xt7v9s1khr0m_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/M-320.dao.xml unknown 0.1 Cubic Feet 1 reel of microfilm archival material m-320 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Barrow Unit papers Medicine, Military Physicians -- United States. World War, 1914-1918 -- Medical and sanitary affairs. University of Kentucky Archives David Barrow research file text University of Kentucky Archives David Barrow research file 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/M-320/Reel_1/Frame_96_128/0096.pdf 1957, undated 1957 1957, undated section false xt7v9s1khr0m_4 xt7v9s1khr0m Barrow Unit. B‘se Hospital unit No. 1+0. 1917-1919.
Clippings from University Archives.

3 i
RAE OW, DAVID, Surgewn; b. Rayon Sara, 1a., Aug.31. 1858;
s. Upvid an} Susan (foolfolk) ; M.U. Tulane V., 1580; m. Mary
Farham, of New Orleans, L0,, Apr. 1“, 1651; Children - Jonlfolk (ded)
”int. Artemisia ”rig s, first. Sue 'iunh, lire. Vet-t3! '1’ Cili'olk, John
Iarham, Javid (dec). Fractioed in Lexi gton, Ky., since 18b?;
visiting and consulting surgeon }ood Samaritan and St. Joseph's ,
hnsps. fellow Am. Surg. assn., Am. 3oll. Surgeons; mam. A.M.A.,
Ky. State Med. Assn. Lt. col. Med. Corps U.3.A. and Wm? comdg.
officer Pg~e Hosp. No. no. Home: 2-} L. hth Gt.
Office: 1‘10 bl. Upper 5b., Leriugtifi, Ky.
Who's Who in America. l9?éf--] 029
L3t11'la'::-t Agricultural and. Ifecl‘ia,::i,C'e’-1.l College 0:" 'r_e:1ttlcl'y University
MITCH-71 and 1671-77, see i'tetriculatir;i register pages 251$, 35.3150 ‘
catalogs for the: r; yewrs. I
Sir Yerlttzciy herpel Va}. 7?, 1‘39, and Marci. Zf’fl, 3’15, p.5.
in“? ‘ i,.. (300:; inn r‘et'ir‘" c.‘ tip arrow Whit.
..i: , “7;; '. 1' .- ,0 , s. i -’
» x i .5 r v. ..-“ .l c.tn,i'- zt~.~- 0.. ...».i—erence. ”3.)“, ll"w1f?1" l
. i
"w": 2131. Mr . i
‘ 4‘ e 41's) :51 1‘14, wry: L (:ZV‘it'L. inc: mé-erl :er frillnxxi‘ig: ‘
Z- . l -' i“. Let. 1’3. 1‘27)". got. "'4. l" l ‘; '-="'1-‘;; 1' istt :5 ‘40 13.7-77-33
‘r .712"! i“, l’VlJ"; ”UV. 7'34, 1‘1: (d. 73.1” lw‘ter'} by LIL-l. Jofm 4, Harsh;
:x 2,0?“ ,.\'V9 1, 1“; ..‘Ir‘gll‘. '7' 1‘ 1(1); 1'.:’1I":‘ll C, lib-1“; Itpr‘i} 3, 1‘1”}; 1
Avril 1‘7, 1‘51". ;
_ é
. r ., one ueA' a u 8.x;a'u1ua m l nus ‘sueouaw .:;i:22&2'=aizi‘v",-,.w..'=3iz'" ‘522-23”‘-'-%:':‘-':1':a‘='-*~ . : : ' - = - t ' "H .

 ‘ “M, V w - I
1"" . ‘
- l i
New Army Reserve Centerl ~
I," , _ ‘ v .r ., l
‘1» ‘ . '. . r .k l
ls Named For Dr. Barrow i
093?; “53” tfiémfi'ui‘éi‘iwceavtia’BiEE ‘ 25 Years A“ “day
will be named in honor of the late ,' . .. Dr. David Barrow, distinguished Lexin -
Dr. David Barrow. organizer of '1/ ton surgeon and organizer of the famegl
a famed World War I hospital . a? Barrow Unit in which manV Central K (
unit. .«f "imam SW0d during the World war;
Official name of the new facil- ' “é died at his home in Hampton Court \
ity is the “David Barrow Army _. 'i'ma native 0f Louisiana, he had practiced in
Reserve Training Center.” . /~..\ Lexmgton for 39 years. but had retired 3
Approval of the name. suggested We ~- few years ago due to failing health\ H
by a Lexington committee, was m , We“ “’35 a graduate of th - ' .e
. as. . ”‘3 ° “”3119 Universnv
given .y e ste r d a y by Lt. Gen gafiy" ‘, School of Medicine and took post r' «i: ,_
Charles E. Hart, commanding gen- 1; work at Bellevue Hospital N‘ g a late
eral of the Second Army. Mobilized at Camp Taylor iii Maeiyzh £311.:
. Dr- Barrow. who attained the , \‘Wfiaa . the Barrow Unit was officially desi‘ t‘ci
rank of lieutenant colonel in the ' as Good Samaritan Hospital U ' gna e
Army _Reserve, or ganized a medi- .. . v It was headed by Dr Barr mt No. 40'
6‘“ “mt .here at the Wtbrea!‘ 0‘ ‘ ‘ ~ commissioned a iieuteiiammiglveivvh? was
the war In 1917 and OffFI‘ed It to _, unit were 45 physicians 110 nurse. I; the
thlevséirgeon general for immediate p ” . enlisted men. Dr. Barrow was ogeagf t2}?0
seCorrizposed of 200 Kentuckians— $123333: (if the Lexington Clinic and g I
doctors, nurses and technicians— .,fi'figggIffig-egg;i=1?5fjg;25;:iiggi‘ggjgiéggtfggggI was 73 0 several medical societies. He
the unit was inducted into federal ._'Zjvggjsgizgigigifig;fv:ijf.;;-s;§;;}?}§§§;§§;;§§_;;g5;§rigéfijggggfggj;§:_-;.;3.;;;..;;_g._'~* ‘1'. years -Old' “ l ‘
services 88 Base Hospital N0. 40
and was known as the Barrow a
.. Unit. '
The name was chosen unani- .51??? , ‘
?. mously by a 12-member committee 132:5» ,‘
as the most appropriate from a Dr. David Barrow
list of names submitted from vari- f—*——_——'—-—f*n —, .
ous sources. ‘ ..
The proposal of the name was N 0
submitted to Gen. Hart at Fort f A .
Meade. headquarters of the Sec- amlng O I. my esel.ve enter
ond Army. by Lt. Col. Albert C.
Smith. Army Reserve area advisor F .
here. .
Dedication Sept. 22 or DP. Barrow IS A t ,
Dedication of the new center— ix - ,7, ' 5., r0 [.13 e
liegtesdhztigltlill figssselelpfagze. Pith: Naming of the new Army Reserve a means of helping their country in war- .
tentative program includes ag- Training Ccnter on the Russell Cave time. For this reason, the naming of the
gheaififlieipyagcfnCofifagalfingéfiar-o ' Pike in hODOI‘ of Dr. David Barrow is new Army Reserve training CBDter in .
Bp'tc'hitef of the Kentucky Military an extremely fitting tribute. gig); C: Dr. Bérifwflitregarged by the 1
is me. , .. , 5 espec1a y 1 ing. e it was
Naming of the new center was D“ Bairow ““5 the organizer and pointed OUt. typified the spirit of "h It
sponsored by. The herald-Leader leader of the Barrow Unit, a World Army Reserve program as a b1£.e ,
aidiaiomiyerxéyfgféeigqfiggteiildi: War I base hospital unit which served spirited citizen willing and ablep‘tl 1;- 7
:uggest names. in England and France and which “as his part in defense of his country 0 0 '5
The committee that chose the undoubtedly the beb‘t“knO\VII Lexington While many of Lexington’s ou
(See Column 1. Back Pale. This Section) grouP in the armed forces- ‘ ‘ ' 'y ngcr
A .- and newer Citizens may never have
..--.-__——._-————~»- . detailed account of Base 1105- heard of the Barrow Unit Sunday’s ’
. . 9 . .
pfital N? 403 the formal deSignation 013 news article revived interesting memor-
iie unit, was published in Sunday’s ies.for a great many persons In the
f. Herald-Leader, With names and pictures group which left here March '1 19M
of the personnel, which included nearly were r8p1'esentativeq of many prominent .
I)?“ _- . . . "
~00. ph}blLlElliS, nurses, techniCians and families, and thousands of persons gath I
enlisted men. ered downtown to bid them farewell
ie unit was a volunteer one, formed and again to give them an enthusiasm: .
by Dr. Barrow and other physicians as welcome home on April 15 191.0 9 ..
9.18 ASL” 2“qu dlmuad u; up” -—~~;. .. . i. . I
‘ o a ueae u exfiurua ui | one 'sueo Jaw fiy '5 U W ““9““ -
, - ‘ so . "VP-"53' ‘ :0: ' . 2 , : I ~y‘.' ' ‘ I

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kw“? “’g‘x’jtéfi ‘y ‘ I . Lexxngton. KY-, Sept. 22 Wt—
. .. . . ‘ . :=:3::::=:=:=:>i:::::e:s::...:m. '-.'Z’i-ii="-'*1i'I:3'5"i5335§3§§23$~332<32532-iiérfiiiiiééiifitif.5.5 . 4,I‘4‘=Ea:s:§§5§i?:§il‘21232£75153é3:iii-iEEPE§£3§555553§§25£"'~‘--..--‘=i-- ..‘=2’i==i§é§§§E§I-i§:éf:ééziii-xi ' «2*- ‘ . i .
x- :Y . ‘99.. I'”,$¥:~r~~.za¢ , , l I Lt‘ Gen. charles E. Hart d e_ .’
EVERYBO‘DY WORKS—Preparations for the dedication of the David Barrow Army Reserve t ’Clared here Sunday thata ready 1
Training Center on the Russell Cave Pike Sunday afternoon have““emybmr"Wbrking, regard- .Reserve “is the cheapest form
‘ less of rank. These members of the 397th Infantry Regiment did their part by dropping their ' of insurance obtainable against:
regular assrgnments and devoting time to cleaning small-bore rifles. which will be fired on the ' . . . ' ..:
centers indoor range Sunday afternoon following the dedication. Pictured here are Master Sgt. the 13°55”)th 0f another war. ‘
Jollic T. Handy, left, of Winchester. regimental intelligence sergeant. and Pfc. Robert K. Dickey, i General Hart; commanding
, _,, -. ,7 7 _____‘_ UK student from LOUlSVine- (Herald Photo). 5 ~ 1 ,3 ~ / general of the Second Army,
' ”fl ‘ spoke at the dedication of the
i Davifimfiagjgwwarm . Reserve
arrow ese rve enter :g a»!
. 'Any member of the unit who f 1,000 persons attended. ‘
° has not been invited officially “EmPhaSlS 01? the Reserve j
o e e Icate o a may receive an invitation by call- components, which is the .key- 1
mi: the dedication committee at stone of our present planning,” j
. the Army Reserve Center 508 the general said “not only‘
Lt. Gen. Charles E. Hart, com- West Main Street) ’ . - - i . -' ' f
- - . - ~ - . ates the tax a or a heaVicrl
manding general of the 2nd 1armyé: . The Armor Center Band of Port. Among the special displays iipnancial burdegi 3/th possesses
\“lii be the principal SDCH'OI‘ 8' Knox Will present a concert 8 will be a Mini (1 fi . . ‘ v - ,
- - ‘ n . - é, cmonotlatlon 0n the added advantage of havmg
the dedication of the l)2iv1d Bar- 4:30 pm. at the center. Follow- the center's small calibe' .
row Army Reserve Center W133" ing the ceremonies and tour ofi . 1 range. the least derarcilgiiEg effect .on‘
The dedication of the new con the center. a retreat formation of; a map reading class. an exhibitof the felonomy 3111 o ngailngiining
:cll Cave Pikc-——is open to the; Will be held._ . _ ment, 3 first aid station, a para. expanding industiies.
Pump; An open house featuring Speakers in addition to ($11} chute i‘iggll‘ig'tlxhlblt, a driver Daughter Unveils Plaque
txhibits by the 14 reserve units UIH‘I mellld0 Maj. Gen. 3- J- 1;, safety and training booth, a field . _ ‘
vhich will use the new building hams» County Judge . DE?" 13-3 post office. a 105 mm howitzer, a A plaque dedicating the newi
will follow the 3 pm. dedication Fowler. Mayor Shelby (4 Kill‘kffad} he detector and the latest Army center. to the memory of the
cert-inniiies. and Col. Calvm l..'Partm. .Llllefil signal equipment. late Lieutenant. Colonel Barrow!
A “I“ day Of activities has be“? L31 5‘ Army Military DlSiI‘lCt,l Actual combat films made dur- was unveiled by his daughter”
i‘lannt'd starting With 8 “0‘" “ni‘i‘k‘i'. .’ .. . ‘. . l int: world War II and the Korean Mrs. William Thompson Briggs.
(frilonmllllmlal church Scl'VlCC 8‘ M” “‘H‘dm lhompson 3' 15:355. War will be shown continuously. Barrow organized and com-
10.30 um. in the “Will's 3550‘“ ”‘0 ‘W'fi'l'm‘ 9f Lt' COl'b Old"): The dedication was planned by! manded Base Hospital 40—the
bly hall. Barn)“. k" whom the .u'tdng n committee compost of Col. Barrow Unit— during World
‘ , c was named, ,‘HE‘ unveil 10‘?!th lion .1. Butler, senior officer of War 1, The unit, made up al-
Ganm: : L ' : : : : In If)?" B‘mf’“; ‘1 (jxmgroa‘l the center; (‘01. Glenn U. Dorroli, most entirely of Kentuckians,
POLICE 0N DUTY . lillylelan and suigcon. (iigaiiize ‘1 commanding officer, 810th Con- served in England.
3 PCI'SUHS attending the tram- 13‘1““ “Mime” N0 40 at the 000‘“ vztlcscent Center; Col. Richard Twenty-two members of the'
i 1”: (mm- dedication are re- ‘Ummmm? mama! and .Uimi Dyson' commandant.2085thUSAR unit attended Saturday‘s cere-I
quested to approach the Rus- {mallfk‘d‘ ll during World w.“ It School; Lt. Col. Carl J. Boone, monies
st ll L'avc Pike from North tSL‘l‘VICt‘ in the U. S). and overseas chairman, Armed Forces Ad- t .-.. .—
Broadway. County, city and t i‘ipproxniiatclyfi membeis of visory Committee; and Lt. Col. ___________ _..—_..__
j military police will be stationed \ lthi‘ Barrow family are expected William A. Scay. president. Cen~
1 there to direct traffic. ‘ 3‘” attend. 1“"‘tat10‘15 “3V0 been tral Kentucky Chapter, Reserve
‘ i sent to all members of the Bar-. Officers Association
ion nun who could be located The name for the center was
An 11:30 am. reception and and a special luncheon table hasif chosen as the result of a cam-
1‘1-30 p.111. luncheon at the La- “00" PI‘OVKk‘fi f0? tlieni. paign conducted by The Herald-‘
fayette Hotel are being sponsored Leader Co. l
by the Central Kentucky Chapter,‘
Reserve Officers Association. l

 If t C't '
ar 1 es " . n V. --
Preparatlon ~ . ..
it we: ' t,“
: 9:3,, “ti. fi'
Of RESCI‘VB .. t t
Barrow Training fa t “" . it a tit ,
. 9,. ,. ; .. fl ' '
Center Dedicated 3, at 2.252;. high 5, g§2§{5‘,g-:-qu駢:§:
- ..~ ' . it a“
By Mrs- Brlggs dry. it at , 35%
’ at W. on “it i

It was a big day for the U. S. ’ ‘M ,t ”'“i ‘ 1% it if”

- ‘ - Kaspar”. 1‘52:Eiiéiiféiii:§3€iié¥v ’.iériii...é.:‘-.:':::::'.222:??3it§§%'§§§3?:%:T532333???iifiilééii‘ééiiiiiiéii:i:3?. 3‘ ”in ., htfééiiit‘ig. its?.Ei'.=§i§'=fisizi§§i§si.is?:iis§§1i3?IE?? isgsézzziéfziaésézis£512.:.i'-'~“-i=.ii*‘5"=é=
Al my Reserve in Lexnllgton sun J._:t:%;:1:5§;<§;z;:§:§:f 255;. .-:~;';.;::::..:;>.~‘r,_ '._:;:;:;:;:;:;.;:..v::::r:;:;:;:;.;.:.I.;.;:-.;.;.::;:;.;:;:;.;:::;:;:;._"-'¢;:;:-_:;.;.;.;.;.. Why-“ago!” ‘- ;;;-:;' 9.5; :1..:':i- .figtififiiizzf-i-'3f%25t$1~tii-332:! .55.::;;:»,:-:;:;-,-~:i._:gain£9:
day as the David Barrow Army grain tiaa,x°‘“w*‘iii “gig “at:

- ° i-=::..-.fitti-i::i$:3:=i$:zzz’3ai$i?:€3223::.1:1-:22;1:.22....1- *25. xii"- ':c-.::5:'~:3:.-=-;*.‘.$:::2::-:£5.21:1'1:?:Es;:=:::‘::::2fi- :53533:?SisftiitfaiisE'féthan"this::e:a:::s:::s€2:2:se.s-: :I -r: :~:-t=-3:;:iit:"x‘s:&5?=: 33-3? Strict-:3???- '. 51:43:.41313‘fliii =: " 1311:?“ .”- nit-a1“:-
Reserve Trammg Center was that?” “this;i:f::r%;:.==:iitziaiait; Fr:eiit’-‘-“.’i“gfli:i;’z?s';“..‘.iLEsizizazfzéz2.2-3::-'-:...:.2.22::“2::-=435923555:erase-4:55:i'straits:2:.a:it:::::5:::z:a:::2:'::. 5‘. 5:5???535512323332215:1:1?‘.-‘""€595" ' 45:: -* 5:.
dedicated despite downpours .ig: Mitt. , t
which forced the changing of dis- 5&1}. 325.3153 . in €3.23? I33§.~:::.'112. 1' , i N 4
play sites and drove those pres- gtx~g tw . ”"
ent tor the iormal ceremony in- .3 ..otgi i. ,,
side. ' t data

Approximately L000 reservists 531*; $4.92 5 33“”: iiiiiiti’it
and Central Kentuckians attend- .r *5%2=:’att‘ ... {:;§§3§:§si;$,;;i‘iz* Mg
ing heard Lt. Gen. Charles E. "‘i‘i“.i‘r ”triage . “ -
Hart, commanding general 0f the * Tahiti”? ;/,*3“i~i3~§§§t ', :o. fig; ;
2nd U. S. Army declare that “a -'..:'-‘»~='3'l"5-"-' » .-r.--.t;_<-$‘.€:3.’-';3.:'~J-:"--"-'1--'F of. :7?“ ftm-_.;ga§._¢,_-.,,~l;:;;.--.¢....-z.._.;.;:.;;t_j.;:-: "7'?-315"»r'”~:?:-.-:?:"‘<-:‘-:52111:-.fifli'ti ' ..'._-.,.‘:,::;:j.,j:;;:f-.;;-j;_ -;---;.:;:.'-;.:;;,,..,1.;,: .44,» i”""‘:'=i"?éi'.t“+51"- ":-. : i.'-'§1§:§:1:1:1:?:::;:::
ready Reserve» Prepared to back ‘GENERALLY SPEAKING—Three oi the seven generals on hand for the dedication of the Bar-
“? 0111‘ forces In time Of emer- row, Army Reserve Training Center Sunday get together for a discussion. They are. from left,
gency. IS the cheapest form 0t Maj. Gen. M. J. Morin, commanding general, 20th Corps; Lt. Gen. Charles E. Hart, commanding
Insurance obtainable against the general, Second U. S. Army, and Brig. Gen. Jesse S. Lindsay, commanding general of Kentucky’s
possmihty of another war.” 23rd Corps.

The Russell Cave Pike centerI—ffif” ,1 J ,, «WWW
was dedicated by Mrs. Wilhamt Lt» ' ‘ “ » ‘mously by a committee of 12tArmor Center Band from Fort
Thompson Briggs. She unveiled a|_ Hart lwhich considered names obtainedlKnox played a half-hour concert.
plaque Wh‘Ch honors her father, from various sources. Miss Bea-IGen. Hart was introduced by Col.
Lt- ,Col: DavidJmcw. who or: (Continued From Page 1) ltrice Young, 230 East High, made'Calvin L. Partin, chief. U. s.
ganized mmfionend “’01“ t0 , , lthe winning suggestion. lArmy Military District, Ken-
Europe one of the first hospital Blriggs .unveiled a plalque t3 be! 27 0f Family tucky.
lllldi'ldtilv 1:328 this country during pagedd'm Eh: center. t reaf.Lt, Twenty-seven members of Dr. Col. Benjamin J. Butler, com-

' I e icae 1" memory 0 . ' Barrow’s family attended yestcr- missioner of agriculture, presided
Fourteen Units COL Da‘f’d Barrow. Medical day’s dedication, as did 22 mem- at the ceremonies. The invoca-

The visitors also saw, in the Corps, United .States Army Rc- bers of his World War I unit. tion was given by Msgr. Joseph
form 0f exhibits, movies and serve, whose life symbolized the Short responses to Gen. Hart's McKenna, the dedication prayer
demonstrations, the actual work true 5911‘“ 9f the American ‘hlh' speech were made by Major Gen. by the Rev. Robert W. Estill and
that is being done by the 14 re- tary reserVISt, the Clt‘ZCh‘Shlhler J. J. B. Williams, representing the benediction by Rabbi Joseph
serve units which will use the i t] getaltfhggaggmghhh!§l3;l];1tlz:3 Gov. A. B. Chandler; Dan E. R. Rosenbloom.
center. " 9 . .' “’1 a. Fowler, Fayette Count 'ud'J -

The site of the ceremonies was .able SOldler 1" “the,“ “'31", Hlsland Shelby C. Kinkead, {exJingtgn . The Program . .
changed three times—once during achievements are l" d e l 1 b l y mayor. Followmg the program “Show
the program~as the result of marked in the annals of our time Seven generals wearing from who toured the center saw these
heavy rains. Early morning down- ,and .W111 be an 1n§Plrat1011 to 8911' one to three stars each, were on exhibits:
pours forced reservists, who went ,erations to come.’ hand for the opening of the new A firing demonstration on the
on duty at 8 a. 111-. to set Up the t Naming of the center was spon~ center. In addition to Williams small caliber range by the 397'“
speaker’s stand in the assembly gored by The Herald-Leader Co. they were: ’ Infantry Regiment.
hall. When the skies cleared, the The name was selected unani- Lt. Gen. Charles E. Hart, com- A map reading class conducted
program was rescheduled outside. _._______..___# manding general of the 11.3 2nd by Company C. 834 Engineers.

Just before Gen. Ilart began to lArmy, the principal speaker; Maj. A first aid station manned by
speak the rains came again and Gen. John L. Ryan Jr” command- the 810th Convalescent Hospital.
everyone moved inside.” ing general of Fort Knox; Maj. The latest Army signal 9‘11“!"

Praising Lexington Citizens for Gen. M., J, Morin, commanding ment demonstrated by the 817th
their eo-opcration in sponsoring general of the 20th Corps; Ma]. Signal Company.
the new center. .Gen. Hart de- Gen. Rinaldo Van Brunt, chief of The technique of parachute rig.
clarcd that “nothing )8 more es-l staff of 2nd Army; Brig. Gen. Dill- ging demonstrated by the 927th
sential to the buildingof a good man A. Rash, assistant deputleuartermaster Company.
reserve unit than gaining the commander of 100th division, andl Lie detector operation shown
backing of members 01 the "sur-i Brig. Gen. Jesse S. Lindsay, com. by the 308th Military Police Bat-
rounding cwrlian community. manding general of Kentucky’s talion.

Gen. Hart called a 200d reservie 23rd Corps. t An Army field post office oper-
program one method 0f savmg The dedication day program ated by the 950th Army Postal
the taxpayers money. began with a 10:30 a.m. church Unit.

The Tradition .‘ service in the center‘s assembly A 155 howitzer exhibited by the

The general linked Lexington’s lhall. 925th Field Artillery.
present day defense forces with But by then reservists had al- Combat films made during
the city’s very beginning by citing ready been at work for 2V2 hours World War II and the Korean
that ex-Sgt. James Buford was - readying displays. War and shown by the 302nd Spe-
granted the 200 acres of land on Prior to the dedication the cial Services Company. _
which the city was founded for .______________________________________
his service in the French and In-‘
dlan War.

“The man in whose honor this

center is dedicated—the late Dr.
David Barrow—certainly carried
on this tradition,” the general

Following the speech. Mrs.‘

See HART, Page 11 I,

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wwgsfiw .fit . . . , : . - ' 5 . .- 53:5. . - ' . ,
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AT ['NVEILING 0F BARROW PLAQUE—As part of the dedica- founding the World War I Barrow unit. Present at the unveiling
tion ceremonies at the new Barrow Army Reserve Training Center. were. extreme left, (fol. Glenn U. Dorroli and Col. Richard Dyson.
Mrs. William Thompson Briggs. right. unveiled a plaque com- Col. Dorroh is commander of the 810th Convalescent Center
memorating the work ot‘ her father. Lt. Col. David Barrow. in (Army). Lexnigton's present reserve medical unit.

 . III
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