xt7v9s1kjk0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1kjk0c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-04-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 7, 1989, no. 548 text The Green Bean, April 7, 1989, no. 548 1989 1989-04-07 2014 true xt7v9s1kjk0c section xt7v9s1kjk0c  
Number 548 April 7, 1989
E?hotos by Pictureman Mullins will be on exhibit in the Peal Gallery, King
Library North, April 9 ~ May 19. William Richardson Mullins traveled
throughout Wise and Dickenson counties in Virginia, and Letcher and Pike
Counties, Kentucky, making snapshots and portraits with a roll—film box
cameras in the 1920s and 1930s. After World War II, he set up studios in East
Jenkins and Payne Gap, Kentucky, which he maintained until his death in 1969
at the age of 82. This exhibit represents four decades of Pictureman's work.
The opening of exhibit will be held on Sunday, April 9, at 2:00 p.m. The poet
Bob Henry Baber, who was instrumental in creating the exhibit, will provide an
~ introduction. A reception will follow.
Other photos by Pictureman will also be on exhibit at UK‘s Appalachian Center
Gallery, 641 South Limestone Street. Both exhibits are free and open to the
These exhibits are co—sponsored by the UK Libraries, the Appalachian Center,
and the Kentucky Humanities Council. The photographs were lent by Mullins' "
granddaughter, Angel Rucker of Jenkins, Kentucky. (Submitted by Kate Black.)
, O O  
~ Th; Newsletter of the Umversnty  
of Kent k L°b aries i

KAREN COBB microfilm we recently ordered from
your library has arrived. It came
during the Christmas vacation and is
A photocopy of "Reflections," a fine condition. The people who
collection of Karen Cobb's poetry and carried out the microfilming did a
plays that her family had bound into good job -- Carnap‘s marginalia and
a presentation booklet, is on reserve other important features come through
at King Circulation desk under nicely.
Karen's name. Karen's mother, Mrs.
Romelia Hogan, writes that plans for . . .Once again, let me thank you for
the church library in memory of Karen your kind assistance in drawing our
V are firming up; the collection will attention to this matter and in
include in addition to books, a arranging for the filming of our
microcomputer, videocassettes, journals. We much appreciate your
audiotapes, and playback equipment. concern for the Archives of
(Submitted by Brad Grissom.) Scientific Philosophy and welcome any
other suggestions you might have for
developing it.
Joanne Goode, Math Librarian,
recently received the following two
  letters from Dr. Don Howard, Susan Byars ....... Equine Center
professor of philosophy at UK, and W. ` Matt Eifried ....... Periodicals /
Gerald Heaverly, Curator of the Newspapers / Microtexts
Archives on Scientific Philosophy and Maggie Johnson ....... Chemistry /
General Manuscripts at the University Physics Library
of Pittsburgh, commending both her Gloria Kennedy ....... Law Library
and`the library‘s microfilming Laura Whayne ....... Kentucky 4
center. Transportation Center
The enclosed letter of thanks from
the University of Pittsburgh should DEPARTING STAFF
be addressed to you as much as to me. ' '
Thank you very much for your help in
arranging for the microfilming. Jennifer Milosch ....... Technical
I wanted to inform you that the
. - · .

Ixpril 7: Movie—Going in Lexington, 1896 — 1906: Greg Waller, Department of
j April 14: Music for Fun: Phyllis Jenness, voice, School of Music
April. 21: Chamber Music for Flute, Horn, and Piano: David Elliott, horn;
Marilee Elliott, flute; Patricia Montgomery, piano, School of Music
Ikpril 12: Imaging the Earth's Interior by Supercomputer: Larry Brown,
Cornell University
i Ddanaging Media Services: Theory and Practice, Charles W. Vlcek and Raymond
V. Wiman. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1989. (Z717 .V58 1989.)
Cataloging Microcomputer Software: A Manual pg Accoppany AACR2, Chapter QL
i Computer Files, Nancy B. Olson. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1989.
(2695.615 .044 1988.) - _
  Librarians' Agreements: Bargaining for a Heterogeneous Profession, John W.
Weatherford. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988. (Z682.2 .U5 W4 1988.)
Librarians ip Search pf Science and Identity: The Elusive Profession, George
E. Bennett. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988. (Z665 .B476 1988.) i _ 4 `
Libraries and the Search for Academic Excellence, Patricia Senn Breivikgand f
Robert Wedgeworth, eds. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988. (Z675 .U5 L44 _
1988.) (Submitted by Rob Aken.) l. ’

 __ •J C) B C) P E N I N G S •
Head Map Librarian, University of Director, State Library Services
Arizona, Tucson. Salary: Division, Kentucky Department for
$30,000 minimum. Deadline: June Libraries and Archives, Frankfort.
1,1989. Salary: $32,916 — $36,207.
Systems and Automation Librarian, Deadline: May 1, 1989.
University of Arizona, Tucson.
Salary: none listed. Deadline:
April 30, 1989. _
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Head, Government Documents / Maps,
University of Maryland, College `
Park. Salary: $27,264 — $36,486.
Program Officer for Information DemMine: May 1,1989.
` Services, Office of Management
Services, Association of Research
Libraries. Salary: $30,000 -
, $40,000. Deadline: none listed. MASSACHUSETTS h
Position available May 1989.
" Director, Arts and Sciences Library,
Tufts University, Boston. Salary:
ILLINOIS rf— none listed. Deadline: May 31,
' 1989.
Monographic Cataloger (Africana), i
Northwestern University,
Evanston. Salary: $21,000 - MISSOURI h
I $25,000. Deadline: none listed.
I Library Cataloger, Northwest Missouri
State University, Maryville. 4
I KANSAS Salary: $25,000 minimum. ‘
Deadline: June 1, 1989.
Bibliographer for Russian and Soviet
Studies, University of Kansas,  
- Lawrence. Salary: none listed. MONTANA
Deadline: April 21, 1989.
Senior Government Information

Specialist, Montana State Cincinnati. Salary: $22,535 —
University, Bozeman. Salary: $26,650. Deadline: May 26, 1989.
$27,000 - $32,000. Deadline: May Head, Collection Management and
1, 1989. Processing Services, University of
Cincinnati. Salary: $38,000 —
$45,000. Deadline: June 2, 1989.
Head, Reference, Research and
NEW JERSEY Instruction Services Department,
University of Cincinnati. Salary:
$33,000 - $40,000. Deadline: May
Government Publications Librarian, 19, 1989.
Rutgers University, New
Brunswick. Salary: $30,705 Assistant Director for Main Library
minimum. Deadline: April 17, Public Services, Ohio State
1989. _ University, Columbus. $45,000 — A
‘ $54,000. Deadline: May 1, 1989.
Director, Harry A. Sprague Library, Minority Intern, Ohio State A
Montclair State College, Upper University, Columbus. Salary:
Montclair. Salary: $45,222.50 — $21,600 ~ $23,040. Deadline: May
$63,306.58. Deadline: April 10, 15, 1989. A
Assistant Librarian for University
Assistant Director for Technical Archives, Oklahoma State
  Services and Collection University, Stillwater. Salary: ‘
Management, North Carolina State $22,500 minimum. Deadline: May
University, Raleigh. Salary: 15, 1989.
$45,000 minimum. Deadline: May Head, Access Services Department,
1, 1989. Oklahoma State University,
Assistant Director for Public Stillwater. Salary: $30,000
Services, North Carolina State minimum. Deadline: May 1, 1989.
University, Raleigh. Salary: A
_ $45,000 minimum. Deadline: May
1, 1989. A
OHIO Assistant Order Librarian for
Serials, University of South
A Carolina, Columbia. Salary:
Bibliographic Instruction Librarian / $25,000 minimum. Deadline: May 1, U
English Literature and Language 1989.
Bibliographer, University of
GREEN BEAN STAFF: mum Jam cox, mma my mm; czcn. missy, mmm.