xt7v9s1kht0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1kht0q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2002-04-apr30. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2002-04-apr30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2002-04-apr30. 2002 2002-04-apr30. 2011 true xt7v9s1kht0q section xt7v9s1kht0q 


                           Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                               University of Kentucky
                                      1:00 P.M.
                                   April 30, 2002
                           18th Floor Patterson Office Tower


Accompanying Materials:

President's Report and Action Items

PR 2  Personnel Actions
PR 3  Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations
PR 4  Vice President for Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness
PR 5  Establishment of the Position of Vice President for Academic Outreach and Public Service

Academic Affairs Committee Report

AACR 1    Candidates for Degrees - University System
AACR 2    Change in Name of an Educational Unit
AACR 3    Establishment of Baccalaureate Degree Program in College of Arts and Sciences
AACR 4    Merger of Foreign Language Departments
AACR 5    Change in Name of an Educational Unit
AACR 6    Establishment of a New Department

Finance Committee Report

FCR 1   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the nine
months ended March 31, 2002
FCR 2   Capital Construction Report
FCR 3   Report of Leases
FCR 4   Approval of Leases
FCR 5   Mandatory Registration Fee Schedule - 2002-03
FCR 6   Room and Board Rates 2002-2003 School Year
FCR 7   UK Coldstream Research Campus Extension of Mini Campus into Lots 21 and 22
FCR 8   Authorization to Sell Properties on South Upper and Lawrence Street
FCR 9   Authorization to Purchase 630-640 South Broadway
FCR 10 2001-2002 Budget Revisions
FCR 11 Coldstream Research Campus Ground Lease First Alliance Corporation


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, April 30, 2002.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington
time) on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson
Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and
Ms. Marian Sims gave the invocation.

      B.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll:
Mr. Paul Chellgren, Ms. Marian Smith Edge, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys Mather,
Ms. Pamela May, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles (Chairman), Dr. Elissa
Plattner, Dr. Claire Pomeroy, Mr. Steven Reed, Mr. Tim Robinson, Mr. Frank Shoop,
Ms. Marian Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. Grady Stumbo, Mr. Billy Wilcoxson, Mr. Russ
Williams, and Ms. Elaine Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Ms. JoEtta Wickliffe
and Ms. Barbara Young. The University administration was represented by President
Lee T. Todd, Jr., Acting Senior Vice President Jack C. Blanton, Senior Vice President
and Chancellor of the Medical Center James W. Holsinger, Jr., Acting Provost Michael
Nietzel, Acting Vice President for Research James Boling, and Mr. Richard E. Plymale,
General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 1:04p.m.

      C.    Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees - 2002-2003

      Mr. Miles called attention to the Schedule for Meetings of the Board of Trustees -
2002-2003 that was distributed in the Board packets and asked the members to make note
of those dates.

      D.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Miles noted the following consent items on the agenda:

             Approval of Minutes - April 2, 2002
             PR 2     Personnel Actions
             AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees - University System

      Mr. Shoop moved approval of the Consent Agenda. The motion, seconded by
Ms. Wilson, carried. (See PR 2 and AACR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)


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E.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

President Todd highlighted the following items in PR 1:

1. The University of Kentucky forms a partnership with the Georgetown
   Community Hospital for a Cancer Treatment Center. This is a regional
   approach and is a collaborative effort of the UK Markey Cancer Center and
   Georgetown Community Hospital.

2. The University of Kentucky College of Law ranks among the top 25 colleges
   at public institutions. The College of Medicine ranked 43rd among 125
   accredited medical schools in the area of primary care. These graduate school
   rankings were released by U.S. News and World Report.

3. Dr. William E. Kirwan II, President of The Ohio State University and
   alumnus of the UK College of Arts and Sciences, was on campus recently.
   He was presented with the Outstanding Alumni Award from the UK Alumni
   Association and the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Kirwan will be going
   to Maryland to become Chancellor of the University System of Maryland in

4. The College of Agriculture and the Gatton College of Business and
   Economics have joined forces to spur new economic growth in Kentucky's
   communities. Agriculture's Cooperative Extension Service and the Kentucky
   Small Business Development Center will combine resources to help small
   business and agri-business development. This is another way to get research
   information out in the communities. This is similar to what the University has
   done with the School of Public Health. Both of these fit well in the
   University's "higher purpose" mission in service across the Commonwealth.

5. The Beckman Undergraduate Research Scholarships were announced a few
   months ago. There were only five institutions to receive these scholarships:
   Duke, Washington University, UCLA, Boston University and the University
   of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky has now selected its first two
   students to be recipients of this prestigious award. They are Robin Petroze of
   Fort Mitchell and Garrett Sparks of Ashland. These students will be working
   this summer with some of the University's research faculty.

6. Kimberly Anderson, professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering,
   received the 2002 Sarah Bennett Holmes Award from the UK Women's
   Forum. The award is granted annually to a woman working at the University
   who promotes the growth and well-being of other women not only at UK but
   throughout the Commonwealth. Professor Anderson is also heading the Vice
   President for Research search.


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       7. A baseball-testing machine designed by a team of UK mechanical engineering
          seniors shut out 34 other teams from engineering schools across the Midwest
          to win first place at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Regional
          Design Competition held last month in Evansville, Indiana. This is the kind
          of competition that really makes students feel like they are a part of the
          organization and that they are doing exciting things.

       8. Two UK professors have been selected for American Council on Education
          (ACE) Fellowships. Lori Gonzalez, College of Allied Health Professions and
          Deneese Jones, College of Education and The Graduate School, will be going
          away for a year to work with leaders in other institutions.

       9. UK increases life insurance benefits for employees. The basic life insurance
          benefit will increase from $7,500 to $10,000 for all regular full-time
          employees on July 1, 2002.

      President Todd mentioned the other good things in his report and asked the Board
to peruse them.

      He mentioned the following two items that had come up since his report was

       1. UK College of Medicine is the exclusive site chosen to conduct the first Phase
          I clinical research trial for a new investigational smallpox vaccine for the
          Department of Defense. It is significant that the University has been asked to
          participate in this project during this period of bio-terrorism. The University
          has received favorable coverage from almost all of the major news
          organizations. This is a very significant contribution that the University is
          making to the cause of the country at this point in time.

      2. David Hawpe, Courier-Journal columnist, wrote an article about UK on the
          op-ed page of the Courier-Journal this past Sunday. The article is about UK
          students putting together a solar car. UK is the only Southeastern Conference
          school participating in this competition. President Todd mentioned the
          brochure that he had distributed. He encouraged the Board to make donations
          because the students are trying to raise $90,000.

      F.    President's Work-Life Retreat

      President Todd reported on the Commission on the Status of Women headed by
Professor Carolyn Bratt. The Commission is having a retreat and invitations have been
sent to the Board. While helping the Lexington City Government, Professor Bratt read an
article about Work-Life and got the idea for the Commission to have a retreat. They are
calling it the President's Work-Life Retreat. Deans and quite a select group of people
have been invited to attend this retreat. Jennifer Swanberg, a national Work-Life expert


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who is on the faculty of UK's College of Social Work, is a participant in the retreat. The
retreat will be a full day presentation.

      He said that UK has many unique situations. It has many employees who are
working two jobs, trying to pursue their education simultaneously with working, and
caring for children and elderly members of the family. In an institution of this size, there
are some department heads that will interpret policies in certain ways or have their own
policy that is more benevolent than a department down the hall. The objective is to get
together, look at the UK community environment, embrace all of the variations that are in
the work place today, and try to make UK a better place to work. IBM is big on this, and
a lot of corporations can show where it makes a difference business wise. The University
of Michigan and the University of Arizona have developed Work-Life programs so UK
will be right in there with some of its benchmarks.

      President Todd announced that Mary Ellen Slone, who has embraced this program
at Meridian for some years, is going to be one of the speakers. He said that he strongly
endorsed the program, and in his opinion, it can make a big difference on campus. It is a
very good program for the whole university and will touch as many men as women.

      G.    Report on the Commission on Diversity

      President Todd reported that the Commission on Diversity, under the leadership
of Professor Deneese Jones, has put together a program in record time. The idea for the
program came from Senator Gerald Neal of Louisville when he indicated to all the
university presidents that there was only one African-American professor in the "Bucks
for Brains" program. We now have two African-American professors in this program.

       Senator Neal said he understood that it might be difficult to find faculty and bring
them here because the African-American talent that is capable of being in the "Bucks for
Brains" program is highly sought after. He suggested we should start a pipeline.

      President Todd said he returned from his meeting with Senator Neal and met with
Professor Jones that afternoon. He also talked to Dr. Nietzel and Dr. Boling about this.
They talked about going after the African-American undergraduate population and
inviting them to fill out applications to apply to work with "Bucks for Brains" professors.
Dr. Boling and Professor Jones developed this program together, and 110 students
attended an orientation to hear about it. Of those 1 10 students, everyone took
applications, and 108 students completed the application.

      The Committee met yesterday, and UK is giving 25 young people the opportunity
to work with "Bucks for Brains" professors across the campus. Dr. Boling's office is
going to provide $1,000 for materials for each of the "Bucks for Brains" professors, and
the President's Office is providing $3,500 for the summer support. These students will
be able to work for 10 weeks in laboratories on campus. President Todd said that this is
an outstanding opportunity for UK to begin a pipeline on its own.



      President Todd mentioned another program called KYSS for all students. He
noted that UK gets more applications from outside the University than inside the
University for people to spend their summers on campus, and this program needs to be
expanded. The appetite for these students to be able to work with the "Bucks for Brains"
professors is significant, and it is a good way to leverage that talent and build a pipeline.
He commended Professor Jones, her team, and Drs. Boling and Nietzel for getting that
program up and running. He said it would have an impact pretty quickly.

      H.    Advisory Group Appointed for Athletics Director

      President Todd reported that he has appointed an advisory group to work with
him on the search for an Athletics Director. This will be a group that will help him in
deciding which search firm to choose. He said that he wants to have more people than
himself sitting around the table when interviewing search firms and candidates. He noted
that he will make the final decision.

      President Todd explained that this is not a search committee that is going to make
a recommendation to him. This is a group of individuals that he will work with and
exchange ideas. He announced that the advisory group would be composed of the
following individuals:

      Mira Ball - a community leader, former chair of the Greater Lexington Chamber
      of Commerce and owner of Ball Homes.

      Sam Bowie - a former basketball letterman at UK and NBA star.

      Dermonti Dawson - a former football letterman at UK and NFL star who is now a
      businessman in Lexington.

      John Hall - an All-American football player and former football letterman at
      Vanderbilt, captain of the Vanderbilt football team, and academic All-American.
      He also chaired the search for the Athletics Director when Vanderbilt selected
      Todd Turner recently.

      Garrett Headley - a stockbroker in Lexington and former wrestling letterman at
      UK. He is president of the K Association that represents the lettermen of all
      sports across campus.

      Claire Pomeroy - a member of the Board of Trustees and UK faculty.

      Gerald Smith - a member of the UK History Department, who directs the African-
      American Studies and Research Program, and a faculty representative on the
      Athletic Association Board of Directors.

      President Todd explained that he and the advisory group will select a search firm,
and then the search firm will begin doing its work. He noted that he already has a stack


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of applications and correspondence from candidates to turn over to the search firm. The
search firm will also know candidates to bring to the table. He said that he hoped to close
out the position by the end of the summer.

      I.    UK Appeals NCAA Bowl Restrictions

      President Todd reported that the University of Kentucky (UK) has submitted its
appeal on the football bowl restriction. He reminded the Board of the NCAA penalty that
states that UK cannot appear in a bowl this year. He said that he decided and announced
sometime ago that he was going to appeal that decision. The coaches and players are
working hard, and they deserve to be supported. That is why UK is appealing that

      President Todd reminded the Board of a statement he made in a previous press
conference. In that press conference, he said that he would not take an entourage to
Indianapolis to defend this penalty. At the time he said that, he wanted to make sure that
everybody knew that UK was taking the sanctions very seriously. He said, "We did not
disagree with the sanctions and the wrongdoings they accused us. We found most of
them ourselves anyway."

      President Todd explained that this is a legalistic appeal to try to overturn a
previous decision. After consulting with attorneys, the attorneys advised that the
University would have a better situation if President Todd were there; therefore, he will
go pled the case for the University. The NCAA has agreed to allow representatives from
the University to make an appearance. President Todd said that he plans to fight it. It is
still a long shot, but the process has begun. The NCAA has not given the hearing date

      J.    Former UK President and Mrs. Frank Dickey Recognized

      President Todd referred back to PR 1. He reported that Omicron Delta Kappa
(ODK) recently recognized Dr. Frank Dickey, former UK President. The ODK national
collegiate leadership honor society presented Dr. Dickey with its highest honor, the
Laurel Crowned Circle Award. Dr. Dickey is only the seventh ODK member to receive
the award in the society's 87-year history, and this is remarkable.

      Dr. Dickey and his wife, Betty, have also established a new endowed scholarship
for graduate students in UK's College of Education. Dr. Dickey served as Dean of the
College of Education, and Dickey Hall is named for him.

      President Todd said that Frank and Betty Dickey have been a part of the living
legacy at Maxwell Place. He and his wife, Patsy, have found no one to be more
charming, supportive, and more interesting to talk to than the Dickey's, Betty in
particular. He said the Dickey's have become close friends of theirs since they have been
occupying Maxwell Place.



      President Todd invited the Board to see the marker that was unveiled a few weeks
ago at Maxwell Place, if they had not already seen it. He noted that the Singletary's, the
Dickey's, the Wethington's and now the Todd's have occupied Maxwell Place 50% of
the time that the University has owned it. It has been a warm place for the institution.
The Dickey's certainly bring a lot of warmth every time they talk to them about anything
that happened there.

      President Todd recognized Frank and Betty Dickey, who were in the audience.
He said that they did not want to be recognized, but he thought it might be appropriate,
given their legacy with the institution. He said the Dickey's were in attendance to be
recognized for his recognition with ODK Laurel Crowned Circle, for their continued
support of the institution, and for all that they have done for the institution. He thanked
them for attending the meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Dickey received a round of applause and a
standing ovation.

      Mrs. Dickey said that Dr. Dickey declined to say anything. She thanked President
Todd and the Board for their kindness and time. She said they came to the meeting to
pay tribute to Dean Ed Sagan, Mary Ann Vimont, the entire staff, faculty, and students in
the College of Education, and then said "They have come a long way baby." Mrs.
Dickey received a round of applause.

      K.    Report on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' Visit

      President Todd reported that the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
(SACS) visiting team had visited campus since the last Board meeting. The team was on
campus April 15-18 and many of the Board members attended the dinner. He said that a
transcript of the meeting had been placed in the Board packets at the request of Mr.
Guthrie for those who could not attend the meeting.

      President Todd provided a brief summary of their visit. He said that the
University received one commendation, and he was told that those commendations are
rare. Dr. Roger Sayers, Visiting Team Chair, indicated the Committee commends the
new leadership and the impact they have had in providing an atmosphere for students,
faculty and staff to embrace the "one university" concept. The Team applauded
enthusiastically the campus and its welcoming aesthetics. They felt good about their visit
and the way they were embraced by our people.

      President Todd thanked John Piecoro, Connie Vaughn, and the 150 people that
worked on the entire process, along with Alice Sparks who served diligently on that
committee. He said that Dr. Piecoro informed him that there were no major surprises or
issues that had not already surfaced out of the University's own self-study. There were
31 recommendations out of a potential 450 "must" statements and the staff is already
working on several of those. He reported that Dr. Holsinger has been head of the "Fix It"
Committee for some time, and this Committee probably saved 5 or 10 recommendations
by having already addressed some things before the Visiting Team arrived.


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      He said that there were 26 team members representing 19 other southeastern
institutions. The team conducted 500 interviews while they were on campus and also
traveled to Paducah. They visited all of the University's campus sites.

      As the process goes forward, SACS will submit a draft report to the University
and only factual errors can be corrected. The formal report will be submitted to the
University in June of this year. September 15th is the deadline to submit a written
response to the report, including a plan on how to address the shortcomings they found in
the "must" statements. The official notification about the re-accreditation process will be
received in January 2003.

      Dr. Plattner talked about the Tuesday morning President Todd gave his remarks to
the Visiting Team. She said the Team was sitting politely around the table with their
thick notebooks and pens until President Todd mentioned that one of UK's initiatives is
to work very close with its sister university, the University of Louisville. Everybody
immediately picked up their pencils and started writing. Then President Todd said that
another outreach is with the independent colleges in the state who are such a rich
resource of education. He mentioned a number of things UK is doing, and everyone on
the Team took extensive notes while he was speaking. Dr. Plattner congratulated
President Todd on a great speech that Tuesday morning.

      Following a round of applause, President Todd said he would not have to do that
for another ten years. It was one of those ten-year speeches.

      L.    Update on Top 20 Task Force

      President Todd asked Acting Provost Nietzel to come forward and talk about the
Top 20 Task Force. He mentioned that Phyllis Nash is also working on the Top 20 Task
Force as well as several other things, including the Work-Life Program with Jennifer
Swanberg. He asked Dr. Nash, Ms. Swanberg and Professor Bratt to stand and be
recognized. They received a round of applause.

      Acting Provost Nietzel thanked President Todd and reminded the Board that a
little less than a year ago President Todd formed a Top 20 Task Force and appointed
several faculty, students and individuals from outside the University to that Task Force.
Today is an opportunity to present a summary of the report that the group has put
together for the Board's consideration and for the beginning of a campus-wide discussion
about the document and where it would take the University.

      The charge to the Task Force was to identify the dimensions and the measures the
University would use as it calibrates progress over the next several years toward
becoming one of the nations' premiere research universities as well as contributing to the
improvement of the quality of life and the economy of the State of Kentucky. That dual
objective has always been paramount in the Task Force's consideration. He said he was
there to introduce Dr. Phyllis Nash who has been an outstanding leader of the Task Force


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and without whom the Task Force would not be prepared to have come as close to its
deadline, which he believes was the end of March.

      He stated that Dr. Nash has kept the group on task and has provided the materials,
the resources, and a great deal of very thoughtful input to really get this report into the
shape that it is in today. She has earned favorable comments across campus. He said it
was an outstanding opportunity for him to get to work with the Task Force and Dr. Nash.
It was a spirited, determined group. The group had a lot of disagreements and
discussions that they worked through and always did so with a wonderful attitude
towards each other. The final document reflects the product of that kind of good debate
among people who trust each other to do this kind of work.

      Acting Provost Nietzel said he wanted to pay particular tribute to the staff that
helped. He recognized Kelly Bevins, Maria Kemplin and Lisa Collins and said those
three people were invaluable to the Task Force in terms of helping get the work done.

      He also mentioned Bill McCann who was the outside person on the Task Force
and a longtime member of the Prichard Committee. Bill brought a lot to the table for the
group to consider that may not have been considered had it not been for his presence.

      He said that Dr. Nash would provide a very brief summary of the report and
hopefully provide the beginning of the chance to have more discussion across the
University as it is considered. This report constitutes both a plan and a scorecard for
approaching the Top 20 mandate and how the University thinks about progress toward
that goal in the next several years. He thanked Dr. Nash for everything she did to make
the report come true and asked her to make her presentation.

      Dr. Nash said it was her pleasure to co-chair the group with Provost Nietzel and to
be the spokesperson for the group. She stated that it was a group effort and presented the
names of the individuals, the faculty, the staff, the students and the citizen member who
put their heart and soul into this effort. She expressed appreciation to the staff that
supported the group and did a lot of the work that made it come together.

      Dr. Nash said that it was President Todd's first full day in office when he said to
the University community that he was creating a Top 20 Task Force. She then presented
the following Powerpoint presentation to the Board:


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      In conclusion, she made the following statement: "We believe that the University
of Kentucky has the impetus to change. Governor Patton and the legislature have called
us to become a premier, nationally recognized university. The citizens of the
Commonwealth want to be our partners in shaping our future. The Top 20 Task force has
created a vision, a dream, if you will, of what we can become. We have the leadership of
President Todd who challenges us to dream big and achieve greatness. We have the
support of you, the Board of Trustees, the loyalty of our alumni, the expertise and
dedication of our faculty and staff, and the talents and energy of our students. So, we
believe we have an impetus to change. We now only need to seek the opportunity before
us and persevere until the dream is reality." She thanked everyone, following which she
received a round of applause. She then entertained questions from the Board.

Mr. Miles asked, "Where are we today in the ranks?"


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      Dr. Nash replied that the group very specifically chose not to take a look at the
ranks. They did not want to be influenced or compromised by where UK would rank if
they chose an indicator. They decided to address it and evaluate what they thought they
ought to be looking at. Once President Todd accepts the report, these are the indicators
they want to accept. The group will go out and collect all of the information. She
reiterated that the rank was specifically not done so that they would not try to stack the
deck in their favor in any way.

      Ms. Sims thanked Dr. Nash. She noted that it was a huge amount of work and
expressed her appreciation to Dr. Nash.

      Dr. Nash agreed that it certainly was a lot of work, but they enjoyed it because
they had such great groups to work with.

      Mr. Guthrie asked if the group had started trying to establish some milestones,
such as making the Association of American Universities (AAU) membership by a
certain date.

      Dr. Nash said that they called AAU and asked if they would be willing to share
with them the criteria that AAU uses in selecting membership. They basically said,
"Don't call us. We'll call you." Certainly, the next step is to set the intermediate
markers that will help us know whether or not we are achieving our goals. She said the
group did not, however, think it was the prerogative of the Task Force to set that up until
the report was accepted. AAU membership ought to be on the list of goals for sure. She
indicated that she would be surprised if UK was not invited to AAU membership in the
next five years. She said that they actually did get as much information about AAU as
they could and if you look at AAU membership, there are many institutions that are
members of AAU that are institutions of UK's rank and level. UK should have little
difficulty once it establishes a national reputation a little bit more.

      Mr. Guthrie asked, "How many members are in AAU?"

      Acting Provost Nietzel said it was close to 80.

      Mr. Guthrie asked, "How does this break down by public/private?"

      Acting Provost Nietzel said that 60 are public.

      Dr. Nash said she could get that list to Mr. Guthrie along with the dates that they
were invited into membership.

      Mr. Guthrie said it would be interesting to know who we are shooting for here.

      Dr. Stumbo said one of the things in the service area in rural areas that is lacking
more than anything else is the civic capacity of communities. If UK helps build the civic


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capacity, then everything gets better; the health, the education, the economic, etc. He
said he would like to see them address that civic building capacity.

      Dr. Nash said they were really trying to get at civic engagement, but maybe they
were not clear enough.

      Dr. Stumbo said they needed to go down to the grassroots level and help people
think like a community.

      Dr. Nash said Dr. Stumbo made a good point.

      Ms. Sims said they need to help them feel attached to UK and not just be an
extension to UK.

      Dr. Nash replied that there has to be a partnership.

      Ms. Sims said maybe partnership is the word everyone should be using in the

      This concluded Dr. Nash's presentation, and she received another round of

      President Todd recognized the new Director of the UK Art Museum Kathy Wall-
Piper in the audience. He welcomed her to the University and reported that she comes to
the University from the Dallas Museum of Art. He said he was glad to have her and
thanked the search committee that brought her to the University of Kentucky.

      M.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3)

      President Todd said that this is the first reading of PR 3 and asked Dr. Mather to
comment on it.

      Dr. Mather reminded the Board that in December Chairman Miles reinvigorated
the Ad Hoc Committee on Board Structure. Since that time, the Committee has been
meeting and providing updates of those meetings to the Board. PR 3 is a proposal that
the Committee is recommending. He said he anticipated that the Committee would be
bringing a set of recommendations that apply more to the affiliated and related
organizations of the University to the June Board meeting. PR 3 is the part of the
Committee's discussion that deals with committee structure and committee charges that
require changes to the Governing Regulations. He asked Mr. Williams to discuss PR 3.

      Mr. Williams said the recommended changes are not substantial in structure but
more in philosophy. He explained that everything had been coming from the President to
the Board. In their