xt7v6w968j4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w968j4d/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1919 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_066 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 066 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 066 1919 1919 2014 true xt7v6w968j4d section xt7v6w968j4d   . fr
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A W A''' G rzrr iw  
’ Extension Division `
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L FRED MUTCHLER, Director `*“ ’ “ “'
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FIG. 1.—·Tl1ese results were set·11i·•>¤l hy tliw ntlditieui of mc-nt meal to the
Ill‘Il4S I'2lIi¤>Il.
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work car-
ried on by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of
Kentucky, with the U, S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed
In furtherance of the work provided for in tl1e Act of Congress oi
May 8, 1914.

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C;ii=2<;tJi.AR No 66 is   *‘‘*‘ "
FE l
In order to secure winter egg prodtietion it is absolutely new
sary that the hens be properly fed. lf they are fed only il grain ri-
tiou they should not be expected to produce winter eggs. ln zxtltlltie:
to the grain a dry mash mixture containing such ingredients as nm; (3;
scrap. meat meal. or a high grade ot digester tankage, added to the l`
shipstufff ground oats, alfalfa meal, or corn meal must be fed. (Se
page il for ration.) i
Feeding Suggestions. (U
It should be remembered that no one ration will fit all conditions.
The cheapness atid availability of the feeds should he consitleterl
Ready»mixed poultry niaslies are very saitisiactory and, if readily
. available and not too high priced, may be ted.
lf corn and corn meal are the only available feeds. a dry mash t2}
{ of three parts corn meal and two parts meat scrap should he Ietl wrt
` the whole or cracked corn. ln this ease the hirds should be inadeizi
` consttme twice as niticli grain as mash. hy weight. i
Feeditig should he done at regular hours. preteralily twice a day
once in the morning antl once in the evening, i
Keep the water pans clean and lilletl with pure. fresh water.   A
It skim-niilk is fed, avoid clianging from sweet to sour, or the tel *—~'
verse. It is best to 1`eed sour milk eoiitiiiiioiisly. i
\\`hile the appetite should always he kept keen. iievertlieiess  
' birds should be ted all they want to eat.  
Feeding is hut one ot the four essential means of securing hy}
egg-production. The other three are: pure-hreil liirtls ot a liigli-1.j-~.
ing strain; strong. vigorous and healthy hirtls; and a eoiiifort;[:Z42 .\i
house with plenty ot room for e>;ei·t·ise, l-`rom this it may li·· st-el Tl
that correct feeling alone cannot give inaxinzuni t-ggYprotliit·tii»i;. i reduce
Necessity of A Meat Fecal.   ` Ul?
The fact that at meat t`·~t·tl i-= es:=t~iiti;il is t·lt·ai·ly hroiiglil out W li.
an experiiiient i·¤>vt·riiig at peritiil ot` twelve moiitli: eoiitliieteil at K?  
lieiitutlzy l·1>;i~· riiiient Station poultry t`arrxi. ts ·e t‘Ttl on title paw  
'i`E.ix·ty S. fi', \‘»'i ite I,»uEioi·ii t¤ill~ts v·.·;·~~ ·ii·.LtEt~l iii2»· two  i;— ~"°  
ezteh, letli. t—·!.s l`·t*l‘»ill; lll*'>.1lllt‘1|illll!.1'l~ll_ ltti I i·t·ix·tl .it1.=i ]_m;>,,,
tit` etittzil parts tltl`Il itt·:il, Z~i‘;;ti, itiiiltllitisr. ·,i·it1ti~l it.ll\ ;iii·l i;i·.t< iii (lp; >g_
wltile l‘·ti I l`•’t‘t ;·.··l the s.iiii»- tttztslt ltiilzlis ti.-- iii·:it iiieall l't·ii I :o—'·
auetl ltitt 2li.•i ·::s t··~t‘ l»ii‘·l t`··i· \l.· y·;ii·, wl.i!~ ti.·» ii.·:it iiiezil t~·¤i   Tp!
` ziuetl lyk;) <·::s t·~-t‘ l·i1‘·l, sinowiiiu that the addition of uteat: m0;i1t0lLl
mash nicreasctl the egg proditctioit about live times,
_ At lite l'¤ir·lti· l·Zxt»ei·iiii·iit ! l*liilit·si· {Ml _'°"' y,.“N
pens ot \\'iiiL·· l‘iytti··titli l;=·i-lt piillt ts tor iiii····· yt;ii·s_ t·.it·li pen t·oiisl~iiT? lim} N
oi` 120 ltitwls. l\ll tens r··<·i-i1··l the saint- ;i·;iiii i.itioii atitl the szimt iii.l>¥_ yvu Y
with th~· <:x¤·i·titi»»i1 ot` the tiie;it·st·1`;ip iieii which hail mi-at : . IM ~1‘ L10
  1Z;111~·)' lll <¤1' lflli
  \\1.·-.11 1** ··1‘ $*.1
1 1 1-] 1.1.s.
" 1;) 1'1¤'lll41S Lgtiarts `
W <`t.t· 1{·11 *`··1ll . 7*1 nr JJ
Q_ |1l.1·.;.* wats ZM 111* 111}
11; 11-0 Lbs.
Au (O) M 1l1s_ (til) l1$,1 *`1:1·*1<···1 <`·~1‘l1.
h; 1 l
if ~ Dry Mash Mixtures
lu) 1'¤¤`lll#1$ kJ11:11*t:<
S:,1;1~1¤1T1` 1** MY *?'*‘;
ML ·`·11·11 A1»;1l :·· ··t* lj
pi ·21*·1=111·l ··:11> -*' ·t1` ·1'>1;
wlv '_\11 ll 51 [J]- _lI ntl'  
" _1~·1 1.11S.
rh 121 .
  l`··*1t11s Q‘111l`15
·*1 s..;;·~t·1:2‘ T~*·   in
*lZ§ ~`~1:1 j·.l·.1. .·· ··:* ;T
1 j1l·.,i 5 ·:.1;· 2* ·*1’ ll
li?  -1*-11.15.
1 ·~:, li 3..;.1.;; 1..:.1.1-;   ;·· .e·-1
; l‘·.· .:.~1s 1;*::11:s
M! (UI ~` :1. }.!·   it   2-1
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gy" 1§:·~.*.. ·».1‘» ,·   MF;
.1.;.1.:. ).1·.1i     ;T
1§’» r;·`1l.i>.
{tie .\.ll}` ohh 1.11 11111 ;1*;1i11 111ix1111*1·s may l>·· tl-tl with :1115* of 1l11» mashos.
=1-; 'l`l1·· ;1*111111·1 1.·.iZs .11111 k'1>l`ll 1111111 lll 111;1>11 111i;~.1111‘t· N11. 1 may be
. rcd11¤1·1l11> 15 lhs. t·11··h 111111 lll lhs, tl> 11ts.,1 111 ll11.11i.1 111t·al addud.
()j»‘sl**l‘>11··11¤¤1‘!1`·»L1i111111t1·*.l1tl11*. 111f1·;1 :1*11 11!111111;11`t‘0;11S1111111·l he
110111 i»··1`111*t* l1l¤* l·11*·1s :11 all 111111*5,
11* '1`·~ Z——~~~".   1· >.·11’~»11:*! *1 **.11 ~ :**Z— i~·i ‘j.‘:111·*—.-
5; 1»··:*;:..~:.·     ;;1 * 1· 1{·1.1·;1 .;.   ~·: ~·~· #·     ··*3.· :.111:1
if {111::1 .1.   '. l·`~_ t1\l*15*   **·i~, 1*.* » \.‘j. E ‘ —   Z5.1`.`1`{ 1**
1* 11··`.—·1;. ;~*.Z.»t~,   1~,'E·‘. 1x·1·- ·::*.   *‘-» ‘~ .:* ‘·*— ·~i ZT 1~1t·j~
  **Jl1‘1. as 1..1111.* .   3:.   x:.·~1* .11.; -:·   .·\ :··~>>.l~,·. 'l` ~
*` l·11*·1> \1·1·· ktga  1 1‘1’.¤·1.1 1 ·     ·:; * · >.t:.»· l1.1;~1 ·f
-=` 1.·>1;>~s .1:··l :·1i 1% . :1· :..*1··11, 'l`. ·- 1:.5 1.1:; 1: . 1..1-1 ~1* was 11..1: ·.·i
F` t11·; >1.·Z1»;~·::1;.:.. :;..1*·1,.1l ..:1ll 4111.
;`,'.," T11 1** UF \‘·`· !`·*   1· <1 as 1`·~11·¤\1*>.
1 11111 11;.‘11ZY1§`§f}
  11*11 NH-] NM i1`1l. N11 11}>i· 1* :~11¤ 11 . .. ....  . C11
5;;] 1:*11 XM. I 1~ 1* s11t111 . ... . *1*
HQ 1**11 Nt. 4 li1¤1i1 :1*11 ;1111l ;1·1»11111l l11111*s1»·111· . Y1
`mzj It may lt<· sw ll I`l`¤¤lll this t:tl»l1~ that lime is Z1 limiting factor iu egg
IETOQUCEIQII :11111 11l;l1 it may 111- I`\ll`l11S1l<*<1 lll 1111* I`1·1‘111 of 0)'s1¢*1` $111*11 UF
ggxlaitl 11111iist_·¤111·. '1`hw grit usyd cttiitaiiiud lit111~ or 1111 lime and did not
*3' SM ‘I0i`ll\1Xlg matcrial.
°·\ UUU1IllCl`&‘11\1 11111110 for a by-prodtict from 1111* 1*2\C1i1l'lg 1101151*S.

 ` Green feed should be fed during the winter and also during thy;  
summer if the birds are in confinement. Some of the best green teens  
are sprouted oats, mangel beets, cabbage and kule.  
How to Feed.  _ 
The grain mixture should be scattered in at straw litter from six  ,  
to ten inches deep; about one-third the total amount in the morning  
and two—thirds in the evening. The birds should be made to scratch  
hard and work hard for every grain they get. The dry mash should  gf
be placed in a hopper (see Fig. 2) and kept before the birds at all  
—_ " j, v·   ,; Q ,   { *     i lé ·V‘, · _ {gt g` p -‘.·¢.;,, ._;   IF Q  
:. {   l X- - "·i'? ·‘ ` Q lr ` %-v° » ‘!i‘¤“··¥;·> ¢   ".·"' T"! '·  `·- Q ·
    `E      .;-]._·v ·_ , i. · t   ' ‘ _   1  
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  ,,  ‘  
1 is  -%     ‘ Q   I I  L `
  ij€‘>*" * ,‘ “   ~i°·=r` ``‘‘ f· ‘  
5  egcs;   ‘ . { ‘ f  c
*35 ` l .,·  
i" ‘ !’:Eu_   V .
i  ,. "r:;;,_-· e.,   ‘ _ ` · ¢?‘*>"`·_  I Qi 
l ;Z`>*·;(;(;- ;·1'_ _ —. If · “ · "   ` . -, -..·*,ek}'  A
  L-{»_;—.»>._,' -`lj,;'1.`i- `;$___<__._ -   V4. , ».7 , Z ,-{‘,/CT  -‘
‘ ti s     : ·‘ _ - L' r am. ‘··,.     2.   i ,.4/   QJ   .
FIG. 2.-Dry mash feed hopper for laying hens, placed on rt pl;iii`~»r·· `
to allow maximum Iloor space, and to keep struw out of the mush.