xt7v6w967h1k_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. February 7, 1905-November 29, 1935 text February 7, 1905-November 29, 1935 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_1/Folder_6/1928.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_6 xt7v6w967h1k   4
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 Snuumr. V. Hxyumx.   IAEONIDAS D. Y1umu:nx.. " •p¤0y; EAST 7],
°FF!0¤B'¤rF   04nLu Anmucss °.HAYAn,"
HAYDEN ap YARRELL, °°”“ "‘B‘°‘
gttmnzpz and Qluunszllurz at Inmu,
PACIFIC B’LD’G, 022-24 F ST. N. W.,
Ylzishinrt on ]D.C. ??o}>ru:.r¤r '7 IQO5.
.1 ’ 7 ·· 7
Yr. Arthur S. Henry,
Jackson, Ky.
Door Sir:
I rocsivod your Iottor on my roturn from Louiovillo und Boxing-
ton, whcrc I stop ou cvor i?;·o=;s, ny fai:.thois’¢z Tmznrprazl. The Iottor
was writtcn before I stoyyod at those pluccs, wncro I rocoiv d h
information which rcudcrs the situation loss co;;Iicntod ;nC noro
oasily gott;11   thc.;1 ’.`,'El{)§`l I Yirrxt too’: it up wit}1 1*. C:;;r=.>y 22:1cE
otiior momborss of your coyiwuny. It nm not: IIi.L2`]`O”.'FG(`I Goirn to this,
thert thc rocordo mzicim I <`.;c:L1·c ur  Q)j.`?`A:TO1` iu ",o:;f.2;,jit»:>n or ¤iLe1y
City, th.: I`OI“I.?.L31`., I thinlvi. ‘ .°.I 'iiil  in "Fqo;1;i.n_;;¢··v:1 I wont ovor  
?'*1·'3.'CCG1` wi’t1‘1 *1*. Caro;/, who tolo me you would loo}: it up Tor TIC Sent?
hm? trritton mc to that offociiz, but (iid not stutc Z'IO\’fE`:1l1CI'l you
wont od for doing; so. Had ho, I would hexvrz run on Gown to Jc.=:“tSo11 \
und tC.Z:.;>;1 it ug; with you, ut: I um rzuro, with ri; i`1iLI }:noivlo<7;jo of _
just what wax wuzztod and tho truo ratut 12 rc of &,;I"E`z2irs, you could
hczvo holpori rm out in   vory Iiirtlo whilc. I am going.; to state
to you in confiricnco, as I did to   Ca‘.r.:y, th r<2;ir=:ou °rs¤. Toy-
bricic imo for ;__;&iniQngg   Ssuit, ur; Troll as hor ii`inein<;i;1l ooncii-
  You doubtloss 2-snow who ono   A youn;g Fwuthcrn woman,
D   ;: { » ,y
. rs _A ri 4~\ \ ’
who mu1··1·i·2d an 3311g_giLis:1mo.n und L1 few yoaxrB t11oroaL;i`tor 2·.·as;i,t1‘iod and <·
-..V , iv ’°¤. s·»'~,  ·
`I co"sivicto<1 of his murdcr, on act OIL;;p`.'.’I'IICh sho   inuocont as ·- -
f/OL! Or I. I $@:28.]: z1dv1S6·dIy. Twice: I horvo 1"i3})1"t}G-.331125d hor caurso
in }ix1;iL&.1·1d durinyg tho lost fiiftoon yours, during; which time tho


 SAm¤¤n V. Huznmw. I..mor·un4s D. YAmunm.. vpucmn EAST 71,
omrmms 0x·r .*0 ` CAxsx.u Annunsu °°HAy,R_»»
HAYDEN & YARRELL, "°"“ "*”*°·
gtturnzgx amd @HlI1'L$BUHf$ at L,H1U,
PAOIFIO B’LD’G», 022-24 F ST. N. W.,
\VASH1NG'1‘()N, D. C.
A.S.11.--2. 52/'//115.
9I1JCj.1`G H1l;`7;LlS1l sj>0;1`i111g; ·.·. 101*lG 111*030110 0.1111 01111*001;:1rT 1`D1" 210;· 1*0-
102100. $11; l011g;t;11 0110   01,111 0i` ])1`Z1.GOE1, ififtcxn;1 f/'J&l1`7`5 cf E12? 1110
1.00t, 1101* 0111lc11*011 z2.l10110.t0r1 TTOLA; 1101* C.Z1V1_ 1;/:;* €`01*t11;10 CJIJCCCI,  
<:?1&1 Shi] 1:: ‘z0c10.y 171111001: O.1’1]_f171ll1"1[f 011110 fl“O11l 1101* ~Y`»`.'/ll lZT¢.YJO1“. `.'H11l0
1 0111 01‘ p1"j.SOll, 0110 10 1101 ;r01; i_`>f_`;l”1TOllO11. 111011 1101* 1*111111;*11 1:0 11110
COl.1H$1`:f, it *:10.0 011;;;*;;;:11 4C111i`L1L 3101* 1*0l1:;;::0 213.6 110011 OT`t·'T.i2'l1)(i Fey
1’1*0:.1c1, 1.0.111 1*0;1;*0:102111 1115; 1:11;:,1 9129 :11117 1101* 1101:2101* 113.11 1100:1 C20-
;D1`Z1.VO(1 0i` t1101;* 1*11*3111: 11;.1 CL 1`01*:11n1·· 01:101*210;:. {2110 1,1*01100,% 1011 `.’f1lj.Ch
10 00121jpl 0.11106 0f ly 171* 0. fiiif/b1;`j.C1C :111111 1101* Z'i`;O1]1l¥31` *:1110 1]i34G‘.'.·'OiB1l
11{?.1"I`l$C>11 ii`. (,P1”`OO1ll, 1101:11110lly, but 1:110 0.;*;;:111; 01* :,.1:t01*110y 00t11a.;ll;r,
11; 1UG.l1'1;` Cl3.Z1.T.113d 11;.* *1*1:. iuiilf/-1)3`i·T31€ ’c11;2.1i 01 1:110 iQl`OfZ1.)1"1Zj,’ 00lci *00
y0111* 00mp:1={11y fO1" {.85},000 by 1111111, 1_n11:wt T1l;l1` r=gg0211*, 0111;,* 0,00011111;0d
110 t11.1:»1 f01* i‘QlO,C·OO 01111 1:11:,1: :.1: 11110 1:1110 {Thi) 00000 ’»`fCI°=3 ~.)Z/2801,11ZGd
1;0 ;r0111* 001*.1 .._‘. ·ei111y, 1211];] 0;:001111011 1:0 "1*. 111*00111 iF01* "1*.f0*i;1r:t1*011g
c100r1s t0 thc.: 1*0:.1;;111c201* 01 1:1101:* 11*010, 11101*0 "13]1;f.21 15*.:*0 i`l[1.l`1-Z1.01‘1¢`3 0i€`
001*00, 101* ‘.`}'1lQ1.·31l 1:110;* 1*;;001v0d TlO`1Z11j.1'lfQ. iT;11%111·a1lly 3;*01* will
1101*01111;*0 JC11E*.1] F51lC1l 1; 1`Oj_>OI1'1Z 00.11 but 110 <10’c1*11110111:0l 1:0 Yrs. Kay-
b1*101< 111 any l°L1121J.I`G 0011011 0i` 12110 E211gf‘11r:11 Q§O\,'—3I`211"1Gll`1Z, 1111,1935 S11.0'1`l1l
130 110 11111;1*110. T110.13 10 C11j.Of].:/ Chi) I>l11“QO€5C 01 ’ch1s1 01111:. If 11
10 [jLLj.ZlO(1, it will t11110 110 ::0011 1:1121t 11011 0111},1 1101*0 0110%. 1*0p1*0s0111wa-·
1211.0115 t1*110 11111: t110.1; 0110 11110 1'DGGII ]7`10l"l5`31T2`OL1$].f,’ 171*011;;:11, j.}'l(1_OG(1 11101*0
so 1:11011 :11131* 1:r01r1:12*1 in M101*10:111 1'llf-B1ZO1`§.’.
a` 1.71111 12110 ¥`$I1.“Cl,1E}.`17lOIl H1110 11*0111:1;.1 0’za11t0c1 t0 3011, I (`j'L10’1iO 1101*
01111 ].O.llQlZClQ‘3 111 1*01?01**1n00 *00 1:1110 111a11:t01*. h
"Pl00s0 111*110 and ask 71*. 1F0111*;r 11 3,1011 will 001111
111111 3, 011001: ;K`01* LLB!] 1501* 1210 t0 pay 1110 ’c1·0v0l 1111; 0:13011000


 SAMUEL V. Bxynxus. L¤0Nu>As D. YAn1u:L¤.. rpuonn EAST gh
°Fm¤¤B OF Cgnma Anunnss ·‘HAYAR,"
I-IAYDEN & YARRELL, °°"“ ‘*· "· °·
ggttutnzps amd Gmmszlluts at loam,
PACIFIC B'LD'G, 622-24 F ST. N. W.,
\VAsH1NG•1·01~z, D. O.
A.€.II.--5. 2/7/oo.
in looking for the evidence that you wont, whoth r he
will not undertake to find it. Should he find it,
you con joy him for hio time ;nO oxuenses in testifying
but I do not ece how I on to raise tlOO now, with my
mother'e and my own expenses to puy." {
In complienco`with this suggestion, I am herewith enclosing you
e choo? for gio, to be oxponlid in trying to find thie evidence.
Thouli you Fino it, either u letter from Arnutrony, the contract
or any other conpetent evidence so that you con testify to the
same before the notary, Tr. O'Deor, I thinh Col. Carey saio, at
Zexington, I will pay you in acuiaion Qll per dey for your time
while eo tootifying, together with your truvoling expenece and
hotel Pills.
Douhtloes *r. Crawford knows all these facto. “r. Qt. John
Ioylo uno Sr. Pullurd Thrmston seemed to think he Eid.
Hou as to the oxuct facto which I wont to prove: H
First: How much was "r. Armstrong to receive for the
Kentucky lends helon ing to Vrs. Tuybrick ond her mother, unoer
o negotiation penoing with your company or Tr. Ton Crawford during
the your l8&36‘? `
Second: Was this negotiation still pending on September
14, lG87, or if this negotiation wus not pending, woe uny other
negotiation pending on euid dute between Tr. Armstrong and your
c omp any ‘? I
I hope you may see your way clear to undertake this matter,
I but if not, I will thunk you to return the check unc we will let

1 *  :· . »--,    —  ‘ ____  . .    ¤.···—¤   .. ~.U.;. .   . V , ~ . 7, . ~. ·

 SAMUEL V. B'Ay1>mv. TAEONIDAB D. Y.uuzmm.. ‘Pu1‘22ia;i1ion, you 2‘·1:i·.y $.2216 Til'? his
C¤.Gf7,1"GSf3 and your `Will Toy your ZZ1`<.JLU>lu i11lo<:q.1:i;1[V; Fein, providoci
it docs not o:-:o¤:o<” ·._lO. To it Huis vmy; roiurz; #212 giifi chock,
@.i:’ca¤.cE1iz1L_; ; .‘·. siljhq otiu;; your 1·oquiromo11’n¤ in 1· his 111.·i1:totr is .rs. ii&;Tlll`j.C}I'$
i11e1*vilit* to do iso. Please wrozu? cow of t»;m1:imou* i1oro=::ii221 omzlocod
__ 9
it will give you ai. Uottor Lioaiz of tho situation.
l om:. u. l '  

 , F
V`; ..
i  ‘·¢= »,~ ·.`· M · v`
' *'  » *;;1-, 4* amiga   4, , .~ . . '

   = · . .
Snuumn V. H.urmQw. Lm0>unAs D. YAmunr.1.. 'Puoxm EAM: 71.
_ omrrcms on 4% (nuns Annumss °°H.4YAx,"
Conn A.B.O.
gtturuzys amd Qluuuszllurs at 1,,mu,
PACIFIC B‘LD’G, 022·24 F ST. N. VV.,
D.F&.s;11ng;T;011, In}., "-1G}>1“1l€l1°;f la}, LQO5.
*. * C ** . .. f
¤I‘T1£1`Ll1" S. NG;11 j, ,»Gs<;.,
Jacicscm, `Ty.
Paar Hr:
·*- C'} ' — M, ·.· . · . ‘ = .,. ,. . · ,* · ...
OH 1.112 ¤_>'C.1 1.I1S‘{,. ..02 U1 OT.;} _fOU Xflfn 1¤.¢I"O1 OMCU to ].OC»..C111;;; up A
emma data, 5.2 to the tz‘a111s¤c;ci;L011 beztvrcczu t11@·Kv>211:1zc”Ty Union Lc.11[j€3‘UE1iB1"
with   ciwclr for  $1125, utc. `D`ct`;.1’·;;> givinr notice to teakc p0-
s1tic;»11¢= it   1D1.:c<.>::r;:L1’·y to TT?`; lair 11:: *:210*:.* 1,2;:; _>:11··li;;;;t. dsxxixg you *;ril;L be
·w».       * »   ~   »-v · V. · -¤·· -. .~  · ·. ¤» .4-wz
  KQ £.’J....__].VLV CHL; ;,J.L-;.;l1l·,,.`L..·..1l uw; _fxJUl .~.I_L¤;}€·, ...,· It IL? 003;; ¢‘._}‘lG
to *c€J-ic: ;r<_;·w_11‘ 1;c:wtimr.»z1y gi: tho t;i1·.m me indy the ‘ccci.in©n;* of ciahcr
"c;¤1;1;<·7»-ig *:ri“nnz.;:sr:©::, which wc hm? hoped to be 0:1 the 'ftix of 77;;:*031.
"'.,.,,-·§ .. ,· , .* .. ' -, ..,\` .-" ,— , J , .*·°»- -, r»`w ·· ~·
LX’1¤.¤.;-1.;I'l;, d»<>1.. '..xs 1).YA1un:1'.!.. ·P¤¤yg EABT 7],  
OFFICES OF 0.41u.u Annumss °‘HAvAn,"
7 Conn A. B. 0. -
_§.tturu2y$ mul Qiuuusellurs at Ismu, ’
PACIFIC B’LD’G, 022-24. F ST. N. VV.,
\\’ASH1NG·1—nN, D. C.
2.·O.f*3;1].;L; LOD, i. . W. , s.L`;1`<;;; Q, 1. JC),.
.”.1·i;hu1· 7. TL¤1u·g,~, Liam;. ,
I. 1.. ‘"‘
J.LC·*.$?$OZl, N:/.
., *..7... D-f,--
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VT *. .. ,- .: . ,7 4. · V . . .1...*- . , *   .7.7‘.; J _. . .7. " 7-   -. ~"
  .1..*. Q :)..*.*341 1lu.,-CC Ln.} ...-.. ..0 (.}).2 <..·.;;»<,•..J.·..4.0.15 x,.. _.¤.».l.. 501...,
·... F1 .... -,7 ... ‘ *7. .7. ... _. 4.* 7**.**: .. 7(* .‘*.- *7* . .7_. 2... ".. ' `., T1',. -.·. -7 7.
F.; · 1.8.1. G; @110 O`l.:L;}1“S qi. milf} O ULLCKL3 C5; {qw; =;O;1'L..C   {.*..1w-i ¤·..»..Z.jD.-l_,
7~.._, * rr}. ,._...._.... ._.'. .. 7*. ' ' "
i.. 0.1 .;.>rd, ...0.1. .~.:.1f.,.L.1;/   LO 1... ..
‘%E10u]. 110 .i`;i.;;F. tl.; .tT:r;.i2·m`. .J`\,’i({..)L‘LC.J   ‘::;LljL
.. 1. ..*7» .a7` .- ’*77_ _ :.. .' .. .7,., ‘   J _-. 7 7. 7 ... ,7 .7....., .r·,7..v. . r. 4. .` 2..- 7.. .7 .
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' 7.. ... · . * J ,.. ;. ._ ._. .7.. .. ’ 7 . L. . .. j__.· · . , . . . .-7 ‘ 77 ‘. ..,." "  
lng) E18; ·; Up. (.073;,1 G ·..·.. !{.;...~.f .';1..¥7.   .70 F`?..·..L.L 1-CTC? y;}121f> (AIM ...7.. ..4]..L
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**,-...7*. . .*.1.,;. ..,. ..... . — _. ,r_· _. ·v..·. .. .. . .., -.. ., ,.;. . . ·..•
L\->yJ.11;‘, {.11..4.  wll ..1·.._/ ZYUCC;>U<.·. ..11*} L.11¤..Zl-..L;1;_, J *.,*7.1 SO; _,·OUl .-...1.·em.;0»
—— +.7-',... ;.... .7 .—"~ 7 ..7....,7. .* "  
(M) ¤.H.;r5 *1.},1. [.131 , MH ¤...!.l>"./J Sill]; ;;7»¤.r.;(1 7 l <.1.J L,
  I ..*.4*. ’\ '1... . ,.....7
...‘U...L.\»L-...\.1L.L.Ld' J uu. 5 ,
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Wil/··• \,¢‘ A/{ ../’b·‘.¤-/MK ·· _.
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 Snuumt. V. HAx·n1s:x. Luowxnns D. Y.uuu:.n1.. ’Pu0ru: E.u·¤w 71.
OFFICES OF CA;-xm: Aunxucse-» UI-IAYAx,"
T C0 ‘ A. B. C.
gtturnzps and (Hum1z»:Um:s at 1,,mu,
PACIFIC B‘LD’(}, 622-2+ F ST. N. \V.,
\VAs111NG·voN. D. C.
Washington, D.C., Vohruary 24, IOOE.
··.. '* O . 4.
E}; • li• Q •   Jr,
Vico Prosidont Kontuchy Union Co.,
Jackson, Ky.
Door Sir:
I huvo your vuluod favor of tho Qlst inst. togothir with
two onolocuros, lottoro from Ky. Armstrong fm L.T.Io¤ongprton ono
3h*. }%.C}.B;Q.l;n"Q (TID`UfWlO}1, E“N` Tvoyj i;> t}1o:ic gr II fE;o1¤ifco‘.
Wo hopo ihmt thooo rooordo may Fioclooo The Gtoiroi d;iCA YT.
Hon Crnwford must know all about it if no oouli ho loc;iod. fno
rocords of your o*fioc sho ·.·,· that he no& o oongiooion of g7,5OO out
of tix: finil t11m1S&ciion IMNVTO n yoin‘ co@iw;;F nnd QI. Pdiioifongp
In 1886 a doof waz maOo Ry "Ts. Igyhriok, his nails? onf oihors to
VT. Crawford, no nynriy no wo cnn got nt it. This transaction
diGn't go throunh. In it wo ·oro .i.¢ inforuoo than TT. Crawford was
· ,·¤>·*··»g»’>rw“ in · *r ·1·* ¤·w»1·’—.‘.n`r "v» ·<·o»1 1·r·‘r; ‘·* ‘*T»·i:"‘ "·i7=* r·‘~1¤"··`i"f ""`<‘ "O
I~»»__ L U. .]--.....i.;i, ur 0;.; (,*4,..; · .-l_I .1.,. MU, .3 .,;.___ Ul t..<,,l· _, L) L.; .,\_n.,._,_»¤..-;v naw.; L;
take the propoyty off his hands.
I forwardod o copy of your lottor to ”is. Ioyhriok. I know
ono will bo highly plonsod.
Agnin thankiny you fon your intoroot and courtosy, I mz,
Pgithfully yours,
_l é`) 7
V ,-·If' /   ~
S\/`H,/ I 1.   ¤· f X   *  
Lf-·* ‘ .

h~ V  
"`   . jx ;:'

 SAMUEL V. H.;Y1.>mN. Lm01u1:As D. Y».uruz1:.L. ’Pu0Nm E.xs*1· 71. l
Omrmms 01,. CABLE A1»nrusssv°`HAYA¤,"
_ Conn A.B.C.
Atturnzps amd Qluxmsrllurs at Iamu, ‘
PACIFIC B’LD‘G, 622-24. F ST. N. W.,
\VASl{1NG'DON, D. C.
=.`f;~.s:h;i11;,t011, E7. i., ;.;1.;*·<2Z; LFE, ]-‘Z•<.~:>.
nm . ,. r· vv     .
xu. JGILUJ ¤.`·. .·.Gi1,L _y , . 4SQ. ,
`]`·$»~»7-<—< wr] `·_7‘
I ._. c..;..»JO._, _/ •
—~   . l1Z
T .—   ~·~,.....   . . -. ..   .= .. .   . —»... r·· ..- · : .. ·v .v-:...-.   ..
J. hbwu _,u...1 l<..T.{.=.;1 $.1..,..;,411;, LM.}, ; . »·G`..¤]..T. .».¤» J.O\..'...--1;_ ...1a.O
the @1;*.1:1* Ur ;11*11/:.   L =.m‘ gcu,
"` ‘ -` r..—» . `» ».. .—. .., :.1. 1., ,..‘...... .¤....,.. .* .1...}. i_ _., 1, ...·.
J. 11Zww ifi Lava: <.0LIb1S; cL$ Ln. M.: (.-1..,; Y·=.;l;_;; 1-;,..;.;, ...lT.;1L.J,,_.- SAC;-  
—· · *' W " .--,.~-... _»»-"* - _` 4.. /`·J..,‘*-'.,. -'. .—,. *·*.~...° . $"" .;_
YA: Th; CQSG. L 2...4. mu; .1 <,w1j..(.¤.;;1<,=J .1. ....L;L~ .*.1»;_ LT. .:.1 .UuJ.5·*1-._<_.;... .
  Di:;©z1_ 1*.*;*01:;: 1;*12 Ox; I l`f}Z` 1;l1.;.’z tip; i;L;i_`·;.1*t-.,.1*101; f`·:¤iI;*¤2<` * .‘.’  
not in ith;. r ;=c;:;*·<1.· ci: TC.01e1s.:vi.];CL .1. T   gm; *.·.‘ 0111.7 loc}: *;C*.;*·.i»11;_,1;
—» —. -~-— »¤ . .~.'Z.¤ · ·" .-.» `»V' ~- -·, »”—€—,` J'. ,,»——,·i;—.—.     —·—.._- -Tq··. "_ -.1 ·i—<- J-·~#
Jbm 1;.<§<»».<;.¤ ·.e.11<; {wp., 3.; JU.; Lyn mu.} ~.¤;;.·..·.,¤,.. ..31 HCCA 1...; r...M..·.<,..-_,
Union Lam? C:OIY'l'VT2'L1l`,»' :..11C -¤‘.I"T`T?T1`Ol'l!" iC·;.;· if ;¤ *·m1‘c};z,¤0 of T11;} 4:.0zr; J;
V}iF}`k`j,/ 1£‘2.1X11,y Viig_i11:>c` ii, ‘.‘.’}l3TZ]¢..¢1” ii.?} TUC
-:..   .. .-,..   .·-.. '* .. "· ,   -     ·..· T   .....
·LL..{.();:1y fn .\1¤,¢ <·..L..»· ·.}.·.· 1IUn—.;CG
2;;..2 T><;.u1*:_ bivow 11 O t,e.`;*·; ymzy F,<*»1*]-CL'=** i1.rw1;¤.¢aiC. T’TL;;¢c1;*€;¤__»d by   .\1·2Lv:1:z·01·¤g; us fthe: ;=.i*1:01·;w;#* f01‘
*`1az1‘0l;i.11=: .3. v011I20<;u<;=¤, gi·1L»;m1<;· m*·iL*€·<.> mz, (}.'_l"*3 cnf léoczyjsz C?. 7`;*igg_;S,
T.0ui.Sv5jLLL© '.Q‘?c*u$s1t ’Zc»1·;*·:s.;wy T‘vil, "`jt., F.? ~·7:c<;  
s7*¤01[L<`E I 11, I *:.rilQL   j*:*~1t 10 ·?C2`.1<> to
Z`.©:»i*’.1*1;gf*.mw can ffxw **w,0r2·_:L;y,_· m` 1‘Ym;·n:H.·=y, tim fiII~;·6 j_1;:;i..
I ‘i>1*0r;1u*a.0 **011 :11* 1;: *?`.1<1·:ss "HAY4n,"
1 C0u1cA.B.O.
gkttmcmzps cmd Qluunszllurs at 1,,mu, _
PACIFIC B’LD’G, 022-2-1 F ST. N. vv.,
VVASH]NG’L‘()N, D. C. , . , ,. . __ . __ .-
\.’c.:;111.ngji:011, 1.*. C. ,   0.1 ZL C, _; 90:1.
U [ 1f}* v`*` (` TT »»· ··v
;.,T• \I` »--I.; .*• .,~.'.»I'J..L J ,
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J3.C.:CfEOl1, .‘=..Q/. —
TZ;} ci 00.1* Sill`:
-.‘ , * ‘· .. ..... ‘ , , 4.:. ..,. . :~ ·.1,_ V 5*;..1 " 1., . ......·' 1. . ..., i
I 1<%c..=1¤. GQ ,,1 .   :3 1:31. L. ::1. U._ TA1.;   ..»L,1'l. J. .;..11 J .:L 1.LJb ‘J.l ‘
111m ;1 l1‘L>i;1© fu1*1;h<;1‘· but Zl¤'3.‘J•QJ 110 r70u?>‘L tlmiz his $;.c.1‘·c2. = .A,*   }i1·0;:.vcz‘ , $7><;<:if:I.crfL].  c:1~.jLTL<2<7 11i rr 0.11 t wai: icy;
Y 7. - -—··-.- .·—» ·` · . ·~—- ·~- "·· f ·» —-,» - ». .»— "-· ».. -·<‘ , ·`— .-..`
to Edd T.; r.1.11Sc:.CtJ.0;1 Y.=G{w.:CJ¤J;1 ;; . A`I`;;1FJ{.- O;1;Wj $.516 ,1 . O1 ...`..lO1"J .L;1 . ¤—
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].»:.t.LO.Ll ub Lil.} .;).}1J,;,', . <)·,.{.;».».{·L L.;l(·_ I-J.;.¢.C.iw;l ’,;*..»,I;lT,v/ ]_L,;l(i¢~, ·.. =;; .;.1.1 L.;
ucsd ]2".SFT@`$iCi_¤}1`£‘.`LY1*321
-" J------ `.··—‘ ···· -»   · .--.....4. ~— .,.-T'; . -,,.,,. .., ,. ...* . .... ’ * .-,., .‘ .
O., ¤,h..Li. <¤>.!._L ..-0,+ .;_¤2<7 I i,Z·_$~..,Z.·. _.0:..i.;$..L_r   CJ,.1 . -.}n;C./1 pr -..’».¤1&c. $4:;]. VT
'*! . .». .‘•   ·"-. .. .,. ., . .·   ......7.:.;. . ..,-,-2 _ : , .v,-·. ···., ’,`.,,
(,.LE1ClOf»n: 1::14-1- • ' _,' .L }L.f.~OiI   OJ. -41. .¢.¤·...iZ(, x-.Ll.L.,.X.1; .;.{`. ·L.;.·.,..I· J 4 • ftUT..{.;l_l
··-·~ " `V .- —. ~».-.. '., ~, J. . .. — ... . ».*` ." ' ,, ,. · ,,.,,. -—· ,_ -· ,
F»..._]$ JG fi.;} O..;<.,;‘.].;1;>L` blu: ; ¤iCu.‘; (if. L· 1 I; J;Of,~T. (ll? OU; 1 UT _; ;’.;'i< L.
J. lYl`L] G2Ji_;O(i ]iLi3;Z2.2'l;j iff li){7{3©Y;“ 7l`O·'j,(`, :Ej1C)U_£`]L TTU C(,>VOI“ El]. {ZQ`€Li'1;Z*€;CTfj.G§lS
" ;—·*· --·; ·- ····—~- -·. ·--- fw--. .— .1 ".. /‘.... ,4... . . "‘ .  . ,. .. _., , , ;~ —»·_,
DU•..Uua21l _ ,1 . C`;J,\,.;u1G JAM., ,· 4 . .·.;.;.1£.L.; wmv. J. Zimva; L[].:sO L;5Z~_0u ;; .
€§c*.v‘0lQL if 1.h0:·¤> i.$ in j,¤;»m‘ c>;?:i‘ic.2 ;. 1* ·.>c@z·d Of   ;1;;i-:121·21‘ in  ch
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A LING :17.&)`!lU_/S ..;;I O j_¤·...L(, $0 yl . fu ;.1f»{.; wily, ?`~_ {.;*,2: 7‘i¤)Z1T.LlC,`  UHIOD _‘..L‘.11U
' ·~‘ ··* · *   "··'- - ~ · —· "~ ` - .- . .. . . . ... .- -· . :.
C0mp;mu», $0111*vic0$ of
_/OLL milf? 1L.L;;}.f;=;l.- .L;L 17];].5 ,-.;iZLLJ; , Lal ».....LC1i 4 S. ,‘,2]._T?‘;   ;T`l;Y_]_;T
$11:2.1*0   .
‘ T?a=.:Li2E>i`1all;r ;>011;‘$,
Qvvr rv / /4 4//
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 iw; ·

SAMUEL V. H.xx·¤acN. Lmo1~u1>As D. Y.uuuzL1.. .1-HXONE EAST 7L
I °Fm°EH °F CA1u.1; Aprnuass “I{AYA11,"
HAYDEN & YARRELL, °"°" A·"·°·
gtturnzps amd Quuuszllurs amt Inmu,
v· PACIFIC B’LD’G, 022-24 F ST. N. VV.,
VV * . . wrt. .·-.·   .. " 1* ‘"‘.V-V- ." ‘ " ·”= *
"s“‘N“"‘”‘·D C ....;.1111.A,L<.;1, 11.   ,   .,..1 1.., 1 ..0..
T}©c11_~.;g TF. F%©*:.*·..:lQL , .1::c;. ,
u3.C.1=.SOl1, Ky.
4`*·sa=.1· Six`:
  . - .. .4. . ... ·— :.* . :‘·.i ‘. . ..j *.1..., ».'¤.4-..4. .~ 1 ` __
.L }1·J.¤.f& _~OU1" lwbtuu Ol 1.110 1.1,-1 1351.. ZA.) (...1.. w;.....-i¤:C LC
' " ' ·» · ·V-.— . .·.-»—.V '* -_., ·.-· ...1
not 1.*11::.1: I *.*:1511. {LO __11*0vc, I    011. scamych ·....~.r. M   a:;lL»d;_,l
'· .' . -' ... -. ·° ., ..,»* .' )". ' '... .·... ,4.%... ..v. . ,- ' ***1* `·..., ..-{P 4 *
to <;CLv;21“   i1’;. j0‘C._._z,14011:, 1.11 ..,1;; . 1 . Q,. __...i.1 ..,11, ...111. 1 , . Q. .2 ...01r..
  .m.;:;.;;¤6_? i‘21¤1·.>   ;.;.j ;©L 1;,1:1.011:1   .‘.* can ·i,1;..;1 L11 ;¤.f.1‘<2i12c
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2‘1O.dc 11;/ the f°e.1‘<>2·1<.:r;*·. I (I0 not tY1iL1·1l: I <;e]_QL¤<1 ycur ..,1;i;.:11i2i©21
.. ,_ .2 ,5*: ,.· .,. .;. . .;.",._4. .$ ,` . ... ‘_ ..4..*. .,. T , ,, . J `. V . `V .— V."»— V. ` V".·-»» »’ '
C&ywC.z..=.J.Cc.]-]._,» UU ...1..11, .11. QJ Y. 4....:.; . .- Qui.: ·..-11....f. 1. ..F-.<;<. wu. LL}.
1105_;0i2i;.T.i011r=. Eid ,2.11 r·..i.c ;;.11;x ]_<31`."1ZC;1`F‘ K3;10`.`.'j.1'L.i 1wgV;©·;i;21:i0;·1r; T >0*c2’.¤;:©11
··-.. *‘-. ...-.... ...·`   .......¤V..~   .. ··.=.-Z·.. :.V :.".V. ‘·  *.
_; . ..1;,1LLI Uh, ...110 1 . O1.,L..;.1‘ ihiri LLZU', YCDH
:5011lrT c©;1vc;;¤.ie1z·1tl.y 1. 0<>"’i CKE _”O`QLl` 1`·JC2<$>1`f"Z”` ..11 ;E`;©Tir<©i; :.;1.·°   :.10
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0(?ry_.;,q/ 7;/b(/V xx/` Lijwl/ZA Clip"/:»E·’ ..V. .· U./( t;";¢ ..   `L/it
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Ulll\)l1 v_)L,~,'].l· (_:\Jj1YLJL.,j]_h.r mk}; ~¢ , ;&..(T.J 1.*.) 43.1 Mlpt- O}l;_, .L ·.\/¥;_LC:;_, L ;.:~.O L.J.C’EJ\'>• _ ‘
cm/;·y of
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011 uiL.LYS E».J1_j·J(:... TC111<~.L_,· Loki. .,.1. ,0.11 L 2Cw. J. LAC. Guo .i` JOU.
..— A * ' , . . . H. .~ .... ...-'.... . .` ' .. -I ,·, A -¥ . ·~ »-.. -. . ‘. .
]1<.L`\/uz Cul?. (1. 46.*. Lulfj .·lr·».» ...L. 12 glu. I T».>]_....v.. .1.T. ..'·.>a].CY bz: ?T.;T`x.n.;1` to
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'f· 7 · ` —·• 1 -¤.·.» - ··» ~‘ .—_ . - ~ ° . ° r .. · . I . »- ·-A.
`.·lL].:L OL) 1111001 .:..._,· M10; 1.. .,I1.l LO @5.;.1059 T30 ;/OU MUG LO .. . . CLLL 0;. .1.1; ..111001 cz

4 #*1:
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 SAMUEL V. HAx*nr¤N. Lm01·1ums D. Y.uux1¤r.1.. ‘\‘ >P;m;4m EAST 7].
OFFYDES Ul" O.a1u.m Aunnuss °‘HAYAn,"
(J A. B. C.
· ;1k2 -..a» th; S J- 5 1 ~l}~ D $¤· A JQ ·»..
fir S . 1`ic.;;1>1· LL Q": .
Yf;1"g CXL jj Q'O`.ll`£J,
*~ X, _ _ _ r; ,.
    ,/   ,. K:.
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GV-     • §%,,_ V
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  , U A > ,7 . wp F . . · f‘· 
 ¥§f£;»·., ` *3 ,·" _ - . .` ···>1r¢~~··r-·» ~ ’

 ls ,
    New YorK,Ayril 5, 1905.
Arthur Hehry,Esq.,
Jackson, KY.
Dear Sir:
I attended at the office of the Kentucky Union Company
in Le;>;i·;@on about =a, f`r>rtni_*ght since, in pu8s‘·i=mCB of notice f` T‘Om
the plaintiff in the case of Von Roques against Armstrong, et al_
that the depositions of Mr. Carey a·H yourself mwvato he taken at
that time and place. There was no aypearance on the part of the
plaintift, or her counsel, and I was in fact informed that the
notice for depositions was to he regarded as withdrawn. I mentioned
to Mr Carey, while in his 0fFi:e, that it was my wish to take your
deposition in my own behalf, and to have you furnish me copies of
certain documents in the ctstody of ymur cowmany and he said that
he did not doubt that you would willingly furnish the copies desired
and appear to testify at such reasonably convenient time and place
as might be appointed for that purpose. In asxing you to furnish me
the copies of the documents I an about to mention I no so, of
course, upon the understanding that I am to pay your prooer fees
  /V/i` #{4 .; .¤ ,;,#'.,¢y;`/
for hiving the copies nude for mc, and which;I,AHll promptly and most
cheerfully make. I will he obliged if you will have made for me
a copy of the deed fr·m Mayhrick and wife to Groom, acknowledged by
f them at Liverpool in Decenhor l%87; and Further a copy of the Power
gi of Attorney, from the Muybricks to J. S. P0ttef.&¤@’acknowled€€d _
I -, i at the sam~ tina as the Deed above mentioned

é` _‘
,r>'•·  .

A. H. -2» April 4, 1905.