xt7v6w967h1k_58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. Su-Sw text Su-Sw 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_6/Folder_6/1071.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_58 xt7v6w967h1k A J" '“ ¢”¥~»M~~ (X?. .   4     _  
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 THIS INDENTURE made the 22nd. day of Zovember 1819 between
. • n L .
David Cowper Sulan of the Count; OI hardin and State of J
~ I
Kentucky Esqr., No Charles "illiam Juste Jerome, and N. {
Louis Philibert Brun Vanbignoee, both declared citizens of
the United States, at present in Paris, trustees for H. Jean
Ligimond Ehrenreich Count of Redern, Ieesicurs Henry Le. I
Mercier, Francois Waldemann, Louis Eisenmonger, Charles William
Juete Jerome, Louis Philibert Brun Vanbinosgue, Chretien Frederé
Albert Schott, Zean Iathaeus Gneiting and Francois Joseph
Peerot, on the one part, and James Swan of Boston, in the
County of Suffock and commonwealth of Iassachueetts Esqr. at
present in Paris o· the other part.- Whereas the said Jean
Ligimond Ehrenreich, Count of Redern, Henry Le Iercier Francois
Waldemonn, Louis Eisemmanger, Charles Villiaw Juste Jerome,
Louis Fhilibert Brun Vanbignose, Chretien Frederic Albert
"`GlOtt J' ~ "**>th¤>· C ` ' *= i "“ * k ` J ¤ ` P e `t
Q A , eam Ma a,us ¤H€ltlHB, ang bTdH-CO1S cstpn ecro ,
are indebted to the said James Swan in the sum of 4,288,888


francs ninety cents (or at five francs and one third per
dollar, Eight hundred and four thousand and hundred and sixty ·
six dollars sixty seven cents, by bonds and obligntitns pay-
able in thirty years with interest at five per centum per
annum in thirty equal portions (reckoning from the first
day of January 1821.- And whereas the said count of Redern and
his co-associates, have le ally authorized the said David
Cowper Swan, Charles William Juste Jerome and Louis Philibert
Brun Vanbignose, their trustees to give as security to the
said James Swan for the aboic mentioned sum, a mortgage
On the Lands which they own in the Sta sb of Kentuok, &
Virginia, by deed of conveyance by the said James Swan to the
said David C. Swan C. D. J. Jerome & L. P. E. Vanbignose
dated this day 22nd. day of Eovember Eighteen hundred and
gidF3Y'6.’BiOH of the aforesaid Sum of 804.],66 dollars and Sj-Xt}!


SGVGU Cénts which the said Count of Redern & associates have
acknowledged to be owing and justly due to the said James Swan
and which he has consented to delay the receipt of for thirty
years reckoning from the first day of January 1821 and to
receive annually a thirtieth part of the principal sum with
the interest due each year, they the said David Cowper Swan
Charles William Juste Jerowe, and Louis Philibnrt Brun
Vangibnose has granted, bargained, sold & conveyed and by
these presents do grant, bargain sell and convey unto the
said Janes Suean, and to his heirs and assigns, one million
° eight hundred and forty thousand acres or thereabeuts in one
hundred and eighteen separate tracts, peices or pgrcels of
land, of which twenty two tracts containing 364299 acres,
or thereabouts situated in the counties of Clark, Bourbon,
Nelson, Mason, Fayette, Hardin and Jeffersoh, in the Common- ·
, Wealth of Kentucky, and ninety six tracts containing 1495£59
acres situated in the counties of Harrison, Randolph, Kenhawa,
GF&YS¤¤, bath, Wythe, Russell, Munrce, Greenbrier, Monongalia
and Hontgemgry, in the Commonwealth of Virginia towit.
n 3


portions or tracts of land containing together 20000acres
(to say) one tract (Ho. 1587) containing 10000 acres, sit-
uated on the north side of the north fork of Kentucky river, by
survey dated the twelfth day of April 1786 in the virtue of
two land office Treasury Warrants No. 22022 and 22029 issued
the ____day of __ One thousand seven hundred and eighty -
Another tract (No 5589) containing 10000 acres, situated on
the North side of the Forth of Kentucky river, on a creek
known by the name of Quick's by survey dated the __ day of____
seventeen hundred and eighty ______J in virtue of two land
office treasury warrants, number 21427, and 21571 issued
the ____ day of _w__seventeen hundred and eighty ____, which
two tracts of land were granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia;
hy two separate patents under the hand of the Governor of the I
sane dated the 20th. day of June 1788, unto David Ross &
Five portions or lots of land, containing together


38000, towit: One parcel (No 6296) containing 5000 acres,
situated on the Waters of Rockhouse creek, coming in on the
Southeast side, known by the name of Glad creek, by survey
dated the ninth day of September 1788- made in virtue of
part of a land office Treasury Warrant Io 21422 issued the
day of seventeen hundred and eighty.
—-—-Another tract (Fo 6298) containing 10000 acres,
situated on the waters of the North fork of Kentucky river by
survey dated the 25th. day of Kay 1788 made in virtue of a
land office mreasury warrant Yo. 21567 issued the day of
one thousand seven hundred and eighty .·Another tract
(No 6307) containing 4000 acres, situated on Hockhouse creek
by survey dated the eighth day of September, 1788, made in ~
virtue of a land office treasury warrant No. 21999, issued
the day seventeen hundred and eighty which three tracts
of land were granted by the Tovernor of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, unto David loss & James Currie, by three distinct
patents, respectively dated the 25th. day of February seventeen


hundred and ninety. - Another tract (No 6297) CO°t&ining four
thousand acres, situated on Rockhouse Creek, by survey dated
the 8th. day of September 1788, made in virtue of a land
office treasury Warrant No 22021 issued the day of
seventeen hundred and eighty which tract of land was
granted by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
unto David Ross and James Currie by Patent, dated the 25rd.
of September 1790. And another tract (No 6304) containing
15000 acres situated on a large Branch of a creek known by the
name of Buckhorn, by survey dated the 9th. day of September
1788 made in virtue of part of two land office treasury
warrants No 21421 & 21564, issued the Seventeen
hundred and eighty which tract of land was granted by the
Governorcf the Gommonwealth of Virginia unto David Ross &
James Currie, by patent dated the 22nd. day of February
1790. all which seven tracts of land are part of 115681
acres which the said David Ross and James Currie sold and
transferred unto the before named James Swan by Indenture
dated the day of Seventeen hundred & ninety ,


and was duly recorded in
.And the said James Swan by Indenture dated the
22nd. day of June 1797 did convey one undivided half part
of the said 115681 acres of land, unto Henry Jackson, loses
Iichael Hays and John Coffin Johnes, to hold in trust for
Pierce LeRoy D’Allard; of Paris. AHd the said Swan and
D’Al1arde did by Deed of Pertage dated at Paris the 28th.
day of iovember 1803 divide the same, and the before recited
seven tracgs, making together 58000 as fell to the half of
him the sai' Janne Swan.
Also, another tract of land containing 20000 acres
situated in the said County of Bourbon on the Waters of Big
Sandy River by survey made the 17th. day of April 1787
( but is mentioned in the patent as having been made the
20th of April) in virtue of two land ofjice Treasury Warrants
No. 22744 & 20745 issued the 14th. day of November 1783 which
tract of land was granted by the Governor of the Commonwealth
of Virginia unto Daniel Duval & Charles Marshall assignee of

yl 7

said Duval by patent dated the 14th. day of December 1789
and the said Daniel Duval & Maria his wife by indenture dated
the 28th. day of May 1790 did transfer with special warranty,
the undivided moiety or half part of the said 20000 acres, unto
John Walker. - And the said Charles "arsnall by indenture
dated the 15th. day of November 1794 did transfer with gen-
eral warranty, the other undivided moiety of the said 20000 acre
of land unto Michael Gratz; which two Indentures are duly
recorded at Frankfort in the court of Appeals for the State
of Kentucky, the tenth day of October 1791.- And the said
John Walker by Indenture dated the l4th. day of February 1795
did transfer with special warranty the undivided moiety of
the said 20000 acres unto the said Iichael Gratz; which Inden-
ture was entegistered in the sane court & on the sane day
with the two last mentioned Indentures. Finally the said
Michael lratz & Marianna his wife & William Duval, by Inden-
ture dated the 28th. day of July 1795 did convey and transfer
the aforesaid 20000 acres of land with general warranty unto
I 8


him the said James Swan; w ich Indenture was duly recorded
in the Court of Appeals f r the 5tate of Kuntucky at
Frankfort, the oth. day of May 1796, and in addition to
these transfers and warranties, the said Tillix#zDuval by a
special bond dated the 28th. day of July l7Q5 given to the
said James Swan, promises and obliges himself and his heirs to
pay the sum of five thcusand dollars, if the said 20000 acres
of land be not one third of a good quality, and not capable
of producing fifteen bushels of grain on an acre.
An undivided half or moiety
of six portions of land containing in the whole 43058 acres
and thrce quarters of an acre towit: One portion containing
6000 acres (Ho l) situated formerly in the County of Bourbon
but now in the County of Mason surveyed for the Honorable
Willieawx Grayson the .'2'?t‘·2. day of April 1789 in Vi.I"'C1l€ of
part of a land of ice Treasury Werrant Ho. l9858 issued tho p
de? OT Seve>z>.toe1.», hundred me eighty , which tract of

of land was granted by the Governor of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky unto George Lewis assignee of William Grayson
by patent dated the 9th. day of August 1795. Also another
portion containing 4000 acres (No 2) situated on the waters
of Big Sandy River surfeyed for Peter Grant the 26th. day of
April 17*9 upon part of a lend office treasury warrant ?o
19182 issued the day of seventeen hundred and eighty 2-
another portion of land 6600 acres (Yo. 3) situated on the
waters of Yi; Sandy iiv·r surveyed for Thomas Keith the
27th. day of April 1789 in virtue of part of a land office
treasury warrant No. 19188.- Another portion containing
6500 acres (No 4) Situated on the Waters of Big Sandy river
surveyed for Thomas Keith the 27th day of April 1789 in virtue
of part bf a land office treasury warrant No. 19188 issued the
dey of one thousand seven hundred and eighty ,-
Another tract containing 8000 acres (No 5) situated on the
Waters of Rip Sandy river, surveyed for Peter Grant the 25th.
day of April 1789 in virtue of part of a land office Treasury


warrant (V0 19182) issued the dat of one thous nd seven
hundred and eighty .- And another portion containing 12058
acres and three quarters of an acre (N0 6) situated of the
Waters if Big Sandy river surveyed for Peter Grant the 24th.
day of Anril 1789 in vir2ue of part of the 1;st before mentioned
Treasury Warr rt which lrst five mentioned portions of lend were
granted by the Governor of the Ccnpmnueglth of Kentucky unto
George Lewis assignee of the several persons nemed for whom
the survers were made by five distinct separate patents all
deted the 16th. day of October 1795; all which patents describe
the seid tracts of lend as lying in the County of Bourbon, but
which by a new division of the said Ccunt; of bourbon now are
in the County of Mason. And the seid Ceorge Lewis, by his
attorney the Honorable Alexander D. Orr, by an Indenture made
the 9th. day of March 179G did sell & Convey the said six
tracts of land with General Warranty unto him the said
James Swan; which eonxeyence contains a speciel warranty that


et lerst one third of the whole six tracts of l·nd is treble
lend; rnd the said indenture wes duly recorded in the court
of A~peelu for the said Stste of Kentucky et Frankfort Book
A. Fo. 554: end the seid Alexander D. Orr Benjamin Grayson
Orr end Williem Ward Burrows did give e bond, dated the l5th.
dey of Merch 1791, obliiing themselves end their heirs jointly
~nd severellx ·d;· towerds tFe sein Jemes Ewen to pay the sum of
twenty thcusend dollers in fuse the Ccmmonweeltk of Virginia
or that of Kentucky should have granted the said six trects of
lend to any other person then the seic George Lewis end the said
James Swen by the indenture here before mentioned end deted the
22nd. dey of June 1797 did sell & convey one undivided half
psrt of the before mentioned six trects of lend unto the be-
fore nemed Pierie le Hoy D'Aliarde of Paris.
Also enother trect or percel of lend containing
5000 ecres formerly situated of Bourbon but by e late division
now in the county of Mason on the waters of Big Sandy river


—n$¥er by survey dnied the 22 der of June 1787, made in virtue
of two land office Treasury Warrants No 18227 & 18229 issued the
lst. dey of August 1785, which tract of land was granted by
U the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia unto Jacob Cohen
assignee of Harfey doles by patent dated the 14 day of October
1788. And the said Jacob Cohen by Indenture dated the
day of 1794 did grant and convey the said 5000 acres of
land unto Willim; Duval which indenture was recorded in the
and the said Wm. Duval, by indenture
bearing date the 20th day of June 1795 did convey the same
unto the said Jmnes Swan with general warranty which indenture
was recorded in the Count, of Mason the 26th. day of August
following Book B. folio 368 farther the said Williax Duval by a
special bond of even date with the indenture warranted the
said 5000 acres to Ye at least one third good arable land.-
Also another tract or parcel of land containing
26500 acres, situated formerlg in the Connty of Fayette but by
a late devision now in the Count; of Mason on the `eters ~.`,“ of

"*·¤L.. .

Killicenick creek mhich empties into the Ohio River about
eight miles below the Scioto river by survey dated the 10th
day of June 1785 made in virtue of seven lamd office Treasury
Warrants No 15251,- l5267-15268-l5280-l5284-15285- & 15290
and part of a like warrant Io 19724 all issued the 4th. day
of October 1785 which tract of land was surveyed for James
Wilkinson, Alexander Salrymple Orr and William Marshall Jr.
who by a deed of conveyance transferred the same with general
warranty unto John Moylen by act dated the seventeenth day
of June 1785 and the said 26500 acres of land were confirmed
unto the said John Movler as assignee of the before named
James Wilkinson, Alexander Dalrymple Orr and William Marshall
Jr. by patent under the hand of the Governor and lesser seal
of the Commonwealth of Virginia dated the 18th. day of June
Also another tract of land containing 37500 acres sit-
uated in the said County of Nason on Tyger C eek by survey dated

the oth. day of Hay 1792 m~de in virtue of five land office
treasury warrants No 7080-7085-709l•7092 & 7099 which
tract of land was granied by the Governor of the Commonwealth
· of Kentucky unto George Lewis assignee of Richard Callaway
by patent dated the lith. day of Iovember 1794 and the said
George Lewis by deed of conveyance dated the day of
seventeen hundred and ninety ,— did sell and transfer the
said 57500 acres of land unto J0hn Maylan who by his attorney
James 9. Ward did convey and transfer the said 26500 acres unto
John Barbazan by Indenture dated at Stambury the day of
seventeen hundred and ninety ,- And the said John Barbasan
did transfer and convey the said two tracts of land unto
him the said James Swan by Indenture dated the day
of Seventeen hundred and ninety. The deed
by Lewis to Moyland was enregistered in
the day of one thousand seven
hundred and ; that by Hoyhand to Barbazan in
the day of one thousand
hundred and That by Tarbazun to Swan in
the day of l8 ,


¤ certain tract of lznd containing 9000 acres eit-
uated formerly in the county of Hourbonhut now in the county
of Clark on the waters of Red River by survey dated day
of seventeen hundred and ninety ; made in virtue of
a land office treasury warrant Fo ieeued the day of seven
teen hundred and ; which tract of lend was granted by the
Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky unto Mathew Walton by
patent dated the lOth. day of Hey l795 and the said Mathew
Walton and Frances his wife by indenture dated the llth. day
of April 1795 did grant and convey the same unto Daniel
Ferry & John Robins as joint tenants; which Indenture was
recorded in teh day of seventeen hundred
&¤d ; And the said Deniel Ferry & John Robins by indenture
dated the 17th. day of June l795 did grant and convey the
same unto Mathew Franklin Bowne and James Theodore Hamilton,
by the name of Mathew Franklin Bowne & C©mpany ne tenants in
common which ldet mentioned indenture was recorded in


th! day of seventeen hundred and ninety
And the same Matthew Franklin Bowne and Janes Theodore
Hamilton did sell and convey the beTore mentioned 9000 acres
· of land amongst other tracts ( by their attorney Benjamin
Grayson Orr) unto him the said James Swan by Indenture dated
the third day of Auwust 1795 and the sane was duly recorded
in the Court or Appeals for the State of Kentucky, hook A.
folio 248.
A certain tract of land containing 11500 acres sit-
uated formerly in the Cou ty of HElson, but by a new division is
now in the County of Hardin on the north west side of the
middle fork of the clear fork of Rough Creek by survey dated
the day of seventeen hundred and eighty ; made
in virtue of a land office treasury warrant Ho. issued
the day of Seventeen hundred and eighty ; which
tract of land was granted unto Matthew Walton by the Governor
of the Commonwealth of Virginia hy patent dated the 9th. day of


February 1789 and the said Watthew Walton & Frances his wife,
by Indenture dafed the llth. day of April 1795 did grant and
convey the sane unto Daniel Berry & John Robins as tenants in
common which indenture was recorded in
and the said Daniel *err$ & John Pobins by indenture dated
the 17th. da? of June 1795 did grant and convey the sane
unto Tatthew Franklin Vowne and James Theodore Hamilton by
the name of Iattheu Vranklin Bowne & Company as tenants
in common which indenture was recorded in
and the said Benjamin Fra klin Bowne and James Theodore
Hamilton ( by their attorney Ycnjamin Grayson 0rr) by
Indenture dated the third dey of iujusz 1795 did amongst other
estates transfer and convey the said 11500 acres unto him the
said James Swan which Indenture was recorded as afosesaid
in the Court of Appeals for Kentucky, Book A. folio 248.
Also another tract of land containing 470 acres
situated in the Tounty of Hardin, forncrl· in the Bounty of
]`Y·?l·501l on the bank of Green River by gurvejf dated UV`? 6-&Y

. \

of seventeen hundred and made in virtue of a land
office Treasury warrant number issued the day of
Seventeen hundred and eighty ; which tract of land was
granted by the Lieutenant "overncr of the C©mmonwea1th of
Virginia unto Willian May by patent dated the 18th. day of
June 1787 and the said William May and Mary his wife by In-
denture dated the 14th. day of April 1795 did grant and con-
vey the sane unto D;nie1jMerry which indenture was recorded
in the day of
seventeen hundred and ninety , And the said Daniel Ferry
by Indenture dated the 17th. day of June 1795 did grant and
convey the sane unto Tatthew Franklin Bowne & Company as
tenants in common which indenture was recorded in
the day of
seventeen hundred and ninety ; finally the said Matthew
Franklin Bowne and James Theodore Hamilton ( by their said
attorney Tonjamin Grayson Orr) did by Indenture dated the
third dey of August 1795 amongst other ostatec, grant and
` 19.


transfer the said 470 acres of land unto him the said
James Swan which indenture was recorded as aforesaid. And the
said Natthew Franklin Nowne & Theodor s Janus Hamilton who by
mistake in the aforesaid transfer was named James Theodorus
& Eunice his wife by Indenture dated the llth. day of August
1795 did confirm the conveyances of tbe aforesaid 9000 acres
of land in Clark County ll500 acres, ·nd 470 acres in
Hardin County made by their aforesaid attorney Benjamin Grayson
0rr and renewed a general warranty to the same.
One undivided moiety or half p;rt of 50000 acres
of land situated on the waters of Otter Creek waters of Ohio
by survey dated the sixth day of December l785 made in virtue of
a land of”ice treasury Warrant No 18927 issued the 29th. day
of August 1783 which tract of lend was granted by the Governor
of the Common calth of Virginia unto Henry Banks for and half
and as assignee of Philip Barbom for the other half by patent
d&T€d the Qth. day of Janutry 1786 and the said Henry Banks by
his attorney and assignee did ly deed or conveyance daicd ih€


dey of July 1791 transfer and mckc over
the aforesaid tract of lend unto him the said James Swan and
Pierre lehoy D'Al1vrde of Vgris whick they hold in common at th-
this dey; and the sane was recorded.
But it is hereby excepted in the said 25000&cres
hereby conveyed (half of the said 50000 acres) the quantity of
6250 acres, half of 12500 germs sold by the srid Ewen end
Dellarde unto Payne Btisnent & others by transfer deted the
26th. day of Toy 1792, but which is new in litigetion; so
that if the said Peyen, Boisnent and consorts shell be
declered not proprietors of the said 12500 acres than this
transfer of twenty five thousand ecres is good if not it is to
be restrained to 18750 acres.
And also en undivided moiety or half port of
300000 acres of lend situated in the forks of Bi; Sandy I
River by survey dated the day of seventeen hundred
Qmd Hindi? ; which tract of lend was greited bf thG
Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia ( but is now within the
Commonwealth of Virginia unto him the said James Swan by


petent dated tre dey 0f
seventeen hundred and ninety ; and the title tc the seid
tract cf lend wes confirmed Vi e decree cf tne encellcr 0f
the said Ccmmnnweslfh of Virginia the dey
eighteen hundred end . Ic. Alexander Isc Rae is
entitled tc the ether half cf these 500000 ecres (upon paying
the seid Jpmes Ewen hell the costs, chnrges, interest, expenses
cf suits, expenses cf e survey end inspecticn made by crder
cf the chencellcr, the ccmmissions 0n the tqxes end the
taxes themselves paid since tle ecquisiticn end e sum to
Alexander Tclcctt bc decree cf tlc clnncellcr &c.
One trect ccnteining 50000 acres situated 0n the
waters cf Steen Creek and cedar creek by survey made the 7th.
d&F cf PEJ 1795 in virtue cf d lend cffice treasury Tarrant

1261 issued the 2nd. day of April 1795 and were granted by the
Governor of the Cc ».A· monrealtn of Virginia unto James Walsh
assignee of Robert Pollard by Patent dated the Brd. day of
February 1796 and the said James Walsh by Indenture date the
22 day of February 1791, oid sell and convey the said tract
of land unto John De son titb ¢eneral Warranty, which inden-
ture was admitted to record in the County of Randolph at a
court held for that County Monhogalia Ccurt house Hay term
1796 and was enregistered Book N. A. folio 241 And the said
John Dawson by Indenture dated the fifth day of Iovember
followinj did transfer and convey the said fifty thousand
acres of lend unto him the said James Swan which Indenture was
Also six other tracts of land containing together
4500 acres of land towit one of 2000 cores situeted on Files
Creek e drain of Tyger's Valley river by survey dated the 24th.
day of February 1785 made in virtue of e land office treasury
w .*»>, rrant No 21765 isuued the 24th. day of December 1783.
Another tract of 500 acres situated on Stewart's run


by survey dated the lotb. day of February 1785 made in virtue
of a land office Treasury Tarrant To 23038.
Another tr ct of 500 acres, situated between
2 Stewart's run and Hiddins jill run by survey dated the l5th.
day of February 1785 made in virtue of a land office treasury
warrant No 250é5.
Another tract of 500 acres situated on a branch
of Stcwart's run by survey dated the loth. day of FEbRU@Py
1785 made in virtue of a land office treasury warrant To
Another tract of 500 acres situated between Stewart's
run and Hidden jill run by survey dated the l5th. day of d
February 1785 made in virtue of a land office treasury warrant
V No 25028.
And another tract of 500 acres situated on Heddins
Mill run by survey dated the 15th. day of February 1785 made
in virtue of a land office Treasury Warrant No 23026 all of
which five last mentioned land office Treasury warrants were
issued the 24th. dey of DE8ember 1785 and the said six tracts
of land makin; together 4500 acres were granted by thé
Governor of the crmmlomrqgelm Oy virginia unto Henry Banks

by the six separate distinct patents ell dsted the Zrd.
d8.}/' of A11guS’C 1786 And the said ;`e,n}<5 by gr; j_mj_ent,u]··qa dgzted the
ldth. dey of Zentenher 1795 did transfer end make over the
eeme with general wvrrenty untc John Stockdale whidz Indenture
of sale wss duly recorded in the registries of the Ccunt; of
Y ·‘.r rriscn `ock To 2 folio 228. and the snid John Stcckdele
did tg Indenture d;ied the 19th. dey of Ocicber seventeen
hundred and ninety five sell end convey the aforesaid six
tracts of land with general warranty unto Benjemin Grayson
Orr, which Indenture w~s recorded in the scid County of
Herrison Bock To 3 folic 55 end the seid Benjamin Grayson
Orr did by Indenture dated the 22nd. dey cf Teptember 1796
sell end transfer the said 4500 ecres of lend with the consent
of his ·ife .=.* Elizabeth and with special warranty untc him the
scid James Swen which indenture wes recorded in the C unt?
of Harrison Peck *0 5 fo. 5F.
Alec eight other tracts cf land containing together
8496 acres tcwit cnc trect one trect of 1000 acres on


Skums run e drein cf the Tesrf