xt7v6w967h1k_56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. R text R 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_6/Folder_4/0932.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_56 xt7v6w967h1k   _ _ “*
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THTS IVDFVTJRI, uade and entered into this the ziot
day of February, l©o5 tetween william ncClain. Deoutv Shcriif
; for Lewis hoore, former Sherirf of LbKllC Countv. of the one
part. and David W. Bullock or maid Countv of lstilc, of the I
Q other part, UIT'ISSlTh: {
TRA?. WhldIgS. a writ of Einfaciaa hearing date on the
l 16th da? of april, loo; ioaued froh the Cler;*a office of
the Letill Circuit Court in favor of William icguhfégaainet
J John Hoge for the elm of nine hundred and eeventv two dollars
  and $ll.1w 1/A cont in oaid elecution soeciiied and which was
Y)LUTH&UlU to the Saturdav euccwedin? the third yondav in
June loo; and wah directed the Sheriil aforeoaid and came *0
the hand; of William JcClane, Dygutv Sheriff for hewio goi€%%q
g aforesaidl On the ioth day of hcril. loo;. and bein; cv him Q
J levied on one tract or land ae the ...l rooertv or John Boon, I
huppooed to contain oi: hundred and Eortv acres. and hold the
J cane on the Blot day of -ay. ioo2 at auction on a credit of
three nontha for Coamonweaith'h naeer at the Court house
down in the tofn of Exazn. it Uein; Countv Court day, when
J and vdrere tire said Ixuiid xt Bulloclzifecahui the gnirchaaer
l thereof at the price of one hundred dOl;&TS.
YOW, 1* COYSILLHhTIoT of the orcniseo, the maid
William -cclane, aa Deoutv for hewio Joore ao aioreoaid, doth
hervby bargain, cell and convev to the said Bullock and his _
g heiro forever, all the rixht. title and interest of the
caii John Roco in and to the aforeaaid tract of land so
levied on and @0ld as the prooerty of oaid Robe and oounded as
folioto, to wit: Beminnina at three white oako and three
l hic*orve. thence Y lr I crooinu the river oO tolea to two
A white oa?o and a oooiar, thence S YO l 550 poles to a beech,
g cheotnut and sugar tree. thence l ii I JJO tolee to a dOubl?
white oai and three hlc`orv ¢&pllHH5, S 76-I 150 ooleo to\a v
.._ R l
xhite oa* and-poplar, thence S 14 J ¢¢0 polee croosiny the
riicr to a black oai, dogtood and white oa;. thence V @7 510

   Ay 1%..  ·- » /7% j 
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TO FAVI ATB TO RULE the said tract of l&Hd to¤cth2r4gmz{; k
ali and singular thi aoourtcnanccs unto thc said Bullock and x
his hcirs forcvcr thc said jOCl&HQ, Dctuty Sheriff afvmcsaid. `
harcoy sc! img and conrnyinw only such interest in said land
as hc is cntitlwd to scll and convoy undcr thc scvoral acts
of assohhlcy subicctinr lands to thc D&YMQHt of Acbts.
IV WIT’HSSiWlL§ioF, thc said wil iam jCCi&H3, deputy
Shwriff {or ncwis Foorc. ShariJf as aforasaid hath hércunto
sct his hand a1& affilcd his seal the Aa? ana ycar first
ahovc arittcn. ·vt’
will fctlann s
D S%rhcx-is Jocrc s c 72
Kcntuory, Estill Lounty, sct.
I, Q. Earnws, %@for Hott. Clark.
Cl7T[ for tho court of the county arorcsaid, do ccrtify
that this avid [roh Nilliam jctlanc. dctutv sheriff for hcwis
Noorc, latc oharirf or Istill county, to L&Vld W. Bullock.
was this day ,ro&ucwd to no in ny oirica and acknomlcdavd by
tho said Nctlana to oa his act and dwwd lor thc puruosvs
tharain nahal, ani tharauwon said dowd nzfcthar with this
cartificatc hath Joan iUlV rocoricd in my officc. Givcn
undér my hano this ioth day or .ay iooo.
{ (Si nwd\ B. Barnes. D S
Lor Root. Cl&TY•
, gi, Qjgpy a‘[,'tT)S°L2  
jorton i. Erica. cs—é~
G/*’ {   '/Z V or
is *~·'{ (¤")( 
M uy?  ,0/

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TIIS IVDiVTJdb, Addr and fntwr d into this zlst dov of
Way, 185J, by and bctw rn Elijah Errndon. Shwriff of Istill
County of tht fixst wart, and Jonns Ncjuifr of the Countv of
Owslny and Statn of K¤ntucyy_ of tho sncond wart, witn0s,nth:
That, thrrvas. an execution of Eéggfacjos issucd fron
thf Cl 1k*s office of istill CicCuit on thc 7th dow of Juno.
logo dqdinst thy kMm 
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   O O  
THIS IHDENTJAL. nado thio hand dav of D?C*mb7T. in /
tho §2&i ono thouoand oiiht hundrod and tvolvo botvoon John
Rooo of Floyd Countv and Stato of Kontucky. of tho ono hart
· and William wc3uiro of Clay County and Stato aforotaid. of
tho othor part, WITTISSIT :
That tho paid John Roto for and in conaidoration of tho C
sum of hir hundrod dollarb, lavfull honor of Kontucvvo to him
in hand paido tho rocoipt whoroof I horobv acknovlodso. hath
grantod, barqainod and oold. and bv thooo nroaonta do qrant.
bar;ain and aoll unto tho paid William nc&uiro. and hia hoira
forovor. a cortain tract or parcol of land containinz oi;
hundrod and forty (BiO) acrot moro or loss. as a part of
Jamob and Thooah Maroo of ono thouoand acroa lvinx and boint
» on tho Aiddlo Pork of tho kontucky Riwor in tho Countv of
‘ “ ’\»‘¤¤,¤w
Cla? and hounhod as follovoz >;§pqinninq at tvo huzar trooo
on tho south tido of tho iiddlo For? of tho Kontucky Riwor.
thonco up tho rivor croooinz at tho ford to a Dycamoro and
maplo, thonco C 11 woot lj polos to a boach. thonco north 10
W 24 polo; to two olm , thonco S fl W 7 poloa. to tho cloft. 4
WMV 5:%* 74/{xo _ I
thonco noath tho . thonco noath tho arroohont lino to a
I chottnut, boach and tuzar troo. thonco S o5O nolos to two
l vhito oaxt and poplar to hmbrooo;Barnott5s cornor. thonco I
h oouth throo hundrod polo¤.gg§£h h.;§arnott*t lino. crosoinz 1
tho Aiddlo Fork to throo vhito oak¤.\thonco uu tho haid riwor 5
I 51 poloa to a whito oak, doowood and black oa;. thonco to z
tho boginninq. (L) To two ouqar trooh vith tho aphurtonancot _
2 and promisoo aboxo nontionod. and any part thoroof: To haxo C
. and to hold unto tho acid William wcéuiro and hit hoirb for:
5 ovor, angitho paid John Roto from himaolf, hio hoira. and
E all othor poroont forovor and shall and will varrant and for-
· owor dofond.
j I" TESTIJOIY WHIRLOF, I hero horounto hot mo hand 4
Q thi; dar and yoar firot abovo vritton. i
Q (Siqnodl John Rooo lojall i
? (`E Signod.toalod. and dolivorod X`! 1

 ( X V I . 4 _; .1 - ' l `
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in tho prcocncc of
Jamco Aciuirc
Lavidw gnodon.
Joocph A Man ’ S
mark I
his I
C Tichlaé A “oiand
» fiidxii x
gpril 13th provcd by thrco of thc bubucribini wit- 1
ncuarva, Jamzcsp Fvicduirc, DavidS»nor1#n. and iiichiew ‘?o1&.r1d.a>.n<1
ordorcd to bc rccordcd. E
Statc of Kcntucky.§ `
3 Sct.
Ciay County H
' 7/. . . . - .» 1
_ I. é.¤.;ric¤. tiorr oi tmc County Court for
thc County aforcatid. do ccrtify that thc forvqoinq io a truc ·
copy oi a claim from John Rooc to Niliiau Mcouirc vhich lp ; 1
rocordzérin my officc. *
Gixcn undcr my hand as Cicrk of oaid Court thio thc o
5Gth day of Aarch, 1865. 6,
- _ 7/‘v/;€€’€ ,. t I;
(Siwn~d\ &.#.rRicc, Cicrx.
I, ¤;§.McGuir·, Cicrk of thc Ovsléy Circuit Court. do cortify §
that tho abox¤ io a truc copy of oaid ccrtificatc on fiic in L
my officc. thio 15th day of January. 1857.
(Si€n¤c1\ 1..). Nicluirc. C. O. C. C.
LL']- Cigjftr {Cir /.7 ¢‘.·
c5Q2i..r [   C
. ~ A ./-

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 THIS IUDEWTURE, made this 22nd day of December, in the one thous-
and eight hundred and twelve between John Rose of Floyd County and
State of Kentucky, of the one part and William McGuire of Clay County
and State aforesaid, of the other part, WITNESSETH:
That the said John Rose for and in consideration of the sum of six
I hundred dollars, lawfull money of Kentucky, to him in hand paid, the
receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, hath granted,bargained and sold,
and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said William
McGuire, and his heirs forever, a certain tract or parcel of land con-
taining six hundred and forty (640) acres more or less, as a part of
James and Thomas Mares of one thousand acres living and being on the
Middle Fork of the Kentucky River in the County of Clay and bounded as
follows: to-wit: Beginning at two sugar trees on the South side of the
Middle Fork of the Kentucky River, thence up the river crossing at the
ford to a sycamore and maple, thence N 11 west ii poles to a beech,
thence north 10 W 24 poles to two elms, thence S 74 W 7 poles to the
cleft, thence with the cliff, thence with the agreement line to a chest
nut, beech and sugar tree, thence S-350 poles to two white oaks and
poplar to Ambrose Barnetts corner, thence south three hundred poles
with A, Barnetts line, crossing the Middle Fork to three white oaks and
three hickories thence up the said river 51 poles to a white oak. dog-
wood and black oak, thence to the beginning. (A) To two sugar trees
with the appurtenances and promises above mentioned, and any part there
of; To have and to hold unto the said William McGuire and his heirs
forever, and him the said John Rose from himself, his heirs, and all
other persons forever and shall and will warrant and forever defend. A  
IN TESTIMOHY WHEREOR. I have hereunto set my hand this day and ye-
ar first above written. I
(Signed) John Rose (seal)
S igned, sealed, and delivered I
in the presence of
James McGuire
David Snowdon I
his I
Joseph A Man A
mark 4 _
his A
Uichlas A Noland

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