xt7v6w967h1k_60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. W text W 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_6/Folder_8/1380.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_60 xt7v6w967h1k Thio THd"NLUfV mado Luo qvV`WLm day or maroh in uno voor of
our Lord Ona Thousand 5cvd
right or sQar°s iabo of saauoi os;o;d,naria Osgood and Danmoi
Towno in tho Land grannod LO TL;aas brankiin oi iniiadoionia in
trust for rgom and ounors. nn; or him oonvovod no ono said Jonga—
nin Walkor Y? Tidoniuro »‘ariay dai? uno Lnirbioun day of D ¤o>a—
For in LL? Y`ar of our Lyrd ont ;;onsand and sovon gnidrod and
niniiv Tivo. To,“L;`r miLn ari and sinpuiar Loo noroditamonbs
and aponrrinaxoos Lg¢r#unLo L#ron,in; or in any wiso rpsortaininp.
and Llo rovorsion and romaindor ani ·.‘o r¢maindors,ronis,issu¢s and
profits Lnoroof and aii »;o osLaLo,rinnr.bioio.inLorost,p ossos—
sion,proyorLy,dowor,claim and d¤a»nd, whatsoovor in iaw orpgguibv
· of LL¤ said Sonjamin Walkor and Lis wifo, and oaoL of Lhomaxin and
no Upn soiiifr Lo navo and Lo iioid aii and sinauiar Mr said Tiiirtrc
Thousand aoros of iynd add pronisos unro uno said Richard Harrison
aid Josiah O,d¢n Hoffman, Lhoir noirs and assirns Lo Lno only
propor uso, bonofit and bonoof or Lnv said Rionard Harrison and
Josiah Cydon Hofiman, Lnoir noirs and assigns forovor. and Lho
said Eongamin Warkvr aorn Lv Lnosc prcsonts for himsoif his noir;
Exoontors and Administrators oovonanb and Dromiso to and wiah tho
said Richard Harrison and Josiah Oidon Hofiaan tnoir noirs and
1 ___ assiyns LLaL ho, tho said Rnnnamin Walkcr nach not at any Limo
I j&·
g (1)


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f!o Jeqr si`o.o;¤n_ 17.wL
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In iooiioouv wL¢r=of T Lovo ;`r#unio ;¤k ov Lond. Ao ¤o¤L of
Offico Liiil; TTT, “;o.>f-;=‘./'idii.
Tooom¤» Todkh C.C.Jo
L; Co;x;.——¤\L¤: TEJJJLA; J. H‘V1fV. n.&-;;.

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 O r It  
This Indenture made and entered inte by and between Wcnry Webber. {
V L. W. Webber, Julina Piven, Alvis Clarence Biven, her husband. and
Ella Webber of ialena, Kansas, of the first part, and J. M, Snowdon,
of Lee tounty, Kentucky, of the second part, Witnesscthz that for and
in consideration of the sum of Forty- five dollars, elcvenjgg dollars
to each of us in hand paid, the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged
A hath this day bargained, sold, alicned and conveyed, and do by these
I` presents ézirgain, sell, alien and conbcy to F. ii. Snowdon, his heirs
and assigns all our undivided ri;ht,_title and interest of every kind
l which descend to us, the children and heirs at law of Tcrsey Webber.
daughter of Nancy IOl&Hd, daughter of Haraaret Snowdon, sister of Pris-
cilla Dunaway, late Hcluire. daughter of Janes Ae}uire Sr. deceased.
in and to the followiny tracts of lands in Lee County, Kentucky.
y First tract: Known as the Dave Dunaway tract at the Junction of the
§ Forth and Riddle forks of the Kentucky river, Beainnin; at the mouth
Q of the Canoe branch on the “orth cast side of the Middle fork of
V Kentucky river: thence up said branch to Snowden's Corner: thence with
l Farnett*s line to a Sugar tree on the bank of the Uerth fork of Ken-
? tueky river ( Barnett•s Corner): thence down the said forth fork te •
I the mouth of the Middle fork: thence up the said Middle fork to the
mouth of Canoe branch the place of beginninz, containink one hundred
acres. Second tract: Lyin: on the ¥ortheast—side of the Middle fork
of the Middle fork of the Kentucky river. known as the Vandcrpool tract
Beginning at a white oak and sono other trees, corner to Marr's and Ba-
rnett's survey: thence with their said line S 14° W to the Middle fork
of the Kentucky river: thence up said river with its meanders to the
mouth af a small branch opposite the Jack Mann house: thence running at
right angels from the rivers to Harr•s back line: thence with that line
to the beginning, containing Two hundred and fifty acres.
Third tract: Lying on the South west side of the Middle fork of
the Kentucky river, Beginning at a white oak, beech and dogwood on the
South bank of the Middle fork of thc Kentucky river: thence S 92 poles
to two white oaks on the point of the hill in Barnetts line: thence
with his line Southwardly poles to three hickories and three white
oaks: thence with said Barnetts line to the Middle fork of Kentucky
river: thence down said river to the place of beginnin; and known as
the Sparks tract or"place" containing one hundred and forty acres. The
lands hereby conveyed being our undivided interest—-——-—·""“`“iiT““"’/

 I being about three acres in the three foregoing tracts of land, with all
the appurtenances thereunto belonging, u to the said F. M. Snowdon, his
heirs and assigns forever, with Covenant of general warranty to said
land. The said Alvis Clarence Piven, husband of Julina Biven, ioins
in this deed for the purpose of enabling his wife Julina Biven, to
convey her interest in said land, and for the purpose of relinquishing
all his future right and expectancy and potential right to curtesy in
and to the three tracts of land aforesaid. In witness whereof we have
V hereunto set our hands and signature, this 14 day of March, 1890.
Henry Webber
Olive Webber L. W. Webber
Ellen Webber
Alvis Clarence Biven
Julina Biven
State of Kansas `
County of Cherokee; Se•t.
; I, W. E. Sticc, Notary Public in and for the County and State afore-
l said, hereby certify that the foregoing deed from Henry Webber and
Q others to F. M. Snowdon was this day·produced to me in said County and
Q acknowledged in due form of éggygy said Henry Webber. L. W. Webber, and
3 Glive Webber his wife, Julina Biven, wife of said Alvis Clarence Bivcn
and Ella Webber to be their act and deed for the purpose therein men-
tioned and the said Julina Bivcn, being examined by me seperately and
apart from her said husband thereupon declared that she did freely and
voluntarily execute and deliver the same to be her act and deed, and
consented that the same might be recorded: all of which and this eer-
tificate are hereby certified to the proper office for record.
Witness my hand and official seal this 14 day of March. 1890,
W. E. Stice,
Seal of W. F. Stice _ Notary Public.
I Notary Public
A Com ission Exp.1/31/94
Cherokee County, Kansas.
I S tate of Mo., }
County of Lawrence g S. S.
Personally appeared before mc, a Notary Public in and for said
County of Lawrence and State of Missouri, Alvis Clarence Biven to me
‘ known to be the person described in the foregoing instrument and ack-
nowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. In wit-

 ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Totxarry seal, this 11th
day oi`,Nerch,18QC.
Carr Mclmtt,  
Notary Public.
Seol ov" Corr Me’·’¤’r,+.
Notary Public
Lawrence County, Mo.
My commission expires Jem. 2.0th 1892.
S tate of Kentucky [N)
Countyiof Lee E) Set.       ·
V ' L" :4 r? -·4
I, QC. B. {kill, Qierk §f the Lee Comilty Odurt, hereby oertify that
Y J   ° .5 `J :.4
the foregoing: deed fiom Hbenry Webber and oth°Ers to F. M. Snowdon was
  `G o QQ ZZ ’€‘ .
this day produced to= me in my ofgicc, properdy acknowledged and certi-
— \A.c.~../ as F °"
fied as above, and lodged§ffor record: nguerexgon the snid deed and the
`ii J" fx  
two Foregoinié cgrtifientes and this cexgifidite __,hav<· been this dny
` E. O [-• Q,  
duly x·<éooz~t1ed: irg my said roffiee. L; Wiven undo? mylhnnd this 26 day of
7* L} ·* .14
H Y Y ( I` ’° *• sx ~—~
mm ch, 1890,   :6 6   __:
. d ° C. B. ·-I-Qillg Clerk.
I e- .
* r·
7* .
A Copy _ Attest: I
Z C. B. Hill, Clerk, I?
  BY   P.   DI Cl
   ·(J’·"//1’<"( / /((5/Y »
9 ’ / · 6 ,/a( .5   ,
  T jo ...T__f _e..   ....1

 dill aid.? .I¤C·¤ tihdcw mus [umd sim Jn: 0Jnu01·>d ovnd I ”t<>*~·1·n·;‘»-‘ .
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County of Lee )
I, C. B. Hill, Clerk of the Lee County Court, hereby certify that
the foregoing deed fron H. L. Wheeler and wife to J. Stoddard Johnston
was on the 25th dey of April, 1890, produced to Geo. P. Cote, my Deputy
in said County and acknowledged in due form of law by seid H. L. Whee-
ler and Mattie L. Wheeler, his wife, to oe their ect and ded for the J
  sw. _ _ ’
p uigposes there$1§,*méBti'§ned a§°e;&>eeirs {Brom said Deputy•s endorsement
O vw .__ 1: ‘¤ _· --—  
thezein as follovgz onclmiowlcdged-`before mq., in due form of lewpby W.
•~* ·. ° ‘- T .4 ¢. i` ·» ·· ¤ A Z
L. Wheeler and Mé?ttie 13% Wheeler, *his wI{`e,{;t1{1s 2.5th day of April, __
3 =¤ ··— > ¤ .. Ea ” $1 r ¢·
1890 ‘   , ° is g _ C J 5 A 4
{_. C` • "' —¥ '_ " . kw "Z _
J g ., G'. L3. Hill? Clerk., m   r= gi _ ;
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 This indenture mode and neutered into by and between H. Is. Wheeler ‘
and Mattie L. Wheeler of Beattyville. Kentucky of the first part and
J. Stodard Johnston of the City of Louisville Kentucky of the second
part, Witnesseth: that as agent for said Johnston President of the
S t. Helens Land Coal and Iron Company in the purchasing of the herein.-
` after described tracts of land and the further consideration of one
hundred and fifty dollars paid and the receipt is hereby acknowledged
hath this day sold conveyed released and quit-—5,)laim any and all right
title   iiiterest in and to the following   itract     in
Lee CO`U1g·Lff_kCDLl1CYY. and bognded gs Qiolliowsé Ilegigniztig at   mouth c L
of the gancg branch SE1 the fiorth déidre     higddkie Evprk ofjithc Ken- -
tueky   thence   said brancg ttl; ®OWd'%I'1§,iCCOElCl5!   with Bar- ·
netts 1.§1C to tg sugari tree~`oh~the§be§k gf   {or? §iork§>fg5the Ken- ;.
tucky river ( iatnettfs Cor1%r) : téence downithg ssidilbrtii gork with _
its several mieiniders to the~‘mouth§oQth‘g Liisdltj iorkxxofcjhhg KentuckV·_
river: `Ghence up the said Middle   éth iitsrlsegerai m&1n§&·rs to the.
beginnigg and   known as the David D§x1awgy.§raét        
Second trict, lying on the Jorth side of fthe‘*5.lid¢i’ieC}°o`rh'1of the Ry
river known as the "Jack Place", and bounded as follows, Beginning on
the North side of the said Middle Fork at the division corner between
F. 5.1. Snowdon and the Kentucky Union Land Company: thence up said
Middle Fork with its several meanders to the mouth of a small branch
opposite "Jack Manne"' house, thence running at right angles from the
river to Marrs back line: thence with Marrs line to the dividing line
between F. M. Snowdon and the Kentucky Union Land Company: thence with -
the said lines to the river the place of beginning.
To have and to hold his undivided right title and interest in and
to the aforesaid tracts of land unto the said J. Stodard Johnston his
heirs and assigns forever with the title of quit-—elaim from the grant-
S ors herein and no other. The said Mattie L. Wheeler joins in this deed
and for the. purposes therein stated, and hereby relinquishes any and
all right and expectancy to dower and homestead in and to said tracts
of land. _
I In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this
25th day of April 1890. » ‘
H. L. Wheeler
Mattie L. Wheeler.

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