xt7v6w967h1k_53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. M text M 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_6/Folder_1/0830.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_53 xt7v6w967h1k State of Colorado, U
County of Pilkin. )
f, James William Tanfield, a Notary Public in
and for said County in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that S.
G. Martin personally known to me as the persss whose name is subscrib-
ed to the annexed Deed, appeared before me this day in person, and ac-
knowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of
writing as his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein
set forth.
Given under my hand and Notarial Seal, this 8th day of April, A.D.
Jas. Wm. Tanfield, Notary Fub.
State of California, E
County of Santa Barbara.
Cn this ist day of gay, one thousand eight
hundred and ei$hty—six, before me, M. Thornburg, a Notary Public in and
for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared James C. Martin, known to me to be the person describ-
ed in, whose name is subscribed to and who executed the within instru-
ment, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Tn witness whereof, I have hereuito set my hand and affixed my
Official Seal, at my office i1 the said county {of Santa Barbara, the
day and year in this Certificate first above written.
M. Thornburi,
Notary Public.

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 This Deed, made and entered inte. this first day of January. tG6o,
by and between S. G. Martin and Janes C. Aartim, or the first tart,
and J. G. Martin, of the second part,
WITNESSETH, That said first parties, for and in consideration of
the sum of Sixteen and C5/iOO Dollars te each of said first parties in
hand paid, do hereby sell, alien, transfer and convey unte said second
party, their several undivided interests, derived fron and by the Will
of S. D. nartin, deceased, ane bein; one forty—eighth part each in and
to a tract of land in Powell County, Ky., lately owned by said S. D.
Martin, bounded as follows:
On the North by Red River; East by Wm. French: South by Wm. French
and the Red River Lumber Co.; West by said Comtany, containing about
77 Acres: To have and to hold unto saia second party, his heirs and
assigns forever.
ln Testimony whereof, the said first parties have hereunto set
their hanes this day.
S. J. ldartiui.
' James C. Martin.


 This Indenture, mace and entered into, this _____ day of @1%
»V   November, A.D. One thousand eight hundred and eighty—seven, by yd
anc between James Maybrick and Florence B. Maybrick, his wife, § A
of the City of Liverpool, an the Kingdom of Great Britain, ·
; , parties of the first part, and Harrison T.Groom, of Pan Handle, ’,
in the County of Carson, in the State of Texas, party of the A
seconc part:
» WITFESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, for
and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, cash in hand to
I them paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and ?
other good, sufficient and valuable consideration unto them
moving, have grantet, bargained and sold, and do by these pres-
ents hereby grazt, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party
of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, Ahh and ev-
ery the rigeht, title, interest, claim and demand of every kind, I
name and nature, present and prospective, le;al and equitable ga
of the parties of the first part and of each and both of them ?-
in and to the following lands in the State of Kentucky, in the
United States of America, to—wit, that is to say: in and to ALL G
the lands in the saic State of Kentucky which were conveyed to
Darius P.Holbrook by Sanucl Allison, by Deed dated the ioth day {
of July, 1838, and recorded in Dcec Book 47, pages BO1 and 202,
of the Clerk's Office of ihe Kentucky Court of ADQG&LS, at i
Frankfort, Keniucry, and being tne sane lamds which were con- ¤
veyed to Samuel Allison by James Swan, by Deed dated the 50th A
‘ day of August, 1850, and whieh last named Deed is recorded in S I
Deed Roo? L. of the Clerk•s Office of the General Courts at
Frankfort, Ken uchy; AND all the lands in the State of Kentucky
mentioned and cescribec in the aforesaid Deeds and ii each of
them are hereby intended to be eranted and conveyec as fully
and without reservation as if each tract and parcel thereof,
were herein described by setting out the metes and bounds there
of, and for a better and more particular descriptioi of the
· sti-;

 in rpw ycnsrh or Cat¤or* in rpc grape or ;ex¤e' hutrh 0; gps
%eL;i»~ o, ,ra ;;ya;'non;• enc Matrices ;·3uoon* or bes gauq7e'
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_ said lands reference is hereby made to the aforesaid Deeds, { ;
a I which by such reference are meant to be made part hereof: ?
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid laius and each and every }
» part thereof to the party of the seconu part, his heirs and /
{ assigis forever, with all the rights and privileaes thereunto 5 S
in aiy wise appertaining. l
AND the said parties of the first part will forever war-
rant and defend the title to the aforesaid lands an to each .
and every part thereof against the claims of any and all per-
sons claiming by, through and under them or either of them, C
and against the claims of no other person whatsoever.
AND WHERLAS, the said Floreice L. gaybrick, nee Chandler,
is the drand—daughter of the above named Darius B. Holbrook:
AFD WHEREAS. under and by the last Will and Testament of
said Darius F.Holbrook a certain share or interest in said Ayr
lands is devised in trust for Caroline the daughter of said §.
Darius D. Holbrook, now Caroline La Baronne von Rooues, the 1.
mother of the said Florence E. Aaybrick: x
AND WHEREAS, in order to pass a good and sufficient title
to the aforesaid lands it is necessary that the trustees now ,
holding in trust the share and interest therein devised as .
aforesaid should write in the Deed therefor:
AND WHFRFAS, it is to the best interest of the parties of
the first part that the sale of said land to the party of the
second part which is now contemplated should be effected and
carried out,  
NOW in consideration of the premises, and of the advanta-
ges, pecuniary and otherwise to the parties of the first part
thence accruing they do herein and hereby expressly solicit A
and recuest the trustees aforesaid to unite in the conveyance
of said land by Deed, executed in cue and proper form of law
unto the said party of the secont part. And the said parties
of the first part do herein and hereby forever relaase and ao-
’J’l 1*0 :·;¥·2> Z;>·:¤..c·2\ or .;·52‘¢· ¤<=::ou~ bo·i;—· me poize one
it HV,¥ ULD .0 HOQD :U@ GLGLGTUXC TU V? and seep aug snot;
MP¥*h D~ ¤Hvy L¤r¤L»UC¤ ULG Hover re pe Muni hemp peteorz
. TTJU IUUQR LdL¤lUDCG J9 potepk wade so cve areteeuid DGGWE' rr
~, quit the said trustees and each and both of them of and from E ;
A all accountability in any form in respect to said lands, and ;
reouest that the amount be paid for said lands by the party of §
the second part, upon the delivery of the Deed therefor, shall b
f- be paid into the hands of Alfret Roe, Esquire, of the City of { D
New York. · W
IN TESTIMONY WHHRKOF, the parties of the first part have
hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above
‘ Sealed and Delivered James Aaybrick, (Seal)
in the presence of
William Fitzarindy, Florence E. naybrick, (Seal)
United States Consulate, 5
Liverpool. )
I, William J. Sulis, do hereby )r
certify that this instrument of writing from James Maybrick §.
and Florence E. Aaybrick, his wife, was this day produced to ,.
me by the parties, which was acknowledged by the said James 2
Haybriek to be his act and deed, and the contents ann effecy I
of the instrument bein; explained to the said Florence E. May- J
brick, by me separately and apart from her husband, she there-
upon declared that she did freely and voluntarily exeeute_and _
deliver the same to be her act and deed, and consented that the
i same might be recorded. I
Given under my hand and seal of Office, this 12th day of 1
I Deer., 1887. ,
W. J. Sulis,
Vice and Deputy Consul of the
United States of America, at
1 1 /7 Liverpool.
A true Copy.-—Attest?4?Yi?/é5/2¤é/t< A
/ M, ’ / [ r,-
  *· (Ad 2/Lf  our wt/U

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This indcntura nada and antarad into this isth day of Narch,
1858, bcttaan William D. mcChord of Aadison County, Kantuckv,
of thc onc part, and Banjanina F. Whita of Estill Count?.
Kcntuchy, of tha othor bart, Witnassath:
That for and in considaration of savan hundrad dollars,
part or which has bcan paid, and tha ballanca haraaftcr to
ba oaid, tha said lcChord hath this day barsaincd and sold
and doth by thcsc prasonts wrant. bar ain and sall unto tha
said Whita tha folio ing tract or boundry of land (to wit)
Baéinzint at tha uouth of Brink•s branch on tha North
Fork of tha Kantucky divar, than up thc risht hand fork of
said branch to thria thito oaks on thc bank of thc branch
opuosito tha up ar cornar of tho riald thanca a wastmard di-
raction up a point untill it strikas Hatton's lina, than a
southorly dircction, bindin; on Hatton's k Snotdci lina to
tha di"idin; rid a batnaan tha North and Qidnla Fork, than
with thc di"idin; rid a to uharc tha road crosscs tha rid a
goin? tron onc fork to tha othcr. than down tha laft hand
for? of Brink•s branch to tha ba inniny. ba tha saua boundry.
bc tho nuantity norc or lcss tith its aoourtanancas. To hara
and to hold said tract or boundry of land unto tha said Nhita
and his hairs forcvcr, and thc said HcChord haraby warrants
and dafands tha titlas to said bouidry of land unto tha said
White and his haris a;ainst tha claims of all and ayary nar-
son or parsons vhatavar. But should said land ba takan or
  lost by any battar or prior clain, than tha said IcChord is
to rcfund thc uurchasc uonay qithout intarast.
) In tastimony thcraof tha said AcChord hath haraunto sat
his hand and saal tha day and data arorasaid.
(Si nad) Wn. D. 1cChord, (saal}
Thaodotia T. lcChord. (saal)
Stata of Kentucky.)
’_ ) Sct.
z'j.Wadison County, 5 _ /—
I, David Irrinc, Clark of thc Court for tM0“t

 County aforesaid, do certify tlat this deed or conveyance was
produced to me in ny office on the s1st day of June, 1868,
and acknouledjed by Wiliiam D. LcChord, Theodotia5`his nife
to be their act and deed Pwr the nurooses mentioned, and, after
explaining the contents of said deed to her. the said Theodo-
tia £cChord, I Driritely enanined her seperate and aoart {
fron her husband, as the law directs. then she declared that
she did fre ly and "olentarly eaecuted the saie and wished
not to retract it and a ained acknotled ed said deed a ained
shone and enplained to her to be her act and deed and con-
sented that the sane mi ht be recorded, ~
Giren under ny hand this 81st day of June, 1858. »
(Si ned) David Irvine, Cou: C. r
Kentucky, Estill County. Sct.
I, nobt. Clark. Clark of the
County Corrt for the County aforesaid, do certify that this
deed fron Wm. D. NcChord and Theodotia his rife. to Benja. F.
White, was this day uroduced to me in my office. and by virtue
of the fore oini certificate from the Clerk of the Hadison
County Court. Said deed torether with said certificate hath
been duly recorded in ny oriice.
Given under my hand this 22nd day of June, 1868.
(Si ned) Robt. Clark.
i-; COg,,»f]’
Attest: Rotten J. Price, C.E.C.C.
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ivr Lf¤“—fr0m ih? zmii Taui $#1. Ty s¤5d Hn*vfsrn to sajj Niliian
A1“@n mi? ?jn .‘ »’ n ;¢1kriWl as af ~»’‘ ?¤sui@ bv ‘’‘, In swii Wi?T1¤1 .‘‘  ;*gk*iT7
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aw; ¤3?v> ibm? in wil‘ *¤#¢¤ni ¤&A "r@v®v Twféni E; ily sail Wi¥Ticu
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gn, BF ;uiQ iawi .,·  ;]nT7 he XQTT? by 1 bwt cv sxp©vi¤1 in Haw an; Ewxiiy
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Sum of Ff?*§ D Xia S`ViWT ah · ·· in vvcsi.
In T2s’jw ny W]’v»¤f Eli znii Jiiw ;:Kf¤W¤y has hCTJKB`O sai his
hmni ind a`fi;®‘ iwh eval-
(Sijwci) J. HcKjn7@y ( SEAL)
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 Thi 2; In Li ?I`l`i]l'I`—`>·, 3*21* l i: Un] **231*;rv*r‘·2a1 jnic Zigi.; 1.:*; f,¤y PC AL7_,_‘§l'.3’t, 1CC’>2,*g
by ¤nQ Lviv2;n Join IcKinI2y 0T EL? Lbvu of Flervnge vn` Sbsiy cj
AI¤b¤¤¤ of il; oné pwri, mn? Sim©Q Qcckrjil of the qcvnty r .‘.` Esiill
sui Sisie of Kxnt sky of L3; ©i3»r part,
Witusssyil iL~+ if: 3siQ J©Fn l;KinIcy for snr in ccnsiszrsiinn
©F hiv svw cf Ont W*n"r*i Dollwrs is Eiw in Lahi maid by thc sei}
Simon Qockrjll, ibé rcsyipt vhsrgnf he icih hereby w:kn0JI©Ag®, hath
jjv¤n, rrsnisi, bvriqiwsi ani sbld &nT by ihxsc urosunis intl xiv;
jrsut, bortnin ani ssll is the sajm Siwin Ccskrjll hhs ivo j;I1:v1ng·
ivssrjboi irmsis rg Kwai, siirsic Iyini °nf Using in swil Qornty of
Esijfll on flex mrm”iI si we of il>: "©1“j1 Erxic of %1;2 Kem uisky rdArrr qui
;©n*¤Inin; by srrvvy F©rr ”rn.r;? sui tvcnfy fires wsr s, yrre or 1:54
srxi Tssxwwgrxi *1s Qr[II* rs ‘L© ·Jj h:
Bcgjnninj sr tvs svgmr ?r*¤s 13s rpp¤r corn r of Ephraim Thoma-
srw2’ s s1*r"J@3r, IW`N11jEI Y ?ivif1;yi Y<7‘Ti five s€mj`; "$2?1E; FY`rQ{ *vjyiE; jjis
mvani rs to tk? ;irsh api abnvn RT? ¤:r€h rg Fr©z;n zrick mi two bzgzl
sapliwis hi*¤;< i @1 EGBO pol s i* 0 siskn in sai? Tbi1ps R12 Yviinmiu;.
2sPi ¤f r?j@% ¥r¤e?s are pxrf og saii Ephraim Th©mscn•s survey.
T5 Hsrw ¤¤1 T; H*I; ik; s¤i; rrr ?r¤;§s by Twni riik iL©jr spprrisnano-
is it Zhi s¤i` Si**1 qr;?riII an; lis ]*irs j©?*?;r, eil thc sai}
Jr“n l2KiuI9y “>?F T r~by xrvinxni an nyrss in *ii? ;?~ ssji
Siwru qézkrjil ”?*’ Fi fjII v¤rr¤1t snI qrvcvzr lTfDHl if Lim an Lis
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¥52 svi. Jr“¤ K;KiiI¢y @12 Bis Eiirs an ¤iJ_;rr*u~1s slvifing by
+,2 IY *1 i‘ r 2* *izw ` 1* }* i¤*¤.
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