xt7v6w96b74g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w96b74g/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1944-05 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Educational Bills Passed by the 1944 Session of the Legislature of Kentucky", vol. XII, no. 3, May 1944 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Educational Bills Passed by the 1944 Session of the Legislature of Kentucky", vol. XII, no. 3, May 1944 1944 1944-05 2022 true xt7v6w96b74g section xt7v6w96b74g  

. Commonwealth of Kentucky 0







Educational Bills Passed by the 1944

Session of the Legislature
of Kentucky



Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction







Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

Vol. X” 0 May, 1944 O No. 3







The bills affecting education passed by the 1944 session of the
Legislature are given in full in this number of the Department

There has been included also the decisions of the Court of Ap-
peals of Kentucky which have been decided since the 1942 edition
of the school laws was published.

The 1942 edition of the school laws and this bulletin give a cont
plete school law reference.

Superintendent of Public Instruction



 E the





An Act Relating to Teachers’ Tenure ____________________________________________________________ 5

An Act Providing for the Distribution of an Appropriation for Equal-
izing Educational Opportunities ............................................................... 10

An Act Authorizing Boards of Education of City School Districts and
County School Districts Containing Cities of the Second Class to

Set Aside Funds for Building Purposes ................................................ 11
An Act Appropriating $3,000,000 for Supplementing Teachers’ Salaries

for the School Year 1943-44 ........................................................................ 14
An Act Relating to the Adoption of School Textbooks by an Inde-

pendent School District With a Pupil Census of 1,250 ........................ 15

An Act Relating to Publication of Financial Statements of Govern-

- mental Units, Amending Section 61.290, Repealing Sections
92.390, 68.070, 87.220 and 84.120 and Repealing Sub-sections (l)
and (3) of Section 89.270 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes ........ 17

An Act Authorizing the Fiscal Court to Appropriate Funds for the
Transportation of Pupils Who Do Not Live Within Reasonable
Walking Distance of the School They Must Attend ............................ 13

An Act Providing for the Employment of School Bus Drivers
Eighteen Years of Age or Over for the Duration of the War and
Six Months Thereafter ................................................................................ 19

An Act Permitting Persons Under Sixteen Years of Age to Work More
Than Eight Hours on Saturday or After Six O’Clock in the Even—
ing on Saturday, Etc. .................................................................................. 19

An Act Requiring That Boards of Education Shall Pay Toll for Pupils
on Privately—Owned T011 Bridges and Ferries and Providing Free
Toll for School Children and School Buses on State-Owned
Ferries and Bridges ...................................................................................... 20

An Act Relating to Veterans of the World Wars and Amending
Section 164.480 and Repealing Section 164.510, Kentucky Revised ‘
Statutes ............................................................................................................ 21

An Act Authorizing and Providing for the Purchase, Leasing, Renting
or Erection of Buildings to Be Located in Kenton County and to
Be Known as Northern Kentucky State Vocational School and
Providing for the Maintenance and Operation Thereof by the
State Board of Education ............................................................................ 21

An Act Establishing an Independent School District on the Fort Knox
Military Reservation and Providing for Issuance of Operator’s
License for Motor Vehicles, the Income from Which to Pay for

Operation of the School .............................................................................. 22
An Act Relating to the Teaching of the Conservation and Preservation
of Natural Resources in the Public Schools of Kentucky ................ 23

An Act Empowering and Directing the Treasurer of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky to Invest Funds in His Hands Belonging to
Boards, Institutions, and Agencies Not Supported in Whole or
Part By Taxation ......................... . ...................................... 23

An Act Relating to Public Holidays ................................................................ 24
An Act Relating to the Classification of Cities ............................................ 24









An Act Relating to Teachers’ Tenure

That Section 161.720 to and including 161.810, Kentucky Re—
vised Statutes, be and the same are hereby repealed and re—enacted
so that when repealed and re-enacted they shall read as follows:

])c]initiuns For Tl'earhers’ Tenure Lana—(1) The term “teacher”
for the purpose of this Act shall mean any person for whom certifica-
tion is required as a basis of employment in the public 80110018 of the
state with the exception of the superintendent.

(2) The term “year” as applied to terms of service means
actual service of not less than seven school months within a school
year, provided, however, that any board of education may grant a
leave of absence for professional advancement with full credit for

(3) The term “limited contract” shall mean a contract for the
employment of a teacher for a term of four years or less.

(4) The term “continuing service contract” shall mean a con-
tract for the employment of a teacher which shall remain in full
force and effect until the teacher resigns or retires or until it is
terminated or suspended as provided in KRS 161.790 and 161.800.

(5) The term “continuing status” means employment of a
teacher under a continuing contract.


(6) The term “standard” or “college’ certificate for the pur-
pose ot‘ this act shall mean any certificate issued upon the basis of
graduation from a standard four-year college.

The superintemlent shall be eligible for continuing contract
status when he meets all requirements prescribed in this act for con-
tinuing contracts for teachers.

Limited or Continuing Contracts l'Vith Teachers Required—Each
board of education shall enter into either limited or continuing; con-
tracts for the employment of all teachers.

Etigibility For Continuing Service Status; Reemploynwnt of
Those Eligible:

Continuing Contmcts for Present Teachers; Reinstatement After
War Service. (1) Teachers eligible for continuing service status in






any school district shall be those teachers who meet qualifications
listed in this section:

(a) Hold a Standard or College Certificate as defined in Section

(b) Have taught four years in the district.

(c) Have. served two years in the district after they have at-
tained continuing contract status elsewhere. Upon the rec-
ommendation of the superintendent the board of education
may at the time of the employment or at any time within

Shah two year period declare any of the latter teachers

(2) A teacher eliglblc For continuing service status shall he re-
employed and a continuing contract shall be entered into between
the board of education and such teacher upon the recommendation
of the superintendent unless the board by a four-fifth vote of its
full membership rejects the continuing contract of the teacher recom-
mended. However, the superintendent may recommend employment
of such teacher7 under a limited contract, for not to exceed two years
but upon subsequent, reemployment only a continuing contract may
be entered into.

(3) Any teacher or superintendent who has been or may be
hereafter inducted into the Armed Forces of this country for service
in the present war, shall. at the expiration of such service be reein-
ployed or reinstated in his or her former position as of the beginning
of the next school year provided application is made at least thirty
days before the opening of school, unless physically or mentally in—
capacitated. Any teacher or superintendent desiring reinstatement
in his or her former position shall file application for same with
the board of education within a period of sixty days immediately fol-
lowing discharge from the Armed Forces of the country. Vacancies
created by military leaves shall be filled by teachers or superintendents
employed by the board of education under limited contracts only.

Limited Contracts; When to be Enlered Into; Iteemplm/meut on
EJ} p [rat/i012, .-

Period of (fontraet—(l) A limited contract may be entered
into by each board of education with each teacher who has not. been
in the employ of the board for at least four years and shall be entered
into, regardless of length of previous employment, with each teacher
employed by the board who does not hold a Standard or lollege


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(2) 11111 teacher employed under a limited contract and in-
eligible for a eontinuin11 contract shall at the e\pi1'ation of such
limited contract be deemed ree1nplo1ed under the provisions of KRS
161. 720 to 161. 810 for the succeedin11 school year at the same salary
plus any increment or decrease as plovided by the salary schedule
unless the employin11 board shall give such teacher written notice 011
or before the thirty—fi1st day of March of its intention not to reem-
ploy him. Such teacher shall he presumed to have accepted such em-
ployment unless he shall notify the hoard of education in writing
to the contrary on ()1 before the first day of May, and a contract for
the succeeding year shall he executed ac,c()1tli11§1:'l1. Provided, how—
ever, that:

(a) Beginning teachers, who have not been previously employed
as a teacher in any school, shall be employed for one year

(11) New teachers who have had at least one year ’s experience
as teachers in other schools may be employed from one to
three years at the discretion of the board of education.

(c) Upon reemployment after the termination of the first con—
tract and subsequent contracts the new contract may be for
not less than two years 1101' more than four years at the
discretion of the board.

Salaries of ’l'eur'hers; Notice of: Increase or [teducz‘imnflEach
board of education shall cause notice to be given annually not later
than August 1 to each teacher who holds a contract valid for the
suceeding school year statinu the best estimate as to the salary to he
paid such teacher durin11' such year. Such salar1 shall not be lower
than the sala1y paid d111'i1111't11e preceding school 1ear unless such
leduction he a part of a uniform plan affectin11 the entire district. But
nothing herein shall prevent i111reases of salary after the hoard’ s
annual notice has been given.

Leaves of Absence—Upon written request of a teacher or super-
intendent, a board of education may grant a leave of absence for a
period of not more than two consecutive school years for educational
01' professional purposes, and shall grant such leave where illness,
maternity or other disability is the reason for the request. Upon
subsequent request, such leave may be renewed by the board.
Without request, a board of education may grant similar leave of
absence and renewals thereof to any teacher or superintendent be-—
cause of physical or mental disability, but such teacher or superin-
tendent shall have the right to a hearing 011 such unreqnested leave of




i till


absence or its renewal in accordance with the provisions for hearing ;.

an appeal in KRS 161.790. Upon the return to service of a teacher‘
or superintei‘ident at the expiration of a leave of absence, he shall?
resume the contract status which he held prior to such leave.

’l’erminc‘tion of Contract by Teaclmr.—No teacher or superin-t

tendent shall be permitted to terminate his contract within thirty dayS‘

prior to the beginning of his school term without the consent of the
board; any such teacher or superinteiulent shall be permitted to
terminate his contract at any other time when schools are not in
session by giving five days’ written notice to the employing board of
education. Upon complaint by the employing board to the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction and after investigation by him,

the certificate of a teacher or superintendent terminating his contract

in any other manner than provided in this section may be suspended
for not more than one year.

Termination of Contract by Board; (.‘Iztimnels for; Procedure,-

Snspension Pending Trial; zipped—(1) The contract of a teacher.

shall remain in force during good behavior and efficient and compe
tent service by the teacher and shall not be terminated except for any
of the following causes :

(a) lnsubordination, immoral character or conduct unbecoming
a teacher;

(b) Inefficiency, incompetency, physical. or mental disability or
neglect of duty,

Marriage of a teacher shall not be cause for termination of the con-


(2) No contract shall be terminated except upon recommenda
tion of the superintendent and unless the teacher is furnished with
a written statement, specifying in detail the charge or charges against
said teacher, signed by the proper officer of the board of education
and naming a date and place at which the teacher may appear before
the board of education and answer said charge or charges. Said date
for the hearing shall not be less than twenty nor more than thirty days
after the service of such charges upon the teacher. The teacher shall
within ten days after the receipt of the written statement of such
charges notify the board of education of his intention to appear and
answer such charges, and upon failure of the teacher to give such

notice the board of education may dismiss the teacher by a majority '

vote and such dismissal shall be final.

(3) Upon receipt of the teacher 7s notice of intention to appear
and answer such charges the board of education shall issue such sub-
poenas as shall be necessary for the determination of the issues in-





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volved. The issues shall be heard at the time and place set and the
hearing shall. be public or private at the discretion of the teacher.
Both parties may be represented by counsel and may require the
presence of witnesses upon subpoena. Each witness shall be required
to take oath or affirmation before an officer of the board of education.
The board of education shall provide for a stenographic report of
the proceedings and furnish the teacher with a. copy. 'L'pon com—
pletion of both sides of the case the hoard of education may by a
majority vote dismiss the teacher or may dei’er its action for not, more
than five, days.

(-1) The board of education may. on reconnnendation of the
superintendent, suspend a, teacher pending: final action to terminate
his contract it. in its judgment, the character of the charges warrants
such action. ,lf after the hearing the decision of the board is against
termination of the contract, the suspeiuled teacher shall be paid his
full salary for the period of such suspension.

(5) The teacher shall have a right to make an appeal both as
to law and as to fact to the circuit court. It said appeal is not, made
within thirty days after dismissal. then the decision of the board of
education shall. be final. Such appeal shall be an original action in.
said court and shall be commenced by the filing of a petition against
such board of education, in which petition the facts shall be alleged
upon which the teacher relies for a reversal or modification of the
order of termination of contract. lr'pon service or waiver of summons
in said appeal, such board of education shall forthwith transmit to the
clerk of said court for filing- a transcript of the original notice of
charges and a transcript of all, evidence adduced at the hearing before
such board. whereupon the cause shall be at issue without further
pleading- and shall be advanced and heard without (lelay. The court
shall. examine the transcript and record of the hearing before the
board of education and shall hold such additional hearings as it may
deem advisable, at which it may consider other evidence in addition
to such transcript and record. lipon final, hearing, the court shall
grant or deny the relief prayed for in the petition as may be proper
under the provisions of KRS 161.720 to 161.810 and in accordance
with the evidence adduced at. the bearing, Either the teacher or the
board of education may appeal from the action of the Court to the
Court of Appeals.

Suspension. of Contracts on Reducing Number of Teach,ers.-—W'hen
by reason of decreased enrollment of pupils. or by reason of suspension
of schools or territorial changes attecting the district, a board of educa-
tion decides that it will be necessary to reduce the number of teachers,







it shall have full authority to make reasonable reduction. But, in
making such reduction, the board shall proceed to suspend contracts
in accordance with the recommendation of the superintemlent of
schools who shall, within each teaching field affected, give preference
to teachers on continuing- contracts and to teachers who have greater
seniority. Teachers whose continuing contracts are suspended shall

have the right of restoration in continuing service status in the order
of seniority of service in the district if and when teacl’iing positions
become vacant or are created for which any of such teachers are or
become qualified.

('onti'mulmc of Slutus in Case of Ammrution or (lonsolidat'imt
Schools—If an entire school district or that part of a school district
which comprises the territory in which a school or schools are situated
is transferred to any other district, or if the schools in an independent
or county school district are consolidated or centralized the teachers
in such consolidated or centralized schools employed on continuing
contracts immediately prior to such transfer, consolidation. or central
ization shall, subject to the limitations imposed by KRS 161.800. have
continuing service status in the newly centralized or consolidated
school, or in the district to which the territory is transferred.

An Act Providing for the Distribution of
an Appropriation for Equalizing
Educational Opportunities

That Sections 157.052 and 157.058, Kentucky Revised Statutes,
be and the same are hereby repealed and reenacted so that when re-
pealed and reenacted they shall read as follows:

Any board of education that has had its budget and salary
schedule approved by the State Board of Education, whose ratio of
assessed valuation of property to fair cash value is equal. to the
average ratio throughout the state, as certified to the State Board of
Education by the Kentucky Tax Commission, and has levied for school
purposes a tax of at least seventy-five cents on each one hundred
dollars of property subject to local taxation, and not less than the ad

valorem tax levy made for. the school year 1943-1944, shall. have the'

privilege of applying for aid from this special fund. Such application
shall he filed with the Superintendent of Public instruction on 01'
before January 15 prior to the beginning of the school year for which
such aid is requested, except the year 1944 and previous to May 15,.

The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall make a careful







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study to determine the amount of revenue that is available annually
for the education of each child in average daily membership in the
public schools in each school district in Kentucky. This study which
shall be used as a basis for the distribution of moneys from the special
fund shall be based upon records and reports for the school year end—
ing June 30 immediately preceding. For the purpose of this study the
Superintendent of Public instruction shall include all recurring state
and local revenues accruing to the board of education and shall cal-
culate the l0cal income at the rate of seventy—five cents per one hundred
dollars of property subject to local taxation, or on the basis of the
1943-“ ad valorem tax levy it' it is greater than seventy-five cents.
This study shall be made annually in the same manner, If the Super-
intendent ot’ Public lnstructimi finds that a board of education is
unable to provide an average of forty dollars per year for the educa-
tion of each child in average daily membership in its district, then
the Superintendent of Public Instruction with the approval of the
State Board of Education shall prorate from the funds appropriated
for this purpose an amount sufficient to enable each board of educa-
tion to provide an income of forty dollars per year for the educa-
tion of each child in average daily membership in such school
district. la the event that the amount appropriated for this purpose
is not sufficient to permit an allotment to each board of education
of the full amount necessary to provide an income of forty dollars
per year per pupil in average daily membership, then the amount
appropriated shall be distributed to all school districts which qualify
for such aid on a percentage basis to be determined by the ratio of
the funds appropriated for this purpose to the total amount necessary
to provide an income of forty dollars per child in average daily mem—
bership in the public schools of the entire Commonwealth.
Approved February 24, 1944

An Act Authorizing Boards of Education of
City School Districts and County School
Districts Containing Cities of the
Second Class to Set Aside Funds
for Building Purposes

Sections 162.431. 162.435. 162.440, 162.450, 162.460, and 162.480
of the Kentucky Revised Statutes prepared by the Statute Revision
Commission of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, be and they are here—
by amended and re-enacted so that said Sections as amended and
re-enacted shall read. as follows:



 162.431: In addition to other taxes now levied, each city of the:
second class shall levy, and the County Fiscal (‘onrt ot' a county con-i:
taining a city of the second class shall levy ammally such tax of not

less than one cent nor more than five cents on each one hundred d01-
lars‘ 'aluation of property assessed by the city and/or the county, as‘

shall he requested by the Board of Education of the independent
school district embracing- the city, or Board of Education of a. county»

containing: a city of the second class. at the same time the regular tax

rate is fixed by the Board of Education.'to provide a fund for the

Board of Education for the purchase of sites for school buildings, for
the erection of school buildings and the complete equipping thereof,






and for the major alteration and enlargement of existing; buildings

and the complete equipping thereof. In addition, to, or in lieu of, the
above special tax, the board of education of any city of the second
class and/or of a county containing: a city of the second class may pay

into this special fund, from time to time, all or any part of the re-'

ceipts from the sale of land or property no longer needed for school

purposes, and may from time to time pay into this special fund all 01' ,
any part of any balances remaining in the general. fund at the end.

of any fiscal year over and above the amount necessary for dis-
charging obligations for the fiscal year in full. Any additional tax
levied under this section shall come within the present: permissable
maximum school tax levy of school districts affected, and within such

permissible maximum school tax levies as the General Assembly may ‘

hereafter determine.

The Board of Education shall cause to be made annually an audit ,
0f the building: fund by a certified public accountant and/or by an

accountant approved by the State Department of Education.

The Board of Education of any city of the second class or of a
county containing a city of the second class may, by resolution. estab- ‘

lish a fund to be known as the “Insurance Fund” after written ap—
proval of the plan to administer said fund has been secured from the
Superintendent of Public Instruction. The resolution shall state and
fix the maximum limit of the fund. The fund shall he 111aintained

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separate from the other funds and moneys of the board. and shall be '

used exclusively for replacing or repairing any injury or destruction

to any of the buildings owned by the board or to their contents when I

caused by fire, tornado, Windstorm, cyclone, casualty, explosion, riot

or flood, but not when caused by wear and tear or the natural processes

of decadence or deterioration.

162.450: The Board of Education of a city of the second class, '

or of a county containing a city of the second class, may raise the



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maximum limit of the insurance fund from time to time as it deems
best. Until the amount in the fund equals the maximum limit, the
Board of Education shall each year, from the revenues under its
control, set apart to the fund a sum equal to from one—twentieth t0
one-tenth of the maximum limit of the sum. \Yhen any portion of
the fund is used, payments to restore the fund shall at once be begun
and be continued until the restoration is complete. \Vhen the fund is,
for any reason. below the maximum limit, the interest derived from
the investment thereof shall be accumulated and added to the fund;
otherwise the interest may be transferred to the general funds of the

The insurance fund shall be kept on deposit with the treasurer
of the Board of Education, unless by order of the board it is invested
in the United States, State, County, or City bonds that are not payable
from assessments, and are registered, if practicable. If the bonds are
coupon bonds they shall be kept deposited in a safe deposit vault and
be opened only by the business manager or secretary of the board in
the presence of a member of the board authorized to represent it.
Every vote upon the use or investment of any portion of the fund
shall be by call of the yeas and nays and the record shall show how-
each member voted.

162.180: 'When an injury occurs to any building or its contents
from fire. tornado, windstorm, cyclone, casualty, explosion, riot or
flood, the business director or secretary of the Board of Education
shall, within thirty days thereafter, prepare and file. with the board a
sworn written proof of loss, showing in detail the items of injury, and
in detail an estimate of the extent of the financial loss and whether
and to what extent the same is covered by insurance, with the names
of. the companies, the number of the policies and names of the agents.
Before the Board of Education may appropriate any portion of the
insurance fund, a committee appointed by the board shall report to
the board in writing, answering in detail the following questions and
making such recommendations as they deem best:

1. What is the entire loss on the building? When and what
caused it?

‘ 2. What deduction should be made for wear and tear and the

natural processes of decadence or deterioration?

3. What portion of the loss proposed to be made good from this
fund resulted from causes covered by this fund?







4. Will it be practicable to make the restoratitm from the gen-
eral fund and the proceeds of any insurance policies without
assistance from this t'und?

the portion so used be returned to the Fund“?
6. Does or does not the committee recommend an appropriation
from this fund to aid in the restoration proposed? It so. how
much “.2
\VHER-AS it is necessary that county school budgets be prepared
and submitted to the Fiscal (‘ourts on or before March fit) for the
fiscal year beginning {July 1,

NOW, THEREFORE. an emergency is hereby declared to exist,
and this act shall take eti’cct from and after its passage and approval
by the Gown-nor. Approved March 20, 1944.

An Act Appropriating $3,000,000 For
Supplementing Teachers’ Salaries
for the School Year 1943-44

There is hereby appropriated out of any sums in the General ‘
Fund not already appropriated the sum ot' $Zl‘t)t)().()()() for the purpose
of supplementing: the salaries of teachers employed in the publiC'

elementary and secondary schools of Kentucky for the school year
beginning July 1. ltllb’, and ending June 30. lflll. The 'l’unds so ap-
propriated shall be distributed to each school district by the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction as a supplement to the common school
fund appropriated in iltem 18 (e) of Part One—A of ("hapter 1 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of 1942 for the 1942-1—44 school year.
They shall be distributed in accordance with the law.

In making- the distribution the Superintendent of Public lnstrnc-

tion shall use the official census figures for the state and for each school

district used in the distribution of the common school fund for the
1943-44 school year.

The funds received by each board of education from this appro—
priation shall be so applied that each teacher of the district shall
receive the same amount of increase on the monthly basal salary
schedule for the school year 1943—44.

The appropriation provided herein shall be exempt from all
provisions of law relating to teacher retirement, Section ]6],‘220 to


a. If assistance is needed from this fund‘ how much? How will


by t










 gen and including Section 161.710, Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1942

iout edition.
“Teacher”, as defined in this Act, shall mean classroom teachers,

principals, supervisors, or other certificated employees included in the

“ 1“ - official salary schedule as adopted by the school district and approved

tion by the State Board of Education for the 1943—44. school year.

how WHEREAS, the funds appropriated by th1s Act supplement the
salaries of teachers for the school year 1943-44, and

WHEREAS, it the effective date of the Act is delayed many of "
“Ed the school terms will end before the funds can be distributed as t
the required by the Act:

NOW, THEREFORE, an emergency is hereby declared to exist
xist, and this Act shall become effective upon its approval by the
0‘31 G overnor.

944. Approved February 1, 1944

An Act Relating to the Adoption of School
Textbooks by an Independent School
District With a Pupil Census of 1250

Section 156.310 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes is amended to
eral , read as follows:

pose ' (1) The State Textbook Commission shall, not later than
iblic « March 1 in any adoption year, select and publish a list of ten books
vear in each subject, taking into account the needs of the various types of
ap— school organizations. One of the books for each subject and grade so
min. listed shall be the one on the uniform list t'or county school. districts
11001 as provided in KRS 156.320. Not more than two books for any subject
the and grade shall be from the same person. lt’ less than ten books in
'ear, any subject and grade of sufficient; merit to warrant their being

listed a