xt7v6w967h1k_83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. Thomas Carter text Thomas Carter 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_9/Folder_8/5507.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_83 xt7v6w967h1k 1865, Aoril 10th to may cth.
Surveyed for Thomas Carter, the following described boundaries of .
land in hee County, Kentucky, viz.:—
Tract ho.1.—-(David DunawaH) 2aB 1/8 Beginning at the mouth
of the Middle Fork of ky. River at Fi;.1. tSee rlat marked "A"\.
Thcncc up sd fork as it mca1dcrs 206 E to the mouth of a branch
corner to F.M.Snowden at 2: thence UD sd branch as it mcanders
following the left hand fork thereof with Snowden's line 10é 1,2
P to 2 Poplars & hollrs at 50:
N 56 W 76 P to a small white oak and sourwood on a hiéh
knoll corner to F.m.Snowden & Carters 122 acre
tract at e4§ thence withxthe lines of sd 122
acre tract
V 60 W So r to the forks of a branch at +o, & down sd branch
as it mcanders
h`16 1/2 W 12 B:
N 70 W 14 P:
S 84 1/2 W 25 E:
F 80 W 2+ P to the North Fork at the mouth of sd branch at
42; thence down sd fork as it meanders
312 poles to the beginning.
Tract No.2.——(F.M.Snowden) 122 acres:
Beginning at the mouth of a branch on the North Fork corner
to D. Dunaway tract at 42: thence uo sd branch as it aeanders
S 80 E 2+ P:
N 84 J;2 2+·P:
S 70 E 14 P:
S 16 1,2 E 18 P to forks of sd branch at +6: thence UD the {
point between the forks of sd branch
S 60 E 56 B to a white oak and sourwood on a high knoll cor~
ner to F.m.Snowden at +4: thence with Snowdens
N 75 E 48 P to a chestnut stump near Coomers fence at eo:
o 1
rN·· N 57 1/2 E eo P to 2 whjig"Oak5 near Patton Coomcrs shanty_w_

 1 at ee:
V 72 E GS P to a cut down white oak in Davideone line at 27:
thence with Daviaeon’s line
h 16 W 11 P to 2 beechee on a branch at 46: thence down sd
branch as it meandere
F`oz W 10 P:
u 35 W e 1/2 P:
W SG 1/L3 W 0 PZ
N 17 W 0 P:
N 20 1/2 W 62 P:
S oz} W 5 P:
B $1 1/B W 7 P to Forth Fork at mouth of ed branch, corner
to Davideon at le: thence down ed fork ae it
327 r to the beginning.
Tract ho.6.~-(D.&.Snowden\ $60 acreez
beginning at a white oak in the Barnett line corner to James
Snodden at 23: thence with Jamee Snowden'¤ lines
P 7 E 71 r to a double poplar at SS:
F 12 E 66 B to a white oak at 3%;
N 32 E 10S r to 2 buckeyee and ougar trees at the Forth Fork
at 25: thence down ed fork as it meanders
64 F to a eycamore hackberry & Elms at Sl: thence
S 65 W 65 1/2 1 toix white oake at 33: thence
West 150 L to a otake corner to F.m.Snowden at 52: thence
with hie line
S 19 E Bl P to a Hickory & gum marked J.H.h at 51:
S S0 1/2 W 61 r to a black oak anu small hickory at 50:
S 25 E 160 P to a poplar white oak and hickory at A9:
S oe E 85 P to 2 beeches and maple at SS:
S 26 W 10 r to the Barnett line at 27: thence with the Bar~
nett line
S 76 E 72 1/+ P to the beginning.
< ,025

 Tract Yo.4.~·(Jamcs mcjuirc homo Tract) 605 acrcs.:
Bcginning at thc mouth of a branch ODDO5iEG the haurci Bank
on N sidc of middic Fork at 6; thcncc up thc rivcr an it mcandcra
264 P to 3 Elma and Sycamorc, corncr to mc&uirc and
Snowdcn in thc marr & Barnctt iinc at 4: thcncc
with Sd linc
P 14 E 100 P to a whitc oak, corncr to marro & Barnctt at $1:
thcncc with Barnctta linc
N»7S W 254 P to F.m.Snowdcn•a iiic at SE 56: thcncc with
ad Snowdcn•a iinc
S 58 1/3 W 36 P to a whitc oak at 66:
S 41 E 5 5/4 P to a atakc at 57:
S 10 W 40 3/4 P to a white oak ncar Snowdcn•S Spring at R8:
S 27 Y;4 W 13 P to a whitc oak and bccch at 5;:
S 26 1/2 W 26 P to a larzc whitc oak on wcat sidc of thc
branch at 40:
S 25 W 1a 1/3 P to thc forka of thc branch at 41, and down
Sd branch aa it mcandcrs
S·7 1/3 W 8 P:
S 6 1/2 E S P:
S 4s E S 1/4 P:
S 6.3 1/4 W t- 1/L3 P:
P 76 1/2 W 10 P;
S 10 W 10 P;
S 45 E 8 Pi
S ai 1; 10 P:
S S5 1/2 W 15 P:
S 2 W L P to the bcginning. ,
Tract Po.5.——(Jamc¤ Snowdcn ) 476 acrcs;
Bcginning at a whitc oak in thc Barnctt iinc cwrncr to Jamca
& D.G.Snowdcn at 22; thcncc
N 7 E 71 1 to a doubic popiar at 26:
P 12 E 68 r to a whitc oak at B4:
F 52 E 108 P to 4 buckcycs and sugar trccs on thc bank of

 Worth Pork or ky.Rivcr at 45: thcncc up rivcr an
it mcandcrs
155 P to the mouth of hog Shoal Branch at 26: thcncc
up Sd branch as it mcandcrs
S 88 E S P:
B? 5% 12 14 u:
East E6 P:
S 74 1/4 E 50 P:
S 46 E 25 PZ
S 60 1/2 E lr P to a Stake in a Linc oi Adams & Crows 4000
_ acrc survcy (wickliffc iinc) at 17: thcncc
with Sd iinc
PS 14 W 402 P to tho marra linc at 18: thcncc with thc Marrs
P 76 W 56 L to a whitc oak corncr to marra & Barnctt at A1:
thcncc with thc Earnctt iinc
M 76 W iéo P to thc bcginnin;. With thc foliowing addition
"markcd E“:— Bcginning at thc junction of thc marra linc and
Adams & Crowa 5000 acrc iinc at iz; thcncc with Sd 5000 acrc linc
N 38 B 20 P to Bryanta linc at 14: thcncc with thc Bryant lim;
P 4 W 44 P to a mulbcrry ncar an old School housc sito at 15
~ thcncc with a linc calicd tho mckinlcy linc(from
Lowcr Dcvils Crcck)
Y 12 1/2 E 610 P to Log Shoal branch at 16; thcncc down Sd
branch as it mcandcrs
K 64 W 18 P ;
P 45 W 60 L to thc (Wickiiffc or) Adama & Qrow iinc of 4000
I acrcs at 17: thcncc with sd iinc
S 14 W 402 P to thc Aarrs iinc at 1o: thoncc with thc marrs
l S 76 E 82 P to thc bcginning.

 Tract 1o.6.——(Jack Tract) 170 acrcs:
Bcginning at a popiar and whitc wainut on thc middlc Pork
on thc uppcr sidc or Jack•s Branch at 5: thcncc up thc rivcr with
its mcandcrs
t 140 P to thc mouth of a branch onpositc the Jack
Mann's housc at 6: thcncc
N 511/J W 170 P to thc marrs Linc at 1s: thcncc with thc
Marrs iinc
N 70 W 74 P to 2 whitc oaks corncr to F.m;Snowdvn at 20:
thcncc with his iinc
S 1+ W A18 P to thc tcginnine.
Tract Io.7.-—(Jamcs ·~"· McJuirc\ 601 acrcs: /4éQd%@/
Bcginning at thc mouth of a smaii branch (opbositcAhann's
housc} on N sioc of Middic Fork at oz thcncc up sd fork as it
825 P (passing Stiii housc (at 7} at ooo P) to a
sugar trcc 5 r abovc Rocky iap Branch corncr to _,
, I / ,· z 7* ’ .f' A ,
Colp   €(qMHb/Q{(LfY____ j a?)/og;H[/,-/W/tg, ;?uy/¢{
{4/]f`£__/’Z’7_,L( U<'],·' -{/(: (tg
Y 10 E 360 P (passing Coics ssyaayv to a stakc at 0: thcncc
_ %O _ __ _ _ _ _
F €%%W 110 P to thc L W corncr or Adams w Crows 6000 acrc
survcy at 10: thcncc with a iinc of sd survcy
S 58 W 408 P to thc Marrs iinc at 1z: thcncc with thc Marrs
S 76 E 48 P to a stakc at 15: thcncc
S 1+ W 164 P to thc bcginning. Within which is a tract
markcd “&“(244 acrcs) occupicd by John Mcuuirc: Bcginning at
thc mouth of thc Stiii housc Branch at 7: thcncc up sd branch
as it mcandcrs
N 17 1/3 W 20 P:
T 55 W 1; P:
North 10 P: '
N 36 1/Z W 70 P: _
N 45 E 26 P: —
S 82 E 10 1/A P:
P 16 E 18 1:
h 1 W 21 bo. to a poplar at thc mouth of a drain ncar John
_ McJuirc's house: thcncc UD sd drain
D 40 B 12 P:
N 80 1/Z E 10 P:
P 57 E 14 P;
N 46 E 22 P:
(5} ~:

 N 10 E 1+ P:
Y 6 W id P tc a sum: thence leavin; the drain
N 70 1/z E 12 1/2 P to a double white oak corner te Marrs
cn a peine ahere John mCJU1YO'5 house:
F 16 W 164 P tc a line ef Adams & Crew's 3000 acre survey
at 11; thence with sd line
F 56 E 12 P te the F W corner ef ud 3000 acre survey at 10;
S 80 E 1+0 P te a stake at 0; thence
S 10 W (passing Cele's ecrner) 256 P tc a sugar tree 3 P
abeve Becky sap Branch en the middle Fork ef Ky.
River at 8: thence down the river as it meanders
180 P to the beiinnini. _
E. R. W. Ce;-;, S. L, C.

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