xt7v6w96809h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w96809h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-05-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 21, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 21, 1943 1943 1943-05-21 2013 true xt7v6w96809h section xt7v6w96809h Dt?oi


The Kentucky Kernel

Drpiff All Rumors
School Closes June



Kentucky Drop T
To Cincy Player





Committee Approves
Land For Field House
Executives Give
Formal Acceptance
Formal approval of the purchase,
at the cost of $55,000, of the Deve-reu- x
property on Euclid avenue as
the site for the proposed field house
was given by the executive committee, of the Board of Trustees
Monday. The committee also approved the construction of a coal
distillation pilot plant laboratory
near the power plant on South
Upper street.
With the exception of four lots,
the entire plot needed for the field
house has now been acquired. Four
lots on Euclid avenue between Lexington avenue and Rose street were
recently purchased, and negotiations are under way for the remaining sections on Rose street,
Euclid avenue, and Adams street.
The laboratory will house equipment necessary for
study, authorized by the past state
legislature. That body appropriated 15.000 for this work. O. Moss
Patterson, chief of the state's
mines and minerals department,
said that information gleaned from
the research would be available to
all coal producers in Kentucky.
A gift from radio station WHAS.
Louisville, which enables the University to double its number of
mountain radio listening centers
and the gift of 18 .500 from the
Rorkefeller foundation to be used
for historical research were accepted by the committee with gra-

Kentuckian Readers
The Editor of the
tuckian announces an
the Beauty Queen section.

Kenerror in


Class To Begin

Monday, June
For 10 Weeks



Army Takes Over
McVey Basement
For Canteen Use


Looking more like an army
canteen than the bookstore and
post office of a civilian university, the basement of McVey
hall is gradually adjusting itself to tlie accommodation of
some six or seven hundred soldiers every day.
From 3 to 6 in the afternoon
and from 10 to 11 in the morning, the Army descends into the
basement and takes over. A
civilian doesn't stand a chance.
The bookstore, long the haunt
students in the
pre-wdays, has
doubled its stocks and has even gone into the drugstore business. Toothpaste, soap, combs
for the soldier.
Even a supply of socks, belts,
and other regulation Army
equipment is offered. The busy
bookstore opens at 8 a.m. and
closes at 7:30 p.m., two and a
half hours later than in the
Soldiers now have regular
mail boxes in the University
post office. Miss Carrie Bean,
postmistress, explains that the
old schedule is still in effect
and that every effort is made
to distribute the mail by 9:30
a.m. and again between 3:30
and 3:45 p.m.





Independents Spagnuolo, Hurt
Elected To Top SGA Offices
Independents Lead


Clique With 16
Legislators To 12

Highest; Seven
Get 3. Standings

In one of the University's meet
Zeta Beta Tau made the highest
closely contested elections. Vincent
average scholastic standing as well
Spagnuolo. Independent candidate,
as the highest average standing of
was chosen president of the Stuactives among the fraternities for
dent Government association for
the winter quarter.
the coming year.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha
Jimmy Hurt, Independent, was
Gamma Rho were second and third
with averages .of 1.485 and 1.482,
Representatives elected are alSigma Chi made the highest av
most equally divided between IndeYM-Y- W
erage standing for pledges with a
pendents and Constitutionalists,
standing of 1.500.
with the Independents leading 18
Fraternity men who made perto 12. The upperclass representafect standings were: Reid B. Engtive from the engineering college
land, Alpha Gamma Rho; Ralph J.
was not elected because neither of
Eschborn. Alpha Tau Omega. Atlee
the candidates qualified.
Wilson, Phi Delta Theta; Richard
mie TUI 90
S. Arnspiger and James Saunders.
Interest In the election seemed
Sigma Alpha Epsilon: William O.
greater than usual with approxiLaslie. Sigma Nu; and William E.
mately 900 students voting.
Jimmy Hurt .
Nolan, Triangle.
Vincent Spagnuolo
Independents elected as repreComplete standings and rankings
Indendent inndidule, was sentatives were :
prrsi- follow:
. . . is the nrulyeleeted
All service men on the campus
Arts and sciences, underclass
1.575 dent of the Student (,nern- - eleeted
1. Zeta Beta Tau
id the men. .Bill Barton, Williamsburg.
are invited to attend the last regu1.485
2. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
in- meeting of the year at
Morrison Swift. Lexington; upper-clalar YM-Ymen! ussiH iation. tie u us lite. Sludrnt (.merriment
3. Alpha Gamma Rho
6:30 p. m., Tuesday. May 25, in the
woman. Anita Roos. Lexingturn.
Independent nirulidiite.
4. Phi Delta Theta
Music room of the Union.
5. Kappa
Norman Chrisman, new president
Fleishman and Betty Tevis, both of
8. Alpha Tau Omega
of the YMCA. will preside. . The ex1.337
7. Delta Tau Delta
ercises will be opened and closed
Agriculture, man. Osborn Judd.
8. Kappa
with group singing led by Prof.
9. Sigma Chi
' Helen Bradford. Butler; underclass
L. H. Horton.
10. Sigma Nu
A short worship service will be
woman, Amelia Mason. Rusaellvilie
11. Triangle
All seniors who did not take
conducted by Carolyn Spicer. new
12. Phi Sigma Kappa
president of the YWCA. Flowituberculin tests and
Merl Baker, Hopkinsville. Walton
13. Phi Kappa Tau
ng the worship services. Bart Peak,
week must do so Wednesday.
Wright. MMersburg.
YMCA secretary, will give a short
May 26 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
informal talk.
at the Health building, accordMargaret Newell. Bronston.
Because of the demand for teaching to an announcement from
The YW cabinet will meet in
On recommendation of President
ers of physics and mathematics in
Prof. Wilbur A. Heinz, assistant
Peggy Howard. Wallins Creek. Mar-jor- ie
Herman L. Donovan a number of Miss Oa fees' office and the YM
connection with the Army Specialprofessor of hygiene and public
Palmore, Horse Cave.
Edited by Robert M. Spragens
appointments were made, resigna- board will meet in the lounge fol
ists Training program, the Univerhealth.
Law. Winston Hendrlckson. Four
and featuring an article by Dr.
tions accepted, and leaves granted. lowing the meeting.
two refresher
sity is offering
The new cabinet members of the
Charles Smith, associate professor
Patsy Drane, night supervisor of courses in these subjects under the
YMCA were installed at a midnight
Graduate chML, man. Ray Garof political science, the May issue Patterson hall last year. Is now a Engineering, Science. Management,
ceremony held recently at Camp
woman. Betty
rison. Scottsvllle;
of the Kentucky Law Journal also social worker with the Louisville War Training program as authorizan- Daniel Boone at the YM-YDew. Lexington.
contains a leading note by Dr. Al chapter of the American Red Cross, ed by the United States Office of
teresttng story. Especially when
vin E. Evans, dean of the law col according to an announcement re- Education.
Clique Electa 12
Inaugurated were
nual retreat.
lege, and eight student notes.
Designed especially for members
ceived Monday.
Constitutionalists elected as repNorman Chrisman.
Dr. Smith's article discusses
After Miss Drane received her of the University staff, the courses
resentatives were:
Prof. Carl A. Lam pert, head of Bruce Kennelly.
"President Roosevelt's Attitude To- B. S. degree In August, 1941, she be- are open also to other interested
Athletic authorities at the Uniupperclass
the department of music, will pre- Jimmy Hurt, treasurer; Russell
wards the Courts." The dean's note came a night supervisor and did persons. No tuition will be charged versity expressed confidence this Margaret Erskine, Danville: man.
sent the University philharmonic Conrad, secretary: Merl Baker,
is entitled "Proximate Cause, Setbut enrollees will be required to week that the Wildcats would field Bill Embry. Lexington.
graduate work In social work.
orchestra in its last concert at 8 publicity; John Ewing. spiritual
tlement. Last Clear Chance, StandIn her present position, she as- buy their own books.
a "football team of some kind"
Arts and. sciences, upperclass
p.m. Tuesday in Memorial halt
and Luigi France, literature.
Dr. W. S. Webb, head of the next fall and offered the hope that women. Alice Watkins.
ard of Care in Emergencies."
sists families of service men in
A new composition by Professor
assists physics department., i teaching the other
Conference Frances Jtnkins. Nashville, Tenn .
Students who have no'es publish- getting their
Lamport. "Victory Bells," will be
physics course which began Wed schools would do the same thing.
ed in the Journal are Henry H. with their financial planning, and
leatured on the program.
29 . Bramblet, John E. Howe, Barbara works out general welfare prob- nesday. It meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. Kentucky underclass women, Betty Ann Gin- Quest artiste will be Anita Roos.
on Mondays and Wednesdays in representative and secretary of the occhio. Lexington. Mary belle Cal
Moore. Helen Stephenson,
and lems.
soprano. Lowry Kohler, tenor, and
Pence hall.
Southeastern group, said a meet- vert. Maysville. Mary Brewster
Bunny Boone, harpist.
Dr. C. G. Latimer, professor of ing would be held in Atlanta next Phelps. Cloverport: upperclass men.
The staff for this issue, which is
A seven weeks' Nurses' Aid
The University has been desigmathematics, is teaching the mathmonth to determine definitely what Jay C. Doyle. Lexington, Jimmy
nated in postal zone 29 by Post selected on a basis of scholarship,
class will be offered at the Good
ematics course which began last the Big 12 would do on the grid- Saunders. Hopkinsville: underclass
hospital between 1
master Roy F. Williams, who re- includes, in addition to the editor,
night. This class meets from 7:30 iron next fall.
cently inaugurated the zoning sys- Bramblet,
The exact date of man. Buddy White. Williamsburg.
and 3 o'clock each afternoon
to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and the meeting is to be determined
tem in Lexington in order to ex- Miss Moore. Leo Oxley, Scott Reed,
beginning May 31. Mrs. John
Thursdays In room 106 In McVey later.
Eloise Bennett, Williamsburg.
Miss Stephenson, Ira G. Stephenpedite the mails.
W. Good will teach the course.
sponsor a
The outing club will
Dr. Hobart Ryland, head of the hall,
All students are asked to Inform son, W. H. Fulton, and James ColApplications should be made
"So far. Florida is the only
Spagnuatl Active
hayride from
to 11 o'clock to
Both courses will continue for a
to Mrs. Good at the hospital
their correspondents of the Uni- lier.
Southeastern Conference school to
night. Helen Harrison, co - presi
Spagnuolo. commerce sophomore
has recently received a commission period of 12 weeks,
Professor Roy Moreland, of the
versity zone number.
between 10 and 12 a.m. on
lient. is in charge of the arrange
as captain in the United States
Persons who would like to take abandon football since the war from Cumberland, has served for
law college, is faculty editor.
will be written with the zone numTuesday and Thursday and bepointed the past year as a representative
ments. Anyone wishing to go is reArmy. He will report June 8 at the these courses, in order to prepare started," Dr. Funkhouser
Members of the staff now in the
ber between the name of the city
tween 3 and 4 p.m. on Tuesday.
quested to leave his name at the
United States Military academy at themselves for work in this de- - out. "Some of the others have of his college in the SGA legislaand the state thus Lexington 29 armed forces include William
Union information desk.
Point, where he will begin veloping field, may still enroll. The been talking about it but they have ture. He is sports editor of the
Carleton M. Davis. Marcus West
Immediately to Instruct courses fh first meetings were merely for the not decided definitely to stop the Kentuckian.
former staff writer
Chaperones are Dorothy Collins.
The move was made in an at- Redwine. and Pollard White.
purpose of organization and the sport."
and advertising manager of The
social director of the Union; Rosa
tempt to make mail deliveries more
"We'll probably just have a Kernel,
Granted a leave of absence from actual Instruction will not begin
of the Newlie Oaks. YWCA secretary, and Mr.
quickly as new postoffice employbunch of boys right out of high man club, and a member of the Acthe University, Dr. Ryland expects until Monday and Tuesday.
and Mrs. A. B. Kirwan.
ees will not be able to sort mail
school." Dr. Funkhouser said, "and tivities and House committee of the
to resume teaching here at the concorrectly
until they have had
It wont be anything like big-tiUnion board.
clusion of the war. He came to
lengthy training.
football. But if they want to play,
Hurt, arts and sciences sophothe University in 1935.
Bruce Kenelly has been elected
let them play."
more from Hard burly, served as
president of the Phalanx fraternity,
recently chartered social organizaCoach Ab Kirwan decided to freshman representative to the
Outstanding in the nation's war
forego spring drills in March, when legislature and was chosen to All
tion lor men.
effort is a former University proit became apparent that virtually an unexpired term at the beginDr. Charles A. Shull of tne UniOther officers include Russell On
fessor. Major General Allen Wyant
Conrad, vice president: Milton
versity of Chicago will be the prin- all of last year's squad would be ning of this quarter. He is presiGullion, 62, who Is provost marshal
President and Mrs. Herman Lee cipal speaker at 6:30 p.m. today at in the armed forces before next dent of the Pitkin club, treasurer
secretary: Jimmy Hurt,
general of the United States.
society, sectreasurer; and Bill Embry. chap
General Gullion, who is a native Donovan cordially Invite the trusthe 22nd annual banquet of the fall. The lone remaining member of the
Materials which will be placed in
yiLSTION: Hw does
the new Confederate room of the of Carrollton, is in charge of train- tees, faculty, alumni, seniors, and University chapter of Sigma Xi so- of the 1942 squad was a freshman retary of the YMCA.
Those recently pledged to mem- University library will be placed on ing and commanding military po- guests of the graduating class to ciety at the Lafayette hotel. Dr. reserve end.
be a private?
the Independent party.
Spring football drills were abanbership Include Clyde Parker. Mil exhibit In the main foyer of the lice, supervising Internment camps Maxwell Place at 4 p.m.. Thursday. E. W. Fergus, president of the KenLeonard B. Allen. Agriculture,
ton Kafoglls. Bob Rogers. Norman building for a week beginning Sun- for aliens, and setting up military June 3, immediately following the tucky chapter of the organization, doned this year by some of the oth
Largest la History
senior: Well. I don't mind it just
baccalaureate service.
will preside.
er conference schools which had
in conquered terriJimmy Hurt. Russell day, May 29.
Conditions under which the new
a little sore.
Dr. Shull taught at Transylvania been heavy losers to the armed Assemblv will work will be considPictures, books, pamphlets, and' tories in order that the civilian
Conrad. Earl Hoyes. Bruce KennelJim Carroll, A&S, senior: Just ly. M. D. Van Horn, Everett Burton. other historical materials belong population may be controlled and
college from 1906 until 1912. and forces. However, such institutions erably different from those in the
grand, simply grand. Everything is William R. Nickell. Charles Thomas ing to the United Daughters of the safeguarded.
was head of the botany depart- as Tennessee and Georgia Tech. past. Taking office under the newprivate except your life.
While professor of military sciClarence Geiger. instructor in ment at the University from 1918 among others, retained the proly adopted Constitution,
Confederacy will make up the col- Rupley. Frank Smotherman, Robthe Assembly, which replaces the old legr.erald SchaflTer. Agriculture, sen- ert E. Davis, John Ewing. and Wal- lection I or me room, ine organiza- ence and tactics at the University, English, was presented by Phi Beta, until 1921. He has been a member gram.
fraternity of of the faculty at Chicago since
islature, is the largest in the hisior: It feels really wonderful to lace Sloan.
tion is lending the material to the General Gullion did work in law national women's
tory of SGA. Membership has been
know someone is Interested in you.
Bart Peak, YMCA secretary, was University in order that historical and received his LL. B. degree. He music, drama, and the dance, at a leaving Lexington.
The following persons will be
and believe me. Uncle Sam is real- chosen as fraternity mentor.
increased from 22 to 29 by the new
materials might be brought togeth- is also a graduate of Centre col- program meeting Monday. He read
lege, Danville, and of the United "The Snow Goose" by Paul Gallico. initiated at Friday night's meeting:
ly interested. He gets you up early,
er in a permanent location.
of H. P. Orem and Luther B. Turner,
Wanda Austin,
feeds you. then gives you physical
For the first time since SGA was
The University has acquired ad- States Military academy at West
alumni members: Harry Allen and
Phi Beta, introduced the speaker.
training till you can't even pick up
founded there is no woman in an
ditional materials to add to .those Point.
Francis T. McGuire. active memexecutive position although women
a little knife and fork with which
of the UDC.
Prof. E. W. Rannells. head of the outnumber men in
you would ordinarily eat again.
bers: Kathryn Challinor. Henry T
the enrollment.
department, has been elected The position of women's
Eigelsbach. John S. Hannan, Mar- art
Boys, it is really O. K.
Elizabeth Hickman, home ecots
tha C. Hannan and Ida M. president of Phi Beta Kappa,
was abolished with the adopnomics junior from Woodburn, and
Bob Hillrnmeyer, Commerce, senScharfshwerdt.
associate members learned society.
tion of the new Constitution.
home economics
ior: I think it's fine it gives the Alice Freeman,
Other officers chosen are Dr. Paul
seniors an opportunity to get the freshman from Lexington,
O. Ritcher. assistant entomologist
will entertain with
been awarded Danforth Summer
private's side of the picture.
at the Experiment station,
By Florida (iarrison
a dance from 4 to 5 p.m. Saturday
Hob Conway, A&S, senior: From fellowshiiK. These awards are basDr. L. L. Dantzler. head
Not many persons can simultan- - day and from 1 to 7:30 on Tuesday
upon qualities of scholarship, in the card room of the Union
lieutenant to private overnight was ed
of the English department, secreeously check coats and books, check and Thursday. "And. when there
a sharp drop, but it's nice to feel potential leadership, health, and building in honor of the soldiers out magazines
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch's lecture tary; and Dr. A. W. Server, assist
and newspapers, is something happening on Sunday.
SuKv and the Student Union
stationed on the campus.
that I'm doing my part. At least, religious development.
handle mail, answer questions, and I'm here then, too," she remarked. on "The Future of the Small State" ant romance language professor.
wiU entertain the students
ComMiss Hickman will spend two
tlicy can't call us "Junior
carry on a running conversation
No stranger to the Union before which was scheduled for Friday
and soldiers of the University camweeks in St. Louis, Mo., studying
mandos"' any longer.
Retiring officers are Dr. D. V. pus with a sing at A: 45 p.m. ThursColwith passersby. but Dorothy
her appointment as social direc- May 28. has been cancelled.
probAl Crows Agriculture, senior: The industrial food production
lins, new social director of the Un- tor, Dorothy could be found almost
The former head of the political Hegeman. president; and Dr. C. C. day.
army is like a wrestling match, you lems. Both of the girls will spend
Both Held behind Memorial hall, the
ion building, can and what's more, any Tuesday night in the Y room science department, who has been Carpenter,
don't know whether you're up or two weeks at Camp Miniwanoe.
where she directed the activities of serving with the State department Dr. Dantzler and Dr. Server were program will allow soldiers time to
Dr. Margaret M. Ratliff. assistant she loves it.
Mich., for leadership training.
down. One day a cadet lieutenant,
return to barracks. Miss A d e 1 e
Dorothy, a Lexington girl who the Freshman club of which she in Washington for the past year, reelected.
professor of psychology, will ad. the next day an army private.
dress a meeting of the Dutch graduated in March from the ag- was advisor. While a student she will be unable to come to LexingTom Sawyer, Engineering, senior:
Mildred Lewis, the song director.
Lunch club at noon today in the riculture college, was chosen the was also a member of the YWCA ton for the speech because of ofOn
All soldiers
It doesn't bother me in the least;
stationed on the
Union's social director following cabinet, the Home Economics club, ficial duties.
Y lounge.
In fart. I'm enjoying it.
He was chosen ax the fourth
campus and all students are lnvtted
The Girl Reserves of University the resignation of Miss Rebecca and the Women's Administrative
speaker in the annual series of leccouncil.
to attend the all University affair.
Brid B. England,
WAA's annua camping trip for high school will be the guests of Van Meter on April
The 1!M3 Kentuckians will be n
senior: Pretty bad at 6:00 o'clock all members will be held this week"I like being able to stay at UK." tures by outstanding professors in
the club at the meeting.
Besides keeping the information
12 nmn, and
sale from 9
in the morning otherwise, O. K.
desk two hours a day, Dorothy Dorothy said, commenting on her the arts and scieuce college.
end at Herrington lake
from Vi.T.n to 3 p.m. today in the
works with the Student Union new position, and she added that
But. Ah! the real QUESTION:
All women who plan to attend
Krntut-kiaGraduating seniors who are resboard and committees and plans one of the best things about it is
How does H frel to be a private's should sign up before noon today
McVey hall.
idents of Shelby house are being
open houses for the being where there are so many peowife?
Dr. Henry H. Hill, former dean dances and
in the office of the Women's gymThe annuals are mw available I given a Dicnic bv the other resi- Dr. Jesse E. Adams, head of the
of the University, who is now sup- soldiers. She also acts as hostess ple around all the time. With a
Mrs. Joe Bwhnaa: I've lost my nasium.
all students at the cash sale price ) dents Saturday njght t Castlewood
now I'm just "Mrs.
Transportation to and from the erintendent of schools at Pittsburg, at these soldier affairs and other friendly smile and a cheerful man- department of philosophy of edu- of $4.30
advise, or cation, will speak at the commencepark.
Private Joe" instead of "Mrs. Cadet lake will be provided. Campers will Pa., will speak at the annual com- Union entertainments. Her duties ner she is eager to help,
The ntticr will he cloned m Sat
The girls and their daes win en- noon Sat- - mencement of Eastern State Teach- - keep her in the building from 9 to just chat with all who come to tier ment exercises at University high
leave the gymnasium at
Lt. Colonel Joe," but I'm not
o cte"cng ind g?jn
spc!"us. rst-c- 'r
r?fiie5r,?.,t zpd Fri

Miss Betty Clardy, Beauty
Queen attendant, presented as
a member of the Alpha Gamma
Delta sorority, is an activY
member of Chi Omega.
Robert Kibler. Editor.



YMCA Cabinet

Members Installed
At Annual Retreat

Last Concert

By Philharmonic

Set For Tuesday


At the request of many citizens
who found It impossible to enroll
in the course in Engineering Fundamentals announced by the Col
lege of Engineering several months
ago, the class, authorized by the
engineering, science, management
war training program, was postponed until the summer, and will
be offered on the campus beginning
at eight a. m. Monday. June 14.
The course will run for a period
of ten weeks, and is to be a
course, meeting 33 hours each
quadweek. In the engineering
rangle. Prerequisites for the course
are one year of college training
and evidence based upon experience and personal interview of the
ability of the student to pursue the
course satisfactorily.
There will be no tuition fee
charged for this course, and the
only expense to the student will be
for the necessary textbooks and
classroom supplies. The course will
carry no college credit, but certificates will be issued to those who
successfully complete the work.
This course is designed primarily
for the training of women and older men for positions as technical
assistants and junior engineers
for federal civilian
service. There are a number of
from the U. S.
Civil Service commission and qther
federal agencies indicating that the
demand for people with this type
of training is urgent. The starting
salaries for the positions for which
students taking this course will be
trained range from $1,600 to $2,000
per year.
While the College of Engineering
offers no guarantee of employment,
every effort will be made to secure
positions for the students completing the work, and correspondence
which it has had with various industries as well as federal agencies
indicates the urgent need for people with this type of training.

Nurses Aid Class

fill Jtfl ""'yw,







Physics, Math


May Issue Features UK Graduate
Dr. Smith's Article Is Social Worker
With Red Cross

Tests Must Be
Taken By May

Will Be Taught


University Placed
In Postal Zone

To Be Offered


By Postmaster

Dr. Hobart Ryland
Given Commission
As Army Captain

Outing Club Sets
Hajride Tonight




Bu-for- d,

Bruce Kenelly
Elected To Head
Phalanx Group

Provost Marshal

Jhc Privates

Former University
Professor Is Now

Exhibit Will Be
Display In
Library Foyer


Donovans To Give
Tea On June

Shull To Speak
At Annual Dinner
Of Sigma Xis



Geiger To Speak

Prof. Rannells
Named To Head
Phi Beta Kappa

Two Are Awarded

Summer Fellowships


To Honor

Soldiers With Dance

New Jjnion Social Director
Seems To Be An Ambidexter

Dr. Vandenbosch's

To Be Thursday

Lecture Cancelled


Dr. Ratliff Speaks

At Dutch Lunch

To Spend
Weekend At Lake



At McVey Hall

Dr. Hill To Speak

Dr. Adams To Talk


Seniors Feted


� best uopy Available


-Enwrrd at






the Poat Office at Lexington, Kentucky, at
ciMi BMMt under the Act of March ,



Kentucky IntercoUrclite
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
national Editorial Assoclafon



ago nmmm






M one Quarter






trttdn 4
the mrirert




of The kemet.

ihe cpmw


Business Manager


M one Year

re to be countered the
a at do mot a.5ani




It is

of-lu- e

We Can't Do It Now,

But Why Not Later?
Theie is one worthv campaign which we never got a chance to start on the campus this
quarter. It is a drive similar io the ones carried
out at inanv other universities this year for the
Red (joss blood bank.
W'e have just received word that ihe Red
Cross mobile unit will not be able to tome to
Lexington until the end of June. lay we uige
vou who are going home to places where the
facilities aie available to lake an active part in
making the plood bank a success?

"Plan For

'Til Never See A Tree At All"
If These Children Keep It Up
Now that the SC.A eleition is over, we feel
and safe to comment oil
it filling,
a condition on this campus wliiili rubs on the
sensibilities of any
We refer io ihe childish H act ice, partitulaily
evident when a student election is in the oHiii;-o- f
by painting on sidede fating campus projx-nwalks and nailing oslers on defenseless nets.
fariiltv member has found it
A toilet-ruenetessarv lo hoi est io ihe administration
against the continuous attacks on trees with
long, damaging nails.
The I'niversitv realizes ihe need of a means
bv which announcements tan l couiuitinit ated
to students, and has provided bulletin l.aiW





W'e got a letter in the Kernel mail the other
d.iv for former editor, now columnist, pvt. Bob
The famous Amnions
bioke out as he finished the message. "Some designing woman in New York wants to take me


out to dinner," he commented.
Wresting the page from his hand in our usual unbelieving fashion, we crused the missive.
It liiined out to lie a communication lo the
modfst Amnions telling him that his winning
in i lie Panel son Literal y contest, which
was inn in The Kernel, was being put in the
h i iii.iik nl arc lut es of a New Vol k
planning committee.
Ol course, in i lit- last paragraph the writer
did ask our Wise and Otherwise! out to dinner
il he ecr tame to New York.








A columnist
for the "Caellian"
tells of a junior hostess at a USO
tiff air, who to be affable, tusked her
young handsome but silent dancing
partner: "Uhh, what did you do
before the war?" "I was a crook.
I u.st a stand on corners and ask
people: "Hey, bud, ya wanna put
two bucks on a nag at Saratoga?' "
And he was so cute, too!


From tlie pen of a "Boston Transcript" Journalist come the Idea
that some people think that college
students take life pretty easy, because even when they graduate they
co it by degrees.

are using
letters in their person-




co-e- ds




inglii loi in
nsi the oilii-As a change fiom oiu lather we'xe etei read. Women in ken
bookish habits ol the pasi, m linkv aie ladies, lottlt ladies in sunir. ihe nciglilioi It II on tlu'
have acquired dining lecem tiinolines. d r a w I s. magnolia light in the basement bv a.ti-dcnand for hour alter hour-ev- en
weeks several talents along pi at- blossoms, and all that.
tic a) lines, ol which we aie nn
I'niversiiv ol Kentucky toeds.
until ttie eailv hours of
I tie HUM lllllg
the loosttls t foilreasonabh proud. Late in lite howetet, niiisl not hate
ed at il.
as ii mav lie, and much rHi.it llic books, f.iilifi that or ih
as il mav have taken we hate have set out purxiselv lo prote
We le.ilie that tlieies a war.
leai ued to stand on our head ilit in false. I lit v don't thavtl. going on. and (tut tin le s hardlllies si teeth. 1 hey don't say y enough tood to go aiound,
and lo blow smoke lings.
These achievements, lor a Phi "I hank you" when Mo buy and that a chitken in thai SunBeta Kappa, are not to le them a mke; they pop the tup day skillel is a mighty pleasant
on the llooi .
sneered at.
addition to anyone's meal. But
Now. we will admit that these
But worst of all. tht-- aien'i jitsi the same, we can't loret
are probably ol no more iise ladies aiound doors. I hey rush the sound of those roosters,
than the khiiv or physics we up and grab il htlore you tan crowing their hearts out ai a
would have been studying oth- o n it for them. II you do beat
watt light bulb. The utter
erwise, but just the same, we them to it. they don't say futility ol it all strikes us as
carry our head a little highei "Thanks." 1 hev don't smile one of the saddest things we
for having learn