North Upper 1421111111..
. 1: ‘ Mrs. M. 11. 1911111111111. North L'ppm‘st1‘cet.
: Mrs. Mary Barr—(11111(:11111'.
‘ ; 1 .. Mrs. Emma l). Recs.
. '- 311% Mary C. linark, 81111111 Linn-slnni- st r1301.
'= Mrs. R. A. Charles.
‘1; Mrs. 11111111111 Ulwnanlt-Runyon, M. l). ‘
(1'35 Mrs. Kate 0 1111111110, East High erm-l.
f g Mrs. Josephine K. Unnry, Versailles.
‘ 3“ t _ __,,#‘—
'3 Glasgou' Eq uni Itights xlssoointion.
a —0*——
’1 (,11'g1u1iz011 April, 1881), \vitl1ll1ir1w111 1110111111-1's.
‘ 3 3’ V11-15-1’1115s11111:.\"1‘ —J11113_11- '1‘. (l. RUlellllS.
E. .I‘.‘ CURRESI‘OXJHXH .1x11 1:151'1111111X1; 515(‘1HS'1‘A12Y7311SS Ella ‘
5:; 11 f 1’01‘11‘4‘.
‘15ng ’1‘111;.151'111911—M1-s. 11111111111 Evans.
51E ’1‘111: l'ollmring: are 111(311111111‘s:
, ‘_» '1: (.‘01. .1. Evan. 1
f - Mrs. .1. Evan. '
11 Miss E111111aKi11g. , ,
_. 11 . Miss Margaret131111111101; 1411111011.
: 11‘. M. Win-1101'.
7'1. Judge Trill Reynolds.
~_ 1 5; - . Mrs. Jmlgc‘Dolunicy.
' . g - . Bruce 11111011031. _ ,
t. l. . Miss Angie Dulumvy.
,-, Miss Elise Aubert.
9 Miss Nettie Aubert.
A - ~ - Mrs. Nannie Duane-Hired, Elkion. _
"u ' A .
1 ,
1 .
.\ ,,..-v,,,__._._.__,,-, ,, , # _______1 ____J

 ‘ , ‘i
——‘—‘— " l
. j j'
Ifenton County Equal Rights ‘
Association. ’
R |
—o— ,
Organized in Coviugton, October 22d, 1888, with six 3. ' l 4:
members. i ,
PREsInENT—Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, 1026 Russell p .
street, Covington. ‘ i, ’
SECRETARY AND TumsUREIt—Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard, _,
31' East Twelfth street, Covington. t. ‘
Two of the members of this Association were raudi— l
dates for School Board Trustees‘*this required a great t.
amount of work—the candidates were defeated, but the ,‘
race was considered a good one. The Married \Vomans’ r ,9 ‘
Property Rights Petition was well circulated. The E ‘
present membership is twenty-four—meet the second 3f
Tuesday evening and the fourth Monday afternoon of 3:
each month. i}
November 19th, 1889. g,
Names. 1,
Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer. ’ t
Dr. Anna M. L. Furber. l9, ,
Mrs. N. W. Halsey. " -~
Miss Rosa M. Johnson. é.
Miss Rose Shine. {
Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard. “” ,_
Miss Georgia Thurston. ‘1
Mrs. s. B. Waleott. ’ A
Mr. F. P. \Valcott. t .
Mrs. C. E. Warner. 4 ;
wok , _,


 , ii
_, ‘. Commzllce on C'oarlcszes.
‘ Mrs. Mary C. Cramer, Chairman, and Mrs.
‘ Franels.
~ . COMM/DUMB 072. Oralentials.
.‘ Mrs. E. B. Farmer, Chairman, Mrs. Isabella
3‘ ' , <- Shepard.
- 7 Committee on Finance.
J r i Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard, Chairman, Mrs. F.
’i E. Beauehamp, Mrs. M. F. Rogers.
(1 .
l ‘ Cowmuttee on Pabhcatzon.
‘ Miss Anna M. Deane, Chairman, Mrs, Mary
; . C. Roark, Mrs. E. B. Farmer.
* i . u n
'_ Committee on. Resolutions:
g“, Mrs. F. E. Beauchamp, Chairman, Mrs. Isa-
i: hella H. Shepard, Mrs. Francis, Mrs. H. Sawyer,
g, Mrs. M. F. Rogers, Miss Lourse Southgate.
33. . . .
i C'ommztlce on Aadrtmg.
£3, . Mlss Louise Southgate Chalrman, Mrs. W. F. ,
" -~ Frances.
‘9 Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting.
w l of the previous day were read and adopted Sec—
, " retary then collected the credential cards.
1 . The Committee on Credentials made the fol-
‘ . lowmg report: General Ollicers, five; Superin-
, ; tendents of Departments, four; Delegates from
‘k i 3

e i
11 KEXTW‘KY moan inon'rs .\sso('i.-\'rio.\'. ‘ :1
Local Associations, eleven; County Delegates, lI
one; State Organizers7 one. .. '
Mrs. Mary 13. Clay asked to be permitted to
donate to the Kentucky Equal Rights Associa- l‘
tion the remaining twelVe dollars of a sum oi ‘ i 9
money which she collected from friends for ° l ,
suffrage work in the State, the greater portion 7 ‘ "
ot‘ the original amount havingr been expended _ ,l
for legislative work at the last setting of that l}
body. On a motion of Mrs. Beauehamp the :-. a:
donation was accepted with a rising vote of i‘ 'l
thanks. .
The Treasurer reported $27 25 in the treas-
ury. This report was accepted, and referred to ,. ‘
the Auditing Committee. 1,
The Executive and Man of \Vork Committee ‘.
presented its report. We do reeomn’iend:
1st. That the Treasurer of each Local Asso- ",-
eiation be required to report to the Treasurer of 3;
the State AH-iociation, sen’ii—annually, by the 3
10th ol‘ April and the 10th of October, respec- 1 A
tively. Adopted. 1
3d. Further, that the Corresponding Secre— i
tary of each lioeal Association be rermircd to ‘ :
send a quarterly report of the work acoom- ’ ,l
plislu'd by her Association to the Corresponding _
Secretary of the State r‘\ssoeiation, the State "
Corresponding Secretary furnishingr blanks for ’ '
said reports. Adonted. , 3 "
._____,/. ..‘ 7, fiw—W

 1 i
I. l
l l KICN’I‘UCKY EQUAL iacirrs AHMH'IA’J‘IUN. 1:3 ‘
, _ l ' “—7»~»7km~ m‘ m—VAws ‘7‘” ~——
i l 3d. That this Association consider the advisa—
fl bility of making the Woman’s Journal, of Bos-
. _ ton, Mass, the official organ.
“ Alth. That each Local Association subscribe
ii for at least one copy of this Journal, and also
. . tho Woman’s Tribune, of Beatrice7 Nebraska.
‘1‘ 4’ Adopted. '
° .1 7 13th. That the State Association become aux-
’ ; iliary to the National American \Voman Sufs
: : trace Association. Adopted.
.t (5th. That all the names of all members of this
x ll “1 Association be printed in the. minutes. Adopted.
l‘bat all reports of Snperintendents be. cut
* down to the mere statement of facts, before they
are put into the hands of the Publication Com-
4. mittee. Adopted.
f Tlih. That each Local Association be requested
'; to elect Snperintendents in each departamnt
3 that is adopted by the State .rlssociation, i
J Adopted. _ i
This report was cmrsidcred and adopted, sere-
; atim. and also as a. whole. -
_ 1 ‘ lly vote. of the. Convention. the President
i appointed Mrs. lleauchamp and Mrs. Francis :1
l, , . committee to ask Judge Johnston for the Chain—
s .. ‘ her of Commerce, Circuit Court beingr in session
,l the Common l’leas courtroom was iendered
. ' very noisy by witnesses passing in and out.
i . Committee rept'n'tml that the Chamber of Com—
. .

 l l
' l
10 knx'rwkr norm. men'rs ASSOCIATION. " l ;
merce would be ready for the afternoon session. l
Mrs. Cramer moved that the Convention ad- * l "
journ at noon to‘meet in the Chamber of Com- l a
mere for the day sessions, and in the Common l
Pleas court—room for the evening sessions. ‘ i‘ 9
Afternoon Session. 7. ll '7
Convention was called to order by the Presi— l ‘,
dent, Mrs. Sawyer read the Scripture from
(len. ii: and iii: Luke iv: Prayer by Mrs. F. E. ~ " "
Beauehaml'). l
Minutes of the morning session were read !-
and adopted. _ " .
On motion of Miss Anna Deane, the first Viee- '
President, Mrs. Mary B. Clay \\'as called to the .‘
chair while the President delivered her Annual "
Address. -
The President delivered a very fine address.
The applause which greeted this welcome was .
an evidence of its appreciation. President’s
address adopted. . . " ‘
Mrs. Sarah H. Sawyer conducted the drill in u,
Parliamentary Law, which was both interest- .3 ..
ing and amusing. ’ ’l '
Very interesting papers were then read by l
r the following ladies: Mrs. Mary C Roark, ch~ - ‘1; '
ington, A Council of Women; Mrs. Mary ll. i
Johnson, Louisville, Answer to Rose Terrv la 4 ..

; KENTUCKY EQUAL mom‘s assocm'riox. 17
' ,5 ___,.WWW W__.. iWWWWW—_WWWWWHW __.W
t Cooke; Mrs. Isabella ll. Shephard, (lovington,
, School Sull'rage; Mrs. Mary 1}. Clay read letters~
- i " of greeting from Glasgow Equal ltights Asso—
i‘ n ciation, and from Dr. C. S. McKinney, of Nash—
l Ville, Tenn. The Convention adjourned.
6 ° Evening); Session.
7- ' l’resulcnt called the Convention to order.
~ . The choir opened the exercises with the song.
! “Votingr while We pray."7
.2: .- President read the Scripture lesson. Prayer
9: ' ~ r. - "
p by Mrs. Sarah :uwyer. Mrs. Mary B. Clay,
l speedier ol' the evening. wa< introduced, she
i gave a very earnest and interesting addresa on
2 ‘ “Political Standing of Women." The choir
. sang “New America," and the Convention ad-
} journed, with the benedicti .
eiation go in a body to the Kentucky University
.4 J‘

 . ' . mcnruekv some nicn'rs Assoenyrrox. 19
‘ the next morningr and attend the Chapel ser-

_ . vices; carried.

Secretary was asked to read the minutes of
Plan of Work Committee. Mrs. Josephine C.
Henry was appointed Secretary, pro tem.

‘ D Mrs. Mary H. Johnson moved that Mrs. Mary

v 4 li. Clay’s address be printed in leallet form for '

. distribution; carried. Mrs. Clay did not want
her address published.

, ,h Mrs. Shepard moved that the Superintendents
submit all plans of work to the Executive Com-
mittee for approval during the interim of the
Convention; carried.

' Mrs Sarah H. Sawyer moved that Mrs. J. 0.
Henry be appointed with Mrs, Roark to devise
plans for leaflets on Political Study; carried.

Mrs. Mary B. Clay moved that a committee of
three be appointed to report to the Executive '
Committee on the practicability of holding a '
Woman’s Council, and that it they find it prac—

- ‘ ticable, that they proceed to make plans and do
all preliminarv work necessary to the comple-

. tion of arrangements. The Committee to con—

’ “ sist of Mrs. Mary C. Roark, Lexington; Mrs. M.
F. Rogers, Louisville; Mrs. E. B. Farmer, Cov-

-» ~ ington. This committee to report at the next

. .. Annual meeting; carried.

I. 4‘ ’

Plan of lVor/t' Commiltce.
“/0 do recommend: lst. That the Association a .
appoint an agent to take subscriptions for the
Woman’s Journal on the offer made by Miss
Alice Blackwell. Adopted. Miss Louise South~
gate was appointed agent. " " ‘
2d. That this Association at once take steps ». .,
to have its interests represented before the Con-
stitutional Convention. Adopted. "
8d. That the \Voman’s Journal be made the
official organ of the State, and that the Corres~ "‘ "‘
pending Secretary be required to supply it with
State news. Adopted.
4th. That the Association appoint the Super ,_ 7
intendent of the Department of Legislative and
Petition Work, and as many members of this
, organization, as is practicable, to go to Franle
" fort in the interest of the hills which we wish
' ~ brought before the General Assembly. Adopted.
5 5th. That the practicability of the \Voman’s
: Council be considered. Adopted.
; 6th. That two new departments of work be ' ‘
1 added, viz: 1. The Advancement of \Voman’s
I; Work in Public School Afl'airs. 2. Work ? :
Amongr the Young People.
l 7th. That the Executive Committee be in-
; structed to issue another Kentucky edition of 5 "
g the Woman’s Journal, if practicable. Adopted. V .
Convention adjourned. 1 ..-

 ‘ ‘ * KENTUCKY noun. Inen'rs Assocm'rioN. 21
liftcrnoon Session.

‘ - Convention was called to order by the Presi-
dent. Mrs. Sarah H. Sawyer gave a Bible Read-
ing from Josh. l, i-iii: subject—Courage. Prayer
by Mrs. Bennett. Minutes of the morning ses-

" " , sion read and adopted.

». .1 The Vice—President was called to the chair. .

, President read a paper, Co-operativc llouse-

‘ keeping, by Mrs. E. B. Deitrick. Mrs. E. B.
Farmer read an exquisite little poem, by Miss

" 'i‘ Light, of Covington. l)r. Juliet M. Thorpe, of
Cincinnati, 0., read a paper on Physical Culture
which furnished good material for an interest—

.. , ing discussion. Mrs. S. G Humphreys, ol' Ver-
sailles, read a paper, Man and Woman in the
Bible. This paper led to a happy discussion in
regard to woman and her mission. Miss Mary
S. Hamilton read a good paper entitled, Genius.
Mrs. Bennett’s address on the l-lth Amendment
was very instructive, and was ably discussed,
Convention adjourned.
Evening; Session.
Crn’ivention was called to order by the Presi-

? ‘ dent. Vocal selection by Mrs. M. It l'lolliday.
Prayer by Rev. Dr. \Vard, of Christ’s Church. ‘

~ .. Choir sang “Breaking Day.”

‘ Mrs. Josephine Henry, of Versailles, followed

“ these exercises with one of her wonderful

 22 KENTUCKY EQUAL incurs .issor‘iyriox. ‘ ‘
speeches which must he heard to beappreciati-d.
From the rounds of applause and the rapt at« -y
tention given to her, it is evident that she is
the peoples~ favorite. The choir sang, “Give
the Ballot to the i\lothei.<,'7 while they were
- taking the collection. Mrs. Sawyer pronounced 6 "‘
the benediction, and the convention adjourned. , .
’I‘liIRD DA Y. ‘
. filorning Session. . .
‘ NovnMimn 21st, 1889.
Convention called to order by the President.
Mrs. Farmer conducted the devotional exercises.
Minutes of the previous sessions read and -
adopted. Minutes of the Plan of Work Coni-
i‘nittec read and and adopted sereatini.
" 1ST. \Ve do recommend a bill for municipal -
. suffrage to be brought before our coining Legis-
. latuxc. -
, 21). That the plan of the Kentucky Equal
: Rights Association preparing and publishing ,.
leallets for political clubs be considered.
5 31). That the Association retain the Free
. Lecture Bureau, and that we make. it more ' ‘-
, 4TH. That the person asking for one of the I ‘ .
l lecturers shall pay for the Hall, advertising
and entertainment of the speaker, and shall ' ‘
. ,L

 _ , liliNTI'l'KY EQUAL incurs .issoct-x'riox. 2:;
take a collection at the lecture for tho hem-lit
of the State Association. The traveling: ox—

-. penses of the lecturer shall he paid from the
State treasury, and the Executive Committee
shall appropriate {or this purpose as much of
the State l'unds as they deem expedient.

" " 5TH. That tln- Snperintcndent ol llihle

.» - Study he allowed to correspond with ministers a
l'avorahle to on r rcl'orm, 'and it" she receive state—

‘ ments that would, actording to her judgment,

. advance our work, that she he allowvd to have

' ’ them printed in leallets {or distribution.
Election of ollicors was made the next order
of husiness. Hrs. (Tranwr and Miss Southgate

_ were appointed to act as tellers. President
asked the lirst Vice President to takr the chair ,
and retired.

_ On the inl'ornml hallot for l’reaidont, Miss
Laura Clay received l’;l votes; sc'tterin;r votes
3. On motion, the inlormal ballot was made
the formal, and the Secretary was instructed to
east the vote for Miss Clay, making her election

" unanimous. Mrs. lhmuchannp and‘l‘ylrs. Sawyer
were appointed to escort Miss (fl-av to the chair

, 1 and introdumr her The convention arese with
warm applalise, and loving smiles to greet the ,

- good woman who was again to he our leader.

‘ ' \Vhen Miss Clay had louchine‘ly acr-eptcd the

‘ . ,olI'ice, she again took the chair and called for

5, .x

 2.1 Kl-IN’l‘l't‘RY EQUAL nion’rs ASSOCIATHLV. _‘
nominations for first Vice President. The inn .
formal ballot resulted as follows: Mrs. Mary B. ‘
Clay. 151'; lion. “7. R. Ramsey 5: Mrs. Mary C. ' -
Roark 3. A motion prevailed to make the {
informal ballot the formal and declare Mrs.
Clay first Vice President. For second Vice
President the informal ballot resulted as follows: “ "
’ Hon. \V. R. Ramsey 18; Mrs. Johnson 3; Mrs. . ‘v
a Farmer 1. The informal ballot was made the _. .
y’ formal, and Hon. \V. R. Ramsey was. declared i
l elected. The vote for third Vice President was. - 7 _
l' announced as follows: Mrs. Mary H. Johnson ‘ "
l '15; Mrs. Sawyer 7. The informal ballot was '
1 made the formal, and Mrs. Johnson was declared
: elected. The vote for Corresponding Secretary .< .
was announced as follows: Mrs. E. 1"). Farmer
. 17; Mrs. Henry 3; Miss Southgate 2. The in— .
§ formal ballot was made the formal. and Mrs. E. C
' B, Farmer was declared elected. The vote for '
‘ Recording.r Secretary was announced as follows: ;
l Miss Anna Deane 19; Miss Southgate 2. The .
. informal hallot wes made the l’orn'ial and Miss ;
Deane was declared elected. The. vote for i "
‘ 'l‘r'e:1.~urer was announced as follows: Mrs. .
Isabella Shepard 19; seattering 8. The informal .\ ; 4
. ballot was made the formal and Mrs. Shepard .
‘ deelared elected. E
Moved and carried that the delegates to the ' i ‘
National American Suffrage Associatnm7 and , ‘
§ ' J
" :

 = KENTUCKY mini. niuii'rs .xssor.'i,yi‘ios. 2r.
.- also that number of the Executive Committee
_ _ Rent by this Association, be elected in the same
manner as is provided for in the election of
' oiiicers in Art. iv, Sec. 1, of the Constitutioi'i.
.lly vote of the Coi‘ivention the delegates and
n p. alternates to the National Convention were
, . . elected. Mr. H. C. Farmer. Mrs. Eugenia ll. .
3 Farmer, Mrs Mary B. Clay, Mrs. Sarah Randall
“ . Boreing, Miss Anna M. Deane, Mrs. Sarah Clay
, Bennett for the member of the Executive Coni-
.. . ~= mVittec.
5 Alternates, Mrs. Mary C. Cran’ier, Mrs. Jo-
sephine K. Henry, Mrs. Isabella. H. Shepard,
Mrs. M. ‘V. llubcr. Mrs. B. F. Avery. On a l
‘l ' motion of Mrs. lieaucham p, a telegram, expres-
. sivo of our good wishes he sent from this Asso-
, eiation to Mrs. Sarah Randall Boreing and Judge
1 V. Boring. Mrs. ltoaik was appointed to send
. the telegram. '
‘ Moved and carried that the programme of the -
morning he made the first order of business in
- 1- the afternoon. Rev. Dr. Jos. B. Cottrell was
‘ introduced and spoke fitting words of greeting.
, Said that he had never before seen such an
t ' ‘ earnest and inspiringr Convention as this. .
; Covention adjourned.
' l ‘ Afternnoon Session.
3'. . ~ Convention was called to order by the Presi-
K V .

dent. Mrs. Sawyer read Romans xii chapter.
Prayer by Mrs. Mary Johnson. Minutes of the \l
morning session read and adopted. Plan of i ‘
Work Committee offers the following report:
1. REsOLVED, That we add to the lirst clause
‘ of our Constitution. Auxiliary to the National a . ,5
American Suil'rage Association. Adopted.
.- 2. That this Association so amend its Consti— ' i l
[- tution as to require the local Association becom- ‘
L ing auxiliary to the State Association pay 35
3 cents State dues 10 cents of which will go as , - . a
: National dues to the Treasurer of the National i
American Siifl'rage Assomation. Adopted. (Will
not the change at the late National Convention
' . make this void?) ‘
, Mrs. Beauchan’ip moved that after the Ken-
1 tucky delegation reach Washington, they be
' empowered to fill all vacancies after the list of
Alternates have been exhausted. with any
i member of the E. R. A. that may be present.
‘ Adopted.
Mrs. Bennett resigned her position as dele- -
. gate to the National American Suffrage Con-
vention. Mrs Sarah Randall Boreing was elected
to fill the vacancy. . ' ‘
‘ ° Mrs Mary B. Clay was called to the chair
while. the President read Mrs. Sarah Randall . .
. Boreing’s report on Hygiene and Dress Improve
ment. Report adopted. ‘ _

Mrs. Josephine C. Henry, Superintendent of
. Legislative and Petition \Vork, read her report.
” K i This showed great earnestness 0n the part of
the Superintendent. and an immense amount
of work done. It is a department very broad in
, , ,5 its work, and capable of doing incalculable
good. The report was generously applauded by .
' ' i the Convention, after which it was adopted. At
~ the suggestion of Mrs. Mary B. Clay a rising
vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Henry for
. - . a this excellent report. Moved and carried that
“ I Mrs. Henry’s report be put in the newspapers.
Mrs. Eugenia 13. Farmer, State Organizer,
made her report. This is one of the most im-
‘ ‘ portant of all our lines of work. This report
led to a very pleasant discussion in regard to ‘
various plans of organizing. ' ,
The Resolution Committee reported, through
' the chairman, Mrs. F. E. Beauchamp. The re—
port was adopted as a whole.
Mrs. H. B. Chenault read a most interesting
- ,., . paper on Education. President called attention
to the literature table. Miss Louise Southgate
read a good paper entitled Protection of the
r ‘ Home, by Mrs. M. W. Huber. Mrs. E. B. Far-
mer read a humorous paper on School Board
‘ _ Election. Miss Louise Southgate asked for sub-
scriptions to Woman’s Journal, and reported 23
‘ ‘ subscribers.

 2.»- KENTUCKY noun. moirrs ASHOCIATIUN. «
President C. L. Loos, of Kentucky University
was introduced and gave a cordial welcome, and _ .
spoke eneouragingly of our work in the State.
. Auditor’s report7 showing a balance of $27 25
in the State Treasury. Adopted. ‘
‘ The Executive Committee recommended the . <
. following Superintendents. H _
‘, Evening Session. " 7‘
Convention was called to order by the Presi-
dent. Vocal selections by Miss rMartha Van
Cleve. Prayer by President C. L. Loos. *
Dr. Joe. B. Cottrell was introduced, and gave
: one of his able \Vonian Sulfragc speeches.
fl Choir sang “The Equal Rights Banner,”
while the ushers took the collection. -
Benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. R.
1 Deering, and the Second Annual Convention
stood ad10urned. . ‘
Executive Cmmm'tlec JIect'ing. '“ ,
‘ FRIDAY MoRNINo, Nov. 22.
Miss Clay in the chair. Moved that we do
appropriate $3 00 to the Superintendent of '
a r

 « KliN’l‘l7(‘KY mum. iusn'rs ASSOCIA’I‘UMV. 2:;
Bible Study. Adopted. That we 211,)p1‘opriate
. . $3 00 to Superintendent of Legislative an l’eti—
tion Work. Adopted. That we appropriate
, $10 00 to the Free Lecture Bureau. Adrmted.
That each member of the Kentucky Equal
. ~' Rights Association edit a column in her county
. _ papers. Adopted. That we try to issue live .
thousand free copies of the “\Voinan’s Journal,”
‘ paying for them by securing advertisements at
$325 00 per column, or 551 50 per inch. Adopted.
Report of Superintendent: of Logis‘w
, , lutivo and l’otition \Vork.
This department having fallen in the hands
of a tyre, has been pushed with all the ability of
the Superintendent, who entered the work un- ‘
equipped for so great a responsibility, save the
deep conviction that Right and J ustiec, with '
trust in God, are always invincible against ‘
. ~ \Vrong and Injustice. Deeming the securing of
equal property rights for married women the
,- , most important position of the subordination of
women to attack, to petition our General As—
sembly for the granting of these rights was de-
‘ .. cided upon. To create sentiment and pave the
- = way for this work, numbers of articles, show—
s r

ing the discriiniuations against women, were
sent to a number of papers in the State, who '
kindly lent their columns to advance the cause. "
In due time a pamphlet was issued showing the
present laws of Kentucky on this subject, and
containing a summary of property rights laws ‘ ~
, in all the States and Territories. These pam— - v
‘ phlets were disseminated over the State, with ~
' petitions to our Legislature asking that married ,
‘ women be given the same property rights that .t ’ O
,' married men enjoy, also for an equalization of ‘
| Curtesy and Dower. Each newspaper in the "
1 State has been supplied with a copy of the A
! pamphlet, many of them heartily commending ‘»
1 the work. Each legislator has been appealed to
, in a personal letter, with pamphlet, asking their
1 careful examination of the laws on this subject,
1 and many haVc responded, all saying that for the
l honor of the State something should be done,
i and others offering to champion the cause. So ,
} tar 1,482 letters have been written, and 767 re— ‘
a spouses received, and a number of petitions have
t been returned containing the names of ministers, '" . .4
i lawyers, county and State officials, and numbers
' of the most influential people in the State. The . - ,
, outlook is quite cheering that a monster petition _, .

 ‘ ,, manrt‘cnr noun. incurs assot-iA'rioN. :a
will be presented to the General Assembly.
' .. Through the State and Local organizations, and
personal friends, ample means have been provi-
ded to carry on this work.
. N To advance the cause of Equal Rights other
_ bills should be brought before the Legislature,
’ namely, a bill for school sull'rage for women, re»-
~ moving the restrictions now in the school suf- ‘
E frage clause of the statues. A bill for municipal
" . o suffrage, that women may have a voice in the
7. laws of their municipalities. Also, a bill pray-
ing that assistant female physicians be placed in
. . the female wards of our State Lunatic Asylums.
i Owing to the herenlean task of advancing the
Property Rights Work, the Superintendent of .
this department has placed the school sull'rage
bill in the hands of the Kenton County Associa—
tion, the female physician’s bill in the hands of
the Fayette County Association, and the energy
— . and efficiency ot these workers will daily ad"
vance thccausc toward the goal.
. Our gratitude is extended to the press, mem—
' ‘ bers of the Legislature, and legions of friends
who have encouraged us and held up our hands,
' ' while eombatting civil law and social custom, in
-‘ .. asking the poor privilege for women that men

 HZ KENTUCKY icoUAL mum's Assoem'rios.
eonsider an inalienabl’: right, the use and dispo-
sition ol’ their own property. Encouraged by . l e
the work of the, Kentucky women, the women !
of' Georgia are following in our footsteps, and
will appeal to their law—makers for more just
laws. This is certainly the seed—time for the ‘A ' "
work, and if we faint not we shall reap in due ' i ‘
time. The Legislature meets on the 30th of t
December, and all the local organizations will l
, be appealed to to send delegations to Frankfort a I a
to work for our hills. Petitions will be pre— 1
senled from 78 counties. Placing our trust in
the God of Justice let us not, falter, nor count _ j
. the, cost of~ the. great blessings that will come to '
the women of" our own time and those who will i
i come after us, The day is hastening in this l.
; Cominonwealth whe‘n “Equality before the, law” 5
: will be proclaimed in our legislative halls. God
speed it. l
l Supt. Leg’tiVe (C‘ Pet’on