xt7v6w967k4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967k4f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1949-01-jan21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-01-jan21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-01-jan21-ec. 1949 1949-01-jan21-ec. 2011 true xt7v6w967k4f section xt7v6w967k4f 

     Minutes of the 1.lecting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, January 21, 1949.

     The Executive Committee of he University of Kentucky met in
the President's Office at 10:35 a.m., Friday, Jan.zuary 21, 1949.  The
following members were present:  Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; Harper
Gattori, T. H. Cutler, and J. C. Everett.  Absent: R. P. Hobson.
President Donovan and Secretary Peterson met with the Committee.

    A. Minutes Approved.

    The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of Novem-
ber 6, 1948, were approved as published.

     B. Special Election from Alumni for Member of Board of Trustees.

     President Donovan reported that he had a communication from the
Secretary to the effect that the 1948 General Assembly enacted what
is now known as Section 164.130, Kentucky Revised Statutes, changing
the terms of members of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky from six to four years.   He stated that it was necessary,
in complying with the new law, to hold a special election for Board
member from among the alumni group, to fill the vacancy caused by
the expiration of the term of Mr. Grover Creech, alumnus member.

     The Executive Committee of the Alumni Association, having nom-
inated six alumni, the Secretary of the Board of Trustees caused an
election to be held by the alumni of the University, the ballots to
be counted on February 1, 1949.

     President Donovan recommended that the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees authorize the Secretary of the Board to count
the ballots and to certify to the Governor the names of the three
alumni members who receive the largest number of votes, from which
list the Governor may appoint a successor to Mir. Creech.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in.'

     C. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller made the usual financial report, including bal-
ance sheet and operating statement of all funds.   He read the fol-
lowring analysis of the report:


           UNIVERSITY                  OF KENTUCKY

                           L.EXI NGTON
Office of the Corx-'troller

                                   January 19, 19419

Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
University of hKentucky
Lexington, IKenfGuCiy

My dear President Donovan:

     I attach he:'eto a balance sheet of the University funds as of
December 31, 1948, togethlaer with supporting operatin, statements for
the current year zeriod_ then ended.  The balance sheet reveals the t-rue
status of current, restricted, plant and other funds. Cash balances
shown in the re-or` are ve:rified through reconciliation with bank
statements.  The unao oropriated sur-plus to the credit of the Division
of Colleges (current funds) is ,184; 768.02 and for the Agricultural
ExDeriment Station (current Lund) is ,1257 196.00. These are not large
"cushion" funds for a budget of eirht million dollars.

     The operating statement shnows that the state finance office has
allotted and maCde available for current operations, including ex.tra-
ordinary a-ppropriations (libra::y, engineering and scientific ecuiDment)
97.4% of thle apIDIro priations. The University has received from federal
apportioned funds for colle,,e operations (Srmith-Hughe s-George Dean Act,
Bankhead-Jones Act, ,and the L-oirill-Nelson Teaching Act) 725 of the
budget estima-t. e of ,121, 617,87.

     The income estimated to be r-eceived from student fees was
4ll,622,175.00. '.?e have realized for the; first six months 29;",J of this
estimate.  It shouldc1 be noted, however, that a large part of veterans'
tuition due from th'ae federal g-overnment for the fall estimate is yet
uncollected. We still believe that the budget estimate will be real-
ized.  The estimated income from 'u.iliary "nterprises and Activities
slightly ex.ceeded "'t-45, 000. 00.  Of this estimate, 57.6'. has been re-
ceived during, the i'irst half of the current fiscal year. The e:- )endi-
tures and encu.Lbrances for Akd-inistration and Gener~al Ex,.ense of the
University during t'he first half of the fiscal yrear amounted to 47.3%
of the apporor)riations for these purposes. The obligations for In-
struction and 7;elated Activities re?-esen`ed by ex-oenditures and en-
cumbrances amounted to 42.4%o as of December 31, 1948.  It seems
reasonable to state that the estimated incorme as reflected by the budge'
adooted for the fliscal year twill be anpro.lmately realized and. that
over-all de-)arJinentel ax)^rovriations for Administration and General
Control, Instruction and various enter-rises for the colleges CLivision
will not be exceeded.  Some cadjustments between departments a"re ex-
pe oted.


      The budgeted incomie for the E operiment Station Division is antici-
pated from stat-e amoporo )riations, federal apportionments and sales and
services from the operations of the Exiperiment Station and the FarmA.
Receipts based upon these estimates have been received during the first
six months as follows:

           State arproopriations           75.3%
           Federal a-oDortionriient        51.3%
           Sales and services              55.4,%

     The combined expenditures for administration and the prosecution
of all projects and activities during the first half of the fiscal
year amounted to 51,1% of the total budget appropriation for the
Experiment Station Division.  The budgeted income for the Extension
Division (county agriculture and home demonstration agents) including
the work under the Hope-Flannagan Act, is all received from state and
federal sources. Of the state appropriations made for the current
fiscal. year, 64. 08% has been received, and of the federal apportionment,
50% has been realized.  The combined expenditures for activities al-
plicable to Deltension Division worh of the College of Agricultur-:e and
Home Economics aggregated 40.4% during the f irst six months of the
current fiscal year.

     The operations of the Experiment Station and the Agricultural x
tension Division, as reflected by realized income and expenditures and
encumbrances during the first half of the current fiscal year denote
no operations not anticipated.

     The current budget reflects an appropriation of "21, 54;0.4z.0 for
Service Buildin- construction.  This fund was received from insurance
carried on the old service building and contents whaich were lost by
fire February 15, 1946. Proper claim has been filed with the State
Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund for the loss of Norwood Hall and con-
tents (Kentucky Geological Survey and the Department of Botany only)
in the amount of ,,100,000.00. There will be a slight adjustment doirm-
ward for salvage microscopes which are being repaired; otherwise a
total loss of building and contents will be sustained.   The zayment of
insurance of ,,43,000.00 for the G-uirnol building and contents was re-
ceived, aplpropriated and used in the construction of the Fine Arts

     The '2l8, 540.40 and $100, 000.00 listed above are the amounts
realized on fire losses and are available for construction. It is
suggested that you might want to consider the taking of bids for the
replacement of the service building. I have talked to a number of con-
tractors and businessmen and have been informed that the over-all
construction program of industry has lessened. The Kentucky Building
Commission recently received bids for construction of a science buildinE
at Murray State College at a cost of a-ooiroximatelyr 809' per cubic foot,
as compared with the architects' and engineers' estimate of $1.00 per
cubic soot.


    In view of the shortage of funds revealed at the business office
of Western State College, I believe it fitting to resort to you and
the Board of Trustees concerning the safeguards presently employed at
the University of Kentucky to prevent such an occurrence here.  The
system of accounting, including bookkeeping, reporting and internal
auditing and control, conforms substantially with the recommendations
of the Committoe on Standard Reports for Institutions of Higher Educa-
tion. The system provides measures and methods within the organiza-
tion to protect the cash and other assets of the University, as well
as to check the clerical accuracy of the bookkeeping. The safeguards
take the form of definite segregation of staff duties and the use of
mechanical devices and internal test auditing. The division of
duties is designed to prevent defalcations unless there is collusion
between two or more members of the staff. The use of mechanical
devices gives -publicity to many transactions and tends to prevent
clerical erroi.  Pu.blicity serves the double pourose of lessening
likelihood of riisapDropriation of funds and/or honest mistakes.

    Even in the best system of internal control, there are wteak
points.  The e:pense involved prevents the division of all duties and
the use of all mechanical devices. Internal test-checking, or auditing
enters the picture at this )oint and seeks out the weak Anoints of
internal control for re-check: and audit.

    Part of the annual audit of the Auditor of Public Accounts is a
survey of the internal control at the University of Kentucky. About
two years ago, the Grilfenha-en Associates of Chicago made an ex-
haustive survey of the internal control at the University and reported
that conditions were very satisfactory.  Monthly audits of self-
sustaining enterprises and activities are made by the University
Internal Auditor. There are other funds handled by various divisions
of the University over which the business office has no direct supoer
vision. Such funds are transmitted to and received by the business
office without verification. The internal control over such funds
might well be improved if such precaution is thought to be necessary
and worth the added expense,

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   Frank D. Peterson



     President Donovan asked the Committee to give consideration to
a recommendation in regard to construction of a Service Building to
replace the one destroyed by fire.  He stated that the report
showed that approximately 430,OOO ewas available for the construction
of this building.   The building site is available, with no encum-
brances.   The plans and specifications are available.  He recom-
mended that authorization be given to the taking of bids for the
construction of the building and the issuance of revenue bonds suf-
ficient to supplement available funds.

     The members of the Committee recalled that the construction of
this building had been authorized and proposals had been received
previously.   Bids were rejected.   They also took note that it now
appeared to be an opportune time to request new proposals, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller was author-
ized to advertise for the construction of the building in accordance
with revised plans and specifications, bids to be received on or
before 1Iarch 17, and the result reported to the Executive Committee
at its MLarch meeting.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller
was authorized to receive proposals for a proceedings contract on
the issuance of revenue bonds for completion of the building.

    D. Budget Adjustments.

    President Donovan submitted the following budget adjustments
and recommended their approval.

                                         January 18, 1949

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    Universitty of Kentucky

    My dear President Donovan:

         The following budget adjustments have been made sub-
    ject to the approval of the Board of Trustees:

         Budget Unit              Account    Decrease     Increase
         College of Arts & Sciences
         Physical Education        480-1              Q  160.00
         Psychology                520-4                1,050.00
         Graduate School:
         Administration           1150-4                  651.01
                Total increase                          MIS861.01



     In addition to the above adjustments, I would recom--
mend the f olloviing changes:

   Budget Unit               Account    Decrease    Increase
   Organized Activities Re-
     lated to Instruction:
     Lducational Confer-
            ences (0.D.)     1280                   $ 500.00
   Plant Fund:
     Fieldhouse Construction
     (for advice of change) 7010                       35.46
     New Science Building
     (for survey)           7023                      500.00
           Total Increase                           .l,1035.46

     It is requested that these changes be submitted to
the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for ap-
proval and authorization.

                               Sincerely yours,

                               (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

                                  January 19, 1949

Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
University of Kentucky

LMy dear President Donovan:

     I list below the equipment requested by the Kentucky
Kernel as being necessary for its enlarged operations:

     1. Steel strip material storage cabinet
     1 All steel imposing table
     8 Newspaper make-up turtles
     1 80"1 work bench
     4 Machine operators copy cabinets
     2 Chase racks
     1 Linotype
     1 Ludlow machine for hand composition
     1 Multipress
     5*# Linotype metal
     1 Book stitcher
     1 Rotary slot hole perforating machine
     1 Trim-O-Saw
     1  Automatic letterpress
     1 Vertical miterer



     1 Proof Press
     1 Paper jogger
     1 Saddle gang stitcher

     At current prices, this equipment will cost fifty-
five thousand dollars.   I recommend that sixty thousand
dollars be approved, to give some flexibility in meeting
changes in prices.

                             Respectfully submitted

                           (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

                                    January19, 1949

President iI. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

     In our recent conference 1-r. Clifton and I ex-
plained to you the budget problem with respect to
the Extension Department.   Because we have expanded
the program of that department in line with plans form-
ulated after the preparation of this year's budget, we
have almost exhausted the budget item for instruction.
On the other hand we have considerably increased the
income and it now appears that instead of the estimated
receipts of 425,000 vie should collect during the current
year Q36,O00.   In order to continue our expanded pro-
gram we are therefore recommending that $10,000 be added
to our Account No, 1310.

     As also explained to you in our conference we desire
to improve the music festivals which are held on our
campus during the spring months.   For this purpose we
are recommending an addition of Q300 to Account No. 1300.
This money will be used to pay adjudicators.


                              (Signed) M,1aurice F. Seay
                                        Dean of the University



                                           January 20, 1949

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          On September 30, 1948, I submitted to you a proposal
     for the purchase and installation of a new photostat ma-
     chine for the Registrar's Office.  At that time you ap-
     proved the proposal and stated that I should submit recom-
     mendations for a budget increase to care for the expense
     of the machine and the installation.   The machine has now
     been purchased and I find that we will n6ed $7,554,00 for
     this purpose.  I am therefore recommending that this
     amount be allocated to Account No. 80 - Capital Outlay.


                                    (Signed)  Maurice F. Seay
                                              Dean of the University
                                                and Registrar

     President Donovan recalled some of the diffialties which the
University is experiencing in securing University printing through
State channels, and stated that it seemed to be necessary, and an op-
portune time, to enlarge our Kentucky Kernel printing plant.

     He also called attention to the increase in income from Exten-
don Department classes, and recommended that budget increases request-
ed be approved, and the necessary adjustments in estimated receipts

     The Committee heard the recommendations, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, authorized the budget increases of
@2896.47 made, and appropriated $60,000.00 from the unappropriated
surplus of the University budget for purchase of equipment for the
Kentucky Kernel printing plant; authorized increase in estimated in-
come for Extension work, to the amount of @10,000.00, and a like in-
crease in appropriation for Account No. 1310, University Extension-
Instruction, with an appropriation of $300.00 for Account 1300,
University Extension-Administration; and an increase of appropriation
for Registrar's Office, in amount of Q7,554.00, to Account No. 80.



     E. Uembership in Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies Approved.

     President Donovan recalled that the University, with the ap-
proval of the Board of Trustees, joined the Oak Ridge Institute of
Nuclear Studies in 1947, and agreed to an annual membership fee of
;1,00u'00.  He presented the invoice for contribution for the fiscal
year 1948-49, and recommended that same be appropriated and paid from
the Haggin Fund.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in.

     F. Interpretation of Section 164.480, sent ck_ Revised Statutes_,

     President Donovan stated that Section 164.480, Kentucky Revised
Statutes, had been interpreted not to apply to any veteran eligible
for Federal Government assistance under Public Law 346 or Public Law
16.   He stated that this interpretation had been questioned by an
individual.   He requested approval of the Committee to stand by
the interpretation heretofore placed upon this section, and,if neces-
sary, to permit the case to go to the courts for interpretation.

     The members of the Committee recalled the controversy and brief-
ly discussed this section, and upon fotion duly made, seconded and
carried, authorized the administration to continue the policy under
previous interpretation, and if necessary to permit the courts to
interpret the section above referred to,

     G. Small Fire in Cooperstown.

     President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller
reporting a small fire in Cooperstovn and the action taken:

                                        January 3, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan., President
     University of Kentucky

     Dear Dr. Donovan:

          I desire to report to you a fire in Cooperstown which
    occurred on the morning of December 28, 1948 at approximate-
    ly 9:00 a.m.   The fire broke out in the duplex trailer, No,
    587-B Hilltop Street.   The fire department was called and
    two fire trucks were rushed to the scene of the fire.    The
    fire was extinguished in about twenty minutes after the
    first truck arrived.   The walls, ceiling, cabinets and fix-
    tures and furnishings were damaged by fire, smoke and water.
    A large part of the walls and ceilings had to be torn away



     to get to the fire which had burned through to the insula-
     tion between the outer and inner walls.  Some furniture
     and clothing of the occupants were destroyed or damaged.

          The fire seems to have originated in a defective oil
     heater' in the bathroom.  The heater had been left burning
     while the occupants were away, in order to k1eep the water
     from freezing in the bathroom.   Iir. James Long, Div. of
     I;Iaintenance and Operations, assigned to the project, had
     inspected this particular house one hour before the fire
     was detected.

          The University carries insurance of $561.00 on each
     unit, 587-A and 587-B.   University furnishings in the
     apartment are carried at M2O7.00, for each apartment.
     The State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund has been noti-
     fied and vre have been directed to repair the building and
     to submit invoice.

          The occupants of 587-B Hilltop Deere Mr. and Mirs.
     Kenneth Bruckhart, -ho were visiting in Louisville at the
     time of the fire.   The occupants of 587-A, -which was
     slightly damaged by water and smoke, were iMr. and Iris. Ar-
     thur L. Catterill.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was re-
ceived and ordered filed.

     H. Kentucky Geological Survey Truck Authorized Sold.

     President Donovan stated that the Geology Department had a 1942
models  4-ton panel Ford truck which was damaged in an accident about
a year ago.   The truck has not been repaired.   He stated that, upon
recommendation of Doctor IMcFarlan, of the Geology Department, and
the Comptroller, he wanted to concur in a recommendation that the
truck be sold.   He read the following letter from the Comptroller:



                                             January 17, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Idly deaxr Dr. Donovan:

          The Kentucky Geological Survey has a 1942 Model
     21c-82 -8--Ton Panel Ford Delivery Truckthat is now beyond
     any further use by the University.   The truck is now on
     storage at the Goodwin Brothers Garage.

          Mdr. Gabbard, of this office, has contacted the Gaidry
     Motor Company, Goodwin Brothers Garage and the Ford Used
     Car Lot regarding an offer for purchase of this truck.
     The only offer wlre received was Yi200.00 from the Goodwin
     Brothers Garage.

          It would cost approximately Q$300.O0 to put this truck
     in running condition.   I do not think that it would be
     advisable to have this truck repaired for further use by
     the University.   Therefore, I recommend that the truck be
     sold to the Goodwin Brothers Garage for Q200.00.   I would
     like to have your approval on this recommendation.

                                            Sincerely yours,

                                         (Signed)  Frank D. Peterson
                                                   Comptroll er.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in, and the damaged truck was authorized sold to Goodwin
Brothers Garage for $200.00.

     I. Appropriation for Secretary for Council on Higher Education.

     President Donovan reported that, since the resignation of Dr.
Jaggers, the Council on Public Higher Education had been without the
services of a secretary.   He said that for a number of years the
Director of Teacher Training and Certification, of the Department of
Education, had served also as a Secretary of the Council on Public
Higher Education.   For some years, the salary of Dr. R. E. Jaggers
had been paid by the Department of Education and the Council on Public
Higher Education jointly.

     The President requested authority to enter into a similar ar-
rangement with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Boswell B.
Hodgkin, when a near secretary is appointed to this position.   A mo-
tion was duly made, seconded, and carried, authorizing the President
to enter into such an arrangement with the Department of Education.



     J. Oklahoma A. & MI. College Bond Issues.

     President Donovan called attention of the members of the Commit-
 tee to a circular letter, No. 46, from the Association of Land-Grant
 Colleges and Universities, published by the Executive Secretary of
 that Association.   He read the following excerpt:

           "Items of Interest. Four revenue bond issues of the
     Oklahoma A. & M, College totaling 11360,000 were sold
     recently.   They include S3,000,000 for improvements in
     the utilities system; 53,860,000 for a student union;
     Q3,310,000 for a dormitory for 111100 men; and $1,190,000
     for a women's dormitory ........

     K. University of Kentucky Film Authorized.

     President Donovan recalled that the Board had previously au-
thorized the printing of a University film entitled "The University
of Kentucky in War and Peace."   He stated that all reports indicated
that the film was enthusiastically received wherever shown, and he
desired to recommend the making of another film of about 20 minutes
running time.

     A general discussion ensued as to the merits of the project,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President was
directed to cause to be made another film for the University at a cost
of $4,000, plus Ql80,O0 per minute of accepted film in addition to
the first 20 minutes running time, if necessary.   Additional prints
are to be purchased at a cost of $125.00 each.   The funds were ap-
propriated from the Haggin trust fund.

     L. Gifts:

                  From Lir.. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Ashland, Kentucky,
                             check for @1,000.oo.

     President Donovan reported, with a great deal of gratification,
the receipt from Mr. and 1irs. Paul G. Blazer, Ashland Ky., of the
gift of $1,000 to be used in connection with the work of the Depart-
ment of History, and with the benefit of the advice of Dr. T. D. Clark.
He stated that spending the contribution would be under the super-
vision of Vice President Leo M* Chamberlain, president of the Kentucky
Research Foundation, and that he hoped he would be permitted by Mr.
and Mrs. Blazer to publicize this gift, with the hope that others
might be inspired to make like donations, which would enable the Uni-
versity to bring to the campus some of the ablest people in the field
of Social Studies today.   He said that many of the great universities
have a number of such funds, which they use as lecture funds, the use
of which has proved stimulating to faculty and students in a particu-
lar field.   He recommended acceptance of the gift.



     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee au-
thorized acceptance of the gift, and directed that the President
write a letter to hlr. and Mrs. Blazer, expressing the gratitude of
the Executive Committee and the University of Kentucky.

                    From the American Potash Institute, check for

     President Donovan also reported receipt of a check for $1,000.00
from the American Potash Institute, as a continuance of their contri-
bution toward our experimental work in the use of fertilizers with
tomatoes.   He stated that Dear. Cooper considered this support, over
the years, as most helpful, and he recommended acceptance of the dona-

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee au-
thorized acceptance of the gift, and requested the President to write
a letter of appreciation to the donor.

     M, Sale of Blankets.

     The Comptroller reported that, about three years ago, we were
activating veterans' housing projects,    and thought at that time
that it might be necessary to furnish blankets for veterans? housing
in the dormitories.   He stated that the University purchased some
war surplus army blankets at a cost of Q2.70 each.   These blankets
were placed in storage.   Some were used.   However, we have been
able to have the occupants furnish their owln bedclothing and have not
used many of the blankets.   The Comptroller stated that he had re-
ceived bids from four users of army surplus clothing in Lexington and
Cincinnati, and recommended, with the approval of the Executive Com-
mittee, that the blankets be disposed of at the high-bid price of
63.91 each.  He further stated that the University has held the
blankets for more than three years, that there is no question of our
ownership, and that he did not know~. of any Government regulation pro-
hibiting such sale.   He stated that, subject to the approval of the
Committee and the President, he had accepted the price for the blank-

     Some discussion ensued as to the price.   The Comptroller in-
formed the Committee that the f'ixed Government price on sale of blank-
ets to all eligible consumers was Q3.50 each.

    Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the action of the
Comptroller in selling 2,000 blankets at 03.91 each was approved.



      N. Resolution on Death of  . G. Terrell.

      President Donovan reported to the Commrittee the death of Mr.
 Willis Granvillo Terrell, and upon motion duly made, seconded and
 carried, the Committee passed the following Resolution:

           t1'7illis Granville Terrell,the son of George and
      IMariah Terrell, was born in Bedford, Kentucky, October
      2, 1875.   He attended school in Trimble County and
      Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky.

           "In 1913, Mr. Terrell became associated with the
     Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station as an inspector
     in the Food and Drug Laboratory.   Beginning in 1917, he
     served in the same capacity, and later as technician, in
     the Feed and Fertilizer Department.   He was relieved of
     his regular duties upon attaining the age of seventy on
     October 2, 1945.   He died January 13, 1949, after an ill-
     ness of three months.

           ti.,r. Terrell ably fulfilled the duties assigned to
     him in his respective positions.   He was a man of deep
     religious convictions; a warm and loyal friend, always
     willing to assist and advise; a valued staff member wrho
     by his industry, interest and loyalty contributed much
     to the progress of the department to which he was assigned.

           "Be It Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be
     sent to M.irs. Terrell as an expression of the high regard
     in which M1r. Terrell was held by his associates and as an
     expression to her of their deepest sympathy in her bereav-

     O. Control of Traffic on the Campus.

     President Dcnovan reviewed for the Executive Committee some
of the problems relative to the control of traffic on the campus of'
the University.   He pointed out how the increase in the enrollment
had resulted in more than doubling the number of cars coming to the
campus each day.   He said that practically all the veterans owned
cars and necessarily had to have them.   He also stated that many of
the younger students brought cars to the University when they en-
rolled, and that this made for complicated problems not only with
respect to parking but also with respect to their social life.   He
called attention to the previous action of the Committee authorizing
the Dean of 1Ien of the University to make rules and regulations
governing the traffic on the campus and giving him full powier to
enforce these regulations.   He reported that a young man had chal-
lenged the authority of the Dean of' Men to exercise this function
of his office, and that it had become necessary to suspend this young
man from the University.   He told the Committee that the young man
had threatened to bring a suit and that he might take such action.



     The President recommended that the Committee reaffirm its poliCy
regarding this matter, in order that there might not be any doubt
in the minds of students and others who bring cars to the campus rel-
ative to the authority of the Dean of Mien to enforce the rules an