xt7v6w96b234 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w96b234/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-01-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 1982 1982 1982-01-11 2020 true xt7v6w96b234 section xt7v6w96b234 Monday, January 11. 1932 An independent student newspaper since 1971 : University 0‘ Kentucky ,
Lexington, Kentucky .
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. , , . ., Procedures out/med ' .
' Add d '
, - "313:;- . II I
w , . s - r R o p I'Op IS a ~.
,, .. ~ 1‘ 1:15.: . ‘ ' - 12‘“ "'11:... fid‘dtfis 4 - —-—-——___.__
, ' ' '” . II . . .cje .I~ =sf-II ‘ fast . a. ‘ " Zka By ANDREW OPPMANN .2 Get an instruction sheet provided '2
,2 I i... If: r . $ .3 ‘ 1 \‘T‘; I?‘ Senior Staff Writer at the entrance. It will Provide a .‘
' "“1"“- W in 1 , .. i 1: add/drop procedure. it also included A 1' .
m 5.3:, “i. “I ‘ I .. II?" .1 3.5.1" . ‘1 ~ ' . ' If you are unhappy with the a map of the Coliseum showing the I513:
2 4' XI 1:4... WM... -: .IIIIMVX? ..- as e f 'I , . \ .. schedule that the computer gave you, location of the different tables I :1
" «IE. ”‘3’ If. ,; i... =». ': II . , there remains an option to beat the .1 Get an IBM permit card. One g‘rjI‘fI
Mg]. , 2.4:” II “‘1’” ' M”j ' 21"., . . machine. such card is assigned to every stu- ,
' y _. =; ' ”we-o.-. ... «Ignateedwjfmeerw . . . I \ >. .§ , Add/drop. the procedure by dent. You can get your card at the en- -‘ '
- I” . -wammjfiww“ % I ’ V.“ I which you can change your schedule trance; every student going through " I ‘
I ~ W2: .W' 3'," , ' . I I ‘I ‘ ' a to your academic needs. is your best add/drop must have this card. I .“ '.
“s. ' - Namath“ . '1. -, °"“°“' . . v ALWd Y5 ADD A CLASS ‘-' "
.: ' " 2k. r . - . ', ' The Procedure “'1“ be centrallzed BEFORE you DROP A CLASS!
Ne. , . t... ' A ‘ i‘ ‘ .1 ‘ ., .-' {ngone day — ‘°m°"°‘” ‘" Mem’m‘ Make sure you can get the class you -'
is; .I ,‘ :' . “it. \\ w- ”WWW . .' .; ' I o lseum starting at 10am. want before you drop any course , II;
3“ t ' ' ‘3».I .,....e . 'i. I . 3’ “it“ Although the oneday centralized ., Have your UK student ID at all . .
’ ' ” a... 1...»... .......-..- .. . ~ . X ' ‘ ' add/drop procedure saves students time.
"id, at; ’ 'II- ‘M, ., ”w... .. ' ‘ f. " .L from walking to the different wYou may pick up the add ‘drop I- . I
‘o W.-""““ . ~ W ‘e‘i’: F'. .. it . 3 . 7‘ academic departments ‘0 change Slip from 3'0“” adviser before commg 3..
VH3 . “W“ " ' a"! . . 0"” ‘ " ‘ 3 . Rec“ ' sI . . .. their schedule, the huge crowds and to the Coliseum. or you can pick up 1 _,.' . .
' _ ',f{""='3:j'i\ ' a ‘e‘ "-*‘~‘-* - I ' long lines in the Coliseum tomorrow one from the check—in table in the Cole . .
dew ‘ est“ st. see slit“ ‘ ‘ ‘ :1: -;w maybea very frietrating procedure. iseum.
ngecssma . III II :1. . _ . Before traveling to the Coliseum, .2 Arrive at your appointed time . ,
~ -.- .‘a ; 1’ plan ahead what you want to drop and «see schedule box below». Students ‘2: 1 .
II ' . \ what you need to add. Once you have are processed alphabetically
. .. -WM " ’ II as decided upon what you want. you Although you can arrive late and still
' W" 9 ' ‘ I . _ ‘ need to get a computer card {01' each go through centralized add/drop. no .- - 'I
_ ByJ.D.VAl\HOUSE/Kernel Staff class change The computer cards studemwm beadmIIIed before his or I.
I ' can be picked up from the individual her appointed time. I. J - '
AnXIOUSIYAddIng department tables located on the con- . ? f -
An unidentified UK student carefully checks her schedule book for informa- add/drop 5.35510" and an e l - . - - course and central floor 0f the COI' ' ~. I- ‘ -
, . qua number [5 expected tomorrow. Officials With . . , I . \ou also can change your grade opl .~ ._ . .
tion on classes she has added to her schedule at last semester’s centralized add/drop urge students to bring their 1982 spring semester class schedule 1151:“ng32ddlfiyo30‘lfr1eofmgignsom tion (audit. passfail and letter) and .I "
. add/drop in Memorial Coliseum. Approximately 6,000 were at the last books becausethey are in short supply. need a com utge r card fronyi the 'our- adjust the number of credit hours for ‘ .I . "
, p .. J variable courses tomorrow at the Col- Z 1
. nalism depa.tment and the math . . _-
- . . - de rtmentt lseum. .- 1
anges In InanCIa ald NOW I" 9 eat paYou will also need an add/drop T°"‘.°"°“' ‘5 “5° "‘9 ‘35“ day y°“ A ~- ~
slip to complete all your schedule C?“.“"‘““"’“' from a class and be
———-"_-—— . . . . - . . . . _ transactions. ORIV one add “drop slip Eligible for a {U11 IQfUl'ld. Classes W1“
By JANE GIBSON on the loan by the lending institution, For 33519 Grant rec1pients only, If than $30,000, the system Will operate .11 be eed ed be; -h 1% h . start on Wednesday. 4
Staff Writer went into effectat the beginningof the the student is preregistered for only 9 the same, except for the origination w1 . {gr . iuée 8:2: .p :1: Also on Wednesday none ._- : ,4
school year. to eleven hours. only three-fourths of fee. space ter 2:: C ass 2. rage; ‘31" "7€Ilirali7,ed add/drop for the College ' i . , ,
__..___.,_____..__._._.....__ Jam” lngle, director of the office theI finanCial {lid qualified {91‘ if . . I {VIEZJNé Zlea d pght‘il " ‘ " I " of Artssrhciences will beheld in Buell .35"!
’ Several changes in financial aid, OI; student financial aid, said he an- registered full time Will be received, Students whoIsIeII incomIeIIis in :hxcessI Here are some other things ”WWII all Other. add /drop will be
' - - tici ted no oblems m meet' accordingto Ing 9- 0f 330.0“) may "0W 0 y 10 eex ] held in the deans office of the in» .
which became effective Oct. 1, 1981, pa pr mg . - - students should remember. ‘. .
. . . . committments for students a 1 - Students registered for only 6 to 8 tent of their need determined by the leldua] colleges. I . ,
Will affect certain students receivmg . PP W18 . . . , . . . . . . . I , I
I financial assistance during the spring for finanical aid for the spring credit hours Will receive only one-half LK FinanCial Aid Office. In addition, . I, I
. - of thequ amount of their aid. If astu- students may not borrow more than .
semester. semester. Those students Will still , . ] . , .I .4
. receive a roximatel 185 than dentadds enough hours to qualifyasa the cost of attending college minus . I ,- "
These changes “'11.! only affect the'r de pp tr ted "gm wt full-time student and provides proof other aid and resources received. ADD/DROP SChedUIe
students whose fmancxal aid was ap- ‘ mons a ause 1 - - . .. '-
proved on or after Oct 1 Ian would notbefair to meet their needs of these added hours,the student Will However students whose need is -
weeema unmade are...“ tasters...“ Tuesday, Jan. 12
before Oct. 1 but whose aid is fall, Ingle sa‘d- S (1 ‘II ha . t ‘ ' g; . .
dispersed in both semesters will not Distribution of financial aid checks in this W 0 V6 35515 ance com- 2; .~
beaffected. will be the week of Jan. 12 in the ing from a third source outside the Minimun repayment for the GSL 10:00 mus... 1:00 Dj-r‘ _; ; a
The only change in campus~based Grand Ballroom of the Student Universtty (Le-I SChOlal‘ShiP 01‘ GSL) has been increased from $30 a month 10:3“ s,,-[‘ [:30 “-11.... 4
programs, those other that the Center. Hours for the alphabetic may receivea promissory “Oi? begin- to $50 a month eff0"Itive 06t- .1’ 1981‘ I I200 VJ. 2:00 ”my“. . If ,I_; ,'
Guaranteed Student Loan, is that in- distribution will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. mils Jan 18 from the SChOO‘ if “106? The repayment period remains ten 1 H“ H“ 0-30 “WI I.-:.* .,
ternst rates on National Direct Stu- Monday through Friday. funds have “0‘ been received by “11' years. I 2-( l! 'l 1410 \I . (1 '. ~ I
dent Loans approved after Oct. 1 will Ingle said he would only authorize ‘10“ deadline. Another major change effecting .Iltl In” ' .w '_ '. , ‘ -. i: ‘
have a 5 percent interest rate, up checks to be written if a student was Secondly. students applying for a students in their future attempts to at- '2’30 ”'H h 3:.{0 l 'R' ', 71”; “I
from the current4percent. I preregistered or showed up on an Guaranteed Studentboanafter 0ct.1 tain fimncia] aidis that effective Oct. Important dates I IfI.:I'I
Three governmental changes w1ll enrollment list. This means students whose family adjusted growth income 1. Social Security and Veterans 7 3 3.
affect the Guaranteed Student Loan who register Monday or Tuesday or exceeds $30,000 must demonstrate benefits received b students are . . ; 1 .
program. First, a five percent late register will not have their aid need before applying for a loan. For counted as aid y ~ ed h Jan' ‘2 — 935‘ day to W‘thdra“ th‘ 4 -.. La“ dIIa‘ ““r ‘,‘-'I,‘. TI
origination fee which isafee charged checks availableat this time students whose famil income ' l . - receiv w en from a class and be ehg‘ble for a reinstatement 0‘ S‘Udem“ Chnceh‘ ' 1' I "
i - Y 15 ‘55 estimating need. full refund if status is changed edfor not paying registration fees. :I _' f.
. ‘ from full-time to part—time. must pay registration fee plus 3?»: ‘. I‘
Jan. 26 — Last day to pay registra- reinstatement fee. ,— t‘I '.
a‘ e an a I tion fees to avoid cancellation of Mar.4 ,_ Last day to drop a COUrSt' I/I if";
your registration. , , I.II« .
Feb. 2 — Last day to change \lar.15-20»~~Sprxng vacation :3;
Spring semester Will be filled With many things that ease the routine grad'"g°"“°“' ' "‘1" 3" “ m" “‘am‘m‘w’“
By BARBARA SALLEE — Jan. 27 —— The Wildcats takes on Feb. 27 —The Wildcats travel all the Blast scheduled for early April. a '.
Staff Writer Mississippi State at Mississippi State. way to Louisiana State University to specific date will be announced at a I UK , t . , i- I. I
. Jan. as —— The Lady Kats travel to tackle the Tigers. later time. Severe organlza [0 n s '1 ."l ;
—-—-———— Tennessee totakeonthe . M ch 3-6 -The SEC Tournament ‘ :‘-
I . 'Jan. 39 ._ The wildcatdzri‘llldfq‘ace will-be playedat Rupp Arena. The Kentucky Derby wilIlbeheld on . f n . .
This semester has a lot ahead for . no... .2.“ -11.. Naomi Cones... seedy May 1 at Churchill Downs m present a variety 0 ac tIVItIes -
snide"?- _ 1 _ 0W8“ “Rum Nem- Athletic Association first round LOUISVIUQ Although not too many -' .1‘.
It Will be filled With studying Jan. 31 —The Lady Kats play Mem- begins fortheLady Kats.Thelocation people in the infield actually care 5- ,. ‘
(yuckl), homework (even worse), phisStateat Memorial Colesium. willbe announced atalater date. which horse wins the “run for the By RACHEL BERRY his“ Preienl the ii‘lbfb‘JiarberShOP
term papers (gross-out). exams Feb. :1 -— The Wildcats leave UK to "It. __ -. ,é. (I er" 1. I ._ roses". there is always a party going Staff Writer . Quartet on Mar 24 f ,‘
(breakouttheNoDoze)and add/drop takeonAubum. he f E“ ”,5 9' on. Greek Week. a week of actiVities . » ; ..
(worstofall). I Feb. 4—— TheILady Kats also go away ‘99?“ a‘”" . :EE'EE': There are also holidays to look for- Isl ross campus,I.s scheduled for Man .~ -I ..
But before the fun can be 11 to la GeorgiaState .. I1 e " - ~- 28-Apr 3 this semester nghllghh r .

, . 3‘ . P y . ‘ p"§' g ,3» fl. wardto. .-. ' j . -. . . . _ .
there are several important dates Feb.o—— TheWildcats stay home to _-;: ”I ‘ 3%] '151'53 If (”We got the winter doldrums ml. include suth productions as Kap» I- .. :
thatneedtobekept in mind: play Tennessee, while the Lady Kata :__—;_.;jl "fia‘ “h" "'11:; There’s Valentines Day; this is a and tyhe 5 ring semester blues don't pa Alpha Ps1 Fraternity‘s Gong Show ' ] .4 'I

hittheroadtoplayGeorgia. iii-'7': “fer Lg “Q «.6 real fun holiday when you can get des ir —pthere'saloltolook forward The Women Writers Conference. a .' '
- Jan. 13-14 —— late registration for Feb.9— TheLady Kata plays home c.3249} 2§ 6; 21.5; I; romantic and corny and get away to pa ‘ nationally-acclaimed seminar Open '“ . '
returning students who did not ad- game against Natimal College at EW 35%;? ‘ $1"? ‘: with it without being laughed at. The Willard Scott, the colorful weather- free to students. 18 planned for Apr 1.
vance register and for new students Memorial Coliseum. it. 764:. A ".(“t .q “or a: next holiday that is usually man from the "Today Show" will he 3.
cleared late for admission. It will be Feb. 10 — The Wildcats, once again, if '6' 3’» $13 -'.. I“ celebrated is St Patrick's Day. This . ki in Memorial Coliseum on if music is more to your taste. a ' ' _
locatedon the Mezzanine of Patterson play Mississippi. This will bea home i m o mfm‘w'ili‘i" is the day you can wear keny green 39:3 ”"385 art of the Central Ken- Contemporary Music Festival will be : . I .
Office Tower from 8:30am. totpm. gameatRuppArena. 1 ‘ -, 5.6415515 ‘ VI“ Infra and not be referred to as a "prep." tak Conceg't and Lecture Sam In on campus Apr. 4-9 And if you need . .
A :20 late fee is charged for late Feb. is—Bothteamshittheroad.'rhe 3;; ,‘9 'I..,_g§$ wailing? Thisprobablytheonlydayoftheyear ‘I‘fdityion cxccs Wm prisent the moreexc,,ementthatweekIthe[mew ,
registration. Wildcats will be pitted against ,3, k a 9 - *‘f‘g peoplewilldrink green beerwillingly. Sofia Philharmonic of Bulgaria on national Students Office will sponsor . I. »,
Alabama. The Lady Kata will play - - .. a??? 12%.?) nd The Can di n Brass on International Week during that same 1
Jan ia—Ciasses begin South Carolina 0-4 2"“ *[C' The “are“ thins to look forward to Feb' ” a a a period. ‘-
' ' ' . . e12 . - 5. 'n the ' - - Mar. 9. All concerts and lectures are . . I II
Feb 17 —Florida State UmverSity o' e-. a x l SPHDS semester 18.0f course. 18 4 The highlight of the spring .
' ' ' Rupp Arena ( ‘3 R" {d SPRING BREAK! m - open free to UK students With an ID . . I _
J.n_ 15 — mt day to pay (mum 8M take a fad trip to to I' ‘ 6‘: ' S VBCBUOO, . . . d semester Will be the Llllle Kentucky - 1
mm fee in the Student Cente' tackletheWildcats. . sI ; ’JW—ffi March 15-20. is considered by my and activ1ti¢5 car . Derby Weekend Apr. 1518
Ballroom. Feb. 18—11!!! Lady VolsofTennessee I Igfl‘fig ”Mimi ‘3 the °“'.Y redeem“ The Student Center Board Travel A kickoff banquet. street party. ~ 1
. arrlve at Memorial Colulum to play ' “‘ " . aspect “Wt of the 59""3 “ma.“ Committee is sponsoring several trips bike r8064 barbeque, balloon race, '
theLady mtg, March 18-21 —'I‘he Lady Kats Will Some students leavetheIcold COM"!!! thissemester. Students can Sign up to foot race and an LKD Extravaganza . ' ~
The coming semester “,0 3,01“ Feb. 3. —-The Lady Kat; travel to play in the NCAA Regional Tourna- °f UK, for the sunny climate °f the ski at Winterpark, Colorado or to are all SCheduled 85 Part oftheevent.
many fun tidings, too. Hereisashort florid-.wtlilethemal's team travels ML deep’wmwmwu‘emys- cruise the Carribbean over spring The semester Will start winding
guide to fill those hours that are not toVInderbilt. Much 2628 —The final four women's spring “can... also mm the", break (Mar. 13-21). The committee down with SCB's Night at the .
devoted toacademic efforts. Feb.n—'I‘lieudyKats my hometo team will play in the NCAA Final are l n has also aimed a camping/hiking nearer. This ear, "Deathtra will -
ess tha two months left of y P
Basketball Wn__ takembouisvllle. Four Tournament, and of course. the school! The month of May brings a trip to Mt. Sterling on Mar. 28 and a beproduced, ' .
Feb. 24 —The Wildmts stay home to location of this tournament will be an- {rah crop of graduates. This means day trip to Bartktown on Apr 10. Other concerts. guest lecturers and .
Jan. :3 — The Wildcats play against play til-Mimi State. nouncedatalater date. those people will never have to go The Kentucky Heritage Dancers special events still to be planned will
Vanderbilt at Rupp Arena. The Lady Feb. zo-Mu-ch 1 4mg Lady Kata If you don’t like basketball, there "“9"“ add/drop mm my”, they will perform in the Student Center on round out the spring semester‘s ace _
Kata play Mlchlaln It Memorial (‘01- play in the Southeastern Cutter-«ice are still thims to do with your free gotognduateschool. Lucky them. Feb. 10aspartoftheSCB Performing tivities So don‘t despair — after
balm. mil-lament. time. 111m is the Sims Nu Beer Arts Committee schedule. They will add/dropends.thefun begins!
‘ ‘ h .7 b a . .

A 4 ‘«- ‘ 4
_ 2211119 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. January 11. 1882 _
.' ‘ CNU 602 001 CNU 702 001 oCNU 781 001 RCNU 782 001 CNU 800 001 CNU 801 001 CNU 802 001
- ‘ This Schedule of Classes Supplement lists all of the OPEN CLINICAL PASTORAL COUNSELING
classes for the i§82TSpring Semester which are available for Coliseum "—"““““"————“-——--~
. ‘ registration on January 11. 1982. Some of the courses listed have acpc 501 001
_' very few spaces available. . _
, This Supplement must be used in CONJunction with the regular *35289 cpc 501 001 pERsp IN REL 5 HLTH 3 TR 0800-0915AM CN/NS 211 FITZGERALD
' Schedule of Classes since the days when classes meet. times, and
' rooms are-ONLY listed for those courses (or sections) which have
‘ been added or where there has been a change in the original infor— COMMUNITY HEALTH
. mation. ‘
.~ The format of this Supplement is the same as the regular schedule. CH 101 001 CH 210 001 CH 210N401 CH 420N401 CH 481 001 CH 511 001
_ _ i.e., the colleges are listed alphabetically.
, - _ THESE ARE OPEN COURSES ONLY -—---—-—————-——-———-——
. . #HRS 395 001 HRS 545 001 #HRS 690 001 #HRS 695 001 H85 710 001 #HRS 715 001 IHRS 720 001
. ~. A NOlE 1: Advance registration dates for Fall Semester 1982 and both
" Summer Sessions are April 12-21, 1982. Advance registration MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY
1, _} a is required for all continuing students. "“‘”"‘ .
~- “A _ . . _ MT 120 001 IMT 833 002 *MT 855 001 MT 856 001 MT 857 002- #MT 860 001 MT 866 002
, '_.* NOTE 2: UniverSIty Senate regulations give faculty members the MT 501 001 #MT 834 002 *#MT 855 002 MT 857 001 MT 858 001 MT 866 001 #HT 895 001
u .. option of dropping students who do not attend the first
. 11.1 - two class meetTDOS- *52990 MT 855 001 CLINICAL SEROLOGY 3 H 0800-0950AM HS 214 LYONS
. ' , LAB T 09oo-1150AM M0R3 124
,‘i'1‘, *153007 MT 855 002 CLINICAL SEROLOGY 3 H 0800-0950AM HS 214 LYONS
If - f'f. EXP 396 001 . , . #PT 805 001 #PT 815 001 +PT 828 001 #PT 835 001 #PT 856 001 PT 868 001 PT 898 001
, ' . ‘ 5 For other Experiential Education courses, see appropriate departmental listings.
'»IT'EEONI Egr Eggeeoéourses being offered under Women's Studies, see appropriate departmental listings. ARC 101 001 ARC 221 001 *ARC 8203002 ARC 823 001 ARC 911 001 *ARC 9643002 ARC 954J008
. . .§-~; ARC 102A001 ARC 231 001 *ARC 820C003 ARC 831 001 ARC 912 001 *ARC 9646003 ARC 964K009
3‘ ,.a_- ARC 1028002 ARC 810 001 *ARC 8200004 ARC 833 001 ARC 914 001 *ARC 9640004 ARC 964L010
, _._I COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE *#ARC 102C003 ARC 811 001 *ARC 821AOOI ARC 835 001 ARC 961 001 *ARC 964E005 ARC 964M011 ‘
' ,_ ., ARC 121 001 ARC 812 001 *ARC 8218002 ARC 850 001 ARC 962 001 *ARC 964F006 ARC 9640012
; . _ ‘ ARC 201 001 ARC 813 001 *#ARC 822A001 ARC 910 001 *ARC 964A001 *ARC 9641007 *ARC 964P013
_, = .4 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ARC 202 001 *ARC 820AOOI *ARC 8228002
- .' ‘ L AEC 301 001 AEC 314 001 *AEC 4416001 AEC 503 001 AEC 580 001 AEC 646 001 AEC 768 001 *#28827 ARC 102C003 INTRO T0 ARC“ITECTURE 11 4 TR 0900‘1150A" PE" 311/305 STAFF
,. . AEC 301 002 AEC 315 001 #AEC 4456001 #AEC 516 001 AEC 606 001 AEc 660 001 AEC 769 001 STUDIO M 0200-0550PM PEN 307
at 1; AEC 302 001 AEC 399 001 AEC 480 001 AEC 532 001 AEC 621 001 AEC 661 001 AEC 780 001
j ,» " .. AEC 312 001 AEC 411 001 AEC 502 001 AEC 535 001 AEC 640 001 ' *28924 ARC 820A001 ST HTS 81 THEO ARC 81 URB FORM I 3 R 0730-1000PM PEN 207 GRAF
. , . 1 *27065 AEC 4416001 AGRICULTURAL FINANCIAL MGMT 3 MHF 1200—1250PM AGN $221 BRADFORD
_,.1 .I:. *28932 ARC 8208002 ST HIS 6 THEO ARC 8 URB FORM 1 3 R 0500-073OPM PEN 207 HOPPNER
j «y )1 -————————-———-——-*—————- *28941 ARC 820C003 ST HIS & THEO ARC & URB FORM I 3 MHF 1000-1050AM PEN 207 SPAETH
.ff'-",' *28959 ARC 8200004 ST HIS & THEO ARC a 088 FORM 1 3 T O730-1000PM PEN 207 VUYOSEVICH,
: ...13' f AGR 360 002 #AGR 386 001 AGR 4066001 AGR 566 001 #AGR 652 001 #AGR 734 001 AGR 770A001 *28967 ARC BZlAOOl ST HIS & THEO ARC & URB FM 11 3 T 0230-0500PM PEN 207 ROZENBERG
. .;7.‘ A68 360 003 AGR 386 002 AGR 4706001 AGR 575 001 *NAGR 654 001 AGR 741 001 AGR 7708002 TOPIC COLLAGE
:2 :1 y AGR 366 001 AGR 395 001 AGR 510 002 AGR 599 001 +AGR 658 001 AGR 768 001 AGR 799 001
-',a .' h AGR 357 002 AGR 399 001 AGR 556 001 AGR 619 001 AGR 691 001 #AGR 759 001 ‘28975 ARC 8218002 ST HTS & THEO ARC & URB FM 11 3 MNF 1100-1150AM PEN 207 SPAETH -
3 y ; ~f *827669 AGR 654 001 CROP PHYSIOLOGY 3 HOURS ARR BUSH/DAV1S
. - 1 -;~ *#28983 ARC 822A001 ST HIS a THEO ARC & URB FM 111 3 R 0230-0500PM PEN 207 RozENBERG
Li, i6: {5' *28991 ARC 8228002 ST HIS & THEO ARC a URB FM 111 3 TR 0900-1015AM PEN 207 SPAETH
Ig.': ‘f". RASC 108 002 #ASC 300 002 ASC 321 001 RASC 386 001 ASC 4426001 ASC 660 001 ASC 780 001 *29122 ABC 964A001 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC II 3 TR 0100—0215PM F8 127 MENOES
1.1'y t a RASC 108 003 ASC 301 001 AASC 360 002 IASC 388N401 ASC 470 001 ASC 664 001 ASC 781 001 TOPIC: INTERMED PHOTO
-,;;;; .1, RASC 108 004 ASC 303 001 *ASC 362 001 ASC 395 001 ASC 470 002 ASC 683 001 ASC 782 001
,7 ;,~.-, IASC 109 001 ASC 304 002 A56 364 001 ASC 399 001 ASC 532 001 ASC 684 001 ASC 790 001 *29131 ABC 9648002 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC II 3 . TBA TBA MARSHALL
,”..5 L‘ ASC 286N401 ASC 306 001 ASC 378 001 ASC 404G001 ASC 534 001 ASC 768 001 ASC 791 001 TOPIC: CASE STUDIES & ENV EVAL
. j.,_:; 1 NASC 286N402 ASC 380 001 *ASC 4066001 ASC 538 001 #ASC 769 001 ASC 792 001
. .:‘;‘«, 1' PASC 300 001 *ASC 382 001 ASC 4306001 ASC 564 001 ASC 771 001 *29149 ARC 964C003 ADv SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC 11 3 MHF 1000-1050AM PEN 207 NOFFSINGER
-‘ -,t -:» *29751 ASC 362 001 ANIMAL BREEDING 3 MHF 0900-0950AM A65 108 THRIFT
5» ; 'n" ' *29157 ARC 9640004 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC 11 . 3 TR 0230-0345PM PEN 113 NOFFSINGER
“ , «2‘. 3 329793 ASC 382 001 PRIN 0F LIVESTOCK NUTRITION 3 TR 1100-1150AM AGN N320 BUCK TOPIC: JAPAN ARC
.1 y ' ~ .g LAB T 0100—0250PM A65 109 ,
:_;g.. '3‘ *29165 ARC 964E005 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC II 3 MHF 1200-1250PM PEN 207 LEVINE
.'g ‘. ‘iéi *29858 ASC 4066001 BEEF CATTLE SCIENCE 3 NF 1000-1050AM AGN A7 GAY TOPIC: GENERATORS OF FORM
1._..;p_¢15 LAB H 0100-0250PM A65 852
'4,‘~ 1'5“ *29173 ARC 964F006 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC 11 3 . T 0500-0730PM PEN 207 HILCOX
s,, 3 . , TOPIC: THE SUN IN ARC .
".&f="7: *29181 ARC 9641007 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC II 3 H 1100-0130PM PEN 206 HIETT/
3,;111;.I VENT 310 001 ENT 399 001 «ENT 561 001 ENT 606 001 #ENT 768 001 ENT 780 001 ENT 790 001 TOPIC: FILMMAKING ROZENBERG
L'g g; {; ENT 395 001 RENT 530 001 ENT 564 001 #ENT 665 001 ENT 769 001
, 93 ‘5 a *29246 ARC 964P013 ADV SPEC PROBLEMS IN ARC 11 3 H O700-0930PM PEN 314 CARPENTER
7“';i%.‘9' FOR 310 901 «FOR 399 001 FOR 420 001 *FOR 455 001 FOR 599 001 FOR 605 001 FOR 781 001
1.315 5IE\; FOR 350 001 FOR 410 001 FOR 425 001 FOR 460 001 FOR 601 001 FOR 768 001 FOR 791 001
,fifft 131 543079 FOR 455 001 FOREST POLICY 8 ADMINISTRATION 3 TR 1100-1215PM .PC 212 ERICKSON
gjfj,i'f.i A85 100 001
I‘Li},i.5ug GEN 102AOOI GEN 1028003 GEN 104 001 GEN 104 002 GEN 106 001 +GEN 300 001 AEROSPACE 5100185
”ifffl 5'35‘ +9134I GEN 300 001 SP CRSE: PLANE SURVEYING 3 TR 0100-0150PM AH 262 LAND AS 112 001 A5 112 004 AS 212 001 As 213 002 As 333 001 AS 342 002 AS 343 002
.Ta‘fl Lo“ LAB S 0900-1150AM TBA AS 112 002 AS 113 001 AS 212 002 AS 332 001 AS 333 002 As 343 001 #AS 395 001
"§'*,;:%;; AS 112 003 AS 113 002 AS 213 001 As 332 002 #AS 342 001
1’.2,8:a;,: -..__.___ ANTHROPOLOGY
~..i:- 33;;1 'RHOR 203 001 H08 329 002 HOR 345 001 AHOR 510 001 #HOR 570 001 HOR 734 001 H08 770 001 -————-————
5‘ 'HOR 245 001 #HOR 340 001 HOR 399 001 HOR 524 001 HOR 582 001 HOR 768 001 HOR 790 001 ANT 120 001 ANT 120 010 ANT 121 005 ANT 121 015 #ANT 383 001 ANT 533 001 #ANT 720 001
“51' “‘1'”; HOR 329 001 #HOR 341 001 NHOR 402 001 ANT 120 002 ANT 120 011 ANT 121 006 #ANT 121 016 #ANT 399 001 ANT 534 001 #ANT 741 001
ii'5 i, *‘r ANT 120 003 ANT 120 012 ANT 121 007 ANT 121N401 ANT 421G401 ANT 580 001 #ANT 750 001
s-‘f.-‘ :=? 3447201 HoR 203 001 HOME HORTICULTURE 3 TR 1100-1215PM AGN N12 "Ill ANT 120 004 ANT 120 013 ANT 121 008 ANT 141 001 ANT 4306001 #ANT 581 001 +ANT 767 001
i“;‘: J.¥ ” ANT 120 005 ANT 120 014 ANT 121 009 ANT 215 001 ANT 510 001 #ANT 582 001 #ANT 768 001
1'", i ’4, 2 ‘47210 HOR 245 001 PLANTS INTER IleENT 81 UTlLlZA 1 F 1200-0150PM AGN N12 ANDERSON #ANT 120 006 ANT 121 002 #ANT 121 012 ANT 221 001 ANT 524 001 #ANT 585 001 #ANT 759 001
f :3 if.‘ ANT 120 008 ANT 121 003 ANT 121 013 ANT 332N401 ANT 528 001 #ANT 613 001 #ANT 790 001
if“o'-5, L9P9$EEBELA291UE¥EBI§ ANT 120 009 ANT 121 004 ANT 121 014 ANT 354 001
)Tli”; 5flv’ IA 206 001 *LA 230 001 LA 332 001 LA 441 001 «LA 450 001 LA 490 001 ILA 575 001 +91383 ANT 757 001 FRAC 1N ALLIED ANTHRopOLoGy 1-6 131 STAFF
[:471’53 :1 ~49712 LA 230 001 LANDSCAPE ARC DESIGN THEORY 3 MH 0900-0950AM CH CERVELLI
EAT .4'1';: 810 102 001 810 107 004 810 203 002 810 351 004 BIO 544 002 810 594 003 810 769 001
~.'; ; ..' BLANT PATHOLOGY 810 103 001 810 107 005 810 203 003 810 395 001 810 549 001 810 594 004 810 770 001
’-.f ' fa: ‘ ‘””“"’ 810 104 001 810 107 006 810 203 004 810 4046001 BIO 552 001 810 615 001 BIO 770 002
:'*“,.' '~ PPA 410 001 *PPA 545 001 NPPA 768 001 PPA 769 001 PPA 770 001 PPA 784 001 PPA 794 001 810 104 002 810 107 007 810 203 005 #810 4116001 810 553N401 810 619 001 810 772 001
V’:. ,1",; PPA 503 001 #PPA 656 001 810 104N401 810 108 001 810 203 006 810 4766001 810 555 001 810 625 001 810 773 001
, '- ' #810 105 002 810 108 002 810 203 007 810 4766002 BIO 557 001 810 640 001 810 782 001
" “Hr'z? '59285 PPA 545 001 EPIDEM CONT PL DISEASE 3 MNF 1000-1050AM AGN N11 FERRISS/ 810 105 004 810 109 001 810 261 001 810 515 001 810 561 001 810 665 001 810 795 001
,. i 1 .ji SlEGEUSHEEN V810 105 006 810 109 002 810 310 001 4810 522 001 810 564 001 4810 685 001 810 796 001
",'I',';7 ' 810 105 007 810 109 003 810 325 001 810 523 001 810 565 001 810 714 001 810 797 001
“,“:,,i-' 810 105 008 4810 109 006 #810 325 002 810 523 003 810 570 001 810 716 001 810 798 001
7.,5,;1:' SOCIOLOGY Bio 106 001 810 109 007 #310 325 003 810 524 001 810 571 001 OBIO 734 001 BOT 768 001
.:.-". ,, "‘“““"" 810 107 001 4810 109 008 810 350 001 810 525 001 810 573 001 810 735 001 MB 768 001
-';.f"'«' SOC 517N401 SOC 534 001 SOC 565 001 SOC 773 001 ”5°C 790 001 “509 797 001 4810 107 002 810 202 001 810 351 001 #810 542 002 #810 594 001 810 740 001 M8 769 001
9' .','*v‘ 810 107 003 #310 203 001 810 351 003 810 544 001 810 594 002 810 768 001 zoo 768 001
: ‘”7,*fo'l VETERINARY SCIENCE 95551§131
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' 1" V5 35‘ 001 ”V5 690 00‘ ”V5 769 00‘ ”V5 786 001 CHE 103 001 #CHE 115 005 CHE 232 001 CHE 4426001 CHE 572 00; ENE :33 33: ENE 7;:gggg
' 'I H 105 002 CHE 226 001 ICHE 232 002 CHE 4436001 ICHE 580 00 H
COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS ENE 1.05 003 CHE 226 002 CHE 233 001 CHE 512 001 RCHE 580 003 HOME 635 001 CHE 7760004
,' J , ,. VCHE 107 001 CHE 226C003 CHE 233 002 CHE 521 001 #CHE 580 004 CHE 646 001 CHE 780 001
, ALLIED HEALTH EDUCATlON AND RESEARCH ICHE 107 002 CHE 2260004 +686 236 001 CHE 5218002 CHE 610 001 CHE 768 001 CHE 790 001
' ’. -' __L_L_L_..__.-_-----_-.._-22__-1L___ #CHE 107 003 CHE 230 001 CHE 395 001
RAHE 595 001 AHE 6708002 AHE 842C003 #AHE 857 001 AHE 863 001 AHE 868 001 AHE 871 001 "up 0800-0350AM cp 220 STATE
' AHE 595 002 AHE 690 001 AHE 854 001 AME B60 001 AHE 865 001 AHE 869 001 AME 880 001 *9‘°°6 CHE 23‘ 00‘ °R°‘"‘C C”‘"‘STR' LA, 4 ; 0100-0350pn co 315
, AHE 660 001 AHE 842A001 +RAHE 854 002 AHE 861 001 AME 866 001 AHE 870 001 #AHE 8808002
AHE 670 001 AHE 8428002 AHE 856 001 AHE 862 001 AHE 867 001 +Added course
' ' 'Changed caurse
, +491067 AHE 854 002 BIOLOGY OF DISEASE 3 TBA ALBERHASKV lFive or fewer vacancies
. ' T t _ o O “ '.‘ 4

 . THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. January 11. 1982-3
ELA§élEA;TLAfl§95§§§_flflg—LII§BAIQB§§ ENG 101 018 #ENG 102 053 ENG 104 001 ENG 207A003 ENG 281 002 YENG 425g28i EN: gig 88%
ENG 101N401 #ENG 102 054 #ENG 104 003 ENG 2078002 NENG 301 003 ENG 425 .
fit? :83 33% 53 £938} 2:: 38; 88; $3 $2? 83} fit: 2336381 fig :2? 88% fig 283 83% ENG 101N403 YENG 102 056 #ENG 104 006 ENG 2070004 iENG 320 002 ENG 4270001 ENG 643 001 '
CLA 102 003 CLA 131N401 CLA 210 001 CLA 302 001 CLA 509 001 CLA 562 001 mg 604 001 ENG 101N404 iENG 102 057 iiENG 104 007 #ENG 221 002 ENG 320 003 ENG 428G001 ENG 652 001
CLA 102N401 CLA 131N402 CLA 230 001 CLA 311 001 ttCLA 511 001 RCLA 580 001 ICLA 768 001 ”ENG 102 003 ”N5 102 058 ”ENG 104 01° ”ENG 221 009 “m 356 001 ENG “3:233: ENG 3;; 88; ‘
”ENG 102 004 IENG 102 059 #ENG 104 011 fiENG 222 001 ENG 360 001 ENG 43 ‘ ‘
ER :82 33% E3, i2: 88% CLA 235 001 CLA 390N401 ”CLA 512 001 “LA 601 001 ”CLA 790 001 tiENG 102 005 iENG 102 060 ENG 105 001 ttENG 222 003 ITEMS 360 002 ENG 441G001 #ENG 753 001 .
#ENG 102 006 IENG 102 062 #ENG 105 002 #ENG 222 005 ENG 368 001 ENG 446G001 ENG 768 001 g,~
fiENG 102 010 #ENG 102 063 #ENG 105 003 ”ENG 222 006 ENG 374 001 ENG 4520001 RENE 733 08:
' #ENG 102 011 #ENG 102 064 ENG 105 004 ENG 222N401 ENG 374 002 ENG 4550001 N J
£9!EA§AIL!§_LLIEBAI!£§ #ENG 102 012 #ENG 102 065
EU, 32? 38: 2:2 232223: :58? 3?? 83} SP1 400 001 SP1 5“ 001 SPI 566 001 ””0” 3023002 '41912 ENG 356 001 STUDIES IN BLACK AMERICAN LIT 3 HM 0900-0950AM CB 237 TIDIIELL "
*042251 ENG 514 001 TESL MATERIALS & METHODS 3 MNF 1000-1050AM F8 124 HUOAK T. ’
£9!E!I§B_§£1§fl£§ t90841 ENG 568 001 HIS 0F LITERARY CRITICISM I 3 MNF lZOO-IZSOPM COM 221 BRYANT 1 I ' .
#CS 101 001 #CS 101 009 #CS 101 017 #CS 221 010 ‘CS 250 007 CS 537 001 CS 650 001 gvn
388 838 834 $88 {8} 888 83 1383888 488 323 883 388 838888 ”88 8% 88? +88 838 88% WE , .
. :E: fig; 3g; fig: lgl g}: +E§ lgONGST ”E: 528 300 +0: 3;? 88? E: 2:3 38% E: ggg 32% FR 011 001 #FR 101 008 FR 106 001 tFR 202 002 FR 306 001 *FR 500 001 RFR 609 001 f ' .
' / #FR 101 001 FR 101 009 FR 121 001 #FR 2020004 FR 395 001 FR 507 001 FR 768 001 .‘ ', .
#CS 101 008 #CS 101 016 ”CS 221 009 CS 250 006 CS 4206001 CS 622 001 #FR 101 002 FR 101 010 #FR 201 005 #FR 203 001 ”FR 406 001 FR 516N401 FR 769 001 '” fl‘.,
+91073 cs 150 001 INTRO To ALGORITHMIC PROCESSES 3 MWF llOO-llSOAM NH 108 STAFF 3?; fig} 38‘; FR 102”“ ”FR 202 001 FR 305 001 F“ “395001 FR 601 001 FR 780 001 "
+#92428 CS 240 005 INTRO DISCRETE COMPUTER MATH 3 TR 1230-0145PM CB 341 STAFF *43613 FR 500 001 INTRO T0 FRENCH FILM 3 TR 1230-0145PM CB 335 BARXL fig. LEV
+92380 CS 340 002 DISCRETE STRUCTURES IN CS 3 MNF 0300-0350PM cp 201 STAFF ,«fl-‘gg'zg',
+92398 CS 370 003 DATA STRUCTURES 3 TR 0930-1045AH CB 242 STAFF cEOGRAPHY ~:~ '
DISCUSSION F 0300-0350PM CB 242 __
- GEO 151 001 GEO 153 001 GED 252 002 *GEO 501 001 GEO 543 001 GEO 652 001 GEO 710 001 2
+91081 CS 675 001 THEORY OF COMPUTATION 3 “NF 0200 OZSOPM GT 945 LEWIS GEO 151 002 GEO 221 001 GEO 252 003 GEO 505 001 GEO 546 001 GEO 655 001 GEO 715 001 1 .$;[.}
“0 ‘5‘ 003 GE8 iii 88? 8E8 588888 8E8 882 888 888 ‘88 888 888 8828883 8E8 $83 88? V -
GEO 151N401 GE . o a C . , g, ,
______..__ “E8 03: 2:3 2:038: ‘EES 22: 33: 2:3 :2: 98% 2:: A: 88:
8 001 ENG 101N001 ENG 101N003 MA 108N001 MA 108N003 GEO 152 002 GE 21 005 E 405 O ~L U} 7 I .3! fig:.
26R Glg 88; RSR glg 883 #2:? ng 002 ENG lOlHOOZ ENG 101N004 MA 108N002 MA 108N004 *gég lggNggi GEO 252 001 GEO 407 001 GEO 536 001 GEO 630 001 GEO 707 001 GEO 772 001 , { ';i~f