xt7v9s1khs6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khs6p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1979-09-dec11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1979-09-dec11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1979-09-dec11. 1979 1979-09-dec11. 2011 true xt7v9s1khs6p section xt7v9s1khs6p 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, December 11, 1979.

   The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 9:00 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday -morning,
December 11, 1979 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members
answering the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman,
Professor Michael Adelstein, Mr. William R. Black, former Governor
Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay,
Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. L. D. Gorman, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mrs. Sally
Hermansdorfer, Dr. David A. Hull, Mr. Mark Metcalf, Mr. W. Terry
McBrayer, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer Ramsey, Mr. W. B. Terry, Professor
Constance Wilson, and Dr. John R. Woodyard.  Absent from the meeting was
Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger. The University administration was represented
by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert
Zumwinkle, Peter P. Bosomworth, and Raymond R. Hornback; Mr. John Darsie,
Legal Counsel; Dr. Wimberlv C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School and
Coordinator of Research; Mr. G. J. Ruschell, representing Vice President Jack
Blanton; and Dr. Charles Wethington, representing Vice President Stanley
Wall. The various news media had representatives present.

   A.  Meeting Opened

   Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:00 o'clock.
Following the invocation, pronounced by Mr. McBrayer, he explained that
the time of the meeting had been changed in order to permit those who
wished to do so to attend the inauguration of Governor Brown, which was
scheduled to begin at 12:00 noon in Frankfort.

   The Secretary called the roll and reported 18 members present and one
absent. There being a quorum present, the Chairman declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 9:05 a.m.

   B. Minutes Approved

   On motion duly made, seconded, and carried the reading of the Minutes
of the October 16, 1979 meeting of the Executive Committee was dispensed
with and the Minutes were approved as published.

   C, Resolution

   In recognition of her 15 years of service to the Board of Trustees, the
secretary read a resolution of appreciation to Miss Anne Wilson, Assistant
to the President, who will retire at the end of the 1979 calendar year. On
motion by Mrs. Clark, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed, the resolution, a
copy of which appears at the end of the Minutes, was adopted.

   D. Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

   President Singletary briefly reviewed some of the items in his Monthly
Report to the Trustees, copies of which were distributed to those present,
and recommended that the report be received and filed. Without objection,
it was so ordered.



   E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

   Inasmuch as the only items in PR 2 were routine appointments and/or
staff changes, President Singletary recommended it be approved. On
motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Clay and passed, PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, was approved. (See PR 2 at the end
of the Minutes)

   F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

   Two staff changes were received too late for inclusion in PR 2, but
were included in PR 3. President Singletary recommended that a leave
of absence be granted for the period January 1, 1980 through June 30,
1980 for Professor Robert 0. Evans and that the leave of Jack Hall be
extended from January 3, 1980 through June 30, 1980. Mr. Hall has been
on special assignment with State Government and Governor Brown has
requested him to remain during the transition period.

   On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed,
the recommendations in PR 3 were approved. (See PR 3 at the end of the

   G.  Degree Candidates - University System (PR 4)

   In order that those students completing work for their degrees in
December might receive their degrees as soon after completion of all the
requirements as possible, President Singletary recommended that he be
authorized to confer upon those whose names appeared on the lis't attached
to PR 4 the degree to which each individual is entitled upon certification
by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar and approval by the University
Senate that the individual has satisfactorily completed all the requirements
for the degree for which application was made.

   On motion by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Gorman, and passed, the
recommendation in PR 4 was approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes)

   H. Revisions in 1979-80 Budget Authorized (PR 5)

   With President Singletary so recommending, on motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the proposed revisions in the 1979-80 budget were authorized
and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes)

   I. Capital Construction Projects (PR 6)

   President Singletary recommended that the four capital construction
projects as proposed in PR 6 be approved for submission to the Council
on Higher Education. He called attention to the amounts involved in each
project and the source of funding which were included in the background
statement for PR 6.

   On motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed without
dissent, approval was given for the submission to the Council on Higher
Education of four capital construction project proposals: (1) Elevator
replacement in Dental Science Wing; (2) Fine Arts Orchestra Pit Lift;
(3) Patterson Hall Fire Escape and Boyd Hall Stairwells; and (4) Scoville
Hall Sprinkler, Fire Alarm, Exit Signs, and Emergency Lights. (See PR 6
at the end of the Minutes)



   J. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

   Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the Finance
Committee had met on the afternoon of December 10, 1979 and considered
the items to be presented to the Board.

   The Finance Committee had examined the Interim Financial Report and
found everything to be "on target". Mr. Clay then moved that Lhe financial
report for the four month period ending October 31, 1979 be accepted. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Terry and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at
the end of the Minutes)

   K.  Authorization to Sell Real Property (FCR 2)

   Mr. Clay said that the Finance Committee wished to amend the recommendation
in FCR 2 to read "...to dispose of the lot at a negotiated price not less
than the appraised value." He then moved that the amended recommendation
in FCR 2 be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed
with Governor Chandler voting "no". (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes)

   L. Report of Investments (ICR 1)

   Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Investment Committee, moved that the report
of changes made in investments for the University of Kentucky and its
affiliated corporations for the quarter ended September 30, 1979 be accepted.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Gorman and passed without dissent. (See
ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes)

   M. Meeting Adjourned

   It having been determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the
Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                 Betty Pace Clark
                                 Secretary, Board of Trustees

(Note: Wilson Resolution, PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; FCR's 1 and 2; and
ICR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting)



     WHEREAS, the close of the current semester will bring the

retirement of Anne Lewis Wilson as Assistant to the President

and Secretary to the Board of Trustees, and

     WHEREAS, Miss Wilson is a loyal alumnus of the University

of Kentucky, and

     WHEREAS, she has served the College of Education and the

President's Office with marked distinction for more than twoscore

years, and

     WHEREAS, she has been an invaluable aide and trusted advisor

to four of the University's eight presidents, and

     WHEREAS, she has brought warm good humor, consummate poise,

and rare depth of understanding to the performance of her duties,


     WHEREAS, she is demonstrably committed, as a University Fellow,

to the continuing development of this institution; now therefore

     BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University

of Kentucky does herewith express profound appreciation for Miss

Wilson's singularly meritorious services, and does proffer heartfelt

good wishes for her post-retirement years.


                                                              Office of the President
                                                              December 11, 1979


     Members, Board of Trustees:

                             RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT

I.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

     Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments and/or other staff
     changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments
     and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

     Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other staff changes
     require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the
     Governing Regulations of the University. These recommendations are transmitted
     to the Board by the appropriate vice president through the President and have
     his concurrence.

     Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments and/
     or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other administrators who
     are required to report their actions to the Board. This report follows the recom-
     mendations requiring Board approval.

                                       BOARD ACTION



          College of Agriculture

          Bailey, Ernest F., Assistant Professor, Veterinary Science, 11/1/79 through
          Dunwell, Winston C., Assistant Extension Professor I, Horticulture and Land-
               scape Architecture, 11/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Harmon, Robert J., Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences, 10/1/79 through
          Nesmith, William C., Assistant Extension Professor*, Plant Pathology, 12/1/79
               through 6/30/81.
          Rice, Harold B., Associate Extension Professor*, Agronomy, 11/1/79 through
          Smith, David A., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Plant Pathology, beginning

          College of Business and Economics

          Bjorklund, Richard A., Assistant Professor, Business Administration, 1/1/80
               through 5/15/80.

*Special Title Series




         Birchfield, James de Maris, Librarian IV, Special Collections, 1/8/80 through


         College of Medicine

         Stephens, Don R., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
               9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
         Weitzel, William D., Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), Psychiatry,
               12/15/79 through 6/30/80.

          College of Nursing

          DeSantis, Lydia Ann, Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), 11/1/79
               through 6/30/80.

          College of Pharmacy

          Byrd, William G., Assistant Professor*, 11/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Olson, Jack William, Assistant Professor,12/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Truelove, James E., Assistant Professor, 10/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Rapp, Doris A., Assistant Professor (part-time), 9/1/75 through 12/31/79.

          Lexington Technical Institute

          Huffaker, Michael J., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
               11/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          Paducah Community College

          Lee, Dwight G., Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 10/8/79
               through 6/30/80.



          Elizabethtown Community College

          Brandenburg, Phyllis P., Professor in the Community College System, w/tenure named
               Division Chairman of the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences
               and Related Technologies, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Wallace, Donald F. Professor in the Community College System,w/tenure, named Division
               Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and Humanities and Related
               Technologies, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.



          College of Agriculture

Wheeler, Constance R., named County Extension Agent for Home Economics, Extension
     Area Extension Programs, 10/29/79 through 6/30/0.



         College of Arts and Sciences

         Wolf, David J., named Project Coordinator, Kentucky Longevity Project,
              Department of Anthropology, effective 11/1/79.

         College of Business and Economics

         Hart, Bobby L., named Management Specialist I, Center for Business Development,
               effective 10/15/79.


         College of Medicine

         Clifford, Happa B., named Research Associate, Psychiatry, effective 11/1/79.
         Wigler, Paul, named Biomedical Research Engineer (Division of Cardiology),
               Medicine, effective 12/1/79.

          College of Pharmacy

          Schroeder, Hans, named Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist, effective 9/17/79.

          University Hospital

          Bell, Floyd R., named Certified Nurse Anesthetist, effective 10/1/79.



          College of Medicine

          Beach, Joseph Lawrence, Associate Professor, Radiation Medicine, and
               Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics
               and Astronomy, given additional joint appointment as Associate Professor
               in College of Allied Health Professions, Department of Health Radiation
               Sciences, 12/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          Golden, Abner, Professor, (with tenure), and Chairman, Pathology, also named
               Professor, (without tenure), College of Allied Health Professions,
               Department of Medical Technology, effective 11/1/79.



          College of Dentistry

          Murray, Bruce, from Research Associate, Community Dentistry to Project
               Coordinator, Dental Health Delivery Research & Development, Community
               Dentistry, effective 9/17/79.
          College of Medicine

          Looff, David H. , from Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Psychiatry,
               to Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), Psychiatry, 11/1/79
               through 6/30/80.


          VWhayne, Thomas F., Jr., from Clinical Professor (part-time), Medicine, to
               Clinical Professor (voluntary), Medicine, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Yoneda, Justine, from Clinical Instructor (part-time), Radiation Medicine,
               to Assistant Professor, Radiation Medicine, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.



          College of Agriculture

          Hatton, Anna T., Extension Secretary, after 24 consecutive years of service,
               effective 12/1/79.
          Brown, Warddel, Agricultural Technician, Western Kentucky Experiment Station,
               after 15.5 consecutive years of service, effective 12/31/79.


          University Hospital

          Cole, Rosa L., Lab Aide, Pathology CCL, after 16 consecutive years of service,
               effective 12/12/79.
          Ryburn, Ann L., Manager, Steward Program, after 18.5 consecutive years of
               service, effective 1/3/80.


          Vice President for Business Affairs

          Harney, Norma, Account Clerk IV, Controller, after 15.5 consecutive years
               of service, effective 12/11/79.
          Richardson, Russell T., Custodial Worker V, Physical Plant Division, after
               21 consecutive years of service, effective 2/1/80.



          University Hospital

          Dipper, Alelia C., Director, Environmental Services, after 18 consecutive
               years of service, effective 1/2/80.


          Ashland Community College

          Steil, Charlene M., Office Assistant IV, Ashland Community College, after 15.5
               consecutive years of service, effective 1/3/80.



          College of Education

          Miller Fannie, Assistant Professor, part-time, Curriculum and Instruction,
               1/1/80 through 5/15/80.





        Universitv Health Service

        Sprague, John S., Staff Surgeon (part-time), 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.

                                 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION



        College of Arts and Sciences

        Brewer, Celia, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
        Burkholder, Donald, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79
              through 12/31/79.
        Conway, Glenda, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
        Creco-Curry, Bryan T., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79
              through 21/31/79.
         Dawahare, Debra H., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79
              through 12/31/79.
         Godfrey, David A., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79
              through 12/31/79.
         Haddix, Edwina, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Holt, Elvin, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Omlor, Dan, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Popenoe, Willis. Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Reynolds, Ollye, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Scahill, Theresa, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Taylor, Mary A., Visiting Assistant Professor, English, 1/1/80 through
         Thomas, Stephen R., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Tyler, Ronald G., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 5/16/79 through
         Wright, James, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through
         Corcoran, Captain Thomas G., Assistant Professor, Military Science, 12/80
              through 12/83.

         College of Education

         Doll, Elizabeth, Instructor, (part-time), Educational Psychology and Counseling,
              9/1/79 through 5/15/80.
         McClelland, John, Instructor, (part-time), H.P.E.R., 1/1/80 through 5/15/80.
         Scully, Carleton D., Instructor, (part-time), Special Education, 9/1/79
              through 5/15/80.
         Verble, Margaret, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instructior,
              11/1/79 through 5/31/81.




     College of Allied Health Professions

     Black, Cathy, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical TheraDy, 9/21/79
          through 6/30/80.
     Howard, Ed, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical Therapy, 9/21/79
          through 6/30/80.
     Stevens, Jeffrey, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical Therapy,
          9/21/79 through 6/30/80.

     College of Dentistry

     Calem, Douglas B., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry,
          9/18/79 through 6/30/80.
     Plage, Robert G., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry,
          9/18/79 through 6/30/80.
     Tohill, Thomas, Assistant professor (part-time), Restorative Dentistry,
          11/1/79 through 6/30/80.

     College of Medicine

     Bailey, Rogers Quin, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family
          Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Barber, George C., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Blake, Robert M., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Cost, Guinn S., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Cowherd, Harry J., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family
          Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Haller, Harold D., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Howard, Donald E., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Loy, Millard C., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     McFarland, Ronald, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family Practice, 9/1/79
          through 6/30/82.
     Morgan, Edgar B., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Natarajan, Lakshmi, Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Medicine.,
          10/1/79 through 6/30/80.
     Ravenscraft, Howard L., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family
          Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Rogers, Leo F., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family Practice, 9/1/79
          through 6/30/82.
     Selvidge, William, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family Practice, 9/1/79
          through 6/30/82.
     Sisk, Charles W., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Smith, Paul R., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Smith, Robert E., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
          9/1/79 through 6/30/82.



         Weddle, Ronald D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family Practice, 9/1/79
              through 6/30/82.
         Wheeler, Max E., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
               9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
         Yates, William R., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice,
               9/1/79 through 6/30/82.


         Hazard Community College

         Campbell, Robert E., Instructor in the Community College System, $/1/79
               through 6/30/80.

         Henderson Community College

         Julian, Douglas E., Instructor in the Community College System, 10/15/79
               through 6/30/80.
          Meyer, Mona Lynn, Librarian IV in the Community College System,
               11/26/79 through 6/30/80.

          Jefferson Community College

          Wiggins, Alfred W., Instructor in the Community College System, 11/1/79
               through 6/30/80.

          Lexington Technical Institute

          Sathaye, Shashi A., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/79
               through 6/30/80.

          Somerset Community College

          Coffey, Henry Dale, (Voluntary) Instructor in the Community College System,
               9/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Gibbs, Jerry, (Voluntary) Instructor in the Community College System,
               9/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Gipson, Georgina, (Voluntary) Instructor in the Community College System,
               9/1/79 through 6/30/80..
          Todd, G. M., (Voluntary) Instructor in the Community College System, 11/1/79
               through 6/30/80.

          Paducah Community College

          Anderson, Jerry L., Instructor in the Community College System, 11/1/79
               through 6/30/80.



          College of Engineering

          Walton, W. W., Associate Professor (with tenure), Mechanical Engineering and
               Assistant Dean, Engineering , named Associat-e Dean, Undergraduate Affairs
               and Admissions, effective 11/79.





          College of Medicine

          Andrews, Claudia, Hopeline Program Coordinator, Enhraim McDowell Cancer
               Network Center, effective 11/15/79.
          McDaniel, Penny S., Business Manager I, Biochemistry, effective 10/15/79.
          Siragy, Hameed M., Senior Research Assistant, Neurology, effective 11/1/79.



          College of Medicine

          Jones, Michael, Assistant Professor, Medicine, also named Assistant Professor,
               Radiation Medicine, 11/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          College of Pharmacy

          Rapp, Doris A., Assistant Professor (part-time), also named Assistant
               Professor, (part-time), Department of Allied Health Education and
               Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Yokel, Robert A., Assistant Professor, also named Assistant Professor,
               Graduate Center for Toxicology, retroactive to 1/1/79.



          College of Arts and Sciences

          Blair, Joyce A., Assistant Professor, Computer Science, 1/1/80 through
          Allen, Susan E., Instructor, (part-time), English 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Andersen, Richard K., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Blacker, Marcia M., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Bohen, Christopher P., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Campbell, F. Diane, Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Cetrulo, Christine L, Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          DeSimone, Shirley C., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Fox, Marilyn L., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Gehringer, Martha G., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Gockerman, Dorothy A., Instructor, (part-time),English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Hettich, Re-becca L., Instructor, (part-time), English,8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Howell., Carol A., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Howell, John D., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
          Huntress, Elizabeth J., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.



         Hutchings, John W., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8116/79 through 12/31/79.
         Jupin, Arvin H., Instructor, (Dart-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Lankford, Ed N., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Leach, Brown, Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Magretta, William R., Assistant Professor, English, l/l/80 through 12/31/80.
         Morrison, George H., Instructor, (Dart-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Murray, Mary A., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Patrick, Marietta S., Instructor, (Part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Spears, Marthalee A., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Stonecipher, Mabel A., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Weill, Lawrence V., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Wilson, David L., Instructor, (part-time), English, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79.
         Joyce, Peter, Instructor, (part-time), Mathematics, 10/1/79 through 12/31/79.


         Campbell, Anne G., Special Collections, Visiting Librarian IV, 11/14/79 through


          College of Allied Health Professions

          Gosney, Brenda, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical Therapy, 7/1/79
               through 6/30/80.
          Judge, Sister Eileen, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied Health Education
               and Research, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Martin, Mary Evans, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Physical Therapy,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          College of Nursing

          Smith, Jean G., Assistant Professor*, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          College of Medicine

          Cramer, John R., Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Anesthesiology,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Lee, Tai-Shion, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          Medical Center Library

          Baldini, Bernadette J., Librarian III, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Barnett, Alice L., Librarian IV, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Lucas, Barbara A., Librarian IV, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.

          College of Pharmacy

          Easley, Kenneth J,, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Powell, Larry F., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.



Special Title Series



         College of Agriculture

         Gentry, Rebecca C., from Instructor Specialist, Animal Sciences, to Instructor,
              Animal Sciences, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
         Winn, Karen E., from Instructor Specialist, Animal Sciences, to Instructor,
              Animal Sciences, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.

         College of Arts and Sciences

         Gavere, Ann M., from Assistant Professor, English, to Instructor, English,
               10/1/79 through 6/30/80.

         College of Business and Economics

         Chen, C. Richard, from instructor, Accounting, 8/16/79 through 1l//SO, to
               Instructor, Accounting, 1/1/80 through 5/15/80.
         Visconti, Edward, from Instructor, (part-time), Business Administration, to
               Instructor, (full-time), Business Administration, 8/16/79 through 5/30/80.


         College of Medicine

         Cowles, Mary B., from Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Psychiatry,
               to Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Psychiatry, 11/1/79 through
          Harkness, Joseph C., from Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Medicine, to
               Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Medicine, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Krumpelman, Jerome L., from Assistant Professor, Diagnostic Radiology, to
               Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Dignostic Radiology, l1./l/79
               through 6/30/82.

          College of Pharmacy

          Lockhart, Jimmie, from Instructor (part-time), to Assistant Clinical
               Professor (voluntary), 6/1/79 through 6/30/82.


          Vice President for Minority Affairs

          Grundy, Chester S., from Acting Director and Program Coordinator, to Director of
               Minority Student Affairs and Program Coordinator, effective 10/1/79.



          College of Communications

House!, Thomas J., from Instructor, Communication, to Assistant Professor,
     Communication, 10/1/79 through 6/30/80.





          College of Agriculture

          Randall, Alan J., Professor, (with tenure), Agricultural Economics,
               Sabbatical leave with full salary, 2/15/80