xt7v6w967h1k_50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. K text K 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_5/Folder_10/0621.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_50 xt7v6w967h1k ¤»~·• ` wg" fri,
X T H I F`; I N D E N 'T’ Q R E made this7Z~¢L,Z;p/éLl,,;yf day oi‘»&2c.<»··{a`  
in the year of our Lord One thousand einht hundred and einhty . V
  l 7
‘ yetween V H E K E N T U C K V R I V E R I R O N M A N U R A Gy
` T U R I N G Q O M P A N V, a corporation created by and existing R
· under and by virtue of the laws of the State oF Kentucky, of the
r one part and T H E K E N T_QTQ_K V UAN I O N L A NlD. C O M- V- s
i N P A N V of the same place of the other partZ................._.
4 Witnesseth that the said The Kentucky River Iron Manupactur-
ing Company For and in consideration of the sum of One dollar as
of other good and valuable considerations it thereunto specially {
moving unto it well and truly paid at and before the ensealinz and
d=livery of these presents the receipt wher~oF is her~by acknowl-
Q' edsed hath granted, barvained, sold, aliened, en€eo€€ed, released,
conveyed and conFirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain,
5% sell, alien, en€eo*€, release, convey and conFirm unto the said
g The Kentucky Union Land Company its successors and assi¤ns...».-—
ll A I L i;:;;;:;i?Q_@ R W A {MN- tract or parcel oF land situ-
K . .   .
; ate in Powell County in the State of Kentucky, more oarticularly
{ described as €ollowsZ.l._ _... -._.l....u..l,~_*lM.l...._l.Wl._.~l._
; _§eginning at a point in the centre line oF the main track of
E the Kentucky Union Railway where said line intersects the upper
j edge or draft line on the coming course oF the western face of the
M eastern abutment oF the bridge at Waterville on which said Railway
t crosses Red River;_;hence with the course of said river in a south-
, erly direction and alone the line of the same For a distance of
{ One thousand one hundred and twelve Feet more or less to Mrs. T.
i J. Rluteys north line; thence in an easterly direction and Follow-
- ing the course of her north line For a distance of Two thousand
ore hyndred and einhty one Peet more or less to her east line; and
thence with said east line in a southerly direction a nistihne of _
Uhe hundred and twenty three feet to thealine of Red ¥iV€r; th€¤°€ 4

4* * '*

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Followind the meanders of said river on the line of the same in a
southeasterly direction Eiaht hundred and einhty feet more or less
to the mouth of the mill race; thence Followina said mill race in
an easterly direction For a distance of Sour hundred and Fifty
feet more or less to the county road at a point marked by a stake;
thence Followind said county=road South Sorty decrees Fifteen
K') '
minutes East Vive hHhOVBd and ninety seven Feet; thence South Eigh-
teen degrees Forty Five minutes East Eivht hundred and elnhteen
~ Feet; thence South Forty eirht denrees Forty nine minutes East One
hundred and two feet; thence South Six degrees thirty minutes West
Eight hundred and forty six Feet; thence South Thirty degrees for-
< ty Ftve minutes East Seven hunded anti f`1f`+.y f`0l1I‘ Feet; fhféfype
South Twelve decrees Five minutes East Nine hundred and seventy
Five Feet and Five tenths of a toot to a stone EH the county road
marked G B ; thence North ”i”ty decrees Fi°teen minutes East One .
7 M thousand nine hundred and thirty nine Feet to a stone marked C B ;
thence North Twelve decrees Five minutes West Nine hundred and
sevent,·?ive Feet and Five tenths of a Foot; thence North witty
i dedrees Fi“teen minutes East Tour hundred and sixty one Feet to
the line of Red River and thence following the line of the same
down stream and the meanders oF the same For a distance of Tour-
teen thousand Feet more or less to the point ot be¤inninn.% Said
tract ot IHHG contains Tour hundred acres,-One hundred acres of
1 which is subject to overtlows of Red RiW§r and the remaining Three
hundred acres being generally above high water level. The said
Three hundred acres are bounded as Follows! Bedinning at a point
; in the centre line o” the main track ot the Kentucky Union Railway
Twenty Four Feet end eidht one hundredths or a Foot South Eighty
` three decrees °orty seven minutes East Prom e point which is the
centre of the upper edge of the copind course op the western face
i ot the Eastern abutment of the bPidR€ at Waterville on which said

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railway crosses Red Rxver and thence with the €0110wnng named cour-
ses and dxstencesi-44-———-4---—~.~~—————~———-—~———————————————-—
Course N0. 1. S. 13 OO E. 712 feet.
Course No. 2. S. 0 30 W. 386 Feet.
Course No. 3. S. 88 10 E. 314 Feet.
Course N0. 4. S. 19 15 E. 44§·feet.
Course N0. 5. S. G4 15 E. l12§ Feet.
Course N0. 6. N. 65 45 E. 4822 feet.
Course N0. 7. N. 78 15 E. 310 feet.
Course N0. 8. S. 84 00 E. 745 feet.
Course N0. 9. S. 65 00 E. 400 Feet.
Course N0. 10. S. 50 45 E. 271 feet.
Course N0. 11. S. 29 15 E. 211 feet.
Course N0. 12. S. 58 15 E. 92 feet.
Course N0. 13. S. 77 15 E. 411 feet.
Course N0. 14. S. 40 15 E. 597 Feet.
Course N0. 15. S. 18 45 E. 818 Feet.
Course N0. 10. S. 48 49 E. 102 feet.
Course N0. 17 S. 5 30 W. 840 feet.
Course N0. 18. S. 30 45 E. 754 feet.
Course N0. 19 S. 12 05 E. 975§€eet. `
Course N0. 20. N. 50 15 E. 1939 Feet.
Course N0. 21. N. 12 05 W. 975§€eet.
Course No. 22. N. 41 30 W. 1004 feet.
Course N0. 23. N. 30 35 W. 455gfeet.
Course N0. 24. N. 49 45 W. 572 feet.
Course N0. 25. N. 23 45 W. 938 feet.
Course N0. 26. N. 39 25 W. 1490 feet.
Course N0. 27. N. 55 22 W. 379 Feet.
Course N0. 28. N. 67 22 W. 421 feet.
Course N0. 29. N. 51 52 W. 595 Feet.

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Course No. 50. N. 5 08 E. 1275 feet. '
Course No. 51. N. 26 07 W. 510 feet.
Course No. 52. N. 22 19 W. 125Qfeet. `
Course No. 55. N. 8 45 W. 550 feet.
Course No. 54. N. 10 00 E. 450 feet.
Course No. 55. N. 80 O1 W. 565 feet.
Course No. 56. S. 5 14 W. 185 feet.
Course No. 57. S. 20 00 W. 281 Feet.
Course No. 58. S. 6 58 E. 90l€eet.
Course No. 59. S. 57 45 W. 685 Feet.
Course No. 40. S. 26 45 W. -1500 feet.
Course No. 41. S. 21 00 W. 500 feet.
Course No. 42. S. 1 50 W. 188 feet, to the point of beginning.
The Foreqcinn boundary lines are practlcrlly the contour line
of high water but this conveyance is intended to cover and include
the banks of the river where they slope From said contour 1ine to
low water level of Red River thnoughout the length of the follow-
ing names courses by numbers as above givent Nos. 1 and 2; No. 9
except 87 feet at beainning or said course; Nos. 10, 11, 12 and B4
Feet of No. 15; No. 17; No. 55; No. 54; No. 59; No. 40; No. 41 and
No. 42.......1M., e recall,ll.l1l_l1m,_____aa__W ;;.c ____. ,“M_  MAW_
Each course and distance in the survey oF the Three hundred
acres tract is marted on the ground by stakes at ihe ben‘nning and
end of each. 4.4.-..-44-»»-4-—4~-—-—--—Y4—44·——4.»—4a___ ___ _
;;QTgT§_2_h_§w§L with all and singular the improvements, ways,
waters, water courses, rights, privileges, liberties, heredita-
ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise apper-
trining and the reversoins and remainders, rents, issues and prof-
its thereoF;e—ae»-» e .4~.4 e u A
E;0;Tgrg“Km§_ A N,0,,T_Q__§_0 L ,___, Qi the said tract and parcel
of land above described, hereditame~ts and appurtenances thereunto

I `
» `

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belonging and hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be
with the appurtenances, unto the said The Kentucky Un1on Land Com-
pany its succes~ors and assigns to and For its and their only pro-
per use, benefit and behoof Forever.————--—.—......_..__________
A N D the said The Kentucky River Iron Manufacturing Company
€or itselt avn its successors doth hereby covenant, promise and
anree to end with the seid The Kentucky Union Land Company its
successors and a-signs by tlmse presents that it the said The Ken-
tucky River Iron Manufacturing Company and its successors all and
sinnular the hereditements_and premises hereby nranted or mention-
ed and intended $0 to be with +he appurtenances un*o the said The
Kentucky Union Lain Company its successors and assigns against it
the said The Kentucky Rsver Iron Harmfacturing Comoeny and its
successors and aoainst all end every nerson and persons whomsoever
lawfully claiming or to claim +he srme or any part +hereoF by from
or under it shall and will warrent and Forever de€end.....#.....-M.
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O N this   dai! Of` §¢Lq,..,,,,,,__¢.D.l88?g’ be-
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is <;2€¤~x¢I;»]` "-·—$ ot` the above na¢d corporation, to wit!
'Vhe Kentucky River Tron Manuf`a.cturin¤; Company; that +he seal af'-
Fixed to the ¢=·i,ove and "ore¤oii·rr Tndenture is the common or cor-
porate seal of` +he said comrwny; that the same was so af`f‘i~ced by
and as and *`or the ect and deed of` the said company under and by
vir+ue of a resolution of the Board of Directors ot` the said com-
pany upon the considerations and Por the uses and purposes therein
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