xt7v6w96b35v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w96b35v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-08-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1993 1993 1993-08-26 2020 true xt7v6w96b35v section xt7v6w96b35v 3...



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AUG 2 6 l993

Ke ntueky Ke rnel



Board names student for

Wingate to serve as liason in Frankfort


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


In an effort to flex a little more
political muscle, the Board of Stu-
dent Body Presidents has appointed
a state coordinator to look out for
student interests in Frankfort.

Paul Wingate, a 23-year—old polit-
ical senior at Nonhem Kentucky
University. will serve as liaison be-

tween student body presidents and
state legislators.

Among his duties will be to sit in
on state education and appropria-
tions committee meetings, organize
student rallies and/or meetings with
the governor and give updates to
the board.

He also will be responsible for all
lobbying action.

Wingate said after he checks leg-
islators‘ voting records on higher

education issues he will begin
placing phone calls and having
lunch with legislators to earn or
keep their support.

One of the main issues he will be
lobbying against is further reduc-
tions of funding for higher educa—

“Students are notorious for not
participating in politics and not vot-
ing. so politicians feel they can cut
(higher education) without


Cola wars hit campus

Coke, Pepsi
mixing it up
across UK


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


When students approach campus
vending machines for beverages
this year, they‘ll find that Coke is it.
But when they want soft drinks at
Food Services locations. they‘ll dis-
cover Pepsi is the only one. baby.

Over the summer. UK took bids
for both vending and fountain soft
drink contracts. UK awarded Pepsi
the contract for fountain drinks and
Coke for vending. reversing the or-
der seen on campus the past four

The last contracts were awarded
in 1989, and the current ones also
run for four years.

The ISO soft-drink vending ma.
chines on campus were changed
during the summer.

Though it was not a factor in de-
ciding the contract. UK avoided any
possible problems with the new on-
campus KFC franchise by giving
the fountain contract to Pepsi. Pep-
siCo owns KFC.

Food Services Director Robert
Braun said even if Coke had won
the contract. there would not have
been a problem because of the loca—
tion of KFC. The chicken restaurant
will be in Blazer Hall, which fea-
tures self-serve drink dispensers.

“What PepsiCo says when you
put in a KFC or a Taco Bell (also
owned by Pepsi) is that if you have
an area outside the restaurant where
customers pick their own beverage.
then it‘s not a problem." Braun said.
“If we had located KFC in an area
that serves soft drinks and rings
them up on the cash register. we
would've had to do some tinkering


New UK volleyball coach
gearing up for exciting
season. Story. Page 2.
Basketball players and other
residents oi Wildcat Lodge are
staying at the Carrpboll
House Inn while renovations
are completed. Story. Page 2.


Billy Joel's 13th album shows
he still is maturing. Review.
Page 3.


Because of an editor’s error, a
paragraph in yesterday‘s
Kentucky Kernel contained
conflicting information about
UK comerback Ted Presley 3
death. The Fayette County
Coroner's Office ruled
Presley's shooting a suicide.


Mostly sunny. hot and humid
today; high in the lowor om
Mostly clear tonight“ . ...
around 70. Sunny. hot Ind
humid tomorrow; blfit in tho
lower 90:.



Spam ................................. .2
Mm" . ......3
WI ....... . ....... ........ .0
Mn... .......................0







Because of a shake-up in contracts. students will find Coke in
vending machines and Pepsi at food service locations this year.

to get around it."

Braun said beverage contracts
should not play a major role if the
University decides to install more
franchise restaurants that have a
soft-drink affiliations.

“If we really wanted to put some-
thing like a Taco Bell in. we would
find a different way of serving soft

drinks in that one area" he said. “It
might affect how we serve beverag-
es. but not the bid itself."

Braun called the bids “pretty ag-
gressive" and said the extra revenue
will allow Food Services to keep
minimum meal- card deposits low.
The bids were lower than in I989,
he said.

Sea Hero is latest success
for member of equine board


By Kathy W. Larkin
Contributing Writer


World—renowned horse trainer
MacKenzie “Mack" Miller was in-
ducted Monday into the Kentucky
Athletic Hall of Fame

The 71-year-old sportsman. who
is a member of the UK Equine Re-
search Foundation's board of direc-
tors. trained the I993 Kentucky
Derby and Saratoga Travers Stakes
winner Sea Hero.

Miller said he is excited about his
work on the board and looks for-
ward to the contributions he can
make to the foundation‘s research.

But winning the coveted Derby.
Miller said. was the “nicest thing to
happen“ during his nearly 50 years
as a trainer.

'Ihe Versailles. Ky., native began
his career in 1947 at Lexington‘s
Calumet Farm. He later moved to
Louisville and worked with trainer
Kinley Cl-veland.

Miller's first win came at Church-
ill Downs in I950 with a 21- I long
shot. Shifty Dora.

In I951. he won his first race at
Kecneland with Bob‘ 3 Betty. 3
horse owned and co-bred by Scott
Miller, his father.

Since that first win in I95l. Mill-



er has won a total of 5| races at
Keeneland. the most recent at the
I993 spring meet when he won

Miller is the rust trainer to devel-
op three different horses into turf
champions: Assagi in I966. Hawaii
in I969 and Snow Knight in I975.

80 for in his career, he has not

See MILLER, Back Page

backlash or fear of not being re-
elected.” Wingate said.

“What I want to make clear to
them is that there’s a big voting
bloc of over 100,000 students in
Kentucky. and if we can‘t get their
support. we won't support them."

Wingate. of Walton-Verona. Ky.
said he has run a few state senate
races in his area but has had no po-
litical experience of this magnitude.

He currently serves as vice presi.
dent for extemal affairs for NKU
student govemment.

”This will be an extension of my




nears end
of search
for dean

By Don Puckett
Senior Staff Writer

After two years and two
search committees. the UK
College of Architecture is one
step away from finding a new



Lexington Campus Chancel-
lor Robert Hemenway said he
would recommend David Moh-
ney. an architect from New
York City. for the position. To
complete the selection process,
UK President Charles Wething-
ton must nominate Mohney to
the UK Board of Trustees for
final approval.

The search for a new dean
began in October 1991. After
about a year. the first search
committee nominated a candi-
date who subsequently de-
clined the position.

A second search committee
was formed. and in March it
narrowed a list of 60 candi-
dates to three. Those three cans
didates visited UK and con-
ducted formal interviews with
the committee in March and

The final selection of Moh-
ney was made by Hemenway.
but he said his decision was
based on a recommendation
from the search committee.

If approved by the Board of
Trustees. Mohney would be-
come dean of the College of
Architecture in January. He
would replace Clyde Carpen-
ter. who has been the acting
dean since the resignation of
Jose Oubrerie in July 1991.
Oubrerie left UK to become the
director of the Ohio State Uni-
versity Department of Archi-

Mohney would bring with
him an Ivy League education.
He completed his undergradu-
ate work at Harvard University
and received a master‘s degree
in architecture from Princeton

UK Honors Program Direc-
tor Christine Havice. chair-
woman of the search commit-
tee. said the committee was
looking for a candidate who
had both an academic back-
ground and professional experi-

Mohney was a lecturer for
the Institute for Architecture
and Urban Studies between
1981 and I985. For three of
those years. he was associate
director of education at the In-
stitute and was in charge of the
Undergraduate Education Pro-

After leaving the Institute.
Mohney became a partner in a
New York Architecture firm.
In six years. his office under-
took nearly 50 design projects.

The Bond of Trustees could
grant final wove! Is curly Is
it: ncxtmectingon Sept. 2].



capital post

job here at Northern." he said.

The position of state coordinator
is called for in the constitution of
the board, which is composed of
student govemment presidents of
the eight state-supported universi-
ties and one community college rep-

However. there had been no coor-
dinator for the past two years.

“We want to be an effective body
and a more productive branch." said
Lance Dowdy, UK Student Govem-
ment Association president and
chairman of the board.

“As much as I would like to coor-
dinate everything, the University of
Kentucky is going to keep me very
busy. It's nice to have someone to
set up and coordinate our efforts."

Wingate was nominated by Na-
than Smith. NKU‘s student presi-
dent. Wingate won a majority of the
board’s votes.

For his work. Wingate will earn
$150 a semester plus expenses and
travel. But for him. the money is
not a reason for taking the job.

“I‘m interested in going into poli—
tics and this is a good way to get
my foot in the door." he said.

Dowdy names
new legal aide

Position given
to ex-SGA leader
Cyndi Weaver


By Lance Williams
News Editor


UK‘s Student Government Asso—
ciation is counting on a former pres-
ident to help change the direction of
its student legal service.

Cyndi Weaver. who served as
SGA president during the 1987—88
school year. recently was hired to
take over the position as legal coun-
sel after Keith Baker‘s contract was
not renewed.

Baker served as SGA legal repre—
sentative for the past 14 years.

SGA President Lance Dowdy
said that after talks with past SGA
presidents, he thought a change in
the leadership of the program was

“It seemed necessary to me that
we make a change." Dowdy said.
“We wanted to find someone with a
better time commitment."

Although Weaver recently had a
baby. she cunentiy is not working.
and Dowdy said the time she could
commit to the program was a big
factor in the decision.

Hours for the service have not
been finalized. but Weaver will be
in the office on Saturdays this se-
mester, which is the first time this
option ha been offered.

“I can have more time devoted to
forming the program.“ Weaver said.
“We will be looking for other re-
sources and grants."

Weaver will have the same rc-
sponsibilities as Baker for the fall
semester. but Dowdy said plans are
in the works for a program to be set
up in which Weaver would super-
vise law students and allow them to
assist her in giving legal advice to

Weaver's contract runs through
the end of the fall semester. but
plans for the new program. which is
scheduled to begin in the spring. al-
ready are being discussed. Staffing
responsibilities have not yet been

Weaver expressed interest in
coming back to help the program
get off the ground. “More than like-

ly" she said. “I‘ll stay through the

“If there is an outside official
watching the program. l would love
to retain the position.“

Weaver said she hopes to keep


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' Cindi Weaver



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”VIP ‘roglstration lscu cap «a 16 boo
Fmsofiugw. " ttI'bII it?”
. . "i. P“ m

MARK TARTER/Karnol Guam:

students off the waiting list this
year. Another goal will be to help
students stay away from trouble be-
fore it starts.

“1 will try and help prevent some
problems before they happen. Some
students get taken advantage of."
she said.

Even so. “my goal will be to help
students everyday that I'm here. I
was really involved on campus as a
student. and I think that I am an as-
set. because I know where to send

Baker. who currently runs a law
practice in Lexington. said Dowdy
told him the program would be tak-
ing a different direction and that his
contract would not be renewed.

Baker said Dowdy had spoken
with him about the ideas for the
new program. but Baker said he had
some concenis about it.

“I explained to lance that there
are some inherent problems with us-
ing law students because of the
problems that could develop wrth
inconsistent advice. unless you are
able to teach commonality among
the advice that is given." he said.

David Shipley. dean of the (‘ol-
lege of Law said SGA‘ s nex ap-
proach has two positive aspects
First. he said the program would be
good for the college and its stu-
dents; and second, it would help
them gain more experience.

“Initially. I don‘t see any barriers
to let law students help the attor-
ney." said Shipley, who added that
most of the problems students bring
to the attorney deal either with ten.
tal agreements or traffic violations.

“The one thing that I would want
to make sure of is that they are not
practicing law.“ Shipley said.


a... .“ww






, .55,



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33- WW Kathi. Thuredny, August 20, 1903





UK’s Ralston-Flory ready to go

Volleyball coach has visions of championships dancing in her head


3! TV “PM
Sports Editor

Fran Ralston-Flory recently was
leyball team, but that‘s not her
biggest concern.

“Right now. I‘m trying to figure
have on this team." she said, reveal-
ing her anticipation of the season
with a slight giggle.

The Wildcms return five of six
smers from last year‘s team. which
finished the season 25-9 and ad-
vamd to the NCAA Final 16. UK
is ranked 14th in the preseason poll
by Volleyball Monthly and 18th by
the Amerim Volleyball Coaches

Ralston-Flory was an assistant
coach at LSU when the Tigers be-

came the first team to advance to
the Final Four. She compared this
year’s Cats to that LSU team.

“Talent-wise, this team has as
much or more talent. We are differ
ent in the style we play. but athleti-
cally the two are about the same."

Getting the head coaching posi-
tion at UK was in the back of Rais-
ton-Hory's mind when she was
hired in March as associate coach.
but she didn't think it would come
this quickly.

“It was something that was men—
tioned when l was interviewed. I
didn‘t think it was going to happen
this fast. but we are making a good
transition." she said.

That transition is from fonner
head coach Kathy DeBoer. who was
promoted to associate athletics di-
rector. to a whole new staff of





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”The team has made the switch
pretty well." Ralston-Hory said.

"It was pretty easy for me. since
(DeBoer) and l have the same basic
philosophy on how to play the
game. I focus a little more on de-
t‘ense than she did. but we are pretty

Ralston-Flory said UK will hire
an associate coach at or near the end
of the season.

As for this season. the Wildcats
are full of promise.

“I think it will be an emotional
year," Ralston-Flory said. “We have
three seniors. all of whom haven't
accomplished what they want yet,
which is a ring on their finger. We
think we have a good shot at it."

This season‘s stars promise to be
no different than those in the past.

Seniors lane Belanger and Eunice
Thomas. coupled with the talents of
junior Krista Robinson and sopho~
more Molly Dreisbach, give UK a

potent lineup.

“Jane Belanger has shown tre-
mendous leadership since she‘s
been here," Ralston-Flory said.
“Her experience and abilities on the
court will be vitally important to
our team this year. All of the sen-
iors will give us leadership. Molly
is in the best shape of her life. and
she will be a major contributor."

UK's season begins Sept. 1 with a
road match at Miami (Ohio). The
Cats play their first home matches
Sept. 3-4 during the Big Four Clas-
sic with Louisville. Notre Dame and

Wildcat Lodge closed


By Brant Watch
Senior Staff Writer


By now, most students have al-
ready settled into their residence
balls or apartments for the duration
of the semester.

But members of the UK basket-
ball team and others slated to occu-
py Joe B. Hall Wildcat Lodge will
have to wait until this weekend for a
campus home.

In the meantime. they've been
staying at the Campbell House Inn.
1375 Harrodsburg Road. because
renovations took longer than ex-
pected at Wildcat Lodge.

“We‘ll have them back by either
Friday or Saturday at the latest."
said Larry Ivy. associate director of
athletics and internal affairs. "I" he
athletic department is paying for

them to stay in the Campbell House.
We decided upon the Campbell
House because of it's convenience

“The renovations were supposed

to be completed two weeks ago and‘

the team was supposed to move in
this past weekend," UK Athletics
Director CM. Newton said. “But
that's how things go. The renova-
tions took a little longer dmn ex-

Ivy said only minor. but neces-
sary, changes were being made.

“We've laid some new carpeting,
painted and are putting study desks
in the rooms," Ivy said. “It was real-
ly in need of a good cleaning. At
one time it looked like the Taj Ma-
hal. but it was getting to the point
where it was embarrassing to take a
recruit there. It looked awful."

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Trev Alberta, Nebraska

Ken Alexander, Florida St.
Mike Anderson, Nebraska
Jason Atkinson, Texas A&M
Danton Barto, Memphis St.
Aubrey Beavers, Okahoma
Stephen Boyd, Boston Col.
Derrick Brooks, Florida St.
Tim Brown, West Virginia
Keith Burns, Oklahoma St.
Grant Carter, Pacific

Dan Conley, Syracuse

Mitch Davis, Georgia

Nate Dingle, Cincinnati
Ernest Dixon, South Carolina
DeWayne Dotson, Ole Miss
Matt Dyson, Michigan

Rob Frederickson, Mich. St.
Randall Godfrey, Georgia
Lemanski Hall, Alabama
Bernardo Harris, North Caro.
Sean Harris, Arizona

Russ Heath, Minnesota
Todd Herget, BYU

Dana Howard, Illinois




Moore in Butkus race

1993 Butkus Award Watch List


Darwin Ireland, Arkansas
Terry Irving, McNeese St.
Jamil Jackson, Rutgers
Ernest Jones, Oregon

Tyler Lawrence, N. C. State
Juan Long, Mississippi St.
Andy Mason, Washington
Anthony McClanahan,
Washington State

Ryan McCoy, Houston
Jamir Miller, UCLA

Marty Moore, UK

Steve Morrison, Michigan
Marlo Perry, Jackson State
Craig Powell, Ohio State
Simeon Rice, Illinois

Jason Simmons, Ohio State
Winfred Tubbs, Texas
Cassius Ware, Ole Miss
Jerrott Willard, California
Marlon Williams, Ga. Tech
Ron Woolfork, Colorado
Barron Wortham, Tx.-El Paso
Jermain Younger, Utah State

Bold type denotes SEC players







Staff reports


nation’s outstanding linebacker.



winner is selected.

UK senior linebacker Marty Moore has been named as one of the cen-
didates in the running for the Butkus Award. presented each year to the

The Downtown Athletic Club of Orlando. Inc. the organization that
gives the annual award, released a list of 48 contenders yesterday.
The list consists of 34 seniors and II juniors. The independent selec-
tion committee for the 1993 Butkus Award has been expanded from 20
to 24 members. The committee is made up of some of the nation's top

Voting will be conducted to narrow the field to three finalists before a



The $750,000 lodge. built with
donated money. wm constructed in
1977 and opened for occupancy in

At one time. the NCAA closed
the facility until UK agreed that half
of Wildcat Lodge‘s residents would
be non-athletes.

UK Housing has control over
Wildcat Lodge, but the Athletic De-
partment takes care of expenses.


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Rating: 3 out of 4 CDs

By Randy Yargor
Contributing Critic

Bill y Joel
River of Dreams
Columbia Records



Thirteen is a lucky number for
the Piano Man.

After a decade of producing in-
creasingly commercial music. Bil-
ly Joel is in rare form with a return
to his rocking blue-collar roots on
River ofDreams. his 13th album.

Joel rocks harder than he has in
a while. but the slick pop is not
gone — itjust has more hean. Joel
shows us on the hit title track that
Top 40 music can have soul, with
a 'SOs-style melody and a rhyth-

mic. almost African-style beat.

Ballads also abound on this di-
verse album. proving that the “An-
gry Young Man" is no longer ei-
ther young or angry — and proud
of it. There is the catchy. obvious-
ly Christy Brinkley-inspired
“Blondc Over Blue" zutd “All
About Soul," along with the inti-
mate, unaccompanied “Lullabye
(Goodnight, My Angel)."

Joel speeds things up a bit on
the mid-tempo “'l‘wo Thousand
Years," giving a future vision of a
beautiful utopia that will rise frotn
our Iess-than—perfect world:
“There will be miracles/after the
last war is won/Science and poet—
ry/nrle in the new world to come."

But while dreaming of a perfect
future. Joel doesn‘t neglect the
problems of the present. “No
Man‘s Land" is a not-so—subtle
satire of modern suburbia: "Give



us this day our daily discount out-
let merchandise/Raise up a multi-
plex and we will make a sacrifice."

Of course. any “)(is satire would
be incomplete without a reference
to Amy Fisher. “Lots more to read
about Lolita and suburban lust,"
Joel sings.

Joel balances his intelligent rock
with a few of the pop songs that
made Storm Front and The Bridge
hits. “Great Wall of China" and “A
Minor Variation" both ring with
keyboards and catchy hooks that
only rise above mediocrity because
of guitar veteran Leslie West.

But the highlight of the album
comes when Joel reunites with

Midsummer’s Night Fun a party
for all of downtown Lexington

stummet: . '
(Nights @1111

5:30 PM. Friday
Triangle Park

Music by “Two Highways”

Free Admission


By Robin Osgood
Contributing Writer


If you like good food and mu-
sic, you‘ll want to accept the
Downtown Lexington Corpora-
tion's invitation to attend the first
“Midsummer Night‘s Fun —— A
Great Party in the Park."

This is the first of what the
Downtown Lexington Corpora-
tion hopes to be a regular event at
Triangle Park. located on Broad-
way between Vine and Main

The party. which starts Friday
evening at 5:30. is the “premier
event for the Midsummer Night‘s
Run.“ said Rose Lucas of the
Downtown Lexington Corpora-

The run. an annual 5.000-meter
foot race, is scheduled this year
for Aug. 28. Registration booths
for the race will be set up Friday
in Triangle Park.

“If this event is a success." Lu-
cas said, “there will be many
more in the future for Lexington.
It is hoped that this will be the be-
ginning of a regular end-of—the-




Room 035
Grehan Bldg
September 2




the kernel: mind food


week party downtown and each
party will have a different bene-

Midsummer Night‘s Fun is the
result of the efforts of mrmy
downtown businesses joining to-
gether to sponsor a prmy in Trian-
gle Park, Lucas said.

The party will include a concert
by Two Highways. a pop/
country~westem band that recent-


MARK TARTEfl/Komel Graph“:
ly won the preliminary round of
WVLF-I‘M's Hot Summer Search
at Sundance night club.

"There is plenty of room to
dance. or if you like. you can
even country line dance," Lucas
said. “I hope a lot of UK students
will come and help make the par-
ty :1 success."

Area restaurants will be offer-
ing food samples for a small fee.


Males and females interested in _
cheering for the LadyKat Squad are
invited to attend a meeting on
Wednesday, September 1, 1993 at
7:45 p.m., Gymnastics Room in the
Seaton Building. No experienc

necessary for males.






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268- l l 34


[Jonm an



mmwgnha flaw-a... .

long-time friend and drummer
Liberty DeVitto for the garage
band-rocker “Shades Of Grey."
Joel shows his maturity by reveal-
ing that the world is no long black
or white to him. “These days the
edges are blurred. I'm old and
tired of war/I hear the other man‘s
words/ I'm not that sure any-

This definitely isn‘t the same
Billy Joel that stormed the world
20 years ago. His fire has been
tempered by marriage and by the
binh of his daughter Alexa Ray,
now seven. He’s more mature
and, after a couple of albums of
uncertain pop. he finally is com-
fortable with maturity.

If you thought Joel has been a
sell-out for the past decade or so,
give this album a try. You might
agree with the closing song. “lia-
mous Last Wor ": “Ain‘t it
sweet after all these years?"


Poetry contest
seeking entries
for anthology


Staff reports


The National Library of
Poetry is accepting submis-
sions for its North American
Open Poetry Contest until
Sept. 30.

The contest is open to eve-
ryone. Writers do not have to
be previously published to ap-

More than $12,000 in priz-
es will be awarded to the win-
ners of the contest

Poems may be on any sub-
ject and in any style. Approxi-
mately 250 winning poems
will be published in a deluxe
hardbound anthology.

To enter, send one original
poem of 20 lines or less to
National Library of Poetry.
11419 Cronridge Drive. PO.
Box 704—21. Owings Mills.
Md.. 21117.

The poet's name and ad-
dress should appear on the top
of each page.




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4 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. Auguot26.1093

Loan default rates
high at 3 Ky. schools


Associated Press


LOUISVILLE. Ky. —- Three
technical schools in Kentucky had a
100 percent default rate in a stu-
dent-loan program in 1991. accord-
ing to a US Department of Educa-
tion repon released Tuesday.

But those numbers are mislead-
ing, a state official said.

Delmus Murrell. director of
school operations in the Deparunent
for Technical Education. said the
defaults involved only one student
at each of the three schools. But
since only one student took pan in
the program at those schools, it rep-
resented a 100 percent failure rate.

Murrell said the numbers of 5m-
dents in default at the three techniv
cal schools were barely a fraction of
the number of students getting
loans at other schools.

The three schools with 100 per-
cent default rates are the Green
County Area Vocational Education
Center in Greensburg, the Marion
County Area Vocational Education
Center in Lebanon and the Webster
County Area Vocational Education
Center in Dixon.

“We are taking action to get the
default rates down with the finan-
cial aid officers within those
schools " Murrell said.

The list showed the default rates

for Kentucky schools under the
Federal Family Education Loan
Program. Technical schools domi-
nated the list. which included pub-
lic, private and proprietary institu-

The Donia School of Beauty (‘ul-
ture. a proprietary school in Louis-
ville. followed the three technical
schools with a 72.4 percent default
rate in 1991.

A state vocational-technical
school in Madisonville was next
with a 71.4 percent rate. Technical
schools in llopkinsville and May-
field ranked seventh and eighth,
with default rates of 57.1 percent
and 46.7 percent, respectively.

The report indicated that other
Kentucky technical school had im-
proved their default rates, Murrell

For instance. the Central Ken-
tucky State Vocational Technical
School in Lexington had a default
rate of 18.3 percent in 1991. down
from about 26 percent the previous
year, he said.

The default rate at the Mayo
State Vocational Technical School
in Paintsville declined from 22.3
percent in 1990 to 16.8 percent in
1991, Murrell said. And the techni-
cal school in Somerset had its de-
fault rate drop from