xt7v9s1khs8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khs8v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929-09-oct23-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-09-oct23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-09-oct23-ec. 1929 1929-09-oct23-ec. 2011 true xt7v9s1khs8v section xt7v9s1khs8v 

     Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
COmmittee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tuacky, for Wednesday, October 23, 1929.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentuck-y met in regular monthly session in the
President's Office at the University at 11:30 a. m., Wednesday,
October 23, 1929. The following members were present: Judge
Richard C. Stoll, Mr. James Paric, and Mr. Louis Eillenmeyer.

     (1) Report of the Business Agent.  The report of the
Business Agent was read and ordered incornorated in the minutes.
The report was as follows:

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                    Month of September, 1929

Previously Current

Reported    Mo n t h

To Date

General Fund Income
     Federal Appropriation     42,750.00
     State Tax                 56,325.46
     Student Fees                 203.79
     Student Fee-s-Summer Sch.  35,330.25
     Student Fees-Univ. E.S.       20.00
     Student Fees-Univ. Exten.  3,140.12.
     Miscellaneous Receipts     1,154.22
     Gen.Ed.Board-New Ed.Bldg. 73,347.60
     Rentals                      380.00
     Men's Dormitory            1,330.00
                      Total   213,981.44

38, 941.04
63, 761.07



35, 330.25
73, 347.60

     Adm.Exp. & Maintenance
     Additions & Betterments

99, 514.23
39, 198.18
130, 265.24

80, 596.99
35, 360.10
153, 314.57

180, 111.22

Excess of Expenditures
       over Income

    96.21   37,490.19
__ L9  li   _ ___




-previou sly


Fiscal year
To Date

Patterson Hall Income
   Room Rent - Summer School

   e Sense
   dditions and Betterments
   Excess of Income over
General Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures
   Excess of General Fund
   Expenditures over Income
   Excess of Receipts over
   Expenditures for General
   Ledger Accounts

   1928-1929 Accounts Payable
   liquidated during Current
   Excess of Expenditures over
   Receipts for the fiscal
   year to date -Gen. Fund


4, 136.97


54, 932.34

18, 054.00
18, 061.50

3,295. 57

 14, 015.93
 133, 865.88
157i 3_6 . 14


2,803.54   26,485.40

.5.L71.99  13,069.28

73, 107.87

1 4

18, 054.00


430, 687.42




83, 156.01

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal
year to date - Gen. Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
    General Fund

Cash in Bank September
    1929._ General Fund


Trust Fund Income
   Student Loan Fund
   Student Notes Paid
           Total Receipts

   Student Notes

Excess of Receipts over
   Expe nditure s

1,l.090. 92

    457 .25


1. 355.00
__1 ,400. 50

84  .2124.89  971.61

83, 166.01

_,311. 10

10, a54,91

2, 829 e36

_1, 728.25
1, 857 .75
_ _ _  _ _

846 .72



Previously Current
leported    M.ontth

* Excess of Receipts over
     Expenditures for the
     fiscal year to date -
     Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1,1929-
     Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank September 30,
      1929- Tnust Fund

Fiscal year
To Date



Experiment Station Income
   Hatch -Federal Appropriation 3,750.00
   Milk and Butter -Cash
      Receipts                   2,598.56
   Beef Cattle Sales             3,116.06
   Dairy Cattle Sales               38.50
   Sheep Sales                     188.98
   PoultrY Sales                   497.47
   Farm P-roduce Sales             132.14
   Horticultural Sales             596.44
   Seed Test                        12.00
   Rentals                         366.40
   Miscellaneous Receipts           50.00
   Fertilizer - Fees             2,177.50
   Feeding Stuf-s - Fees        10,230.46
   Adams-Fed.Ap-?ropriation      3,750.00
   Serum - Sales                   924.59
   Serum - Virus Sales              47.55
   Serum - Supply Sales             60.50
   Serum - Miscellaneous Receipts    9.35
   Creamery - License Fees       5,344,.50
   Creamery - Testers Licenses i,342.00
   Creamery - Glassware Tested     200.43
   Purnell - red.Appropriation 15,000.00
   State Appropriation -
      Patterson Farm Purchase   20,000.00
   Nursery Inspection -
      State Appropriation          181.66
   Nursery Inspection - Fees       405.00
   Cream Grading                   775.00
   Abortion Test                   397.25
                  Total         72,192.34

   Additions & Betterments
   Excess of Expenditures
       over Income

75, 303.32



1,181.92    3,780.48
  697.00    3,813.06
  319.62      358.12
  258.26      755.73
  302.40      434.54
  610.07    1,206.51
    6.00       18.00
  194.66      561.06
2,462.50    4,640.00
5,127.50   15,357.96
  247.05    1,171.64
  12.30       59.85
  21.60       82.10
 118.50     5,463.00
 150.00     1,492.00
 70.51       270.94

20, 000.00

12L768 .05

28, 812.77


84, 960.39

102, 838 .O3
  1,_ 458. 56




  Previously  Cur-cent
  Reported_   Month

Excess of Expenditures over
  Income for the fi scal
  year to date - Experiment
Cash in Ban': July 1,1929 -
  Experiment Station
Cash in Bank September 30,
  1929-Experiment Station .

Fiscal Year
TO DaPte

19, 336.20


10, 981.40

Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Sup ? lementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  County and Other
  Excess of Income over

76, 120.65
27, 321.28
18, 645.97
    813.74      720.75
122,_901.64   720.75

52,430.21  28,501.94

70,471.43  27L781.19

76, 120.65
27, 321.28
18, 645.97
123, 622.39

80, 932.15

42, 690. 24

Excess of Income over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Extension
Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
  Extension Division
Cash in Bank September 30, 1929-
  Extension Division

42, 690.24


47, 265.45

  General Fund Income
  Trust Fund. Income
  Experiment Station Income
  Extension Division Income
                 Tot al

213, 394.94
72, 192.34
12,201 .64
4139 7 01. 97

133, 885.88
 12, 738.05
148, 314.73

  1, 153.10
  84, 960.39
123, 622.39
562, 016.70

General Fund Expenditures   273,327.28
Trust Fund Expenditures          84.00
Experiment Sta.Exnenditures  75,303.32
Extension Div. Expenditures 52,430.21
               Total        401,144.81
Excess of Exp. over Income   12,557.16
Excess of Receipts over Exp.
   for Gen.Ledger Accouts     2,803.54
Student Loan Fund -gotes        717.67
1928-1929 Accts.Payable
    liquidated during Cur-
    rent yeax                15,371.99
Excess of Exp.over Receipts
  for the fiscal Year to date-
  Combined Fund               4.900.70

157, 360.14
28, 993.27
28, 501.94
214, 900. 85
66, 586.12

26, 485.40

 13, 069.28

54, 028.96

23, 6 81. 86

 28, 441.27

53, 939 .66
= = _ = :  =_


                              Previously  Current
                              Reported    Month

  Excess of Expenditures over
    Receipts for the fiscal
    yea~r to date -Combined Fund
  Cash in Bank and on hand July
    1,1929-Combined Fund
  Cash in Bank and on hand September 30,1929 -
       Combined Fund

                Abstract of item shown on Statement
                of Income and 3xpenaitures as "Excess
                oI `ecents over Expandit-ures for
                General Ledger Accounts $23,681.86."


Accounts Receivable

Insurncme Paid in Advance

Fiscal Year
To Date

58, 840.36


51, 740.06


24, 036.79


Sundry Accounts




                                                       23, 681.86

     (2) purchase of Prooerty. President McVey reported to the
Committee that the *..Isheimer pruperty in Front of the Memorial
Building onr South Limestone Street and the Thomas property on
Graham Avenue hlad been purchased. The Kezheimer property-cost
the University $7,500 and the Thomas property $4,800. He re-
ported that the deeds have been executed and the titles of the
property duly investigated by Mr. J. Pelihan Johnston.   A motion
was made, seconded, and carried approving the action in pur-
chasing this property, and ordering the deeds recorded.

     (3) Wilhoit PropeLty. President McVey presented a
statement from Ifirs. Wilhoit to the Executive Committee that she
wishes to sell her apartment house at 147 Washi:.-gton Avenue.
The Committee considered the matter and decided that it was
inadvisable to purchase the property at this time.



     (4) 3uilders Risk Insurance.  Th;e University carries a
bulilders' risk insurance of $25,000 on the Teacher Training
Building now under construction. Inasmuch as the building is
nearly completed the Com-mittee thought it advisable to increase
this insurance to $75,000 and a motion was made, seconded, and
carried to t'is effect.

     (5) Campus Book Store.  The Business Agent presented the
report o-f ttae accounts of the Campus Bookm Store wlhich was read
and ordered Incorporated in the minutes as follows:

                                          October 22, 1929

Dr. Frank L. McVey
University of Xentuckry
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Dr. McVey:

I submit a report of Campus Book Store
attempt to further explain as follows:

which I

Total Credits
Books and Supplies    $94,944.04
Freight and Express     1,811.39
Telegrams                 238.42
Total Cost of Stock
Gross Profits
Part Cost of caps and guwns
  charged off in inventory
Gross Profits
Cash received for sales
Cash received for rent of
    caps and gowns
Total Sales
Gross Profit 15 minus per cent of


9_ 993.85

_1,7 50. 00
11., 33..21
73, 081.95

1, 892.25
71, 189.70

Gross Profits                           11, 333.21
Less income from rent of caps & gvowns   1L892.25
Gross profit on sales                    9,440.96
Cost of operation and overhead           551.11
Net Profit on sales                      3,889.85

Net Profit 5 plus per cent
                        Respectfully subrmitted
                        D. H. Peak, Business Agent



(6) Memorial Building. president McVey presented a statement
of the financial status of the Memorial Building which was
read and ordered incorporated in the minutes as follows:

                    University of Xentuc!.iy

         Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for
         Memorial Building as at September 30, 1929

   From John R. Downing, Treasurer

   Warner, McCornack & Mitchell $ 5,343.05
   J. T. Jackson Lumbe r Co.      91,370.08
   R. L. Crnnfill                 13,597.86
   Ben C. Ingals                   4,285.28
   Allen-Masters Electric Co.      1,749.50
   W. T. Congleton Co.             1,80v3.64
   American Seating Co.            5,017.07
   J. H. Templeman Piano Co.       1,915.75
   Skinner Organ Co.              14,470.00
   Miscellaneous                   2,740.02

       - Excess of Expenditures over Receipts

142, 294.25

$ 64,621.58

     Of the above deficit:

$32,058.73 is due to the University From Stadium Fund of
                Groater Ky. Campaign
 32,562.85 is due to the University froma Memorial Building
                outstanding pledges
$64, 621.58

   (7) Statement from General Education Board. President
McVey reported to the Committee that ha had a statement from
the General Education Bcard, Naw York City extending the
time on which they would make payments on the Education
Building to May 15, 1930.

   (8) Purchase of Van Meter Farm. A motion was made,
seconded, and carried that the University exercise tahe option
to purchase the Van Meter Farm for use of the Experiment

$ 77,672,67



   (9) Testing of Cows. A communication was read. from Doan
Cooper recommending that charges made for testing cows be
reduced from seventy-five cents to sixty cents, effective
November 1, 1929.

   (10) Fire ilazard at _uqiicksand. President McVay presented
a communication from Dean Thomas P. Cooper with a suggested
memora:ndum of agreement between Mr. Pardee and the Experiment
Station regarding the control of wire on property at Quicksand.
The memorandum was discussed and a motion was made, seconded
and carried that Dean Cooper be requested to prepare a con-
tract with the advice of Mr. J. P. Johnston using the memo-
randum ~ .s a basis for the contract.

   (11)  Tobacco Gradirg. A communication was read from
Dean Cooper requesting that the ExperimentG Station be
authorized to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of
Economics, UJnited States Department of Agriculture for
cooperative work in the grading of- tobacco. The plan calls
for the selection of two separate warehouses where tobacco
will be graded and a nominal fee charged for the service,
the purpose being to introduce a systematic scheme of
grading tobacco.  The matter was discussed and a motion was
made, seconded and carried approving the plan as recommended.

   (12) Road Construction at quicksand. Dean Cooper reported
to the Committee that the State authorities are having a
highway constructed on Tjniversityr property at quicksand and
that they wish to use earth for purpose of filling. A motion
was made, seconded, and carried approving the request and
indicating that the earth must be removed only from such
places as Dean Cooper may indicates

   .statement was also made that the road contractors are
using the University roadsa nd private bridge on the property
at quicksand for the purpose of hauling rock to build the
highway.  A motion weas madc, seconded, and carried that the
matter be referred to Mr. J. Pelham Johnston with the request
that he arrange for a suitable bond which will protect the
University property in the matter.

  (13) Sewer Construction. A co-mrmunication was read from Mr.
Crutc'ler stating thet it-is necessary to construct a sanitary
sewer from the Dairy Building to a point on Washington Avenue,
at a cost of $1250.  A motion was made, seconded, and carried
authorizing the construction of the sexwer.



     (14) Bill of J. PelJham Johlnston. A bill of J. Pelhan
Johnston for $502.25 for professional.1 services in connection
with. the purchase of t'ne Kerslheimrer property and tle carr'ying
ol^ the suit through.l court was presented and on motion duly
seconded ordered paid.

     (15) Car-enter Shpop.  A communication from Mr. Crutcher
was presented to President McVey requesting the auth-oritvr
to enlarge the pr esent carnenter shop. The matter was
discussed and a motion :nade, seconded and carried referring
the matter to t he President wit'- power to act.

     (16) Leislative Requests.   P.:esident McVey presented
to the Committee th e legislative recuirement of the University
for the next biennial. A motion ''as made, seconded and
carried aporovinG the statement and authorizing the President
to have it presented to the Budget Comaission.

     (17) Auvtomatic Sto2:er in the President's House. A
motion was :maace, seconded, and carried aut'horizing the
installation o; an auto;-atic sto'.:er in the furnace of' tne
President ts House.

     (18) Crop Protection Institute.   A communication was
read from Dean Cooper statin. that the Cro- Protection
Institute desis to esteblis: under t;:e direction of th'e
Ex-?eriment Station investigational work withl reference to
thle -production and g -owth. of pyret--eum. TIhe pro-po sal is
tilat the Exper iment Station is to furnisha the~ general
facilities and th'Le results shall be issued th.rough the
Ex--eriment Station.  A motion was made, seconded and carried
a-o-provinG thie proposal.

     (19) Additions to th'a Budget. A motion was made,
seconded, a.nd carried authlorizing, that $3,475 be added to
the Extension Department Budget to cover certain items of
ex-.oenso in connection witlh the State H-High School Tournament
and Visual Instruction Service.

     (20) },ilts on Ments Dormitories. ,t, cor:unication was
read from 14r. Crutcher, Suo!rintendent of Buildings and
Grounds racommending the purchase of equipment for liGhts
on th'  outside of Kin';eed Hell annd Breckenricdge Hzall at a
cost of $465. A motion was made, seconded, and carried
threat the reouest be authorized.



      (21) Injury to University Ejmloxae.  AN report was made
to the Committee that Miss Margaret Ryan, an employee of the
Experiment Station was recently hurt while on her Way home.
On entering a street car in front of the Experiment Station
she was k.nocked down by a truck.  President McVey indicated
that the insurance company had been notified. A motion was
made, seconded, and carried that the matter be referred to
Mr. Gordon of the Board of Trustees for his consideration.

     (22) Arpo2ntmentq. and Changes of Aogintments. The
following list of appointments and changes of appointments
was presented by ?-esident McVea and on motion, duly seconded,
and approved.

     Apoointment on WT. C.Bbafwright, Assistant in Soil Survey
work to be terminated, September 30, 1929. The appeal of
W. C. Boatwright for one month's salary on the ground that
he was employed for four months at $140 per month was granted.

     Appointment of D. Collier Johnston, Solicitor for the
Department of University Extension to be terminated December
1, 1929.

     Appointment of James M. Gates, Graduate Assistant in
Political Science for the first semester, 1929-1930 at a
salary of $200 for the semester.

     Transfer of E. E. Proctor from the position of Assistant
in Farm Management to the position of Field Agent in Farmn
Management at a salary of $2400 a year, effective October 1,

     Increase of salary of Mr. W. B. Hamilton, Assistant
Bacteriologist in the Public Service Laboratories at $200
a year, effective November 1, 1929.

     Appointment of Thomas D. Boyd, Assistant in thne Office
of Buildings and Grounds at a salary of *1500 a year,
effective August 1, 1929.

     Appointment of R. E. Culbertson, as Assistant in Agronomy
in the Experiment Station, effective October 1, 1929.

     Appointment of Stanley Caton as Field Agent in Poultry
Husbandry at a salary of $2000 a year, effective October 1,


     Appointment of Miss Broaddus, part time secretary in
the Music Denartment at a salary of $35 a month.

     Appointment of Mjiss Callie Frances Eberhaart, Home
Demonstration Agent, Magoffin County, at a salary of
$133-1/3 a month, from October 1, 1929 to June 30, 1930.

     Appointment of D. B. Redman as Assistant County Agent
of Boyd County, at a salary of $125 a month from October
21 to December 31, 1929.

                    Respectfully submitted

                         Wellington Patrick, Secretary
WP:RHM      .                Board of Trustees