xt7v6w967h1k_54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. N text N 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_6/Folder_2/0873.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_54 xt7v6w967h1k Q
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This indenture made and entered into by and between Cordelia Nol-
an, Rosella Nolan and Naomi Noland children and only heirs at law of'
David Nolan deceased, of Powell County Kentucky of the first part and
W. gg/Wheeler of Peattyville Kentucky of the second part, Witnesseth
that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twelve dol-
lars, thirty seven dollars thirty three and one third cents to each of
us in hand paid the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged hath this U
day granted bargained and sold and do by these presents grant bargain t
and sell to said Wheeler, his heirs and assigns forever all our indi-
vidual right title and interest in the herein after described tracts of
land on the North and Middle forks of the Kentucky river in Lee County
Kentucky and the same descended to us from our anccstars David Nolan
deceased son of Nancy Nolan deceased daughter of Margrett Snowden de—
ceased sister of Precilla Dunaway daughter of James McGuire (Jr) dec-
eased, the interest hereby conveyed being an acre and fourteen one hun-
dreths of an acre in said tracts that being our undivided interest in
said tracts. First tract lying at the Junction of the North and Middle
Forks of the Kentucky river and known as the Dave Dunaway plave and
bounded as follows, Beginning on the North side of the Middle Fork of 1
the Kentucky river at the mouth of the Canoe branch thence up said bran _
ch to Snowdens corner: thence with Barnetts line to a sugar tree on the
bank of the North Fork of the Kentucky river (Barnetts corner) thence
down the said North Fork with its several meanders to the mouth of the .
Middle Fork of the Kentucky river, thence up the said Middle Fork with
its several meanders to the beginning containing one hundred acres.
Second tract, lying on the North side of the Middle Fork ef the
Kentucky river and known as the "Jack Place" and bounded as follows.
Beginning on the North side of said Middle Fork the division corner
between F. M. Snowden and the Kentucky Union Land Company: thence up 1
said Middle Fork with its several meanders to the mouth of a small bran
ch opposite " Jack Mag¥g" house, thence running at right angles from
the river to Marrs back line, thence with Marrs line to a dividing line
between F. M. Snowden and the Kentucky Union Land Cempany thence with é
the said line to the river the beginning containing one hundred and `
Seventy five acres. To have and to hold the said interest hereby con- 1
veyed with all the appurtenances thereigihelonging to the said N. L.
Wheeler his heirs and assigns forever with covenant of general warrantv
f . ~,j
` A

 In testimony whereof witness our signatures this ist day of Feb— Q
'ruary 1890. l
Cordilla Noland
A Rocellia M. Nolan
Neoma Noland i
S tate of Kentucky B
County of Powell g Set. e
I, A. Hall clerk of the Powell County Court do certify that the
foregoing deed from Cordelia Nolan Roeellia M. Nolan and Neoma Nolan
to N. L. Wheeler was this day produced to me and acknowledged before
me by Cordilla Noland Rocilla M. Nolan and Neoma Nolan to be their act
and deed and the same is certified to the proper office and county for
record. Given under my hand this the ist day of February 1890.
A. Hall, Clerk
By M. R. Syle, D. C
S tate of Kentucky }
County of Lee g Set.
I, C. B. Will, Clerk of the Lee County Court hereby cértify that the
foregoing deed from Cordelia Nolan and othe£s, to H. ga Wheeler. was
this day produced to me in my off£ce=acknow¥edged and certified as ab-
ove and lodged for record: Wheréuéon the same and the¥foregoing and th-
is certificate have been have been this day§§uly'recorded in my said
office. Given under my hand this h6th&day oi Anril, 1890. P ‘
' ‘; %  gi gi B. Hill, Clerk _ `
(Z) zi   ley  PQ com, n. c.
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 TNIS TNpRN”UFF made and entered into by and between
Lemuel Noland and Precilla Noland his wife of the first part and
H. L. Wheeler of the second part all of the Founty of Lee and of te
the State of Kentucky,
WITNE¤QFTh, that for and in consideration of the sum of
thirty dollars (s$o.nn) cash in hand paid the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged hath this day sold and by these presents
alien sell convey all my undivided rinht title and interestéghd
forever quit claim in and to the two tracts of land hereinafter
described in bee County Kentucky.
First tract known as the Dave Uunaway tract at the Junction
of Uwe North and Viddle forks of the Kentucky Piver and bounded as
Beginning on the north side of the said Kiddle fork at
the mouth of the Canoe branch thence up the said branch to ¤now—
den Corner thence with Barnetts Line to a sugar tree on the banks
of the North Pork of said Kentucky River (Parnetts "orner) thence
down the said North fork with its meanders to the month of the
middle fork; thence up the said middle fork to the beminninq.
Qecond tract on the North side of said Niddle fork and known
and described as the Vanderpool place and the same described in the
deed of James Ncduire Gr. , to Jam. Ncduire Jr. and described in
the will suit of Jno. Nc0uire hc anainst Jas. Vc0uire and in the
0wsley Fircuit Court. The interest hereby conveyed beinq the same
that descended to me as a child and heirs of Terso Webber, decd.
To have and to hold the said interests in the said tracts of land
to himself his heirs and assinns forever, and the said Preci1la)%?éLm4C
wife of hem Noland Joins in this deed for the purpose of relin-
onishinn and do hereby relinquish any and all right of dower and
/ . homestead in and to said tracts of land.
TW TE¤TTN0NY WPFPFOP we have hereunto set our hands and seal
this 18th. day of April 1890 his ,
Lemuel * Noland
· mark
‘ Geo. P. 0ote. ·
Priscilla P. Noland.
state of Kentucky )
County of LEP )Gct.
T, C. R. dill, Clerk of the Lee founty
Wourt hereby certify that the foreqoinq deed from Lemuel Noland
and wife to ”.b.bbeeler was on the 18th.day of April 1890 produced
to me in Lee Vountv and acknowledned in due form of law by the said
Lemuel Noland and Priscilla B.Noland his wife, to be their act and
deed for the purposes therein named and that said deed was this
day produced to me in my office and lodned for record; whereupon
the same and this certificate have been this day duly recorded in
my said 0ffice. Given under my hand this 21st. day of April 1890,
0. P. dill, Clerk
y Rv Geo. P. Vote, p.f.
cf 7/ /
A Avi   /,7 /
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