xt7v9s1khs9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khs9f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1981-02-mar10-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-02-mar10-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-02-mar10-ec. 1981 1981-02-mar10-ec. 2011 true xt7v9s1khs9f section xt7v9s1khs9f 

   Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
March 10, 1981.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
on Tuesday, March 10, 1981 in the Board Room on the 18th
floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
2:08 p.m. and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Black.
The following members of the Executive Committee answered
the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman,
Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Homer W.
Ramsey, and Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, ex officio secretary.
Mr. William T. Young was absent from the meeting. Members
of the Board of Trustees attending the meeting were:
Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mr. Terry McBrayer,
Professor Constance Wilson, Professor Opal Conley, and Mr.
Brad    Sturgeon.    The   University   administration   was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Jack C. Blanton, Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clapp, Lewis
W. Cochran Raymond R. Hornback, John T. Smith, Charles T.
Wethington, and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Art Gallaher, Vice
President-Designate; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the
Graduate School and Coordinator of Research; Professor
William F. Wagner, Trustee-Elect; and Mr. John C. Darsie,
General  Counsel.   The  Secretary reported a quorum present
and the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for
the conduct of business at 2:10 p.m.

    B.   Minutes Approved

    The Minutes of the Februa-y 9, 1981 meeting of the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees were approved
without objection.

    C.   Adoption  of Resolution   Approving  the Sale   and
Issuance of Series L Housing and Dining System Revenue Bond
Anticipation Notes

    Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by
Mr. Ramsey that the following Resolution, which was read in
full to the Executive Committee, be passed and adopted; said
Resolution was entitled as follows:



        WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Board of
    Trustees of the University of Kentucky (the "Board");
    by Resolution passed and adopted on February 9, 1981
    authorized  First  Kentucky   Securities   Corporation,
    Fiscal Agent for the Board, to solicit proposals for
    the purchase of the Board's $4,200,000 principal amount
    of "University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System
    Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes, Series L" dated March
    17, 1981 (the "Notes") , and

        WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of said
    Resolution the Fiscal Agent has prepared an "Official
    Statement" containing a form of "Invitation to Submit
    Proposals for Purchase" in regard to said Notes and has
    distributed same to perspective purchasers of said
    Notes in accordance with law, and

        WHEREAS, under the terms of the "Invitation to
     Submit Proposals for Purchase" it is provided that
     proposals would be considered by the Board if submitted
     on or before 2:00 P.M. on March 10, 1981, and

         WHEREAS, the hour of 2:00 P.M. has arrived and
     proposals for the purchase of the Notes having been
     received by the Vice President for Business Affairs as

Bidders:                     Coupon    Discount or   Effective   Amount
                             Rates    Premium       Rate

John Nuveen & Co., Inc.      8.875      99.699       9.123        4,200,00

Hilliard Lyons               7.85      .9956238      8.222        1,100,00

Hilliard Lyons               8.00      .9956238      8.371        1,000,00

Hilliard Lyons               8.10      .9956238      8.471        1,000,00

Hilliard Lyons               8.20      .9956238      8.571        1,100,00

First Boston                 8.5       100.002       8.479        4-,200,00

Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc.    8.1        99.6         8.438          500,00

Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc.    8.125      99.6         8.463          500,00

Seasongood & Mayer           8          99.52        8.409        1,200,00

Seasongood & Mayer           8.1        99.5         8.527          100,00

Seasongood & Mayer           8.25       99.52        8.659        1,700,00

Seasongood & Mayer           8.35       99.55        8.732          600,00

Seasongood & Mayer           8.49       99.55        8.872          800,00


Bache Halsey Stuart Shields

8. 05     9 9. 6

8. 38 8     1. 0 00. 00



Bache Halsey Stuart Shields


Bache Halsey Stuart Shields 8.15

Bache Halsey Stuart Shields 8.20

Drexell Burnham & Lambert

First Kentucky Securities

First Kentucky Securities

Merrill Lynch-Cincinnati



8. 49


WHEREAS, the Executive

Committee of the Board has

considered the matter of which bid(s) is (are) the most
advantageous to the Board;


    1.   That  the following bids for the sale of $4,200,000
         of University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System
         Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes, Series L, dated
         March 17, 1981, be accepted and confirmed:

Purchaser                    Coupon   Discount or
                             Rates    Premium

Hilliard Lyons

Merrill Lynch








2.   That  said  bid(s)  identified in Section 1. hereof
     have been determined to be the highest and best to
     the Board and the University for said Notes, the
     interest rates on said Notes are hereby fixed at
     the rates set out in said successful bid(s).

3.   That  said  Notes  as  identified in the Resolution
     passed and adopted by the Executive Committee on
     February 9, 1981 shall be delivered by the officers
     of the Board in accordance with the terms of said
     Resolution and the 1981 Trust Indenture as soon as










8. 538

8 . 659

8. 407



1 ,000, 000

1 ,000,000







1 , 100, 0 00




   4.     That  the confirmation of this bid subjects the
        Board to no liability if it is unable to obtain the
        final approving Legal Opinion of Henry M. Reed III,
        Bond Ccunsel, Louisville, Kentucky, or if said
        Notes or the interest thereon should be subject to
        ad valorem or income taxation by the Federal
        Government or Kentucky prior to delivery of said
        Notes, but the purchasers shall not be required to
        take up said Notes without the final approving
        Legal Opinion of Bond Counsel accompanying said
        Notes or if said Notes or the interest thereon
        should become so subject to taxation.

   5.  That  this Resolution   shall  be in full force and
        effect from and after its adoption.

   Upon a vote being taken on the motion, the result was as

        Yeas                         Nays

   William B. Sturgill, Chairman     None
   William R. Black
   Albert G. Clay
   Homer W. Ramsey

   Thereupon the Chairman declared that the motion had
carried and that the Resolution had been passed and adopted
and directed that the same be recorded in the Minutes of the

    D.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary reviewed briefly some of the items
in his monthly report to the Trustees, calling particular
attention to (1) the $100,000 challenge grant for the
Annual-Giving Fund made by Mr. Ervin Nutter, a distinguished
alumnus of the University, and (2) the ground-breaking
ceremonies for the Primary-Ambulatory Care Center scheduled
for 4 p.m. today. He then recommended that the report be
accepted and filed. Without dissent, it was so ordered.

    E.   Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

    After noting that the personnel changes in PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, were routine in nature,
President  Singletary  recommended  its  approval.   Without
discussion, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Ramsey,
and passed, PR 2 was approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the



    F.   Supplemental  Recommendations  of the President (PR

    In addition to the routine personnel matters contained
in PR 3, President Singletary called attention to the
recommendation that Dr. Richard W. Furst be appointed as
Professor    with    tenure,    Department     of    Business
Administration, and named Dean of the College of Business
and Economics, effective July 1, 1981. President Singletary
pointed out that this recommendation was the result of a
careful search and evaluation by the duly appointed Search
Committee.   Dr.  Furst  holds the M.B.A. and D.B.A. degrees
from Washington University. He has been on the faculty of
the University of South Carolina since 1960 and currently
holds  the  J.  Henry  Fellers  Professorship   in   Business
Administration.   President Singletary said he was delighted
to recommend the appointment of Dr.  Furst as Dean    of  the
College  of  Business and Economics, effective July 1, 1981,
and added that Dr. Furst was "our first choice'.

    Mr. Sturgill said he was happy to have been a part of
the group to meet with Dr. Furst during his visit to
Lexington, and that he was pleased to support President
Singletary's recommendation.

    On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and
passed, the personnel actions in PR 3 were   approved.   (See
PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    G.   1980-81 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by
Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed, the budget
revisions in PR 4 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4
at the end of the Minutes.)

    H.   Patent Assignments (PR 5)

    The recommendations in PR 5 regarding patent assignments
being of a routine nature, President Singletary recommended
approval. On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and
passed, PR 5 was aproved. (See PR 5 at the end of the

    I.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said the
Committee had four recommendations to be presented for
action, the first of which was the Interim Financial Report
for the period ending January 31, 1981, and moved that the
report be accepted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black,
and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the



   J.   Resolution  Reqarding  Safety   Features of Blanding
and Kirwan Towers (FCR 2)

    Noting that the cost of installing sprinklers and smoke
detectors for the safety of residents living in Blanding and
Kirwan Towers has been estimated to exceed the sum of three
hundred thousand dollars, Mr. Clay moved the adoption of the
resolution in FCR 2 authorizing the Vice President for
Business Affairs and Treasurer to request payment of the
cost of the sprinkler system and smoke detectors from funds
available in the Housing and Dining System's Repair and
Maintenance Reserve. His motion was seconded by Mr. Ramsey
and passed with all present voting "aye". (See FCR 2 at the
end of the Minutes.)

    K.   Parking Permit Proposal (FCR 3)

    Mr.   Clay   moved   that  the  parking   permit  proposal
regarding faculty, staff, and students as recommended in FCR
3 be   approved.   He pointed out that the Finance Committee
realizes that it is not popular to increase fees; however,
the Committee feels that the proposal is fair, reasonable
and a modest one, and one that is required for a manageable
situation of parking on campus.

    The Chair recognized Professor Wilson who, speaking on
behalf of two Trustees, wanted to go on record as being
opposed to implementing the plan of increasing parking fees
at this time in view of the financial conditions of the

    Mr. Clay called upon Mr. Blanton who spoke in favor of
the proposal. He reviewed briefly the parking and traffic
study which had been conducted by the consulting firm of
Harland-Bartholomew. He added that the plan being submitted
would result in a considerable improvement over the current
situation but that it was considerably less than that
recommended   by  the   consulting   firm.   He  reviewed   the
meetings which had been held to discuss the plan and
discussed the articles that appeared in the news media. Mr.
Blanton concluded his remarks by saying that he feels the
fees fall equitably on all segments of the University
community and that the benefits realized from the plan will
also fall equitably on all segments. Mr. Blanton then asked
Mr. Thomas Padgett, Director of the Public Safety Division,
to review briefly the proposal.

    Mr. Padgett explained, with the use of charts, the
disparity between the parking space supply and demand, the
problems with the present parking regulations, and the
inadequacies  of  the   transit  system.    A  survey   of  the
University's  parking  fees in comparison with the benchmark
institutions was explained.   Mr. Padgett   pointed  out   that
the  parking proposal contained basically three points:     (1)
some  administrative   improvements   related   to    increased
enforcement efforts, (2) increases in the number of parking
spaces through some new construction, some parking lot
redesignation and redesigning for smaller cars, and (3)



improvement to the transit sytem, including a proposed 20%
increase in service, additional and improved bus-waiting
facilities, and the institution of a night bus service.     In
order to fund these improvements, a fee schedule which would
double the fees over the next two-year period is being
recommended. It was explained by Mr. Padgett that this is a
multifaceted approach to problems which will intensify
without some corrective action.

    The Chair recognized Mr. Sturgeon who said the Student
Association feels that parking problems have reached a
crisis, and thinks the only way to solve the problem is
through a comprehensive plan as is being suggested. He said
the Student Association endorses the proposal, and Mr.
Sturgeon complimented the administration for their endeavors
to incorporate ideas by all members of the University
community in  the  decision-making  process.   Mr.  Sturgill
thanked Mr. Sturgeon for his comments.

    On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and
passed, the parking permit proposal in FCR 3 was approved.
(See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Adoption of Resolution Approving Issuance of Series
G Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds and
Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes (FCR 4)

    Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by
Mr. Black that the following Resolution, which was read in
summary form to the Executive Committee, be passed and
adopted; said Resolution was entitled as follows:

     BONDS,    SERIES   G   AND   $18,600,000   CONSOLIDATED

         (The   full Resolution   being  attached  to  these
     Minutes as Exhibit 1.)

     Upon a vote being taken on the motion, the result was as

         Yeas                        Nays

    William B. Sturgill, Chairman    None
    William R. Black
    Albert G. Clay
    Homer W. Ramsey



   Thereupon the Chairman declared that the motion had
carried and that the Resolution had been passed and adopted
and directed that the same be recorded in the Minutes of the
Board. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    N.   Meeting Adjourned

    There being no further business to come before the
meeting,  the  Chairman  declared  the  meeting   officially
adjourned at 2:39 p.m.

           Respectfully submitted,

           Betty Pace Clark
           Ex Officio Secretary
           Executive Committee
           Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, 4,and 5; and FCR's 1, 2, 3 and 4 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)


                                       Office of the President
                                       March 10, 1981


   Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I.      Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

   Recommendations:   (1)  that approval be given to the appointments
   and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2)
   that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
   approved by the administration be accepted.

   Background:   The  foiiowing recommended appointments and/or other
   staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in
   accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the
   University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by
   the appropriate vice president through the President and have his

   Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
   appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
   President or other administrators who are required to report their
   actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations
   requiring Board approval.

                             BOARD ACTION

   A.   Academic Appointments


              College of Business and Economics

              Hirsch,   Barry   T.,   Visiting    Associate  Professor,
                   Economics, 8/16/81 through 6/30/82.

   B.   Joint Appointment


              Coilege of Pharmacy

              Digenis,   George,   Professor    (with   tenure),   joint
                   appointment as Professor in the Graduate Center for
                   Toxicology, effective 1/1/81.



D.   Promotions


          College of Engineering

          Paul,  Clayton  R.,   from   Associate Professor (without
               tenure), Electrical Engineering, to Professor (with
               tenure), Electrical Engineering, effective 7/1/81.
          Peters, Leonard K., from Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Chemical Engineering, to Professor (with
               tenure), Chemical Engineering, effective 7/1/81.

          College of Library Science

          Sodt,   James  D.,   from  Assistant  Professor   (without
               tenure), to Associate Professor (with tenure),
               effective 7/1/81.


          College of Dentistry

          Brown,   Albert  T.,   from  Associate  Professor,   (with
               tenure), Oral Biology, to Professor (with tenure),
               Oral Biology, effective 7/1/81.

          College of Medicine

          Beach,   Joseph    Lawrence,   from  Associate   Professor
                (without   tenure),   Radiation    Medicine,    joint
                appointments    in   Department   of    Physics   and
                Astronomy,  College   of  Arts  and    Sciences   and
                Department of Health Radiation Sciences, College of
                Aiiied Health Professions, to   Associate   Professor
                (with    tenure),    Radiation     Medicine,    joint
                appointments    in   Department   of    Physics   and
                Astronomy,   College    of  Arts  and   Sciences  and
                Department of Health Radiation Sciences, College of
                Allied Health Professions, effective 7/1/81.
          Donaldson, Elvis S., from Assistant Professor (without
                tenure), Obstetrics and Gynecology, to Associate
                Professor (with tenure), Obstetrics and Gynecology,
                effective 7/1/81.

*Speciai Titie Series



         Garrity, Thomas F., from Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Behavioral Science, joint with Department
               of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, to
               Professor (with tenure), Behavioral Science, joint
               with Department of Sociology, College of Arts and
               Sciences, effective 7/1/81.
         Jones,   Russell  A., from   Associate  Professor  (with
               tenure), Behavioral Science, joint with Department
               of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, to
               Professor (with tenure), Behavioral Science, joint
               with Department of Psychology, College of Arts and
               Sciences, effective 7/1/81.
         Vore, Mary, from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
               Pharmacology, to Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Pharmacology, effective 7/1/81.

F.   Retirements


          College of Education

          Barrett, Olive E., Assistant Professor, Curriculum and
               Instruction, after 34 consecutive years of service,
               effective 6/30/81.
          Kincheloe, James B., Professor (with tenure), Education,
               after 20 consecutive years of service, effective

          College of Engineering

          Wright,   Frederick   D.,   Professor    (with   tenure),
               Engineering Dean's Office, after 14 consecutive
               years of service, effective 6/30/81.

          College of Fine Arts

          Briggs, Wallace N., Professor (with tenure), Theatre,
               after 39 consecutive years of service, effective


          Dailey, Adelle G., Librarian II, Music Library, after 21
               consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/81.
          Howard, Elizabeth B., Librarian II, Biological Science
               Library, after 17 consecutive years of service,
               effective 6/30/81.

eSpecial Title Series



G.   Early Retirements


College of Agriculture

Allen,  Stephen  Q.,
     Economics, after
     effective 2/9/81.

Extension Specialist, Agricultural
27.5 consecutive years of service,


     College of Medicine

     Pratt, Judith D., Associate Professor, Physiology and
          Biophysics, after 21 consecutive years of service,
          effective 6/30/81.

     University Hospital

Worthington, Mary Agnes,
     Central Supply, after
     service, effective 5/1/

Senior Storekeeper, Pharmacy
19.5 consecutive years of


I.   Academic Appointments


          College of Agriculture

Basil,   Danny  J.,
     1/1/81 through
Doupnik, Ben, Jr.,
     2/1/81 through

Instructor  (part-time),
Visiting Professor, Plant



Coiiege of Arts and Sciences

Baskin, Carol C., Instructor (part-time), Biological
     Sciences, 1/1/81 through 6/30/81.
Chen,    Nyan-Ru,   Visiting    Instructor   (part-time),
     Chemistry, 1/16/81 through 5/15/81.
Cheniae,  Margaret  R., Instructor    (part-time), French
     Language and Literature, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
DeiaConcepcion, Janet, Visiting Instructor (part-time),
     Spanish and Itaiian,1/1/81 through 5/31/81.

*Special Title Series



Duncan, Charles E., Visiting Instructor (part-time),
     Physics and Astronomy, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Green, Rowena, Instructor (part-time), French Language
     and Literature, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Hull, Ruth F., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/81
     through 4/30/81.
Hurt,    Hobert,    Visiting    Instructor    (part-time),
     Mathematics, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Lancaster, Louis K., Assistant Professor, Aerospace
     Studies, effective 7/1/81.   Note:   Appointment  is
     without tenure and normaliy for a period of no
     longer than three years - normal termination based
     on transfer is subject to military exigencies.
Lyon, Odyle R., Instructor (part-time), French Language
     and Literature, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Martin, Newell, Instructor (part-time), French Language
     and Literature, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Moore, Robert, Instructor (part-time), Sociology, 1/1/81
     through 5/31/81.
Pavon,    Michele,     Visiting    Assistant    Professor,
     Mathematics, 1/1/81 through 5/31,'/81.
Raya,   Diana  E.,  Instructor   (part-time),  Chemistry,
     1/16/81 through 5/15/81.
Richards, Cara E., Visiting Instructor (part-time),
     Anthropology, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Schlomann,   Pam,    Visiting   Instructor    (part-time),
     Chemistry, 1/16/81 through 5/15/81.
Truong,    Thoi,     Visiting    Instructor   (part-time),
     Mathematics, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
Volpentesta,   Antonio,  Visiting   Assistant  Professor,
     Mathematics, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.

College of Business and Economics

Smith, Corma Ann, Instructor (part-time), Accounting,
     1/1/81 through 5/15/81.

College of Communications

Gaitskill, Alan, Instructor (part-time), Communication,
     1/1/81 throuh 5/31/81.
Sypher,   Beverly,    Visiting    Instructor   (part-time),
     Communication, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.

College of Education

Cutter,   Ronald  J.,  Instructor   (part-time),   Special
     Education, 2/1/81 through 3/31/81.

*Speciai Titie Series



    Skarnulis, Edward R., Instructor (part-time), Special
         Education 2/1/81 through 3/31/81.
    Stevens,   Jimmy  L.,  Instructor  (part-time),  Special
          Education, 1/1/81 through 2/28/81.
    Watts,   Shirley  R.,  Instructor  (part-time),  Health,
          Physical Education and Recreation, 1/1/81 through

    College of Engineering

    Sterling,   Harry   J.,   Assistant   Professor,   Civil
          Engineering, 1/1/81 through 6/30/81.

    College of Fine Arts

    Brock, Jennifer M., Visiting Instructor (part-time),
         Music, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.


     College of Allied Health Professions

     Metzger, Donna E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          Physical Therapy, 1/27/81 through 6/30/82.
     Salot,   Lucy   Ann,  Clinical  Instructor   (voluntary),
          Physical Therapy, 12/23/80 through 6/30/81.

     College of Medicine

     Cox,    Stephen   M.,   Assistant   Clinical    Professor
          (voluntary), Psychiatry, 2/1/81 through 6/30/82.
     Slaughter,   Joseph  C., Assistant   Clinical   Professor
          (voluntary), Community Medicine, 1/1/81 through
     Zerzavy, Frederick M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2/1/81 through   6/30/82.

     College of Nursing

     Wilson,   Carol  E.,  Clinical  Instructor   (voluntary),
          2/1/81 through 6/30/81.

     College of Pharmacy

     Guyer, Walter D., Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          1/1/81 through 6/30/82.
     Keller, Paul D., III, Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          11/1/80 through 6/30/81.

*Special Title Series


     Moore, Paula Anne, Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          1/1/81 through 6/30/82.


     Hazard Community College

     Anthony, Joseph, Instructor in the Community College
          System, 8/1/80 through 6/30/81.
     Louhrasbi,   Jahanshah,   Instructor  in  the  Community
          College Sytem, 1/1/81 through 6/30/81.

     Henderson Community College

     Corpus,   Primilina  A.,  Instructor  in  the  Community
          Coiiege System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.

     Jefferson Community College

     Hoffman, Anne S., Instructor in the Community College
          System, 1/26/81 through 5/31/81.
     Yates,   Nancy,  Instructor  in  the  Community  College
          System, 1/1/81 through 6/30/81.

     Lexington Technical Institute

     Jaggard Sharon B., Assistant Professor in the Community
          College System and Associate Director for Academic
          Affairs, 2/15/81 through 6/30/81.

     Madisonville Community College

     Vincent, Reneva E., Instructor in the Community College
          System, 1/12/81 through 6/30/81.
     Wells, Catherine A., Instructor in the Community College
          System, 1/13/81 through 6/30/81.

     Paducah Community College

     Canty, Rick, Instructor in the Community College System
          (voluntary) (part-time), 1/14/81 through 5/31/81.
     Kaufman,  Frank  J., Instructor in the Community College
          System  (voluntary)  (part-time),  1/14/81  through
     Perry,  Michael  W., Instructor in the Community College
          System  (voluntary)   (part-time),  1/14/81 through

'Special Titie Series




Tilley, Donald W., Instructor in the
     System  (voluntary)  (part-time),
Wulff, Thomas R., Instructor in the
     System (voluntary) (part-time),

Community College
1/14/81  through

Community College
1/14/81  through

Somerset Community College

Broughton, Alice, Instructor in the
     System  (voluntary)  (part-time),
Galloway, Debbie,   Instructor  in the
     System  (voluntary)   (part-time)
 Lewis,  Ralph  C.,  Instructor in the
     System (voluntary) (part-time),
     5/ 31/81.
Weaver, Bobby,   Instructor  in  the
     System (voluntary) (part-time),

J.   Administrative Appointments


          College of Dentistry

          McEvoy,   Susan, Associate
               Pediatric   Dentistry,
               Pediatric Dentistry, 1/

Community College
12/1/80  through

Community College
12/1/80  through

Community College
12/1/80  through

  12/ 1/8 0


Professor* (with tenure),
  named   Acting   Chairman,
1/81 through 6/30/81.


     Lexington Technical Institute

     Jaggard, Sharon B., Assistant Professor in the Community
          College System, named Acting Associate Director for
          Academic Affairs, 2/15/81 through 6/30/81.


     Vice President for Academic Affairs

     Gaddie, George N., Assistant Dean, Admissions, named
          Acting Dean of Admissions and   Registrar,   9/15/81
          through 12/15/81.

*Special Title Series



M.   Reappointments


          College of Architecture

          Kingsley,  Julia  W., Visiting   Instructor (part-time)
               1/1/81 through 5/15/81.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Allen, Susan E., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/81
               through 5/31/81.
          Bierley, Deborah L., Instructor (part-time), English,
               1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
          Blythe,   Marsha   J.,  Instructor  (part-time),   French
               Language and Literature, 1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
          Brangers,  Peggy  L.,  Visiting  Instructor (part-time),
               Mathematics, 1/1/81 through 4/30/81.
          Brown,   Marsha  S.,  Instructor   (part-time),  English,
               1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
          Burkholder,  Donald L., Instructor (part-time), English,
               1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
          Campbell,  F.  Diane,  Instructor   (part-time), English,
               1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
          Cetrulo,  Christine,  Instructor  (part-time),   English,
               1/1/81 through 5/31/81.
          Chen,  Dien,  Instructor  (part-time), English,    1/1/81
               through 5/31/81.
          Conway, Glenda, Instructor (part-time), English,