xt7v6w967h1k_51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. L text L 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_5/Folder_11/0712.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_51 xt7v6w967h1k   ‘»-.H...»·=.·......~»»-—~~-----—-—#——~-¤¤¢-l¥`,p»-—»-—~ V---——»~   c>rz=:c:: cr    
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@O¤j·i·*?**¥ This Indenture made and entered inte this secend day cf
?if“· Ncvember,ei3hteen hundred and ninety tne,by and between Ben-
jamin H.Green,and Lizzie U.Green,his wife ef the City er
Dalten,Cee;ty ef Whitfield and State ef Geergia,parties ef
the first part and Jehn V. Lemeyne,et Ealtimere Ceunty,State
cf Maryland,party ef the rcccnd part,
WITNESQETH that: UIEH?AS,iarius E.HelLreek,and Elizabeth
T.Helbreek,his wife,did by a certain deed,dated amd executed
an the idth day ei August,l855, cenvey te the said Benjamin
E. Green and te Othniel De Terrest, and te the survivers ef
them as Trustees yer the Virginia and Kentucky Real Estate
Trust Fund, a large qua.tity ef lands aggregating same tec
millions rive hundred and fifty twc thcusand three hundred
and fcur acres, situated in the arcre said State: cf Virginia
and Kentucky and being the same lands which had been cenvey- 4
ed by James Swan ef Masrachrsetts tc Samuel Allinsen ef Phil-
adelphia, by deed dated August Seth, ISSO and whereas by
reasen ef the great lapse ef time,the cenditiens ef the said
lands and ctherimpediments it Las been herctefere impractic-
able ta carry the said Trust inte beneficial efrect and the
said Heal Sstate Trust Fund is largely indebted te said Ren-
jamin E.Green,fer services rendered and money advanced,
And WIHRFAS in censequence ef the death ef the said
Othniel Dc Ferrest the said Benjamin L. Green has became and
is the sale surviver ef the trustees neminated in the said
deed and as such survivcr vested with the legal title in and
tc the lands ccnveycd by the said deed and whereas in cen-


sequence of the death of said Darius B.Holbrook and his wife,
and in pursuance of the terms of his will all the right,title
and interest of the said Holbrook in and to the said lands
passed to and became vested in his daughter Caroline E.von
Roques and in trustees for her benefit.
And whereas in pursuance of certain deeds and contracts
executed by the said Caroline E. von Heques and her husban`,
and by the trustees under the aforesaid will of Holbrook,all
the right, title and interest of the said Holbrook has been
conveyed to the said John V. Lemoyne,party of the second part
herein. y
New in consideration of the premises and of the sum of
one dollar,cash in hand paid to tnem,the said party of the
first part do hereby grant,eonvey,remise,release   quit
claim unto the party.of the second part,his heirs and assigns
forever,all the right, title and interest of whatsoever kind
that may be vested in them,the said parties of the first part
and in the said Benjamin E.Green,as the trustee or otherwise
in and to the lands aforesaid,in the said State of Virginia,
or in West Virginia and in and to each and every tract ,parcé.
and piece thereof, to have and to hold the same unto the
said party of the second part,his heirs and assigns forever,
the said parties of the first part will forever warrant and
defend the title to said lands against the claims of any and
all persons claiming by,through or under them or either of
them and against the claims of no other person whatsoever,
IN TESTIQOHY WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part
have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year
A first above written.
Atxesti Ben E.Green (Seal.)
Willie 5. White, Lizzie ¥.dreen.( Seal.)
D.l~1.Ziclia;;ey. ;;_p_


State of Georgia, )
County of Whitfield. )
I, D.K.HcKaney a Notary Public for
the County and State named,do hereby certify the foregoing
deed bearing date on the second day of November,I@92,was this
day produced to me in my office in the County aforesaid, by
Benjamin E.Green and Lizze U. Green, known to me and known to
me to be the persons whose names are signed thereto,and who
are therein described and hho executed th. same, and the said
Benjamin H. Green acknowledged the same to be his act and
deed,and declared that he freely and voluntarily executed the
same for the purposes therein stated. And the cintents and
A effects of the said instrument using by me fully explained to
the said Lizze W.Green,privily and separately and part from
her husband,Benjamin E.;reen she téreupon declared that she
did freely and voluntarily execute and deliver the same and
does not wish to retract it and consents that the same might
be recorded.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this second day of
November, ICQB.
D.K.lIcIianey .
Notary Public, hitfield,
County, Ga.
Virginiat ·
In the Clerk‘s office of Wythe County Court I2th,NOv-
€1'I1`DE3I`, I892. h
This deed of conveyance from Benjamin E.Green and
wife to John V.Lemeyne,dated End, day of Hovenber,le92 was
presented in the office and with the certificates of acknowl-
edgement annexed admitted to record.
Wm. B. Foster, Clerk.

Virg »‘._ nia,Grayeon County Court Clerk‘s office, March 7tn,I895.
The foregoing de»d was presented in the office thv above date
with the certificate of acknowledgement annexed and was admit-
ted to record. • gg
F.J.Lundy, Clerk.
A Copy.-- Teete I
F.J. Lundy, Clerk.


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gconveyed by Jesse Baker and wife and the parties of the first _
l part in their deed to the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big i
{ Sandy Railroad Canpany conveying about sixteen thousand eight l
hundred and forty-two (16,842) square feet of land therein `
described, said deed being dated the 20th of March, 1872, and l
recorded in the Fayette County Court Glerk’s office in Deed i
Book 50, page 479. The said land being the same conveyed to {
F first party by R. T. Anderson and J. E. Anderson and wife by
E deed dated February 27, 1888, recorded in Deed Book 79 at
% page 421 in the Fayette County Court Clerk°s office; and
E this deed is made subject to all the rights and liens of said l
I R. Tw Anderson and J. E. Anderson set out in said deed ex- `
cept as herein provided: {
To have and to hold the said property unto the party of
| the second part, its successors and assigns forever in fee {
E simple; and first party covenants to warrant generally the p
Q title to the property hereby conveyed. It is further provi- l
i ded and agreed that second party, for a better sedirity to
U first party of the full performance of its agreement aS here-
% in set forth, shall keep the dwelling house on the prenises i i
Q insured in some good and solvent comyany or companies in at l
E least the sum of six thousand ($6,000) dollars, said insur- i
E ance to be made payable first to R. T. Anderson and J. E. Y
T Anderson, and secondly to second party, as their interest may {
Y appear; and said first party also agrees that whenever any 5
portion of said land may be sold by the said party of the §
I second part, the party of the first part will release its
A ven or's lien upon such portion upon payment to it or to said g

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       I 5                      if    i                      I 
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H R. Tw Anderson and J. E. Anderson of the entire purchase
g money for which such portion may be sold, provided that such Q
I purchase money shall not bear less proportion to the sum of g
§ forty thousand ($40,000) dollars than the value of the por- I
I tion so sold bears to the value of the whole of the land con- U
g veyed by this deed; such sums so paid to be credited upon i
M said lien notes. i
M IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the party of the first part has
Q hereunto set its name by Louis Straus, its president, at Lex- I
l ington, Kentucky, this 29th day of January, 18SQa §
1} V By Louis Straus,
N Pres. l
F State of Kentucky, g
& Fayette County. )
It I, Theo. Lewis, Clent Fayette County Court, do hereby
§§ certify that the foregoing deed from the Lexington Improve-
? ment Comyuny to the Kentucky Union Land Company was on the
5 l
I 29th day of January, 1889, produced to me in my office and I
5 acknowledged by Louis Straus, President, to be the act and [
E deed of the said Lexington Improvement Company; and said ;
3 deed was this day produced to me in my office and ordered to i
i be recorded, whereupon the same together with this certifi- E
cate have been duly recorded in my office. This 50 day of i
i January, 1889. E
  (signed) imno. Lrwxs, cies:.  

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