xt7v9s1km50s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1km50s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2007 text GLSO News, November 2007 2007 2007-11 2019 true xt7v9s1km50s section xt7v9s1km50s l Gagand The GLSO NEWS
* Les tan
Services November 2007
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 22 Number 11
The Imperial Court of Kentucky will Walk With AVOL
hold its annual Emperor’s Turnabout
Show on Wednesday, November 14th, at AlDS Volunteers of Lexington Inc.
Club 141. Each year the Emperor and (AVOL) is proud to announce our World
Empress exchange roles for one night AIDS Day Celebration on December 1.
with the Emperor and the male line In commemoration of this occasion,
performing in drag and the Empress and AVOL Will be walking in the Lexington
the female line assisting and running the Holiday Parade which is SCheduled for
show. the same day. We will be walking to
The show will feature Emperor 26 honor the many persons infected and
Brad Shepherd, several members of his affected with HIV/AIDS as well as those
line, and previous Emperors. Doors will who have passed away. We encourage
open at 8:30 pm and the show will begin family, friends, loved ones and
promptly at9:30 pm.Coverisasuggested community members to bring posters,
$5donation. photographs, candles, etc. to
The Court has also begun its memorializethosewe have lost.
Entertainer of the Year fundraising series. Our mission is to provide education,
Each year members of the female line outreach and advocacy about HIV/AIDS
compete to raise the most amount of in Central and Eastern Kentucky. Our
money, with the winner being crowned goals are: 1- to prevent the spread 0f
Entertainer of the Year. Countess HIV, 2- to inspire a compassionate
Adrianna Fuentes and Imperial Crown response for those Who face the
Princess 26 Eve St. Mychal held their Challenges of HIV and AIDS, and 3. to
shows in September and October, meetthe needs ofthosewho are infected
respectively. The two shows combined and affected bythedisease.
raised over $1700 for the Court’s More than one million peOple are
designated charities. living with HIV in the United States. In
The EOY series continues in Fayette County alone, 618 people have
November with Baroness Adrianna continued on nextpage
continued on next page
Vote November 6 Debra HWSIN
Bluegrass Fairness State Farm Insurance
candidate information page10 859 276-3244
including info about ENDA
(Employment Non-Discrimination Act). debra.hensiey.b1 n1 @statefarm.com

 Imperial Court News continued GLSO Sponsors
Armand hosting her show, "The Femme It is time to schedule GLSO
Fatale Presents: A Night Of Fun, Fantasy, Newsletter monthly sponsors for 2008.
Magic and Myth". 0” Wednesday, November The basic Newsletter Sponsorship of $250
7th at CIUb 141- Doors open at 8330 Pm and includes a full page ad and a listing on the
the show begins at 9530 pm With a $5 front page in the month you sponsor, 12
suggested cover. monthly listings on the sponsorship page,

Also in November, the CCU” is reduced costforadditional ads purchased,
supporting Moveable Feast in its first Mystery and priority given to news stories during
Dinner Theatre to be held November 3rd and the year.
4th at the historic C°”°id Farm. All months with the exception of June

I” October, a large QrOUP 0f members are currently available. Choice of months
attended our sister court of Cincinnati’s will be offered on a first come first served
Investitures Ceremony. Later in the month, basis. Aform will be mailed out to current
several members traveled to the \Mndy City to advertisers. You can also call Bill or Mary
attend the Court of Chicago’s Coronation. at the pride Center (25343233). i

The Court would like to thank the We are always in need of
community for its continued support of our sponsorships above the basic level lfyou
fundraising efforts. You can view photos 5?“ are considering a greater sponsorship
get up-to-date information "39,“me donation for2008, calloremailMary(266-
upcoming events atthelmperiaICourtSSIte: 5904 or ma croneginsi htbb.comj to
mWfim—Wy negotiate benefits that would work best for

_ you. Possible benefits include:
Wonlb AIDS Day ‘ AVOL News AdditionalAdsinthe newsletter
continued from front page News stories about your business or
been diagnosed with AIDS since 1981. The organization on the front page
numbers will continue to grow if we do not Ad onthe middle page, oron the inside
raise awareness about prevention. or outside ofthe back page

This Dec. 1 you have a chance to make Ad on ourWeb page
a difference. Meet us at AVOL at 4 and wear Free ad design
red so that we will stand out. If you are Name on sign atPride Center
interested in walking or need additional info, Name on Pride Month Bannerand on
contact Mark Johnson at 338-2908 or . . . . .

AVOLMARK AOLCOM . publications advertismg Pride Month
———@‘— Tickets to GLSO events (plays, films)
94v: for Jifc

AVOL is also planning their annual M .. .
reception and art auction at the Red Mile at 6 , W“; 3992:“? love you hm";
pm on Dec. 1st. The evening will include ”53:; ' X‘ e! 9 am: you want.
heavy hors d'oeuvres and an open bar. ‘5?

We have an exciting line up of artists - -
including equine artist, Andre Pater. In Jessma Bollinger LCSW

addition to the live art auction, there will be a Imago Relationship Therapist
silent auction of art gift baskets, donation EMDR Trauma Work
items and services. Couples, Family, Individual

Please join us for this fun evening. imagoconnection.com 552-6533
Further details will be posted at
Page 2

Community News
3 Moveable Feast Events SoalFonce
I. MY‘étéLVfilflflE'f The national Soul Force
3 organization is growing and doing lots of
3 Moveable Feast i3 Presenting tWO excitingwork includingtherecentSeven
2 evenings of great entertainment on Straight Nights for Equal Rights
1 November3and4atConoid Farm. There campaign. Jamie McDaniel who is still .
. will be a silent auction and cocktails at 5:30 living in Lexington, works forthe national
; wrth dinner at 7. Members of thellrnpenal group and maintains a local web site
Courtwrll be guestartlsts. Seating Islimlted www.soulforcelexington.org. The local
2 Call Moveable Feast for tickets at 859 252- group does meet regularly but if you are
; 2867- interested in the work of Soul Force you
I Causefor Pie can stillcontactJamie.
t . .
I As another fundraiser, Moveable lexmmn [VON [Gamer/[9V] Club
Feast is again offering delicious pies for The Lexington Lyons meet the
f [plurchase Call us With your order between second Monday of each month. Join us
' ovember 1 and 14 (859 252-2867) or on Nov10,at the Pride Center, at 7pm.
. order on line at www.feastlex.org. Choose The Lyons are a group of friends who
' between apple, cherry, blueberry, or celebrate strength, unity, and diversity
‘ pumpkin. Available frozen f?” $20 and for those who enjoy the Leather /Levi
' baked for $251 'Arrange pickup from Lifestyle. For information visit
Woodland Christian Church or from htt ://www.lexl ons.or _
Moveable Feast. .
7, K 72/ k SisterSound
fd/LS’ 6/7 6' y SisterSound, invites interested
TransKentucky is a support, social, women to join the chorus. We do not
and resource group serving Lexington require auditions. Come toarehearsal,
and f Kentucky. Our mission is to provide meet some friendly women and see how
a safe place for transgender individuals much fun we have singing together.
and others who do not fit the standard Rehearsals are at 6pm every
gender norms. At meetings we will Sunday at Landsdowne Cumberland
support each other, offering advice, Presbyterian Church, 333 Redding Rd.
resources and insights from our own For more info.contact Pattie at
unique experiences. paowens@excite.com or 859 806—0243
Family, friends and supportive seewww.geocities.com/sistersound or
community members are invited to
attend to gain understanding of issues OUTSOUI’CQ
concerning gender presentation, identity, OUTsource is forGLBTQQAstudents
and vanance.The group meets on the first at U. K. Their mission is to provide an
Saturday Of each month at 7:30 pm '“ affirming, safe, and confidential space
Lexington. For info and meeting place where students can learn more about
emailTransKentucky@gmail.com gender identity, human sexuality, and
Meetings are free and you may dress related issues. They hope to make the
however you feel comfortable. The campus more welcoming of GLBTQQA
TransKentucky peer group is not a StUdentS. For info contact Susan at:
therapy group ora dating service. susanmatsubara@yahoo.com.
Page 3

 Reverend Michael Dowd whole new way of thinking about the
, connection between science and religion.
Thank GOd for Evolutlon In his own word Dowd says “when I
On Monday evening November5 at use the word 'evolution,' ...what I have in
7 pm, Reverend Michael Dowd will be mlnd '5 the entire history Of, the
speaking at the Unitarian Universalist cosmos—the Unlverse SIEW —as
Church, 3564 Clays Mill Rd, at. In his talk U"_derf°‘t°°d b)’ ihe, V133? malor'FY 01‘
entitled “Thank God for Evolution”, Rev. solentlstsworklngln dISClpllneS as diverse
Dowd will present his view of evolution as as 003m0199Yv astrophysms, chemlstry,
aspiritual process. He considers himselfa geology, b'OIOQYv primatology, genetics,
Christian Evolutionary Evangelical. At anthropology, archeology, evolutionary
home in both conservative and liberal braln solence, evolutlonary psychology,
settings, and uniquely gifted at building and soon—thewhole shebang.
bridges between religious and Dowd also draws upon the work of
nonreligious people, Michael is philosophers and theologians. such as
passionate about sharing the 14-biIIion- Tellhard de Chardln, Jeswt Prlest,
year epic of evolution in ways that uplift Thomas Berry and Ken Vifilber. He offersa
and expand heart, mind, and soul. meaningful View of cosmic history that he
As a Christian minister Dowd believes can build bridges, provide
especially addresses the concerns that important gwdance, and restore hope.
Christians have about evolution and his Rev. DOW'T and “'5 YV'fe' Connie Barlow,
presentation and the companion book an acclalmed solence wrlter, Ilve
contain insights that will appeal to all permanently on the road sharlngasacred
people offaith and of no faith. He offers a V'eW 0f eYOIUt'O” W'th rellglous and
secular audiences of all ages.
w ‘ OFFICES 8592252348
' 55: i" CELL: 5022205555
Member. Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association;
Louisville Bar Association: American Bar Association, i
Section on Family Law & Committee on Alternative Families. &
National Lesbian & Gay Law Association. :
Page 4

W For your insurance and financial
. ”5“" needs, see State Farm Agent:
7 5:51 i, i
. 1 5 Debra A Hensley, Agent
' F l5l3 Nicholasville Road
in. } Lexington, KY 405034400
I . A 803: 859-276-3244
ETA?! 'fllh
Pl'i'wldlllg IliSlil't‘ll‘lci‘ and Financial Si‘i'iiircs
staiel’arm 00m"
0.128038 State Faim insurance Companies 9 Home Oiiices: Bliiiiiiiiiigiran. llliiiiiis 8/05
Page 5

 G LSO P ' d C t
389 Waller Ave. 859 253=3233 0pm W m 3 M0 ” Fr ill a 2 Sat.
lexingfon lnsighi gay Stratght filltance
Lexington Insight will meet for our for Xouth IS — 20
regular potluck on the first Friday, The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance for
November 2 at 7 pm at the Pride Center. Youth has been meeting for over six
We will also meet the third Friday, Nov. 16 years. We have had students attend from
at 6:30 for a Thanksgiving Dinner all the high schoolsin Lexington and from
potluck. Turkey and ham will be many schools in surrounding towns.
- Many of the youth that attend have been
prov1ded. . l d . t rt' GSA . th . h
Dana is the coordinator oflnsight and thO :3? m sa ing S m 6" ome
can be reached at 859—230-2428. Call him SC 0 S' .
. . . . There has been a sea change in
for Information or If you have Ideas for an
. . . many of our schools. Students, both gay
Insught Out actIVIty. New people are always .
. . and straight, have been the change
welcome toiom us. .
agents. In high schools, students are
JustFUND Kentucky standing up against harassment and bias.
Last June members of the GLSO GSA
Congratulations to Debra Hensley, producedthefirstPrideProm
Ernesto Scorsone and all the people who We know, however, that there are still
helped with the production or a great many young people that need support
evening of entertainment with Kate who we have not reached. We produce
Clinton. The evening raised $200,000 for . flyers and pamphlet on a regular basis
JustFUND, a big step forward in building and we are thinking of radio advertising.
the CIiffTodd Endowment Fund that will be Your contributions to GLSO help in our
used in the future to work for full equity for work with young GLBT people.
all GLBT Kentuckians. .
. ’ Ggflge Sale Discussion Group
2’ if: .g ‘3‘, JV... ’9" Every Wednesday Night
mm” l? - All Are Welcome
M, 7 J" 1', L . ‘ “ . .1. . °
K . ,2. , I: l _ Inngkt
, ,,, M 4 Thanksgiving Potluck
W ii.- , “ '. ..: F'wl‘w' NW 16
-~ ”9%,“ . .,. i? : Open to all
“i. '.3; , l‘ ”f all mr‘ .._.‘*§;'l ,
fig 533514;, t 3‘ ”at? GL5 0 Board Meeting
Thanks to everyone, particularly discussion group h £1
members, who helped make the garage sale a big success. T LII’S 61% NOV 75
Page 6

 . 5": g” , _ 21st. ‘ k iggfii '33,: 7 v. {I .
’ 13);». 1*, £4" . . ’ 5, -"ifi' '5 1],. ., ’ 4"
l» . , 31218;? '- ,. ' gig-"w j; '-‘
_ sir .. 1 — . e .
m ~_ Jrr’/‘fA V 5 l
m ' its ' ‘2 F ’
s. r qil 5 I A ~
. 5 ‘. '_; 5 «t . ”" 5 ‘ 5
:y i ‘ »
3; Dinner to benefit Moveable feast of Lexington
To be presented November 5rd and 4th, 200'? at
Conoid Farm
Cocktails Hors d’Oeuvres
t Silent auction of donated artworks
5:30 P. M.
Mystery dinner
, 7:00 P. M.
Guest artists from the Imperial Court of Kentucky
Individual $100. Couples $175.
To reserve your tickets call
' 859—25243867

 DO YOU NEED A POWER or ATTORNEY? When VOL" agent acts 0“ your here”
. under the power of attorney, the agent has
By Madeleine Taylor Baugh, Attorney At Law the authority to act for you. If someone
The following cannot be relied upon as refuses to honor the authority given by you
legal advice. ltis provided forinformational to your agent, your agent ShOUId contact
purposes only. Please consultthe attorney your attorney for a55lstance. While the
ofyourchoice forlegaladvice. attorney cannot force someone to_honor
the power of attorney by speaking With him
A power of attorney is a useful or her, the attorney might be able to
instrument for every adult, including those explain the authorizations given and pave
in committed relationships who are not the way for the power 0t attorney to be
married or who cannot marry and those honored.
who are alone and need to designate You may always revoke your power of
another person to act for them. A power of attorney as long as you have the decision
attorney is an extremely powerful making capacity to do so. The revocation
instrument which authorizes another should also be in writing. You should insist
person to act in your place, It should be that the agent return the power of attorney
given only to a person in whom you have afteritis revoked.
absolute trust. If you are in a committed In Kentucky, granting a power of
relationship and considering giving your attorney is not a substitute for a
partner a power of attorney, you should guardianship. However, it can delay the
also consider having a domestic need for a guardianship, and, if stated in
partnership agreement which outlines you the power of attorney, is an opportunity to
and your partner's agreements as to express your desires asto the person who
property. should be appointed guardian and why.
The authorized person or agent, also This expression is not an abSO|ute
called an attorney-in-fact, may usually guarantee that yourintent will be followed,
transact business, manage your affairs, but it would be an overt statement of your
and dispose, sell, convey or encumber intent.
both your real or personal property. Real A nomination of guardian can also be
property is land, the improvements on the placed in a separate instrument along with
land and the rights and responsibilities directions as to those persons who may
attached to the land. For example, your visit you in a healthcare facility and those
house, your condo, your time share or the Persons to whom your tangible personal
commercial office buildingthatyou own. property should be given. It is not a
Personal property is not only tangible guarantee that your wishes Will be
items such as your clothes, your followed, but is a Clear statement of your
furnishings or your car, but also intangibles desires and intent
such as your IRA, your mutual fund and Apower of attorneyterminates at your
your bank account. You may also execute death. it does not govern to whom your
a power of attorney that is specific as to the property Will 90 at your death or designate
powers you authorize and also limited to a the Person in charge 0t your estate.
specifictime period. However, it is a powerful and useful legal
Your power of attorney can also instrument, enabling you and your
provide your agent access to your privacy designated agent to manage your affairs
protected medical records. A healthcare aS authorized inthe instrumentduring your
power of attorney is intended to allow your lifetime.
agent to make healthcare decisions for you
as authorized in the instrument.
Page 8



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' Page 9

 Bluegrass Falmess 0f central Ky: who has started television ads, leads Lee
AS the VCR? Tums in both the polls and funding by a large
, margin, but this race in not a foregone

As LeXItngton lraces toward the conclusion as more than 30% of
November 6 election day, Bluegrass registered voters have declared
Fairness of Central Kentucky brings you themselves undecided.
information aboutthe candidates andwhich While the other races are not as
ones are pro-fairness. Also, BFCK delivers significant for the LGBTQQIA community,
the W?“ .on ENDA (Employment Non- we share thiseducational information.
DiscriminationAct)._ In the race for auditor of public

The two most important races for the accounts, Democratic incumbent Crit
LGBTQQIA community are .those Of Luallen faces off with Republican
governor and attorney general. First up: the challenger Linda Greenwell. While
governors race IS a showdown between Greenwell is qualified for the job and
Republican incumbent Ernie Fletcher and speaks of restoring honesty to Frankfort,
Democraticcandldate Steve Beshear. Luallen boasts a strong track record and

F'et9he“ a Stmg pmponent °.f m°’a' holdsa considerable lead in fundraising.
values in Kentucky, has con3istently Dem. nominee Todd Hollenbach
demonstrated. anti-gay bias. In one squares off with Rep. challenger Melinda
instance, he strippedprotectlon-s for GLBT Wheeler for the office of state treasurer.
persons from state hiring practices on the Hollenbach looks to build the office and
day he prOCIa'meg DiverSIty Day. enhance its stature. Meanwhile, Wheeler

In another, he p Ubl'dy $0”th to repeal has built a campaign around the promise
domeSt'c partner bfinefits at UK and U 0f L that if elected she will abolish the office
after ”fetid” haw”? agreed .to let the because she feels the duties can be
univerSitles deCIde the issue for absorbed in othergovernment offices and
themselves. . . save the taxpayer money.

Beshear, who has bwlt a campaign For the commissioner of agriculture,
around bringing casmos to Kentucky in the Republican incumbent Richie Farmer
hopes of raising tax revenue, has appears unstoppable. He has
demonstrated a pro-fairness side. Most knowledge experience and ambition.
recently, he signed a financial contribution Democratic opponent David Lynn
reportthat included donations by same-sex Vlfilliams has raised less than $100 and
couples. AS Of press time, Beshear ,IS spent everything he has raised without
leading. Fletcher in the polls and in demonstrating any true capacity to
fundralsmg byaSlgnlficantmargln. perform the duties ofthe office.

Second:, the b'd for attorney general The race for secretary of state may
proves a much tighter race. Republican prove too close to call. Republican
Stan Lee and Democrat Jack Conway are incumbent Trey G ray son faces a strong
both newcomers to the office. Stan Lee has challenge from Democrat Bruce
voiced staunch opposition to all things gay Hendrickson. While both gentleman have
and has promised to repeal d9’T‘eSt'F‘ proven capable of the job and currently
partner benefits at state univerSItles lf appear close in the polls Grayson has
elected. significantly outpaced Hendrickson in

Jack Conway, however, has taken a fundraising and may begin television
pro-fairness stance and Will let the domestic spots.
partner benefits stand. IHe has gone on In other political news, as of press
record to say that he Will work to secure time legislators had halted a vote on

continued on page 16
Page 10

. 0100lDA\|INlBiD\W§lDiDN§iDID
3 The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
5 A Charity Organization
1 Scott Ackerman....................................................(mobile) 338-8483
2 For all your real estate needs
T SisterSound 8060243
1 Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center2784201
; 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside
' Ernesto Scorson92545766
, Attorney At Law
'» Unitarian Universalist Church 2231448
1 Seeking a Diverse Congregation
‘. Dluegrass Fairness 9514450
[ www.bgfair.org
Windy Knoll Farm2997410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431
I Page 11

 GLSO Newslefler Cqundqr To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 .
N OVEMB E R 2 001 VlSit US on the WGb at: WWW.GLS0.0I'Q \
Sund - Manda 'I'ueseIa Wednesdu Thursdu Fridu Sflilfl‘dfly \
. , ' - - Center 0 en 10a-2
Our Thanks to This Month 5 Newsletter Sponsor Cause for He 7 p Lex'"9t°" '"s'ght p p
. PotLuck TransKentucky
DEBRA HENSLEY INSURANCE "Mist-14'“ “”9” ”Ida! Activities
. . call 859 E52486? t: Moveable Feast ystery Dinner I
1 51 3 NIChOIaSVIlle Road place or er OI‘ VISI Reservation cal 859 252-2867 ondqys:
859 276-3244 www.feastlex.org i
1030a St. Mychal's 7 Ga Strai ht 7p GLSO Discussion I I I V "'JI‘I‘W} 9 W797
113 UU Church Aillianze for Ygouth Group-PC Center Open 103'2P
. uesduys:
6:00p SisterSound Rehearsal l??? 15f 29 f & 8P Gay/LesbianAA TransKentucky ,:-; t” flit ”alibi": v ,t -,
(ca 3W °' "‘ ° Call for place 948-3434 see a e 3 _ ,4 ‘ ‘
place 266-5904 P 9
10130 a St. Mychal's iii-3:3: . . 7 G St ' ht 7p GLSO Discussion ,5 7 P Lexington Insight CenterO n10a-2 (I. in: l . 8,
11a UU (3'1”th A'iliazc/e forilgouth Group-PC 15% @L§© ”mm Mi... Thanksgiving pe p ', w "
Mtch ges 15 - 20 Call for 1 948-3434 _ h ._. 4.91% I; ransKentucky
. . pace .. $4. a r‘,.. {5,4
place 256'5904 from Moveable Feast t "i “if"... ' i
XXV tietiiaietiei Dead-tine i we,“ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ _ .
10:30 a St. Mychal‘s p Gay Straight 7p GLSO Discussion :‘ a: ,4 4_ 5 3,4,, % 4 . - Center Open 108-2p
11a UUChurch lliance for Youth Group-PC ‘ «m 5’. .
6:00p SisterSound Rehearsal Ages 15 . 20 . “a .’ ”(g T ra n SK e ntucky Sundays:
ca" Mary for info 8‘ ggiinaoyl-ieaietilagrligglnli aamsr ‘i ”7"“; f <3 see page 3 i I i 1 . t! i I I it “Jillzftnji
place 266-5904 D ' 9 fly;- .- . ,
‘3. )7“; [353“, i‘aig'fi, f3 '; , , i . “.1 . ,i 'itfl'“ Iii-i
10:30 a St. Mychal's 7 G St - ht Center Open 10a-2p - I V I ' I
11a UU'ChUI'Ch ATIIaSZe fgilgouth 7p GLSO DISCUSSION Bi-weekly:
gigggafs'ztersound Ages 15 . 20 G'°"p'PC TransKentucky a , i: .. t
6 pm Imperial Courtl (call Mary for “”0 & 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 599 page 3 I? 2: '- I ' II“
._ place 266-5904 Call for place 948-3434
0 ' ° . More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
"0'“th AGIIVI'IIeS. email the group to confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings.
71309 Trans KenTUCkV IST SOTUTdOV Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
7pm - Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon.)
page 12 Page 13
W’" " '****“"V*"'

 How an IRA May Potentially At a hypothetical 7.5% annual return, the
Boost Retirement Savings investor would accumulate $165,508 by
b M h D age 65. If the investor's spouse makes the
_ _ .y o ua o5 . same contributions, the couple would
Finanual Advrsor, UBS Financral Servrces Inc. accumulate $331,015
307 South Ashland Avenue, Lexington, 859-335- This hypothetical example is provided
8||8/888-390-6900;mohua.das@ubs.com for illustrative purposes only and is not
meant to represent the performance of any
The IRA, a popular retirement savings specific investment product. Data
vehicle, has always given your earnings assumes a 50-year-old making maximum
the benefit of tax-deferred growth. Now, annual January 1 contributions of $5,000
with highercontribution limits dueto tax law for 2007 and $6,000 for 2008 and
changes, you can potentially boost your thereafter. This illustration does not take
retirement savings even more than in the charges, commissions, fees or expenses
past. into consideration.
If you haven't already done so, Points to Consider
consider contributing now for 2007 It is important to note that returns on
because the sooner you start saving, the your IRA investments are not guaranteed
sooner your money can start growing tax— and you may even lose principal. Here are
deferred. For 2007, you are eligible to afewfactsyou should know:
contribute up to $4,000, plus an additional - The increased contribution limits offer
$1,000 if you're 50 years of age or older. greater opportunities for tax-deferred
That's a total of $5,000 for someone age 50 growth than were available in the past.
orolder. - Earnings on your IRA contributions
How Funds Can Add Up accumulate on atax-deferred basis.
Let's use the example of a 50-year-old - YourlRAcontributions mayormay not
investor who makes the maximum be tax-deductible based on eligibility
contribution to an IRA for 2007, then requirements. Consult yourtax advisor.
continues to contribute the maximum in - Only nondeductible contributions may
years to come ($6,000 in 2008 and be withdrawn tax-free. VWthdrawals of tax-
assumingthesamemaximumthereafier). deductible contributions, as well as all
The chart illustrates what the investor earnings, are taxed as ordinary income.
stands to accumulate, given various - A 10% penalty tax is applied to the
timeframes and hypothetical annual rates taxable amount of any withdrawal an
ofreturn. individual makes before they reach age
59/2, with certain exceptions.
o o - Required minimum distributions
5-5 A) 75A) (RMDs) must be taken by individuals over
age 701/2.
The Value of Consolidation
10 year $79,792 $89,190 You may also want to consider
consolidating your IRA assets in a single
account at one full-service firm. A
consolidated account can provide certain
Integrated investment strategy: a
consolidated account can make it easier
$217,797 $275,073
continued on page 16
Page 14

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"'_' _' Page 15

 IRA - Retirement Savings - BG Fairness — continued from page 10
continued from page 14 _ . _ _

, _ . across the nation. Originally, the bill
for you to determine and monitor a Single included provisions for protection in
asset allocation strategy for all your IRA employment for transgender/transsexual
savmgs and_keep that strategy on track. people. On September 27m, Rep. Barney
' Consolidated record keeping: by Frank, who is openly gay, submittedanew
consolidating all your IRA assets m one version of the bill that stripped out those
place, you may be able to I'm'tthe account protections. Frank argued that the bill had
charges that you pay, and you II have JUSt a much better chance of passing without
one eaSY'tO'V'eW source for all ofyourlR_A those protections and that the gay and
information. Among other things, ”"3 lesbian community would win a partial
should make determining your RMDS a victory. Theidea isthat halfofsomething is
Simplerprocess. _ _ , better than none of something. The new

A FinanCIal Advisor can a33ist you m bill was ready for a vote, but major GLBT
determining how to invest your IRA assets groups across the nation rose up in protest
to help address your investment and anger and demanded that
objectives, taking into account your time transgender/transsexual people be
horizon, “5k tolerance and other included in the legislation. Responding to
Circumstances. If you want. to.take full pressure, legislators agreed to delay a
advantage of increased contribution limits, vote
don't delay. Contact a Financial Advisor We at Bluegrass Fairness of Central
today. _ _ , . Kentucky agree with the other groups

{Ve'the’ UBS Financial Serwces Inc. across the nation. We stand for Fairness
nor.its employees prowdeItax or legal for all. We cannot afford to leave our
adwce. You mustconsult mm if our legal transgender/transsexual kindred fall by the
and/or tax adwsors regarding your wayside while we enjoy privilege. We
persona/circumstances. refuse to support legislation that

Distributions from tax-deferred discriminatesinanycapacity.
accounts are subject to income taxes and, To let your legislators know what you
ifmadepn'orto age 59-1/2, maybe subject think go to the following website'

0 ' '
toa10£penalty . . , . http://www.congress.org/congressorg/

The information contained in this hom e /
article is based on sources believed For the latest on BGF go to
reliable, but its accuracy cannot be w b fair or or call 859:951-4450
guaranteed. ' g ' g ‘

5% GAY AND Pride Center Office Manager
"4 2-1;"1. ir .. .

L; L E S B | A N BiII Chandler

' SERVICES 859 253-3233

‘4: ORGANIZATION News Editors
Lexmgton, Kentucky Mary Crone - Sarah Phillips

Publishes the GLSO News Monthly _ _
P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588
www.GLSO.org volunteer opportunities available
Page 16
. ._

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