xt7v6w96b11d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w96b11d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1971 1971 1971-02-05 2020 true xt7v6w96b11d section xt7v6w96b11d J‘ .-
Friday, Feb. 5, l97l UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Vol. l.\ll \o. H! . .' ‘ . '1;
—-_—.—————_.——_————————————— - . ,
Mobe Passes --.-:= ' l 3 r1 " ' ~" '- . v1 —' .-
eace reaty _ _. . _ Q L (1 wson [£11132
Kernel Staff \Vriter " ‘3’” 2%} I i T . I 1 ‘l . l ’ i
The lIK Student \lobililation % a W%, fl . ’ i' I .I.V ’ _. Iii». rl (I A‘ ( ll)’l«“ ‘,*‘: - t 3 2 ..
(lon'imittee (S.\l(.') moved \\Ied- I( I _ II "' >« I ’0‘"? ’ . ,. . 'I'-I II: -I!I " ~
iies(la_\' night to endorse a "Peo- . ragleII ” - i I 4%.?1 . III IIIIWNI)“ hug] Ii “PHI - II'l ‘II . III ’-
ple’s Peace Treaty." and to pre— é , ......-‘; I b I. ”s" ( oinity pioset utoi am. a l)t‘lll .3. I.II
sent the treaty to Student (loy— ‘ ‘9 I . .‘t‘ g; 33ft"... ”.(Iml‘ W” ”in.“ mid. . lIIlI “HI , I!" "LII ,1I f .‘Ii‘ . I;
ernment and the ['niytrsity . $ 3&3", l”Hug l)'t“ni()(l'llt':\ INDV at ll» I'IAI’YI‘EI’i'.‘ 1...”
Senate for ratification ”as soon .. "if; s iI ' {2 m'IPm‘I‘" ”NINA“ :Hum' . II :,
as is feasible." <._ I6? if 5” __ ”3.? . .3»; it was resolyed of. the elm. ' "I." '. .' ,
The ”(.qu formally known as .52 . .‘ . 33 y“; to send a letter condemning IL. , .
the "Joint Treaty of Peace be- 5* ” I _. “firfi . I, 2 $31» kll’fl" ”Chm” “Ill“l‘ hid “am” ;.'*: I'I
tween the People Of the l'nited iIs>,,I.._' . --_———_é o) II‘I” . . “ff, 13‘, -& V ‘ ‘1‘; this Week 'to the (A()Il\1lA tn”. of .1 , a: .l a, '
States and the People of South 2% ~ ':_'_ _ «fig :31); '1. #113 former “ l" "l”d‘l” l3? \" “I" g I . ‘ ._
Vietnam and North Vietnam." if“ ‘ I -Iv “:31? . ’eg“. ‘9: x'é‘ M091" . . . ‘ ‘ I. I “ .~ I '
is the result of negotiations be- 2.2: {‘3‘ 4‘ .. ' “4:3." Ii} II :9 3,; 3 _ lsii’ig lllltlélted‘ legal acting. '3 ~ a .
tween a delegation of American .3": h Ii “2"" s... I III ' t”? I -~» Mlmmi I\I\t‘\llill)i)l\ for seininn, j I'.‘II’I'-I‘
llltl\'(>]~$lty' student body presi- séfigg. ~ ~. “8% a I I ”a. an aluminum guaya bomb (.is If?! “ '5...
dents and both the South \Iiet- ” A ’ -... A” . ,. ' sf». - , ing to his draft board last sun. ’
.. namese and the North Vietna— III‘IiI-g , » W.“ . , mer. 2 " ‘I . I
niese National Student [Inions i1. E”? I -~I...""~MA~ , I z In th" 00‘1““ 0f lllt‘ "“14”” 1I -' - .‘I'l
and the South Vietnamese Lib- I. " g .. _ ’ a [K student described what hr ‘1, p '
eration Smdemg l'nion. '3'?” J \ II _ called the deplorable conditiorz- I: . .
Based on three different Joint «IV “V VIII 2 I '. K 0f "“5“”, 59““ka as 3 “)9” l .i_,A xix
Declarations of Peace which “i IV _ I; II"~. of stripfminmg operations, "Np" 'I‘«I‘.',I ,,,_ l; -I
came out of meetings with the m ‘I “t: I a..-" ,a- “ -. . “a. M, ('lilll,‘ 1“ llarlan (:UlllllF- .-'_ : ‘
”"00 t-IWUPS. one document of I“ ”m- " W ‘ (Ml " Attending the meetinllI poli -.I .
agreement was produced: The 'I ”1‘ {‘15. ' M" . tical science professor Dr. Cenr .I’ "
P901)19I5 Tl't‘iity- . I ° ° Mason announced he will begii } ‘, .5 . .-; t ._ '..-
.. The People's Treaty dais... Get Away! You Male C muvinisi . . . an intensive ““1.ng ,'
5 ) u '1‘ x- ' .. . ‘s . .. .:'.‘»‘..'.
32:32:21”StiltithiIt: ::.::P_:IIf0\I.I:-:S All the slush aml undesirahle weather and ground U]? Agricultural Experiment Fami off (Loopcr {21(3'}\:‘15:1:lpa:l 21:} l::(tllll\(OIl: .r ‘Z‘ .; I} .
termination. among them: conditions. don‘t seem to quell the amourous de- Drive. ment in strip—mining 1,“ KM . fiI'
} That the Americans agree “gm 0f 1"85- These “‘0 were havmg " 0‘" at the Kernel Photo h." Bl” WOOd tricky. c "
to “immediate and total with— W .‘I, I
drawal" from Vietnam. . ‘I I-§,~’I- ,IT; I II
} That as soon as troop with— I, .8 Bl)?" (I LO" 0 W (I y”
drawal is announced. the Viet- _________t"_—._ Ly. _' I -, " é
namese will enter negotiations O " .I i" I}-
for the release of American pri» 5 t h 6th Am 6101 can S W a] Ii 0 n O 0 n if": .1 Is". :‘I
()HE’I‘S. ' a j _ .I 1‘ .3: -':V,.4
§ That there would then be . Ii I
an “immediate cease-fire" be- SPACE CENTER. llOl‘S— iiar lander and a teleiision pic— surface and then showed .\lit- ill" ”Will”: PM _"-:’_‘,"”“]l 7_ .
tween the opposing factions. TON (AP) — Apollo 14 com— turc of him flashed on the ("hell as he descended to the ”(MUM “‘“klll-‘l ll”"’“-‘.‘: "I 1,
} That discussions will be be- mairder Alan ll. Shepard jr. screen. “Hill“ 10 ”“Il'm” 14”" . pIIU‘I‘IlIiI‘HInI‘I‘I tIIlI (IIIIIIIDIM: I .i I' I
gun to agree on procedures walked on the moon today. at- "Its been a long way. but Shepard climbed down a nine- that it could not lii.t( \i‘tit n... ; .~'
which would ingurp the safe ter a bullIs-eye landing that we‘re here." were his first words. rung ladder to the surface at— abort ill" l;tli(lllii_". 1 : ’ p 2.2 . ’._
withdrawal of all troops. came within IInjnutL-g of 1,9ng "‘v‘v'cIll inoye on met and look ter he guided the lunar lander \ll’ien the IlitIUIIdIIh,I‘IIlIlllII. _. .I' ,2 I if
The treaty also stated that canceled because of a com- at (30119 ”H“ “'hit‘ll 15 “It-{ill ‘\“m'I"~" t” “ landing ”HI-l (“I tIHIIr \P‘IHI “II“ lIII .lIIlIII III.\I:
after these terms were met, puter problem. “‘ch its supposed to he and is tN‘l ”it lkll‘flt‘l- III” ‘1” ”MI" ll“ ”Ml“ walk. they lII1\lMIII:;I.Il‘l.I II: .I
South Vietnam would form a Shepard stepped onto the 5' ""‘L‘I ‘I"‘1"““"‘I‘I" sight." ll" had t.” ML" m” ”HI .(ImItIIUPI HIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IYIU-m illII).II.Il\. IiI,II:.I,I III‘
“Provisional coalition Rovern- surface at 9:54 a.in., EST, about Sdid. M“ H.‘ lll‘ ‘Pldwl‘ "l”l’ ”W" (“I‘d-H“! then ( ( p‘lItIIIl I ,- ' .i‘ I, .' .31.,
ment” to set up elections with- an hour late because of a com— “0 Silld I‘ll 100“ “5 ll “1‘ "I‘ll." 1“ "\IHI'Il‘l‘I ‘l “”“lmt” tIIl-I‘IIIIHIHII 1 . . , ‘-l V . . I .‘I ‘II x’IIII =I
out interference from foreign inunications problem with his lid“? 31 good ”it” ”P t” (I‘m‘I'I‘ ”Ht thIIlI‘mIlIiIlI (II IIIINM tIIli IIIlI II‘I-II(l:IIiL liIlIvIl.‘ yfiIIIIIIlI \ ., I;I‘I.
. troops. and would enter discus- space suit. (:UIH' (:l‘iltt‘l' i8 lllt‘ ldl‘llt‘l 0t ””5513“ _ ”1““ ll” l;()\\lu.u_ t. ll I\\I( ' "3",; 3” - ’3
sions for guaranteeing safety of His companion. Edgar D. Sllt’l’ill‘d Ill“! Mll‘r'lll‘llh “NPlOT- llt‘ and .istmnaut lttlgar l) moon for a ltxilltlltlllltl' {2le II' I‘
South Vietnamese who had “col- Mitchell helped him climb oirt illlml- Mitchell tortilml ‘I‘H\\ll.,IlII ”HI IIILI ”I“ All” Is“ ‘I,III.I T I I, ' ' II
laborated with the l'S. or a of the small batch at 950 am. 5“ 9333 Mitchell "‘“I‘l “A” mm)” M l' H II III' II'HI III. II PMIIHHIA IiI I IlI II ’iIIll(:ll II '-'I 1":
IVS-supported regime." and Shepard said "All right. l'lL'lIL .\l. lIHI \lill'llliL‘ Hill II l’m‘l’lllfi‘ (li'll't'\‘l'iii Hi IIIII Inniplr tn- IIiIl ‘pl’l‘l’lglII Jl .
The People‘s Peace Treaty is starting out the door.“ .\ lllllllltt‘ later his boot. too. iiigged highlands of tin l H l‘ I’v'i’m "‘ i" "7 ‘ ‘I 'I I I ,'. ?~I:I.
part of the effort, says Dan- As he stood on the steps, "(WM IlN‘ WV“ “Ullll‘lu ‘l"“" ”l“ Mauro ”Imm" ‘lIzl‘I ‘ I- ’- .1. “a
\Valls. to “synthesize the .ip- Shepard said ”its ccrtainh a “HIP ‘lt‘lW S“PMI P‘I‘I‘”‘”I ll" “MI lI' . I I‘ I ‘. I ,. ‘
lii'oaches the Strident :\iiti»\\'ar stark place here at l‘Ira Mauro IllI‘I \W} ism?” l” l"' “’“‘“”~I l"””‘”' PHIHQ' “H MINI”; II” III 'l , . l I II I .‘ I ‘.
moyeinent has taken in the past ltIs made more stark by the fact (lm‘lLII lN' “I'lll- “‘0" ll“ 1I'llll’l'1t ”' ll" ‘llN II, ‘1'” III' ‘I‘ I i I I » , Ix',
and to come up With strategies the sk)‘ is black.” .\ black and \\llltt’ teleyision that alien world, the“: I‘-l‘l “l: :, _‘ . 'I 5
for being eferctiye—as opposed Shepard immediately released camera Whit” l“ “r"Ill'llllfl‘ l‘II‘l‘“ “l“m "M“‘I‘l‘ ”' ll” “I" l" “‘“I'I” ‘ ‘ ’ .II ‘ iI :‘ I 2» I'I- ,I
Continued on Page 3. Col. 4 a door near the base of the hi» Sllt‘l’il'il" ll'lllill Sli'l" “" ill" “”“lmw' lIIIlIImIIHIII III IiIIIHII (IiH IIIIPIlII I” lIIII MINI \ I I II I "II V-
\‘, iii; lit l‘.\vi ‘lii't i1"'I L"' I .I .I
q q 97 . iiait‘ tti lt‘.t\t' tln' l'i'I..i .It .
Us, And s, and But s Pile Up M ”H.” W, k ,. A '
.—____————__———- lN‘L'lll\ .tt ~r l\ .1 ill HI I!“ \ ~'I -,. II‘ ., .~
0 I . . ‘l-"rl .l in I III T II.
H 0 us m R esea rche rs ace imits .........
talilc. ..ii tunes l-'.\l . .,
. A .
By S. .\l. \VINES and its overwhelming scope. will operate on residence iniproyement by Hm I And \1”““‘_“‘!l‘ ‘ .' ,I I
Assistant Managing Editor under limitations. to complete the “941‘ outlook. ”H. Ad Hoc \Ilt _\ rtl .. n, I.” on . a. _ ‘I ‘. , ‘1 ’
A few weeks after Vice President for Stu— Building Boom Advisory (ionimittce on Student Residential \l‘l: _\ :tllll lit Hit)! \.(t)!ll ‘ -_ ~ ‘ . , ‘
dent Affairs Hubert Zumwinkle announced -, . . p .. - . ‘ ”If“ is ””l." one "f 4‘ 5“” ”t ‘lllll‘ fll“"ll’-‘ ( I‘ , lI I‘ I” I» ‘I I" ~ '1 II
’ . _ . . It is in a sense. too little and too late ‘t . tI ‘ y} i 1.1} -l _ "l _‘ H l‘t\" ., “(quip/Mn” .nnl Ii.“ kiln; . . _ -
the appointment of an advisory (:(t‘lnl‘nlttt‘t‘ l‘KIs unprecedented building boom ”f the a a mu \\ ltll Ingi (yr ‘ltp(l s r. t a (‘Iis l W ‘ H mm] (M an , .‘ H .1 ‘. ~
on strident residential life, tlw “ifs, nndg ‘ ‘ ~ . .- ‘ _ reputation foi being quietli buried in the I. ‘- l ' . _ r . _ . . _
. . , sixties has tapered off. leaying tllt group ‘ .. \m . l‘l“ ._ l . ll'“ _. . . ,. -
””d but S “"I already beginning “I pIIlI I.IPI the task of improving old dormitories rather “I” IIIIU‘KI‘I - . - . . . . . \ ltl i ii in until do. knw I .
Zuniwinkle gave the 25-man commission than ‘t))l\‘ill , innovations to m“ ones. .But 'of'fsctting these mrnuses is a sense a . _ ‘ . . . -
a mandate to research and recommend iin- ' ‘H ' l‘ of optimism about the task that peryades ---,-,,, . _',‘ .. . '
proyements for a sweeping category of wide Almost as imposing a limit is the tiny the entire committee. from the yice pi'csi- """’:""" ‘. ‘ ‘
student interest. budget given the committee~—S30t)~~which dents office down to the last strident. “ (“llllt'l' ' - .
The 12 students. four faculty members, must be doled out among four subcominit- Zuinwinkle summed up the committee's _ ‘ .- _ . . ._ I x ‘ -
"“_——_‘I—'— tees for trips to other colleges. hiring of purpose in ("Mr “‘1‘ “\\'h;-lt(.\,.,- m. (1“. ,, Lexmgtoii and unruly. \‘lnt'hr. ’- . .
News AllfllVSiS consultants, and publicity. needs to be something irrore creatiye than “mm" ‘1'"? "PM! "Kl“?! "2"): t? .
————————;————- .. . ~ 4 ., . , ‘llins simply duplicating what \\eI\(‘ now~ got ternpcraturts 1'" t)? "‘"i . ‘
- ~ ~' ‘ . . I dont thmk “l II haw many pInllI 'Student residential lifeI is a liiglrflown The h'gh “’dd‘ “I” ht l0. tlu » .i
" and IIIIH‘ staff lm"“l"‘” “'ll "“‘St'g‘m with money. biit some of the other sub— l l" , _ l» ' 1‘ y _ l low tonight in ,he low 30" Look . . , .
dorm life. sororities. fraternities and co oPS. committees may run into trouble." said lt‘rylll— “ll lll‘ "“0 V \ ”1”“ t M” NM W“ for tomorrow to he sunnv and ' i ‘ ,‘
off-campus housing. “"d '““rrl9‘l,gm"1""l"I Damon Talley. who serves on a group look- "1"" Would (‘reate Problems cold Wl'h ”‘9 high temperature I' II'
and professional student housing. They Will ing into (lreek and co-op housing. (. . ‘ ‘l . .I . l “n". B‘ .. of 40. Precipitation probabilities * . .‘ ‘
draw conclusions that will, hopefully. het— . _ . .ommittce ( “1mm" .)r. l 1-H“ ryan. today 20 )ercem with IO percent . ‘
t the cam us lives of over 17.000 stli- A third. stricter limit rs a three-month director of student servrcels for the college . lxIxh _ h d _ , ‘ .I
frt I ( p deadline on the committee's first report. of nursrng. was more specrfic. chance tonig ' 3" tomor i
(821:; the. committee. by its very nature Zumwinkle has asked for recommendations Continued 0“ P‘Ce 3' COI- 1 EM WNooo I I I
. -

 ‘ l‘lll kl'\ l‘l ( k\ kl “\I'l lillllJ‘. l‘ll'li, i3. “'7' ...~_______________________________________________________—_ 2
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' (IIIPIIN IUIIUPS' 0 Il' ’ 0n ()rpg 0"“ t
I l b l _ / . ,i .9 . ‘I I , §
. I g/ Q,
. . I I i . II '. l‘riii' lll\l . llii“ H-‘rsl llir‘ itxliiI'il-Lidiliii Ililil.ll;il 32m; lillillialelxI llil' lliilli‘ lilltistll i
. ‘ t x, , Ii ' . . . i" -- ~ . ii - . ' . -' \ t ‘ I‘ “ . .
. - II . , I . '. . 1533 I,I,II gI :.'_ III,I lln ( I.” hosl nah ”Hummmn ('\l)t'll\ ill the held to stiirh the must illlllliAt‘I the iliilqriieiit oi l
‘ - - . ma ' i h ,u l llll ..l\i) oiitliiiid law's-[hires loi it’l'll”"""“"[ Wm” H“. “)HQH‘QJ‘I‘)“ “unldmg‘ ‘my l
> .i , . .- I ‘ . . '
. . ‘= ' .. . i .11. . r t . . r:‘ .4 «Mum. \iu. l. ill‘.illliL1 mil. \. liitl.li\ \\ll(i\t‘ Should the mpeits «'ii'it'm ”Hi” “i -l ”H ultiulim hi «(inform ;
i . . , , : .,I I, I . .. .II .. . 1 “oh lii'ir'llr \ \\t‘lt ten hincs do not me \\ith ortho~ ”IAN an error “as in\ol\ed. the toIoithodox teaehinus.
i .. . t. i Mi wail-ii iw‘. innrrslud nth i‘iiiiliillillliliti do\ ('atholii timid!!! theologian “I” l)" “”1““ to ”I“ (“Hm-PH”. between the i
. I - , .I tin .lm? ;: .i. D It an error is llagmm and Home to e\plain his thinking. new and old I\\aI\‘s of handling i
V , , l . ii. ., i. ‘ \o‘y e\pl.iined the \lsQi lo i)li\lltlls. the l)oeti'ine ol the hear the t‘\'|(l('llt't‘ against his cases oi doctrinal error lies Illl Ia l
. . I . . I wph 'loinlw ot the MARIN” linth (:ngy-(QI‘HHH “”1pr in- View and suggest ways to limit prousron iii the congregations l
' ’v. i. 1. our is :w . . - .. . . . , . "' . . .. . i
. II , . . t .. ..Iv .. \ H II I ( iiliLLit LIIIIIIIII to: the l)oetrme tum“ the theologians 1min“ thi dainaizi (l()llt l’.‘ dillusiou ol iiunth adoptid norms for
' ' , . Int \ in. rI I..Iii. _o:I o up. III the l“.tllll. the sen-rest pun, 'lxhe bishop is m in\ m- the sehol- his teat-hing. He also will he as— more eonsirltIation Iwith bishops I
‘ ' l'l i”i )Mr. I r- " - l i ‘ ~ ' . . s '.. - ' .. I ' 'I I i g V
, . . i ItI r I an? i I u “imp,” .m iirm-pentant ”ma“? ar' to mm,” hrs lllllllxlllIL'. .slILCIIt(l a llltUlUIL’ltJl .idiotati oIn .iIgnIi riIt icIoIloIizi iIn ind \Htll .
‘ . .. t or i. .ii ‘rlkt , . - - ~ . ~ . ‘ i .~ ‘ - i I - -. - ----_ 4
, ‘Ii‘Ww . “I ll ‘ I I’ I\ ran tan undergo ,\ l)t‘llli_( l,lI“.l\. } ll the mans works eontain who will litll) him dthnd his tic t 1(()\)IL{liIll]Illlll.\( l bcloic ai l
i -i' ' .I it -.«'! l .ltii ‘t'.ll _ . . " . v , , , ,
‘ V ' Mum“ [l r L a J H l i l l l \ listed .is an author in error .iiid mil) .1 lll\(‘lI\' or possible error. ll‘Nl'mL ”H“; "t ‘i ll” 51"" ”t'
l ' } \llll\(‘ \Uiihs .i'i’ lillllli. iii in t"
i ..: ii ltllll‘tll!\ , T. x‘ . 2r.
. v , ‘ l \ "‘ ‘ h i
' ' ‘ ‘ i ‘ a 7 ‘ QVCHI C" a '111” an 1 POW ‘
.,- ly irtlav ":\'l.( lia‘iiiaht all. NEXUII 1‘ b I 1 l b
' i v‘. 'I til: (liiiili hail llt‘li‘lit\ Y'i '( i
' iii-z .i w lwiitmil at th. trio \\ \ Hi \(.It i\ \I‘i l'iesi- tix'elIx the ehariman and ranltiniz sors, indicated ‘l‘hiirsday some \ixoii s $10 billion figure. ”9 y
. '2 i ii" i 4"! “‘lmlml l"l'“ :lent \i\on told ( onuiess lhiirs— lit*lilll)ll(':|ll on the House “it,“ atteiiil’It liliL’lit l)? ”‘31th l“ him}; ‘3”(lI lit“ PL!" “”“M 15m“ “”t”'
l J : ' in lax S-irliilliHiI-a—H'ai general and \li-.iiis ioiiririittee. \l'liii‘h it Hit liir :i \ote iii the \eliittt‘ ll limited”) in that sum by 1980
i I I ‘ .I i ‘ v. " n-\ t nne—sharini; plan \\Htll(lL’lii\\ \iillionsider the bill, it is bloelted iii the House i ii— beeaiise it would (Iiperate on a i
I ' l ‘ (ll)ll ['15 (4(1 ()( in? ‘lil.lilt .illI\ tr» Sit) billion by hepnhlir .m \en. Howard lrak- rler the ( onstitutron. the House permanent IappropriatioiiI of 1.3 i
I .. ' ' I " i ll\ll hill si'l will states and er o1 lennessee uho plans to originates. ta\ bills. . pertciit oi the nation s eon< S
I i - . 4 . “ i... lion-t lit't‘ " submit the .lillllllllsll'.llliill hill \monu details made public staiitly urowmcr personal ta\-
- ' -' " ' ‘ ) ‘ ‘ ‘ ) . . -»' l '30 . . i < ‘ . l" ' - it s l't\ “as ihl 'ineome.
‘ . n-\t liiisdb will . Lt)\l)tll tor llit rrst lllllt iiii <. I . c
. l i if ()I)[)’( 3511 ( l'» llc'\l(ltlil \ \IIM‘illlI iin-c. ( ‘ .
‘ i A ‘- .i . t . \.r_'.: ; l\t' «iiil\ t 7i'\'. tlt‘l.lll\ ml 0 O t r
. . : ,II. :»\\. i \z 1 iii l \ . It» iaexrmuh nnih‘stluseil E Hall rest Ell/t nnounces I}: a.
« .. ‘ .. i.’,. m ., JV. ill-l I ‘I , / . _.
. ' -" . ““3"" “‘l“"" M‘fl‘ “H ‘ inilnvhni; the Slit—billion truiire. g C
. m ‘. ' st~rz nentiiim . '-:\ti\I\'-\ in _intidistiliiiinatiori pro\isloii . . l
' ' . . ‘ 1 link" ' 'r.‘ t '
” ‘ " ‘ " "“ ““ ‘ D y C 9 Fire Extenswn .
‘ 'V " s .. W. ' - . ,.i \ 9. I‘ , . - / , i
' ' - W “ " .‘ ll" \, \ 1nd iL-Mriininiits tH \Hilh H‘lt - a gas / l S
. . : ~ .~ . i: . . t at“? '
. ’ _- .' ._ M i “'I " ' lei t‘nnisehes hm thes \\titll(l 0
' .L ‘ ' "“- ’ “l": ill\l:l< their \llll’ otthe money I“ The Assmiated Press of Israel‘s right to exist .l\‘ a nation with secure I
. 'i i‘ ' i‘ .r .i: x a i:'~i : Ens .. I i‘luypt's president. .-\n\\'ar Sadat. announced and r'eeognized boundaries and an Arab guar— i
.‘ ’ .' . x a 1., .\ . . ..i., :,..i .i., --::r? ::.i- plan \\<)Ilii"l .illm .itea rm" 'l'liiirsdas that his uoyerriiiient will obserxe a autee of Israeli shipping rights in the Suez (Tanal
- . 7 t, . .‘ \ii .. n. min. mm. “in... 3: " " 'l i (ll “I “‘ ”H m“ ' ' .itialax' extension oi the Middle luast eease—rrre. and the Strait of fir-an. t
. I I , .' . . i“ ... “V .9. . . . til\ to use an ' ' i
. " . ' . .i . . . -- ‘ ~. .t nl ll ““ "l" " “ l L liit h ' d imanded that Israel make a )artral ull- ~ . .
we “i d it *' l ' .. H’ t‘ I, lll\ H ”I” “ M l l . l . . . I! l 1). Sadat spelled out his proposals in a speech '
- i. _‘ I. “en-i. it pa “ . back of its forces from the Suez (.anal (llll'lllg I . . - ..
i , .:. ~ this \i\ori “I” would PM tl' . l to the Egyptian National Assembly. It ended (
, . ‘ . _ * ‘ ‘ ‘ _ us perioc. . . , l
.. swath: Mar: for “it no: mm“, ”mm. 1-“ the “Imp ”f , \\(‘(‘l\t\ of suspense over whether laqvpt would 5
. - u I ‘I I -. I ' _ I I~ . I I L“ I i .
.. . II . .rinm IIIIII \ rt II . II 1]. .i . I Sadat said that. ii lsratl .tcttpltd tnis coudi— resume hostilities “in", the ”“in 1
. I «v -- i ' h . ~"li‘iliii'i .\ umeinnient that are mos. - , in".-. .. i i . .1 n II r: .l « - » - - - NHL “7 U "1- (
: . I , ., I , . . I . 3. II tron. huipi stoou ream to open tie bun. Lana 3' it t“ ,1 }.I ..i I .i .. 12.] ,
.. , . . ., , . \t i. “dist. ”I“ II \IIIHNH. p loial “(Mia lt‘tllltt I . all ‘l' . ~. -. .. l' II . l . at a tlIll(( 11s proposa a mac ica espcri- t
. _ a . . i. l .. I , . . . . . , .42 uor (. s ripping. (,aiio rac io rcpoitec. I t" bil . ]f f I ld II I) . . I t
- . t\ tit - H l‘tliiu ll" iiiiissiiii-s liil lllflllt'l liliilX'll) .tllll ‘. l' ‘. . l . . II. I 1 . , I I II mcn on ( 1d 0 “0r 13(st lIl dnSWPI' O I
.v . _ = . . I I III , r-a ; I H .. Sm at s anxious} a\\aitec announcemcnt came I II 1‘ f 1' \I 9‘ .. it‘ .(~ I "l [v Tl' t
I _ .llli\ ., .. \_. . i. ex i. rm. sales “va eieate lll’\\ ltil)\ lll . II I t .- appc a s rom .. . . (Lit .lr}- 1(llt‘ia ldn l
- . , I - -t - ' a day before the expiration of the six—month . 1 1 ,. l I l, I
I . - . « '. t it” state—loud flii\t'l‘lllllt'lil\ lnniiel . . . . I «UK of 1” (“MUS- (l
I . r. .- _ I . cease—lire at midnight l‘lltliu. H‘ II 'l l“ . . ll , l l ..
-'.' .' , ,. 1*. II; i. I. .I MMII .i , i. li('\\ talent and .giiixm in state- .. . . , - . ( saic .gypt woii ( txtcnc tie euiient si
. . . »« . , ' . . - s . w r'- l 'l . l Israel ahead} has agreed to extend the truce. t' (., H M' “h — . } II t}  . . an initialiu. ir acccpttci. hc sai . thcx “(Hit 9' l' l' "il b" I. h 1-. . ..1 ., I .
. , rI I. . I I . . i ii -tn l -i h tit it .- i . u . . , . n . ' . . .acat lllk(( t is “it iis proposa to rroprn t
. . . - ' . - . it nu" in ..I.I . 9!. I. 1' l“ H d I.l . AI Iv‘lr lead to a real implementation of the L .X. } I 8 II (“I I] . .-,. .
, , _II . . .. _ IINI ..i IIIIIIIII I. II_\I no I sh "lli' . .- . _ 'i ., , _ . . ( ... .- t l( .iiu. .ana to lldVlLdthn.
-. . ,I . I ,~ .I_ —. ”mg rmni a]... “Hm l ' ~~ v~' ' .... L Sec-rum (.ounei. resolution of \o\. l.)(ir lil\lllI‘_I
.- I , ' », . \I . ‘ , I I I \ _ I ’ . . « ' . i . . . . '
_. . I ”I! - t - .ml we .. w '1': l‘ l" “l "‘i \l ‘l' "“l “"1“” down the guidelines for peace between Israel and lhe president said that in the period before [41
. ' ~ '5 . ' ”a. .. t , . . ' ‘ ' . I I . .— I u . . u .
’. .. . I- I, ... _- W. « .e 1?. .III:I .III lr“ l’” -‘ V' ”t“ l’“"““”~ the Aiabs. March 4. there should be a partial withdrawal U
‘ , .‘ ‘III ‘. st: min. HI we - . . :- ., tru l" ”'“Il ””m‘ ““‘l‘~ lr“ lhe c-oiinc-il resolution calls for Israeli with by Israeli forces from the canals east bank. into
> , ‘. , . ,. “iii, t. . .._ l“ “I “l“ l” I" “ “ "Midi“ ‘ drawal from all Arab territory St‘llt'd in the 196. Sinai as the first stage of a timetable for com—
' ' " ‘I‘ I , \ ""l ‘1‘” “WI." " ""' ‘l’l‘ ” Middle East war. in return for Arab reeognition plete (“Vac-nation."
K . II .. ' I " i.stlt'i '..l"" "u . villi r’ rlul \|l(t('\\t’\ \\!.i,l, mllp-ntici til!
' ' iv .‘ (I . ‘P ' 'l‘lt~|;' ‘ ‘i‘\lii!i\\ xiozilrl lii'\i". tn twill/Ni.” the O ) 1 t0!
'. ‘ .I L ’ 'I . .' , . _ I , . , l I I I ,
W :_ « - ~- ‘ H‘ W H i "'\I'i".‘\¢E-t ‘ )0 ‘t O 1 e t l l‘l L I t 1 SP
._ . . .. Beam 1 1 1 m .11 i 115 xpec ec
II‘II..II:-.V'I\I 'ilil'. li‘ r. 'Hv". _ ’iw rill‘_'t'\-. \‘lit‘l' "..1'. Y .l\l‘:i‘.t\ V thi
I" 'A.‘ ’ II‘ i r M L . ‘ "’ ‘.-. -I lit ii. u I . . i ‘e s. « “ v n ' i‘ x "A I L
- - ~ .' " 4 " i l " ‘ .“' “‘2 l" "‘ l‘ l HAXKPOR'I {Al’l — A s )e» ed red Thursda that his stall one \ote priiiciplc our-rides ”e
. v . 'iiit.r' ‘ r; l‘ylf ' i.. .;i .. .l. [1‘ ‘ ‘ L . ,r _
-. ‘ " ' ' . I ' " ' ‘ l ' . ' 'El‘ "H“ Llitl subcommittee on reappoi- has ”a couple ol alternatives. the state ban id
.. - . r» ‘ ' ' r ' ~ : ,_ \rw g3,” .i -. . , ,. ' _
I I . I ,- ~ . ' ‘ ‘” tronrnent is expected to rcccix e but declined to elaborate. The LHC toldthc rcappofirtion vet
I? 5 ' I. ' as man) as seVeu possible legis— The lawmakers therriselves merit subcomrmttce Jan. 1‘.I.Ithat .
‘ . . ’ " 3 ' I) lathe redistricting versions when have not been idle. Some hau- it probably would have a gen- .
. I. . . . .__..._..______...__~ Me! to “em! H orli's . , RC 'l . l .. . lb , '1 t1' i . -- ti r- the
. ‘ ' . ' H - it c1)ll\t‘lit‘.\ l‘ riday Visitedthe L i,“ ierc t it spac c cra ou lllc o a it appor ()Il 'in
g . ' . _, I i H l iI‘rIi R ll ll Hi3.) 1: Nt'xit y...» t’.il 2mm The Legislative Research Workis being done, to oHerplans merit plan by the lust week in ; bnc
, .I _ ‘ '- , . - 'II’II'II‘N'I‘III'I" ‘ ‘ t/vi .;. 1”: - . =\ :3? will i: we lil‘ i» n n u (kirnrnissiori stall has been draw- for their home districts. l‘ebruary. i (isi
, . - , I ‘v - I A. - . I _ _ .I . I . . . . ». II . i ~ .
’ . . . I” {1 ’ 3/ ""I l - ‘ w W" wt th~ “Intent .« mi in; up various plans since the One House member s typical The redistrictingcrisrsalready i (10\
.1 . r .u ' I1 . . «a ' ‘ ‘ . t. ' ‘ j 1
. . . _ I (J/ u .m- .' .. . mamas i n at tilllifl \\ ill suheorrimittee last met three comment; Here 5 what I (i like has caused political ripplcs. i In
.i ' .' ' V log Esplanodr war, l p n. and u Ill he weeks ago and ordered the prep- in my district. Do what you House Speaker _lulran Carroll, 1 'l )
' . i i .r i 'll"\‘.i d h\ in inloiinal (ll\tll\~ aratiUHS. W31“ With the QQUther districts. D-Padiicah, a candidate for lieli- F e:
.' . -. ' »' , n ., r. <,,, . . , _ -. , . . t . u
g '. . . I , I, Mm“ AmL'M’” 9"“ "“‘l‘ «on One report is that there no“ The Houseismpectedtoezinse tenant govcnior, recently called low
= . i' -‘ . xii \tn Lt l.ttest hooks are are four Senate and three House the major headache in redrawmg 0n Nunn, a Republican. to come
~ . . . 5. _ , _ , lhe lit Imiinlii-r I’m-ms" and proposals. boundaries because splitting ot up With his Views before the .'
. ' . '3 ‘ /.-//I,,, M.” /‘//¢;/I 4 4/7// .it minnow” \tteriiiiages Cov Louie B. Nunn has fixed contiguous counties is likely in special session begins. I
. ' ‘ ‘ . / ’ . . r - - . . ‘ ‘ . 7 '
- . r .‘ . ’ ”IN/’1’ // ’U /i-n " .r-nisol \hmltiiln lakalne Feb. 20 as the beginning of a as many as 30 or 40 counties. lNumi responded tartly that .
. ' . 'I - _ , In " special session to reapportionleg- The stei would be necessary the matter is in the legislative
i. '. I 1 ‘5. _f‘; if/////////’//// )fl/glfi lie is the editor of “odd islative districts as the aftemiath to achieve the ideal 32,“ p60- branch‘s jurisdiction and casti- .I
' ‘. . .' , I . . oi the liiirldlia” and t'H-alltlirir of the 1970 census. ple per House district underKen- gated Carroll for his attitude. Cl”
' ' - . '. . «it /.en l]i)t'lll\. l‘rayerx \er- The arrangement is defilgned tucky s population formula. The Carroll came back with the 3.".
3' ' " ‘ .v ' " ,1 2M; " 7/”) inoiis. \llt‘t'tl1)lt’\, Interviews.” to give urban areas such as Jef- theoretical Senate ideal is84,000. last word thus far, acknowledg— ma
- II _ - . - 7/77 ./fl ’ , ”7/” \l, \tryls .\ preselltl} a teat ll- ferson County and NorthemKen- Kentucky s Constitution pro- ing that reapportionment legally :‘llr
‘. J - . I, ~ er ni poetry cre.iti\e uritinu. tucky additional seats to com- hibits such splitting of counties isa legislative responsibility,but n.
g -I I , ,.\ .mrl writ-mil hit-mum- in \nrtli» pensate for their [minimum] for that purpose, bllt U5. DIS’ adding that the constitution re- :3“:
‘I I ' - . ~ \ em lllinois l ni\'ersity iUOWth m the PaSt decade. trict Court in Lexmgton recently quires the governor to make re- wee
. w ‘ " I r, ,. \ ' An LRC spokesman acknow- ruled that the federal one man, commendations, too. prior:
. , I ' I .- may
II . . , I -———-————— ——-———-_— on"
.' .* .‘ .r «P“‘ F L o w E R 5 room
. x I. . 4 fl. MMND mu 75c Tm: KENTUCKY KERNEL
. . , .
' . . - 777-6100 . . The Kentucky Kernel. University 'oo-
. . II . . i , ON "I“ MALL UM" 2-30 Station. University of Kentucky. Lex- FOR
. ' or "y unnooswuc IOAD llAN! ALLIN M°"-’5°'- mgt‘m- KentUCkY 40506- Second 01335 KllC
, I . . . ". I Except Holidays p‘osItIaie fnaidtat Lexingltclm. Kentucky. or
I . . . . a e we imes wee y during the Q46”
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. I. - . I . . ! OCCOSIOI‘ 7th . PlRAIOUNlPiClURtS M50415 1 periods, and once during the summer m
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 ‘ p
5 V f I l. 0 V.
—._____—_______.___—__._______—______—— THE kinV'l‘l '( KY [\F.R\El., lrrdas. [ch ’3. l‘l7l —-— . . ‘ ; .
. \‘ . I II -I
‘ 0t 1110 {lng 1‘0 Essor rreste( - . i i
l . . L . « 9 kc ,r . . ' '
l 1 \ \(.li.\.\ll'.\ It )_ (.alil, t( l‘Sl peyote. laylor‘. in an einotitiir in his rescart hes. and points out \t.itix s \lll‘lt'lil iii it “I. iti'r " iti‘ ti-riilili iii. .r ,l i .., '. I.
I” i —.\ \acrainento \tate ('olleue choked voice. asked them to that in the ease oi the religious \i din: layliii \ intintiiiiis t it tiiher .irtii h I "~ " f
N .. - A I . . '- 4
of , professor was suspended and ar- please allow me the right to he consciousness tlass. the data light up lll t lass iiiilii i- lit uli \ teat l.i r islii. ,iit-i .. .iti . ..i \ ,I' . .
my l rested after smokingand sharing arrested in the manner whith l on the suliieet matter iii the Illtl‘it’ .tutiiist him until tlii ital liliiii .tiiii, Mil .. W. ‘i. r T -. ' I - ,
in 3 a marijuana cigarette with \tll‘ feel will do the most good.” course is senseless unless t-ilt tiilliiuiiitLilax \slientlii-i tllt’lel tlii ‘tali ’ illwgi tl.’l ‘ iii» it i" '_. "
j. dents here recently. laylor. who says he smoked has alrcath e\perient i-tl this psv him at ll'tllit‘ l iilii 'i‘ t’)llll\t.llt'll a n 'E- .inin h HI \ .. “mini. '. . . ‘.
tl l (Ilark laylor. associate pro- not all semester during his re- cholouicalstate. ')\t‘l' tuo pounds oi niarnuani “In-n. righteous [Hamill tau“, , . . .
.H : fessor of anthropology. set the ligious consciouness class. asked lhe anthropologist wanted to from thi- prolessor a home and in!” in iii-nit min i. i} t ..,t. in”; .'- ‘ I ,. .

7 l . . .. .. ‘ . .' ' ‘
ml“ stage for his suspension by col— that the Whole niariIiuaiia (pit-s» be arrested on campus \\'lrllt' arrested him liir possession tit of ( .ililiiiiii.i triails all it,“ h. . - .I . .‘
H lege administrators by revealing tion be aired fairly. honestly. smoking niariiuauaso that useot marijuana for \illt‘. He \tas \ml in; in!” it“. n.- \\ ..t (In. I' I . .‘~. I-

f” 5 l his intentions to students in his and professionally.” lle belie\ es weed in classes could be under released on $3.200 bond her than he e\pet terl If: ' g" ‘iI- '
()r ..I . . ." . I.I I . .. . .3" .I II I . .I.I. II ,. .3

)ps . eIuilntionII ol litliuious (.on- InariIiuaiIia uw it within ”H. pIrottdurtsof tht(..iliforiii.i\t.itt \tudentsin laylor “III“ sup- ] ftp] 1 In“ w \hlwmhll .it . ..' I III
III.I I sciolIsncss SIM" . lmundaries of academic be- (“lbw ‘3 “0”" . lm'm‘l‘ tl'“ ported llllll throughout theseines- I‘m" dlm‘" ill“ “l“‘l" “mim‘” .- '
l’nor to his suspensioninl)ec— havior. in the pursuit andtrans- school suspendedhnnfor 30days. ter \\ he e\plained In ms . I . . 1 1““. left i,“ I. pilurnuagt I. I. I . ~I I, .'

ill'- i i . . - .. ‘. i. ." ..- ' . ..' . - i ' l ‘» .. . . w . . "".'Ai"”..
l cnibt r. ht told studtnts llt could mission olI knoultdgt. llt says iintil .lI htarinu would bt htld classroom ”W“, “.le consent (I, totaktIsat raintnts Iisitliiutnibt rI II .- .' ._ ..

no l()lIll!,It’r endure seeing the pain his niariIiuaiiaI and peyote e-\ to consider further action. . all members . . . .\\ I, mutually oftheI \imw \iuern dnt,l.nn.hI . .' I. ,. I .

of religions persecution and iiiis- pcriences are identical to rcliu- Despite a front-page article agreed upon ”I”, condition he said in a letter resigning fmn. _ ‘ I f a.

: understanding of marijuana and ions expenences he has read of in the State llornct. Sacramento namely. that if anyone decided the college. He retouruled that I'I . .' II

. o . . that they did not wishinarijnana ll" Iwi“ ””t film”! It" Wt it . ’. . -II I
H ousm Researchers Face lelts i... m... . . . ..i i... mi imm mm... m... . -. ~

le Q. I , , “.0 would immediately stop.” thef facultyI on IcharuesI of un- ‘ 1
o- . _ pro essiona cont lltt int restate , i.

i Continued from Page 1 be shut off at an arbitrarv oint “If the committee dectdes l.ast smug laylor wrote an ,. ~ . ~ .i . _ , . .' ' . . .
.0 .. , . _ ~ , . . . . capital s \‘Httlt hunt atniospht re. , . . .4 - .

a A5 f1" ‘15 high-rises—stack- —perhaps 25,000 or 3.3.000 stu- there is a need for apartments, article for the Hornet in \\'lll(‘ll and left ”fur“ the scheduled ‘ . I. .. . I .' .
.3 mg halls in 20 or 23-story build- dents. dormitories. or co-op housing, he announced he was a homo— hum-"um“ “Wk _ g ' -

n- ings, crowding students into a Administrators are already then it