xt7v6w967k3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967k3v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1878-01-jun11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1878-01-jun11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1878-01-jun11. 1878 1878-01-jun11. 2011 true xt7v6w967k3v section xt7v6w967k3v 


Morrison College, Kentucky University,

           Lexington, Ky., June llth,1878

June 11,1878.

     The board of Curators met this day in regular annual Session
at 2 o'clock, President R. M. Bishop in the Chair.

    After prayer by Curator Gano the
Curators were found to be present.

roll being called the following

J. B. Bowman
Andrew Steele
Jos. Wasson,
D. S. Goodloe
W. L. Williams
A. G;. Hierndon
R.G .icketts
Jno. *hackelford
Z. .I4. Smith
J. P. varbitt
s21- T. Withers
Enos Campbell
Horace Miller
W. E. -Rogers
Jas. G. Kinnaird
A. M. Barnes.

  Report of
the Regent.


-Tr., ,W. i+.vii thers,
JT. B. Bowma.

on the farm.


R. M%. Gano
N. B. wells
Sam'l Coleman
W . V. .Tibb s
Geo. C. Castleman
IThoa. lunnell
John S. Sweeney
Jas. M. Jraves
E. D. Sayre
Geo. Stoll Jr.
James Patrick
Jno. S. Wilson.

Regent Bowman now read his annual report.

     Curator Steele moved that the Regent report be refered
appropriate Standing Committee carried.

to the

     Curator Withers moved that part of the Regent's report which refers
to the commissioners that a committee of five be appointed. carried.

     Curator Munnell moved that the Chairman of this board be one of
the five and also be the Chairman of said committee - carried-

    Mlotion by Regent Bowman that a committee of three (3) be appointed
to inquire in the farm and the proper uses and disposal thereof. carried

Committee 3. M. Graves - Jas. Patrick - G. w. uivens.

Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.

1st day P. M. June 11th, 1878.

Action on
Treasurer 's

Action on report
Of Exec. Com.

     On call of the Chairman the Treasurer's report was read , which
report was found correct- and approved.

     Reading of the report of the I'mecutive Committee was then called f(
After reading of the same, on motion of Regent Bowman any action on the
adoption of the report was laid on the table for the present.



Motion on

Committee to
inquire con-
formerly ordered.



Motions as to
time of
committee reports.

      Curator Steele from the committee to take into consideration
the financial condition of the University made the following motion.

      That T. B. Bowman be respectfully requested to produce his
books as ex treasurer before this board tomorrow morning at the
hour of meeting - carried.

       On motion of Curator funnell a committee of three was ordered
to be appointed to inquire why the arbitration heretofore ordered
has not taken place and report made at this meeting- carried.

        On motion of Curator Munneli a Committee of three was order-
ed to be appointed to inquire why the arbitration heretofore order-
ed, has not takel place and report made at this meeting -carried.
Committee on above W. T. Gibbs, R. C. Ricketts, 1.3.b'weeney.

      on motion this board adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock this e.M.

      The board met pursuant to adjournment at the hour of eight
 o'clock,P.M. The board being called to order the minutes* were
 read and approved - %of previous session.

    On call for reports of Committees Curator tWasson as Chairman
of Committee on Academy announced that as there was no Academy,
asked for that Committee be discharged - carried.

     On motion of Regent Bowman it was moved that a Committee of
 three be appointed to be known as the Obituary Committee carried,
 with the following Committee
                                  R. C. Ricketts
                                  D. S. uoodloe
                                  A. M. Barnes.

    It was moved by Curators Campbell that the Committee on NAlmomina-
tion be requested to report tonight.
    Curator moves as a substitute of above motion that the afore-
said committee report at the final session of this regular anneal

    Curator Tibbs move to amend Curator Smith amendment by having
the nominating committee report at the session to-morrow morning-

  of Curators
Allen & White.

  excuses of
Z. M.Shirley &
and R.J.White.

    The resignation of Curator T. G. Allen and G. G. White were then
read and accepted.

    The excuses of Curators Z. M. Shirley and Ru. T. White were
announced for non-attendance  excuses accepted.

    On motion of Curator Tibbs meeting adjourned until tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
                        read and approved.