xt7v9s1khr0m_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/M-320.dao.xml unknown 0.1 Cubic Feet 1 reel of microfilm archival material m-320 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Barrow Unit papers Medicine, Military Physicians -- United States. World War, 1914-1918 -- Medical and sanitary affairs. Dr. David Barrow biographical material text Dr. David Barrow biographical material 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/M-320/Reel_1/Frame_129_163/0129.pdf 1899-1932, undated 1932 1899-1932, undated section false xt7v9s1khr0m_5 xt7v9s1khr0m . Barrow Unit. Base HOSpital Unit No. b0. 1917-1919.
Dr. David Barrow. Biographical Material.
Originals in possession of Mrs. William Thompson
Briggs. Filmed with hrr permission.

 \.////// f g
Born at 'itton Viilei, the narrow eneeetrel hone "
neer st. rrenoieville, Perieh of weet Felieiene, Louieiene. '
Born August 31, 1858.
Son of David Barrow, who one born et at. Frenoie-
ville Louieiane, in 1808 end died et Kenmore Plantation,
near §t. trenoievilge. Died rebrunry 1074. wee e large —
landowner, planter of Louieiane, Florida and uieeieeippi;
a thirty-eeeond degree leeon.
Dr. David Barrow‘e mother's none wee Queen nitohum
woolfolk, who one born at "Oak Hill", near Vereaillee Ken-
tucky. Born 1830. Died at new Orleane, Heron 9, 1896. -
Her {other one colonel Joeeoh Harrie vooltolk, who one born
December 15 1788, and died April 14, 1860. He fought in
the tier of ion. He harried earth: mum.
Dr. David Barrow was educated at the atete University
of Kentucky, Univereity of Louieiene et Baton Rouge Tulane
Univereity and poet graduete work at Bellevue noepiiel, flee
York City. Graduated et Univereity of Louieiene, Medical
Department, March 19, 1880. aterted hie profeeeionel oereer
in New Orleene, later caning to Lexington, Kentucky, with
offices with Dr. willie. Sweeney in 1886.
Organized Clinic of Barrow, Bullock and Barrow,
1917. Organized during world our, Good Samaritan Hoepitel
Unit #40, in 191?. node e Major of Reaerve aedioel Corps
in iéla. node Lieutenant~Oolonel while in England, 1919.
Entitled to wear one War service Chevron from January 17,
Preeident or Kentuoky uedioel sooioty, 1899.
President of Fayette Iodieel society.
1 neeber of:
American Surgical Association - Senior Fellow.
Southern saggioel Aeeooietion - Senior Fellow.
American Medical Aeeoointion
American Goltege of surgeons.
world War Record: Accepted Ooneieeion of Major
August 11, 191?. (Surgical Connender of Unit #40, Good
Samaritan Unit).

 . 3 A,
Q, ._ - ‘
1;,» .. .. . >
cent to Clip anohary faylcr at Lani-ville. Kentucky.
scat to can, lili-
sunt to south lulptcn Inclnnd, to strictury aaurt Hauts.
human to can notch-.1 and authority, August so,
notcchcd Survico and leave of absence for But. Roo-
citulc #15 and #118 in franc. - tc foul cad
for the purpcco of viciting Evacuation Hocpituln.
sent to London for detached carvicc at Queen Alex»
andria'c Hilittry Hospital, Auguat 7, ”39, to the office ‘
of the Ohio! aurxccn, Baa. Section 3 - $.&.3. ~ A.0.r.
Accepted commission no Licutcnnnt-coloncl, Medical ;
Corps, N.A., August 33, 1918. ,
Designated as counnnding officer of Base Hospital '
#40, February 19, 1919.
Inharkcd from LivcrpcOL for U.3.A.. Hutch 8, 1919; .
thcncc to Camp chhcry Taylor; than donobiliscd. .
nc-bcr c! chingtcn Club, Lexington Country Club, f
and ncltn Duck glut of Louisiana. 5
in Epicccpclian. nether c! Christ church althodrul, ‘
Laxingtou, Kentucky.
?arnann1 traits, flee notes. 7
Hurried Rica nary Blunt Parham at ncw Orleans,
Avril 1?, 1881. nary Parka: can the beautiful, brilliant ,
mnfl fine musician daughter ct Dr. John arounway fiurhn- ana '
his wifc, wary Blunt, of New Orclccns, Loni-icnn. nary
Parnam Barrow died at Lazingtcn, Kentucky, ucvaaber 3, lQOB.
Thcir children were:
n2. navid woolfolk narrow, born December 8, 1882,
and died July 37, 1923. 30 married 6:117 ?cylcr of flartfcrfl,
Kentucky. Thcir children Ire: nary Harrow — Hrs. Carl 5
mlbridgc Newton of New York and Parin. j
wcclfolk Barrow, gruductc of Yale and a ccphonore j;
of flarvnrd Medical fichcol. 5
Harriaon Taylor Barrow cf Oboate fichccl. A;
_ c?

 ,. "MM
Ariana-it no'nrd , tron who narricd Dr. I 1 in.
fin-vocu Brigg- ot lunhviggo r‘uncanou, Ind EOI’O} {ox-
ingioa Kentucky. flair ohil‘ran arc: Itrrio irigfs flora,
no» {mm to uiuu aux-om rim .: ouum , and
Charlotte any Iricgu.
in. Dart-w lint. Ito married Illltr auilook Hunt
of Lexington. innit none are: anvil IlIIUV aunt, and
taller Bullock lint. Jr»
Dotti. Parana Barrow, when. hutbnnd in Richest!
Ibolfolk of Baltinors. Inrylnnd, and their childrcn urn:
Pichngru vbolroik It.
I!!! tartan lbolfzik
Haiti. Barron loeltolk.
John Parts. Burrow, who nnrriod Carolin. stool.
of Youngstown, Ohio, and thair obildrcntnro:
horn steel. BItTOI
circlino Barrow
33am” 3‘3”"..3' ' “3., 11 109
1;. can ... ‘v Burton 2. II. rn Auguat 5
’ 3 and '3?“ any 14. mi. ’ ' '
Damianting par-ounl Guarantoriotioa were: honor,
Jug-oat. strung-n, gunman. «rungs, “ability met
an engaging uni a.
Dr. David Barrow after a ueriau- illness of Ii:
nonihu, diod suddenly of éoart troubla on Augunt 18, 1932.
line oi wooltoik - of Virginia ‘““ 8321 Harris - 1810
l’ 001?. Jonpfa tuni- Molten, m [mu Hitch“. urn-ind 1816
l air of 1813 not: 1798 ~ diod April 84,
l Born Doc. Isi‘IVgg‘odiad April 1880
. ,
an 'htcr sauna I. Born 1380 "' David atrrow. torn 1806
"' ' ”.2; ”z :52"- . n . .”*.':.'~:mi-t"*
v d arrov Dora 3 -- try an. n: nun-
{m l B bu. 41 m 15, 33:33!“ HOV-'3.
1.8!. .

 l)\\||) ”\IHHHV. \|.|).

I?“ l’\\ Mu llwuww. krntwlmk nuux! «MNHHQHH‘HWI \mpmm, ‘llfll :11 111K
Mmtw m [luml‘IHH ‘ HHH ~11 llHH‘wImL \HLTIhI IN. I‘)‘§J.IH-I<‘1':1Hi]lll«'\\ HIV

Huh»: l:.lI1H\\ \\.|\ Mum .1: "\Wm \iHu.” Ilu' l'um'inu .‘Hn‘rflml hnmr
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\ImMHn \\Im'>!~H\‘ "‘ Ml», NIH," Hun \k-hmi'lrx \\«un11ml‘ul (HHHM, l\(ll
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quwghm, |\(‘x;11:‘1\\\_ mu! I]:«- l 1:1\('I\H\ ml lullnmxm :11 ILwIHH lx’umgv; 11h
mwihfl (‘IIIIMIIIHH ‘l' luhm- l Hl\('1\H\ ; .1111} 1:1)xl 111';l«i11'l1<' \\Hl]\ at l’wllmuv
quwml. \x\\ \HIL \ My

Hut-w l'..111~\\ nn-wal law .\I I) ‘IVUI‘H‘ Hum lulmw Hll \lmx‘ll In,
INN“. .lml Imulwll HI \t\\ ‘)11('§ll|\]|('1wlt'«‘Hllll-HL" It: l.r\in;:1n11 in MM,

‘ INN. I'I'I 11mm \('.11\ l’mlnl |'».'H1u\\,11l\r;1l‘ Mnmmnx n! that ul.‘|l(‘. did

a general prat‘tire hut was Zooking forward to confining his work to surgery
This he did. lhn‘ing his long professional eareer, he reeeiyed many deserved .
honors. lie was a memher of a large munher of organi/ations and had the ‘
distinction of heng the only surgeon in Kentueky who was a Senior l‘iellow
of the \meriean Surgieal \SSHt‘lJlllHll and the Southern Surgieal .‘\ssoriationi
llis \\‘orld \\'ar record is notahle. haying organized the t iood Samaritan lltls
pital l'nit, known as liase Hospital No. to; eonunissioned as Major .\ugust ll,
iotf; sent to t 'runp 7aehary 'l‘aylor; then oyerseas to Southampton. .\ugust.
HHS; was sent to l‘i‘anee. then hark to London and was eomnussioned l,ieu-
tenant~t 'olonel .\ugust _’S. Ioih’. lie was eommanding‘ otlieer of llase Hospital
No. 4o until his return to the l'nited States .\lareh o, lolo.

|)oetor Harrow organized the Lexington (lime in l()|,”'. Its derided
sueeess was largely due to his operative skill. his discriminatire diagnostie
ahility, his rare judgment. and his personal eharm.

llnt‘lHl' I’iarrow made many eontrihutions to medieal and surgiral literzr
ture. lhese were puhlished in the journals of that date, and the transactions
of the State .\ledieal .\ssoeiation.

The death of his wife Mary l’dunt l'arham. the sister of Ur. Frederielx'
\\'. l'arham, of New (lrleans in Noyemher. IooS, the tragie death of his
youngest still, llayid, in July, Ioli, and that of his oldest son llr. \Voolfolk
llarrow in _luly. hug. would have erushed the spirit of llltlsi men, hut his in
domitahle will and eonsununate courage sustained him in this supreme trial;
his hrave soul carried on to the end.

The Lexington Herald, of .\ugust Io, M33, eontained these words of

. eulogy:

.-\ great surgeon, a helo\ed phi sieian, a nohle gentleman. a rem-red t‘lil/t'll was llaxid
liarrow. ln e\er_\' sphere in whieh he plaied a part, through e\'er_\' rontart his intluenee
was nohle. It is ditlieult e\en to indieate. impossihle adequately to estimate the influenre
lloetor liarrow e\erted through the long _xears he gaye to profession and to friends.
tielitle, with the l1('\t'l' failing gentleness of high eourage and sweet toleranee: generous
lu-yottd limit of .‘u‘eeptanee In others: faithful to ohligation, great or small, his life was
a lu‘llt'dh'fion.

l \\'. l‘RYoR.

 D A V I D B A R R 0 W, M. D. -:
7 1858 — 193» f
:; Dr. David Barrow, Kentucky's most distinguished
Md surgeon, died at his home in Hampton Court on Thursday .\
C August 18th, 1932, after an illness of six months. L5
Dr. Barrow was born at "Afton Villa", the Barrow
ancestral home near St. Francisville, Parish of West Feliciana, '
Louisiana. Born August 31st, 1858, son of David Barrow of I]
I St. Francisville, Louisiana, and Susan Mitchum Woolfolk, "Oak Hill" ,l
near Versailles, Woodford County, Kentucky. Dr. Barrow received I
, his early education at Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, vb
‘ and the University of Louisiana at Baton Rouge; his medical 3,
education at Tulane University, and post-graduate work at Bellevue t;
, Hospital, New York City. fl
Dr. Barrow received his N.D. degree from Tulane on i
; Varch 19th, 1880, and practiced in New Orleans before coming to ;‘
Lexington in May 1887. For many years Dr. Barrow, like all Jr?
"A physicians of that date, did a general practice but was looking [3?
' forward to confining his work to surgery. This he did. During 1t:
' his long professional career, he received many deserved honors. ' y
" He was elected President of the Fayette County Medical Society :
e and in 1899 President of the Kentucky State Medical Association. ‘ i
: Dr. Barrow was a member of a large number of organizations and ;
, had the distinction of being the only surgeon in Kentucky that was _a
' a senior Fellow of the American Surgical Association and the ;
Southern Surgical Association. His war record is notable, having h
organised the Good Samaritan Hospital Unit, known as Base Hospital #40;
: commissioned as Major August 11th,1917; sent to Camp Zachary Taylor S,'

 2 .
, than overseas to Southampton August 1918; was cont to Franco. thou -
I back to London and was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel August 28th
% 1918. He was commanding officer of Baco Hospital #40 until his ‘
§ return to the United Stator March 6, 1919.
: Dr. Barrow organised the Lexington Clinic in 1917. V
H Ito decided success was largely duo to his Operative skill; his
‘, dacorimtnatlvo diagnostic ability; his rare and unorring Judgment '
i and his personal charm.
it Dr. Barrow undo many contributions to medical and
E surgical literature. Qhoao worn published in the Journals of that -
2? date. and the transactions of tho State radical Association. “
fir I recall some of the papers I hoard him road and discussed at tho '-
f1 meetings of the State Association. viz: ..
:7 At the meeting in Louisville in 1892 his report on h
h. The Progress of GynocOIOgy". Thou at Frankfort in 1893 on 'f
' "Cases in Abdominal Surgery”. fihcn at the meeting in Harrodcburg .~
1n1895 on "Extra Uterine Pregnancy with four recent cases" are it
putttandlng in my memory. .‘
?he intimate friendship between Dr. Barrow and the ;
writer brings to my memory his achievements. During the forty-five 3/
g years of our professional and personal relation, I had the opportu- hf
% nity of knowing him and his personal characteristics, perhaps better ,5
% than any of his numerous friends. _, t
i The death of his wife - i’nry Blunt Parham. the sister
: of the distinguished surgeon. Dr. Frederick W. Parham of New Orleans - .
% 1n hovembor 1908: the tragic death of his youngest son, David, in '
1' July 1914, and that of his oldest son Dr. filiit.Woclfolk Barrow
t in July 1933, would have crushed the spirit of most men, but his

 r  3
E indominitahle will and consunato courage sustained him in this 3
g supreme trial: his brave soul carried on to the end. i
f Dr. Barrow's friend. "r. Deeha Breckinridge, Editor
: of the Lexington Herald. is the author of the following tribute.
E' August 19th, 1932. I
g? "Dr. navid narrow".
{X "A great surgeon. a beloved physician. 5 high gentleman.
a revered citizen was David Barrow. In every sphere in which he
5 played a Part. through every contact his influence was noble. It is
}f difficult even to indicate. impossible adequately to estimate the _'
‘3 influence Dr. Barrow exerted through the long years he gave to ,
‘i profession and to friends. Gentle. with the never failing gentleness )
'~ of high courage and sweet tolerance; generous beyonfi limit of
’ acceptance by others; faithful to obligation. great or small. his ‘
life was a benediction. .
From the time so long ago when. in the first flush of
ingenuoue young manhood. he cast his lot with the people of this i
' community till God's finger touched him and he slept. there was _
: never a day that men and women who had the benefit of his professional
i. care did not feel and expreee gratitude for his exquisite skill and
gentle ministration. unfailing and never-weary thoughfulness shown l
by him in hours or agony and of danger. i
Whether garbed in the immaculate costume of the surgeon. ;
g pitting his skill against the great destroyer; whether in the sick
room. where gentle ministration and deep sympathy gave surcease to ,
of dread; whether as chief of the Unit that he led in the Great War;
whether in drawing room or breaking bread with friend - in every way i
. and under all conditions he was the thoughtful, considerate. tolerant

 4 .
Grant as was his ukill. we have often thought greater h
was his personality; wide no one his knowledge. wider and deeper
3 his human sympathy!
: Friend: Colleague: Brother: God grant we may 3°13 Y0“ .2
i in the "Far Country". ,
y .
i J. W. Pryor.

 I [liig lllq( : OneYearAgoToday
‘ _ _.
" Rotarians of eighteenth district assembled
L EX, NCTO ~=M in Lexington for annual
N K _, \\ convention.
’ Y. TH I
. .- URSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST is 1932 __________.
\_1 _
. . . . f VOL. 444x10. 23] PRICE 5 CENTS
Organizer Of Famous Over-
seas Unit Had Been In
Failing Health
'Distinguished, Surgeon, Re-
1 tired From Practice, ls
Stricken At Home ‘

Dr. Davll Barrow, 73, distin-
guished Lexington surgeon and or-
ganizer of the Barrow Unit. in
which many central Kentuckians .
served during the World War, died
at 9:30 o’clock this morning at his
home in the Waverly apartments,
Hampton court.

Dr. Barrow had been in failing
health for some time, and had re-
tired from practice. He had been
seriously ill for six months. A heart
attack was the immediate cause of
his death.

Praeticed Here 39 Years

Dr. Barrow practiced in Lexington
‘for 39 years, having come here 14
years ago. He retired five years ago.
He was born at Afton Villa. St.
Francisville, La., the son of David
and Susan Woolfolk Barrow.

He received his medical education
at Tulane University, New Orleans,
and did post—graduate work a‘.
Bellevue hospital, New York City.
He returned to New Orleans and .
’practiced there for two years before
lhe moved to Lexington. Before com-
ing to Lexington, he had married -
Miss Mary Parham, Louisiana.

Dr. Barrow had a distinguished
career in surgery. and was widelv
known and loved throughout central
Kentucky. He organized the Barrow .\
hospital unit at the beginning of the
World War and took it overseas. its
membership was made up almost ex-
clusively of central Kentucky phy-
sicians, nurses and enlisted men.

' He was also one of the organizers
of the Lexington Clinic in 1920. He
was a member of the American
Surgical Association, the Southern
Surgical Association, the Fayette
County Medical Society and a dpast
president of the Kentucky Me ical

Dr. Barrow was a member of

. Christ Church cathedral. The fam-
ily requests that no flowers be sent.

Dr. Barrow is survived by his son.
John P. Barrow, Lexington; three

daughters, Mrs. William Thompson
Briggs, and Mrs. Waller B. Hunt.
Lexington, and Mrs. Pichegru Wool-
folk, Baltimore, Md: one sister, Mrs.
Max Fisher, New Orleans, and the
‘ following grandchildren: Mrs. Carl
Elbridge Newton, Paris, France;
Wooifolk Barrow and Harrison Bar-
row, New Haven, Conn.; David Bar-
row Hunt and Waller B. Hunt, Lex-
, . ington: Mrs. William H. Floyd, Cin-
. cinnati; Miss Charlotte Briggs, Lex- .a'

ington; Lora, Carolyn and John P.
Barrow Jr.. Lexington, and Mary
l Parham, Betty Barrow and Pichegru .
5] Wooltolk J r., Baltimore.

Sketch Of Dr. Davzd , .
Barr w’s E l L'fe '
Mrs. Ada Meade Saffarans, Chi- courage. From these blows he have.”
0880. who for many years resided‘recovered. Like the ancient Pb“:
in Lexington and was descended lisophcr his heart spoke the end”
from the distingueshed Meade-s oil‘Morituri Salutamus‘—‘Deatho I 5a-
La Chaumiere du Prairie. has writ- llutc you.’

. ten the following sketch of the early "The mvsterious call of the 13nd,
hie Of her cousin, the 13t9,D“- 198- the land "of his people, drew him
v1d Barrow, a sketch that will be in- , again at the 9,351 Just a day or SO
eresting to many friends of Lexing- ! before he died he said softly, ‘1
ton’s nationally renowned surgeon.:dreamed that 1 was at Afton. I Was

.. , ”m“- - , la bov again.’

“Six miles back from the Mis-f ,, ‘ , ,
sissippi river, through the river town 3 . It has been a pr1v:1ege to 9131';st
of Bayou Sara, and through the old:m these lines my love for Dr. aere
village of St. Francisville, m thelBarrOW and his forbearsi wh° rm
Parish of West Feliciana, Louisiana. {my dim kmdmd» and to ten ° f ’
stood Afton, the ancestral home ofgbeauties Of Afton, where 5° much 0
the Barrows. The home with itsimy youth was Spent",
3,000 acres was only a section ofi “I" ""' ”"“’“/
the vast properties inherited by!
David Barrow Sr., from his father,’
Bartholomew, a large landowner of
Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana.

David Barrow was twice married.
The second wife was Susan Mitchum

Woolfolk, of Kentucky. The writer!
of these memories recalls some
pleasant talks with Governor Porter!
as we sat under the trees at a sum-1

mcr resort in Kentucky long ago,
He spoke of Mrs. Barron’s: mama!
and her belleship as a girl.

“One must consider the forbears
of men to know the characters of
their children. David Barrow Sr.
was a shy, silent man, honest and!
truth-loving. He was a Mason of
high degree, and stood foremost
among the planters of his time. His '
wife was many years younger than

he, only a few years older than his '
daughter by an earlier marriage!
Being very unhappy over the death
of a child, Mrs. Barrow became in-
terested in remodeling the planta-

ltion house, until Afton became one
of the noted buildings of Louisiana.
It was a blending, architecturally, »
of Norman and Italian Renaissance!

“The central portion of the resi-i
. dence was built more than a century
ago by David Marrow. The 40 rooms
included sitting rooms, sun parlors
and an enormous ballroom in which
the southern belles of many years
ago danced to the strains of dreamy
melodies. Adjoining each of the
bedrooms are tiny dressing rooms
in which the slaves of the guests
.slept. Set on a hill overlooking the
surrounding plantation, Afton Villa
is a half-mile or more from the gate
that opens on the highway. An
avenue of magnificent oaks hung
with moss leads to the house.

“After some years David II was
born. No young prince coming into
his own was so welcome as he to the
waiting heart of his mother. Born
at the end of the most glorious epoch
in the history of the south that ush-
red in the Civil War, living during
hat sad period of reconstruction,l
oung David at 15 became a man.
bouldering a rifle, he stood guard
hrough dark nights, not knowing
hen an enemy’s bullet might end
is life.

“In the midst of these troubles, his
Lather died, overwhelmed by the dis-
ress of his native land. Assuming
he responsibilities that were thrust
pon him by these changed condi-
ions, David began to think of a
ocation. He decided to study med—

icine. In order that he might carry

out this plan, his mother sold Afton,

disposing of it for $7,000—-just the

cost of the beautiful gate.

“Afton was a domain for royalty

in those days of long ago. Gnarled

live oaks and magnolias festooned

with Spanish :noss. Graveled walks

that led to terraces of roses, japon-

icas, cape jessamines, ending in hot—

houses for rare plants, nestling at

the foot of these terraces.

...but, alas, thou art gone, my be-

Art gone from my life, but not out
of my heart,

In dreaming my spirit will hover
about thee

Thou land of my love. that another ’
has bought.’ ,

“With the seven thousand dollars I
David went into a hospital in New |
Orleans, as an interne, was stricken. l
with yellow fever, recovered and I
decided to go to New York. There, I
he entered Bellevue hospital, serving ‘
:s an interne for several years. Re-
turning to New Orleans, he mar-g
tied the brilliant daughter of Pro-'
fessor Parrham.

"The sugar plantation had been
sold, but there still remained a cot-
ton plantation, Kenmore. There he
carried his young Wife, and it was
while living there that Woolfolk.
their first child was born. But, aI
country doctor‘s practice was insuf-

ficient, and he moved to Lexing-

ton, where its people gave him wel-

come and success.

; “The tragic deaths of his two sons,

David and Wooliolk, sapped his fine

For rare skill, for lofty citizen-
ship, for affectionate service, for
great sacrifice, for admirable com- ,
rude-ship, for that unbroken pa-l
tience with those who suffer that be- 3
speaks the exaltation of the gently"
Fborn, this community, indeed the}
:nation, can not altogether pay the‘
debt, it owes to the beloved physp‘
Ician who has just sunk to well de-l
served rest. Three times, with thati
fimpt-rturbable smile that for near-
;13' forty years lighted every sickl
{room in which it had shone, he re-!
Eturned, triumphant from the “wa-
Ztcr‘s edge," holding by the hand a
“well-beloved companion of him who
' is trying to write this—still smiling
‘at Death whom, each time, he had
‘unhorsed. \Vords are empty. Trib-
‘ute availeth nothing when pulse is
fstill and eyes forever closed, but
somehow, out of a. full heart, this
,humble writer could not for-ego theI
'melancholy satisfaction of layingl
own this poor flower upon Davidi
Barrows tomb.

 FRIDAY. AUGUST 19. 1932

_______—___———————-—-— .

v Dr. David '. Barrow a

\ A great. surgeon, a beloved phi“

sican. L high gentleman, a. revered

citizen was David M. Barrow.

I In every sphere in which he play- ‘

ed 0. part, through every contact

his influence was noble. I

It is difficult. even to indicate,’
impossmle adequately to estimate
the influence Dr. Barrow ex}
erted through the long years het
gave to profession and to friends.

ngtle, with the never-failing gen-
tleness of high courage and- sweet
tolerance; generous beyond limit of
acceptance by others; faithful to
obligation, great or small, his life
was a. benediction. I

From the time so long ago when,|
in the first flush of ingenuous'

" young manhood, he cast. his lot
with the people of this community‘
till God’s finger touched him and .
he slept there was never a. day
that men and women who had the
benefit of his professional care
did not feel and express grat-
itude for exquisite skill and
gentle ministration, unfailing and
never-weary thoughtfulness shown
by him in hours of agony and of
‘ danger. i
' Whether garbed 1n the immacu-T
late costume of the surgeon, pit-l
‘ ting his skill against the great de-
stroyer; whether in the sick room,
where gentle ministration and deep
’ sympathy gave surcease to dread;
whether as chief of the unit that .
he led in the Great War; whether '
, in drawing room or breaking bread
I with friend-in every way and un-
der all conditions he was the
thoughtful. considerate. tolerant
I ' gentleman.
Great as was his skill, we have
I often thought greater was his per-
sonality; wide as was his knowl-
edge, wider and deeper his human

To those closest and dearest to
him, those who shared his every
thought and gave him his greatest
happiness, the sympathy of the
community goes in boundless meas
ure; all in the community

I who had the privilege of knowing
him share something of their sor-

 FRIDAY ' .._.' 9 93
V —RN—%%TT” - ' '7
, , , W: 4
Dr. David Barrow, distinguished surgeon, patriotic . W
, American. useful and beloved citizen. has passed away RESOLUTION rm: ROTARY own or LEXINGTON
after an illness of SIX months at the age of 73. having Wit—iattxfi 3N THE DEATH or
, , _ ‘i' I)ICAL .4 .R. DAVID BARRO‘V
llVEd a life CTOWded With labor in the Ienef 6f human at 3. called meeting Friday afternoon, It is with deep regret to the Rotary
suffering and the advancement of human knowledge. Auglusttl 19th, adopted the following Club of Lexington that, Dr. David Barrow
' tesou ons. has been called to the Great Beyond.
His death is a great loss to Lexington and to all si G d ‘ .___;. Possessed with generous and tender
, , _ ‘nce o n His wsdom has seen fit sympathies, kind and friendly, 3 great
Kentucky. His name has for‘many years been h'on to take away from us our friend and physician and surgeon, and a good cit-
‘ored as one Of. the most eminent in his professmn. . golleagfuet.h I):;vld Bargow, wciwthe mem- izen. he ever labored for the adxance—
, era 0 e 'ayette ounty edical So« ment of his city, his state, his country
Large numbers or [3801319 0W8 hlm 8. debt WhiCh ciety. meet today to honor his memory and all mankind. His service to his
they realize could not be paid with money. land to express some measure of our country during the World War, and his
‘ . _ oss. contribution to Lexington during his life, ,
At the beginning of the war Dr. Barrow organized A member for many years, a leader will never be forgotten.
_ ~ and a friend, his life among us has been In his going the community suffers a
ahniedical “111“ known by 13521131118 litifismng 0f 4: an inspiration. and a source of strength loss which we cannot measure.
p ySlClanS, 10 nurses, an 50 en e men an and helpfulness. To his bereaved family we tender the
' d 'ith th k f 11 t t l 1 13.1. . " Honor, judgment, strength, gentleness,i assurdrica or our heart-felt sympathy.
serve W 6 ran 0 cu enan '00 one: "10 llZlI‘i, courage. affabillty and an engaging May they have comfort in the fact that
the Barrow Unit at. Camp Taylor in March, 1918. smile, were elements in him so blended he had a long life filled with unselfish
. - ‘ '_ to make the man. service, and in the faith that death is
Sailing for England in June a hospital was taken over That such a one should maintain the only the door to a. new life more beauti-
highest trnditions of the culture in which ful than the one he has lived.
, and operated at' ornear, SOUthampt‘on' . _ he was brought up, and the profession It is ordered that a copy of this tribute
The Barrow Unit rendered a great servrce. Since he chose to follow. was inevitable. ms be entered upon the records of this
. , . r leadership was never questioned. The I“lub. and that a copy be sent to the
the war closed a reunion has been held annually, but honor, that came to mm were but mg gammy, and that similar Comes be pre-
in recent years Dr. Barrow himself has been unable due- His sriefs were many and decp. Stinted to thi- newsmvers of thovity.
searing his soul, yet, with strength and DR. manna»: \Vllis‘oN,
. to attend on these occasions. courage he carried on and his wonder- DR. manics (mun,
- , . ,,_ ful smile was his to the end. “Take him BART N. PEAK,
‘ Dr' Barrow was broadly educate'd alid “add? “a‘ for All and All we shall not look upon ' Committee.
irled. He gained great distinction in his professmnanri his lllklei again." ' -_ - --_ .
. . Hs f f labo was wel a) and
was honored by membership in various someties and we who emf; left Emma, 51,1211?“ 0:3,: our
associations. He was one of the organizers of the few brief days- “01d “1 our “Darts the
. , , memory of the man, David Barrow.
Lexington Clinic which has filled a large place in this Signed: -
section of Kentucky since 1920. c. w. TRAPP' M.I).
The entire community will deeply regret the loss of L. H. MULLIGAN. M.D.
. . . C) ittee.
the able, kindly, useful surgeon who has finished his W..:§T_._
earthly career leaving behind uncounted good works
to follow him.

Members of Hospital Unit Or- ‘
gunned by Late Surgeon
Conduct Annual Re-

}; union Here

1 Resolutions upon the death of
IDI'. David Barrow, organizer and
commanding officer of Base Hos-
pital No. ’40, known as the Barrow
Unit, were passed at the ninth an-

‘ nual reunion of that organization '
.conducted last night at the Lafa-
'. 1 yette hotel. ,
Dr. Barrow, who organized and

' served with the unit during t7“!

" World War. died Thursday, August
18. His comrades at their meeting _

' last night highly commended him
for the discharge of his duties as a
commanding officer, his human
friendliness, advice and generosity.

Approximately 40 members of the ,4
unit were in attendance at last ,-
night's meeting. which began with'
a dinner at 6:30 o’clock, and which '
was presided over by Dr. C. C. Garr
as toastmaster. ..

Talks were made during the eve-I
ning by Grover Shropshire and R.
Spence Porter, of Georgetown; Dr.

W. S. Wyatt, of Lexington; C. W.

Harney, of Georgetown; Dr. George

H. Wilson, of Lexington; Lloyd

Minium, of Lexington; R. W.

Smith. of Irvine; Bruce Montgom-

ery. of Danvilie; and T. J. Ready, '
* Jr., and Walter P. Clemmons, of

,// At a. brief business session which
followed the dinner \Valter P.
Clemmons was unanimously chosen

' as commander of the unit for the
' coming year. Mr. Clemmons was
mess sergeant and later second
lieutenant of the unit during the

-. war.

E. E. Potts, of Lexington, is per-
lmanent secretary of the organiza-
tion. ‘

 . , .g
e _ otary u 0 exmgton
TILFORI) L. WILSON, President "srRVlCE HE PROFITS MOST 'Filford L. Wilson
3 WASHINGTON 1mm), Vice-Pres. "0" 5‘” Washington Reed
HART N. PEAK. Secretary John G. Cramer .
SALEM A. WALLACE, Treasurer LEXINGTON. KY. Salem A. WaHm-r‘
PHILIP ANGELUCCI, Sgt-at-Arms Bart N. Peak “/
' Ewing H. Hall
liurckley A. Storey
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I ~ EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT (14:13:53,323?)
September 15, 1939. .
"r. Jobri'e. Darrow,
Y'ayivg‘rnn' Try. .
Dear S '11" : '
An account of the life of your father
is wanted for the forthcoming volume of the
National CyOIOpedia of American BiOgraphy. .'
While partial data have been collected certain
essential details, which the family can best '
supply, are lacking and we write to ask that
you kindly send us the information on the en-
, closed blank or as much of it as you are able. ,
,_ We need particularly under paragraph l
. “‘ ten some details of his life work, and could .
use to advantage any memorials, resolutions or ,
press notices which are available. ”
An early reply to this request will be f
very much appreciated. -