xt7v9s1khr0m_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/M-320.dao.xml unknown 0.1 Cubic Feet 1 reel of microfilm archival material m-320 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Barrow Unit papers Medicine, Military Physicians -- United States. World War, 1914-1918 -- Medical and sanitary affairs. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v9s1khr0m/data/M-320/Reel_1/Frame_65_95/0065.pdf 1918-1919, undated 1919 1918-1919, undated section false xt7v9s1khr0m_3 xt7v9s1khr0m Barrow Unit. Base Hospital Unit No. NO.1917-19l9.
Clippings in vertical file. Reference Departments
. ‘ 7 ,

 “9' V
$~ 06° - . = l
,7 _
goo; . H 1 L —-—————~——————————————--—-— “ ‘ on '* ._.-_,____-,_ '
“x aze ee Weller, Guerrant. Alvin L. Chambers, Nicholne'vi e. we K. Me
. . ' Aileen Lightner, Lexington. Charles W. Cornn, London. i HOW; Mtbngg‘afxiistfimn'
; Katharine Mary. Lexington. Russell E. Caldwell, Millers‘bum‘. HUT! M. Macrae Versailles.
Sara Mlll‘be‘l‘r)‘. Lexington. Douglas K. Clay, Paris. ' Wlllfield H Minoi' Indian 1 ‘
.uNE.) Fanny Rogers, Shelbywille, Tenn. Nutter 0. Cart, Versailles. Jung. Moran Pattie 090.18. .
. Eva Sesmer, Louisville. Fred B_ Caldwell, Chattanooga John R. M81313: Lexington _
P 0F HOSPITAL l Margaret Schweitzer, Louisville. Robert C. Castlen, Oweneboro. Charles McCullough Versailles
Mary Moree. Louisville. Charles Curtis. Somerset. Bruce Monmomery ’Danvilzle '
ORTY MADE PUBLIC_| Edna E- Pl’OC‘lOY. Louisville. Chester C. Corbin, Lexington. John L McConnell: Lexingte
‘ LL"--- M..._.._.-.- ._.__..._.__..._.I (“am meke. Louisville. Hunter Clark, Hill-shore. Amhon'y W. O’Brien Lemma,“
Lexington chapter alone show the Mary Slnlms, I‘O‘Ulsf'lllfi. John P. Downing. Lexington. Benilmm C. Powell ’Red House.

, he k So of hemi Lora Timmons, Louisvnle, James C. Dean, Versailles. 'John B. Peters Gedr + °
magnitude 0f t - “’9? _- me t . Susan Pannell, Louisville. Eugene D. Dre Flemings‘bm‘g . 'Jhdmu Prichai'd, “gecown. ’
are: 1,000 sheets, 60 dozen hand 10“", Leah Wolf. Louisville. i Andrew L Dawson, Tuscaloosa, Ala. I Edward E Potts Imisi't
els, l4 dozen hath robes, 28 ullzenl Maude Hayward, Louisville. Richard W. Davis, Lexington. Clarence A. Peaison Etymol-
pairs of oajamas etc., etc. Mary E. Turner, Louisville. Samuel S. Dick, North Middletown.| Frank Prather Lexington g.

- _._______ illargare‘t: geftl‘iafdi Ifguigglllle. Ernest G. Drake, Lexington. Spencer Porter, Gem-gag“.
l’argare a. e . U. «a, Emmitt W, o7.’ V rea. leS. — ' U
HERE ARE THE NAMES' Ella Hiatt, Louisville. _ Ishmael IDCli‘Jleyie’Rshleandi1 mmliliiefizifo'étolfixmmn. '
David Barrow, Lexington. ~ Margaret Minnich, Pinevl'lle. C-uvier C. Early, Lexington. Mull F Rush To hi will
W. o. Bullock, Lexmgton. Elizabeth Minnieh, Lexington. William 0. Field, Versailles, Mk D 'Roge'fi; v39 .1',‘ ‘-
J. T. MoClymonds, Lexington. Elizabeth McCarthy, Lexington. ‘ Rav H. Faulkner. Leeoburg. Elwood‘ .Rogers, ”Xian—es.
V- 3 Simpson, Louisvrlle. Virginia Martin, Lexington. Francis C. Foushee Lexington , ’ ngton. '
,, , , - a . , i - Thomas J. Ready, Lexington.
R. M. Coleman, Lexrngton. l Alpha B. Nash, Lexington. Forrest Faulkner, Lexington. mm; B Rodeo Lexi
R. Lockhart. Ovensboro. Emma Nichols Danville. Richard w. Foster, Richmond. Jmes g 3%ng “as?“ t
C. C. Garr, Lexmgton. Margaret Nichols, Danville. Clyde E. Foushee, Lexington. pm 13' Sn, es Lexi: 1“” e"
S. 13- Marks, Lexmgton. Katherine E. O'Brien. Lexington. John K. Feeback, Cvnthiaua. ‘ James; W Stolit s’ F is on. j
J. J. Moren. Louisville. Bess Pelley, Winchester. Richard J F‘o Lé. i ' e ' aim ”31°“
_, . . .. . . gg, X “879“- fly B. Stokes, Farmmgbon.
"- L- Pythian, Leoport. Anna H. R3311. Lexington. Louis M. Ginocchio, Lexington. Cue s Shi 19 Lei 0
W. S. ‘Wyatt, Lexington. Mary K. Stone, Paris. William H. Gatewood Georgetown. l Gmyir $11,102,119? Gléngt tn.
5— (‘arl O. Rinder, Deer Lodge, Mont. Ethel Wingate, Lexington. Allen E. Gray, Lexington, Rev C Sootlt) Leexin wage m
“e H. G- Herring. Lexmgton- Mae Hicks. Lexington. ,Rav H. Gilbert. Lexington. Ha'mgm L 53.0“ If, i '.
'/-i V. G. Kinnaird, Lancaster. l Edyth' Hanna, Lexington. Thomas E Gilmore Paris Leo . ' J ' xngton.
.. . . .. ¢ , - i . nard B. Shouse. Lexington.
I.)a\ld McKinley, Winchester. ' Alberta Mitchell, Lexington. George T. Graves Lexington Geo H S ‘F M
(l. H. P. Parrigin, Mill Spring. Grace Napier, Louisville. Clarence R Gray, Lexington ' A l‘ge K. 8:8”, Gran g.
W. D. Reddish, Lexington. Lula Willett. Louisville. Clarence W. Harney Oynth-iaha m i one, eorge n.
4.. . q - . - hit 0. Stephenson, Lexington.
G- H- “Ilson. Lexmgton. Frances Bogard. Ashland. Louis P H-arl Owen-show Ar’d
« . . . ‘ . - . , - 9 Stewart, Lexington. .
(. \. Reed, Three Forks, Mont. Cora Carduell, Greenwood. Miss. Allbert L. Houston Lexington Leland S . - -
, , ,. . . . . . . - - noddy, Lexmgton.
J. A. R3811. LOVlngton. Margaretta Smith. Richmond, Ky. Henry B. Henderson, Lexington. Ha C St — L -
S. T. Taylor, Central City . Hu h F Howard V r il-l my ' uclgy, exnngton.
. ,. lHere Are , g - . 0 '3 99- ’Winston B, Skillman, Lexin on.
R. Illeston, Louisnlle. Th E l Rilev B. Hill Lexington 1 9

. }i_ L. Grant, Louisville. e "‘l’ °Y°‘- George A Ha’ddw Lexington ““1 Tg‘mlpmn' 3““

Elizabeth Bogle, Lexington. Mary E. Maxwell, Lexington. William J. Humphrev Danville Robert 37°13 Winchester. .

Myrtle Applegate. Louisville. Juanita Kesheimer, Lexington. Renious Hellard Lexington . Demaree TOdd» Flemingsbung. _
. Icy M. Blyrne, Louisville. Nell H. Turner. Lexington. Derrill Hart, Pis’gah. ' “be” 3- Tm”! Lexmgt‘m

liester J. Barker, Lexington. Kate Pence, Lexington. Robert‘E. Hund'ley Owensboro 30 y '1' Tucker, Winchester.

Pearl J. Bone, Lexington. Here Ar James A. Hagan Lexingtcm ' Ola-flee A. Thornton, 126311181011.

11121 M. Blake, Lexington. . ° J h s H k’ ' . Shelby W. Thompson, Lexington. '

Enlisted Men. 0 n ' ancoc . Spring Station. - .

Selah Baird, Lexington. .. Hal Hunter, Lexington Robert H. 'Tolnllnson. upcaster.

Nancy Ballard, Lexington. Harry B. Allender, Lexington. Julian A. Ingels, Millergbm-g , Theo E. Lpplngton, Lemngton. ,
~ .Aileen Bryan. Louisville. Charles C. Adams. Lexington. Gaines Jasper, Richmond ' Jesse Wermillion, Barbersville.

, Curry D. Breckinridge, Lexington. Abe B, Addams, Frankfort? Vaughn T. Joplin Danvfi‘le Samuel W' Van Meter, Winchester. _.
Lora Brook. St. Louis. Charles A. As'bury, Clhildslbung. George A. Joplin ’Danville ' Thomas M- Wise, Lexington. . -
Marie Branham, Louisville. Osvar (‘. Ashrcrait, Paris. Edward S. Jones, Lexington Clarence N' Whaley, Paris.

Anna R. Carlie-1d, Lexington. James E. Barbee, Lexington. Russell Kirkpatrick Georget'ow Otto Watson, Elgin.
Lucinda Collins, Lexington. Herbert E. Byrd, Lexington. Marion L. Kimhrouéh Lexington William R' W°ri°k' Lexmgwn'

‘ Elizabeth Christopher, Lexington. Gabriel C. Banks, Lexington. Edward W. Ledridgfl'Lexi at n, Gilman T- Womack, Lexington, ‘
Harriet Cleek, Lexington. Grover Baker. Versailles. Coleman H. Laseingiofiqgfidgn’ Will W, Ward, Georgetown.
Ruth Cassell-s. Boston, Mass. i Forrest Bronaug‘h. Lexington. Owen S. Lee Lexington V n, Dawson Wiley, Georgetown.
Maude Cottrell, Louisville, Ky. Wallace W, Brackett, Stanford. John W. Leéd'y LOXlllgton Albert N. Wiley, Lexmgton. .

‘ Lillie Davis, Lexington. I Marshall T. Bryant, Winchester. William M. Lane 1mingto'n John H. Williams, Somerset. I
‘ Margaret Frost, Mt. Sterling. Hobart Blount, Sharpsburg. Wayne Lovelace, Georgetofi Lee W. Wilkirson, Lexington. 7,

Jessie Greathouse, Lexington. Orrin G. Burton, Lexington. Winston B 'Myer’s Lexingto n. Baldwin Woods. Paris, ,
Tiilie B. Greathouse. Lexingtot. Clarence L. Bean, Winchester. Charles W'. Murray Midwanf Leving P: Young, Lexington.

‘ Emma Hunt. Fpankfort_ Les-lie G. Blankenship, Paris. William A. Minihan’ Lexin/z'to M
Maline Hatch, Lexington, Walter H. Bruce, Perryville. John M. McCormick Lexi: 11. There are in the United States near-
Margaret Kennedy, Battle Creek, George E. Bell. Lexington. Mortimer G. Muller Lexingfi” ly 2,500,000 natives of Germany, and

‘lCh‘ t “111mm 11- Coons, Lexington. Archibald McKeller’ Lexingto . more than 12,l)0(l,000 persons of Ger-
l‘rnie F‘ l (ml-hart lexinetnn Martha R. Barnaby, Winchester. Edgar B. McDougnL’Lexingto: man descent.

All Members of Famous Organ- ‘ p ‘

ization Who Do Not Live In ' '

Lexington Will Be Notified ‘ "

Tomorrow to Hurry Here-— . . »

Will Be Sent First to Camp - .

Zachary Taylor and Equlp- _ ' »

. ped There. ‘ i
‘ The unit formed by Dr. David m-
row and aides will soon be in service. - .‘

Captain Virgil Simpson, of one . . ‘
United auto. aim, ordered by the : , ' /
Surgeon General to mobilize the en- . ' /
the personnel of Good Samaritan ' /

Base Hospital Unit No. 40, has arrived .
in the city for this purpose. , '

Captain Sim-Deon stated. to The . ' . ' - ,
Leather last night that all members 0! > ‘ -
’ the unit who do not live in the city , ’ '

would be notified! tomorrow by tele- ,, '
gram to come here at once for mobil'l- _ ' ' 7.
nation. ~ '
The unit after being mobilized here . ' . '
- will be sent to the base hospital at ' ‘
Camp Zachary Taylor, where the - ' _ -
members will be equipped and where, ‘ _ .
.. forashrort time, they willbesta- ; ‘
' ' tioned. . p - . , -

The unit taloee its name from the; - - '
Good Samaritan hospital in this only _ ‘
and was finally organized in October. . .

' The unit has since been awaiting or. . ' - "“ . .
- ders to mobilize. ,
' _ There are two hundred and ilorty-eix . , .
. members. Among the 153 enlisted _ '
men are representatives of almost . . ’
every trade and profession. Lanna» - 9 _ ‘ _
ton has several leading men on the p
. stat! of physician; and there are also E .

a large number of nus-see from the ' -

‘ Good Samaritan hospital. . ~-
Twenty—tghree physiCiane and num- ‘ _
i geons, sixty-six graduate nurses, one .' ; . §

hundred and flfty~three enlisted men . ,

. and ibur “employes” make up the per. , e '
_‘ 801111381. ~ 3 v
Oi‘ the one hundred and titty-three -
enlisted men there are hospital ordnr- ' ._ »
lies, ambulance driven, stretcher ‘ , .
-- bearers, clerks, bookikeepere, stem ,, ” * .
-’ mum chemists, telegraph operators, ”‘ . , *
~ electricians, cook», bakers, laundry . ,
men, etc. I
The idea of organizing arch a body 7‘ , .
in the medical corps was originated ‘ ~
. ' and perfected by Dr. Barrow, who has _ g
' devoted much of his time to getting , -
' . together the required number of men ‘
for such a base hospital. - A p _
Representatives in the unit are , ‘ .
. from Boston, Mass, Battle Creek, .
. Mich., St. Louis, Mo., Tennessee, . ’ ,
Greenwood, Miss, and Tuscaloosa, .- . _ ‘ '
Ala, but the majority of the members , .
f . are from Lexington and Central Ken- ~ ' _
‘ tacky. Some of the physicians and
nurses are already in training camps. . _
. A revised list of the members 01' _ ~
the unit was not available last night, “ - - .
< as a call has been issued for fifteen ~ .
_ more men, and there have been a few ., , - .
. changes, but the original personnel _
was as follows: » ,. .1 .
-, THE ORIGINAL ROSTER. -, g . - ,
. , David Barrow, Lexington. ' _ , ' . 4—
W. O. Bullock, Lexington. . . ' ‘ ‘ '
_ , J, '1‘. MoClymonds, Lexington. ’ 7 ' ~
‘ ‘ V. E. Simpson, Louisville. , ‘ "
- ‘_ : . (Continued on Page Seven) A ‘ T ' . - I --

 ' EAINGTON LEADER—February 24, 1918.
W—_— —__—_———————-
_. i' Hal Hunter, Lexington. -
3 Julian A. lngels, Millersburg. .
. , CONTINUED E Gaines Jasper, Richmond.
: Vaughn '1‘. Joplin, Danville.
(FROM PAGE ONE.) ‘ George A. Joplin, Danville.
Edward S. Jones, Lexington.
- Russell Kirkpatrick, Georgetown.
. HOSPITAL UNIT NO. 40 T0 - Marion W. Kimbrough, Lexington.
, BE MOBILIZED AT ONCE i Edward W. Ledridge, Lexington.
___',, Coleman H. LagginggtCrittenden.
' Owen S. Lee. xn on. ‘
R. M. Coleman, Lexington. 1 John W. Leedy, Lexington.
3- ”CREW“ 0.“enbb°r°- 2. William M. Lane, Lexington.
. C- 0' Garr, bemgt‘mi 1 Wayne Lovelace, Georgetown.
‘ S' 3' Marks, Lexington. i Winston B. Myers, Lexington.
3' 'JL' Algirtignl‘OSEQLOE i Charles W. Murray, Midway.
’ \V é \i'vatt ,L‘exington’ William 2k. .\Iinih’an, “Xingu“.
.' M '- ' ' John M. McCormick, Lexington.

' Carl 0' Rinder, Deer Lodge, MOM. \Ior‘imer G Muller Lexington.
g. 2’ iigliialiidldignlfagiler. Archibald McKeller, Lexington.
David McKinley Winchester i Edgar B. McDougal, Lexington.

. .' ., ' , umton.
O. H. P. Parrlgln, Mill Spring. i Oliver K' I‘ICAdgiington
(‘9'. P11). goddishlLexlngtgoln. ' 3:33, {indigo Versailles
. lson, exr . . - . . °
, C: V. Reed, Three aforks, Mont. Winfield H- 53’“?- Indianapolis.
4 , .. eee... iziii risers..-
IS, Err-,gsfinmtmfigvrfig y' Ciharles McCullough, Vere-lulu.
H. L Grant Louisville. Bruce Montgomery, Danville. .
Elizabeth Bogle Lexington John L. McConnell, 14°11‘13”"
, ’ - . ' ', 'Brien, Lexington,
..w , a... ......
cv M. 'rne, u swie. . . ;
Hester J). Barker, Lexington. John B. Peters. Georgetown.
Pearl J, Bonta, Lexington. gig: gflglégg. agitator:
{gfiafil'BEilfieLgfiiEifin‘ Clarence A. Pearson, Herrodeburg.
Nancy Ballard, Lexington. l Frank Prather, Lexington,
Aileen Bryan, Louisville. ' Spencer Porter. Georgetown.
Curry 1). Breckinridge, Lexington. ydiogigeggigzmlfflmm ,
r '. S - 's. me . -
garrieBgzgi‘ihartnffgliisville. i Lovell F. Rush, Tompkinsvmo.

, Anna R. Carfield, Lexington. Jack D. Rogers, Versailles.

.- Lucinda Collins, Lexington. Elwood Rogers, Lexington.
Elizabeth Christopher, Lexington. Thomas J. Ready. Lexington-

1 Harriet Cleek, Lexington. -. Frank 13- Rodes. Lexington.

Ruth Cassells, Boston, Mass. 1 James H. Stewart, Winchestd. .
Maude Cottrell, Louisville, Ky. s l Percy D; Snipes, Lexington.

Lillie Davis, Lexington. l James W‘. Stokes. Farmingtnn.
Margaret Frost, Mt. Sterling. , Far 3 btokes. Farminstol

Jessie Greathouse, Lexington. 1 Carey 8- Shipley, Lexington.

, Tillie B. Greathouse, Lexington. , Grover Shropshire- Georgem‘m-
Emma H'unt, Frankfort, 5 ROY 0- 500“» Lexington. ’
,Maline Hatch. Lexington. Harrison L- Scott, Lexinm
Margaret Kennedy, Battle Creek, EOEFGng-ersmusefififlml

Mich. 90 e .ann
Annie F. Lockhart, Lexington. Andrew K. Stone. Georgetown
Hazel Lee Weller, Guernant. , Frank O. Stephenson, Lexington.

, Aileen Ligh-tner, Lexington. i “fie Stsewzg" L131???

seem-gems l ......
Ara .‘lul erry, xi on. i , ~ ‘ .' ' ‘

Fanny Rogers, Sihelbyville, Tenn. i ElfiitoélhffiEggmgfigfiflnflm- ,

' E‘a Sesmer, Louisville. .. Robert Taylor, Lexington.
Margaret Schweitzer, Louisville. ‘ ‘Demare e Todd Flemingsburg
Mary Moree, Louisville. . ‘Robert‘B Taylor Lexington: ‘
Edna E. Proctor, Louisville. l Roy 1 Tucker Winchester.
Clara Pan-eke, Louisville. 3 Charles A. Thornton, Lexington.
Mary S'lmms, LOUiSVilIG, 3 Shelby “r. Thompson, Lexington.
Lora Timmons, 1’0“}Sflue' 3 Robert H. Tomlinson. Lancaster. .
Susan Pannell, Louisville. Theo E. Uppington, Lexington. 3
Leah “'0”: 1401113‘1119- . Jesse Vermillion, Barbersville.

' Maude Hayward, Louisville. 5. Samuel W. Van Meter,Winchester.
Mary E. Turner, Louisville. ‘ Thomas M, W'ise, Lexington.

. \ Margaret Meehan. Inuisvilie. Clarence N. Whaley, Paris,
Marguerite Halfie-l‘d, Lexington. Otto VV-atson, Elgin,
Ella Hiatt, Louisville. W’illiam R. Worick, urinston
Margaret Minnic-h, Pineville. Gilman T. Womack, Lexington.
Elizabeth M innich, Lexington. Will W. Ward, Georgetown.
Elizabeth IiicC-arthy, Lexington. i Dawson Wiley, Georgetown.
Virginia Martin, Lexington. i Albert N. Wiley, Lexington.
Alpha. B, .\‘ush, Lexington. i John H. W'llliams, Somerset.
Emma Nichols, Danvil‘le. , Lee W. Wilkirson. Lexington.
Margaret Nichols, Danville. BaldWin WOOGS. Paris.
Katherine E. O’Brien, Lexington. Loving P. Young. 116111181011.

, Bess Pelley, \Vinchester. » ‘-

Anna ii. Ryan, Lexington. , - .

" Mary K. Stone, Paris. .

/ Ethel \"lnznie. Lexington. ~ f

.\lae Hick-s, Lexington,
Ed'ytLli Hanna, Lexington. '
. Alberta Mitchell, Lexington '
. Grace Napier, Louisville. _
Lula Willett, Louisville. ._
Frances B-ogard, Ashlan-d. ‘
Cora C'ard'well, Greenwood, Miss, '
Margaretta. Smith, Richmond, Ky. ‘ ‘
Here Are - -
The Employee. 1 ‘
Mary E. Maxwell, Lexington. , '
Juanita Kesheimer, Lexington. f - .
Nell H. Turner, Lexington. , ‘ ~
Kate Pence, Lexington, i 1
Here Are j . '
Enlisted Men. ; ,
Harry B, Alilenrder, Lexington, ? , '
. Charles C. Adams, Lexington. .
Abe B. Addams, Frankfort. ;
‘ Charles A. Asbury, Clhil-esburg. f
Oscar C. Ashcraft, Paris. 7 :
James E. Barbee, Lexington. 1 .
. Herbert E. Byrd, Lexington“ ‘ "
/ Gabriel C. Banks, Lexington ‘
Grover Baker, Versailles. ‘
Forrest Bronaugh, Lexington. ' ~
Wallace W. Brackett, Stanford, - *
Marshall T. Bryant, Winchester. t
HobartBlount, Sharps-burg. - 3 '
Orrin G. Burton, Lexington. 3 ‘
Clarence L. Bean, Lexington. ;
Leslie G, Blankenship, Paris. ;
Walter H. Bruce, Perryville. ~ . .
George S. Bell, Lexington. ’,
William L. Coons, Lexington. '- .
Martha R. Darnaby, Winchester. ,
Alvin L. Chambers, Nioholasville. ;
Charles XV. Cornn, London. ,
Russell E. Caldwell, Millersburg.
Douglas K. Clay, Paris. '
Nutter 0. ('art, Versailles.
Fred B. Caldwell, Chattanooga. .' . " ‘
Robert C. Castlen, Owensboro. ‘
Charles Curtis, Somerset. -
'_ Chester C. Corbin, Lexington. 1 . ‘
Hunter Clark, Hillsboro.’ * .
‘ John P. Downing. Lexington. . _
‘ James C. Dean, Versailles. ;

7' Eugene D..D,ve, Flemingsburg. ‘ g ‘ .

' _ — Andrew L. Dawson, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 3,

x _ ‘ Richard W. Davis, Lexington. . ; ‘ ‘

_ y » . Samuel ,8. Dick. North Middletown. i

, ' ---- Ernest G.,- Drake, Lexington. ; _ .

_ - _ Emmitt W. Dozier, Versailles. '-.~

, ft Ishmael Eckley, Ashland. . - ~

- ' Cuvier C. Early, Lexington. -' . _ _ -
..-, William G. Field. Versailles. :
.. Ray H. Faulkner, Leesburg. 'f , ~ "
- 7,: Francis C. Foushee, Lexington” ’

 RAPl. SIMPSON ._ ,. §

All Members of Famous Organ- ; . '

. ization Who Do Not Live In

Lexington Will Be Notified - . '- _ .

Tomorrow to Hurry Here— . , * , I
Jmanfi ' ~\ ' ‘ I _ I

Zachary Taylor and Equ- .5 .. '

ped There. ' l ,

' Tho unit harmed by Dr. David m _ ‘ .‘
raw and sides will soon be in service _ , - -

Min Virgil Shannon, of 'mo . ~ ‘
UM mien arm, around by the I . ’ _
Bin-goon General to mobilize the em '

, the personnelofGood Samaritan . 4 .
Duo Hospital Unit No. 40, has arrival
mehedtytorflzlsmu‘poso. ., , .. . I
. Cumin Simpson stated to The - '
' I“ lost. night tint all members at ‘ ’
‘ Innunithlonotl-iminthooity
would be notified tom by tole- . _ . - »
Islam to come here at once {or mobili- . ' - '
union. '
'lho unit after being mobilized heme U
. will be sent to the base hospital at ' _,
~ Cam Zaohnry Taylor, where the _ ‘ ‘ I ..
' members will be equipped and: where, < .
foreshorttime,theywillbe€tar ' ‘
tloned. ’ - »
f The unit take. its name from the , . ' '
' Good Samaritan hospital in this city - . *
I and was finally organized in October. '
‘l The unit has since been awaiting or- ‘ ' .
dare to mobilize. ' -

There are two hundred and Wei: . . , ' ’
members. Among the 153 enlisted -.— I T .
men are representatives of almost , A 7
every trade and profession. Lexing- . I
ton has several handling menonizho » .
staff of physician. nndflhmere also - , '

alumnumberofnm-sesfromme ' .
' Good Samaritan hospital. . , ‘ ..

Twenty-three physicians and sub — . -
geons, sixty-six Mute nurses, one -_ -
hundred and fifty-three enlisted men ,
and flour ”employee" make up the par- ‘ . -
flannel. - - , ‘

Of the one hundred) and titty-mm '
enlisted men there are hospital order: ' _ ' ‘
‘ lien, ambiance driven. mocha:- I
beam clerks, bookkeeper-s, monoc- .. ‘ '
Mm chemists, coleslaw operators, “ -
_ electricians, cooks, balm“, laundry ' A '
men. etc. ‘ , . ‘
a The idea of organizing arch a body , , , . ~ .
I in the medical corps was originated
_. andperfectedbyDr.Barrow,wmohns ' . ‘   ‘
' devoted much at his time to getting I ’ ‘

together the required number or men . ' _ ' .

i for such a. base hospital. . '
Represenmtives in the unit are ~ ’ , _
from Boston, Mass, Battle Creek, . .
Mich, St. Louis, Mo., Tennessee, . '
' Greenwood, Miss, and Tuscaloosa, a _._ . v, ._ .
} Ala” but the majority of the members ’ ‘ ,
are from Lexington and Central Ken- , ..
‘ tacky. Some of the physicians and . j . -
nurses are already in training camps. . “ . .. ‘»
. A revised list of the members of , : g " I_ ' . . ‘ .
the unit was not available last night, ‘ -. .. ‘
, as a. call has been issued for fifteen . '
‘ more men, and there have been a few ‘ t, - .
changes, but the original personnel , - ‘ _
t ‘ 'was as follows: , (I. I w I _
‘ David Barrow, Lexington. . ' . - ' . I ' ’.
. , TV. 0. Bullock, Lexington. . '
J, T. MoClymonds, Lexington. ._
V V. E, Simpson, Louisville. . ‘ I
‘ (Continued 0. Page Save.) ’ V _ ,' 3 i

 " * EXIN’GTOV L , “ _
A A L 4 _-
EADER February 24’ 1918.
. - ¥ — 1. H81 Ifunter. uxiwon
. . CONTINUED 1 Julian A. Ingels, .\iillersbur‘
I - E game; Jgsper, Richmond. .
. . (FROM PA . aug n . Joplin, Danville,
._-‘ GE ONE.) l George A. Joplin, Danville
‘ I H “Wald S. Jones, Lexington. '
:1 OSPITAL UNIT NO' 40 T3 ‘ $11315?th fiirkflatrick, Georgetown.
1 i . tl' n v. 'lmbr0;}gh, 116x
._ _ __BE_MQBJ.LIZED AT ONCE. 5...... w. ......dg, W333...
-—------—___*--—4 016mg“; H. Legging. CH , .
.1 . g )lEoCS{(l::g‘anb Lexington. Owen S, Lee, Lexgngmlttenden- I
- ‘. . C. C. Ga'rr Lexf‘ensboro. ‘9 ~1th W. Leeriy, LGXingtom "
k S' 8' llark’s Lexlilri3r (311' l “villlam'n. pane, Lexington.
I \ J' 'J' new“, Louisxgfin' l “'ayne wvelace, Georgetown.

. J. L. vadién V9“) c, ? ‘linston B. Myers, Lexington.

I ' W. 8- \i'vatt 'Lexingalirtr i Charles “C Murray. Midway.

- Carl 0. Rinder Dee Lodg William A, Minihan, Lanna”.

H. G. Herring ,Lexirli t e, Mont. Jonn’ .\I. McCormick. “Huston. _
7 h V. G' Kinnaikr'd Lancgagtler Mortimer G. Muller, Lexington.
-_ David McKinley: \t’inchest- 1 Archibald McKener' Lanna“.
' 0' H' P' Pamgin \Iill S fr. Edgar B. McDougal. LexingtOn
, w. D. Reddish L'einigtogr ng. l Oliver K McAdam, Lexington: I
' G. H. “Vilson"LGXinéton' Hem-y Maloney. Lexington.
C. ". Reed; Three ROrks. M H'arn. .‘I. .\Iacrae. ‘Versaill...
I g. A. Ryan, Covington ' .ont. .‘I‘oihnnfle‘gorfl Bynar’ Indianapolis.
- T. Tav10r d . « an. ar 3.
R. Tilesrbn’ ’ngggfillemty. John R. Marsh. Lexington.
H. L. Grant, Louisville ‘ Charles MCCullough, Venom...
Elizabeth Bogle, Lexington Bum.3 Montgomery, Damn“.
. Myrtle APDIegate Louisville John L. MCCOnnen, “nun“. ‘
‘ Icy M- Byrne, Louisville ' Anthony W, O'Brien, Lexingtoflv
HeSter J. Barker Le‘in'gton Benjamin C. Powell, Red House. ,
Pearl J' Boma' L',€"irl‘gtoxa ' John 3- Peters. Georgetown.
, Ina M. Blake. LexingtOD' Thomas Prichard’ Paris,
I 891311 Baird, Maximum, . Edward E. Potts. Lexington. ‘
Nancy Ballard, Lexing‘mn Clarence A. Pearson, HarrOdsbnrg.
.(A‘tileen Bryan. Louisville . { ggzlnlge Pigthfr, gnaw.
lurry 13' Breckinridge Lexi. W3 t r or er, rgetown.
. , . n R Y
. firfinBflfl St Igollis. Wm" B53333" W ..
Lucinda Coll ’ ' " n. ack D. Rogers,Versailleo, .
Elizabeth lerlii'togigngtfig'i Elwood Rogers, Lexington.
Harriet CIeek Lexington x ngtOn, Thomas J. Ready, Lexington.
Ruth Cassells' Boston Ma; l Frank B, Rodes, I‘flnxton.

'7 Mande Com-ell Louisirln 8:3: ‘ James H. Stewart, Wincnm. .
Lillie Davis, Léxington 8' y‘ i 1, Percy D. Snipes. Lexington, .
Margaret Frost Mt Stern | James W. StOkes. Farm
Jessie Greathouse Lexingtng' ’ Fay B. Stokes, F‘arm'ington.

Tillie B. Greathouse Lexi on. Carey S. ShipleY. Lexington.
Emma Blunt, Frankfém ngton, } Graver Shropshire. Georgetown.
_ .fialine Hatch, Lexington 22:“2b30f‘ttgggm8mn. ,

, a . I . f
MlCh'rgaret Kennedy, Battle Creek. Leonard B. SthtthefJeLxgfln‘to.
{"wwn’ 1‘- "“5, '“ chaster' GeOrge Sager. Frankfort, .

Marshall '1‘. Bryant, Win e . gundrew K. Stone, Georg atom

Ho‘biartimoum, Shaw“. : A 811k 0. Stephenson. Lexington. _

Orrin G. Balaton. LeXIQ’gtOn- ‘ Lrtie Stewart, Lelington.

.7 Clarence L. Boan,.Lex1ngton. ‘ Heland Snoddy, “Huston.
. Leslie G. Blankenship, Paris. Wam C. Smoky, Lanna”. _
\ Walter H. Bruce, Ermine. _ inston B. Skinman, Lanna” I <

e S Bell, Lexmgton. Alvin Thompson, Paris. .
l Gef’igm i, Coons, Lexington. RObert Taylor, Lanna”
W11 ‘3 . aby thnwer' Demaree Todd. Flemin b
Martha R. Darn , . 1 ville ROben B ‘8 u“.
- . L chamberS, Mono as . m, . Taylor, Leflnmn. .
filvm .W Cornn London. y J. Tucken Wigwam,
charles - ’11 Millersburg. , Charles A. ThomtOn .
R sell E. Caldwe ,. i Sh 1b ’ on.

6 us . - Paris. . e y W, Thompsonluuxll I
Douglas K.CC1:€’versaillee. Hilbert H. Tomllnson: mm“: H

. . Nutter O. [a '11 Chattanooga. Theo E. UDDington, Lanna!” .

l | Fred B. camwe ’ SbOYO Jease Vermillion B b “on.
. bert C. Castlen, Owen . Samuel W ' ’ a: ersvflle.
R0 I 't‘s Somerset. ' - Van Meter..Winchester

I Charles 0111' 1 . ‘Lexin'g‘on. Thamas M. Wise uxinm .

_ g l Chester 0. Corbin, ‘ Clarence N. “they 11. I.
» Hun‘18r Clarknflillsborio. ton Otto was”, Elam . .
g l John P. Downing. beatings . William R. WOfiCk. pad.
James C. Dean, Vernain sburgo Gilman T. Womack’ mu.
‘ Eugene D. tDye, Fler'rri $310083 Ala. Will W. ward, Geo’metown no r
Andrew L. Dawson, usi ton, DaWSOn Wiley, Gaol-gem“.
\\ Richard SWD 3:Vi§or1$x§%ddletown. :31"th m1 ey, Lexi .
, 3 Samuel‘ . . ‘ n . inams, so .
v. . Ernest G.,_ Drake. L$in%3?és , Lee W. Wilkirson, Leger”:
Emmitt W, Dozier, ered - . Baldwin Woods, Paris. '
. Ishmael Eekley, Ashlanto.n Levi g P. You“, Le“'31::
, Cuvier C. Early, Lexingue; E I I I
' William G. Field, Vereai .
_. 'Ray H, Faulkner, Leesburgbn’ 3. _ ‘
Francis C. Foushee, Lexmgtton
V Forrest Faulkner, Lenin 0nd.
Richard W. Foster, Richm ten: 3
Clyde E. Foushee, Lexinga :
' John K. Feeback, Cynthiin .
Richard J. Fobb, .Lexing onto“ E
Louis M. Ginocchio, Lexing etown.‘ e ‘
' William H. Gatewood, Georg , ' I
‘ Allen E, Gray, Lemngto:Sn . ‘
a Bay H. Gilbert, Letting . .
Thomas E. Gilmore, Paris. ton . ‘
* George T. Graves, Pgiirrliggton. ‘
. R. ray, L .. ‘ "f
gigglii W. Hlarney, Cynthiana. : .
Louis P. Harl, Owensboroiton ‘
l ‘ Albert L. Houston, Lem:1 {O n
I Henrv B. Henderson. Learfigs .
i Hugh F. Howard, .V'ersai e .
‘ Riley B. Hill, Lexmgton. ton \ .
George A. Haddad, Lexing ville 7
William J. Humphrey, Dar:1 . . ¥
’ Renious Hellard, .Lexingto .
1.5 I ' Derrill Hart. Pisgah. sboro
Robert E. Hundley, Owent n .
' James A. Hagan, Lexing ostation. ‘
Jehn S. Hancock, Spring I

 ' ‘ Prom t' A d i
‘ l H ’ l ' N
_ n osplta Unit 0. 40.
. - At Camp Zachary Taylor
News Was received here today of the . ert E. Hundley, Julian A. Ingles.
following promotions in the Good Sa‘lEOUgl'ilas N.TJefferson. William L. Jilin-
- - . - . r g 'ins, ari . Jones, George A. JOp n.
maritan Hospital lnlt M). 4.» at camplvaughn Jonlin, Richard K. Kane.
‘ dachary Taylor: lHenry C. Kimbrough. i
' SERGEATNTS. 9 Marion L. Kimbrough, Frank) 8.;
GEOFEE T- Graves. lLancaster, Joseph G. Kuhn, William?
Louis L, Haggin. 2M, Lane, Edward KY. Ledridge, Oliverl
Gordon Hunt. K McAdams, Charles McCullough, Ed-
‘Valter P. Clemmons. fgar B. McDougal, Garnett J. McKin. ’
Hal H. Hunter. ‘llé’y, Harry M. M. Macrae, Henry E.
Fred B. Caldwell. jMaloney, John R. Marsh, James W.
COOKS. :Milam, William A. Minihan. ;
John McCormir-k. ; Winfield H. Minor, Mortimer G.|
Percy D, Snipes. 5Muller, Charles \V, Murray, Winston} »
John P, Downing. iB. Myers, Anthony \V, O’Brien, Clar~‘
' Grover C. Baker. ience A. Pearson, Roy S. Porter, Thom-
Milton Gaines Jasper_ as E. Porter, Edward E. Potts, Ben-
Samuel Willis Van Meter. ljamin C. Powell, Frank Prather, Wil-
John s_ Hancock. lliam Bruce Reynolds, Goodson Rey- I
Will Walker Ward. noIlds.. B R' Th El R“ ‘
.ouis . ice, omas mer 11:.
George S'CBOJE‘PORALS‘ Elwood Rogers. Leonard (‘ Ro‘y,_Hax'- .
Coleman H. Lassing. r‘lSOll L. Scott“ Carey .b. ample);
, George A Miller. Grover Shrolrshire, Hardin Onbhort,
J ArE-hibzlld Mclx'ellar. Leonard B. bhouse, Av? \hnstonf'
John B Peters. Skillman, Percy Vi. Sme by, Leland
William L. Coons. , B. Snoddy, Frank O. Stephenson, Artle'
Owen S. Lee. iH' Steriart: _ _ , ..
James E Barbee. James‘“. Stokes. Andrea I\. St.
Bruce Montgomerv. Harry C. Stuck)“, Robert B. T
George H. Sager. ' Egblebrt 13". nglor’ AlvrnCTb :4
~ Edward s. ’Jones. r e y ' ompson, "____,,_,
‘ John \V. Leedy. .
' Francis C. Foushee. -
Frank B, Rodes.
Abe Adams. Charles C. Adams, June
Gayle Alexander, llarry B. Allender.
. Charles C. Asbury, Oscar C. Ashcratt. _
Gabriel C. Banks, Clarenre L. Bean, ‘
Leslie Blankenship, Hobart H. Blount, ‘ »
Omar R. Botts, Abram J. Boughton,
\Villiam \V, Brackett, Charles \V. Brad- _ ~
Shaw, Frank F. Bronaugh, Walter H. ,
Bruce, Marshall '1‘. Bryant, Hiram P.
, Burch, Leland D. Burton, Orrin G. Bur- ' '
ton. .\‘utter O. Cartt, Robert C. Cast-
:len, Alvin 1.. Chambers. Douglas K.
_ ,5. Clay. \Yalter P. Cole, Josiah Combs, ’
7‘ sChester C. Corbin.
i Charles W, Cornn. Charles M, Cur- .
itis. Marshall Dale, Richard W. Davis, .
lAndrew L.‘ Dawson, James C. Dean, .
lSamuel S. Dick, Ernest Gay Drake, ‘
lCuVier C. Early, Ishmael W. Ecliley, .
'Forrest Faulkner, Bay A. Faulkner,
lJohn H. Fahey. '
1 John K. Feeback, William G. Fields,
IRichard J. l‘ogg, Richard W. Foster, .-
'Clyde E. Foushee. Sterling S, Gano, -,
» John '1‘. Garrett, William H. Gatewood, ‘
Ray H. Gilbert, Thomas E. Gilmore, ‘ .-
, Allen E. Gray, Clarence R. Gray, ,
George A. Haddad, James A. Hagan, ' '
‘ » Louis P. Harl.
Clarence W. Harney, Clyde 1‘). Har-
rison, Henry 1), Henderson, Albert 14. x ' ,
' Houston, William J. Humphrey, Rob- .

The enlisted men of Hospital Unit
No. 40 left here March 1 for training
at Camp Zachary Taylor,

' There are a number of promlnent
surgeons, physicians and nurses from
this and other sections who are to go,
but as they have been stationed in
service at various army encampments
for some months, an official list has
never been given out.

Official List
. 0f Enlisted Men.
. Allendar, Harry B.
Ada-ms, Abe B.
Asbury, Charles A.

Ashcraft, Oscar C.
Alexander, June Gayle.

, Bradshaw, Charles W.

Barbee, James E.

, Byrd, Herbert E. ‘
Banks, Gabriel C.

' Bionaugh, Forrest.
Bracltett, “'allace W.
Bryant, Marshall ’1‘.
Blount, Hebert.
Burton, Orrin G.
Bean, Clarence L.
Bruce, Walter H. ’
Bell, George S.
Buchanan, Emil B.
Boaz, William G. ~
Burch, Hiram P.
Botts, Omar R.
Boughton, Abram J.
Burton, Leland D.
Baker, Grover.
Coons, William L.
Chambers, Alvin L.

‘ Cornn. Charles W.
Caldwell, Russell E.
Clay, Douglas K.
Cart, Nutter O.

- Caldwell, Fred B.

Castlen, Robert C.
Curtis, Charles M. ‘
Corbin, Chester C.
Clemons, Walter P.

- Combs. Josiah H. ,‘
Cole, Samuel H. ‘
Crutcher, Percy. .
Dye. Eugene D. }
Davis, Richard W. ‘
Dick, Samuel S. -
Drake. Ernest G. ‘ .
Drouzier, Emmit W.

' Dale, Marshall W.
Downing, John. . ‘
Early, Cuvier C. .
Faulkner, Ray H. ,
Foushee, Francis C.

' (Continued on Page Five.) ‘
ivuxurnncn, avuu m.

McConnell, John L. ,
Miriium, Charles L.
McKinney, Garrell J.

‘ Miiam, Janka W.
Minor, Winfred H.
Neal, Burwell.
O’Brien, Anthony.

Powell, Benjamin C.

Peters, John B.
Prichard, Thomas. .
Potts, Edward E. '
Pearson, Clarence A.
Prather, Frank.
Porter, Spencer.

_ Porter, Tom E.
Punch, Richard E. , ’

Reynolds, Goodson.

. ‘ Rix, Thomas E.

Rush, Lovell 1'".

Rogers, Jack D.

Ready, Thomas J.

Rodes, Frank B. ‘
Roche, Henry W.

Rice, Louis B.

Reynolds, Bruce.

Roy. L. C. ’

- Stewart, James H.

Snipes, Percy B.

. Stokes, Fay B.

Stokes, James W._

Shipley, Cary S.

Shropshire, Grover.

Scott, ROy C.

Scott, Harrison L. ‘
Shouse, Leonard B. «
Sager, George H.

Stone, Andrew K.

Stephenson, Frank 0.

Stewart, Artie.

Snoddy, Leland B.

Skillmsn, Winston.

Snort, Hardin B.

Sledd. Herbert T.

, Smedley, Percy W.

Smith, Robert W.

Stevens, Henry A.

. Seward, Glen M,

‘ : Thompson, Alvin.

' Taylor, Robert B.
. . Tucker, Roy J.

Thompson, Shelby W.

Tomlinson, Robert H. .
Thomas, Marion C.

Todd, Demaree.

Uppingtor, Theo E. .
Van Meter, Samuel W. -
Wise. Thomas M.

Whaley, Clarence N.

Wumack, Gilman T.

Ward, Will W.

Wiley, Albert N.

Williams, John H.

Wilkirson, Lee W.

Woods, W. Baldwin.

Wilson, Robert E.

White, Morris B.

- Wilson, Millard 0.

Young, Loving P.

Young, David W.

 Promotions Announced ’ r
l H ' l U ' N
n ospita mt o. 40
At Camp Zachary Taylor
News was received here today of the . ert E. Hundiey, Juli