xt7v6w967h1k_77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. W.S. Allen text W.S. Allen 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_9/Folder_2/5342.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_77 xt7v6w967h1k é Vi:;;Z:IIIIIIZ:Z:Z::::22:::;::;:::::::::;;_:é" `%
      Qi ‘
    A   N 0. oe.
{ W.S.Allen (Amnyx heirs) 400-Acre Tract.
* Description of Land from Calls of Orie·nal Deed
V to Womoang. ,
` llllnhnnkuhnhuliilhuhuuunliinu `
l Two certain tracts of land ljinn in Breathitt County,
Kentucky,on the Winna Branch of Qnicksand, the first tract
1 containinx a hundred acres, and is the same land patented to
j Allen Craft by Patent No.40265, bearinm date Sept.50,l867. A
The second tract containine 200 acres, and is the same land
granted to Allen Craft by Patent No.40266, bearinm date Sept.
50,lB67, to which said patents and a deed from Allen Graft to
said w.9.Allen, of record in Deed Book No.5,yaees 274, 275
and 276, Breathitt County records, reference is had for more E
definite distinctions.
Also, a certain tract or parcen of land said to contain
l00 acres more or less, lyinn on the Winna Branch above and
adjoinine the aforementioned two tracts.

 j ;i 
  __50.es d iaicllwry
N SI E W? yolee to e stole
S SZ E RO polee to e hickory
S 27 E 28 roles to tre block gfnee
NOS GG E S5 roles to e stone
S iéif T/-C3 W FTC jyjios t three block ginos
S I I/:2 W QS j        1%:2 links
S S3 E from ; lerge block pine,
East $0 yolee to the heed of one fork of
hte Imgrovcnunrt branch 53 poles in
all to tfo Chestnut Oeke
S B5 E 23 yolee to e large Chestnut Oak,
Eaet EO roles to u black Oak
S 41 I/é E BS polo; to 1 hickory,
S G7 E GI roles to three Cheetnut_O&ks
N 32 E 23 poles to e stake RO links West from
e Chestnut Oak end dodwood,
East SO poles to e stake on e nigh knob
twlth Chestnut and Merle pointers,
S 38 E $8 poles to e Stoke nite locust and
Chestnut Oek pointers inside ;ence
very recently built by Wiley McDan-
iel, thence through the Clemons gap
N 50 lyk E _S7 poles to Sour Cheetwut Ocho on o
hioh knob
N QS W ES poles to 1 stake in the line of en
entry made by U.S. Allen on u Coun-
ty Court order August 30th 1885,
thence with the line of omle A
S GL W 90 poles to e eteke *
N 29 W IOO yolos to e stake
N BO W 40 poles to e stake
N AO W SO roles to e stake in e line of pat-
ent No &IlS5 granted to W.S. Allon_
Oct. 4th IS65, thence with the line
of swne South 76 poles to u stake
West SO poles to o stake
North ICO polee to e stake
N 5O E 50 poles to a stake
N IO W I2 poles to the exterior line of the
535 echo Survey of W.S. Allen to

the Kentucky Union Rail Way Company thcncc mith the lime Of
N 57 W 29 IOIGS to a Ohcwtnut Oak
N @9 W IO 8/TO rnlcs to a hickory on the knob
N I5 E 22 poles to a Maple mu the ridge
N 39 I/2 E 33 poles to a atakc in tLe line cf
patent No &IIS5 ;v;nt©& tm ;iid
Allen Oct. ith ISGS thence with the
lim; 0f zeaumz
N IO W éé ymlas to a stake in the lima 0f
patent N0. 57027 grunted to said
Allen Out. ith ISGS, tQ@nc@ With t
{CE 2’1¤e<»? gmac —
S EG W IS ywles to g gtikc
S Q'? W BS gvclrws tc   _L¤;;·.·r>r>d
S EO W 129 yale; to 2 utuke, tncmce leaving
tlga 2;&n1@
N 71 W SO p@l2s *0 the t2;innlng•
Registuwcd Dtcembih Vth ISS?
with its aypurtgu aces: TO HAVE uND TO HOLD tLs saii T~;::
or Pavcel of Lana, with its appurtenances, #0 th? said W.S.
and his hcivs fmrever.
IN WITNESS \’ThEZLZ§(`¤I·, tZ‘_r· _;~g§_d S,B. B=;_;;·;3;¤y·, Egg.,
Govsvmcr of the Gmmuwuwealth 0f‘Kgutucky, hath bcvauntc ant
his hand, mad caused the Seal mi the said Ccmmcmwezitn to be
@i`f`l3·i@€i,   p`·°‘@Ii}·Z1`f"l’f·, CF1   I€¥";E1 Cziy <‘.>;*` M;Lj’
in tls year of our Lovd one
ti20u.sa1;é; ¤;·i;;}1t   and
eighty eight. and mf tue
Cmmnouwwulth the Ninety Sixtn
‘ S•B• Bl`LCkHEZ"•
Ge0.M. Adams Secretary 0f State.
W.S. AL}©u has g Title tc the within Tract of Lama.
T;l%JS•   CC`?`¥‘E.»Gt·'b R•L•O•

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Stain of K¤mtw©ky )
) 5] C   .
Lvvnfhiib CGUJLV. D
Ajw*j’§ ;;2i;h, 1_9Z”7, €w*v¥s
E ·l`Lnv:2, i<¤—2Jfr :
Fwqiwniuv in ibm will Vjwli @1 0 corner 10 Q ?¤vm©v svrvwy
]HS.]'? 111 Cie » ‘» 2 1 {EUG F C ’?T»¤s2. 1k1;312:s, ’il102;cv®,
F 27 F S6 icT¤@ to jg J mcilc on Q limo of m svvvcy m@i®
for Hcubén Mcqiimn, 1h@n0¤
H 35 H 55 “ “ @ ?tm;0
if 123 U <%B F' " twxc ;i1¤stnwvt [NIKE Ymvgixuuimgg ccnwwvxi to
& fevmcr survey ma3¤ for Joscph Allen,
Y QQ y 30 ” “ * hicrort
T 52 U 54 ” “ ti twb cb¤sinNt ©¤ks au} hi©LOTV
S Q? U G2 ” ” twv Ficvmriws
V QV E G3 “ * A ?b©stm§t oa; and S¤wvw©®d
“§rTb 59 “ " “ $1210
EF $<) L3 1¤%O " 'Q ”’ " {wx >Ll1G §3éi?GJ“iEw1i E;Tzu:cE1
S 12 W TG “ “ “ blue; locust
S @0 W 14 /“ “ YWO hickwvics
Q 12 1/20 W 41 " " “ black locusrs
S 15 W 27 “ ” a black oak and h1c;¢ry
S 22 N 4O ” " “ white wai and Llaci gum
N C 1% W 36 “ “ “ blacx pimc
S 15 U 59 ” “ “ cliff L~l©w Jnvcmiah M2Quin¤s, thnmcé
vwitiw 0,12rw1iit;i¤u@fL 11110 ¤w¤t;wUcr;LT¤
AJQICTL axyj t7¤1"n ifcéyxjngn,
T" Wl FV Si? ‘ ’ ’ ` " wE‘=j in @#11-; eu;-3 im ·r2 4:31
P 5G V 49 ” “ “ sugar {Vcc
T '1 A11” V 4% “ “ an clm
T G? W 9 ” ' Jvgwénd
S   I   V?   Q 4 ; ¤· :1. gz}; ¤ F1T];T’_T,
·`· ’I\ *7` V" {T 1 \’ ' ' 3* ` .2 `V, I
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V--- V4 ··V¢ ]1·r ,1 ·y »~. V} Q'? ~ g »—. 7. V, L » . · J-   ,V, »
  rT( *} _;._)(\ ` [-wry, Cy-Y$\v,_`t yy, F
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1* ,[_·_; L, FO " » · »JF‘·}JJA
" EY 1 I1 15 " " " w~.*u.`ji $1`w¤T_.
III ‘T\ F', Y (E if ..4-h,r`»
2.-{ `Yg) L: .3i) K I (T I (.l,l.C
    a{ E'! .3 5 " "` i Btw ]°.¤»tim1i¤‘1;;
‘-Z -\·—r Y- ,U f'l}` .- ih- -*- '— ~ (" `.‘ "
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,—\.:,  3-}} * ’\—`r* )
--.-.7,.;  “Kv-.’ .,.3 r` {`·,—, ` "
{Thi "‘E€;:,il1 ..,\,1·>'.`;wL7}l Dua W3 }".¤

 Patent 57027 taken out June 6,1910 and i¤smci;&
  0 ,
9 \ \

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This indentrre made this 4th dor of December,1882,
between Allen Craft and Pheba l.Craft his wife, of Acrgan
Coontir, Kin and John [Kell"; and Caroline i”.2nir.X,his wife, L'?.
Nickels and Cavilla NicVels(formcrl" Lmvi’),his wife
and Isam Dong and E.J.hong (late ` »iHnso), his wife of
Morgan Count*,K". first nartics and%%.S.Allen of dreethitt
Count?,K?. second nartv, _ YW
WIWNESSFWH that saidfbdrties for and in considera-
tion of three hundred dollars in hand naid,the receint of
which is hercbv acknowl*dged,have bargained and sold and bv
these eresents do grant and convey rnto said second nart*,his
heirs and assigns forever, two certain tracts of land lring
in Vreathitt Connt",KentvcVT on the Winnn dranch of QnicV—
sand creev and described as follows, to—wit:
The first containing one hundred acres and bounded
as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the Winnv Snring at a large Eln tree,
thence up said branch S.4 2. W. 40 nolcs to a sugar tree and
rock, thence S.lO,F.52 poles to a mable at the month of the
Road branch,thence 5.35, E.6O noles to two sugar trees,thend2
S.48 poles to an Ash on the berch,thence S. 7,W.i6O noles to
a stake,thence N,7E,E.45 noles to a stake,thence N.7,E.16O
poles to a stake,thcnce N.48 moles to a stakc,thence N.55,W.
GO boles to a stake,thence N.IO,W.52 noles to a stake,thence '
N.42,F.4O poles to a stake,thence S.80,W.4d holes to the
Peginning and being the same land batentcd to Al en Craft bn
Patent No.402d5 and bearing date Seo.30th,l8d7:
The second tract contains two hundred acres and is
bounded as folTows,torwit:
Beginning at the Winnf Spring at a large Eln tree,
thence up said branch S.42O,W.4O holes tc a sugar tree and
rocV,thence S.IO,E.32 Doles to a manle at the mouth of the
I Road braich,thence S.55,E.dO moles to two srgar trccs.thsnq;
5.48 Doles to an Ash tree, thence S.7_W.1dO moles to a stam

 ` {2)
’ thence N.75,W.9O moles to a stake,thence N.7,E.i6O Poles to
a stake,thence N.48 holes to a stake,thence n.$e,w.oc holes
to a stake,thence N.IO,W.$2 oolcs to a stake,thence N.42,E.
40 holes to a stake,thence $.75,5.90 ooles to the heginninz
and being the same land patented to Allen Craft hr Patent
No.40338 and dated SeDt.30th,l837. Together with the Dr&ni&
thereto belonging. And said First oarties covenant that ther
will warrant the orooert? herehv conrcved,
IN TESTIJONY whereof said first oarties have here-
unto set their hands the dar aid Tear first ehofe written.
Allen Craft,
Pheha }.Craft,
John Amyx,
Ceroline Amvx,
Isam Von;.
' £r.’?.lIic1rcTll,
Cevilar Nickcll.
gtate ot Kentrckr,)
Morgan County, )
I,Asa ¤.Nickell,DeDnt? Clerk tor J.H.Easterling,
Clerk ot the Metgan County Court. do certifr that the tore-
going Deed ot conveyance was this dar nroduced to me in Jor-
gan Countr K?. hw Allen Craft and Fheba . Craft his wife,
and dogs acknowledyed to he tleir act and deed and is hereby
certified to the Conntv Court Clerk of Rreathitt County for
record, liren under nv hand this ith dar or December,i8B2.
J.E.Easterlin;. A.C.C.Clk.
hw isa B. Ni ckell, D. Clk.
State of Kentuck? )
Morgan Count". )
I, J.M.Nickell,Denutv Clerk For J.A.Eosterling,
Clerk of the Morgan Conntv Court do certitr that the follow-

 » (3)
ing Dccd of comvcyancc was this day orodvccd to mc in Morgan
ED r-` V
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f5   E
x? A
This Indenture made and entered into this_ /<7 dey
of Kcvkoy ISQ0 by and between W.S. Allen end éL;#M@%{;his
wife end Herrison Allen and é?0{c4#c%&@¤/his wife, parties of
the First port, end the Kentucky Union Lend Company, party of
the second part, Witnesseth that For end in consideration of
·cr»t.s, end ties on the w;;tcrs of Quick-
send, and is bounded es ?ol-ows tovitt
Beginning et s large elw standing on e large rock in
the bend st the lower end oi the orchsrd below the Widow
Hetgins dvelliingi it being A cornei of   survey mstle ‘”or NLS.
A llen, thence N 54 E Z poles to c stake, thence N I3 E I00
poles to s smell elec locust and blcCk ook on the conditional
line between ssic A len and William Lo ely, thence S 39 I/B
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